Please give videos where Poles are angry and swearing. RU 110275 В конец треда | Веб
Please give videos where Poles are angry and swearing.
RU 3 110304


Is that video for or against svinorez?
1678-rvygbd.png46 Кб, 640x591
RU 5 110315
RU 7 110327
Aleksander Jabłonowski vel. Wojciech Olszański.mp425,6 Мб, mp4,
640x360, 6:44
RU 9 110332
ninja shinobi grozi.webm3,9 Мб, webm,
416x720, 0:48
PL 11 110338
31797469012797036528825881949944169248957140n.mp47,7 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:29
FI 12 110471
kurwa.mp41,9 Мб, mp4,
464x464, 0:21
RU 13 110551
бабка.mp4509 Кб, mp4,
384x240, 0:06
RU 14 110565
Every time.
kurwa winter snow.mp44,1 Мб, mp4,
480x360, 1:20
RU 15 111526
FI 16 111557
Who's the neckbeard?
image.png240 Кб, 451x493
RU 17 111561
FI 18 111600
Naah, Spede was like the Finnish Krzysztof Kieślowski. Can you recommend any good Russian movies? I don't think I've ever watched any.
AT 19 111601
RU 20 111610
FI 21 111611
What year was it made in? I'm sure if I insert "Leviathan" into IMDb, it gives me 25 results.
RU 22 111618
It is a movie made by liberal underpig for tax money.
AT 23 111619
2014 or something.
FI 24 111621
"Or something"? Don't you fucking Spudniks learn numbers at school? :D I haven't even seen "Solaris" or "Stalker". Maybe I'll start with them.
FI 25 111622
Yeah, that seems interesting. Definitely. I'll put it on my watchlist.
RU 26 111623

>haven't even seen "Solaris" or "Stalker"

Those are made by the most boring director in existence.
Yes, Kin-Dza-Dza is cult classic.
1516138285674313275.webm10 Мб, webm,
480x270, 32:40
PL 29 111633
RU 30 111643


I remember writing to a Pole on YouTube for four days straight:
"Poshel na chuj"
"Poshel na chuj"
"Poshel na chuj"
"Poshel na chuj"
"Poshel na chuj"

And the Pole felt butthurt every time and said that Poles don't have the word "Poshel".
And I sat there and didn't understand what the Polish language had to do with it. I just told him to fuck off:D
RU 31 111655
>>11645 (Del)

>eastern subhumans

Hohol, ples
KZ 33 113141
Heaven on Earth unironically
FI 34 113142
Kurwa jeż! Kurwa bóbr!
PT 35 113151
The most international known Polish woman (and disgusting) in 2023
PL 36 113166
russian thread about poland
FI 37 113279
I want to eat out her dirty asshole.
GR 38 113360
Dude wtf. Please come tomorow to my office with your caretaker. That dishwasher is a bioweapon from jews surely
Ukrainians beating Pole.mp44,2 Мб, mp4,
656x848, 0:55
RU 39 114479
RU 40 114678
Какая же мерзкая быдланка на фоне
bober.mp44,4 Мб, mp4,
552x854, 0:30
RU 41 115070
PL 42 115080
Ebay they are saying?
PL 43 115081
>>15080 What*
warga.mp4322 Кб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:05
PL 44 117600
NO 45 119842
16933302975721.webm2,9 Мб, webm,
640x360, 0:30
RU 46 119843
RU 47 119870
They call Poles pirdors for running away.
Than they say this one is done for.
Also they find it funny.
RU 48 119871
Wtf is happening there? Is that Polish Chris Chan?
RU 49 119875
ебанутый пшек охотится на комаров
RU 50 120023
>>10275 (OP)
Как же хочется присунуть Польше в Сувалки, хотя бы на полшишечки.
RU 51 120055

>1 видео

>поляк говорит по русски

>украинец говорит по русски и у него свастика на лице

Возникает ощущение что меня наебывают
RU 52 120059
Кому ты нужен на хуй тебя наёбывать? Поляки русский в школе изучают.
RU 53 120069

>Кому ты нужен на хуй тебя наёбывать?

