854x480, 3:38
except for the forbidden

854x480, 0:04
Óptimo posto.
What the fuck is she doing with the snow? I stopped watching and listening when that faggot opened his mouth.

854x480, 5:04
You are beeing ironic again. But what about iron things beeing dropped on svinarniks in Porklands?
Unfortunately, we have to compromise with the local Ukrainian moderator, he is looking for any excuse to delete such tracks and deprive us of the Ukrainian atmosphere.
Local moderator is pro-Kremlin, tovarishch, so you can drop whatever the fuckyou want about "masters and slaves" i.e. about porks and merycunts here.
Ukrainians have always been so funny. Such pity we have to kill all of them.

464x848, 0:03
It's true. I only recently realized that I would miss them if they were all killed. They really do have some rural charisma.
But if the work must be done, it must be done. And it must be done well.
>Taras is good for you - he dug it out and lay down. And I still have to go home through the whole wasteland... alone.
Lmao. When this Russian sitcom appeared, the theme of Russia's war with Ukraine seemed extremely ridiculous on both sides, it looks like Moscow's war with St. Petersburg. But people with more advanced knowledge, of course, guessed what was waiting for them.
Taras is good for you - you dug it out and lay down. But I still have to go home through the whole wasteland... alone.
Lmao) gem

352x640, 1:01
Judging by the fact that the Pole is shouting in Polish (Russians and Poles can understand each other at 30%), he does not like the fact that the Ukrainian entered the bus, the drunken Ukrainian got into a fight and the altercation began, that's all that can be said from this fragment.
>Ty ukrainska kurwa
Yep) Poles and Ukrainians have a very rich culture of relationships, so they love each other very much.
Ukrainian is a Polish serf. Polish Pans used to own Ukrainains. Then a terrorist organization started to genocide Poles and Jews in Galicia, today Ukraine glorifies those terrorists. Poles don't like it one bit.

According to the chief Pole the dead farmers were made by the Russians, he said it was because of the Russians that the Ukrainians fired the missile. Poland wants to annex Western Ukraine under the pretext of saving the local population from the Russians, but in fact it wants to reclaim territories it considers historic.
This. By the way, I don't understand why we call them Ukrainians. Ukrainians are a hodgepodge of Hungarians, Russians, Ruthenians, Hutsuls and Galicians, but it is the Galicians who are the root of the Ukrainian nation, it is their culture that they made dominant in Ukraine and it is their language that they imposed on all the peoples within Ukraine, it is they who seized power in 2014 and established their order. I think we should call them Galicians.
Tonylifers IRL
He has eaten a lot of Zelenskyiv's chicken! :D (Plus he is a fagot.)
oldschool Bandera tradition

Proxy works here, pidorok. You're just too dumb for that kind of thing.

He's right. I would recommend that you start learning Russian, because after Ukraine you will have an extreme degree of military exhaustion.
Lmao. Btw he doesn't have a Ukrainian accent. He speaks pure Russian. Meanwhile, he is often condemned for his Russian pronunciation when he speaks Ukrainian, because Zelensky is an Eastern (((Ukrainian)))) from the Kryvyi Rih Krivoy Rog city.
There is a theory raging on the Ukrainian Internet that he is a Kremlin agent after all, because long before he became president, he actively promoted Russian cultural untouchability in Ukraine and in every way advocated for the Crimeans after the referendum, not as a politician but as an actor with his own opinion.
>start learning Russian
russian language is a shit with no use.
it's funny that the US and UK is our allies and brothers, but russian orcs like you still learning English.
why would you learn English and hating the West?
russians are so stupid.
russians are low quality orcs and that is revealed so clearly now.
i am so glad Ukraine finally have no common with those russian orcs.

Read the contents of the link first, you dumb animal.
>Trump Named Zelensky President of Russia
I do not understand what you mean by this comparison?
There is a general mathematical concept of flight performance to which all major powers adhere with minor modifications. Show the Ukrainian planes better.

