720x720, 3:30
One American said the aesthetics were reminiscent of Fight Club.
Neural network won't do the job because there are a lot of slang words and C2 level Russian.
>Looks like Gangs of Jew York
Btw, even (a\the) hohols are excited about this TVseries. Lmao.

Ukrainians like it very much because of this tik-tok many hohols asses are on fire.
>tatars formed hordes
Chushpan, pls
The ethnic composition of all the gangs in Kazan was a 50/50 mix of Russians and Tatars; the goal was to get together in a gang so that you would not be destroyed by another gang.
This is a unique social phenomenon that has entered the textbooks of sociology.
I've only watched Admirals 2008 with English subtitles (and it focused more in the love triangle with Kolchak than the Russian Civil War) and I wanted to watch the movie about the Decembrists but couldn't find subtitles.
It looks like a mix of Kids https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kids_(film) ; Gangs of Jew York by watching and skipping frames.
I don't know Russian.the raped girl suicided or not in episode 6. I don't understand why Russians aren't in school or doing hobbies instead of joining gangs. 7 episodes about a youngster wanting a relationship with an adult police officer is a shitty plot / subplot.
It's insane some fuckers of Russia trashtalk Portugal in 4chan after getting probably by non-Portuguese (with PT geoflag) with the size of their flats, flats conditions.
>I've downloaded the torrents (in hope Media Player Classic would automatically have subtitles) and translated russian wikipedia sypnosis of episode. I just picked some frames and it is probably some goyslop with due respect to Russian culture.
Heck, it's literally your mistake. You should have waited for the official translation, where the Portuguese translators were able to adapt the Russian charisma and atmosphere. So you didn't watch shit.
All right, it's your choice, man.
By the way, in Russia this series blows up the farts of opponents of the demonstration of gangsterism in Russian culture (there are a lot of such in the state) and they want to ban it. That's why the last two episodes were leaked, because of fears.

ALso 2:
Subtitle language and availability are always indicated at the end of the title. Rutracker has VERY strict rules regarding distribution design.

I went to general thread in your >>>/tv/ , used "link to steal" of rutor
It still is a goyslop to me. But finally understood the plot.
I don't know how to access this.
First of all: go to hd rezka
Second of all: it's not really like Kids at all.
Kids was supposed to be a grotesque/shocking film by a suppressed pedo
This TV series is a sanitized, tiktok zoomer-friendly 'Soviet aesthetic'. You've got your old soviet cars, afghanistan veteran (with no PTSD, doesn't even drink) in white and blue stripes, the faggiest 80s songs (nothing that actual 'boys' would have listened to), and cool looking sports jackets lifted straight from Shein Winter 2022 catalogue (seriously they couldn't have looked at photos from the 80s and seen that nobody wore puffers until late 90s NYC/00s rest of the world?).

Yes. It's a Tatar-Russian band: a Russian musician and a Tatar singer. The Tatar sings in both languages, sometimes even alternating both in one composition, giving birth to a unique art style.
What is this leftist crap? Don't click anything there, RUTOR has a couple fakes.
Use rutracker:
You can do it through the chrome extension.
>I went to general thread in your >>>/tv/ , used "link to steal" of rutor
It still is a goyslop to me. But finally understood the plot.
I believe that Russians are making successful steps in developing their media content, it is part of the program of sovereignty of the country after a very painful transition to capitalism. That's why I have a positive attitude even to goyslop. There are a lot of 9/10 series in Russia, but they all don't reach your market for some reason.

640x480, 2:35
I also recommend "Brigada". The series is 23 years old, I watched it in its entirety for the first time a month ago, and I was pleasantly surprised, it still looks good.
It's not even comparable. The Germans did worse.
obligatory nigger and roach in the friend group lmao
but they didn't take it far enough, these racist germans didn't make the bad guy demanding money a blue eyed blonde aryan and the main character a jew
>afghanistan veteran (with no PTSD, doesn't even drink)
awww, look at this wectoid greenhouse cauliflower

