Greetings to the Krasnoyarsk alcoholics;)
Don't say alcoholic, say drug addict. Ethyl alcohol is a drug and those who use it should be unacceptable to society.

I sympathize with people who do not yet live in Russia. Especially to their American Russian brothers.
Fuck lgbt/blm nazi niggers. My grandfather sacrificed his life to protect the world from Hitler and his LGBT/Nazi shit.

Well, you're right. There should be no tolerance for such people.
Buddy, you're too drunk. We of the Sober People's Association strongly advise you not to drive anywhere, otherwise you might get into trouble.
А то заснешь где-нибудь в канаве и застудишь не только попу, но и весь организм:)
ул. Сибирская, 92, Бобровый лог
Go to top of mountain if you can and shoot skiers there, or just shoot some skiers on parking lot if not.

sinok dont be gay, champagne? cmon, we gopnik niggers, henceforth gopniggers drink only beer. Na zdarovie, za chemkent!
You are Russophobe.
Alcohol, sex, and drugs are not art because they appeal to base, animal concepts rather than to intelligence and culture.
P.S. Dont disturb the fool who wants to send me to see the brown bears in the mountains.
You have 15 minutes, or I choose my own itinerary.
P.S. I thought it was a joke about boiling dumplings in a mug until I bought myself 18 oz mugs.
Only a Russian could say such a thing, thanks for telling the truth, my Russian brother.
The Man of culture. There is nothing better than fat and carbs when you're on the move all day in the cold.
Oh, Krasnodar Cabernet. Cherished by all alcos of Siberia.
I recommend saving all material for the thread for quick reposting. That's what I do. Mocha deletes my threads all the time as well.
Kartoha, pelmeni, salo - main source of strength for a Soviet man. Keep it up, comrade.

Since 2018, I have been using this thread as my image hosting and kavkaz lgbt monkey urine deleted it. Pizdets up.
Jesus Russia is fucking ugly.
>completely barren yards, no trees, no grass, no yardwork
>shitty dusty cars stacked on top of each other
>ugliest fucking houses dominating the skyline
>big green fences everywhere for some reason
>more cars
Is population density really that much of a problem for your government? Is the Putin government so retarded they never bothered to decentrify economic development after 20 years and spread out people over smaller towns?
Your government not only cannot fight a war well, they can't plan a city either clearly.
That's a good question, portu-kun, no parking spots either, the road into the district from Moscow is only one line road. Can you imagine that morning's there is like ? 50 thousand people all getting into they cars and drivin by the inly one line road to Moscow to the workplaces ? I been there, 2 hour only to get on MKAD. So to get to u workplace on Sadoviy at 8am, you have to get out of home at 5. And they build more, the doubling the size and still no infrastructure.
>Is population density really that much of a problem for your government?
Population density is not a problem for Putins goverment.
>Is the Putin government so retarded they never bothered to decentrify economic development after 20 years and spread out people over smaller towns?
They don't the opposite, lol, this is a direct result of they policies. Small towns receive no budget, no investment, the exist soly on one factory mostly, to support which the towns eere build. Nobody wants to work there due to poor wages except for the guilt trip boomers. Compere that to Moscow, that actually GET TO HAVE IT'S OWN BUDGET and it's no brainer. Russian economic development isn't about development, it's about keeping economy in check, Putin don't want no opposition.
>Your government not only cannot fight a war well, they can't plan a city either clearly.
That's not a city, it's not Moscow, it's Balachicha. Not Moscow jurisdiction. Moscow is extremely well planed, Balachicha is a dump, it was designed to be a dump for all the suckers who would support the Moscow's well being.
>>completely barren yards, no trees, no grass, no yardwork
It's actually quite lovely in summer. This pic >>13869, not tgat ones >>13868
Lmao, I live quite near the place on the first pic, had a good laugh when saw that sign
Construction companies earn extra Euros by selling a flat + another "fraction" - basement, inner garage. Why Russian middle class doesn't have right to have a detached garage or a garage near the building is concerning.
Oh, we use to, in soviet time. Which is funny, couse very few people had a car, I didn't know that in Portugal they sell garages with a apartments, I thought you talking about soviet ones. In all honesty I don't know why they don't do that. Don't found profitable enough ? The land is too expensive? I mean, we don't actually need this giant living blocks, there is plenty of space for 5 to 9 stories buildings. They litteraly build this gigantic towers in a middle of nowhere.