392x220, 0:20
>There is a general mathematical concept of flight
stupid russian idiot, Americans design their future strategy and tactic of war And America is democracy unlike ur trash russian scum country for which the US design weapons as aircrafts.
Russian scum can make only very bad copies.
>Show the Ukrainian planes better.
Stupid orc, it's a really cheap provocation.
By the way, most European countries don't make aircrafts as Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, but ppl in those countries live so much better than russians with their cheap copies of American aircrafts.
To add to your reply to >>11479, don't forget that Soviets used espionage to get key industrial secrets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEK5BY5mkLQ
Your age and level of intellectual development is now clear. In principle, it corresponds to the table.
The Soviet Union also stole the blueprints of the Russian Sputnik from the United States with the help of spies. Disgusting Sovok.
>The U.S. cannot find a replacement for the Russian rocket engine RD-180.
Because russian spies stolen American blueprints:)
And they don't give it back to him))
westoido momento
>смех Ахилес.gif
сміх Ахілес*
don't thank corrected to your national language country
speak only in it, please
It's comfortable for you and funny for us)

560x832, 0:23

>don't thank corrected to your national language country
>speak only in it, please
stupid orc, it's a name of a file, that was downloaded from internet. Speak buryat language at all or whatever orc type you are. lol

352x640, 0:09
Sure it is.

>Ботiнки з натягнутих кротів
Meanwhile, we continue the Ukrainian wave

320x240, 0:15
Having a dick is a grave problem on Ukraine. I wonder if sex change operations got more popular there now.
Chess teams?
Worshiping an official is a perversion (c) Boris Nemtsov

720x1280, 0:41
1. After losing her boyfriend
month later...
2. playing with her new boyfriend
He's done it before us. So there is no difference. Just install a script for autohide with posts that contain his frequently used words if you don't like this animal.
There is no cultural difference between the Galician Poles and the Belarusian Poles, kneeling before the master is a medieval Polish tradition, which they taught their western ukrainian slaves.
Галицнявый копроскот

Based & Redpilled
I will explain the discontent of the hohl from the second video:
This is a heating station for those who do not have heat in the house.
Khohol is unhappy that the generator makes so much noise that it is impossible to be near it.
What's happening there? A normal Wednesday in Russia? Don't tell me it's a Russian kicking an Ukrainian or the other way around.
A Ukrainian kicks your Ukrainian friend.
In Russia, if you tie someone to a pole, you are likely to be beaten, because tying living people to a pole is a Nazi tradition during World War II.
Btw, why don't you like Poles?Norwegians and Swedes don't like Poles either. But they motivate it by the fact that Poles in their country behave in a very uncivilized way - they organize gangs and everything like that.
>Probably impossible to live near it.
Yeah, that's probably it. I just didn't immediately believe it was possible to make a heating point and use it for purposes other than the main one.

1280x720, 0:59
Story: A Ukrainian grandmother received humanitarian aid from a political party because she herself is no longer able to earn, and pensions in Ukraine are negligible and primitive as a legacy of the Soviet system.
This did not please some activist (probably from the opponent's party), and he took away and destroyed the humanitarian aid from the grandmother.
There is an assumption that the humanitarian aid was destroyed by a person from the same political party that distributed it in order to smear the opposition. And it is not surprising, such a circus happens all the time in Ukraine, but in any case we end up seeing an offended and humiliated elderly person. Which is disgusting and immoral.
We're in no hurry, don't worry.
I don't understand the whole fucking Kiev/Kyiv/Kyiv/Whateverthefuck thing. In Finnish it's Kiova. Moscow is Moskova, St. Petersburg is Pietari, Stockholm is Tukholma.
Brazilian Portuguese - Moscou
There was a former colleague - Russian living here - that his name was DanilA so to stop being bullied, every friend and colleague had to call him as DanilO. When monitors and professors called his name Danila for first time or for univ. exams, they thought they were calling a girl and everyone laughs.
Fucking sexists!
I fucking hate the American way: Moss-cow. And what the fuck is Gorbachew? There's no fucking chew in Gorbatšov. Fucking mutts. It's snowing like fuck here right now.
but in his latinized form of university enrollment, it is Danila. I suppose it was taken from his identity card or passport. University doesn't rename students.
Danila is feminine in Italian.
Danil + o is male.
>DanilA so to stop being bullied, every friend and colleague had to call him as DanilO
Man, that's much worse, now people might think he is an ukranian hohol. Why not call him Dany or Dan then ? And why it's funny to be called female name ?
When newcomers call out his first name, they are expecting a midget Portuguese woman, not a male Russian. Specially in a exam list, right before him, there are Daniela - female name of Daniel.
>Man, that's much worse, now people might think he is an ukranian
Obviously, no one knows the difference between a Russian and a Ukrainian, naming customs and accents. The ones that attacking discriminately Russians here by ethnicity are Ukrainians.
>When newcomers call out his first name, they are expecting a midget Portuguese woman, not a male Russian. Specially in a exam list, right before him, there are Daniela - female name of Daniel.
Daniela sounds weird, but not nesseserly bad, it's not worse then Daniel, I always felt that in Russia Deniel even in Russian version sound.....derogatory. like an nickname to a lesser man. Deniela sound like a spicy latin woman name.
>Obviously, no one knows the difference between a Russian and a Ukrainian, naming customs and accents. The ones that attacking discriminately Russians here by ethnicity are Ukrainians.
But he didn't know that ! That if it's an elaborate trolling sceme ? And even if not, I myself coukd live with dignity while be taking for ukranian.
What about the French name Dominique? I've always thought about that. How does it differ from the name Dominic pronunciation-wise?
>literally have "Dom" in name
Will attract certain type of attention. Which is not nesseserly bad, but would you wanna choose this things for a child ?
There are no Finnish girls' names even close to Pekka. I can't think of one that could be in any way confused with it.
Also, Pekka isn't a common name in Finland. See at the stats starting from 1899 and Pekka isn't on any given decade in top 10. The most common Finnish name is Jussi or Antti.

