1. be kind to them and give them attention
2. give them no money whatsoever
if they walk away from it (take it for granted), that's great, you've avoided a greedy mentally damaged cunt
that's a pretty simple trick
inb4 but i want to put my appendage in her rectum
Kek. Yeah you should never become a betabuxx. Are there any “decent women” left in russia?
Im afraid I would have to kill you if I disclose that information.
Correct answer. It worked for me in the Glorious Republic of Burgerstan, where 99.9% of women are greedy and mentally damaged.
I will share a story of my high school and the girls there.
>Be me
>High Schooler
>Late 210s- Early 2020s, so this is quite recent (19 now)
>Attend charter school where for every man, there are two women.
>Nobody has a girlfriend.
>I will use three girls as an example girl A, girl B and girl K.
>Girl A is alright academically, but is very political.
>In history class, one time, she ranted on how abortion should be legal to 36 months.
>Girl B might seem alright, the coy type, but that is just a facade.
>She had an I.Q of 59 (even a Chimpanzee is smarter) and was recently arrested, for theft, shoplifting, possession of marijuana, possession of cocaine and prostitution.
>Despite all of that, she aspires to become a baby sitter.
>Girl K is better academically and much more reserved politically, but she is incredibly bitter to elders.
>Once she forced a man on oxygen to walk the entire length of the restaurant, which she worked it. She was proud of it.
There are about a dozen others that I can remember including one with an I.Q of 26 (and was illiterate), but that is all.
Yo, what's good, fellow thirty-something
t. not him, but saaame oldone
Is anyone else interested in women? I gave a fuck about them after my last failed marriage. Serious relationships with women are nerve-wracking and stressful. The ideal is to have a good “female friend” (not girlfriend, lol), of course with whom you will fuck sometimes, (or at the very least a prostitute you can trust on a regular basis) and fucking hobbies, a wide range of interests to which all your thoughts will be devoted, ideally if they are part of work. I personally felt better after changing my views on women. You can't be without a woman, but letting her too close is also a mistake
I happen to be in a relationship right now, but it took me eight years to get to that point.
99.9% of women want money or control from a man, too many people are blind to it and it ultimately rests in the spirit of the individual, ultimately, it is hard to judge a person's spirit, but you will know it when you come across it.

Enslavement and mass-murder along with burning at stakes just like in the good old days of Inquisition.
You know Pierre, making these memes about women is not going to help you have sex. Have you tried a more productive strategy such was working out or talking to women?
Rare! What proxy is allowing you to post with that flag
Most men are delusional about what is average girl. This causes them to ignore the absolute bottom of girls, and think that the average girl is below average. If girl is seriously ugly, a man will consider her as one of the guys. This happens in many "nerd" spaces such as among pokemon card collectors.
You are ugly because you are ugly inside, you become what you consume. You can also be ugly because you are lazy. All people who are ugly can become average as long they don't have diseases. This lie that person cannot change their looks is dangerous lie which makes people depressed and lazy -> they become uglier. People can tell you are miserable to be around and they aviod you. It is simple as that, be negative, stay alone. Yes I understand it is harder to stay positive but life is unfair and that you need to accept.
This is low argumentation. When people use words in ways that don't really make sense, slowly they lose meaning. This is the same as calling someone nazi because you disagree with them.
Doesn't make it good argumentation and it is meaningless still. If you have some disagreements with my points, be free to tell your view but this is not the way. And I understand you think this as some epic serving word but it is time to be adult and act like an adult instead of high school kid.
I get it, this is internet and not so serious thing but I used to be in the incel communities, depressed, hateful and full of anger towards normies. Even if one man starts to think differently and fix hislife I consider it as a win. Like you, you might think my view is stupid and blue pilled but despite that it it is important to come out of th echo chamber and be the leader of your life instead some pathetic incel.
So in order to be a leader you have to bend other ? Nice logic you got there. Slavery is freedom, weakness is the strength type of shit. I love how you not hateful and free simping for not even a certan woman, but for the whole sex. I hope you feel proud of yourself but to me you are far more pathetic than any incel could be.
Do you even know what simping is? Basic respect for the opposite sex is not simping or seeing women as human is not simping. I don't do things just because of women, if I do something I do it for myself. You clearly lack basic understanding of human interractions, and brain-rotted your brain on internet way too long.
Well, probably, I have a very general idea how those things work, but it's clearly just simping for you looking how jump into white knighting.
At this point you only use random buzzwords you learned on internet rather than thinking by yourself.
No, it's just you refusing to think outside of the ecochamber mindset. But in short, what are we even arguing about ?