Why do so few Russians know how to speak English? Is it taught in schools?

>welcome to English 101 boys, my name is Mr Pidorson and I'll be your teacher for this semenester. Now it gets real hot in this here classroom so I'm gonna need you boys to take your tops off
>>16826 (OP)
English is taught in schools. I sound like a sixteen-year-old teenager.
But it depends on the person who may not care about English.
Only the basic school level is a perverse way of speaking.
Nigga, your father is so cool. You know that I fucked you black mommy? your queen choked on my cum.
Sorry, it was a joke.
I'm not stupid or crazy.
English is taught in schools. I sound like a sixteen-year-old teenager.
But it depends on the person who may not care about English.
Only the basic school level is a perverse way of speaking.
Nigga, your father is so cool. You know that I fucked you black mommy? your queen choked on my cum.
Sorry, it was a joke.
I'm not stupid or crazy.
>>16826 (OP)
Most of Russians just dont need it
Most of Russians just dont need it
I had English at school for only 1 year, and then we only learned words, without any rules. it was around 2007-8, apparently then there were not enough English teachers. later I taught him myself from games, but in general, most do not need English, because they don’t go further than Turkey
>>16826 (OP)
i'm from Odessa/Ukraine, we had English since 5th grade always with very young teachers, who were pregnant after 3 months and than we were waiting for the next one and it repeated again, 4 times in a row, and it was not some shitty public school, it was one of the best gymnasias in the city. My parents paid for my extra classes in English, it was like 4$/hour, so I learned English well. Then we emigrated to Germany and I started to learn German and lost my English skills.
i'm from Odessa/Ukraine, we had English since 5th grade always with very young teachers, who were pregnant after 3 months and than we were waiting for the next one and it repeated again, 4 times in a row, and it was not some shitty public school, it was one of the best gymnasias in the city. My parents paid for my extra classes in English, it was like 4$/hour, so I learned English well. Then we emigrated to Germany and I started to learn German and lost my English skills.
>>16826 (OP)
Russia is self-sufficient, people doesn't need any foreign language to live here. Why do you need english in finska oblast?
Russia is self-sufficient, people doesn't need any foreign language to live here. Why do you need english in finska oblast?
Russian animal, who are you trying to deceive?
Your 3rd world economy not able to produce even a cow cum, which you buy from USA.
>Russia is self sufficient
>Tries to conqur Ukraine to make it another colony of ruzzo scum.
Russian animal, who are you trying to deceive?
Your 3rd world economy not able to produce even a cow cum, which you buy from USA.
Cause I'm not a fucking stupid pigdog animal like you. I can read and analyze the level of your shitiness.
Fucking mighty imperium unable to even produce some good quality cum. Maybe because you still fucking your cows with your tiny dicks?
Cause I'm not a fucking stupid pigdog animal like you. I can read and analyze the level of your shitiness.
Fucking mighty imperium unable to even produce some good quality cum. Maybe because you still fucking your cows with your tiny dicks?
Man you are cringe
Man you are cringe
Really dude, it isn't like us or other human beings.
Dis filth is much worse than you thought.
Dis gleet shall be sanitized.
Really dude, it isn't like us or other human beings.
Dis filth is much worse than you thought.
Dis gleet shall be sanitized.
Too fat
Too fat
Cause of the shaking?
Cause of the shaking?
>>16826 (OP)
It is, lack of desire, I suppose, ineffective teaching system.
It is, lack of desire, I suppose, ineffective teaching system.
>>16826 (OP)
why do we need it again?
why do we need it again?

>>16826 (OP)
Russian people do not need knowledge of English. Learning English is necessary for Finnish and Polish dogs to quickly follow their master's commands. And Russians are free people and they don't have a foreign master.
Russian people do not need knowledge of English. Learning English is necessary for Finnish and Polish dogs to quickly follow their master's commands. And Russians are free people and they don't have a foreign master.

Putin is great for us m8, we all love him here.
>his leader sends half of his country to ukraine to infight with his own race so they can get cucked and highgrounded by foreigners
>we are free
Putin is great for us m8, we all love him here.

