7ac.png472 Кб, 1779x887
/colony/ General A1 123466 В конец треда | Веб
Don't know where to go?

You can try make a small colony or else post links to any other international anonymous imageboard here.

Please don't spam your links in any other places and don't raid this board with many threads with a same subject matter otherwise it can and will be deleted.

List of indian chans for your convenience here (provided by PT-bro, 06/02/24)
RU 2 123476
They have /pol/ thread and lots of dog dicks.
RU 3 123477
Butthurt poles are here.
RU 4 123479
Cool "thematic" board, but the posting speed is slow. No captcha, I also couldn't set size limits for webm\mp4 content. The biggest video I uploaded there weighed 180 mb.
RU 6 123506
sage A1 7 123509
You can try spreading the info of this board there...
RU 8 123516
Most often it's a ban for advertising another board. So a creative plan is needed...
I'd come up with one, but I'm not good with free time in the coming months.
PL 9 123562
GE 10 123566
1701638688401.png1007 Кб, 1083x1151
RU 11 123569
>>23466 (OP)
Glad to see that colony is alive after all those months
RU 12 123581
RU 13 123582
RU 14 123636
Why are you testing?
RU 15 123675
изображение.png25 Кб, 359x620
RU 16 123916
[iPosting error: the message contains a word from the spam list

RU 17 123917
New discovered:

Hazardous area:

Russian big:
https://2ch.hk or https://2ch.life (you are here, really)
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist

Russian small:
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist

Russian news boards:
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist

Russian overchans:
[Deleted] Spamlist

Russian boors:
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist

Thanks Abu.
RU 17 123917
New discovered:

Hazardous area:

Russian big:
https://2ch.hk or https://2ch.life (you are here, really)
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist

Russian small:
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist

Russian news boards:
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist

Russian overchans:
[Deleted] Spamlist

Russian boors:
[Deleted] Spamlist
[Deleted] Spamlist

Thanks Abu.
brazilianchans.png179 Кб, 1763x966
PT 18 123922


It's .org - ptchan.org

Lusochan.net (spinoff from ptchan org dissident - dead movement)

Brazilian chans - pic related
RU 19 123926
Yeah, my mistake.
RU 20 123929
you were close, 200 megabyte limit
we also have our own russian chat room for a few anons) you can drop by for tea
although overall the "int" is pretty depressing and filled with kids, so overall I don't recommend this board
A1 21 123932
You can throw all that into pastebin but be wary that advertisement of other russian boards here is somewhat prohibited especially for various clones of this site and zerochan.
RU 22 123950
Yeah, I guess I better save my post with the pastebin link from deletion by adding a helpful graphic instruction. Many foreigners don't know about these features this will be helpful to them. After all, boards are my whole life. Let them be kept in this thread as a notebook.
RU 23 123951
In order for the neural network to adequately read the text, you need a higher resolution picture.
IE 24 124022


Isa gem
8deb93cf-c7bc-4866-8841-2a81fb90cdee.png274 Кб, 2048x968
PT 25 124089
A1 26 124095
added to OP
RO 27 124109
iker.png255 Кб, 873x941
SI 28 124159

>you were one i kerrrrrrrrrrr

изображение.png6 Кб, 175x73
RU 29 124206
RU 30 124207
Death note
AT 31 124256
>>23466 (OP)
What a dead board, holy shit. I'm off to KC.
RU 32 124257
RU 33 124328
RS 34 124354
US 35 124392
RU 36 124439
>>23466 (OP)
Need to clean up this thread leaving only the important stuff.
I don't think anyone will mind.
A1 37 124444
GreatSoyplacement.png55 Кб, 560x800
RU 38 124482
>>23466 (OP)
Keep the thread up as a reminder of glorious days of Great Soyplacement
FallenUter - Copy.png11 Кб, 887x949
ZA 39 124783
KG 40 124943
Didn't that shithole die like 6 years ago.
RU 41 125123
Prekrotite !!!
US 42 125239
RU 43 125349
US 44 125431
CA 45 125444
RU 46 125512


