48 Кб, 1600x900
Why Russians are ashamed of such countrymen? Or the average Russian accustomed of being scammed domestically?

20 Кб, 303x278
xD [0] >>

915 Кб, 1589x1947
For some reason the retarded Colombian subhumans started accusing me of being: A Russian, A CIA Agent, A guerrilla, a Isis terrorist, a gang member, among other unsavory things.
I literally had to go to the countryside because these pieces of shit never gave me a job in the city, despite me being somewhat adept with computers and with foreign languages, I could never get a job, I literally am considering simply smuggling myself to some other country and accept that these niggers don't want me to either work or be self sufficient.

4,7 Мб, 251x255
Poccnrs have school shootings too?

67 Кб, 768x1024
im unironically learning Russian to get Russian gf

15,5 Мб, mp4, 1280x720, 0:44mp4
What do you think about Humza Yousaf's speech in the Scottish Parliament? I think he said everything right and the Scots should be ashamed of their country.

191 Кб, 604x515
Творчество местных соевиков, посвященное каре над трансами мне напомнило об угарных артах, от того же автора, что и арт на пике, призывавших пидоров съебать из Б. Реквестирую их итт.

204 Кб, 514x938
I thought they were talking about India at first but turned out it's about US.
Did US really became so shitty just in 30 years? Who's to blame?

109 Кб, 366x408
Greetings /int/ from the US

How are you guys doing?

298 Кб, 683x1024
When I was in 9th grade, I was friends with a girl from a parallel class. We communicated very well. We went home together after school. We lived in the same yard. The yard was not equipped at all, there was no place to sit, but there were swings. Well, we went to these swings and listened to music on them. First, she plays one song and sits and I rock it, and then we change. Her and subsequently my favorite band was Avenged Sevenfold. One day I wanted to get up, but she told me not to get up and sat on my lap.
-What if I’m against it?
-Who will ask you?
-You have a boyfriend.
-Well, if he doesn’t find out, then it’s okay, right?
She was then dating a boy from another school and he heard rumors that she was kissing someone else (not me). He left her and his friends who knew her personally began to write how unfaithful she was. And she should be ashamed. And in response to this she wrote a barrage of insults. And one day, when we were walking with her, these two guys met us and decided to punish her. They attacked and beat her, but I didn’t stand up. And then she began to be indignant at why I just stood and watched as they beat her. She said that she was a coward, a weakling and a traitor who was not able to stand up for a girl. And now I’m nothing to her, although she liked me. But I didn’t interfere because I had lenses on my eyes and in a fight they could hit me in the eye and tear them and I had to buy new ones. 10 years have passed since then. We are 25. I work as a courier at Yandex Food. When I arrived for the next call, guess who opened the door for me? There she was. He looks with a withering glance and says, “Well, how is your higher education, was it useful?” Then he smiles and continues, “Come in.” The two of us ate some of the food I brought. Then she took a plastic bag and pulled out a piece of cake from the refrigerator. She put it in a bag and gave it to me. We sat for about 40 minutes and at the end we hugged and kissed.

7,4 Мб, 5556x2248

>0.25 shekel has been deposited into your JIDF account

1,8 Мб, mp4, 474x842, 0:07mp4
Hello, I am from Bangladesh, nice to meet you all. Also I hate indians, jews and ukranians. Thank you.

641 Кб, 1000x667
i want to live the dream by falling for the siberia meme;

i dont want to renew my passport and take harz iv in germany, it gets on my nerves and my brain rots from neeting.
Anyone can help?
what do i need?
what do i need to do?

283 Кб, 519x419
Are Sith Lords common in Russia?

777 Кб, webm, 720x628, 0:15webm
Hi [7] >>
Hello anons, how are you doing? Tell me about something interesting that happened recently.

66 Кб, 1435x696
Ok, which one of you did this?