576x1018, 0:13
Lukas is a stupid piece of femboy bullshit.
Човыбля пишити я непонимаю
I wanted to go to local hockey korobka to play hockey but chicken out, coz pocans can gather there. Such is life of chushpan.
Director Zhora Kryzhovnikov for the first time commented on the series leak of the last episodes of the series "The Word of a Patsan. Blood on the asphalt." Video productions published in the Telegram-channel of the service Wink.
"Some man ran into the kitchen of the restaurant, grabbed raw food, unpeeled potatoes, dirty carrots, undercooked meat and brought it out to people with the phrase: "This is it, everything is ready". This is not so," admitted Kryzhovnikov.
The director said that the final episode was reshot. He explained that around the third episode, the creators decided to end the story differently - although, he admitted, it was not easy, as they had to convince the producers that the new version would be "cooler, more emotional and sharper".
"Series seven is slightly different, it's finished in some places. And the eighth series is fundamentally different. <...> I emphasize, if there was pressure on us and someone did not like something in what we did, there would rather cut out, not reshoot, "- added the director.
Kryzhovnikov did not specify when the eighth episode of the series "Patsan's Word" will be released. He only stated that its release is planned "a little later" of the original premiere - December 21.
Earlier, Peresild's daughter told about the reaction of her peers to her role in "The Word of a kid".
It will premiere a little later on December 21.
>Alexander Rodniansky, a Ukrainian-Russian film producer: the helplessness of citizens in impossible circumstances. “The problem for the Ukrainian state is that series such as these normalise Russians, it shows them as living people.”
Russians BTFO. Confirmed as zombies or homuculi.

>Alexander Rodniansky
>Founder of the TV channel 1+1
>Literally a man directly connected with oligarch Igor Kolomoisky and involved in all kinds of corruption in Ukraine.
The Economist just doesn't realize that within 20-30 years it won't be able to clean itself of the shit it pours on itself by publishing such Nazi articles. Oh yes, there is no Nazism in Ukraine.

Very dramatic
Having seen the series through to the end, I can say that it doesn't need a second season. It's a finished story, a finished mini-series. And that's it.
Opinion: the series is good, but it's weak in places, and that's because the director cut out VERY many scenes to keep the viewer from getting bored, so it seems a bit uneven, the characters change character too quickly, and the plot twists are too abrupt - all this may have looked good in the script and in the full version, but after editing it turned into a lump of paper. I would also remind you that the series itself has a conflict not only with the Ukrainian freaks, but also with the Russian state, which raised a howl about the propaganda of banditry, which could also have affected the script. My rating is 7\10, but not 9\10 as it is written on Kinopoisk.

480x852, 1:36
Is it true that in Spain and Portugal it is easier to become gay than to find a normal girl?
yesterday, I did a Portuguese version replying to some cocksucker of luso-angolan admin (or most likely the angolan samefagging in his weekly bait thread)
Speech Translation
-Anon (ptchina lingo Anone -> danone -> danoninho)
-I'm an ptchina (ptchan + china) user like you
- For you - "dildottor" (soy redditor of r/portugal , you should treat me as SIR CHUD, chuschpan
- Chuds, please no
-I will never criticise Chuds again.
We don't understand Russian and we are accostumed to watch foreign series/movies with subtitles while your country, Spain, France have mostly dubbing.

576x1024, 0:17
Good, cumrade
Do Soyspeak please

In fact, there's gigantic competition among translators and dubbing actors. One series can be released on seven different dubbing studios at the same time, and each studio has its own style - some prefer direct translation, some prefer adaptation (including foul language). With games, of course, technically more difficult, but if the structure of the game and its volume allows - even textures are translated. If a AAA game doesn't have dubbing, the developer himself has forbidden to do it (for example, Rockstar for their GTA 4-5 and Bioware for Mass Effect 2 and 3).
Apparently the demand for such things in your country is very high and I just think it's a gold mine in Portugal, and if you get good at it, you can do translations for the Brazilian market and make tons of "cabbage" that won't fit in your pocket. Think about it;)
If you need, Yandex Browser has a built-in picture translator. It is enough to press one button. It works well for Russian, so I can't vouch for other languages. Also translates videos on youtube and Russian services like Vkontakte (voice re-dubbing), but I don't know if they added Portuguese or not. There are also a couple of features that I like - video summarization, when the neural network highlights the key points in the video making a list of them, which greatly reduces time and removes a ton of water, so I learned Phyton at a basic level in one day, stupidly reading the text made up of the necessary videos.
Gesha, pls return))

The song "ПЫЯЛА" by artist AIGEL, which became the soundtrack to the TV series "Slovo Potsana", took the first place in the list of 200 most requested songs in the world.
Jesus fucking Christ, how many times
The series is shit after the fifth episode.
Like I give a shit about you, lices under mah nails, pacan.
>It still is a goyslop to me.
It is, bro. Just bad meme series like Morbius: everyone already knows it's shit, but still say: "Yeah man this is kino, chushpillion tickets were buyed just that week!"
But they are all dead now, unlike strong chushpan race, who now fucks pacan's mothers)