DE 47 125802
US 48 125884
there is now kohlchan.net but it is terrible
EG 49 125909
NO 50 125940
EG 51 126045
UA 52 126050
RU 53 126052
NO 54 126114
RU 55 126239
Let's all enjoy comeonism
AR 56 126415
come here
VC 57 126439
RU 58 126457
US 59 126477
Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 23-22-39 Esses russos degenerados. Qual o nome dessa doença mental https 2ch.hkfetres751727.html.png6,7 Мб, 1920x7182
PT 60 126521
Brazilians in their "main cancer chan" talking about some amputee fetish general thread
image.png209 Кб, 838x665
RU 61 126546
I wonder what was in there?
d32.png406 Кб, 600x800
PT 63 126549
fucking hell. their thread is still active. their main chan is becoming dead. in a country of 205 gorillion people. the Age of Chans is truly over.
RU 64 126553
Yeah, it's funny, considering that the daily online on Dvatch is 100k uniques (Cache+IP). That is literally a third of the worldwide 4chan traffic.
Most countries in Europe don't have boards at all, and if they do, they are local, sparsely populated clubs for their own. I remember visiting a British board, where /int/ was called /zoo/, even more depressing shit than /int/-Dvatch, nobody posted there for months. Now that board is long gone and apparently their board situation is even worse than the Indians', as they're all going to 4chan and their national threads in any section go bumplimit very quickly.
A historical reference that no one asked for: Dvatch was the first imageboard in europe.

I saw a Hindu chan where you have to register to post: enter login and password (lol). Is that it?
image.png124 Кб, 1092x386
RU 65 126597

>mp3 support

Moderatorbro, why don't we have such a feature on Dvatch?
RU 66 126598
image.png276 Кб, 602x637
RU 67 126599

>emodji support

Do you want zoomerization? Well, that's fine by us. But don't stop half way. We are ready to show what real zoomerization means for Dvatch.😈 😈 😈

moderator, if anything, I want like on promodj to be able to upload album picture into the sound wave spectrum
t. little 31yo zoomer
RU 68 126609
GE 69 126614

Dude go 2ch discord, make a ticket in /d there, I'll reach you out.
t. mocher
RU 70 126616
Oh, yeah, I totally forgot about it. Sorry.
image.png3 Кб, 382x60
RU 71 126617
You'll have to live in this damn world without "my" crazy ideas.
FR 72 126619
2 days should be in to join.
RU 73 126621
Yeah, I remember you saying that to one of the two Brits.
UA 74 126706
>>23466 (OP)
27273 - SoyBooru.gif375 Кб, 740x859
UA 75 126707
are you from soyjack.party?
RU 76 126712
-> >>23479

Lvovian or Odessian?
UA 77 126713
RU 78 126716
ah, yep
Whatever. It's all one person, schizo. Take your pills )
1717593542135k.png163 Кб, 787x931
UA 79 126717
even doe 1 is troon from lviv 2 is vatnigger from odessa 3 its me and the most active aryan blonde A30 ukranian
image.png844 Кб, 876x555
RU 80 126730
Why did you change the color of that cool mascot? Plagiarizing thief! RAAAAAR!!
RU 81 126938

Iqbal Huesos
DK 82 126943
NL 83 127252
NL 84 127253
В /b/ все айпи кроме поросячих в бане? Что значит Ошибка! Код -4, Постинг запрещён.
2023-01-10 21.51.51.jpg141 Кб, 798x801
RU 85 127256
Так ты из под vpn не пиши.
CN 86 127259
орунах у пчела в голове людей в других странах просто не может существовать, эта все випиэны эти и как там... ну фабрика тролей
RO 87 127339
Из под хуй-пн щас напишу.

Причем в дискорд - НЕ УДАЕТСЯ ПРИНЯТЬ ПРИГЛАШЕНИЕ, хотя акк не новорег. еще в мае создан

Где рабочий приглос в дискорд двача?
JP 88 127377
Тебе аккаунт забанило ещё тогда, когда ты был новорегом и пытался зайти.
JP 89 127378
Страна в бане, обратись в дискорд Двача.
RO 90 127379

То есть создаем акк, затем хз сколько дрочим, а потом только пишем? И про бан новорега нигде нигугу!
Будто я обязан на каждой новой помойке заводить себе аккаунт! На всякий случай! Загодя! Иначе я хуй вообще знает кто!
KZ 91 127525
1721270635038.jpg847 Кб, 1869x1167
RU 92 127552

> /fg

1722019021010296.jpg1,2 Мб, 1104x1616
DE 93 127781
FR 94 127820
KZ 95 127861
JP 96 127888
RU 97 127916
We'll not give you Kuril back, don't even try.
MK 98 127996