В смысле кому? Кремлю.
фашистёнок.mp4811 Кб, mp4,
780x360, 0:18
RU 54 120087
Aleksander Jabłonowski kurwy sini kurwy vnuki.mp46,9 Мб, mp4,
646x360, 1:53
RU 55 120110
What are they saying?
президент дупа.jpg69 Кб, 653x680
RU 56 120123
chory czlowiek.mp4384 Кб, mp4,
480x418, 0:04
PL 57 120160
Polish taxi.mp436,5 Мб, mp4,
848x464, 3:07
RU 58 120252
1694682969412578903.mp45,7 Мб, mp4,
400x222, 2:15
PL 59 120267
RU 60 120278
Why is he upset? Did they get into his private forest?
PL 61 120317
this and also because this couple that was recording told him he can't drive a car in the forest but they didn't know he was the owner xd
KG 62 120320
Pizdec ebanyui kakoi to
Anonymous PL 63 120563
>>10275 (OP)
I needed this thread
169535877520522394.webm9,7 Мб, webm,
1280x720, 0:53
PL 64 120593
KG 65 120596
Что ты тут забыл?
barking LGBT.webm6,7 Мб, webm,
854x464, 0:51
RU 66 121369
KG 67 121426
I could ask you both the same question.
KG 68 121434
Что вы тут забыли, епта, я думал я один такой на сосаке сижу
KG 69 121444
Сынок, я на бордах уже 11 лет. У нас даже сходка была бишкекских анонов с /b/ однажды. А в доисторические времена в Кыргызстане был даже свой чан (кырчан), но немногие уже про это помнят.
NO 70 122325
videoplayback.mp42,7 Мб, mp4,
630x354, 1:04
PL 71 122341
1701184597806978241.mp4549 Кб, mp4,
568x738, 0:06
PL 72 122385
US 73 122597
o ja pierdole!
NO 76 122890
>>10275 (OP)
4 polakker renoverte stua te faren min, de er solide "mennesker"
RU 78 123284
6347699.mp41,2 Мб, mp4,
576x1024, 0:13
NO 79 123490
RU 80 123501
Where did the baby go?
16854328126440.mp41,1 Мб, mp4,
480x854, 0:06
RU 81 123517
kurwa pingwin.mp43,2 Мб, mp4,
720x1280, 0:15
RU 84 123557
1704299615933705997.mp44,8 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:00
PL 85 123564
polish taxi passanger attacking Ukrainian taxi driver
kurwa Harry Potter.mp42,7 Мб, mp4,
460x256, 1:18
RU 86 123568
165390419181604518518.webm268 Кб, webm,
438x422, 0:07
PL 87 123586
RU 88 123701
not a single "kurwa bober"... disappointing
kurwa bobr song - KURWA BÓBR MEGAMIX.mp417,2 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:27
RU 89 123704
1706022178156-0.mp41,2 Мб, mp4,
360x360, 0:33
PT 91 123966
1,1 Мб, mp4,
376x480, 1:18
RU 92 124016
różal neo cortex.mp42,4 Мб, mp4,
720x1080, 0:14
PL 93 124023
RU 99 124265
Why Poles are so excited to see animals?
17084521238980.mp46,1 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:40
RU 100 124266
kurwa reel.webm2,8 Мб, webm,
480x360, 0:39
RU 101 124310
kurwa winter ice.mp43,5 Мб, mp4,
264x480, 0:54
RU 102 124355
US 103 124381

>Kurwa Bobr

mein neger
US 104 124382
10/10 in Bongistan
US 105 124383
Holy shit they're as retarded as the ones we have.
1706387842433857997.mp42,1 Мб, mp4,
320x576, 0:27
PL 106 124398
RU 107 124402
He bought an expensive sportscar and lost head.
image.png413 Кб, 700x753
RU 108 124811
1711564403286352852.mp46,3 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:24
NO 109 125207
RU 111 126430
PL 112 126468
love dvach :3
RU 113 126824
IT 114 126826
RU 115 126906
PL 116 126974
Jabłonowski dansing with the stick.
sex.jfif126 Кб, 1000x885
RU 119 127165
RU 120 127167
Thanks for thread, polandbro
RU 121 127168


>Obiady domowe

Obedy domashnie

Interesting, huh? And it's like that every time...
07be4eefb81b1a1d39ce48681b.png224 Кб, 480x360
RU 122 127170
BONUS RPK  KTÓRY TO JUŻ ROK Ft. Mixo IFCC, Damian WSM, Bralak CH.P.) OFFICIAL VIDEO [360p].mp426,3 Мб, mp4,
640x360, 5:10
PL 123 127206
polish gopniks make the best gangsta rap
prove me wrong
RU 124 127254
What a load of shit. It's like listening to Russian rap.
migrants.mp41,6 Мб, mp4,
480x790, 0:19
RU 125 127381
RU 126 127382

>What a load of shit.

