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16865581873040.jpg327 Кб, 919x977
Sizzling Finnish bacon in a German frying pan RU 115964 В конец треда | Веб
We continue to follow how hordes of NATO Nazi LGBT niggers are killed by the Russian Army in Western Russia

last thread: https://2ch.hk/int/res/115265.html (М)
16869174173010.jpg1,1 Мб, 1312x2198
N(ATO)IGGERS RU 14 115977

When Ukraine’s long-awaited counteroffensive finally begins, the fight will be led by brigades armed not only with Western weapons but also Western know-how, gleaned from months of training aimed at transforming Ukraine’s military into a modern force skilled in NATO’s most advanced warfare tactics.

Now the war games are over. The 47th brigade and other assault units have been armed with Western weapons, including Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, and relocated to a secret location closer to the front line. During a recent visit by Washington Post journalists, the soldiers were waiting for the order to charge ahead to retake a large swath of Ukrainian territory and tip the war back in Kyiv’s favor.

The counteroffensive will be the biggest test yet of the U.S.-led strategy of giving the Ukrainians weapons and training to fight like an American army might.
photo2023-06-1913-22-40.jpg98 Кб, 1280x896
PL 15 115978
RU 19 115988
Mr. NIGGER🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🇺🇦🇫🇮?
1648405653maxresdefault.jpg88 Кб, 1201x720
RU 20 115993
Enemy tanks are burning "for a sweet soul," - Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich.

According to him, as of June 21, 245 Ukrainian tanks and about 680 armored vehicles of various types have already been destroyed.
IMG7374.jpeg203 Кб, 828x1446
FI 23 115996
Russia has started a brutal war in Europe. You will never be forgiven for this.
RU 25 116002
You are poor dumb fascist who put the human civilization on the brink of annihilation. No one is interested in your opinion, everyone is interested in the time when you die, nigger.
VID20230622015823287.mp449,2 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:14
RU 26 116003
VID20230622062906458.mp442,1 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:48
RU 30 116007
Video.Guru20230622153115001.mp459,6 Мб, mp4,
1136x512, 4:37
RU 34 116019
Video.Guru20230622153600297.mp457,2 Мб, mp4,
856x480, 4:08
RU 35 116021
VID20230622174003180.mp448,5 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:37
RU 44 116030
VID20230622195233820.mp453,3 Мб, mp4,
540x960, 6:15
RU 48 116040
DE 50 116045
all look like turks
VID20230622222647597.mp455,5 Мб, mp4,
576x1024, 1:05
RU 51 116048
VID20230622222345458.mp451,2 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:38
RU 52 116049
57011d76-5f6a-4356-a31d-9915f74d6a9e.jpg311 Кб, 966x1280
RU 58 116070
How do Finnish niggers differ from Ukrainian ones? Absolutely nothing. Exactly the same marginal traitors who oppose their nation in the service of the Anglo-Saxon LGBT Nazis.
sketch-1682625869369.png2 Мб, 1050x1263
RU 59 116085
VID20230623063053961.mp455,3 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:46
RU 61 116087
VID20230624045339523.mp446,5 Мб, mp4,
1280x576, 0:38
RU 64 116090
VID20230624045048521.mp429,9 Мб, mp4,
1280x688, 1:22
RU 65 116091
VID20230624044821548.mp456,9 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:00
RU 66 116092
Video.Guru20230624065023779.mp445,6 Мб, mp4,
1136x544, 3:36
RU 71 116100
VID20230624054955796.mp457,2 Мб, mp4,
1920x1080, 2:31
RU 72 116101
Video.Guru20230624071340601.mp451,5 Мб, mp4,
768x480, 3:50
RU 74 116103
Video.Guru20230624072521653.mp450,6 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:57
RU 75 116104
RU 79 116112
IMG20230624055912207.jpg158 Кб, 958x1280
🔪🐖 RU 80 116113
After a giant crater appears on the site of the Rzeszow airfield in Poland, we will no longer see the NATO military and their equipment on Ukraine.

sketch-1681159205894.jpg134 Кб, 2400x976
RU 81 116124
Well, fascist biblical lgbt nazi scum? Ready for a real war?
1687010371090576.gif30 Кб, 112x112
US 82 116128
Don't you guys feel bad about watching poor conscripts suffer horrific deaths?
FI 83 116185


>who put the human civilization on the brink of annihilation.