>international board

>captchas are in russian cyrillic

wtf братови
RU 99 128026
Но, вие користите и кирилица.
ME 100 128099
RU 101 128140
US 102 128234
NL 103 128335
RU 104 128354
хуй и пизда играли в поезда
ME 105 128358
RS 106 128469
DK 107 128496
BA 108 128516
I just know you’re a nigger
RU 109 128752
jartywhore.png138 Кб, 431x702
RO!! 110 128900
check out me chan o algo

>arrow becuase i no look like that

RU 111 129035
Not anymore it's not !
RU 112 129048
IMG0582.jpeg340 Кб, 700x672
GB 113 129191
Боже мой мы должны остановить таких людей, как они могут выглядеть так в Америке и Великобритании. кто-нибудь знает, как узнать, где они находятся? если они у власти, человеческая раса вымрет
русские вперед.jpg94 Кб, 1200x599
RU 114 129238

>Dvatch was the first imageboard in europe

UA 116 129414
US 117 129537
Guys, who knows, why I can't post on other boards? Error says: Posting is prohibited
RU 118 129555
You got a foreign IP. Can't post anywhere if you have a foreign IP-Abu rules. Blame those guys >>29414
RU 119 129569
No sucky murica allowed.
RU 120 129992
There are many among Americans who do not support the current state of affairs in the U.S., retard. Liberals have taken over there, no need to insult everyone.
UA 121 130218
test from kyiew
DE 122 130227
RU 123 130311
Allright then, let's say : no niggas allowed - is that better?
1729201891252.jpg138 Кб, 603x615
RU 124 130321

> test from kyiew

RU 125 130322
PrIlEt Po XoXlAm
fz09oxJmNTQWCSD740OO4QGQ5feS3mriBCZWclcz3mO8GcRnA.jpg46 Кб, 1024x1024
RU 126 130431

>Guys, who knows, why I can't post on other boards?

