>>17237 (OP)
The resident "Pole" anon understands Cyrillic script. It should give you a hint.
We already knew, dude.
We already knew, dude.
no, they learn english (good) and german (subhuman language)
russian was removed from schools in 1990
no, they learn english (good) and german (subhuman language)
russian was removed from schools in 1990
>poles calling germans subhuman
>they literally annhilated their joke nation in a matter of days
stealing and being violent doesn't mean being civilized
their only advantage was that they were sponsored by jews
stealing and being violent doesn't mean being civilized
their only advantage was that they were sponsored by jews
Stop drinking so much idiot go outside ur making me cringe
Stop drinking so much idiot go outside ur making me cringe
They’re right gerwomen are subhuman
They’re right gerwomen are subhuman
co ty pierdolisz, ja i większość moich znajomych w przedziale 25-35 lvl znamy rosyjski, jedni lepiej drudzy gorzej ale jakaś tam umiejętność jest
może w warszawce nie znają bo tam już im tak korbą we łbie zakręcili że nie umieją rozmawiać czystym polskim tylko wpierdalają te wieśniackie angielskie słowa xD
co ty pierdolisz, ja i większość moich znajomych w przedziale 25-35 lvl znamy rosyjski, jedni lepiej drudzy gorzej ale jakaś tam umiejętność jest
może w warszawce nie znają bo tam już im tak korbą we łbie zakręcili że nie umieją rozmawiać czystym polskim tylko wpierdalają te wieśniackie angielskie słowa xD
not entirely true, I have a friend from Łódź who learnt Russian in middle school 10 years ago, and another from Lublin who did too
not entirely true, I have a friend from Łódź who learnt Russian in middle school 10 years ago, and another from Lublin who did too

nooo koledzy

ja wohl, mein liebe Freund aus Westpolen
ja wohl, mein liebe Freund aus Westpolen
>>17237 (OP)
They were strong once, then had a hundred year long struggle with Russia over dominance in eastern Europe and lost it eventually, getting wrecked in several wars, thrice partitioned, induced as part of Russia. Their national butthurt led them to fucking with all their neighbours in interbellum the minute they got independence, getting partitioned again and being russian bitch for half a century more.
Now they arm themselves and are eyeing Kaliningrad and wshodny kresy. Just... stop. Go ask Germany for reparations or something, any time Poland actually managed to harm Russia it came back and made poles suffer dearly.
They were strong once, then had a hundred year long struggle with Russia over dominance in eastern Europe and lost it eventually, getting wrecked in several wars, thrice partitioned, induced as part of Russia. Their national butthurt led them to fucking with all their neighbours in interbellum the minute they got independence, getting partitioned again and being russian bitch for half a century more.
Now they arm themselves and are eyeing Kaliningrad and wshodny kresy. Just... stop. Go ask Germany for reparations or something, any time Poland actually managed to harm Russia it came back and made poles suffer dearly.
>>17237 (OP)
bc they constantly get assraped
bc they constantly get assraped
this time putin will make you weak and russia will fall apart
you will see
I love russian people, but you deserve to be better country, friend of EU and USA
this time putin will make you weak and russia will fall apart
you will see
I love russian people, but you deserve to be better country, friend of EU and USA
>>22984 (Del)
Have you taken your pills today?
Have you taken your pills today?
>>22983 (Del)
You need to stop hiding from ukrainian army recruiters is Poland first.
Also, kacap meands "butcher", ukroturks should know this well but invent some funny etymology to hide their fear of Ivan who has had enough.
>I will personally come to your house and slice your throat
You need to stop hiding from ukrainian army recruiters is Poland first.
Also, kacap meands "butcher", ukroturks should know this well but invent some funny etymology to hide their fear of Ivan who has had enough.
They was pro-western on 91-10, and all what they got is another military Reich at their borders
They was pro-western on 91-10, and all what they got is another military Reich at their borders
>>17237 (OP)
white color is for tears, red color is for blood from hemorrhoids
white color is for tears, red color is for blood from hemorrhoids
lvl 23 here, wybrałem ruski w technikum i tam się wyuczyłem się podstaw, w pandemię maturę zdawałem więc nwm typek chyba typowo z warszawki i od mózgozwęglacza mu się wydaje że tuż po komunie ruski wypadł na amen z programu u nas, albo że jestem z zaboru ruskiego to miałem a pruski już nie ma, nwm xD
lvl 23 here, wybrałem ruski w technikum i tam się wyuczyłem się podstaw, w pandemię maturę zdawałem więc nwm typek chyba typowo z warszawki i od mózgozwęglacza mu się wydaje że tuż po komunie ruski wypadł na amen z programu u nas, albo że jestem z zaboru ruskiego to miałem a pruski już nie ma, nwm xD
>>17237 (OP)
bober kurwa perdole
bober kurwa perdole
Blue is for murdering polish president by clever application of fog and tree.
Blue is for murdering polish president by clever application of fog and tree.
to ma racje bo ja do podstawowki chodzilem jeszcze w 90tych i byl jedynie angielski i niemiecki. na studiach ledwo 10 osob z roku ucuiulali zeby klase na sjo otworzyc a jestem przeciez rocznik boomu
to ma racje bo ja do podstawowki chodzilem jeszcze w 90tych i byl jedynie angielski i niemiecki. na studiach ledwo 10 osob z roku ucuiulali zeby klase na sjo otworzyc a jestem przeciez rocznik boomu
no they don't
everyone either has what they deserve or fights for a change for better - since they're not fighting for shit then they have what they deserve
>you deserve to be better country
no they don't
everyone either has what they deserve or fights for a change for better - since they're not fighting for shit then they have what they deserve
>>17237 (OP)
They fucked up the war for us for domination over the Slavic peoples, failed to take advantage of the turmoil and install their king Vladislav 3. And then fucked up most of the population due to incompetent command and called it the Bloody Flood. This was before the partitions of Poland, they are simply on fire because there are more Russians, they are wiser and fight better in battle, that’s all.
They fucked up the war for us for domination over the Slavic peoples, failed to take advantage of the turmoil and install their king Vladislav 3. And then fucked up most of the population due to incompetent command and called it the Bloody Flood. This was before the partitions of Poland, they are simply on fire because there are more Russians, they are wiser and fight better in battle, that’s all.
I was mistaken, Vladislav was not 3 but 4, but this does not change the essence.
I was mistaken, Vladislav was not 3 but 4, but this does not change the essence.
Glad that these white niggers of europe pissed everyone off so much that the proper countries straight up erased their shithole.
Glad that these white niggers of europe pissed everyone off so much that the proper countries straight up erased their shithole.

