Этого треда уже нет.
Это копия, сохраненная 6 июля 2017 года.

Скачать тред: только с превью, с превью и прикрепленными файлами.
Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее

Если вам полезен архив М.Двача, пожертвуйте на оплату сервера.
353 Кб, 1056x1500
The last episode you have watched and your reaction to it #4002981 В конец треда | Веб
960 Кб, 1220x1652
#2 #4002995
>>4002981 (OP)

>большая шлюшка

Мда. Но всё равно лучше, чем тот.
550 Кб, 1108x1600
#3 #4003011
Соблазнила сенсея плутовка.
49 Кб, 441x500
#4 #4003013
Твоя тоже умеет мясцо отращивать.
#5 #4003016
Не нужна. Лоливерсия лучше.
104 Кб, 1280x720
116 Кб, 1280x720
112 Кб, 1280x720
86 Кб, 1280x720
#6 #4003030
Кумико тоже очень милая бака. А черненькая пока что себя никак не проявила.
369 Кб, 1280x720
#7 #4003031
Не все мегане годные, но эта няха. Аска тоже.
92 Кб, 524x493
#8 #4003032

>Кумико тоже очень милая бака

Она никакая

>А черненькая пока что себя никак не проявила.

Потому что нечего проявлять
#9 #4003033
А эта шишку поднимает.
1189 Кб, Webm
#10 #4003034

>А черненькая пока что себя никак не проявила

Проявит ещё.
116 Кб, Webm
#11 #4003042
211 Кб, 1280x720
#12 #4003044
Сегодня день начала кампании на восточном фронте, камарады.
#13 #4003046
Эй, у меня дед был ветеран.
399 Кб, 1920x1500
#14 #4003050
Через пол часа выступаем.
#15 #4003054
Господи, какая же Утаха шлюха на пару с Эрири.
"Чувства не повлияют на мою работу, я же профессионал!" и прыг-скок на очередной хуй потолще, ведь там ИНТЕРЕСНО. Эрири тоже охуевшая "Это уже второй раз, когда я предаю Томою, он меня не простит", знает же мразь, что поступает плохо, и все равно идет к врагам своего друга детства. Ни разу не видел таких меркантильных шлюх за предыдущие годы просмотра аниме.
#16 #4003056
Схуяли они ему что-то должны? И так на халяву игру сделали целиком.
#17 #4003057
Потому что порнодаун там какие-то измены нашел, кек.
1661 Кб, Webm
#18 #4003059
#19 #4003062
Интересно что думала Стелла когда предавала?
#20 #4003081
Но она не предавала. Икки честно проиграл ее в карты.
#21 #4003082
Это была ее идея.
97 Кб, 1920x1080
#22 #4003086

>Почему ояш и старик не хотят сами стать кемоно-фрэдсами?

Виллем хочет маморить нях, а старик, даже если захотел бы, уже не может, он уже не человек.
#23 #4003089

>хочет маморить

Но он же огребает.
#24 #4003090
Да не особо.
Опять же, там и сами феечки в маморинге от врагов не нуждаются. А вот в заботливом отце - нуждаются.
#25 #4003094

> стать кемоно-фрэдсами

Сейчас бы добровольно стать блядской собакой, ммм.
139 Кб, 949x1036
#26 #4003114
Shokugeki no Souma S3 anime announced for Fall 2017

#28 #4003124
Вот бы 4 сезон ведьмочек анонсировали, про 506-х, серий на 26. Но хуй там, раньше сентября ничего не скажут, ведь в августе 13 эпизод Храбрых. Хотя может и мувик по приквелу запилят. Ставлю на лето - осень 2018.
#29 #4003138
Эти няхи сгорели...
605 Кб, 1767x1300
#30 #4003139
Надеюсь, аниме дойдёт до фулл дере-дере Эрины.
#31 #4003140
Лучше бы овашки нормально рипнули.
#32 #4003141
Это тоже неплохо бы было, да.
#33 #4003153
Когда уже смоа станет как кусок?
#34 #4003154
Он уже и так как кусок. Одно и то же говно каждую арку.
190 Кб, 959x1400
#35 #4003155
Надеюсь, оно будет двигаться в противоположном направлении.
#36 #4003156
Ну в смысле серий 800 одного и того же.
#37 #4003157
Об Эрине создаётся такое впечатление что оан периодически шликает за кадром.
2657 Кб, Webm
#38 #4003158
Она очень приличная девушка и не занимается такими хазукащи вещами.
913 Кб, 1920x1080
sage #39 #4003159

>чем тот.

мои Хорайзононяхи не могут быть хуже какой то шлюшки их гаремника.
#40 #4003160
У нее же будет новая сейю.
171 Кб, 1920x1080
#41 #4003161
Ну слава яйцам.
#42 #4003162
Не факт. Вдруг Танеда вылечится от пиздецомы?
#43 #4003168
Почитаешь такое и пельмешек начнет истекать соком.
242 Кб, 1920x1080
#45 #4003178
292 Кб, 1421x1421
#46 #4003184
#47 #4003186

>Танеда вылечится от пиздецомы

Что случилось?
#48 #4003187
Жаль такого вина нынче уже не делают.
#50 #4003191

Остальные актеры・Райзы taneda в настоящее время в стадии лечения и реабилитации упорно трудиться, чтобы картина! Семя-тян, я буду ждать お お お お お!!

Только я так и не понял чем заболела - ну, пишут излечимо, нужно только полечиться.

Здоровья бабе, а то ещё и тридцатника нет.
#51 #4003193
Она не на сердце смотрит, а на кое что пониже
#52 #4003194
Приличные девушки не распространяют вокруг себя яд и гниль.
98 Кб, 1280x720
#53 #4003214
What a mess we made, when it all went wrong?
80 Кб, 1920x1080
#54 #4003229
I never asked for this.
369 Кб, 896x1300
#55 #4003267
Чёт в голосяндру.
#56 #4003279
Вот бы и мне большая няха предложила...
#57 #4003281
И почему эта индустрия породила так мало тайтлов с девочками и ган-порно, я не понимаю. Неужели узкоглазым подросткам не нравится, как груди девочек покачиваются от отдачи при выстрелах? Что с ними не так?
442 Кб, 950x861
#58 #4003292
И почему эта индустрия породила так мало тайтлов с юриняшами и смещенным треугольником, я не понимаю. Неужели узкоглазым подросткам не нравится, как девочка и мальчик борются за няшечку. Что с ними не так?
#59 #4003293
Такое говно никому не нравится.
#60 #4003299
Да и юриняши особо не нужны.
142 Кб, 1280x720
130 Кб, 1280x720
111 Кб, 1280x720
#61 #4003300
У ГГ отличная фигура. Надеюсь, запилят нормальную пляжную серию потом. Жаль только что растяпа. Девочки ей вон жрать готовят, а она орудие собрать не смогла, деталь потеряла. Прям безалаберность военных во все поля, одна из нях даже посттравматический синдром заработала. Это слайсик или военная драма?
#62 #4003301



#63 #4003303

>Это слайсик или военная драма?

Это реклама игрушек.
#65 #4003309
А как надо?

Ммм, сочняха, надо будет ещ додзи запалить тогда.
77 Кб, 1280x720
119 Кб, 1280x720
#66 #4003312
Лолсука, юри = шоковая терапия. Совсем сломали няху.
5 Кб, 245x206
sage #67 #4003324
а вот хули у хорриблов на новом няя нету перевода 4 и 5 серии сучки
sage #69 #4003332
а теперь попробуй скачать с их сайта
#70 #4003335
Через магнет всё качается.
44 Кб, 943x40
#71 #4003336
Попробовал, скачал. Что дальше?
sage #72 #4003339

>Подключение не установлено, т.к. конечный компьютер отверг запрос на подключение

не кочает или заблочено
#73 #4003340
Проблемы на твоей стороне. Магнет-ссылки там прекрасно работают.
#74 #4003341
Помог бы саже скачать этот файл?
102 Кб, 1280x720
103 Кб, 1280x720
65 Кб, 1280x720
93 Кб, 1280x720
#75 #4003342
Годный тайтл. Я ожидал прям совсем чего-то на уровне унылых пострелушек робонях в 3д, а сами бои тут короткие и быстрые, да и сам тайтл забавный.
sage #76 #4003345
ну да, заблочено в рахе наверно
#77 #4003347
Нет, не заблочено. Сижу на анальном ростелекоме, все качается и все подключается.
#78 #4003351

>Light Novel 'Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari' Receives Anime Adaptation

Омерзительно, поздравляю вас с еще одной ммопарашей. Арифурета без няшек, без ебли и без крутого онии-самы на главной роли, я даже не знаю что может быть хуже. Хуже только я, который это говно зачем-то читал.
#79 #4003352
Они в конце поябались?
124 Кб, 1280x720
60 Кб, 1280x720
68 Кб, 1280x720
67 Кб, 1280x720
#80 #4003355
Нет, но была угроза изнасилования штекером зарядки.
#81 #4003357
А розетку хотя бы она показала или разъем USB?
#82 #4003359

>12.jpg(60Кб, 1280x720)

>не хочу

>13.jpg(68Кб, 1280x720)

>не буду

>15.jpg(67Кб, 1280x720)

565 Кб, 700x1221
318 Кб, 476x890
218 Кб, 800x950
Sousei no Onmyouji [50/50] [Комплито] #83 #4003360
С у з у
122 Кб, 1280x720
66 Кб, 1280x720
95 Кб, 1280x720
125 Кб, 1280x720
#84 #4003361
показали, но я скрина неделал
#85 #4003366
41 Кб, 1280x720
63 Кб, 1280x720
56 Кб, 1280x720
67 Кб, 1280x720
#86 #4003396
Natsume Yuujinchou Roku - complected
Ну так. Сезон на уровне четвёртого, хуже первых трёх, но лучше пятого.
Серии про любовь девочки и ёкая-птицы и про Рейко были отличными, все остальные - ничего особенного. Упомянули вскользь деда Нацуме, но и только. Алсо, сейю сенсея явно сдувается. Мужику уже пора на пенсию.
#87 #4003399
Самый охуенный эпизод про экзорциста, который перестал йокаев видеть.
#88 #4003400
Бля, "екаев".
#89 #4003402
Тетрадка это вариация на тему мушиши?
55 Кб, 1920x1080
#90 #4003405
А мне не особо понравился. Ну, он, как и большинство остальных, неплохой, но в душу не запал абсолютно.
Разве что тематика схожая. Ну и темп. Всё остальное различается.
140 Кб, 1280x720
132 Кб, 1280x720
90 Кб, 1280x720
118 Кб, 1280x720
#91 #4003427
Вижу! А робоняхи тем временем обзавелись БТР в виде пылесоса.
110 Кб, 1280x720
107 Кб, 1280x720
84 Кб, 1280x720
145 Кб, 1280x720
#92 #4003436
Вижу! Ну наконец, 6 серий меня подводить к таким сценам всё же долговато.
#93 #4003438
Почему эта няша улыбается?
79 Кб, 1280x720
#94 #4003440
Она в предвкушении фестиваля.
#95 #4003443
А кажется будто у неё спазм лицевых мышц.
90 Кб, 1280x720
#96 #4003445
тогда бы она не улыбалась
#97 #4003446
Почему не делают таких робонях? Делают какие-то обмылки типа будущее.
143 Кб, 1280x720
#98 #4003447

>обмылки типа будущее

в смысле?
#99 #4003449
#100 #4003450
Мне кажется, что грудь немного висит. Но это только мои догадки, говорить такое девочке - харам.
101 Кб, 1280x720
111 Кб, 1280x720
107 Кб, 1280x720
104 Кб, 1280x720
#101 #4003461
По-моему, при размере 2 и меньше она физически висеть не может. Да и у такой стройной няхи тем более.
#102 #4003504
Кто такая эмилия?

Кстати, в первом сезоне окромясь этого Элвиса и дебила-Фаваро была ещё какя-то девка-то ли падший ангел, то ли хуй пойми кто - с ней что?
#103 #4003506

>Кто такая эмилия?

#104 #4003508
Нахуй тебе это, если дропнул?
#105 #4003511

>Нахуй тебе это, если дропнул?

Что дропнул? Первый сезон? Так я не дропнул - я тупо не помню нихуя чем всё закончилось.
3381 Кб, Webm
#106 #4003514
>>4002981 (OP)
Развратная мионяха...
#107 #4003516
Она спиздила ключ у богов и использовала его для пробуждения БАХАМУТА. Умерла за наши грехи.
#108 #4003518


не думаю.
#109 #4003526
Стал бы её ёжиком?
1826 Кб, 4000x2253
1511 Кб, 4000x2253
#110 #4003529
Ну что, скучновато. Тридэ на общих планах бестолковое и всратое. Не хватает жизы - тупо одно ногебание всего и вся. Няхи няшные, главную я наскринил вдоволь. Но никаких намёков на гарем или там подкаты - нет.

