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Это копия, сохраненная 19 ноября 2022 года.

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3.mp44,3 Мб, mp4,
480x608, 0:49
The first proved Poland's soldiers RU 106689 В конец треда | Веб
The first proved Poland's soldiers
AfD-Spitzenkandidaten-Gauland-und-Weidel-zu-Asylkonzept-7.jpg117 Кб, 1024x1001
DE 2 106691
>>689 (OP)
>>689 (OP)
first ? ukraine run out of men, now "NATO" germany sents slavic males to fight their wars

700 000 ukranians died so far since 2014, nato is desperate and need to kill of slavic population to resettle it with black/muslims, then conquer those lands playing the "liberator" of europe from the muslim manace.

germany and their goal for 4th reich is getting closer and closer. thanks to polish dumbness
FI 3 106697
>>689 (OP)
Poor /Pol/acks, dying on muddy fields in a frivolous war of the bankers.
FI 4 106698
Is the "4th Reich" Germany filled Türks and niggers? If so, you're doing a splendid job.
PL 5 106706
>>689 (OP)

>kek, proved because illiterate Wania Pidorasovich said so on murky 5 second clip, without showing the details, like faces, patches, IDs, any piece of uniform or equipment of possible polish origins.

Your cope is delicious, whenever you get your ass whooped you always recourse to whining about HATO and Polish/American/Israeli/Eskimo mercs. Affraid to admit that its Ukrops that are beating you up? They spent last 8 years training, instead of marchin up and down the parade ground and raping each other asses in barracks, like your soldiers do. Perhaps you should invest into having real experienced sergeants instead of retarded officers that spend few months in every unit before send someone else and in the end dont learn anything practical?
You know, real non-commisioned officers and small unit tactics and initiative, like all modern armies have?
DE 6 106710
no the goal is to make refugees quota. give them money so they can go to poland and have sex with polish women
FI 7 106711
>>689 (OP)


Literally few days ago some Zambian guy was killed on Russian side. That doesn't mean Zambia flights for Russia, does it?
RU 8 106738
>>689 (OP)
who is joe peach?
RU 9 106740
>>689 (OP)
What? These aren't soldiers but autumn mud, dude.
Fire a joint, and keep the round clockwise.
AU 10 106774
>>689 (OP)
that's a bushmaster
overpriced shitty Australian vehicle
AU 11 106776
Model B8.
DE 12 106778
thanks, seems like no one cares that poor polish died in senseless war
HR 13 106809
>>689 (OP)
What makes those Polaks, just asking?
FI 14 106811
They had boots strapped on wrong feet.
16687016867240.mp42,1 Мб, mp4,
384x548, 0:09
RU 15 106825
The batch of Polish soldiers liquidated in Ukraine arrived in Poland for burying.
DE 16 106828
are this kraken units ? because of krakau ? i saw mass graves of ukranians with yellow blue flags, and kraken flags who are they ?
RU 17 106868
Чему ты радуешься? Это катастрофа. Такие же люди, как мы, умирают!
Тред утонул или удален.
Это копия, сохраненная 19 ноября 2022 года.

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Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее

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