Also, Russia will lose, be cucked by the west and sliced up like Africa
RU 84 116186

>яскозал, сук

Said who, you tiny bitch?
FI 85 116187
this one guy on the thread. Seems that russianns are incapable of crafting an imageboard where you are able to directly answer to someone succesfully
RU 86 116188
Are you looking for someone else to bitch around? Try Sportloto.
VladimirPutinSeptember5,2022(cropped).jpg20 Кб, 250x320
RU 87 116193
Either the world will be Russian, or there will be no world.
And this is not some kind of nationalism. This is logic. Only Russian civilization has a culture that can unite all of humanity, while allowing it to survive and develop.
VID20230625065751040.mp421,3 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:55
RU 88 116194
Continue to watch the US military burn in their funny barn-like fighting vehicles.
NoName.jpg47 Кб, 688x594
PL 89 116199
VID20230627000453108.mp45,5 Мб, mp4,
880x480, 0:14
RU 90 116255
PT 92 116258
Is there even Ukrainian youth reading this website for you to keep baiting them?
16489931322700.jpg139 Кб, 861x839
PL 93 116265
VID20230627085630590001.mp448,7 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 3:47
RU 96 116269
NIGGERSATO terrorists were able to escape alive after meeting with the Russian Mujahideen, but for this they had to pay with their legs and feet.
VID20230627085630590002.mp435,5 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 3:35
RU 97 116270
Remember, O Prophet, when your Lord revealed to the angels, “I am with you. So make the believers stand firm. I will cast horror into the hearts of the disbelievers. So strike their necks and strike their fingertips.
VID20230627085630590003.mp450,9 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 3:50
RU 98 116271
That worldly punishment is yours, so taste it! Then the disbelievers will suffer the torment of the Fire.
VID20230627092112828.mp448,2 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:34
RU 102 116275
VID20230627113447768.mp429,4 Мб, mp4,
1274x720, 1:06
RU 106 116280
IMG20230627114752945.jpg161 Кб, 1280x862
RU 107 116281
VID20230627132050419.mp448,8 Мб, mp4,
1280x800, 2:26
RU 117 116291
Video.Guru20230627133806193.mp453,1 Мб, mp4,
936x720, 2:10
RU 120 116294
VID20230627154111187.mp45,4 Мб, mp4,
1280x960, 0:18
RU 130 116305
In Bulgaria, an ammunition depot of NATO terrorists was destroyed.
GB 134 116309
Kek, Russian "development". You all have fucking HIV, alcoholism, your cities look like garbage dumps, and the average Russian man doesn't live much longer than retirement age. Tell me again, about development and culture.
VID20230627155836854.mp4.mov26,3 Мб, mp4,
1280x704, 1:14
RU 135 116310
Sizzling Finnish bacon in a German iron pan
RU 136 116311
What a news! In the propaganda cliches of Western degenerate lgbt-nazi quasi-terrorist regimes, Russia is bad!🌚