Довольно неплохо для первого блина. Даже не совсем комом.

#111 #4003530
У ежика не может быть секса с Хифумичкой.
#112 #4003531
Ты яойщик.
#113 #4003532
Лучшее анимэ за последние несколько лет, тащемта. Всратое японское дерьмо даже рядом не стоит.
#114 #4003534
Какая она тут хорошенькая
#115 #4003535
Зато ты сможешь каждый день тереться пипиркой об клетку, смотря как твою хифумичку нтрит аоба-чан.
#116 #4003536
Каколд плиз.
#117 #4003537
А я бы посмотрел.
#118 #4003539
Да я бы тоже. А потом бы меня достали из клетки и я бы бегал по их разгорячённым постельными утехами телам, вдыхая полной грудью запах девичьей страсти.
#119 #4003541
В ежах глисты и паразиты.
#120 #4003542
Меня даже из клетки доставать не надо.
#121 #4003543
В тебе тоже.
440 Кб, 1920x1080
#122 #4003544

> Лучшее анимэ за последние несколько лет

Как будто ты разбираешься в аниме вот профиль критика https://myanimelist.net/profile/kiryushu_suki

А какой твой?
#123 #4003545
Я чистый как няхи.
67 Кб, 600x814
#124 #4003548
До последнего думал, что это тян из Гуля.
#125 #4003549
Ты ньюфагет просто.
168 Кб, 1920x1080
#126 #4003553
Вот тян из Гуля.
56 Кб, 700x525
54 Кб, 620x388
#127 #4003554
Любят же они одноглазых.
1829 Кб, 500x281
#128 #4003556
#129 #4003557
И вот вроде бы поначалу хорош был тайтл, но концовка все обломала.
38 Кб, 720x400
#130 #4003558
63 Кб, 1280x720
#131 #4003559

>тян из Гуля.

27 Кб, 216x495
#132 #4003561
#133 #4003562
Помню как охуел и засмеялся с этого момента.
Под конец там какой то пиздец произошел и все ебанулись, но для разнообразия посмотреть стоит.
#134 #4003563
#135 #4003567
Просто это японский фетиш, одноглазая жена. Можно бить ее безнаказано в глаз, все равно ничего не скажет.
#136 #4003572
Боевая няха.
775 Кб, 1920x1080
#137 #4003578
Безумие набирало обороты.
2650 Кб, 1920x1080
3084 Кб, 1920x1078
2433 Кб, 1920x1084
2397 Кб, 1920x1080
Оппайный вин #138 #4003586
Отлично. Милые няхи делают милые вещи и иногда бьют друг друга. И в отличие от какого-нибудь иккитойзена, данный тайтл особо не обременен сюжетом и не перегружен ненужными драмами.
Няхи все отличные, и выбрать среди них лучших непростая задача, но пусть это будут Кацураги (за позитивность) и Харука (она там самая умная).
Ну а самая горячая няха - Хомура (люблю загорелых).
466 Кб, Webm
#139 #4003587
#140 #4003594

>данный тайтл особо не обременен сюжетом и не перегружен ненужными драмами

Сериал только из них и состоит.
3295 Кб, 1920x1080
#141 #4003596
1,5-минутные вставки из прошлого для каждой няхи - не перегруз драмой.
И где ты там сюжет нашел?
#142 #4003600
Ну, везде, если тайтл состоит из него, не? Форсед черненькой, форседы других девочек, форсед блондинки, что-то там у гг, 1,5 минутные вставки это фансервис, поэтому о нем я ничего не помню.
#143 #4003604
Цензура есть? А то я уже дрочило достал, если есть - уберу обратно.
#144 #4003626
Короч посмотрел Макеваризм, первые 6 серий тяжко было, но дальше норм. Так-то тайтл для могущих в говорок древнеяпонской знати, ибо все построено на контрасте лолик и его. Чинитайтл короч.
#145 #4003629


#146 #4003633
Посоветуйте аниме с норм рофлами наподобие коносубы.
288 Кб, 899x1300
#147 #4003635
Анонимусы не прощают и не забывают.
#148 #4003636
Даже в игре цензура. Можешь убирать.
#149 #4003637
Если у тебя здесь много форседов, то как ты тогда слезодавилки типа битсов и кланнада смотришь?
305 Кб, 1280x720
#150 #4003638

Мне кажется мы смотрели разные тайтлы.

1235 Кб, 720x1079
3011 Кб, 1920x1080
2676 Кб, 1920x1080
3368 Кб, 1920x1080
#151 #4003643
Блин, у меня на нее каменный стояк. Спасибо узкоглазым за анименях!
1404 Кб, 1440x810
#152 #4003647
#154 #4003650
Что за тайтл?
904 Кб, 1920x1080
#155 #4003658
Продолжаю смареть титосов. Когда там тот музон с вебмки завезут?

проебался полтора часа на почте в попытках отправить посылку, ебаная почта, ничего не работает. Пизда.
1728 Кб, Webm
#156 #4003660
В последней серии.
#157 #4003661
О, по щитовику анимцо анонсировали, можно будет посмотреть до того момента как лолька вырастит.
#158 #4003662
#159 #4003664
Как-то один мой знакомый говорил, что неплохая хуйня. Послежу.
1090 Кб, 1920x1080
#160 #4003665
Внутренняя часть бедра Сашеньки. Взрывоопасно!
#161 #4003668
Ах, вот оно что.
#162 #4003669
Пиздит злодея не переставая жрать.
#163 #4003671
Второй сезон скоро.
#164 #4003672
Это её ебарь вообще-то.
862 Кб, 1920x1080
834 Кб, 1920x1080
#165 #4003674
Я ток не пони, че титос такой мелкий и такой пофигист? ЧУЮ СЮЖЕТ!
#166 #4003675
#167 #4003678
Я думал он битард.
#168 #4003680
Ааа, это Герой Говна, который?
60 Кб, 1280x720
59 Кб, 1280x720
38 Кб, 1280x720
80 Кб, 1280x720
#169 #4003681
Risetto - 12
Задумка арки интересная. Да и вообще автору периодически удаётся придумать неплохие ноурёку. Плюс все няхи в сборе. Хитрая возрождённая няха ещё и ревнует ОЯШа из-за его дейто с Харуки.
Всё в общем было неплохо, пока не появилась ебучая хуйня, из-за которой ночью нельзя выходить на улицу. Вот тут я живо Маёигу вспомнил - там тоже подобная хуйня была. Просто пиздец. Надеюсь, такое больше не повторится.
#170 #4003683
Начинаю смотреть Нон нон биорин, ваши действия?
1142 Кб, 1920x1080
#171 #4003690
А, тип титоусы из пидорах появляются. Ясно.
#172 #4003691
Ccу на говноеда (тебя).
894 Кб, 1920x1080
#173 #4003695
Ух какая лучшая девочка. Я влюбился.
#174 #4003699

>Это её ебарь вообще-то.

Раз пиздит, значит есть за что.
#175 #4003703
Бровастую няху бы.
83 Кб, 634x403
64 Кб, 471x368
#176 #4003706
Котаны, поясните, что не так с этой шкурой?
И есть ли ещё в аниме/манге настолько приближенный к ирл типаж? Я прям читал и наслаждался баттхёртом от этой мрази, так она мне напоминала сразу нескольких моих знакомых лицемерных мразотных ТП. И главное никакой наигранности, драмы и никаких переживаний, она даже не обманывает никого, она искреннее верит в свою хуйню,она просто сама по себе эгоистичная гнида.
Вот реально, тот случай, когда мне от баттхёрта кайфово было. Кавай - лучшая девочка, кароч.
3015 Кб, 1920x1080
2417 Кб, 1920x1080
3758 Кб, 1920x1080
2845 Кб, 1920x1080
Ова к оппайному вину #177 #4003707
Че-то так себе. Многовато драчек, маловато оппаев. Зато показали сосочки и пузик горячей няхи.
П.с.: какая же Юми и ее ватага унылые. Теперь я знаю, сюжетку какой школы пройду последней.
#178 #4003708
Узнать бы еще кто это.
#179 #4003710
Чет вспомнилась смугляшка из мувлува
#180 #4003711
Кёани про глухую не смотрел?
171 Кб, 1599x898
#181 #4003712
Типичный эгоистичный манипулятор женского подвида. Редкий типаж в аниме в силу манямирковости индустрии. Хотя, в данной истории девочка реально с гнильцой.
#183 #4003727
Вспомнил. Она просто трусиха, но добрая.
#184 #4003731
Ебать ты подкоблучник. Или просто идиот.
#185 #4003732
А что такое? Она зассала класса и стала маневрировать.
880 Кб, 1920x1080
#186 #4003736
Двачую. Просто не хочела портить себе репутацию. Да, мразотно, но по сути она ничего и не сделала настолько уж плохого. Все равно имота лучшая.
#188 #4003740
Да, ей было жаль глухоняху, но смелости не было защитить ее.
488 Кб, 1280x720
323 Кб, 1280x1432
411 Кб, 1280x720
115 Кб, 1280x720
#189 #4003745
Симпатишная дивчина с листиком.
95 Кб, 1280x720
#190 #4003746
Императрицу тоже в гарем забрали чтоле?
333 Кб, 1280x720
#191 #4003748
А как же.
#192 #4003752
Эй, ножик на место положи; дети могут им порезаться, поэтому больше не бери его в руки.
206 Кб, 1920x1080
#193 #4003754
Вот это мужчина, мамы прячьте дочек.
2300 Кб, 500x282
#194 #4003755
Няху бы за ляху.
#195 #4003756



#196 #4003757
Я не годен.
#197 #4003758

>мамы прячьте дочек

Ведь настало время сочных мамок.
#198 #4003759
Эх, а так бы мог космодесантником стать.
144 Кб, 1920x1080
#201 #4003765
Как ни странно, но в ва2 нету плохих девочек, хотя мне по началу сецуна не нравилась, а только в конце 12 серии я прозрел.
#202 #4003769
Ой, сейчас начнется.
867 Кб, 1920x1080
920 Кб, 1920x1080
#203 #4003770
Кристу маморить! Доставать MG42! Маморить девочка! Убивать хидоев!
133 Кб, 1920x1080
145 Кб, 1920x1080
#204 #4003774
Насколько арка мебиус интересна?
883 Кб, 1920x1080
#205 #4003775

>порноботы заметили девочку

#206 #4003777

>хуй феи


Это примерно как кусок, только еще большее говно.
678 Кб, 541x1748
#207 #4003779
Слишком толсто.
73 Кб, 1280x720
#208 #4003780


Сецуна - это абсолютная вершина данного типажа все-таки. Никаких жирных линий характера, как в Голосе, но много мелочей и милых противоречий. Идеальный персонаж идеальной тян.
Просто она сложная девочка, и лучше всего это видно в вн.
#209 #4003781
Но Кусок интересный.
#210 #4003784
Тебе 4 года?
#211 #4003786
23, а что?
120 Кб, 1920x1080
#212 #4003787

>Идеальный персонаж идеальной тян.

А вот тут, перетолстил.
483 Кб, 656x762
104 Кб, 604x640
124 Кб, 1540x1540
506 Кб, 1158x744
Z #213 #4003788
Где тут пидор с нурарихеном? Я хочу видеть, как он ахуеет, когда градус вина скакнет внезапно вверх, а потом будет подниматься выше и выше.
#214 #4003789
Да, какая-то девочка с твоего пика жирноватая. Ей бы стоило бегом заняться и жирок растрясти. А то противно на эту свиноматку смотреть.
53 Кб, 1280x720
#215 #4003790
Если не вошел в стандарты твоего вкуса - гомин.
916 Кб, 1920x1080
#216 #4003792
Хистория? У меня по ней 5 было.
#217 #4003793
Лол, как раз заснул на 2 сезоне. Первый лучше зашел. Говнина короче.
156 Кб, 1920x1080
#218 #4003795
Да ты даже сажепсавсе присутствующих, за исключением возможно двоих не вошел.
58 Кб, 1280x720
#219 #4003799
Одиноко быть мною, я знаю.
#220 #4003800
А сейчас что?
55 Кб, 1280x720
#221 #4003801
Вы о разных персонажах спорите. Не имеет смысла. Он про Сецуну из ВН, ты про Сецуну из экранизации.
#222 #4003802
А какие есть сажи?
29 Кб, 1280x720
Z #223 #4003804
Какой же фейл последняя серия или две. Это просто пиздец. Вот нормальный титул был бы, если бы не последние серии.
#224 #4003805
Он говорит об идеальном персонаже, даже если я и не читал вн, я читал и смотрел очень много и не думаю что из-за пары десятков часов изменил бы свое мнение.
52 Кб, 1280x720
#225 #4003807
Да ты охуел, древоеб :3
241 Кб, 1920x1080
#226 #4003808
Мне наоборот доставила последняя, очень, благодаря ей, я и переосмыслил все и вся про титул и персонажей в лучшую сторону.
864 Кб, 1920x1080
#227 #4003809
А сейчас смены с 7 до 15.30
#228 #4003810
После ВН я, будучи Казусафагом, легко признаю, что Сецуна - абсолютно лучший персонаж ВА2. Да и вообще один из лучших, которых я знаю.
51 Кб, 1920x1080
58 Кб, 1920x1080
75 Кб, 1920x1080
90 Кб, 1920x1080
#229 #4003811
За сисечки можно и простить.
Z #230 #4003813
Давай для начала выясним, глотает ли она.
1170 Кб, 1280x720
#231 #4003814

> Он про Сецуну из ВН, ты про Сецуну из экранизации.

