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Hi guys, I'm from Irkutsk, ask me anything RU 116055 В конец треда | Веб
Hi guys, I'm from Irkutsk, ask me anything
PT 2 116056
What European products / brands reach there?
RU 3 116057
Nestle, some cars, maybe something else, idk
PT 4 116059
>>16055 (OP)
Is this true?

>Despite its remoteness, Irkutsk was reported in 2004 to have the highest HIV infection rate in Russia.[39] Tens of thousands of drug addicts, mostly ethnic Russians in their mid to late teens are infected. The number of reported AIDS cases increased by more than 10,000% during the 1999–2000 period.

>Although the epidemic, which started in 1999, is reported to have slowed down, Irkutsk will lose tens of thousands of its working age population from 2010 onwards. This is one of the reasons Irkutsk's male life expectancy, at 53 years, is one of the lowest in all of Russia. Preventive measures are in place to prevent the spread of the epidemic to the generation which was born after the breakup of the USSR

Where did the injectable drugs come from?
RU 5 116060

>Where did the injectable drugs come from?

from drugs dealers?
PT 6 116061
Main traffic routes there?
RU 7 116062
I don't really know. Maybe all addicts used one syringe for everyone and then had sex with women and others. Lots of scenarios.
PT 8 116063
Those are HIV transmission routes. I was talking about this.
AT 9 116064
BE 10 116137
Chechnya is also notorious for having a lot of drugs transiting from the Golden Crescent to European Russia.
PT 11 116375
How do Russians keep cattle, hens or chickens or animals with those low temperatures have to get imported from warmer regions?
RU 12 116402
I was at my grandmother's village in the Irkutsk region, I think they keep the temperature up somehow so the cattle don't die
RU 13 116410
>>16055 (OP)
I'm from Irkutsk too, but living around Kutulik in military town
RU 14 116462
RU 15 116467
Why what?
RU 16 116476
Why'd you live there?
RU 17 116501
I can't live without my parents, and they don't want to leave
US 18 118911
>>16055 (OP)
Hi Genodile (I think that was your name on the 'ru), we 'teens have all migrated here now
RU 19 118967
>>16055 (OP)
Do you suck dicks? Do you do a barrel roll?
RU 20 118973
>>16055 (OP)
How does it feel to know that all Siberia will be conquered by Barnauloborean aryan chuds
RU 21 119073
Not him thou
DE 22 124907
>>16055 (OP)
hey irkutsk anon how are you? heres a couple questions
-how often do you hang out at lake baikal?
-did you ever ride a farry on the angara/lena? if so how far up did you go? ive seen a lot of 90´s german documentaries were they went upstream to some old gulagtowns etc
-have you ever traveled a long distance with the transsib?
-lets assume youre ethnic russian, what are the other ethnic people there like?
-apart from social media and video games what is life for young people there like? do they hang out a lot in nature?
CN 23 125084
Hi Irkutsk. Soon you will be chinese. Happy?
RU 24 125110
Ur mother's cunt
RU 25 128002
What the fuck. I have found this thread somehow.
t. Genodile
RU 27 131598
Hi. I am not from Irkutsk, but from the Irkutsk region. Kill yourself now so that you can get to southeastern Hyperborea later.
PL 28 131609
My father was in Irkutsk in СССР times to sell western products that were egzotic and rare for soviets during this years
MD 29 131965
Интересно, а какой меня флаг?
RU 30 131967
Флаг цыгана, не желающего платить за газ (хочет чтобы бесплатно было)
MD 31 131997
Тут не тот флаг, лол.
RU 32 132008
Ничево незнаю
Плоти за газ, всеравно
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