This is not a matter of discussion, your (nigger) and my opinion do not affect anything, this is the real state of affairs. Either there will be an all-planetary Russian Civilization, or humanity will disappear. For your (nigger) degenerate civilization, this means an uncontested collapse. In other matters, as it is written in the algorithm for the development of your civilization (the Bible), you will end up in a catastrophe (apocalypse).
GB 137 116313
Fuck, is every Russian this mentally ill? Is this what 500 years of getting cucked by autocrats has done to your brains? How could you live in an oppressive, autocratic country, with no free press, no freedom of protest, then try and claim that people from proper democracies are the ones who believe propaganda?
GB 138 116314
Honest question, why are you all like this? So damn hostile, throwing out racial slurs, calling everyone Nazis and drug addicts etc? Everyone who encounters a Russian like you is just left thinking wow, are they all cynical nihilistic weirdos?
медведь-живность-танк-made-in-germany-1540432.jpeg235 Кб, 749x1000
RU 139 116315
I can give you some free valuable advice: close the lid of the bioreactor from the inside, nigger.
GB 141 116317
Keep going, it's sad to witness brain rot like this. You're essentially just lashing out and attacking anything, like a corned, wounded dog.
GU5vKzh.jpeg104 Кб, 500x455
GB 142 116318
Calling everyone niggers meanwhile the average Russian looks like this actually has me rolling, look, muh russian master race!!
VID20230627163636375.mp445,1 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:04
RU 146 116322
Fun fact🤓 RU 147 116323
An hour ago, Tu-22M bombers attacked terrorist targets in Sumy and Kremenchug with Kh-32 supersonic cruise missiles. The missile has tremendous destructive power thanks to almost a ton of warhead weight and three tons of fuel on board, some of which also remains in the tanks and detonates.
VID20230627164950429.mp449,7 Мб, mp4,
1920x1080, 2:05
RU 149 116325
VID20230627171332032.mp443,9 Мб, mp4,
848x368, 4:27
RU 150 116326
VID20230627171237187.mp4.mov37,9 Мб, mp4,
1920x1072, 0:47
RU 151 116327
VID20230627182521858.mp451,6 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:26
RU 153 116330
GB 156 116333
You can see a small child walking with her mother in this clip, a cyclist, and two civilian cars. Russia is a terrorist state.
VID20230627184846238001.mp457,3 Мб, mp4,
640x1138, 1:49
RU 157 116334
RU 158 116335
Well, at least we are a state, Britain is a terrorist ORGANIZATION.
VID20230627185250869.mp456,1 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:25
RU 159 116336
GB 162 116340
Damn you've really got nothing. You responded to a video of Russia bombing civilians with that? It must be bleak, being Russian
RU 163 116341
I answer the western subhuman bearer of the misanthropic fascist ideology of LGBT fascism. You are a supporter of terrorists and should be repressed. What else do you want to know, humanoid scum? Instructions on how to commit suicide?
GB 167 116345
Fuck your society has gone off the deep end. Is what you're saying the normal kind of discussion in Russia? I wish you could see yourself from the outside.
Video.Guru20230627192909471001.mp452,2 Мб, mp4,
1136x640, 1:48
RU 168 116346
4 video. Destruction of british 🐖or american, they are all the same
Video.Guru20230627192909471002.mp452,9 Мб, mp4,
1136x640, 1:50
RU 169 116347
Those 🐖 that did not survive on the video, a second car drove up to them in a minute and it was already a direct hit by a mine with detonation of ammunition.
RU 170 116348
Terrorists and their supporters see me dead and robbed. Me and the rest of civilized humanity are very worried about how we look in your eyes, or rather we are worried that you are still alive/not repressed and able to look at us. Nigger, you must either be killed or repressed and denazified - you are a threat to the human species.
VID20230627194316793.mp445,7 Мб, mp4,
1280x718, 1:08
RU 171 116349
VID20230627194537721.mp440,5 Мб, mp4,
854x480, 1:40
RU 172 116350
VID20230627195046532.mp458,3 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:01
RU 173 116351
IMG20230502214517013.jpg101 Кб, 960x1280
RU 174 116352
Какой всё таки обнаглевшеий недолюдок! Я до сих пор негодую. Это мерзкое животное, которое понимает только язык физического насилия нахально пытается доказать, что меня должно интересовать его мнения до тех пор пока его не посадят в клетку и не придавят голову сапогом!
GB 177 116356
See, almost no one in the west talks with such insane vitriol, and yet that's the state of discourse I see on the Russian internet. You're a people filled with hatred, prone to violent outbursts, because life has always been rough for Russians. I feel sorry for you as a country.
RU 179 116358
Lets continue this conversation when there are Russian military bases on the ruins of your LGBT Reich.
GB 181 116360
Yep see you then. So why are you not at the front, coward?
GB 182 116361
Russia would get bitchslapped off the face of the earth if it ever attacked NATO, even Russian high command doesn't deny that
RU 183 116364
Why attack you if you are as poor as church mice? You have no energy resources, no natural resources, clean water, no human resources. No one is going to attack you, there is no reason for this.
We will simply put your LGBT Reich in self-sufficiency mode, without the ability to rob others, it will immediately slide into the natural level of the Middle Ages. You will literally eat your neighbors.