Ну, я про Сецуну вообще, но да, в экранизации ее раскрыли от слова нихуя.
Ах, эта железная уверенность! hum~♫
#232 #4003815
опишите в 2-х словах синопсис этой фансервисной параши
61 Кб, 1280x720
#233 #4003816
Ебанный насос, какого хуя блять, что блять за ужасное квалити, пиздец, я то думал что тут так ругали твешку, я ведь до этого бд смотрел, а боксы все еще выходят, пиздец ужас.
#234 #4003818
А чему нет то?
#235 #4003819
Ты уже сделал это за меня двумя словами в конце поста.
#236 #4003821
Пкацану подарили ритуальный пояс, а в нем жила девочка-дух. Она сказала что он её раб. Так началась их история бля
#237 #4003822

>Няфаня не осилил деконструкцию мимики

13 Кб, 246x247
#238 #4003824
Рыба такая.
#239 #4003825
Лучше чем в куске.
#240 #4003826
Что за хуйня? Почему моча удалила гатари-тред? Он вконец там уже охуел или чего?
Не был неделю
#241 #4003827
Сатаня насилует ояша на протяжении 12 серий.
#242 #4003829
А вот тут, согласен.
#243 #4003830
Возьми да создай новый.
#244 #4003831
Новый сделай, пидорнуха.
84 Кб, 1280x720
70 Кб, 1280x720
69 Кб, 1280x720
35 Кб, 1280x720
#245 #4003833
Красивая, наверное, сцена. Жаль только, что я вообще ничего не чувствую по этому поводу.
#246 #4003839
Да нахуй мне это нужно, да и пасты у меня нет для шапки. Просто я так немного охуел, моча тут последний год совершенно неадекватно буйствует над любым постом с упоминанием гатарь, а тут я прихожу после недельного отсутствия - уже и тред удален мочой. Я уж подумал что что-то случилось и дегрод запретил в разделе гатари вообще, или че еще ему там в голову ударило.
#247 #4003842
Просто делольнул рандомного хуя небось, который по совместительству оказался опом этого раковника. Ты как будто вчера на сосач пришел.
264 Кб, 1920x1080
237 Кб, 1920x1080
293 Кб, 1920x1080
208 Кб, 1920x1080
#248 #4003843
Оче хороший ракудай.
Вроде бы и драчки, но это не помешало девочкам быть милыми.
#249 #4003846
Да поди один из ваших насрал тут и все его посты удолили.
163 Кб, 968x271
#250 #4003849
#251 #4003852
Ноют о гатаритреде уже несколько дней. Ты думаешь они не создали бы новый за это время?
2025 Кб, 2020x1100
Z #252 #4003855
Это вообще полный идиотизм. Где я - там и гатари.
#253 #4003856
Может там у вас один семен и сидит, получивший бан по подсети, откуда мне знать.
42 Кб, 1280x720
28 Кб, 1280x720
60 Кб, 1280x720
71 Кб, 1280x720
#254 #4003857
А вот тут норм.
3519 Кб, Webm
#255 #4003858
166 Кб, 1920x1080
#256 #4003860
Во втором убогая шлюха, играющая голышом на гитаре перед ротой солдат.
#257 #4003861

>Где я - там и гатари.

>Где зардас - там и бан

182 Кб, 960x1109
#258 #4003869
Мне нравится эта глазастая. Посмотрю этот титул.
74 Кб, 1280x720
#259 #4003870
60 Кб, 1280x720
59 Кб, 1280x720
70 Кб, 1280x720
87 Кб, 1280x720
#260 #4003871
Вердикт. Второй сезон - НЕ ОЧЕНЬ. Абсолютно ненужная драма и странное её же разрешение. Просто лучше запощу ещё Утаху.
#261 #4003876
Ну и что там произошло? В двух словах.
#262 #4003877
Где там? В последней серии?
#264 #4003880
Ну да, я так понял они от него уходили. А теперь не понятно что у тебя на скринах. Она его целует. Это фантазия или что.
77 Кб, 1280x720
#265 #4003882
Утаха с Эрири едут в Токио согласовать детали работы над игрой. Томоя пришёл их проводить, он их простил уже и не обижается. Ну а дальше сам додумаешься, надеюсь.
#266 #4003883
Эх, вот бы Утахошенство сказала бы мне это...
565 Кб, 1121x630
#267 #4003884

> в экранизации ее раскрыли от слова нихуя.

Ну т.е. как, понятно, что невозможно раскрыть персонажа истории, экранизируя лишь пролог оной. Но даже экранизируя этот пролог, они не смогли совладать с нею из этого пролога. Не срослось, не получилось, а еще попутно и Китахаре досталось. Хмм, наверно режиссер был Томофагом.
Ладно, выключаю фажество.
#268 #4003885
Т.е. Утаха решила откупиться от ояша поцелуем, что она съебалась от него?
#269 #4003886


Как же заебала эта мразь.
#270 #4003888
Может это было в благодарность. Титул я не смотрел.
#271 #4003890
Но я не хочу делать своим юбилейным комплитом саекано, как-то вообще. Ну и ладно, курокуваку подожду тогда.
#272 #4003892
добавил в птв
#273 #4003893
Мочер поработал сегодня? Хули я с работы пришел, а тред тот же?
#274 #4003894
Вот, держи, ленивый мудень.
>>4003891 (OP)
192 Кб, 759x365
#275 #4003897
1084 Кб, 1438x1381
#276 #4003900
Как же хочется синяху обнять.
#277 #4003901
А мне сильняху.
877 Кб, 1920x1080
#278 #4003902
208 Кб, 1920x1080
#279 #4003903
#280 #4003904
Пикрелейтеда в лесу полно, хоть наобнимайся.
#281 #4003906
Уже БД появился?
63 Кб, 630x630
#282 #4003909
Это байто!
1087 Кб, Webm
#283 #4003910
Не знаю.
1322 Кб, 480x270
#284 #4003911
Кинпацу лучшие.
#285 #4003912

>взрослый натурал пидрюхи курильщика

175 Кб, 1920x1080
#286 #4003913
Потому что лучшие.
85 Кб, 1920x1080
90 Кб, 1920x1080
#287 #4003915
Нет, я сам нарисовал.
239 Кб, 411x370
#288 #4003916
Но она не бревно. Я бы еще сказал кое-чего, но это спойлер.
#289 #4003917
Сыграл бы на её жuвотике в гольф.
#290 #4003919
Хотел назвать, но


не, в моем только дружба, а не юрикал.
#291 #4003920
136 Кб, 520x540
#292 #4003921
1073 Кб, 1280x738
#293 #4003922


#294 #4003924
В габриеле даже дружбы нет, на самом-то деле. У этого дебила видимо любой тайтл с количеством женских персонажей более одного - юри.
#295 #4003929
428 Кб, 853x960
#296 #4003932
lovu livu
#297 #4003934
Хотел назвать, но


не, тебе не расскажу.
#298 #4003935
Ты собака что ли?
#299 #4003936
У нозомыча на нижней части живот такой, как будто она на четвертом месяце.
#300 #4003937

>дружбы нет

Писала-то шлюха. Шлюхи не могут в дружбу. У них же души нет. Только хуемрази умеют придумывать ламповые истории про по-настоящему милых девочек.
#301 #4003938
Зачем мне писать "Фигню какую то"?
#302 #4003941

>Писала-то шлюха

То-то я чувствовал, что отношения между девочками какие-то очень странные и немного неприятные. Дырка между ног автора многое объясняет.
#303 #4003942
Но у олдфани пять лет как не стоит.
#304 #4003946
От преданных фанатов.
#305 #4003947
Боевые оппаи.
129 Кб, 1280x720
#306 #4003950
А зачем тогда просишь?

>Фигню какую то написал бы.

#307 #4003951
Хидамари тоже писала баба, но дружба-то там есть.
#308 #4003954
Это в аниме было или сам выдумал?
678 Кб, 1908x1611
#309 #4003958
Там не дружба, там гомосексуальное порно.
#310 #4003960

>Сыграл бы на её жuвотике в гольф.

Он у неё не настолько обширный.
176 Кб, 1920x1080
#311 #4003961

> The third season of Shokugeki no Souma.

776 Кб, 1908x2148
#312 #4003962
А, не, вот на этом порно.
911 Кб, 1058x599
#313 #4003964
#314 #4003965
Аква блюёт в подворотне.гиф
#315 #4003966
А цвет кожи?
2230 Кб, 1920x1090
2116 Кб, 1920x1090
#316 #4003967
Как просто нейтрализовать девочку-волшебницу, нужно всего лишь заткнуть ей рот хуем
#318 #4003971
Я его кстати не осилил. Меня только на 1 серию хватило. Титул поразительно уныл, даже для слайсика. Видимо как раз потому что баба сочиняла.
1155 Кб, 1280x720
#319 #4003974

>не осилил один из лучших слайсиков

#321 #4003983
Арию, коня и тамаюру тоже вроде баба сочиняла, причем одна.
#322 #4003984

>нужно всего лишь заткнуть ей рот хуем

Это и с не волшебницами работает.
#323 #4003985
Лучший слайсик кейон. На втором месте ичиго машимаро. На третьем ннб.
269 Кб, 1920x1080
#324 #4003986
#325 #4003990


Нет. Там мужик был. Я фотки видел. Впрочем он еблан, судя по тому что он в неэкранизированной части запилил. Скорее всего это божественные кёани сделали из говна конфетку.
#326 #4003991
И еще форма ее глаз всегда смущала. Не могу отделаться от ощущения, что эти "покатые" внешние границы глаз вызваны пухленькими, упитанными жировыми мешочками, свисающими с бровей. У нее как будто лицо оплыло, ну серьезно.
65 Кб, 240x215
#327 #4003995
#328 #4003997

>Лучший слайсик кейон.

Летающая ведьма.
104 Кб, 828x910
61 Кб, 650x937
453 Кб, 750x1000
137 Кб, 724x1024
#329 #4004001
Если честно, то её нихуя не раскрыли и она как по мне проходняк по сравнению с другими девочками, но на артах она секуси.
#330 #4004002
На артах и Тайга секси бывает, знаешь ли.
#331 #4004003
Видел только один такой.
#332 #4004004

>У нее как будто лицо оплыло, ну серьезно.

Это бывает...
#333 #4004005

>Летающая ведьма.

Только и может что летать.
И то хуёво.
Будь я ведьмой, летал бы лучше. Ине только летал
2742 Кб, Webm
#334 #4004008

>этот голос

Я кончил.
1584 Кб, Webm
#335 #4004013
Мало шутеек и милоты. Он хороший, но далеко не лучший.
#336 #4004020
Вин, как ни странно.
238 Кб, 1920x1080
#337 #4004021
66 Кб, 1280x720
70 Кб, 1280x720
#338 #4004023

>You'll take responsibility, right?

