I am looking for an old video of a ukranian general talking about illuminait/zionist takeover. I cannot find it anywhere.
I think it was made in 2014. It was an old guy in a outfit like picrel at nite in what looked like the center of keiv talking about Freemasons and things like that.
I remeber there were a few other videos of him talking about similar things and he was known as some kind of anti zionist old guy.
I am looking for an old video of a ukranian general talking about illuminait/zionist takeover. I cannot find it anywhere.
I think it was made in 2014. It was an old guy in a outfit like picrel at nite in what looked like the center of keiv talking about Freemasons and things like that.
I remeber there were a few other videos of him talking about similar things and he was known as some kind of anti zionist old guy.
Update -
Finaly found it - Colonel General Yan Kazemirovich about Freemasons and CIA agents in Ukraine!
Finaly found it - Colonel General Yan Kazemirovich about Freemasons and CIA agents in Ukraine!