92 Кб, 1280x720
No, I just want to understand, WHO IS A RUSSKIY? From every corner comes a story about some rysskie, but how to define them in real life?

The land where russkiy supposedly live is Russia.
The passport of the alleged russkiy - Russian
The language of communication of the alleged russkiy- Soviet (Russian). Look up on the internet what russkiy looks like and how it differs from Russian.

So who are russkiy, how are they legally defined and where is their land? Or do russkiy live like homeless people: without their land and without a passport, and the word russkie itself is something like gender - it is only in a person's head?

30 Кб, 1500x1500

>привет из норвегии

104 Кб, 800x1200
I want to fuck her so hard that she starts begging me to send troops into her like in 45

526 Кб, 859x726
На пресловутых дебатах Кумала смешно похихикала над Трампыней. Типо Тримп дурак, выдумывает что нелегалы-понаехи крадут и жрут домашних животных.

однака оказалось...

Springfield OH - гарадишка на 60 тыщ, куда компактно поселили 15 тыщ гаитянских быдло-беженцев. Которые натурально Voodoo People. Которые риальна жрут чорных кошек ночью на кладбище, чтоб обрести СИЛУ.

Журналисты-блогеры массово ломанулись туда посмореть, и уже получили полицейское видео как чорная баба убивает и жрет чорново кота

94 Кб, 1024x775
As you will see from my country flag, I am an American. I have been trying to date women for nine years and have only ever had one girlfriend. I have been turned down on nearly 20 times, 18 times just "No", one "I am a lesbian, actually" and one that was along the lines of "Ew, no". Probably could be something to do with me or the state of women in the country right now, I am not one to judge.

This is all with girls who were born in the U.S.

How is dating in your country? Any better?

664 Кб, 2560x1707

746 Кб, 829x558
In South Africa we have a pork sausage and we call these sausages "Russians", but nobody knows how they got that name. They are very delicious though

3,1 Мб, 3000x4000
My handwriting improves or nah?

442 Кб, 1018x1019
Anyway. It’s a matter of idle interest.
One time I was watching YouTube and there was a comment under one of the videos that there’s all this weird shit going on in Florida.
I’ve been looking through the Florida news for the last month, but the concentration of something unusual has not surprised me.
The question is, is Florida some kind of crazy state or did that dude write something stupid?
If Florida is the most common state, which one does it fall under the definition of a state where there’s always some shit going on? Is there any of that?

77 Кб, 1080x608
did you know that name of ukrainian country украина (ukraina)
was literally taken from polish fraze "u kraja rzeczpospolitej"
(near the edge of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). that means that ukrainians couldn't even come up with a proper name of their own country and had to stole it from polish language?

137 Кб, 772x1024
Captcha in Russian language is discrimination.