1. The Raven said: You will get what you want and pay as much as you can.
2. The Raven said: I will not tell you anything new.
3. The Raven said: The more effort, the further from the goal. The less effort, the further from the goal.
4. The Raven said: The eagle will not teach you anything, try to learn from the raven.
5. The Raven said: You can worship the eagle, and you can worship the pillar, and you can worship the raven.
6. The Raven said: The word is just noise. The wise word is just wise noise.
7. The Raven said: You see what is in front of the tree, but you do not see what is behind the tree. You see what is under the sky, but you do not see what is above the sky.
8. The Raven said: When you take, it quickly fills. When you give, it never empties.
9. The Raven said: No one knows what is next. The raven doesn't know either.
10. The raven said: It doesn't take much intelligence to be strong.
11. The raven said: It's not a sin to kill a raven, but to wish for its death or to regret it.
12. The raven said: If you're faced with a choice between doing or not doing, do it.
13. The raven said: The raven hasn't been to hell or heaven and won't tell you what it's like there or whether they exist or not.
14. The raven said: If you're faced with a choice between doing or not doing, don't do it.
15. The raven said: You think you've grown taller, but in reality you've just jumped.
16. The raven said: Standing is bad, walking is even worse, lying down is really bad, but the worst thing is if you jump.
17. The raven said: When a well is empty, don't scrape the bottom, collecting the last drops, but fill the well.
18. The Raven said: To do something, you just have to do it. And there is no other way to do it except to do it.
19. The Raven said: Time is more valuable than money, peace is more valuable than joy, balance is more valuable than victory.
20. The Raven said: The most important thing is the difference between "is" and "is not." And this difference is unimportant.
21. The Raven said: You can walk through walls and see through walls. But then what are the doors and windows for?
22. The Raven said: To have, you must not want or ask, but take.
23. The Raven said: When you ask, sometimes you get, and sometimes you don't. When you take, you always get.
24. The Raven said: If you hit a wall, then you are going the wrong way. Or was the wall your goal?
25. The Raven said: Be Invisible.
26. The Raven said: When there are no Invisibles left, the world will end and start over.
27. The Raven said: To be Invisible is more difficult and more honorable than to be a doctor, a teacher, or a ruler.
28. The Raven said: There are only four callings and no fifth: doctor, teacher, ruler, and Invisible.
29. The Raven said: The right to be Invisible cannot be bought.
30. The Raven said: The right to be Invisible cannot be earned.
31. The Raven said: When you tell a lie, you take on a burden. How many burdens can you carry?
32. The Raven said: A man who bends under a weight cannot be Invisible, he attracts all eyes.
33. The Raven said: If you want a worker to dig well, teach him to dig well, and not to look at the sky.
34. The Raven said: There are people who need to look at the sky and there are people who do not need to.
35. The Raven said: There is no guilt except that which is acknowledged as guilt.
36. The Raven said: The Raven carries the Invisible on its black wings through the night.
37. The Raven said: The Invisible needs no worship.
38. The Raven said: Only two sins are unforgivable: following the trail of the Invisible and seeking traces of the Invisible.
39. The Raven said: It is impossible to be partially invisible.
40. The Raven said: It is impossible to waste time being Invisible.
41. The Raven said: It is not necessary to go through a path to become Invisible.
42. The Raven said: If one spends ten years becoming Invisible, then he has spent ten years not being Invisible and a moment becoming Invisible.
43. The Raven said: Angels and demons are your reflections. The Invisible has no reflections.
44. The Raven said: Fighting with appearances also makes the fighter visible.
45. The Raven said: If you think differently, do not argue or agree.
46. The Raven said: Action is not fighting the current, but choosing a favorable current from among many.
47. The Raven said: Everything that causes disputes is immaterial and should be discarded.
48. The Raven said: He who deceives himself takes on a double burden.
49. The Raven said: The available exercise is seeing, not seeing, and comparing.
50. The Raven said: The available exercise is talking, silence, and comparing.
51. The Raven said: The available exercise is eating, fasting, and comparing.
52. The Raven said: The available exercise is waking, sleeping, and comparing.
53. The Raven said: The available exercise is doing, not doing, and comparing.
54. The Raven said: The most insignificant questions are life and death, causality and chance, finitude and infinity.
55. The Raven said: The past belongs to the warriors, the future belongs to the Unseen.
56. The Raven said: No one can ignore the Unseen.
57. The Raven said: The struggle with desires makes the fighter visible, like an archer with a bow devoid of arrows.
58. The Raven said: Abandon the goal, then first the goal becomes invisible, then the bow, then the arrow, then the archer.
59. The Raven said: Everything you need is always within arm's reach.
60. The Raven said: The manifestation of strength makes you visible, the manifestation of weakness makes you visible, the accumulation of strength makes you visible, the expenditure of strength makes you visible.
61. The Raven said: One Unseen is equal to a thousand Unseen, but not equal to the absence of Unseen.
62. The Raven said: The Invisible One is not happy that misfortune has not seen him.
63. The Raven said: The Invisible One is not sad that fortune has not seen him.
64. The Raven said: You hear the Raven because you do not hear yourself.
65. The Raven said: To be Invisible is better than to be protected, for the Invisible One does not need protection.
66. The Raven said: All teachers teach to be Invisible.
67. The Raven said: All byways lead to being Invisible.
68. The Raven said: The Invisible One cannot disturb the balance.
69. The Raven said: The only thing worthy of worship is balance, if there were any meaning in worship.
70. The Raven said: Agreeing with a wrong statement does less harm than disagreeing with a wrong statement.
71. The Raven said: You cannot oppress someone who does not rebel.
72. The Raven said: A year in your life be invisible, a month in your year be invisible, a day in your week be invisible, an hour in your day be invisible, a minute in your hour be invisible.
73. The Raven said: Moving after stopping makes you visible.
74. The Raven said: Stopping after moving makes you visible.
75. The Raven said: First think of food for yourself, then for your family, then for everyone else.
76. The Raven said: Refusing a request makes you visible.
77. The Raven said: Unasked favor makes you visible.
78. The Raven said: Loneliness does not make you Invisible.
79. The Raven said: Hatred makes you visible.
80. The Raven said: Love makes you visible.
81. The Raven said: Gratitude is more valuable than love.
82. The Raven said: The important questions are explained, the unimportant ones are left unanswered.
83. And that was all that the Raven said, and the Raven fell silent.
fz09oxJmNTQWCSD740OO4QGQ5feS3mriBCZWclcz3mO8GcRnA.jpg46 Кб, 1024x1024
RU 126 130431

>Guys, who knows, why I can't post on other boards?