73 Кб, 1280x720
#339 #4004026
Вот только открываешь МАЛ, смотришь на список ролей и понимаешь - талант пропадает.
#340 #4004028
Деньги на дороге не валяются...
#341 #4004030
Она же певица вроде. А сейю постольку поскольку.
964 Кб, 1600x1200
#342 #4004032
Сегодня что, сбор людей с паршивым вкусом?
#343 #4004033
Ну да, похоже. Печально как-то.
10067 Кб, Webm
#344 #4004034
И поет хорошо.
1809 Кб, 1920x1090
#345 #4004036
Лол, она просто чемпион по всасыванию на ровном месте
Z #346 #4004056
Куколд или не куколд? Как назвать человека-опущенца, который не может обойти блокировки. Тип чебурашка, но это не совсем то слово. Нужно что-то более отражающее все суть. Вот как куколд.
#347 #4004065
Такие идиоты не заслуживают отдельного термина. С них и "идиота" хватит.
#348 #4004066
Пидорашка. Пидорашка ничего не умеет, пьёт боярку и слушается барина, который сильной рукой разрабатывает ему анал. Обходить блокировки пидорашке православие и интелект не позволяет. Барин ведь запретил, а значит нельзя.
#349 #4004069


А ты не плох!
3289 Кб, Webm
#350 #4004072
#351 #4004091
Тампопо похоже говорила.
#353 #4004103
807 Кб, 1920x1080
#354 #4004110
Когда-нибудь, я осилю и эту серию. Прямо как Наноху
#355 #4004113
В тсукеру-таберу лучше оргазмы ловили.
386 Кб, 2000x2833
#356 #4004120

>как наноху

Чет слабый ты, я только в страйкерсах скучал с девятой где-то почти до последних, а так все бодро было.
348 Кб, 640x779
#357 #4004128
Первые два сезона так себе, а вот со страйкерсов зашло хорошо.
#358 #4004135
306 Кб, 1200x1600
#359 #4004137
169 Кб, 708x1000
#360 #4004140
#361 #4004144
Идеальная фигура.
19918 Кб, Webm
Поварёнок Сома #362 #4004153
А так ли это?
972 Кб, 1920x1080
#363 #4004154
Трусики Хистории. Их не видно.
#364 #4004155

>Male Protagonist

>Trap Heroine

>Only Trap Heroines


Как, мать вашу? Как?
#365 #4004158
Что за ВН?
#366 #4004159
1047 Кб, 1920x1080
#367 #4004163
Педофил, плиз.
484 Кб, 1280x1047
#368 #4004165
Почитай и расскажешь нам потом.
#369 #4004168
Да. Когда девочки проникают друг в друга посредством еды, это заставляет оргазмировать ещё и зрителя. А когда еду готовил сёненистый хуеблядок и вокруг него скачут голые пидорки - вся душа исчезает и оргазмы ничего не стоят.
#370 #4004169
Какая же безвкусица. Вот это каламбур.
589 Кб, 1280x720
431 Кб, 1280x720
299 Кб, 1280x720
222 Кб, 1261x1046
Поварёнок Сома #371 #4004170
Тяночка притворяющаяся кунчиком тоже трап тащем-та.
#373 #4004173
Прелестная дама. Накормил бы ее как следует.
281 Кб, 1920x1080
313 Кб, 1920x1080
308 Кб, 1920x1080
400 Кб, 1920x1080
#374 #4004176
Как же я люблю такую цветастую птичку-рисовку, побольше бы таких тутлов.
#375 #4004177
Реверстра тащемта.
#376 #4004178
Илюшка такая сладенькая. Так и хочется облизать её волосы.
#377 #4004180
На вндб тег используется только и исключительно для мальчиков.
#378 #4004182
Сесуальней во взрослой форме же. Только в вивид стрик девочки хороши все время. И в нанохе бибио
#379 #4004183
Это Нарута?
253 Кб, 1920x1080
#380 #4004184
Первый ендинг сомы лучший.
#381 #4004186
Микроюбки крута.
766 Кб, 1920x1080
804 Кб, 1920x1080
864 Кб, 1920x1080
#382 #4004187
Милая Хисти. Надеюсь она станет президентом.
#383 #4004190

>.jpg(431Кб, 1280x720)

Нихера булки.
190 Кб, 1920x1080
#384 #4004191
#385 #4004192
Нет. За юбки выше калена нужно на площадях камнями забивать. Это срамота и безвкусица, оскверняющая всё прекрасное.
#386 #4004194
Это значит что ты латентный пидор.
949 Кб, 1920x1080
2568 Кб, 1914x2091
533 Кб, 1829x2431
3292 Кб, 1913x2259
#387 #4004195


Ну, то да, не спорю, но я про то, что первые сезоны лучшехотя второй уже пиздец скатился конечно жи, но третий это такой занудный пиздец что плакать хочется, за исключением первых серий и последних.
#388 #4004198
Люблю злые рожицы.
#389 #4004201
Хистория станет королевой.
Ирвина убьют. В подвале доказательства того что людей в стены загнали люди.
#390 #4004202
Забавно, как могут принципиально различаться восприятие людьми одних и тех же вещей. Наноха, делящая любящих эту вселенную на два ярко выраженных лагеря - фанатов первых двух тв и на фанатов страйкерсов, один из хороших примеров.
111 Кб, 1280x920
#391 #4004203
У меня все наоборот. Но я и хотел махо файтинг.
71 Кб, 1280x720
#392 #4004210
43 Кб, 290x635
#393 #4004211

>одних и тех же вещей

>первые два тв и третий

На нуль.
#394 #4004214
Ящик бы с рационами.
#395 #4004216
Прочитай еще раз и подумай. Это не трудно.
#396 #4004218
Чет урод.
#397 #4004225
Няха же.
134 Кб, 1280x720
109 Кб, 800x591
#398 #4004226
Вот идеальная фигура, а у тебя костлявая дрищара.
1117 Кб, 1277x1257
#399 #4004230
Этот шарит.
#400 #4004233
Сильно накачана, хотя все же няха. Эх, сильняху бы.
43 Кб, 1280x720
27 Кб, 1280x720
56 Кб, 1280x720
#401 #4004239
Омерзительно. Дроп.
#402 #4004242
Не хотел бы попробовать слюнки няхи?
#403 #4004243
Какая же она шалава
55 Кб, 1280x720
55 Кб, 1280x720
#404 #4004244
Нет. Захотелось после этой сцены пойти зубы почистить, честное слово.
245 Кб, 1920x1080
221 Кб, 1920x1080
433 Кб, 1920x1080
226 Кб, 1920x1080
#405 #4004251
Катим девок комплит

Божественная рисовка с очень хорошей анимацией эффектов боя, не то что ваши бездушные свистелко-перделки из афтерэффектса в убв.
Конечно маняполитика была немного лишней, но она нисколько не помешала девочкам быть милыми и делать милые вещи.
А еще дружба 2д-девочек - это магия, способная сокрушить любые преграды. Берегите и цените ее.

#406 #4004253
Зубы надо чистить перед поцелуем с няхой.
#407 #4004254

>Чем закончилась Луизка?

В недавно дописаном ранобе, поженились и съебались через мировые ворота в япошку.
Сиеста стала любовницей с правом на 3 ночи в неделю, а Луиза и не против.
#408 #4004256

>Ящик бы с рационами.

Что бы в магаз не ходить?

Так няха лучше.
ОНа сама в магаз сбегает, и ещё и приготовит.
#410 #4004260
Так это шлюха, а не няха.
#411 #4004261

>В недавно дописаном ранобе, поженились и съебались через мировые ворота в япошку.

>тип как в аниме))

По-любому автор ни этого хотел.
#412 #4004265
Ну во первых делали по черновикам автора, а во вторых до тога как автор откинул ноги от рака, вроде как работал с аниме-студией 4-го сезона. Так что скорее всего как хотел автор.
#413 #4004270



>делали по черновикам автора

Ты сам то в это веришь, что были какие-то писанины на три тома вперед?
#414 #4004276
Тогда после.
99 Кб, 1280x720
191 Кб, 1920x1080
154 Кб, 1024x576
191 Кб, 1920x1080
#415 #4004277
Так, я не понял, какого хуя все еще >Ranked #673
Где ваши единицы??
#416 #4004278
Почему последняя серия макиавелиаизма у хорриблов аж 1,07 Гб в 720p?
#417 #4004279
20 том вышел в феврале 2011 года, автор уже до этого говорил что осталост максимум два тома, но диагностика рака, и рип в апреле 2013 года, за два года вполне могли появиться черновики.
#418 #4004282
Дай сканов хотя бы)
#419 #4004283
Там хуйняшка с друзяшками и архивом фоток членов.
138 Кб, 1280x720
#420 #4004284
Замечательно, птв.
#421 #4004286
Удалил уже...
2495 Кб, 1920x1090
1900 Кб, 1920x1090
1937 Кб, 1920x1090
1795 Кб, 1920x1090
#422 #4004288
Уже не стесняясь намекают на ее лесбийские наклонности
137 Кб, 1920x1080
120 Кб, 1920x1080
137 Кб, 1920x1080
110 Кб, 1920x1080
#423 #4004292
Мне нравится эта расстановка приоритетов.
#424 #4004293

>анимач 2017

200 Кб, 1920x1080
198 Кб, 1920x1080
216 Кб, 1920x1080
139 Кб, 1920x1080
#425 #4004295
Саекано комплитуру

Вот посмотрите на Мегуми. Она с ояшем ходит на обычные дейто, готовит вместе еду, играет в порноигры у него дома. Их отношения развиваются нормально.

Посмотрите теперь на Утаху. Всячески унижает ояша, при первой возможности раздевается перед ним и пытается соблазнить, видимо ей больше нечего предложить, ведь уютом и заботой с ней и не пахнет.

В общем, нахуй вашу Утаху.
#426 #4004298
Аай, урусай, урусай, урусаай!
129 Кб, 1920x1080
#427 #4004300
12 минут сюжета проскипаны за 20 секунд до первого нормального появления робоняхи. Найс последняя серия.
1521 Кб, Webm
#428 #4004301

> урусай, урусай, урусаай

#429 #4004302

> нахуй вашу Утаху.

Я так еще с первых серий первого сезона говорил.
#430 #4004305
Это же Symphogay, ну.
112 Кб, 1920x1080
168 Кб, 1920x1080
123 Кб, 1920x1080
132 Кб, 1920x1080
160 Кб, 1920x1080
#431 #4004306
Ну, было бы странно ожидать от нее чего-то другого.

Лучше бы показали 24 серии, состоящие из дейто с РюЗу, одевания РюЗу в различные наряды, и походы с РюЗу на онсены, уми, геймусента и рабухотеру, ей-богу.
#432 #4004307
Мне тоже. Что за титул?
#434 #4004311
55 Кб, 426x599
66 Кб, 426x599
#438 #4004315
Конец 21 тома
#439 #4004316
#442 #4004320
#443 #4004321
Хватит, мы поняли, я могу зайти, спасибо.
128 Кб, 1920x1080
#446 #4004325

>Лучше бы показали 24 серии, состоящие из дейто с РюЗу, одевания РюЗу в различные наряды, и походы с РюЗу на онсены, уми, геймусента и рабухотеру, ей-богу.

Последние 12 минут проскипал ещё за 3 минуты. Пиздец.
В общем, как произведение тайтл сложно оценить. Он показывает тебе в начале милую, преданную и остроумную няху, периодически дразнит тебя различными милыми вещами с ней, а всё остальное время пихает тебе сюжет, который даже не пытается быть интересным.
Тайтл был бы вином, если бы он ограничился первыми 2-3 сериями, серией на пляже и потом сразу сценой с предложением из 10й. Всё остальное не нужно.
Рюзу охуенная няха.
#447 #4004326
Правда отчего-то я думал что будет три добавочных тома..
798 Кб, 1920x1080
#448 #4004327
23 том
#449 #4004329
Там не за что единицу ставить, так-то. Нормальный средненький уровень для жанра, свою "average" aka 5/10 оно вполне себе добросовестно отрабатывает.
#450 #4004331
Могу скинуть пересказ 21 тома
Carrying on from end of Vol20, Saito is in the elven submarine thinking about how he could be two Void familiars at once. He's also worried about Louise and co who might be coming after him after he was captured. Saito also now calls BS on Vittorio's claim that the way to solve the Windstone Catastrophe is somewhere in the Holy Lands, the Rhyme Dragon named 'Ocean Mother' have been living there for 6,000 years and a artefact as powerful as that can't have gone that long without being sensed by her. Saito also tried to ask Derf about the new runes, but Derf isn't responding.
Trained warriors such as Ali aren't also trained in healing magic. So Tiffania need to get somewhere better to be healed, and soon. But the elven sub is slower than warships and the elven navy is running a blockade. They plan on reaching a border city between the desert and Gallia (albeit one not acknowledged by the Senate) and then go into Gallia from there. Fatima wakes up at the end of this chapter.

-Louise and co reaches elven capital, and Colbert decides to ram their airship into the Senate's meeting tower, because the elves won't expect this. Since he thinkd they're already crazy enough to attack the elven capital, they're crazy enough to do this. Guiche helped reinforce the prow before collision and Siesta barely manages to wake Louise up before then (for those who care, this is by whispering how flat Louise's chest is repeatedly). Malicorne helped firing the Tiger Tank's main gun that Colbert installed onto the airship. Their plan is to kidnap some high ranking elf so they can swap for Saito.