That's the whole point of rap.
Russia Hate Club Convention 2022.mp412,2 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:57
PL 127 127411
RU 128 127454
This should have been Finland.
RU 129 127457
Looks like gay pride club, btw
twittervid.comWarNewsPL1772a35.mp42,3 Мб, mp4,
576x1024, 0:16
PL 130 127690
RU 131 127695
Looks like gay pride club, btw
RU 132 127700
>>10275 (OP)
Google: "Poland history 16 - 21 century"
PL 133 127707
you mean 18-20 century
1721926767438635858.mp411,9 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:26
PL 134 127755
1723479331776495861.mp46,5 Мб, mp4,
480x730, 0:59
PL 135 128132
АлександрЛукашенко(28-12-2021)(cropped).jpg670 Кб, 1089x1553
RU 136 128329
Why is he wearing Batka maika?
RU 138 128424
This guy films himself with fixed camera. Maybe all he needs is just some friends.
RU 139 128430
>>10275 (OP)
It feels like all the characters in the videos are from Russia. Even their ugly faces look just like Russians.
kurwa bobr.png1,1 Мб, 1280x1280
RU 141 128437
Is he repeating "Allah kurwa" in the end?
image.png2,4 Мб, 1200x801
RU 142 128441
Poles aren't taught to put picrel on wounds from childhood?
5cfe66d92be1bo.jpg594 Кб, 1920x1280
PL 143 128483


is polish for


1724910687644.jpg144 Кб, 1080x796
RU 144 128546
Is it true?
1505334040829318576.webm5,3 Мб, webm,
640x360, 0:33
PL 145 128590
maczety.webm6,7 Мб, webm,
640x360, 1:58
PL 147 128594
RU 148 128641
>>10275 (OP)
It's so sad that Russians and Poles are historical enemies. Pols are almost Russians but with Catholic church instead of Orthodoxy.
RU 149 128642
I mean Poles have any right to have their own state because they have great culture, but it's sad we are enemies yet your curses sound so familiar
RU 150 128643
Yes, you should watch Tarkovskiy's movies. Unfortunately I don't know if they have a good Finnish dub
US 151 128644
Why do russians hate poles so much? I hate them too but I imagine its probably for totally different reasons. Those fags caused WW2 because they couldnt give Hitler rightful German land.
RU 152 128677
Russia and Poland had bajillion wars, Poland was Russia's puppet during XIX and XX centuries. So Poles don't like Russia same way Indians or Americans don't like Brits but even more. Russians respond with claims on Polish territory.
17243669673760.mp43,8 Мб, mp4,
480x360, 0:13
RU 153 128695
Maybe we should just rename the thread “Polish videos”?
US 154 128705
Is it possible for Russia to ever reobtain Poland or is NATO really the brick wall for Russia that they are not allowed passed?
RU 155 128708
Russia simply needs more manpower, at least 200 millions on total, huge political worldcrisis and yes - if NATO would use its full potential Russia won't be able to conquer Poland. Also Russians don't perceive Poland same way as Ukraine, so Poland isn't #1 on Russian list. It will take at least few years of propaganda to make people like war with Poland.
kalisz.mp41 Мб, mp4,
352x640, 0:15
PL 156 128719
1725627946192439251.webm2,6 Мб, webm,
1280x720, 0:12
PL 157 128760
RU 158 128765
! Двач @dvachannel @rand2ch @ru2chban (32).mp48,6 Мб, mp4,
540x960, 0:59
RU 159 128803
0F8D75BC-6506-4846-8C68-1EE9687EFC03.webp54 Кб, 722x493
RU 160 129121

>Tarkovskiy's movies

щито чв.png200 Кб, 446x417
RU 161 129122
Do you know many Polish videos without swearing?

>Why do russians hate poles so much?

Russians do not hate Poles.
RU 163 129690
>>10275 (OP)
ебать поляки какие агрессивные ебанаты. Это в такую европу украинцы стремились??? Мы их 300 лет терпели и до такой хуйни не опускались.
RU 164 129691

>Why do russians hate poles so much?

