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91 Кб, 1024x1019
I think Im gonna migrate here from kohlchan
way more calm and way less porn
also why do you have the cyrlics captcha on international board?

2 Кб, 256x50
АХАХАХАХАХА. Иностранцы соснули. Правильно, съебите на хуй на свои доски иностранные. Нашу капчу осилят только беларусы с казахами.

3 Мб, mp4, 1280x720, 0:20mp4
How do I get myself a Russian slave? I want her to be young, 35 at most.

1,8 Мб, 2048x1518
Why do so few Russians know how to speak English? Is it taught in schools?

205 Кб, 556x550
If you think it's shit, tell me too, it helps me to know so I can improve on this.
I did it all alone, the video was made by a friend.


132 Кб, 2048x2048


3,5 Мб, 4624x2604
Here in India women are barely available due to the whole cultural layout. I have moved from Delhi to Arambol in Goa. I always thought that Russia has some top notch economy and I wont be able to compete.

But how wrong I was. There are chicks who make like 30,000 rublies a month back in Russia. Which is quite close to what people make in the area.

All you basically have to do is offering drink and substances and you get laid a lot. Russians have best in slot women. I wish more came here this season

3,1 Мб, 2555x1760
What do you think about this shit?

Y'all hoes are angry, I've been waiting for a long time to see this.

fucking hoes must die

164 Кб, 483x604
Bible [3] >>
Why do the West love ISIS, Nazis and LGBT so much?
I think the reason lies in your most important book.

163 Кб, 570x760
When I try to search for some old posts that I for sure know exist, they only let me scroll down to year 2021 posts. Are there add-ons that bypass this problem and let me scroll down further? Thank you.

26 Кб, 780x438
I've soiled my diaper.

454 Кб, 2560x1440
Hey, Polands, did you ewer know that root of your country's name is Russian word Поле (Pole), that mean is just field, and so your country is just place where are a lot of fields

121 Кб, 922x1280
President Vladimir Putin is a Russian Orthodox man who grew up in a deeply Atheistic society.

He did not have the luxuries many Orthodox Christians experience today. No spiritual father, no Christian upbringing. Christian identity was suppressed, he was not catechized properly growing up, the education system indoctrinated young Soviet people into believing nonsense (such as Darwinism, historical marxism).

This is why we see over the last 20-years, a continued transformation of his character, under the influence of his Orthodox peers - he is overcoming decades of Communist ideology, which infect many of the baby boomer Soviet generation.

To me, what he has done - and continues to do, in good conscience, will be judged by God. I personally believe it is mostly good. We see him improving before our very eyes, slowly but surely, and I hope that this personal growth continues, to the benefit of the Russian Christian people.

Russia rises, it is taking off the Talmudic Bolshevik & Masonic noose which has tied it down by the neck for almost 80-years. An end to the dark ritual is almost here, and President Putin has contributed to this freedom, to the best of his humble ability.

806 Кб, 800x500
Who are good authors (books) for a non-Russian speaker to learn about Russian history?
I would like something going over through the entire Russian history, to get a general grasp, but if you've liked a book talking about a certain time period, post it anyways.
And please, no pozzed shit about how Galician villagers are the real Russians.

122 Кб, 900x900
Где тут раздел /racemix/? Специально для таких которые за мультикультуру

5,7 Мб, mp4, 848x464, 0:40mp4
Why does the USA resemble a huge stinking garbage dump? Why can't you look like an example to others?