Colbert leads the group into the building. They were intercepted by three guards on the way. Colbert's Fireball that's 4x more powerful than a normal Square mage's spell got blown apart by one of the guard's wind spell. Guiche's Valkyries got curbstomped in melee when Guiche tried to help.
Colbert pulled a 'You Shall Not Pass' using his Flame Snake against the three guards so his students can move on and grab someone. Colbert dual-casts with two Flame Snakes and then shoots 3 Fireballs to cave in the ceiling. Colbert then used alchemy to fused the fallen rocks to hold down the guards, but they morph it back almost immediately to escape the trap.
Tabitha stayed on the airship to protect it, and faced off against 3 other guards. The guards didn't have Counter, so Tabitha shot into melee distance and took them down with a vacuum blade and icicle spears, against elves' preconception of human mages being casters needing time and standing at the back, and that allowed her to gain the upper hand at the start. Tabitha's foot was caught in softened ground and a elf nearly cut her down, but Tabitha parried it with her staff and dropped a Square class Blizzard (normally a Triangle spell) on herself to save herself. After that however a hooded elf came by and nearly took down Tabitha with Counter, and after he took the hood off he was revealed to be Bidashal.
Colbert ended up catching up with Louise and co as he ran away, chased by his 3 guards. Giant stone arms was conjured from the walls to stop them all. Guiche asked if they can just say sorry and leave, which Louise shot the idea down, since even if they can speak the elven language after the ramming it won't work. They found a windstone-powered elevator and Colbert barely managed to get it to work before their defences to buy time were overwhelmed. Before going too far though the elves crumpled the elevator and everyone got out before they were crushed.
Louise blew apart the stone arms with a Explosion, emptying her low willpower reserves (after a giant Explosion that got them to bypass the blockade back in Vol20) allowing them to reach the Senate meeting chamber. They're faced with dozens of elder elves, and the older elves get the more magically powerful they become, so they're vastly outmatched. The elven senate leader gave Louise and others the chance to surrender, they refused, and he conjured a stone giant to apprehend them. The stone giant had Counter as well, the Spirit helping being the Senate Tower's, so they needed Louise to take it down. Louise charged right in, since the elves can't risk killing her, and launched a Explosion at point blank range. It wasn't powerful enough and Louise was caught, and other Triangle class spells to try and free Louise were all Countered.
Right before Total Party Kill, Louise felt Willpower being channeled to her from Saito and she cast a Explosion powerful enough to win. Louise threatened to Explode all the elders, while Tabitha somehow managed to escape from Bidashal to ambush the senate leader and they demanded Saito to be returned to them. The senate revealed they don't have Saito, who have escaped the capital earlier.

After Fatima woke up she resisted, and from the way she talked about Tiffa Saito was tempted to hurt her. Then he realized much of it was bluster and she was afraid because of 'demons' of the Void are in front of her. Saito refuted Fatima's claims that Tiffa and her mother had it good living in luxury while the rest of their clan was exiled because of their race traitor crimes, telling how Tiffa's mother died, and Fatima only laughed and said it served them right. Fatima is revealed to be Tiffa's cousin. Tiffa tried to kneel and apologize for what her and her mother had done to their clan, and Fatima was enchanted to sleep by Ali during the struggles. During all that Saito felt the Lifdrasil runes turning his life energy into Willpower for his linked summoner, even if he got the Gandalfr runes from Louise and not Lifdrasil. Saito felt his body going cold, falling into a abyss, hurt all over, dizzy, and ultimately like his very existence was being torn to shreds.
Derflinger finally responded to Saito and explained the Lifdrasil runes. The Lifdrasil uses up its life for its summoner, basically as a magic battery. Saito decided if he's being drained it means Louise is in enough danger to use his life up, and he decided dying for Louise isn't that bad. Derf says Lifdrasil's life expectancy is at least a few spells so Saito shouldn't die just yet, and Tiffa held Saito close until the effect stopped. Tiffa also cried that it was because of her turning Saito into her familiar that Saito will die.
The elven sub then reached the navy blockade and almost sunk to bombs being dropped on them. Fatima being captured didn't stop bombs coming. Rukshana decided for them to abandon ship and swim to land using magic.
Back to Louise and others, they captured the leader as a hostage and are returning to the airship. The speaker revealed the Iron Blood Alliance within the Senate had shelled Dragon's Nest, Saito's last known location, and it's unlikely Saito survived. Louise refuted that claim, knowing Saito was alive due to the Lifdrasil power-up earlier. After getting back to the ship the leader broke free, having faked being overpowered, and Bidashal appeared to tell them to take the two of them back to humans' leaders. The leader want to broker a deal himself since the Senate refuses to come to a decision, and while the elves will win in the end they would take massive loses, which both Bidashal and the leader wants to avoid. Louise was convinced that this is the best way to go, as stopping the war is more likely to lead to Saito's survival than trying to look for him in the ocean like looking for a specific grain of sand in the desert.

Saito and others abandoned ship. They planned on leaving Fatima behind to her own devices, but Tiffa begged them to take her with them. Ali felt the leader of the Iron Blood Alliance won't rest until they found their corpses, so they're likely to still be chased.
Derf is sorry that he can't be any more help to Saito, and Saito hypothesized that it's because Derf was Sasha's sword that there's a mental block that prevents Derf to speak of everything all this time. Derf commented that Saito should be more worried that Louise will find out that he kissed Tiffa, and Saito begged Derf to stop act like he's not a part of all this.
Back in Halkegenia, the nations assembled their forces, though due to recent warring only Romalia has a whole force while others are worn down. Henrietta asks Vittorio for progress on rescuing Saito, while suspecting Romalia would kill him and find the next hosts if that would be easier. Henrietta also asks if war is the best way, and felt if she regret her path then she can't face those who have died already in wars like her one against Reconquista. Vittorio on the other hand felt he can't afford to feel regret.
After Henrietta left, Julio reported in on Louise's progress and Vittorio said the Round Mirror confirmed Lifdrasil have been summoned. Julio was saddened and sincerely wished he could have been friends with Saito, but Saito won't live much longer when the Four Fours assembled. Vittorio says at least Saito and one of his beloved 'Saints' will be remembered as Heroes by Halkeginia in death.

Saito and others reached a city, a trading outpost between Sahara, Halkeginia and Rub al Khali. Originally this city was for exiled elves, far from the Sahara and abandoned by the Great Purpose. Ali and Rukshana left the others at a hospital while they left for Halkeginia to try and stop the war. A bit of 'romance comedy' here where the female elf doctor thought Tiffa's affliction was her overly large breasts before the gunshots were revealed.
Saito was left guarding Fatima when he was told he can't help healing, having neither magic or training. Fatima was only faking unconsciousness and tried to kill him. They eventually called a ceasefire since Fatima was too hungry to continue. Saito tried to do street performances for money to buy food, using one of their fights as a 'mock' performance. Derf said this reminded him of the old days where Brimir and Sasha also used Gandalfr powers for performances like that, so Saito shouldn't feel bad for using legendary powers this way. Fatima revealed she used to live at the outpost with the rest of her exiled clan, before she was picked up by the Iron Blood Alliance. Saito eventually released Fatima, saying he can't be bothered keeping guard on her but actually feeling sorry for her past, and that the Iron Blood Alliance apparently didn't care enough about her being hostage they were willing to bomb her with others. Fatima was told however the next time she tries to harm Tiffa Saito will not be so lenient.
Later Saito ran into the weapons shop owner that sold him Derf. The shop owner was here looking for more weapons to sell to the Crusade. Saito asked the shop owner to pass on the message that he's at the outpost.
The Iron Blood alliance leader in charge of the navy didn't find the bodies, and concluded the only place Saito and others could run to was the outpost. He decided to bomb the place with Firestones, after hearing reports that this was possible in Gallia. Fatima and other elves being there was treated as no concern, to him and the rest of his men they're all blood traitors.
Foquet was infiltrating the navy and found that out. She left immediately to protect Tiffania as to her Tiffa's like a daughter.

Henrietta is still suspicious of Vittorio, and was willing to make a deal with the elves like she originally planned with Joseph to stop the war. Louise and others finally reached where she and the army was. Louise was brought to meet Halkeginia's leaders for debrief. Henrietta positioned Vittorio to admit out loud he's willing to sue for peace if it was possible. Louise then asked Colbert to bring in Bidashal and the senate leader. Emperor of Germania Albrecht III said they should take the elves hostage, which they refuted 1) they're elected officials, they are replaceable, and 2) even with the Void the Iron Blood Alliance is planning on mass Firestone bombing to escalate - and everyone present knew of when Joseph used only a few to destroy armies, and the elves planned on using them en masse. Henrietta blamed the elves for being barbaric for that action, while they retorted if it weren't for humans the elves won't even know exploding Firestones as weapons was possible for all these thousands of years. Vittorio is willing to accept peace, but said the return of the Holy Land was a non-negotiable condition. The elves are willing to consider this, as long as the rest of the Sahara is untouched, which raised Henrietta and Louise's suspicion more - if they're willing to let the Holy Land go this easily then does the artefact that could save Halkeginia really exist?
More 'romance comedy' stuff, like Guiche and others meeting back with the rest of the Undine Knights and considering if Saito would really fall for Tiffa, since he's weak to big chests. Also more shipping between Malicorne (M) and Eleanor (S). Louise overhears that and asks Siesta how likely is Saito stepping out, and Siesta admits freely it's likely. Louise says she'll forgive Saito, until Siesta raised the possibilities of kissing with tongue and the cough various things Tiffa can do with her chest and Saito's 'sword' *cough. Louise went mad at that and Siesta's cracks at her flat chest.
Vittorio brought Bidashal and the senate leader to the Round Mirror, and showed them the past. The Variag were biologically close to humans but had better metallurgy. Elves and humans were at peace and had cities where they could co-exist. Gandalfr Sasha is confirmed to be 'Saint Anubis'. And from the elves' POV, the 'Founder' is the god equivalent for humans. Brimir 'went empty' and nuked the elves' main city using Sasha's Lifdrasil power to fuel him. Vittorio accepted the deal that as long as Halkeginia has the Holy Land they would leave the Sahara alone. The Senate Leader and Bidashal thought Vittorio is even more of a fanatic than the Iron Blood Alliance, even more untrustworthy, but they can rely on him speaking the truth on that one thing.
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Могу скинуть пересказ 21 тома
Carrying on from end of Vol20, Saito is in the elven submarine thinking about how he could be two Void familiars at once. He's also worried about Louise and co who might be coming after him after he was captured. Saito also now calls BS on Vittorio's claim that the way to solve the Windstone Catastrophe is somewhere in the Holy Lands, the Rhyme Dragon named 'Ocean Mother' have been living there for 6,000 years and a artefact as powerful as that can't have gone that long without being sensed by her. Saito also tried to ask Derf about the new runes, but Derf isn't responding.
Trained warriors such as Ali aren't also trained in healing magic. So Tiffania need to get somewhere better to be healed, and soon. But the elven sub is slower than warships and the elven navy is running a blockade. They plan on reaching a border city between the desert and Gallia (albeit one not acknowledged by the Senate) and then go into Gallia from there. Fatima wakes up at the end of this chapter.

-Louise and co reaches elven capital, and Colbert decides to ram their airship into the Senate's meeting tower, because the elves won't expect this. Since he thinkd they're already crazy enough to attack the elven capital, they're crazy enough to do this. Guiche helped reinforce the prow before collision and Siesta barely manages to wake Louise up before then (for those who care, this is by whispering how flat Louise's chest is repeatedly). Malicorne helped firing the Tiger Tank's main gun that Colbert installed onto the airship. Their plan is to kidnap some high ranking elf so they can swap for Saito.