1280x720, 0:51
Ukraine is the third largest importer of used goods in the world (Europe accounts for most of it)
Kolyaska, spok

Russian imperial and Soviet communist Traditions, I see.
What the fuck is she doing with the snow? I stopped watching and listening when that mfucker opened his mouth
2. Happy Ukrainian

So? The existence of 1 nazi is somehow a good reason to kill hundreds of thousands of ppl?
You ruZZ scum are really should be punished and denazified with nukes.
Cry more ruZZ scum. The reality is that ruZZ is nazi country with nazi terrorists Wagner group. With a leader who has SS and swastikas on his body. Being a friend of Pootin and years after years being financed from the ruZZ budged.
This is the reality - ruZZ are terrorist nazi state who financed nazi organization.

BBC posted that fake several years ago but morons still repost it.

Russia is probably closest to Nazi Germany with its conquest and wars
Thats a bullshit picture. Our goverment (UNLIKE YOURS that is keeping ukranian skinheads in poland) is strongly against fascism.

What ideology do you mean? Have you ever been able to visit here? Your image of a civilized world is based on delusions.

If you check the definition of fascism, you can notice that russia is a fascist country, not the countries of the european union.
The culture of your degenerate civilization is slavery/fascism. All your idologies are just shells that hide the essence - Marxism, Nazism, liberalism, LGBT - these are phenomena of the same order. Your degenerate civilization must be neutralized - you are a threat to the human species, nigger.
presents viciousness as purportedly true righteousness, thus cultivating viciousness and impedes people from developing as Human Beings;
uses various justifications to suppress those who doubt the righteousness of the oligarchy and its policy, or those who are suspected of doing so.
In principle, it does not matter if the ruling oligarchy acts publicly and ceremonially, or if it acts privately and secretly while assuring the society that it does not exist. Neither does it matter if fascists themselves realize that fascism is expedient precisely in impeding each individual from developing him/herself as a human being – from realizing his/her personal development potential. As a result, fascism is a general concept, enclosing the concepts of racism, nationalism, and (inter)nazism, because all three may only exist in a fascistic culture. The concept hierarchy is demonstrated in the diagram below.