Russian soldiers will simply maintain order on your territory, which you yourself will beg us to do, nigger.
16778666928760.jpg225 Кб, 745x802
PL 184 116365
Dying out degenerate HIV nigger talks about human resources...

That ruzz niggers are really fucking dumb. Like IQ<50 dumb.
IMG20230627234759877.jpg118 Кб, 1280x575
RU 186 116372
Video.Guru20230627235748776.mp453 Мб, mp4,
640x1002, 3:01
RU 188 116374
Video.Guru20230627235958354.mp449,4 Мб, mp4,
480x752, 4:43
RU 189 116376
VID20230628000720958.mp454,7 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:27
RU 191 116378
VID20230628010044622.mp4.mov46,8 Мб, mp4,
1920x1072, 0:58
RU 193 116382
VID20230628032801331001.mp432,3 Мб, mp4,
1440x1080, 0:52
RU 195 116388
Video.Guru20230628033637577.mp433,3 Мб, mp4,
704x1280, 0:51
RU 196 116390
In Kramatorsk, as a result of rocket strikes, a group of high-ranking Ukrainian terrorists was destroyed, among whom were officers from the Armed Forces of NATO countries.

There is a panic in the social networks of the terrorists and their supporters, they are already going to terrorize the local population, suspecting that they have passed information about the meeting.

IMG20230428123203125.jpg203 Кб, 735x1280
RU 197 116395
There are a lot of seriously injured 🐖.
RU 198 116396
VID20230628042339336.mp410,7 Мб, mp4,
576x304, 0:29
RU 199 116397
RU 200 116408
image.png815 Кб, 1080x658
RU 201 116411
RU 202 116413
Thank God that this clown survived and will continue to sabotage the shooting training of terrorists.
RU 204 116417






Video.Guru20230628171046477.mp437,9 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:29
RU 206 116423
VID20230628173831606.mp4.mov1,1 Мб, mp4,
848x464, 0:07
NIGGERS RU 207 116427
"Become a tanker. Protect Poland in Ukraine!".
Well, how did you, the Nazis, protect? Became dead tankers?
VID20230628174431817.mp428,5 Мб, mp4,
640x360, 1:00
RU 208 116428
VID20230628174629742.mp422 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:21
RU 209 116429
VID20230628182706124.mp420,1 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:54
RU 211 116431
RU 212 116433

>going to be

>june 3rd

VID20230628190329916.mp45,4 Мб, mp4,
848x464, 0:28
RU 213 116436
RU 215 116438

>throwing half of the strategic reserves into the attack

>combat reconnaissance!!1!!1!!

VID20230628191126661.mp47 Мб, mp4,
854x480, 0:38
RU 216 116439
VID20230628191709140.mp424,6 Мб, mp4,
856x480, 1:17
RU 217 116440
Guys on an old but solid BMP-1 are dismantling the positions of the LGBT nazi niggers forces. Fire is adjusted from the copter.
VID20230628192421280.mp414,5 Мб, mp4,
576x1024, 0:15
RU 218 116441
VID20230628192728259.mp420 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:23
RU 219 116442
RU 220 116444
More like hillbillies.
VID20230628202328063.mp45,2 Мб, mp4,
640x696, 0:17
RU 221 116448

>digging nigger all day and night

Look what we aree doing to this terrorist organization - we are genocide it🔪🐖
Screenshot20230628203321Maps.jpg859 Кб, 1036x1197
NIGGERS RU 222 116450
Another mass slaughter of pigs has just taken place in a key terrorist rear city. Smoked Polish bacon and fried German sausages - that is what we call the Polish and German soldiers stationed there👌
RU 223 116451
⚡️According to American observers, a restaurant in Kramatorsk was attacked by a British Storm Shadow missile from a Ukrainian fighter. The missile allegedly left the trajectory.

