29 Кб, 320x928
Due to recent political events in the world, it is now not desirable for the Western world to use Latin script, because it has long been the subject and symbol of tyranny and anti-progressivism. Therefore, Cyrillic writing was created for the international language itself.

Why Cyrillic?
1) Cultural enrichment (As part of cultural enrichment, Cyrillic English uses Cyrillic letters from the Turkic and East Slavic alphabets).
2) Cyrillic writing is historically newer than the Latin alphabet, the use of Cyrillic means the adoption of innovations, and therefore progress, whereas Latin writing is archaism and observance of outdated traditions that are unnecessary to anyone.
3) Another advantage of Cyrillic writing is that almost many sounds have their own letters, whereas in Latin (in English) they are not, for example, a combination of "c" and "h" [ch]. In Cyrillic, this is the letter "Ч" and so on.

The main features of Cyrillic English (Cyringlish):
1) 2 new letters for sounds that were previously connected by two different letters: [ch] - now "Ч", [sh] - now "Ш".
2) A new rule for the aesthetics of the text, now when the letters "ck" (цк) are combined, it should be replaced by " 'k " ('к).
3) Another rule for the aesthetics of the text, Slavic toponyms beginning with a combination of letters "zh" (зг) are replaced by one "ж".

For general understanding, here is an example of words from English to Latin and Cyrillic:
Army - Армї
China - Чiна
United States of America - Унiтєд Статєс оф Амерiца
Fuck - Фу'к
Zheltogorsk - Жєлтоґорск
Hello - Гєлло
World - Ўорлд
Russia - Руссiа
Box - Боx
Rocket - Ро'кєт
Pocket - По'кєт
Jordany - Жорданї
Freedom - Фрєєдом
Love - Ловє
Hate - Гатє
Great - Ґрєат
Zink - Зiнк
Shotgun - Шотґун
He, She, It - Гє, Шє, Iт
You - Їоу
Luck - Лу'к
Bitch - Бiтч
Gaz - Ґаз
Power - Поўєр
Cocoa - Цоцоа
Mother - Мотгєр
Father - Фатгєр
Quality - Қуалiтї
Xenox - Xєноx

The letters of the cyringlish:

Аа Бб Цц Дд Єє Фф Ґґ Гг Ii Чч Жж Кк Лл Мм Нн Оо Пп Ққ Рр Сс Шш Тт Уу Вв Ўў Xx Її Зз

Study, distribute and write to cyringlish! / Студї, дiстрiбутє анд ўрiтє то цїрiнґлiш!

8,3 Мб, webm, 640x360, 2:34webm
hello russians. what do you think about other slavs like poles and czechs etc

Poland [73] >>
Why are they so butthurt all the time?

341 Кб, 1354x1081
Славяне давайте общаться на своих языках и попробуем поговорить ккждый на своем языке. Я уверен у нас найдуться общие слова.
The Tower of Babel thread

121 Кб, 421x500
Why are you not using Linux already?

1,7 Мб, 1920x2560
My dinner, adobong manok. What do you think?

3,9 Мб, mp4, 576x1024, 0:17mp4
Why are you not in the army?

627 Кб, 1079x1792
Question to GRU anons, is Utkin alive, was his death faked? Seems like a nice, cool guy to me, I hope he is living under different name on some island together with Epstain, John McAfee etc.

264 Кб, 505x513
Yo, I'm hungry and bored. Can anyone get me a pizza? My address is 2441 Carlmont Drive Aparment 205, Belmont CA and I want a pizza now.

57 Кб, 468x269

I am Georgian, ask me anything + read the below and answer the question, please.

As you may or may not know, the country of Georgia is in great turmoil right now. Yesterday the opposition leaders signed pleas of refusal to join the parliament which, sidelining the constitution and basic human rights, was rejected by the Election Administration of Georgia. They basically have to be present in the parliament on 21st of November, otherwise, they will be arrested.

As I see it, there either is going to be a revolution on 21st of November, or the country will be slowly swallowed by Russia. There doesn't seem to be any other alternative.

With all this in mind, do you happen to know of any immigration policies suited for political refugees? I might be in need of one very shortly.

2 Мб, 1098x696
Who's your favorite Tsar?

1,5 Мб, mp4, 540x960, 0:21mp4
First an innocent dog, then a person. And look at all of this beer on the floor! What a waste!

What do you think about kegas?

3,9 Мб, 2000x1125
Why is this guy always wearing womens clothes?

156 Кб, 1242x1502
It's true that Russian women like alpha male, tough, very masculine men, but what about men who are effeminate and not gay?

625 Кб, 645x701
Hello from Bulgaria,
I want to know the truth about the war with Ukraine.

Why did Russia invade Ukraine?
Is the Azov battalion made of nazi mercenaries that terrorized Donbas?
Is Zelensky put in power by the US government?
Did Russia attack Ukraine to stop NATO expansion?
Do you support this war to continue or do you want it to stop?
Do you want Trump or Kamala to win? Which one do you think would help Russia more?
Do you think Russia will win?
What needs to happen for Russia to win?

156 Кб, 827x1169
Music casts away бѣсы.

Do you know Русъ's technology?

I am trying to teach the Russians how to bow.

245 Кб, 736x920
And why?
Also, why do you want to leave current country?