Colbert leads the group into the building. They were intercepted by three guards on the way. Colbert's Fireball that's 4x more powerful than a normal Square mage's spell got blown apart by one of the guard's wind spell. Guiche's Valkyries got curbstomped in melee when Guiche tried to help.
Colbert pulled a 'You Shall Not Pass' using his Flame Snake against the three guards so his students can move on and grab someone. Colbert dual-casts with two Flame Snakes and then shoots 3 Fireballs to cave in the ceiling. Colbert then used alchemy to fused the fallen rocks to hold down the guards, but they morph it back almost immediately to escape the trap.
Tabitha stayed on the airship to protect it, and faced off against 3 other guards. The guards didn't have Counter, so Tabitha shot into melee distance and took them down with a vacuum blade and icicle spears, against elves' preconception of human mages being casters needing time and standing at the back, and that allowed her to gain the upper hand at the start. Tabitha's foot was caught in softened ground and a elf nearly cut her down, but Tabitha parried it with her staff and dropped a Square class Blizzard (normally a Triangle spell) on herself to save herself. After that however a hooded elf came by and nearly took down Tabitha with Counter, and after he took the hood off he was revealed to be Bidashal.
Colbert ended up catching up with Louise and co as he ran away, chased by his 3 guards. Giant stone arms was conjured from the walls to stop them all. Guiche asked if they can just say sorry and leave, which Louise shot the idea down, since even if they can speak the elven language after the ramming it won't work. They found a windstone-powered elevator and Colbert barely managed to get it to work before their defences to buy time were overwhelmed. Before going too far though the elves crumpled the elevator and everyone got out before they were crushed.
Louise blew apart the stone arms with a Explosion, emptying her low willpower reserves (after a giant Explosion that got them to bypass the blockade back in Vol20) allowing them to reach the Senate meeting chamber. They're faced with dozens of elder elves, and the older elves get the more magically powerful they become, so they're vastly outmatched. The elven senate leader gave Louise and others the chance to surrender, they refused, and he conjured a stone giant to apprehend them. The stone giant had Counter as well, the Spirit helping being the Senate Tower's, so they needed Louise to take it down. Louise charged right in, since the elves can't risk killing her, and launched a Explosion at point blank range. It wasn't powerful enough and Louise was caught, and other Triangle class spells to try and free Louise were all Countered.
Right before Total Party Kill, Louise felt Willpower being channeled to her from Saito and she cast a Explosion powerful enough to win. Louise threatened to Explode all the elders, while Tabitha somehow managed to escape from Bidashal to ambush the senate leader and they demanded Saito to be returned to them. The senate revealed they don't have Saito, who have escaped the capital earlier.

After Fatima woke up she resisted, and from the way she talked about Tiffa Saito was tempted to hurt her. Then he realized much of it was bluster and she was afraid because of 'demons' of the Void are in front of her. Saito refuted Fatima's claims that Tiffa and her mother had it good living in luxury while the rest of their clan was exiled because of their race traitor crimes, telling how Tiffa's mother died, and Fatima only laughed and said it served them right. Fatima is revealed to be Tiffa's cousin. Tiffa tried to kneel and apologize for what her and her mother had done to their clan, and Fatima was enchanted to sleep by Ali during the struggles. During all that Saito felt the Lifdrasil runes turning his life energy into Willpower for his linked summoner, even if he got the Gandalfr runes from Louise and not Lifdrasil. Saito felt his body going cold, falling into a abyss, hurt all over, dizzy, and ultimately like his very existence was being torn to shreds.
Derflinger finally responded to Saito and explained the Lifdrasil runes. The Lifdrasil uses up its life for its summoner, basically as a magic battery. Saito decided if he's being drained it means Louise is in enough danger to use his life up, and he decided dying for Louise isn't that bad. Derf says Lifdrasil's life expectancy is at least a few spells so Saito shouldn't die just yet, and Tiffa held Saito close until the effect stopped. Tiffa also cried that it was because of her turning Saito into her familiar that Saito will die.
The elven sub then reached the navy blockade and almost sunk to bombs being dropped on them. Fatima being captured didn't stop bombs coming. Rukshana decided for them to abandon ship and swim to land using magic.
Back to Louise and others, they captured the leader as a hostage and are returning to the airship. The speaker revealed the Iron Blood Alliance within the Senate had shelled Dragon's Nest, Saito's last known location, and it's unlikely Saito survived. Louise refuted that claim, knowing Saito was alive due to the Lifdrasil power-up earlier. After getting back to the ship the leader broke free, having faked being overpowered, and Bidashal appeared to tell them to take the two of them back to humans' leaders. The leader want to broker a deal himself since the Senate refuses to come to a decision, and while the elves will win in the end they would take massive loses, which both Bidashal and the leader wants to avoid. Louise was convinced that this is the best way to go, as stopping the war is more likely to lead to Saito's survival than trying to look for him in the ocean like looking for a specific grain of sand in the desert.

Saito and others abandoned ship. They planned on leaving Fatima behind to her own devices, but Tiffa begged them to take her with them. Ali felt the leader of the Iron Blood Alliance won't rest until they found their corpses, so they're likely to still be chased.
Derf is sorry that he can't be any more help to Saito, and Saito hypothesized that it's because Derf was Sasha's sword that there's a mental block that prevents Derf to speak of everything all this time. Derf commented that Saito should be more worried that Louise will find out that he kissed Tiffa, and Saito begged Derf to stop act like he's not a part of all this.
Back in Halkegenia, the nations assembled their forces, though due to recent warring only Romalia has a whole force while others are worn down. Henrietta asks Vittorio for progress on rescuing Saito, while suspecting Romalia would kill him and find the next hosts if that would be easier. Henrietta also asks if war is the best way, and felt if she regret her path then she can't face those who have died already in wars like her one against Reconquista. Vittorio on the other hand felt he can't afford to feel regret.
After Henrietta left, Julio reported in on Louise's progress and Vittorio said the Round Mirror confirmed Lifdrasil have been summoned. Julio was saddened and sincerely wished he could have been friends with Saito, but Saito won't live much longer when the Four Fours assembled. Vittorio says at least Saito and one of his beloved 'Saints' will be remembered as Heroes by Halkeginia in death.

Saito and others reached a city, a trading outpost between Sahara, Halkeginia and Rub al Khali. Originally this city was for exiled elves, far from the Sahara and abandoned by the Great Purpose. Ali and Rukshana left the others at a hospital while they left for Halkeginia to try and stop the war. A bit of 'romance comedy' here where the female elf doctor thought Tiffa's affliction was her overly large breasts before the gunshots were revealed.
Saito was left guarding Fatima when he was told he can't help healing, having neither magic or training. Fatima was only faking unconsciousness and tried to kill him. They eventually called a ceasefire since Fatima was too hungry to continue. Saito tried to do street performances for money to buy food, using one of their fights as a 'mock' performance. Derf said this reminded him of the old days where Brimir and Sasha also used Gandalfr powers for performances like that, so Saito shouldn't feel bad for using legendary powers this way. Fatima revealed she used to live at the outpost with the rest of her exiled clan, before she was picked up by the Iron Blood Alliance. Saito eventually released Fatima, saying he can't be bothered keeping guard on her but actually feeling sorry for her past, and that the Iron Blood Alliance apparently didn't care enough about her being hostage they were willing to bomb her with others. Fatima was told however the next time she tries to harm Tiffa Saito will not be so lenient.
Later Saito ran into the weapons shop owner that sold him Derf. The shop owner was here looking for more weapons to sell to the Crusade. Saito asked the shop owner to pass on the message that he's at the outpost.
The Iron Blood alliance leader in charge of the navy didn't find the bodies, and concluded the only place Saito and others could run to was the outpost. He decided to bomb the place with Firestones, after hearing reports that this was possible in Gallia. Fatima and other elves being there was treated as no concern, to him and the rest of his men they're all blood traitors.
Foquet was infiltrating the navy and found that out. She left immediately to protect Tiffania as to her Tiffa's like a daughter.

Henrietta is still suspicious of Vittorio, and was willing to make a deal with the elves like she originally planned with Joseph to stop the war. Louise and others finally reached where she and the army was. Louise was brought to meet Halkeginia's leaders for debrief. Henrietta positioned Vittorio to admit out loud he's willing to sue for peace if it was possible. Louise then asked Colbert to bring in Bidashal and the senate leader. Emperor of Germania Albrecht III said they should take the elves hostage, which they refuted 1) they're elected officials, they are replaceable, and 2) even with the Void the Iron Blood Alliance is planning on mass Firestone bombing to escalate - and everyone present knew of when Joseph used only a few to destroy armies, and the elves planned on using them en masse. Henrietta blamed the elves for being barbaric for that action, while they retorted if it weren't for humans the elves won't even know exploding Firestones as weapons was possible for all these thousands of years. Vittorio is willing to accept peace, but said the return of the Holy Land was a non-negotiable condition. The elves are willing to consider this, as long as the rest of the Sahara is untouched, which raised Henrietta and Louise's suspicion more - if they're willing to let the Holy Land go this easily then does the artefact that could save Halkeginia really exist?
More 'romance comedy' stuff, like Guiche and others meeting back with the rest of the Undine Knights and considering if Saito would really fall for Tiffa, since he's weak to big chests. Also more shipping between Malicorne (M) and Eleanor (S). Louise overhears that and asks Siesta how likely is Saito stepping out, and Siesta admits freely it's likely. Louise says she'll forgive Saito, until Siesta raised the possibilities of kissing with tongue and the cough various things Tiffa can do with her chest and Saito's 'sword' *cough. Louise went mad at that and Siesta's cracks at her flat chest.
Vittorio brought Bidashal and the senate leader to the Round Mirror, and showed them the past. The Variag were biologically close to humans but had better metallurgy. Elves and humans were at peace and had cities where they could co-exist. Gandalfr Sasha is confirmed to be 'Saint Anubis'. And from the elves' POV, the 'Founder' is the god equivalent for humans. Brimir 'went empty' and nuked the elves' main city using Sasha's Lifdrasil power to fuel him. Vittorio accepted the deal that as long as Halkeginia has the Holy Land they would leave the Sahara alone. The Senate Leader and Bidashal thought Vittorio is even more of a fanatic than the Iron Blood Alliance, even more untrustworthy, but they can rely on him speaking the truth on that one thing.
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Bidashal left to inform the senate of the deal. Vittorio prepares their own trump cards against the Firestone bombing by giving Louise the Incense Burner, Music Box, and what's left of the Ring of Andvari. Vttorio wants Louise to obtain the "Founder's Void", something stronger than Louise's Explosions that could end a fleet. He says each Void Heir have specialized systems within the Void, his was 'Movement' and Tiffania's is 'Forget'. Only Louise, who summoned the Gandalfr, can use the Founder's Void. The Prayer Book revealed to her the "last and strongest" Void, named Life . Louise sank to her knees after reading it, horrified, and even Brimir only cast it once in his lifetime. Louise described this spell as capable of ending the world.
Later, Louise secluded herself to try and come to grips with the responsibility of using that spell, and Yosette (Queen of Gallia) came to meet her. Louise asked if Yosette is afraid of the power and responsibility, of what it can do - Yosette is in a similar position, going from nobody to a Void Mage. Yosette said she won't be afraid or regret what she has to do, because of her love for Julio. For love Yosette'd do many things, and Louise wonders if that just means she doesn't love Saito enough.
Louise returns to her room and talks with Siesta, bringing up another point that if Louise let herself go she might become worse than Joseph. Siesta assured Louise she'll be fine, and then Louise was called up to Henrietta as the sword shop owner came in to report where Saito is. He got 500 gold coins out of this, enough for a commoner to live in luxury for a year. Vittorio then advised Louise to not go to Saito, her Void doesn't belong only to her now, and for Henrietta to not send the Undine Knights to Saito because it'll raise unwanted attention. Vittorio wants to take take of this using Romalian forces only, going as far as threatening Louise with Heresy charges if she does not comply. Henrietta countered with Vittorio interfering with Tristain's internal matters, and Louise isn't his tool, so Louise has her permission to go get Saito.
Louise was planning to cover the 200 miles using Teleport alone, before Kirche reminded her she'd run out of willpower before she gets there. They rode Sylphid away with other Undine Knights and Eleanore sending them off.
Mazarin talked with Henrietta, saying he and Queen Marianne would be proud of Henrietta standing up to Vittorio. Mazarin reminiscences the trio that rode off reminded him of Centurion and his group years ago (KSS protagonists (Kaze no Kishihime - 2 тома спиноффа про молодость матери Луизы - Карин ) ), true heroes from a time where nobles were most like nobles.
Fatima was caught by the Iron Blood Alliance in the outpost, and for not agreeing to Firestone bomb the city and that "there is no elf" in the city for them all being race traitors, she is captured and forced to detonate the Firestones at ground zero.

Tiffa woke up from healing, and talked with Saito. She says she's sorry for falling for him and giving him trouble. She then says since her mother was a mistress she can be one for Saito too. In ages past when the elves had royalty the elf king had a harem too. Saito considered it, a option where everyone can be satisfied, but then considered how Louise might feel and decided against it. Before he can convince Tiffa either way Rukshana came in (haven't left yet, was getting supplies) and told Saito she helped him for academic interest's sake, if he brought harm onto the elves she'll be against him. Saito promised he'll do all he can to stop the war, then Ali came in and told them the Iron Blood Alliance surrounded the town.
Foquet arrived then, saying she's there to get Saito and Tiffa out. She confirmed she's hired by Romalia and have orders to kill Saito if she couldn't save them. After analyzing how likely it is for the extremists to bomb the city (very), Saito decides to stay and prevent it somehow - from what he had saw the city doesn't deserve to die. Foquet tried to get Tiffa away anyway, Tiffa's more important to her than the city, but Tiffa managed to get Foquet to stay and help. The bomb is set in the Sofia Temple (I assume Halkeginia's equivalent to Hagia Sophia/Ayasofya Mosque), a place where the elves gather to pray and where massive spirit power resides. Without Void tinkering the Firestones need extensive rituals to prime and explode.