Among the victims are foreign mercenaries and regular American military personnel from the 101st Airborne Forces and the Rangers. Blackhawk helicopters were used to evacuate them to Europe.
RU 224 116453
RU 225 116457

>30km fron frontiline

>hotel hosting nafo mercs

>walk with kid nearby

huh, darwin would be proud(of his theory)
IMG20230629045432685.jpg63 Кб, 741x1248
NIGGERS RU 226 116473

US Army Unit Crest: 1st Air Defense Artillery - Motto: PRIMUS INTER PARES

They work the Patriot missile system.
VID20230629122851962.mp446,9 Мб, mp4,
1280x718, 1:17
RU 231 116483
IMG20230629111600290.jpg21 Кб, 313x426
RU 234 116487

>combat reconnaissance

>40,000 killed and wounded

RU 235 116505
As a result of the strike on June 27 in the city of Kramatorsk at the point of temporary deployment of the 56th terrorist brigade, two generals participating in the headquarters meeting, up to 50 terrorist officers, as well as up to 20 foreign mercenaries and military personnel of NATO countries were destroyed.
VID20230630015544512.mp414,6 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:49
RU 243 116514
Video.Guru20230630042452154.mp450,8 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:06
RU 244 116516
VID20230630090523020.mp445,8 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:58
RU 248 116529
VID20230630095948147.mp440 Мб, mp4,
1920x912, 2:43
RU 250 116531
VID20230630111541076.mp440,4 Мб, mp4,
1920x1040, 3:49
RU 251 116532
VID20230630122320093.mp445,7 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:43
RU 252 116533
Video.Guru20230630124846932.mp454,6 Мб, mp4,
1144x496, 4:27
RU 253 116534
RU 254 116535
The crew of the tank with its own name "Berserk" over the past 2 weeks survived 3 explosions on anti-tank mines, 2 hits from RPGs and 1 from NLAW. And also rammed 4 country houses.
VID20230630134140894.mp437,8 Мб, mp4,
480x794, 2:29
RU 256 116537
VID20230630150401558.mp435,4 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:38
RU 257 116541
VID20230630145811000.mp449 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:20
RU 260 116544
VID20230630151524697.mp449,2 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:21
RU 261 116545
VID20230630163755910.mp421,5 Мб, mp4,
672x688, 1:44
RU 263 116547
Terrorists from the 31 brigade (part of the strategic reserve) of terrorists spoke about the offensive (which does not exist):
They are advancing according to NIGGERSATO tactics (meat waves) - there is no communication, no reconnaissance means, no supply, no water, no medical care and evacuation, no control. Units just keep all-round defense until they are destroyed.

In a few days, terrorist companies lose 60-70% of their personnel killed.
VID20230630171244230.mp41,1 Мб, mp4,
360x640, 0:13
RU 264 116550
On June 10, at about 3 o'clock in the morning, in the building of the NATOrial (coincidence?) office in the settlement Veliky Burluk, Kupyansky district, Kharkiv region, an accurate hit by a kamikaze drone "Geran-2" destroyed more than 50 and wounded about 20 NATO NIGGERS.

On the instructions of the terrorists, the territory of the building was urgently cordoned off, unauthorized persons were not allowed in, the mobile phones of all civilians passing by were examined, the bodies of liquidated NATO NIGGERS were urgently taken out, both in military vehicles and in ambulances, to the morgue in Kupyansk .
Video.Guru20230630162407215.mp459 Мб, mp4,
1280x678, 2:35
RU 266 116554
RU 267 116555
Is this Sabbath song or already Dio song ? Rrally cool song anyway.
RU 269 116571
I dono no
genocide.mp44,4 Мб, mp4,
848x464, 0:22
RU 270 116575
VID20230701231430316.mp44,1 Мб, mp4,
480x848, 0:20
RU 271 116579
Stay home
VID20230630222629260.mp426,2 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:05
RU 272 116583
VID20230701232146614.mp416,2 Мб, mp4,
480x848, 1:22
RU 273 116584
VID20230701233744429.mp45,1 Мб, mp4,
854x480, 0:27
RU 279 116590
VID20230702014720404.mp449,4 Мб, mp4,
896x1280, 2:41
RU 281 116592
VID20230702162343849.mp4.mov17,7 Мб, mp4,
1280x752, 0:48
RU 284 116617
Video.Guru20230702205934501.mp446,2 Мб, mp4,
1920x1080, 0:50
RU 290 116634
VID20230702224942959001.mp457,6 Мб, mp4,
1920x1080, 0:30
RU 296 116640
VID20230702234523519001.mp455,7 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:50
RU 299 116646
RU 300 116647

>Relatives of the liquidated Azov terrorists held a rally demanding an increase in the size of the cemeteries and their number.

