Captcha in Russian language is discrimination.
>>5186 (OP)
I believe that as an active poster of internet whores you deserve it.
I believe that as an active poster of internet whores you deserve it.
A woman who seeks male attention on the INTERNET through photos where she puts herself in the centre of the composition (usually with sexual connotations), rather than through cool actions or intellectual achievements, is an internet whore. Worshiping such a whore, giving her money or promoting her is self-deprecation for a man and a loss of respect from normal men. Come to your senses before it's too late.
A woman who seeks male attention on the INTERNET through photos where she puts herself in the centre of the composition (usually with sexual connotations), rather than through cool actions or intellectual achievements, is an internet whore. Worshiping such a whore, giving her money or promoting her is self-deprecation for a man and a loss of respect from normal men. Come to your senses before it's too late.
>>5186 (OP)
The Russian captcha protects this site from being spammed
The Russian captcha protects this site from being spammed
Isn't she ashamed to take pictures like a whore?
t. atheist
t. atheist
Yeah kinda.
>>5186 (OP)
Lol real how do you guys even post?
Lol real how do you guys even post?
They have a whole system with a virtual keyboard.
They have a whole system with a virtual keyboard.
Dasha is such an angel
>>5186 (OP)
Nice pizda. Glad to hear western buttocks is kicked again by the russian hackers.
Nice pizda. Glad to hear western buttocks is kicked again by the russian hackers.
With great difficulty and many captchas.
I don't understand how you can see the difference between 3 and З.
With great difficulty and many captchas.
I don't understand how you can see the difference between 3 and З.
buy passcode
buy passcode
Neither do I. Also hard to distinguish 4 and Ч (letter Che) and 0 and О (same as in English). Also in some fonts 6 looks like Б (letter Beh).
Neither do I. Also hard to distinguish 4 and Ч (letter Che) and 0 and О (same as in English). Also in some fonts 6 looks like Б (letter Beh).

>>5186 (OP)
Sure, captcha better be democratic, free and universal. Like math, right?
Sure, captcha better be democratic, free and universal. Like math, right?

>>5186 (OP)
We lost him because of the captcha
We lost him because of the captcha
>>5186 (OP)
Literally just type in Russian. It will take you an hour to learn.
Literally just type in Russian. It will take you an hour to learn.
If you have proper means to type digits ofcource.
If you have proper means to type digits ofcource.

>>5186 (OP)
unfortunately for the russophobic mod, the Russian language on the Russian board doesn't belong on /pol/, it belongs everywhere
and instead of pinning the thread about installing Russian keyboard he pinned his fascist fantasies
you can find phonetic keyboard here, even several to choose from
and on the phone it's not hard to install Russian phonetic layout (in windows I remember it to be a huge pain in the butt)
pro tip: people on the internet are not your friends, don't trust them
that's alright, like one third of the capchas aren't solveable, so just refresh them until you get no O/0's, Ч/4's or З/3's
unfortunately for the russophobic mod, the Russian language on the Russian board doesn't belong on /pol/, it belongs everywhere
and instead of pinning the thread about installing Russian keyboard he pinned his fascist fantasies
you can find phonetic keyboard here, even several to choose from
and on the phone it's not hard to install Russian phonetic layout (in windows I remember it to be a huge pain in the butt)
pro tip: people on the internet are not your friends, don't trust them
that's alright, like one third of the capchas aren't solveable, so just refresh them until you get no O/0's, Ч/4's or З/3's
>>5186 (OP)

I get worse captchas here than this example - basic/novice tier
I get worse captchas here than this example - basic/novice tier
Да, капча должна быть демократичной, свободной и всеобщей. Как математика, верно?
Да, капча должна быть демократичной, свободной и всеобщей. Как математика, верно?
I don't understand why all of LACNIC is blocked from posting, even on /int/
It has been so since the first time I tried posting here 10+ years ago with a few exceptions
She used to be an escort
It has been so since the first time I tried posting here 10+ years ago with a few exceptions
She used to be an escort
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