>Afraid of Moscowitians because they fucked the Polish invaders during the Troubles, then they arranged 4 partitions of Poland...
>The whole essence of the Polish national idea
Rich, coming from a country which sticks to sarmathism as means to deny its slavic origins.
Rich, coming from a country which sticks to sarmathism as means to deny its slavic origins.
You have to explain to him what it is. The average Pole these days is pretty uneducated.
Sarmatism is an ideology that dominated the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the 16th-19th centuries. It elevated the ancestors of Poles to the status of ancient Caucasian peoples, the only ones in the Caucasus who survived since the time of Alexander the Great — the Sarmatian Barbarians. The Sarmatians were an ancient people composed of nomadic Iranic-speaking tribes.
You have to explain to him what it is. The average Pole these days is pretty uneducated.
Sarmatism is an ideology that dominated the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the 16th-19th centuries. It elevated the ancestors of Poles to the status of ancient Caucasian peoples, the only ones in the Caucasus who survived since the time of Alexander the Great — the Sarmatian Barbarians. The Sarmatians were an ancient people composed of nomadic Iranic-speaking tribes.
Can anyone share authentic polish lesbian porn? My friend needs it for research reasons.
>>17237 (OP)
maan i wish 70 iq niggers with white skin existed.gif
maan i wish 70 iq niggers with white skin existed.gif
actually nobody here is thinking about reganing królewiec, or kresy wschodnie and it's just russian propaganda. About reparations - poland got it aftrr war, but soviets had taken them from us, so there is small chance that we will got them again.
actually nobody here is thinking about reganing królewiec, or kresy wschodnie and it's just russian propaganda. About reparations - poland got it aftrr war, but soviets had taken them from us, so there is small chance that we will got them again.
>>17237 (OP)
Probably, because of kurwas, bobrs, and the intersection of these.
Probably, because of kurwas, bobrs, and the intersection of these.
>>17237 (OP)
‘Cuz BOBR KURWA sounds so funny
‘Cuz BOBR KURWA sounds so funny
irl polish women are too ugly for porn, only one I can recommend is "teen kasia" and that stuff was recorded like 20 years ago but it's a polish porn classic really.
irl polish women are too ugly for porn, only one I can recommend is "teen kasia" and that stuff was recorded like 20 years ago but it's a polish porn classic really.