However, he cannot be loved more than this gentleman.
However, he cannot be loved more than this gentleman.
i dont think it's about commands
its more about absence of any information written in those languages
when i visit russian board its full of cool stories, analytics, just filter out retarded peasants from ukraine trying hard to make difference, and you're good
when i visit german board, it's 100 threatds of discussion of drachenlord
less popular languages are even worse off
i dont think it's about commands
its more about absence of any information written in those languages
when i visit russian board its full of cool stories, analytics, just filter out retarded peasants from ukraine trying hard to make difference, and you're good
when i visit german board, it's 100 threatds of discussion of drachenlord
less popular languages are even worse off
fuck you then
fuck you then
Would you put me on a leash and fuck me like a dirty animal I am?
Would you put me on a leash and fuck me like a dirty animal I am?
It is impossible Russians not doing Master thesis in STEM courses without basic knowledge in English. Searching in search engines like PubMed in Medline databases. Even Russian and Belarus were part of European scientific societies in my area. Assisting International conferences in English.
Or Russia is some kind of scientific Gulag that doesn't work with state of art knowledge, with delay time.
It is impossible Russians not doing Master thesis in STEM courses without basic knowledge in English. Searching in search engines like PubMed in Medline databases. Even Russian and Belarus were part of European scientific societies in my area. Assisting International conferences in English.
Or Russia is some kind of scientific Gulag that doesn't work with state of art knowledge, with delay time.
>>16826 (OP)
why do you want them to learn english
why do you want them to learn english
>>16826 (OP)
english is gay
english is gay
there are barely any swedish learning material (uni level) you are forced to learn english.
its simply a small country so yes you are right, i imagine places like estonia are even worse in that regard.
there are barely any swedish learning material (uni level) you are forced to learn english.
its simply a small country so yes you are right, i imagine places like estonia are even worse in that regard.

368x656, 0:30
Russians do not plan to be house niggers and they do not need to learn the language of the white master.
>>16826 (OP)
No one cares about English, lol. Imagine to teach Russian language. Would you like to do? Like a… USA is our Nemesis. Also we’re not actually need to know those language (English) in our lives.
No one cares about English, lol. Imagine to teach Russian language. Would you like to do? Like a… USA is our Nemesis. Also we’re not actually need to know those language (English) in our lives.
Why did you begit to learn english language? Just show off?
Why did you begit to learn english language? Just show off?
Pre-migration IAS spotted
Pre-migration IAS spotted
>>16826 (OP)
it is taught in schools. but that doesn't mean that people actually know how to use the language. i myself like a total retard spent most of my time consooming content in english. so my english is quite good. but most people aren't that retarded
it is taught in schools. but that doesn't mean that people actually know how to use the language. i myself like a total retard spent most of my time consooming content in english. so my english is quite good. but most people aren't that retarded

>>16826 (OP)
Советский человек и иностранные языки – это тема отдельного разговора. Когда в шестидесятые стали расширять международные связи, оказалось, что языков у нас никто не знает. Что прекрасно характеризует работу КГБ, начисто отучившее поголовье населения от общения с иностранцами. Даже студенты-филологи языковых отделений имели по программе часов языка столько же, сколько марксизма-ленинизма. И то и другое им не полагалось знать лучше своих преподавателей. Но если от общения с Марксом и Лениным они были гарантированы, и здесь критерием истины служила оценка, то иностранцы их сданный на пять с плюсом язык не понимали в упор. А уж они иностранцев и подавно; программа была составлена таким образом, что понимать они могли друг с другом только преподавателей. Дело было налажено столь научно, что дочки советских офицеров из Германии поступали на немецкое отделение Университета, свободно чирикая по-немецки, и после пяти лет обучения с преподавателями специальной квалификации и с научными степенями, по утвержденной Министерством высшего образования методике, квакали по-немецки с чудовищным акцентом и мучительным трудом. С кем поведешься, от того и наберешься.
Советский человек и иностранные языки – это тема отдельного разговора. Когда в шестидесятые стали расширять международные связи, оказалось, что языков у нас никто не знает. Что прекрасно характеризует работу КГБ, начисто отучившее поголовье населения от общения с иностранцами. Даже студенты-филологи языковых отделений имели по программе часов языка столько же, сколько марксизма-ленинизма. И то и другое им не полагалось знать лучше своих преподавателей. Но если от общения с Марксом и Лениным они были гарантированы, и здесь критерием истины служила оценка, то иностранцы их сданный на пять с плюсом язык не понимали в упор. А уж они иностранцев и подавно; программа была составлена таким образом, что понимать они могли друг с другом только преподавателей. Дело было налажено столь научно, что дочки советских офицеров из Германии поступали на немецкое отделение Университета, свободно чирикая по-немецки, и после пяти лет обучения с преподавателями специальной квалификации и с научными степенями, по утвержденной Министерством высшего образования методике, квакали по-немецки с чудовищным акцентом и мучительным трудом. С кем поведешься, от того и наберешься.