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im unironically learning Russian to get Russian gf TR 122404 В конец треда | Веб
im unironically learning Russian to get Russian gf
RU 2 122441
kek churka
RU 3 122479
>>404 (OP)
Your handwriting is a pice if shit. As Russian I flowed a rivers of blood from my eyes reading this kid-like calligraphy.
TR 4 122495
DE 5 122551
>>404 (OP)
i look at nightly sky and see blue blue limitless sky
huge earth and sparkly stars and i understand that iam just a small person on that planet

i cant write russian myself but i could read your poem.

we have a guy at work russian mom and turkish dad. hes basicly russian with spice
RU 6 122924
RU 7 122925
RU 8 122939
My handwriting is the same
t. progger
RU 9 122942
>>404 (OP)
That's stupid, learn english.
RU 10 122943
>>404 (OP)


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