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Where (country) you gonna go next? ME 120803 В конец треда | Веб
And why?
Also, why do you want to leave current country?
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RU 2 120862
pic related
itsover.png87 Кб, 478x640
KR 3 120863
>>20803 (OP)
Japan if I could
It's over for Korea
RU 4 120876
>>20803 (OP)
After winning over Ukraine we will invent to Estonia
i.webp94 Кб, 900x900
RU 5 120887
I have nowhere to go and I don't see any possibilities for this to change.
Guess I'm just doomed to remain here forever.
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RU 6 130384
RU 7 130418
Before the war it 100% was Poland.
Nowadays, idk, most of Europe is pretty much hostile towards anyone Russian, and bordering countries banned Russian completely. So, probably Serbia or some other ex-Yugolavian country.
RU 8 130425

>banned Russian completely

*RussianS aka people from Russia
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ME 9 130859
Do you know, you can`t dvachevat kap4u from ugoslavia?
I can post only here in /int
FR 10 130863
You should have read the disclaimer when entering /int, have you? Now live your miserable life without possibility to post anywhere but here stupid nigger get your ass in discord.gg/2ch and ask there
ME 11 130876
Not stupid. but mountain
To ask what?
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