We do not care about them, but a bit curious because they are a lot like us in someways, in some ways are different. I would say they are more gloomy and agressive, always on negative about something... Russisns are more sad than angry.
15651009269091.mp412,4 Мб, mp4,
480x848, 1:18
RU 165 129702
>>10275 (OP)
Angry polsih in the background
RU 166 129703
Russians do not hate Poles.
Hatred and Russophobia is part of their culture and national idea, without it they will devour each other and collapse as a country.
Bigos+fasolka + kebab 😂😂😂😂.mp43,9 Мб, mp4,
360x640, 0:57
PL 167 130155
RU 168 130176
RU 169 130320
I just realized that polish sounds like czech which sounds like german.
17194278873872.jpg608 Кб, 1440x1080
RU 170 130332
I hate Poles because I want to take their resources and make them miserable for protecting Europe against our hordes.
1000002790.webm17,6 Мб, webm,
1280x720, 3:30
RU 171 130369
Russian gopniks make the best gopnik rap.
RU 172 130401
Gopniks haven't existed since 2003.

RU 173 130408
This has no relation to provincial cities. Any trends come to us with a delay of several years. Just ten years ago, punks were fighting with gots and emo.

But gopniks... gopniks will live forever.
PT 174 130410
those from "Russian Community" aren't gopniks wearing sports clothes?
1729410348285.mp41,8 Мб, mp4,
576x1024, 0:15
RU 175 130412
RU 176 130427
Gopniks are prison criminal subculture. The Russian community is an uncontrolled bunch of ultra-traditional organizations linked only by a common brand. They don't have a single leader, only regional organizers. Some of these groups are blatantly overreaching, trying to create a petition to ban abortion, for example, while others are doing a good job of preventing migrant crime. Treating them as one is a mistake.
RU 177 130432
Show me one gopnik wearing a cap and sweatpants? They get beat up in the streets. People hate gopniks, ridicule them and consider them retarded. A gopnik is unfashionable and outdated.
RU 178 130433
The song is 15 years old. Siava is not Gopnik, the man who did parodies of them.
RU 179 130439

>Gopniks haven't existed since 2003.

you're just not ole enough they haven't existed before 2003

report for Russian language
RU 180 130440

> Any trends come to us with a delay of several years.

explain gopnik clothes trend right before covid rising on the wect then
RU 181 130441
is easiest to beat up people who never existed
in this regard gopniks are the new jews
RU 182 130444
RU 184 130592
Built 2 serve BRC (Big Russian cock)
anon u roksy.mp49,7 Мб, mp4,
368x656, 0:56
PL 186 130595
the biggest cock in russia
1729876227904.jpg30 Кб, 168x300
RU 187 130596

> the biggest cock in russia

Rafalala.jpg55 Кб, 780x545
PL 188 130597
our femboys have bigger хуи than your femboys
1729878797549.png1,8 Мб, 960x1280
RU 189 130598
2024102520h53m26sgrim.png325 Кб, 766x628
RU 190 130599
1000003427.webm22,2 Мб, webm,
854x480, 3:53
RU 191 130600
1729866610382706.webm2,9 Мб, webm,
1280x720, 0:18
RU 192 130636
1729959436304985433.mp42,2 Мб, mp4,
854x480, 0:11
PL 193 130659
Paweł Jumper w GTA San Andreas.mp410,2 Мб, mp4,
720x1280, 0:53
PL 194 130855
шариков bg3.jpg137 Кб, 702x691
RU 195 130860
Alan Aztec - Polska (feat. Frequ  Ninka).mp414 Мб, webm,
1280x720, 2:45
RU 196 130861
1730313177991907580.mp47,7 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:35
GB 197 130877
not swearing but polish guy doing some weird shit
Ты курва.mp41,7 Мб, mp4,
464x848, 0:09
RU 198 130895
RU 199 130900
Duda and dupa haha
RU 200 130903
You know that guy Lukash Jakowski? He released the AOH 3 game which already are pirated by Russians on 4PDA
małolat.mp4284 Кб, mp4,
224x400, 0:07
PL 201 130975
RU 202 130980


1730537995332703554.mp47,2 Мб, mp4,
576x1024, 0:51
PL 203 130985
RU 204 130992
RU 205 130998
Realy cool
RU 206 130999
кто мы то?
1730907658.mp411,8 Мб, mp4,
576x1024, 2:31
PL 207 131096
postępowy technik rolnik.mp47 Мб, mp4,
320x236, 2:53
PL 208 131221
Eastern Poles speaking with eastern accent
How much can you understand?
RU 209 131228
I understand almost nothing. If I didn't know a few Polish words, I wouldn't understand anything at all.

