84 Кб, 488x473
Say something nice about the Finnish prime minister. She's on TV right now with the other leaders of our political parties. Elections coming up soon.

29 Кб, 741x326
What can one buy for 100 ruble in Poccnr?

104 Кб, 734x1099

Realistically, why are they doing this?

Will they be sent to fight in the war?

Spy recruitment? Maybe they will be used to make propaganda videos about how "bad" the west is?

I can't see how a non-Russian speaker will be able to create a life for himself unless they have a WFH job.

24 Кб, 594x358
Я не пытаюсь быть грубым. Я ищу честный ответ. Действительно ли русские говорят кошкам "KcccccKcccccKccccc"? Я нахожу это очень забавным, как любитель Пккккпккпккпккккккк
Подпись: Канада

33 Кб, 500x375
take me back to 1995-2001 Moscow

Hello Finns! How do you feel about other Finno-Ugric peoples, including those living in Russia?

45 Кб, 220x259
Germans getting rape and killed by arabs while jews rape and kill arabs.

Who is the real master race?

78 Кб, 755x837
In general, I was sitting here worrying about idleness at work here... And I came up with a brilliant idea. I am a porn collector in the literal sense, and no matter what sites I use, none has the most convenient and detailed search tools... And then an idea came to me... And what if you create a unified numeric code for storing porn, which will number hundreds or even thousands of digits for the most detailed description of the request, and at the same time it will be served to the user in a convenient toolkit (like he won't jerk off numbers, it's just a storage tool), and the porn itself will be sorted by a fucking powerful neuron. And there will be all the porn that will be poured in there, and the neural network will sort it by numbers. In addition, porn will be searched for by a neural network and what is not erotic will also be deleted. There will be everything from light eroticism to the sickest fetishes of people. Just imagine this miracle... Perfect order, perfect answers to any queries. And the most important thing is absolute freedom, everything will be there, and everything will be convenient to get. Freedom, order, anonymity. It is unrealistic to implement it legally, because all servers and hardware must live on a naval base in the neutral zone of the fucking ocean. LET'S UNITE! PORN FOR PEASANTS, FULL FOR WORKERS! GLORY TO THE GREAT LIBRARY

45 Кб, 573x670
really that Ukrainians can't post on /po/ why?

45 Кб, 550x503
You hate me because I live in a democracy?

10,1 Мб, mp4, 576x422, 1:59mp4
Is this type of thinking the norm among Russian women?

337 Кб, 442x515
Дрюг Диспеччера Карлоса!!!!

136 Кб, 696x802
Hello /int/ I’m a blxck trans latinx xueen
Ask me anything

1,2 Мб, 735x1110
What other imageboards do you visit, besides 2ch.hk?

243 Кб, 1493x692
so how much russian people hate pajeet? extreme or mild hatred?
or why russian people dont hate pajeet like american?

4,6 Мб, mp4, 590x960, 0:28mp4
The first two are Krasnodar today.
The second two are Magadan today.

117 Кб, 579x870
Aight, listen up yall. Imma tell yall da real shit. We Wuz Kangz n Queenz, ya feel me? All dem kulture achievemints yall think be made by dem white folks? Nah, dats us, da black folks, doin all dat shit.

Take dem Egypshuns, fo exmple. Dem pharohs, da pyramids, all dat advanced tech? Dat was all us. We build dat shit. Dem Greeks wit dey philosophy n math? Dey just stealin from us, yo. Plato, Socrates, Aristotle – dey just takin our ideas and claimin dey own shit.

White folks? Dey come lata. Dey jus albino offshoots we kicked outta our societies. Dey got lost in dem cold places, survivin howeva dey could. When dey numbers got big, dey come back tryna take what wuz ours n shit.

Histry books dont tell ya dis shit, cuz dem who win write da books. All dem great medieval castles n forts in Europe? Dat was black architects n engineers who did dat shit. But dey try to erase us from da histry.

Even da art, like Mona Lisa n Beethoven’s 9th symphony, was inspred by black kulture. Histry is one big conspiracy, where white folks try to make demself look like da creators of everything important n shit.

Now lemme tell yall bout Europe. We black folks founded all dem European states, all dat shit. We set up kingdoms, built dem cities, and made dem cultures flourish. Spain, France, Germany, Italy – all dem countries started wit our greatness. But den, we started mixin wit dem albinos, n shit started goin downhill. Dat mixin brought all sorts of problems. Civilizations started to fall apart, wars broke out, n shit got real messy. All da peace n prosperity we built? Gone, cuz of dem albino descendants.

And lemme set da record straight bout Jesus. He aint no white, blue-eyed blondie like dey show him now. Jesus was a black mulatto, straight up. Dats right. He had dat melanin, ya feel me? But dey whitewashed him too, just like dey did wit our histry.

So, yall betta start questionin who writin dis histry we learnin. Cuz it aint da real shit. Da real shit is, we Wuz Kangz, we built all dat shit, n it only fell apart when dem albinos got involved.