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sad cat.png100 Кб, 390x392
2ch, I am very frustrated with your website. I started visiting here at the start of 2022. I don't s US 117040 В конец треда | Веб
2ch, I am very frustrated with your website.
I started visiting here at the start of 2022. I don't speak Russian, so I relied on using a translator. It's been fun interacting with different image board culture.

Earlier this year, the site changed from an easy to input number captcha to a captcha that was written in Cyrillic and you had to fill in the missing letter to complete the word (on /int/ the number captcha remained the same). This presented a huge challenge for me because I would have to use a "type Russian characters" website while also using a translator to figure out the word, meanwhile the captcha timer is counting down with not much time to solve it. Feeling defeated, I stopped visiting for several months.

Now I came back to find the letter captcha thankfully gone and replaced with a number math captcha. Which I suppose is easy enough, though I have to keep opening a calculator. However when I tried posting to the site I get "Ошибка! Код -4, Постинг запрещён." which translates to "Error! Code -4, Posting is prohibited." Why is this happening? I can post on /int/ just fine.

I would love to reconnect with some of the users I remember chatting with here, but I can't, it's very frustrating.
FI 2 117041
>>040 (OP)

>I have to keep opening a calculator

You can't do simple mathematics without a calculator?
kidzonya4.mp41,8 Мб, mp4,
576x1024, 0:10
Циклопедист RU 3 117065
Don't be sad fucking LGBTQ Plus jewish nigga.
US 4 117066
Long division is not simple math
kidzonya.mp413 Мб, mp4,
576x1024, 0:40
Циклопедист RU 5 117067
>>040 (OP)

>However when I tried posting to the site I get "Ошибка! Код -4, Постинг запрещён." which translates to "Error! Code -4, Posting is prohibited." Why is this happening? I can post on /int/ just fine.

Probably, thread, jn that you chating, is close.
You translated error code with success.
kidzonya0.mp43,3 Мб, mp4,
576x1018, 0:13
Циклопедист RU 6 117069
>>040 (OP)
On which thread did you communicate?
US 7 117070
tfw no slavic clown gf
kidzonya 10.mp43,5 Мб, mp4,
576x1024, 0:16
Циклопедист RU 8 117072
What's better: D@1lySt0rmer or P0l1tSturm?

Ho ho ho
Merry Christmas
My little 0n1yfan8boy.
US 9 117077
DS, Anglin is a funny guy and very intelligent
kidzonya6.mp4507 Кб, mp4,
576x1024, 0:06
Циклопедист RU 10 117084
You are damn gomophobic jewish nazi?

I have the same opinion about DS and Anglin
image.png10 Кб, 270x120
RU 11 117092
>>040 (OP)

>though I have to keep opening a calculator.

I wonder if all those jokes about American education are actually true.
RU 12 117116
>>040 (OP)
Abu banned all foreign ips I think. Use proxy.
UA 13 117117
in /po/ all IPs are prohibited, except for Russian and Belarusian. Possibly other boards as well. Abu litter of the Russian authorities
RU 14 117119
He made /pork/ for Ukrainians.
16888885814780.mp413,8 Мб, mp4,
854x480, 3:03
RU 15 117121
>>040 (OP)
Good vibes here
UA 16 117142
PORK - Pitin'O'rcks
RU 17 117144
don't cry pork :D
RU 18 117155
>>040 (OP)
You could just buy a pascode for $1 for a year and post without captcha and for other nice things, fucking nigger.
photo2022-05-1601-14-34.jpg83 Кб, 667x900
PL 19 117157
RU 20 117168
Good Luck! (fingers crossed)
16889834314060.mp414,3 Мб, mp4,
720x1280, 0:38
RU 21 117169
16536942028221.jpg293 Кб, 1280x855
PL 22 117184
Where your flagship pork?
Where is the mighty "aircraft killer" as you niggers called it?
16890404575590.mp412,3 Мб, mp4,
402x720, 2:13
RU 23 117186



Ну не плачь, поркита, поищи где-нибудь на видео.
photo2023-06-2511-25-47.jpg59 Кб, 750x710
PL 24 117193
Flagship cost - 5 billion USD.
Lost a fuck ton of marine oficers and equipment.

Vatnicks are so fucking funny. Fucking niggers can't even admit their lost.
RU 25 117201
Пидораха, у тебя жизнь на нитке висит, а ты какие-то цифры бессмысленные пишешь... Опять стекломою наебенился, животное?
RU 26 117205
Dude, english.
RU 27 117210
Лохлы понимают по-русски тоже.
RU 28 117211
So ? English is the language of the board, use it. If you wanna argue with pigs on russian-go to litteraly any other place in RuNet, in /po/ for example.
16875665415620.png146 Кб, 664x698
PL 29 117219

>жизнь на нитке висит

I'm so afraid! Mighty ruzz niggers can use nucular bomp!
image.png680 Кб, 992x614
RU 30 117223
right, right
photo2023-06-1116-52-31.jpg63 Кб, 510x746
PL 31 117224
I'm sooo afraid!
image.png927 Кб, 718x597
RU 32 117226
Crybaby.gif1,8 Мб, 480x270
PL 33 117231

>You should cry because we managed to take this pic!

Vatnick niggers are the worst dumbfucks on this planet.
16891689292372.jpg365 Кб, 1200x800
RU 34 117236
7ptzpq.gif1,9 Мб, 353x199
PL 35 117248
16891689292416.jpg456 Кб, 1080x1080
RU 36 117250
GB 37 117251
3070FA7A00000578-3412134-MeetingMrPutinsencounterwithNikitaKonkinpicturedcamedu-a-121453477566695.jpg118 Кб, 634x616
PL 38 117252
Where will be this pedo?
16891845216840.jpg426 Кб, 1063x733
RU 39 117253
dunno lul, pedo who?
stop taking too much steklomoy, роrk
podo biden.mp44,8 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:13
RU 40 117254
RU 41 117255
мерзкий тип
PT 42 117256
this victim is already compacted into a cube
DE 43 117267
you know whats really strange that Biden makes the same pedoshit on a camera like Putin, its like a global pedoring who are playing presidents
хохлоед доем родных.jpg105 Кб, 550x366
RU 44 117273
Maybe that ancient vampire just tasted his future meal.
US 45 117278
I was never good at math growing up.

I participated in various /b/ threads and spent time on /h/ chatting with artists. Also visited a few other boards as well.

Why? Is this the first time in Dvach history where the website, save for /int/, has IP blocks on foreign visitors? This is something that Japanese image boards usually do, I'm surprised and very disappointed the site owner would make this decision. It is next to impossible to find a free working Russian proxy that's stable. If it does work, it will likely be blocked from posting here.

Is that why the site owner did this, to drive up passcode sales?
Is it really only one dollar? Where would I purchase it?
Not exactly trusting giving payment info to a Russian establishment, no offense.
RU 46 117375

>Where would I purchase it?

https://2ch.hk/static/market.html (М)
US 47 117381


Yes, and to make it worse ethnic minorities with a criminal record and a fifth grade education in America often have a much higher standard of living than myself and also the average Russian.
i cant google translate this.png2 Кб, 553x98
US 48 117437
It supposed to make the site work with foreign IPs, but they can't even be bothered to make an English version of this page. No idea what any of this says.

What methods of payment do they accept?
GE 49 117467
Бля артикли нормально ставь долбаеб
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Вы видите копию треда, сохраненную 16 сентября 2023 года.

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Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее

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