I understand the video from the post above ( >>31096 ) better.
RU 210 131334


dver.mp42,3 Мб, mp4,
960x720, 0:07
RU 211 131335
бобр курва2.mp43,3 Мб, mp4,
478x850, 0:17
RU 212 131370
PL 213 131457
Why do Ruskie love polish bober videos so much?
Bóbr Pieczony po Staropolsku -KuchniaKwasiora - KuchniaKwasiora KK (360p, h264).mp439,7 Мб, mp4,
640x360, 17:22
PL 214 131458
Here you have some recipe for grilled bóbr
RU 215 131462
Videos about bobers are loved all over the world, not just by russian people. However, it is closer to native russian speakers because we understand the meanings of the words bobr, kurwa and ja perdole.

And the nature in Poland is similar to the nature in most of Russia. We also encounter bobers.

Once in my childhood, my brother, grandfather, and I went fishing and encountered a bobr. Our reaction was probably similar to that of the participants in the video.
I'm sorry for the poor expression of my thoughts. I don't speak English."
PL 216 131496
what does this meme "bobr kurwa" even mean in russia? Its an old 10yo video or something and has never been a "meme" in poland
RU 217 131498
This is far from the most popular meme in the Russian-speaking space. Many people don't even know about it.

However, for those who are familiar with it, they like it. It sticks well in the mind.

It seems not only funny but also emotionally familiar and close to us.
chuck norris.mp44,5 Мб, webm,
640x360, 0:45
PL 218 131504
Yekaterinburg.jpg1,1 Мб, 1100x733
RU 219 131508
I hate micro-towns.
1732061112842222162.mp44,4 Мб, mp4,
576x1024, 0:17
PL 220 131513
1732145507654984366.mp41,3 Мб, mp4,
540x688, 0:13
PL 221 131514
RU 222 131515
summa.mp420,8 Мб, mp4,
1920x1080, 0:19
PL 223 131530
392CD941-A60D-4F8B-830D-05B83246DBBA (1).mov343 Кб, mp4,
352x640, 0:09
PL 224 131734
kurier glovo
598647208.jpg63 Кб, 720x405
RU 225 131743
Listonosc Peczkin.
1732036725214803973.mp44,8 Мб, mp4,
368x672, 0:54
PL 226 131747
#2. BONUS BGC mówi feat. lufa.mp46,9 Мб, webm,
640x360, 1:35
PL 227 131748
bajo jajo bajo jajo 16532726813110.mp4512 Кб, mp4,
320x584, 0:14
PL 229 131926
RU 230 132009
1735734280336754247.mp44,1 Мб, mp4,
198x360, 1:53
PL 232 132127
how is your hangover after new year party, пацаны?
17251808495980.jpg75 Кб, 735x411
RU 233 132130
Wojak, eto ti? Chto s KC? Chto sluchilos?
RU 234 132134
I'm don't really drink.
ubijanie kotleta.mp4167 Кб, mp4,
202x346, 0:04
PL 235 132155
Я не Войак
US 236 132534
RU 237 132535
Congratulations, test passed successfully!
You have AIDS.
1737755818434799705.mp41,7 Мб, mp4,
576x1024, 0:12
PL 238 132548
OvYVkfgwyWB4icvd.mp425,7 Мб, mp4,
576x1218, 3:20
PL 239 132587
RU 240 132588
RU 242 132704
That guy is overreacting towards people who just do their job.
Aleksander Jabłonowski - wersja METAL.mp47,8 Мб, webm,
1280x720, 1:08
PL 243 132959
GB 244 133022
aaand their job is to collect bribes from polish truck drivers, but yeah, I agree, he is excited for no good reason
DE 245 133177
Самый лучший тред!

Когда-то лет 20 назад я развлекался тем, что спамил в игре в чат ebac polsku kurwu w polsku dupu и читал ответы. 😀

4 - эта боль! Но он сам долбоеб.
17393125285961.mp412,2 Мб, mp4,
640x640, 0:54
RU 246 133178
DE 247 133180
Было оба.

Lol it's gone viral now, haven't you noticed?

And so on. Search on youtube. For example, "bobr ai".
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