I could not imagine myself unironically agreeing with a jew

Madeira archipelago is located on African plate and they fuck Natashas.

good, fuck this inbreed village called poortugal, mix some good genes in
Nato is a weak and very poor American decaying rooster who is genocidal in Artyomovsk. Conclusion: Finland is one of the most degenerate regions of Russia, which is in the first place on the list for liberation.
Pizdets really this new kindergardens suck huge ass. So much space wasted on a car route to garbage collector) Kids walking everyday from playgrounds to building must step on step out from border stone to now they are in less priority, then director's car route)) Kindergardens are for PROEZDI not for children. Huge playgrounds are behind fence, completely disintegrated from outer environment. It is time to eliminate dumb law about fences around educational facilities.

I am a Proud Russian German, and I do not like Russian Poles, they are noisy monkeys, worse than Russian gippys. The most Russian Russians are Russian Germans(myself). We Russian Germans are more Russian than the most hardcore Russians. We will build our Russian Reich in the name of our leader - Stalin, the man who surpassed Jesus.

640x360, 1:59

Only retards take pride in living in non-luxury high-rise / tall buildings. Enjoy your pod.
If it is expensive to middle class, it is Russian government and central bankl fault with tariffs, taxes, wages . That's probably a shitty wine probably bad conditioned to travel to Russia and supermarkets, and you don't know how to serve red wine (resting and temperatures) - probably drinking directly from the bottle. If you buy in a chain of discount stores like Biendronka, they sell the most cheap and worst Portuguese wine
Thank you, fucking genius, we already know about it. Our liberal totalitarian government is exclusively engaged in destroying production in Russia and exporting inflation from the West. We, the people of Russia and our sovereign Putin, are working to overcome this colonial dependence. You'll know when we're successful, then you'll heat your house by burning furniture and books, and by pissing off your neighbors down the street who want to eat you. Soon very soon...
>pic 2
>maybe if I bend no one will notice how fat I am
Panties deeply sinking into her obese body betray her.

Fun facts:
1) there is a smart home there.
2) I didn’t take out a loan
3) You will never be able to buy an apartment for yourself 4) You will never be able to buy a second apartment.
5) fuck lgbt nazi niggers🖕
6) Putin V.V.

Territories returned to Moscow's control over the past 8 years. Either Russia will restore its sovereignty over all its parts, or human civilization will turn into a crispy kebab fried in a global nuclear thermonuclear fire🤭
Show me a "Krasnoyarsk rocket" or something like that
I remember you have a big rocket-like structure.

720x1274, 0:35
If you have so much video surveillance like that it is because there is a lot of crime like Brazil or South Africa.
Not him, but I also pretend I'm not home if I see a face on camera that I don't want to talk to today (no mood). I also sometimes don't answer the phone.

Fuck you. [Feminine pronouns for addressing a woman]*
The design of the site in Russian is much better, very strange tactic.
the only word in russian hieroglyphs that I can recognise from there in 2 years and 3 months is the rooster word.
P.S. in the same subject of chickens, photo from onedrive popup exactly 4 years ago with my Covid chickens/hens (1 of 4 still alive) with timestamp to ptchan
Chadin - cuck
Yakubenko - asshole
Typical school inscriptions
Also, Russian hieroglyphs are no different from Portuguese kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk)))00000
>P.S. in the same subject of chickens, photo from onedrive popup exactly 4 years ago with my Covid chickens/hens (1 of 4 still alive) with timestamp to ptchan
You have your own “household”? My respects.
Совсем охуели. Может мне еще рожать за неё? Ну а хули?

We need to reintegrate Matsmai into our native harbor. But taking into account the fact that the Japanese can survive as a nation only as part of Russia, we will have to allow the Japanese niggers to join Russia. It is difficult to be a saint - you have to save and bring different nations, even such degenerates who have been degenerated by the West into unnaturalness like the Japanese, to our cultural level, guided by pure altruism.
This is how we differ from Western subhumans - they target the weak points of other cultures and destroy them, while we develop and integrate them.

152mm of strawberry alcohol.