1080x1920, 0:07
In fascism authoritarian extreme nationalism and authoritarianism were combined with a corporatist system. Just like in Russia. You fucking donkey. OBEY YOUR DADDY FAGGOT
>Your image of a civilized world
I see oppressed people already standing against fascist regimes.
You see yourself as higher race, you think of yourself as privileged by birth right, this is going to change.
You already did all the genocides, you're sitting there calling everyone niggers, and you probably think the jews did this. Russia is an extremely racist country, having interacted with Russians online. I've never heard racism so extreme.
Is this really the attitude of Russians though? Crabs in a bucket? Surely it'd be better if the government oppressed no one, and helped everyone? But you're so bitter, depressed, and fatalist, such is the state of mind of the average Russian, that you actually want your government to inflict harm on others.
It's depressed looking at you guys from the outside. I honestly came here to help convince myself Russians are just like the rest of, they don't want war, suffering, or death. But no, it seems you have a malicious national spirit.
Ho ho ho
Merry Christmas my little dirty white bitch.
You is brainless. Look https://youtu.be/QAL01ya3r8w.
We help ukrainian migrants. And eц don't burn the Quran like the Swedes do.
Suck my dick black jewish.

Hi bitches Merry Christmas
Disgruntled importers of democracy are bringing it back.
Porquitta, please...
As smth bad.

1136x640, 2:18

640x640, 0:52
>i am so glad Ukraine finally have no common with those russian orcs.
Wait a bit hohlusha, you will live in the same country again.
gotta play stellaris again

792x1280, 0:46

Collect the scraps of your children on the streets, stupid ukropig🤣
English subtitled version
>Hey you. You're finally awake.
>You were trying to cross the border, right?
It was at that moment, dude knew, he spawned in Ukraine
Ну флаги тоже закапывали и че?
When you thought that you are ukro-aryan, but in fact you are el mongrelo de los slavos.

2chaia for dance
>>Пока он на разборках в лесополосе
>>Ты едешь в школу на автобусе
В контесте ваагха на укропов оскорбление не играет.

466x852, 0:26
Uman is a city in the Cherkassy region of Ukraine, which is called Little Israel. 99% of its inscriptions are in Hebrew.
More like Pigsty. Holy fuck, did no one teach them to clean up after themselves. Or do they think it's the goyim's job?
I think it's because it's not their country, so they come on a pilgrimage, visit their Jewish relatives, pile up a big pile of crap and leave back to Israel.

720x1280, 0:37
A Ukrainian commander is displeased with the cowardice of his unit in abandoning its position (watch to the end).
Overdose / withdrawal

It's actually real.
>The mother of the deceased child had 1.7 ppm of alcohol in her blood.
>5 years' imprisonment for failure to fulfill parental duties
All of them are pregnant. Both in AFU and in Poland.

Да я тебе даже больше скажу: я и сам генетически наполовину ТАКАЯ тупорылая свинья
Будучи джедаем важно выбрать правильную сторону - сторону света

406x720, 0:19
Woman's briefs contract - https://www.base.gov.pt/Base4/pt/resultados/?type=doc_documentos&id=2078576&ext=.pdf
"with Camouflage panties"
It's not customary on anonymous boards to say your gender, but this will be our secret: some women need pain pills once a month to cope with the effects of menstruation. It is not good if you get a pain in your lower abdomen while fighting the enemy. It's very paralyzing. Strange that no one ever cares about this, including the Russian army. It should be part of the basic kit. A military basic kit should also include hormonal medications for delayed menstruation and hemostatic agents, because blood in the perineum in the field and mud is a risk of putting a soldier out of commission due to a genitourinary tract infection.

898x720, 0:10
>4:19: All Russians belong in a police car and let them watch our freedom from it.
>4:20: ...
Yup. Don't forget that wolves (and probably same species - stray dogs) and bears can track down human scent of blood including used tampons and enter the trenches in search of the blood source, plus giving unnecessary movement to be detected by drones and night vision imaging by the respective adversary.
Then, the adversary pinpoints the position of menstruating woman and her company then uses a mortar or howitzer and they are dead. Because of a bloody tampon and a bear.

640x480, 0:42
Yes, you've gotten into the subject well. I served as a contract soldier in the Russian army for several years at the suggestion of my military father and I can say that women do well in the military, but without special means women are indeed harbingers of death for their squad on the battlefield.
Also, as shown in the video, it is imperative to have contraception because sex in the field is a natural consequence of severe emotional and physical stress in soldiers of both sexes. It is a natural physiological phenomenon, but it is justifiably prohibited in all armies around the world. As shown in the video, while pregnant, your squad may abandon you in the woods due to loss of mobility.