VID20230703075658645.mp46 Мб, mp4,
1280x882, 0:21
RU 302 116653
VID20230703085525159.mp458,5 Мб, mp4,
1920x1080, 0:33
RU 303 116654
VID20230703090028611.mp459,3 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:42
RU 305 116656
VID20230703125233643.mp425,4 Мб, mp4,
704x576, 1:07
RU 308 116660
VID20230703073910224.mp44 Мб, mp4,
640x352, 0:44
RU 314 116666
There is a massive daylight attack by kamikaze drones. Those who like to change their careers in the us army for pizza in Kramatorsk seem to soon return home in bags.
VID20230703122318906.mp41,1 Мб, mp4,
720x1280, 0:02
RU 315 116667
RU 318 116673


VID20230703181937798.mp48,5 Мб, mp4,
464x848, 0:42
RU 320 116681
Video.Guru20230703181523842.mp452,5 Мб, mp4,
1920x1080, 0:43
RU 321 116682
im-775894.jpeg165 Кб, 1280x1280
RU 322 116683
VID20230703204717755.mp46,2 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:17
RU 323 116688
It is a pity the liberator did not manage to kill the terrorist in the end😑
aqeyjo7460s.jpg44 Кб, 460x634
RU 325 116690
Let's sum up the results of the first month of the terrorist offensive (which does not exist): the terrorists lost more than 30% of their strategic reserves and in some places were able to approach the first line of fortifications (one of the three) for several kilometers
IMG20230703211902776.jpg148 Кб, 598x802
RU 326 116692
Fuck niggers💥
RU 327 116693
Why do NAFO losers ban me the moment I reply to them?
Video.Guru20230703212931607.mp454,3 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:23
RU 328 116695
VID20230703211332512.mp43,2 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:11
RU 329 116698
Old but Gold. April 2023. Previously unpublished.
Video.Guru20230704005454305.mp444,8 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:19
RU 336 116716
VID20230704005613654.mp433,9 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:26
RU 337 116717
VID20230704055417923.mp43 Мб, mp4,
576x1024, 0:09
RU 338 116722
VID20230704060324832001.mp457,1 Мб, mp4,
1280x576, 2:19
RU 339 116723
The terrorists keep coming
Video.Guru20230704061410551.mp446 Мб, mp4,
1280x576, 2:20
RU 340 116724
IMG20230704061610781.jpg46 Кб, 792x454
RU 341 116725
VID20230704100605335.mp412,2 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:34
RU 343 116727
One of the bloody clowns playing the role of the military leadership of the terrorists, Vitaly Dainega, said that the terrorists cannot buy Chinese drones so as not to upset the US. Hardcore niggerism/10
ЫЫыыы RU 346 116730
Now made in Russia, Tatarstan.
VID20230704160032824.mp46,2 Мб, mp4,
854x480, 0:31
RU 350 116737
VID20230704160307707.mp455,3 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:42
RU 351 116738
VID20230704202454150.mp417,3 Мб, mp4,
1280x960, 0:47
RU 355 116744
VID20230705064742912001.mp456 Мб, mp4,
854x480, 1:48
RU 358 116754
VID20230705064742912002.mp456,2 Мб, mp4,
854x480, 1:49
RU 359 116755
Video.Guru20230705102013810.mp459,5 Мб, mp4,
1136x640, 3:05
RU 360 116757
VID20230705055855565.mp446,4 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:44
RU 367 116764
VID20230705112812166.mp48 Мб, mp4,
480x270, 2:47
RU 368 116765
Funny terrorist was captured: boxing champion of the former Ukraine
Video.Guru20230705120104167.mp456,3 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:43
RU 371 116769
VID20230705111150049001.mp455,3 Мб, mp4,
1920x1080, 0:22
RU 372 116770
IMG20230705121159806.jpg61 Кб, 1242x727
RU 373 116771