Saito and others began to sneak into the temple. Fatima is tied up next to a large pile of Firestones. Saito and others ran into resistance, and Saito stayed behind to buy time. The elite elf he fought shook off a grenade, and had magic body armour strong enough to shrug off auto handgun bullets. Saito stepped onto a exploding trap, but before he was finished Wardes saved him.
Foquet played distraction, and ran into another team Romalia hired - the Elemental Siblings. They revealed they were paid 300,000 gold, to which Foquet complained they're getting paid much more than she did. They were a match for the elf guards, and Damian's ability is revealed to be a alchemy specialist - focusing on speed at the price of precision.
Back to Saito, Wardes helped him fight his way out, and given Saito's emotional turmoil with Wardes that made Gandalfr more powerful. Wardes stayed behind to buy time for Saito to escape, and Saito told him to not die since still needed to make Wardes pay for tricking Louise, while Wardes want Saito to live so he can settle the debt of taking away his left hand. Wardes used Ubiquitous Wind to split himself into eight clones to fight.

Ali, Rukshana and Tiffa fought into the Temple as well. Sylphid found the outpost on fire when they got there, but couldn't get close from air in fear of being shot down. They found the Elemental Sibling and almost attacked them, before seeing Foquet as well which pointed them to the Temple.
Ali and others have a boss battle, the Iron Blood Alliace leader managed to take control of Ali's sentient blade set and turned them against Ali. The alliance leader boasts he's on the same level as Bidashal, and was distracted trying to shoot Tiffa while going on about how all barbarians and demons has to die. Fatima took advantage of that and ruined the ritual site, before the leader tried to shoot her. Tiffa ran in to try and save Fatima, so the leader decided to kill Tiffa first.
Saito shot in and knocked the leader away, but couldn't do more due to Counter. Louise made it in time to save Saito before he was crushed. Protecting Louise while casting made Gandalfr operates at 100% power, and Louise cast Dispel on Derf so Saito can beat the leader. Before he went down the leader decides to suicide bomb by using a pocket Firestone - setting up a ritual was only for the fuse, if they just wanted it to explode they can just smash the stone. Dispel only feeds Void energy into it and make it blow up worse, never mind Exploding it away.
Louise still had the Music Box though, and with it it gave Tiffa a new spell. Saito wordlessly told Tiffa to go ahead and use it, even if he has the Lifdrasil runes that might hurt him. Tiffa learned Disintegrate, phrased as making the world forget something existed. Crisis averted at the last minute, but Saito fainted from the spell use.

Final chapter (of the volume)
Saito woke up on the Ostland, having slept for 2 days. Louise was by his side all that time. The Iron Blood Alliance was arrested. Louise kissed Saito, was going to go further, before Malicorne blocked them and told them they left the intercom on and the whole airship could hear them going on and flirting earlier.The rest of the group came in and told each other what went on while Saito was gone.
The war seems to be avoided, with Albrecht III holding the army back while Vittorio and the rest of the Void Mages will meet at the Holy Land. More intimacy scenes between Louise and Saito. Louise confronted Saito about being Lifdrasil. Saito tried to assure Louise that he won't die, and now that there's peace he might not be needed to fuel the Founder's Void - from what he understands it it's basically a magical nuke.
Tiffa visits Foquet and Fatima. Fatima asks who is she supposed to hate now. Tiffa thought if she never met Matilda she might have ended up like Fatima. Tiffa says Fatima doesn't have to hate anyone anymore, and Fatima broke down in tears.
The Void mages & familiars met the senate leader and Bidashal at the Holy Land. They descended into the ocean with magic bubbles. They met Ocean Mother. They went to the weapon cache Saito found when he first got there. Then, Vittorio revealed there is no artefact to save them all, but they needed the Holy Land anyway.
Vittorio cast World Gate, using the full incantation - the longer the Void Spell is chanted, the more powerful it is. Vittorio is offsetting the willpower cost by opening the giant Gate Brimir left behind rather than fueling the spell solely by himself. The Big Reveal - the Markey race that uses magic in Halkeginia came from Saito's Earth to begin with, and the 'Promised Land' the World Gate is connected to is Saito's world.

Vol21 End.

И концовка 22 тома
The void power is gone and the gate to Earth is gone as well, so Saito decides to stay in Halkeginia and proposes to Louise. When preparing for the wedding, Siesta tells Louise not to forget about the promise to let Siesta have Saito for three days per week, but Louise says it's only two days. Siesta says she's fine with two days and Louise who just realized what she just said then protests. The wedding is then being held at the magic academy with everyone attending and Julio as the priest for the ceremony. Saito says to Louise that she's beautiful and she says that he looks really good too. They then exchange their vows and kiss.
At the reception, Saito and Louise go around to greet everyone. Guiche says to Montmorency that they should get married since he has already become a fine Chevalier to the queen. Montmorency is about to say yes but then becomes angry at Guiche when he looks away once he hears that there is a cute girl. Cattleya, whose health is better thanks to an elf remedy that Luctiana asked Bidashal to make, says to Louise that she looks beautiful. Eleonore however is mad at Louise for getting married first before her. Kirche asks Tabitha if she's okay with it, which she replies that it is fine since Saito being happy is what makes her happy. When Saito greets Tiffania, she ends up tripping and he ends up feeling up her boobs. Louise gets angry as usual and blasts Saito away. However, she uses a wind magic which surprises everyone that Louise had just awakened her wind element. Later, Henrietta calls them both because there is an item that still has some enough magic to create a small gate for one person to go to Saito's world.
Later that night in Louise's room, Saito wonders if he should go back or stay. Louise is no longer “Louise the Zero” now that she has awakened her wind element magic and Saito is no longer Gandalfr. Louise tells Saito that he should go back to his world because she had made a promise that she would get him back. She also says that she will always love him and won't love anyone else, which Saito also says the same thing. Louise then says that she wants to make a memory with him. She takes off her wedding dress, exposing her naked body as shown in the pic. Saito is shocked and Louise tells him to say something which he replies that she's beautiful. She then says it's not fair if it's just her and so Saito takes off his clothes too. They hug as they are in the appearance of when they were born. Saito then touches her chest, which Louise says that it's embarrassing. Both of them can feel each other's skin and Louise then tells Saito to be gentle which he says okay. Saito then pushes Louise down to the bed and kisses her. The scene then immediately changes to them lying in bed staring at each other happily. Louise says that she was born for this moment which Saito also says that it's the same for him.
Later, Saito tells everyone that he's going back to his world tomorrow. They then have a farewell party for Saito where the guys are drinking wine and going a little wild. Montmorency seeing the boys being stupid asks Louise what's so good about Saito. Louise says it's fine because she loves him while blushing and looking at Saito. Malicorne seeing Louise's expression asks Saito if he had become an adult. Seeing Saito and Louise's embarrassed faces causes the guys to be in uproar. The guys then want to see proof and try to take off Saito's clothes. Louise then blows them away with wind magic which is strong even though she had just awakened her wind element but as expected of Karin's daughter. Siesta says she also wants to make a memory with Saito for one night. At the end, Saito says that he's glad that he has met everyone.
It is the day of Saito leaving and everyone is there. A small gate is created that is enough for Saito to enter. Saito and Louise say to each other that they love each other and that Saito is Louise's one and only familiar. Saito then enters the gate but Louise suddenly changes her mind and that she wants to go with him. Saito is hesitant at first because Louise might never come back to Halkeginia, but Derflinger's voice can be heard saying that they will think of something. The series ends with Saito and Louise going through the gate and then the gate closes with both of them now gone.
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Bidashal left to inform the senate of the deal. Vittorio prepares their own trump cards against the Firestone bombing by giving Louise the Incense Burner, Music Box, and what's left of the Ring of Andvari. Vttorio wants Louise to obtain the "Founder's Void", something stronger than Louise's Explosions that could end a fleet. He says each Void Heir have specialized systems within the Void, his was 'Movement' and Tiffania's is 'Forget'. Only Louise, who summoned the Gandalfr, can use the Founder's Void. The Prayer Book revealed to her the "last and strongest" Void, named Life . Louise sank to her knees after reading it, horrified, and even Brimir only cast it once in his lifetime. Louise described this spell as capable of ending the world.
Later, Louise secluded herself to try and come to grips with the responsibility of using that spell, and Yosette (Queen of Gallia) came to meet her. Louise asked if Yosette is afraid of the power and responsibility, of what it can do - Yosette is in a similar position, going from nobody to a Void Mage. Yosette said she won't be afraid or regret what she has to do, because of her love for Julio. For love Yosette'd do many things, and Louise wonders if that just means she doesn't love Saito enough.
Louise returns to her room and talks with Siesta, bringing up another point that if Louise let herself go she might become worse than Joseph. Siesta assured Louise she'll be fine, and then Louise was called up to Henrietta as the sword shop owner came in to report where Saito is. He got 500 gold coins out of this, enough for a commoner to live in luxury for a year. Vittorio then advised Louise to not go to Saito, her Void doesn't belong only to her now, and for Henrietta to not send the Undine Knights to Saito because it'll raise unwanted attention. Vittorio wants to take take of this using Romalian forces only, going as far as threatening Louise with Heresy charges if she does not comply. Henrietta countered with Vittorio interfering with Tristain's internal matters, and Louise isn't his tool, so Louise has her permission to go get Saito.
Louise was planning to cover the 200 miles using Teleport alone, before Kirche reminded her she'd run out of willpower before she gets there. They rode Sylphid away with other Undine Knights and Eleanore sending them off.
Mazarin talked with Henrietta, saying he and Queen Marianne would be proud of Henrietta standing up to Vittorio. Mazarin reminiscences the trio that rode off reminded him of Centurion and his group years ago (KSS protagonists (Kaze no Kishihime - 2 тома спиноффа про молодость матери Луизы - Карин ) ), true heroes from a time where nobles were most like nobles.
Fatima was caught by the Iron Blood Alliance in the outpost, and for not agreeing to Firestone bomb the city and that "there is no elf" in the city for them all being race traitors, she is captured and forced to detonate the Firestones at ground zero.

Tiffa woke up from healing, and talked with Saito. She says she's sorry for falling for him and giving him trouble. She then says since her mother was a mistress she can be one for Saito too. In ages past when the elves had royalty the elf king had a harem too. Saito considered it, a option where everyone can be satisfied, but then considered how Louise might feel and decided against it. Before he can convince Tiffa either way Rukshana came in (haven't left yet, was getting supplies) and told Saito she helped him for academic interest's sake, if he brought harm onto the elves she'll be against him. Saito promised he'll do all he can to stop the war, then Ali came in and told them the Iron Blood Alliance surrounded the town.
Foquet arrived then, saying she's there to get Saito and Tiffa out. She confirmed she's hired by Romalia and have orders to kill Saito if she couldn't save them. After analyzing how likely it is for the extremists to bomb the city (very), Saito decides to stay and prevent it somehow - from what he had saw the city doesn't deserve to die. Foquet tried to get Tiffa away anyway, Tiffa's more important to her than the city, but Tiffa managed to get Foquet to stay and help. The bomb is set in the Sofia Temple (I assume Halkeginia's equivalent to Hagia Sophia/Ayasofya Mosque), a place where the elves gather to pray and where massive spirit power resides. Without Void tinkering the Firestones need extensive rituals to prime and explode.

Saito and others began to sneak into the temple. Fatima is tied up next to a large pile of Firestones. Saito and others ran into resistance, and Saito stayed behind to buy time. The elite elf he fought shook off a grenade, and had magic body armour strong enough to shrug off auto handgun bullets. Saito stepped onto a exploding trap, but before he was finished Wardes saved him.
Foquet played distraction, and ran into another team Romalia hired - the Elemental Siblings. They revealed they were paid 300,000 gold, to which Foquet complained they're getting paid much more than she did. They were a match for the elf guards, and Damian's ability is revealed to be a alchemy specialist - focusing on speed at the price of precision.
Back to Saito, Wardes helped him fight his way out, and given Saito's emotional turmoil with Wardes that made Gandalfr more powerful. Wardes stayed behind to buy time for Saito to escape, and Saito told him to not die since still needed to make Wardes pay for tricking Louise, while Wardes want Saito to live so he can settle the debt of taking away his left hand. Wardes used Ubiquitous Wind to split himself into eight clones to fight.

