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Это копия, сохраненная 13 сентября 2019 года.

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Russia continues its attack on Zoe Quinn using fake screenshots: https://www.rt.com/op-ed/468636-zoe-quinn-holowka-adorkable-metoo/ 610006 В конец треда | Веб
Russia continues its attack on Zoe Quinn using fake screenshots:

Story: Zoe Quinn is a game developer and very liberal person, who supports open borders and unrestricted immigration. She also supports human rights, in particular women rights of not being raped. Obviously Russians hate such a person.

Poor people are starving in Russia and don't have access to running water, yet Russia Today prefers to report on some gamedev girl, who wants equal rights. How so?
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Alec Holowka and Zoe Quinn relationship.
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How do we know Alec Holowka is guilty? Psychology! Innocent persons don't commit suicide or silently accept the accusations. Innocent persons get outraged, call it bullshit and fight back. Not so with Holowka who was obviously guilty of abusing countless girls and other weak people, who won't punch his face, like his teams graphics artist. And Zoe Quinn, if you believe gamergate, had countless partners, most of whom weren't nice guys, yet she decided to single out the stale Holowka affair. How so? Obviously, Holowka was the worst of the worst.

On a side note, Alec Holowka is obviously an eastern European name "Алексей Головка", and the guy looks like some fucking Myrzin. That is inborn rapist for you. One may argue that Holowka was Jewish, but Jewish families generally emigrated to US and Israel, because of larger Jewish communities there. Canada was the center of emigration for non-Jewish Russians. In any case, even Jews were poisoned with the evil Russian rape culture. So in any conflict between a Russian male and a civilized woman, support civilized woman!
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Это копия, сохраненная 13 сентября 2019 года.

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