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127 Кб, 495x333

Welcome to Russian /Int/.

There are no limits and you can post anything that does not breach the Russian law. Please, post in English, so we can understand each other well. Please, abstain from using this board as your file hosting. Due to ban on suicide methods, child pornography, homosexual content and discrediting of the Russian armed forces in Russia, please refrain from posting materials containing any of the above. It is also not recommended to post NSFW material here such as guro and sexual perversions of any kind, you were warned.



Thank you for your attention.

7,8 Мб, webm, 960x720, 0:19webm
A thread related to discussing politics.

Russian/Ukrainian languages (these belong to /po (М)), NSFW content and discrediting the armed forces of Russia are forbidden ITT, also refrain from posting this stuff elsewhere.

472 Кб, 1779x887
Don't know where to go?

You can try make a small colony or else post links to any other international anonymous imageboard here.

Please don't spam your links in any other places and don't raid this board with many threads with a same subject matter otherwise it can and will be deleted.

List of indian chans for your convenience here (provided by PT-bro, 06/02/24)

2 Мб, 1920x1430
major population of INDIA respect RUSSIA and RUSSIAN people? and that's a rare thing toward specific country.
whats your view on this, brother. do you feel bad, good or neutral.

52 Кб, 920x451
How much do you laugh at Finns for letting niggers and other illegal rubbish in the country because "they are freezing outside"?

187 Кб, 1415x1365
You libf*gs can't harm him.

8,8 Мб, mp4, 608x848, 1:04mp4
Please give videos where Poles are angry and swearing.

33 Кб, 500x375
take me back to 1995-2001 Moscow

121 Кб, 421x500
Why are you not using Linux already?

243 Кб, 1493x692
so how much russian people hate pajeet? extreme or mild hatred?
or why russian people dont hate pajeet like american?

112 Кб, 790x457
Они настолько ушли в инфантилизм, что даже не имеют сил накопить денег для переезда. Хотя, казалось бы, за эти годы они могли бы выучить Питон и английский. Но зато они умеют жаловаться на плохого Пыню в Твиттере, да. И кричать какие русские рабы и унтерменши, в отличие от цивилизованных европейцев.

Почему они не уходят в РДК и легион Свобода России, раз уж хотят бороться с режимом? Так они окажут больше помощи украинцам, чем какие-то скромные донаты из нищенской зарплаты.

О боже, русские либералы такие идиоты!

112 Кб, 676x289
ЖЭНА-баба жэстоко чмырит на всю страну каблука-говноеда-пиздолиза. опущенец-муж идет жаловацца Рамзану.
Рамзан такой - ты пидрила не мужык! тебя твоя жена шармута держит за говно, иди нахуй не подходи ко мне!!

о НЕТ!
Разман выслушивает опуща, входит в положение, успокаивает...
Рамзанка тоже чтоле опущенец???
что то за видео такое петуховое????

чо у вас там в вашей Рашэ происходит??

31 Кб, 497x280
Google brought me here, lot of Russians in here it seems.

So...how's it going?

My favorite letter in your alphabet is this one "Д." It's like an "A" except it looks very surprised.

442 Кб, 1018x1019
Anyway. It’s a matter of idle interest.
One time I was watching YouTube and there was a comment under one of the videos that there’s all this weird shit going on in Florida.
I’ve been looking through the Florida news for the last month, but the concentration of something unusual has not surprised me.
The question is, is Florida some kind of crazy state or did that dude write something stupid?
If Florida is the most common state, which one does it fall under the definition of a state where there’s always some shit going on? Is there any of that?

97 Кб, 600x800
should we remaster linkrel for modern times? shit has changed since it was made


btw the captcha is gay as fuck

1,1 Мб, 2304x1273
Hello internationals anons.

I have a strange hobbi — collect interesting posters or something that, idk what right its calling. I wondering print it on paper and stick on my walls on room but its just dream :c

If you have posters like this, please, post it in my thread.
Or, if you too like it, you may take it too.