Before destruction
Video.Guru20230705123438904.mp451,2 Мб, mp4,
1920x1080, 0:55
RU 376 116774
VID20230705154501703.mp457,1 Мб, mp4,
1280x522, 2:00
RU 384 116789
NO NIGGER ZONE RU 387 116797
A Ukrainian terrorist who is an active member of NATO has been eliminated in Russia.
Valery Polkovnikov allegedly went to the country to shoot a video, "demonstrate equipment" and was generally "an ordinary blogger."
During its movement, as part of a group of terrorists, an FPV kamikaze drone flew over them.
VID20230705114451896001.mp449,2 Мб, mp4,
1280x700, 0:50
RU 390 116802
VID20230705114451896001.mp455,7 Мб, mp4,
1280x700, 0:56
RU 391 116804
VID20230705114451896001.mp445,6 Мб, mp4,
1280x700, 0:51
RU 392 116805
RU 394 116808
Partisans destroyed the cafe of terrorist supporters who sponsored the terrorists of the AFU.
VID20230705202923264.mp458,3 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:01
RU 395 116809
VID20230705114455751001.mp447,6 Мб, mp4,
1280x700, 0:50
RU 398 116813
VID20230705114455751002.mp458 Мб, mp4,
1280x700, 1:02
RU 399 116814
VID20230705114455751003.mp458,8 Мб, mp4,
1280x700, 1:00
RU 400 116815
a2eef603.jpg14 Кб, 400x331
FI 401 116819
>>5964 (OP)
Didn't know Ukraine is already in NATO.
Video.Guru20230705213310885.mp443,3 Мб, mp4,
1280x700, 0:55
RU 404 116831
Video.Guru20230705213623496.mp444,7 Мб, mp4,
1280x700, 0:57
RU 405 116832
Video.Guru20230705213948772.mp455 Мб, mp4,
1280x700, 1:10
RU 406 116833
Video.Guru20230705214551287.mp459,8 Мб, mp4,
1280x700, 1:16
RU 407 116834
Video.Guru20230705215003430.mp459,7 Мб, mp4,
1280x700, 1:16
RU 408 116835
Video.Guru20230705215332785.mp454,9 Мб, mp4,
1280x700, 1:10
RU 409 116836
Video.Guru20230705215626722.mp437,3 Мб, mp4,
1280x700, 0:47
RU 410 116837
Video.Guru20230705215841900.mp443,7 Мб, mp4,
1280x700, 0:55
RU 411 116838
RU 415 116845
Terminator 2 moment.
VID20230705232915116.mp412,8 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:10
RU 416 116850


PL 420 116884
RuZZ Y U are not on this pallet?
16885802369630.jpg585 Кб, 1280x591
PL 424 116906
Yes it is really a trash.
Human ruZZ trash.
могил9.mp48,7 Мб, mp4,
402x720, 1:59
RU 425 116910

>the Nazis are Russians, not Ukrainians!!

Is this all a counteroffensive?
Video.Guru20230706151507798.mp453,5 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:59
RU 427 116912
16885802369630.jpg366 Кб, 1280x591
RU 428 116913
You tricked me
IMG20230602202516083.jpg147 Кб, 931x1024
RU 433 116919

Biggest discovery of 2022: NATO military-industrial complex cannot provide weapons not only for itself, but even for Ucraine.