Ali, Rukshana and Tiffa fought into the Temple as well. Sylphid found the outpost on fire when they got there, but couldn't get close from air in fear of being shot down. They found the Elemental Sibling and almost attacked them, before seeing Foquet as well which pointed them to the Temple.
Ali and others have a boss battle, the Iron Blood Alliace leader managed to take control of Ali's sentient blade set and turned them against Ali. The alliance leader boasts he's on the same level as Bidashal, and was distracted trying to shoot Tiffa while going on about how all barbarians and demons has to die. Fatima took advantage of that and ruined the ritual site, before the leader tried to shoot her. Tiffa ran in to try and save Fatima, so the leader decided to kill Tiffa first.
Saito shot in and knocked the leader away, but couldn't do more due to Counter. Louise made it in time to save Saito before he was crushed. Protecting Louise while casting made Gandalfr operates at 100% power, and Louise cast Dispel on Derf so Saito can beat the leader. Before he went down the leader decides to suicide bomb by using a pocket Firestone - setting up a ritual was only for the fuse, if they just wanted it to explode they can just smash the stone. Dispel only feeds Void energy into it and make it blow up worse, never mind Exploding it away.
Louise still had the Music Box though, and with it it gave Tiffa a new spell. Saito wordlessly told Tiffa to go ahead and use it, even if he has the Lifdrasil runes that might hurt him. Tiffa learned Disintegrate, phrased as making the world forget something existed. Crisis averted at the last minute, but Saito fainted from the spell use.

Final chapter (of the volume)
Saito woke up on the Ostland, having slept for 2 days. Louise was by his side all that time. The Iron Blood Alliance was arrested. Louise kissed Saito, was going to go further, before Malicorne blocked them and told them they left the intercom on and the whole airship could hear them going on and flirting earlier.The rest of the group came in and told each other what went on while Saito was gone.
The war seems to be avoided, with Albrecht III holding the army back while Vittorio and the rest of the Void Mages will meet at the Holy Land. More intimacy scenes between Louise and Saito. Louise confronted Saito about being Lifdrasil. Saito tried to assure Louise that he won't die, and now that there's peace he might not be needed to fuel the Founder's Void - from what he understands it it's basically a magical nuke.
Tiffa visits Foquet and Fatima. Fatima asks who is she supposed to hate now. Tiffa thought if she never met Matilda she might have ended up like Fatima. Tiffa says Fatima doesn't have to hate anyone anymore, and Fatima broke down in tears.
The Void mages & familiars met the senate leader and Bidashal at the Holy Land. They descended into the ocean with magic bubbles. They met Ocean Mother. They went to the weapon cache Saito found when he first got there. Then, Vittorio revealed there is no artefact to save them all, but they needed the Holy Land anyway.
Vittorio cast World Gate, using the full incantation - the longer the Void Spell is chanted, the more powerful it is. Vittorio is offsetting the willpower cost by opening the giant Gate Brimir left behind rather than fueling the spell solely by himself. The Big Reveal - the Markey race that uses magic in Halkeginia came from Saito's Earth to begin with, and the 'Promised Land' the World Gate is connected to is Saito's world.

Vol21 End.

И концовка 22 тома
The void power is gone and the gate to Earth is gone as well, so Saito decides to stay in Halkeginia and proposes to Louise. When preparing for the wedding, Siesta tells Louise not to forget about the promise to let Siesta have Saito for three days per week, but Louise says it's only two days. Siesta says she's fine with two days and Louise who just realized what she just said then protests. The wedding is then being held at the magic academy with everyone attending and Julio as the priest for the ceremony. Saito says to Louise that she's beautiful and she says that he looks really good too. They then exchange their vows and kiss.
At the reception, Saito and Louise go around to greet everyone. Guiche says to Montmorency that they should get married since he has already become a fine Chevalier to the queen. Montmorency is about to say yes but then becomes angry at Guiche when he looks away once he hears that there is a cute girl. Cattleya, whose health is better thanks to an elf remedy that Luctiana asked Bidashal to make, says to Louise that she looks beautiful. Eleonore however is mad at Louise for getting married first before her. Kirche asks Tabitha if she's okay with it, which she replies that it is fine since Saito being happy is what makes her happy. When Saito greets Tiffania, she ends up tripping and he ends up feeling up her boobs. Louise gets angry as usual and blasts Saito away. However, she uses a wind magic which surprises everyone that Louise had just awakened her wind element. Later, Henrietta calls them both because there is an item that still has some enough magic to create a small gate for one person to go to Saito's world.
Later that night in Louise's room, Saito wonders if he should go back or stay. Louise is no longer “Louise the Zero” now that she has awakened her wind element magic and Saito is no longer Gandalfr. Louise tells Saito that he should go back to his world because she had made a promise that she would get him back. She also says that she will always love him and won't love anyone else, which Saito also says the same thing. Louise then says that she wants to make a memory with him. She takes off her wedding dress, exposing her naked body as shown in the pic. Saito is shocked and Louise tells him to say something which he replies that she's beautiful. She then says it's not fair if it's just her and so Saito takes off his clothes too. They hug as they are in the appearance of when they were born. Saito then touches her chest, which Louise says that it's embarrassing. Both of them can feel each other's skin and Louise then tells Saito to be gentle which he says okay. Saito then pushes Louise down to the bed and kisses her. The scene then immediately changes to them lying in bed staring at each other happily. Louise says that she was born for this moment which Saito also says that it's the same for him.
Later, Saito tells everyone that he's going back to his world tomorrow. They then have a farewell party for Saito where the guys are drinking wine and going a little wild. Montmorency seeing the boys being stupid asks Louise what's so good about Saito. Louise says it's fine because she loves him while blushing and looking at Saito. Malicorne seeing Louise's expression asks Saito if he had become an adult. Seeing Saito and Louise's embarrassed faces causes the guys to be in uproar. The guys then want to see proof and try to take off Saito's clothes. Louise then blows them away with wind magic which is strong even though she had just awakened her wind element but as expected of Karin's daughter. Siesta says she also wants to make a memory with Saito for one night. At the end, Saito says that he's glad that he has met everyone.
It is the day of Saito leaving and everyone is there. A small gate is created that is enough for Saito to enter. Saito and Louise say to each other that they love each other and that Saito is Louise's one and only familiar. Saito then enters the gate but Louise suddenly changes her mind and that she wants to go with him. Saito is hesitant at first because Louise might never come back to Halkeginia, but Derflinger's voice can be heard saying that they will think of something. The series ends with Saito and Louise going through the gate and then the gate closes with both of them now gone.
#453 #4004334
Блять, моча, потри его уже.
902 Кб, 1200x888
#454 #4004336


Шизума поцелует Нагису и у них наверно будут отношения.
Развёрнутый вариант: Шизума бросит Нагису из-за своего долбоебизма из-за своей скорби и любви по умершей няше. Нагиса пострадает, попытается к Шизуме вновь подкатить и проебётся. Вспомнит что у неё есть зафрендзоненная подруга, они будут выбираться на должность Этуалей. Шизума найдет письмо умершей няхи типо:
"Найди себе новую любовь". Шизума будет бродить как мешком ударенная, а на коронации этуалей ворвётся и спиздит Нагису. Зафрендзоненная(Тамао) отпустит свою любовь и Нагиса с ШИзумой поцелуются на поляне. Конец. (После титров будет сцена где Нагиса придет к своей комнате где они живут с Тамао и та сквозь грусть скажет добро пожаловать)
#455 #4004339
Бля, в новом сезоне сомы походу будет много эрины. Нахуй эту говнину тогда.
#456 #4004340
Тоже не понимаю этого. Если ояш - червь-пидор, то на его унижения наоборот должно быть приятно смотреть.
#457 #4004341
Если у тебя на это фетиш то нет.
#458 #4004342

>в новом сезоне сомы походу будет много эрины

Это единственное, зачем его стоит смотреть.
#459 #4004343


Эта та которая писательница?
#460 #4004344
По факту она трясла грудью и тыкала промежность в лицо ояшу куда больше, чем писала. Не знаю, можно ли назвать такого персонажа "писательницей".
101 Кб, 1280x720
#461 #4004345
Разве что её там медленно и жестоко будут убивать, в чём я искренне сомневаюсь, так что Риндочка так и останется единственной причиной.
#463 #4004347
К 3 сезону оно выдохлось,
проиграл с оравы в ~15 человек, что бы спасти шлюшку.
#464 #4004348

>Риндочка так и останется единственной причиной.

Чем конкретно она тебе нравится?
3085 Кб, Webm
#465 #4004349
#466 #4004351
#467 #4004352
Если кому нужен соус - Futanari Idol
272 Кб, 1152x864
#468 #4004357
Хуита лютая. Айдолов там фоткают в развратных позах и дрочат им (Мужики причем, блять), что вообще противоречит понятию айдолов.
Если бы они в тайне ебались, стократ было бы лучше.
#469 #4004360
Твоя хуита с худшей нтр парой того хуже.
515 Кб, 728x1080
666 Кб, 820x1080
434 Кб, 688x1080
#470 #4004361
Какая милота :3
Алсо, это ж не из официальной манги геройской академии?
#471 #4004362

> Мужики причем, блять

А кто им дрочить должен-то?
364 Кб, 1280x720
434 Кб, 1280x720
391 Кб, 1280x720
397 Кб, 1280x720
#472 #4004363
Юру Юри ТВ-3 комплект.
Идеальное "милые девочки делают милые вещи". Пиздец, как я обожаю этот тайтл, просто ни секунды не дает скучать. Я его растягивал на несколько месяцев, но в итоге сорвался.
Все девочки уберняхи (кроме Чинацу разве что), озвучены охуенно, графон очень приятный, куча смешных и трогательных моментов.
Пиздос бля, надеюсь когда-нибудь выйдет еще один сезон.
1194 Кб, 835x900
#473 #4004365
Зато персонажи поживее чем шлюхи с ракудаев.
Например, они друг-другу пусть дрочат.
#474 #4004366
Репорт петушни.
20 Кб, 448x550
#475 #4004367
Голосую за эту сильняху.
#476 #4004368
Чет проиграл со второго пика.
Да даже та пара которая пыталась напортачить их этуалевским делам живее чем маленькая шлюха и доминаторша поехавшая.
88 Кб, 1280x720
#477 #4004371

>Все девочки уберняхи

Сакурако гнида, например.
#479 #4004378
Мне не хватает подобной.
#480 #4004381
Зато самая сексуальная. Я на неё прямо в титуле теребонькал, без всяких панд. И не спустив пару раз дальше смотреть просто не мог. Особенно когда она в шортиках была.
144 Кб, 1280x720
#481 #4004385
Охуел няху обижать?
111 Кб, 1920x1080
215 Кб, 1920x1080
#482 #4004387
Отвратительно. ОЯШ еще и полным куколдом себя показал. Только из-за Катоняхи ставлю 5/10 этой параше.
#483 #4004389
Хватит постить этот кадр, я серьезно.
52 Кб, 1280x720
48 Кб, 1280x720
48 Кб, 1280x720
39 Кб, 1280x720
#485 #4004392
Да вы издеваетесь что ли, блять. Просто омерзительно, дроп.
1105 Кб, 1280x738
#486 #4004393
Вот тебе другой
1087 Кб, Webm
#487 #4004394
Этот, я сам могу запостить.
49 Кб, 704x528
62 Кб, 704x528
62 Кб, 704x528
38 Кб, 704x528
#489 #4004397

> маленькая шлюха

Она девственница, всё нормально.
Покупайте новый набор игрушек My little шлюха. В комплекте книга как врать и изменять своему партнеру

> доминаторша поехавшая.

У неё есть оправдание ебанутости, у неё няша умерла, всё нормально.

> живее

Ну в принципе, спать с девушкой ради секса, а любить реверс-трапа(Амане), а после просить прощение это очень реалистично.
Но тогда предьявы к Ш/Н никаких не должно быть.
#490 #4004398
Эрири специально взяла у гг очки, чтобы они не мешали Утахе его целовать?
#491 #4004399
Коллаборация шлюх.
#492 #4004401
Лучшая, не могу не признать
#494 #4004405
#495 #4004411
444 Кб, Webm
#497 #4004436
#498 #4004561
Чего там красивого, если Утахи нет?
Тред утонул или удален.
Это копия, сохраненная 6 июля 2017 года.

Скачать тред: только с превью, с превью и прикрепленными файлами.
Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее

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