720x1278, 0:10

What do u mean "heroes"? They are fighting for their country so can u explain how they aren't heroes?
National Heroes of Ukraine (officially) are Nazi collaborators and war criminals such as Stepan Bandera. Apparently you are some uneducated stupid zoomer.
Besides, heroes don't kill their compatriots who disagree with the ban on Russian language and culture 10 years in a row.
U can find some nazi's from Russian too, you are talking like Kreml. Your country attacks neighbour to make sure u don't have to defend urself :D. What happened between USSR and Finland november 1939? USSR shooted some grenades to make reason to attack Finland. "Finland is offensive so we defend our country" is pretty lame reason to say it, u have used it almost 90 years.
I think even you don't believe that shit, that is just some info what u can hear from tv and other propaganda media.
>U can find some nazi's from Russian too
Show me one Nazi hero in Russia, you uneducated animal?
t. other

480x272, 10:11
>Your country attacks neighbour
Is there any evidence of that?
In 1991, Russia and Ukraine signed a document (the Memorandum of Independence of Ukraine) in which one of the clauses stated that Russia does not claim the territory of Ukraine as long as Ukraine does not infringe on the Russian-speaking population. With US support, in 2012 nationalist parties in the Rada of Ukraine initiated a language law that imposed some restrictions on the Russian language, in 2014 there was a nationalist Banderite Maidan in Kiev and an uprising of the Russian-speaking population of the southeast who disagreed with the anti-constitutional coup in Kiev, most of which was suppressed by the AFU on the orders of the Banderovites who came to power, in 2018 a ban on the use of the Russian language in culture, music, literature was introduced.
<- Speaking of which, how would you comment on this video? It's literally a venal crime that your country supported.
Also a fragment of the uprising of Russian-speaking regions. Must be Putin's soldiers in disguise, right? Or what the Finnish propaganda says? I like how they shout "Russia" at the end:
thanks for checking in.
You'd be better off asking why the US needs all this. Why is the U.S. supporting difficult regions and pushing sore spots on Russia's borders?
>Дмитрий Уткин
Before founding the PMC "Wagner" Dmitry Utkin served as a special forces officer of the GRU and was awarded many state awards, had the title of Hero of Russia.
Information from the article that is attached as a source on Wikipedia.
That's before his Nazi photos were taken. He could have been stripped of that title, but there's no record of that. This is, after all, a former GRU officer.
When i said nazi heroes? Literally, ur country owns some nazi's but they hide themself very good when there is only one answer for everything (what kreml says). So don't be a stupid and say "I don't see nazi's anywhere so we don't have them"
Every country have nazi's and that isn't reason to attack ukraine. Ur goverment just says "good answers" for what they are going to do. If u open ur eyes, u will see the truth. Your government is just one fucking big liar
He should have the award stripped after having found that he had Nazi tattoos, not after meme rebellion if it ever happened.
Neo-nazis from both sides are just cannon fodder. When they work for jew or philosemite rulers or get funded by Jewish oligarchs, it should ring inside their heads that something is going wrong.
You can easily recognize from a tombstone whether a person is a hero of Russia or not. There are special rules spelled out in the law.
Heroes of Russia are also kept in a special way (military ritual). But how this happened in the case of Utkin and Prigozhin is not clear from the media.

464x848, 2:03

942x1064, 0:07

720x1280, 0:25

1087x807, 1:32

352x640, 1:02
>U can find some nazi's from Russian too
From idiot's point of view nazism is shitheads with swastikas.
Fake ambulance
I don't think Ukraine ever left the '90s.
Progressive European cuisine.

Did Jews ate everything?
> I honestly came here to help convince myself Russians are just like the rest of
2ch is the worst place of doing so. Just like trying to find a decent person on 4chan
Obviously you're a faggot, you'll never read these posts, but better late than never.
>extremely racist country
It's not true, firstly because it REALLY isn't, secondly, the country where 204 people live would not exist long ago, if there was extreme racism there wouldn't be a race of Gurans (artificial ethinc in Russia). Propaganda of LGBT advantages in comparison with traditional relationships is forbidden in Russia, but if you say that trans people are not humans and animals, you will be sent to a penal colony. Or fined a large sum of money.
You're just socializing with degenerates from Russia. They are a minority, moron. Find yourself a normal company and don't fuck with people's brains.
Ахахахахахахаха сенкс