Biggest discovery of 2023: NATO generals don't know how to fight a modern war. Nazis in 1940 knew how to break into defense in depth, LGBT Nazis in 2023 don't.
Video.Guru20230706180534846.mp452,6 Мб, mp4,
480x640, 6:04
RU 434 116922
RU 435 116923
как бы я жил без этого трэда.
Хохлы надоели со своим "слабо ебёте", "вторая армия мира", "нацисты", "садисты" етс
RU 437 116927
Looks like this lgbt nazi nigger is found among these corpses
Video.Guru20230706202915267.mp444,5 Мб, mp4,
856x480, 3:49
RU 438 116936
And this, in fact, how this terrorists were killed and captured.
RU 439 116938
Сделойте бамп лимит касарь, или я взорву двач🇸🇾
RU 441 116949
Легко бы ты жил без него.
Вот те пруф:
Скинь мне на карту минимум 109,99 на баночку вина, если не скинешь и выживешь, то считай, что я прав.
RU 442 116950
Давай, аноний, отвечай за слова. Мне твои деньги не нужны. У меня всё есть, нет кредитов и присутствует финансовая подушка. Но если, как ты говоришь, без этого треда твоей жизни нет, (как ты до жтого жил, ммм, уёба) то мне скинешь пару соточек, или ьы обычный кукаретник.
RU 444 116953
June is the month of the Lancets. Due to the expansion of the production capacity of the Kalashnikov concern, due to the conversion of shopping centers in Izhevsk into scientific and production facilities, the genocide of terrorists with the help of kamikaze drones has intensified 4 times over the past 3 months.
VID20230706224142102.mp457,7 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 9:43
RU 445 116954
Slow and rewerb
RU 449 116962
но вы ребята главные экспортёры пруфов. Я подсел на вас.
Скажи нет алкозависимости!
RU 450 116964

>(как ты до жтого жил, ммм, уёба)

Так я обычный зумер. Денег нет. И я не всерьёз говорил "без треда умру". Понял, босс. Дальше на тред сорить не буду.
RU 457 116977
RU 460 116981
Did you forgive Germany?
RU 462 116983
RU 463 116984
Video.Guru20230707162122771.mp443,7 Мб, mp4,
1136x640, 2:18
RU 464 116986


RU 465 116987
VID20230707170627533001.mp446,8 Мб, mp4,
1920x1072, 0:58
RU 468 116990
NAGGERS RU 473 116997

>9 Training Corps Army Academy

Lvov is the safest place for NATO troops. Was.
Video.Guru20230707180408801.mp455,8 Мб, mp4,
1920x1080, 0:46
RU 474 116998
RU 476 117000
Video.Guru20230707200355671.mp424,1 Мб, mp4,
1280x704, 0:55
RU 477 117001
RU 478 117002
The fire defeat of the places of deployment of manpower and directly the terrorists themselves and one of the platoons of the 70th Guards Red Banner Order of Lenin and Kutuzov regiment of a motorized rifle regiment in the Zaporozhye direction. This platoon, under the command of Dmitry (call sign "Cherny"), heroically proved himself in repelling the offensive of terrorists in this direction from the very beginning. The platoon consists of half Orthodox Christians, half Muslims, as well as 2 Jews and 1 atheists, who heroically and harmoniously fight in one trench.
1.jpg146 Кб, 1200x800
RU 480 117006
Video.Guru20230708004851346.mp450,5 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 2:25
RU 482 117009
A group of terrorist special forces filmed their death during an unsuccessful attempt to storm the positions of the liberators.

Our fighters got as a trophy a recording from the action camera of one of the killed 2SLGBTQI+ 🐖 who participated in an unsuccessful attempt to storm our positions on the Svatovo-Kremennaya front.

At the beginning of the video, a group of niggers evacuate their wounded, apparently after a previous unsuccessful attempt to advance. Then it is shown how they discuss the tactics of a new attack on the position of the Russian army in their positions. Next are the shots of the battle itself, which are cut off when the owner of the camera catches an olive and goes to Bandera.
VID20230708011025071.mp454,9 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 1:02
RU 484 117011
RU 486 117014
Didn't saw anybody, so we might lost somebody too.
RU 487 117015
You should post more metal edits.
RU 490 117020
VID20230708130655005.mp431 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:32
RU 494 117032
7ptzpq.gif1,9 Мб, 353x199
PL 500 117049
RU 501 117051
US 502 118582
>>5964 (OP)
Bumping this somewhat IAS thread
US 503 119371
Bumping this to make the catty more like a /soy/ board
Тред утонул или удален.
Это копия, сохраненная 17 сентября 2023 года.

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