>>2090 (OP)

>>2090 (OP)
Is it true that Slavs and other goyim could convert to Judaism to skip something during Russian Empire times? Taxes, serfdom or working I don't know. Thanks in advance
Is it true that Slavs and other goyim could convert to Judaism to skip something during Russian Empire times? Taxes, serfdom or working I don't know. Thanks in advance
It doesn't seem to be the original. The sound is different
It doesn't seem to be the original. The sound is different

Well, one thing you couldn't skip while being a jew in Russian Empire is the beating.
Well, one thing you couldn't skip while being a jew in Russian Empire is the beating.
>>2090 (OP)
I like them. I am Israel's strongest soldier and I spend my days trolling poltards about how the jews are based.
I like them. I am Israel's strongest soldier and I spend my days trolling poltards about how the jews are based.
don't forget to use the obligatory memeflag while posting.
don't forget to use the obligatory memeflag while posting.