1. The Raven said: You will get what you want and pay as much as you can.
2. The Raven said: I will not tell you anything new.
3. The Raven said: The more effort, the further from the goal. The less effort, the further from the goal.
4. The Raven said: The eagle will not teach you anything, try to learn from the raven.
5. The Raven said: You can worship the eagle, and you can worship the pillar, and you can worship the raven.
6. The Raven said: The word is just noise. The wise word is just wise noise.
7. The Raven said: You see what is in front of the tree, but you do not see what is behind the tree. You see what is under the sky, but you do not see what is above the sky.
8. The Raven said: When you take, it quickly fills. When you give, it never empties.
9. The Raven said: No one knows what is next. The raven doesn't know either.
10. The raven said: It doesn't take much intelligence to be strong.
11. The raven said: It's not a sin to kill a raven, but to wish for its death or to regret it.
12. The raven said: If you're faced with a choice between doing or not doing, do it.
13. The raven said: The raven hasn't been to hell or heaven and won't tell you what it's like there or whether they exist or not.
14. The raven said: If you're faced with a choice between doing or not doing, don't do it.
15. The raven said: You think you've grown taller, but in reality you've just jumped.
16. The raven said: Standing is bad, walking is even worse, lying down is really bad, but the worst thing is if you jump.
17. The raven said: When a well is empty, don't scrape the bottom, collecting the last drops, but fill the well.
18. The Raven said: To do something, you just have to do it. And there is no other way to do it except to do it.
19. The Raven said: Time is more valuable than money, peace is more valuable than joy, balance is more valuable than victory.
20. The Raven said: The most important thing is the difference between "is" and "is not." And this difference is unimportant.
21. The Raven said: You can walk through walls and see through walls. But then what are the doors and windows for?
22. The Raven said: To have, you must not want or ask, but take.
23. The Raven said: When you ask, sometimes you get, and sometimes you don't. When you take, you always get.
24. The Raven said: If you hit a wall, then you are going the wrong way. Or was the wall your goal?
25. The Raven said: Be Invisible.
26. The Raven said: When there are no Invisibles left, the world will end and start over.
27. The Raven said: To be Invisible is more difficult and more honorable than to be a doctor, a teacher, or a ruler.
28. The Raven said: There are only four callings and no fifth: doctor, teacher, ruler, and Invisible.
29. The Raven said: The right to be Invisible cannot be bought.
30. The Raven said: The right to be Invisible cannot be earned.
31. The Raven said: When you tell a lie, you take on a burden. How many burdens can you carry?
32. The Raven said: A man who bends under a weight cannot be Invisible, he attracts all eyes.
33. The Raven said: If you want a worker to dig well, teach him to dig well, and not to look at the sky.
34. The Raven said: There are people who need to look at the sky and there are people who do not need to.
35. The Raven said: There is no guilt except that which is acknowledged as guilt.
36. The Raven said: The Raven carries the Invisible on its black wings through the night.
37. The Raven said: The Invisible needs no worship.
38. The Raven said: Only two sins are unforgivable: following the trail of the Invisible and seeking traces of the Invisible.
39. The Raven said: It is impossible to be partially invisible.
40. The Raven said: It is impossible to waste time being Invisible.
41. The Raven said: It is not necessary to go through a path to become Invisible.
42. The Raven said: If one spends ten years becoming Invisible, then he has spent ten years not being Invisible and a moment becoming Invisible.
43. The Raven said: Angels and demons are your reflections. The Invisible has no reflections.
44. The Raven said: Fighting with appearances also makes the fighter visible.
45. The Raven said: If you think differently, do not argue or agree.
46. The Raven said: Action is not fighting the current, but choosing a favorable current from among many.
47. The Raven said: Everything that causes disputes is immaterial and should be discarded.
48. The Raven said: He who deceives himself takes on a double burden.
49. The Raven said: The available exercise is seeing, not seeing, and comparing.
50. The Raven said: The available exercise is talking, silence, and comparing.
51. The Raven said: The available exercise is eating, fasting, and comparing.
52. The Raven said: The available exercise is waking, sleeping, and comparing.
53. The Raven said: The available exercise is doing, not doing, and comparing.
54. The Raven said: The most insignificant questions are life and death, causality and chance, finitude and infinity.
55. The Raven said: The past belongs to the warriors, the future belongs to the Unseen.
56. The Raven said: No one can ignore the Unseen.
57. The Raven said: The struggle with desires makes the fighter visible, like an archer with a bow devoid of arrows.
58. The Raven said: Abandon the goal, then first the goal becomes invisible, then the bow, then the arrow, then the archer.
59. The Raven said: Everything you need is always within arm's reach.
60. The Raven said: The manifestation of strength makes you visible, the manifestation of weakness makes you visible, the accumulation of strength makes you visible, the expenditure of strength makes you visible.
61. The Raven said: One Unseen is equal to a thousand Unseen, but not equal to the absence of Unseen.
62. The Raven said: The Invisible One is not happy that misfortune has not seen him.
63. The Raven said: The Invisible One is not sad that fortune has not seen him.
64. The Raven said: You hear the Raven because you do not hear yourself.
65. The Raven said: To be Invisible is better than to be protected, for the Invisible One does not need protection.
66. The Raven said: All teachers teach to be Invisible.
67. The Raven said: All byways lead to being Invisible.
68. The Raven said: The Invisible One cannot disturb the balance.
69. The Raven said: The only thing worthy of worship is balance, if there were any meaning in worship.
70. The Raven said: Agreeing with a wrong statement does less harm than disagreeing with a wrong statement.
71. The Raven said: You cannot oppress someone who does not rebel.
72. The Raven said: A year in your life be invisible, a month in your year be invisible, a day in your week be invisible, an hour in your day be invisible, a minute in your hour be invisible.
73. The Raven said: Moving after stopping makes you visible.
74. The Raven said: Stopping after moving makes you visible.
75. The Raven said: First think of food for yourself, then for your family, then for everyone else.
76. The Raven said: Refusing a request makes you visible.
77. The Raven said: Unasked favor makes you visible.
78. The Raven said: Loneliness does not make you Invisible.
79. The Raven said: Hatred makes you visible.
80. The Raven said: Love makes you visible.
81. The Raven said: Gratitude is more valuable than love.
82. The Raven said: The important questions are explained, the unimportant ones are left unanswered.
83. And that was all that the Raven said, and the Raven fell silent.
RU 127 130437
RU 128 130829
GE 129 130892
кто секс сегодня
RU 130 131014
не я
17278813610790.webm1,2 Мб, webm,
1264x656, 0:08
RU 131 131197
К массажисту сходи
GE 132 131219
RU 133 131286


