230 Кб, 1200x800
A 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment across Australia is like >$1m atm, im not gonna be able to afford that shit, even on a cybersecurity payslip

I hear you can get actual mansions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc., for around the same price.

Is it worth buying a place as a foreigner? I'm learning the language thru my local Russian community and a uni course.

Definitely gonna visit after the political shit clears up, don't know if I should just say fuck it and move tho. Keep in mind I haven't visited yet (cuz I'm like 19 & struggling to pay rent in Sydney, don't have tourist money lmfao)

I hear Vladivostok is nice. Idk, what do, rusanons?

115 Кб, 810x1024
Would you tell sopsy to suck a nigger's dick and kill himself for me?
Thank you and have a nice sleep

1,9 Мб, mp4, 780x576, 0:09mp4
Hello, is there many Americans who post here?

I use telegram a lot and enjoy slav drama and international stuff

676 Кб, 659x549
Easy work for USA you need go to shop and make photo of a pack of Doritos. I pay 1.5$ in USDT TRC 20 rep one photo one code
Connect me in telegram https://t.me/Fayster1337
I can prove any guarantee

2,7 Мб, 3000x4000
What do you think about my russian handwriting
t. learning russian

114 Кб, 2000x1333
i am addicted to coffee. not much else i can think of at the moment.

443 Кб, 600x400
Russian school/college teacher in da thread.
Ask me anything.
Another russian teachers may join to discussion.

no I never fukd my students, even they were at legal age
no I never did want and do not want
* Never behaved in scum/punk/harass/humilation manner

16 Кб, 210x315
Is Leonid Yuzefovich worth reading? His novels look interesting but in particular I want to read his book about Roman Ungern von Sternberg, which is only available in Russian and French. I know a bit of French and if I start practicing again within a year I could probably read the French version, but this effort would be huge if Mr Yuzefovich is a bad writer or a pink liberal or something

91 Кб, 640x640

>out of 1,574 Boeing 747 aircraft, 64 have crashed

131 Кб, 1600x423
Do some Russians actually have a Трактор patronymic?
It makes me feel fortunate as I have an unfortunate surname

175 Кб, 1024x1024
We will not let you win.

3,1 Мб, 4032x3024
Today I listened to the band Kino while trying to repair my instrument.
Good band to listen to while reading circuit diagrams

14,3 Мб, mp4, 618x460, 2:59mp4
Please help with identification of this dude in a blue training suit.

165 Кб, 500x703
Germany is dying. Being subjected to genocide by the Anglo-American invaders and the imposed puppet statehood of the FRG, the physical and cultural destruction of the German nation is taking place.

The only salvation of Germany, as the state of the Germans, is the return to the statehood of the GDR.

54 Кб, 1024x574

1,9 Мб, 4032x3024
What do you think of my bagels?