изображение.png755 Кб, 768x703
>America, fuck yeah! >Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah >America (Fuck yeah! 312002064 В конец треда | Веб

>America, fuck yeah!

>Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah

>America (Fuck yeah!)

>Freedom is the only way, yeah

>Terrorists, your game is through

>'Cause now you have to answer to

>America (Fuck yeah!)

>So lick my butt and suck on my balls

>America (Fuck yeah!)

>What you gonna do when we come for you now?

2 312002198
>>064 (OP)
Омерика, нахуй.
Свобода свобода хрю.
Мы убьем всех плохишей
Сосите мою жопу
Мы самые крутые

Хуйня детсадовская.
gettyimages-128546185.jpg6,4 Мб, 6000x4096
3 312002230
А на это ты что скажешь?
4 312002253
Рисованая ничем не обеспеченная бумага.
17053351151362.jpg77 Кб, 500x521
5 312002298
Но ведь это сто долларов. Как можно выражаться в негативном ключе о таких суммах, да ещё и в валюте? Ты совсем дурной?
sage 6 312002307
>>064 (OP)
O I'm a good old rebel,
Now that's just what I am.
For this "fair land of freedom"
I do not care a damn.
I'm glad I fought against it,
I only wish we'd won,
And I don't want no pardon
For anything I done.

I hates the Constitution,
This great republic too,
I hates the Freedmans' Buro,
In uniforms of blue.
I hates the nasty eagle,
With all his braggs and fuss,
The lyin' thievin' Yankees,
I hates 'em wuss and wuss.

I hates the Yankees nation
And everything they do,
I hates the Declaration,
Of Independence, too.
I hates the glorious Union-
'Tis dripping with our blood-
I hates their striped banner,
I fought it all I could

I rode with Robert E. Lee,
For three year near about,
Got wounded in four places
And starved at Point Lookout
I caught the rheumatism
A' campin' in the snow,
But I killed a chance o' Yankees
I'd like to kill some mo'.

Three hundred thousand Yankees
Is stiff in Southern dust,
We got three hundred thousand
Before they conquered us.
They died of Southern fever
And Southern steel and shot,
I wish they was three million
Instead of what we got.

I can't take up my musket
And fight 'em now no more,
But I ain't going to love 'em,
Now that is sarten sure,
And I don't want no pardon
For what I was and am.
I won't be reconstructed,
And I don't care a damn.
sage 6 312002307
>>064 (OP)
O I'm a good old rebel,
Now that's just what I am.
For this "fair land of freedom"
I do not care a damn.
I'm glad I fought against it,
I only wish we'd won,
And I don't want no pardon
For anything I done.

I hates the Constitution,
This great republic too,
I hates the Freedmans' Buro,
In uniforms of blue.
I hates the nasty eagle,
With all his braggs and fuss,
The lyin' thievin' Yankees,
I hates 'em wuss and wuss.

I hates the Yankees nation
And everything they do,
I hates the Declaration,
Of Independence, too.
I hates the glorious Union-
'Tis dripping with our blood-
I hates their striped banner,
I fought it all I could

I rode with Robert E. Lee,
For three year near about,
Got wounded in four places
And starved at Point Lookout
I caught the rheumatism
A' campin' in the snow,
But I killed a chance o' Yankees
I'd like to kill some mo'.

Three hundred thousand Yankees
Is stiff in Southern dust,
We got three hundred thousand
Before they conquered us.
They died of Southern fever
And Southern steel and shot,
I wish they was three million
Instead of what we got.

I can't take up my musket
And fight 'em now no more,
But I ain't going to love 'em,
Now that is sarten sure,
And I don't want no pardon
For what I was and am.
I won't be reconstructed,
And I don't care a damn.
7 312002334
Это валюта враждебного моей стране государства.
17284778016580.jpg48 Кб, 372x558
8 312002369
Ну и что? Деньги то хорошие.
9 312002390
Ты и за 10 баксов мать бы на панель отвел.
10 312002473

Доллар ,доллар грязная бумажка!
Нахуй дипломатов здесь другие ребята!
Ты - проститутка ,блять презираю,
Москва нахуй тебя посылает!
В Америке жить никто не хочет,
Наши учёные ночью чуть-чуть
Изменят гравитационное поле Земли.
Ты и твоя страна будет под водой!
24 часа и вся страна будет под водой,
понял ты сраный ковбой!
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