тебе только секс и подавай
RU 134 131287


дай тенге
KR 135 131394
RU 136 131482
DK 137 131526
138 131562
CA 139 131595
i love russia
MD 140 131597
i love russia
AR 141 131643
i love your mom
NL 142 131646
I love you too.
CO 143 131647
Jesus loves you, useless corpse!
AR 144 131661
thanks brother
AR 145 131662
wait.. fuck u n1gg3r
NL 146 131780
US 147 131784
NL 148 131792
ES 149 131911
1648168890714.png201 Кб, 324x371
JP 150 131936
who still comes here
NL 151 131962
nobody-manson.gif4 Мб, 640x488
RU 152 131966
NL 153 132038
RU 154 132101
RU 155 132198

>Mymy picrelated

> Japan flag

huh. fuck.
NL 156 132223
RU 157 132359
96436 - SoyBooru.mp42,6 Мб, mp4,
672x1024, 0:09
PL 158 132438
88209 - SoyBooru.mp42,2 Мб, mp4,
1024x1024, 0:08
PL 159 132439
wordart.png805 Кб, 3140x2107
RU 160 132516
It's not a bad board.
sage RU 161 132764
deliver.webm1,5 Мб, webm,
1280x776, 0:42
RU 163 132835
radio01.webm19,7 Мб, webm,
1280x768, 13:21
RU 164 132848
Ночное телерадио.
image.png2,4 Мб, 1360x8478
RU 165 132853
image.png416 Кб, 1280x824
RU 166 132854
92028 - SoyBooru.png2,3 Мб, 2000x1563
US 167 132863
92028 - SoyBooru.png2,3 Мб, 2000x1563
US 168 132864
NL 169 132881
I can get Russian blonde tight hookers konnichiwa and house for the. To work from without visa and laundering costing just a small percentage on your paycheck. Want them in the Netherlands for receiving.
Also any gazprom or SVR people that wanna unload Russian guess in a dutch port and make it show up on the legal market from undisclosed ships. Not impossible with loopholes in dutch laws.
This is not trolling or satire I just look for response for Russian business partners! That wanna know about grey law area solutions for Russian problems in Netherlands Putin don't nuke us
Also rate my joke pls also general inquiries about disrupting western propaganda outlets in the Netherlands with psychological warfare tactics we on
RU 170 132889
Propaganda, war ensemble
Nuke at bass and blonde in treble
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