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American here, whats up? US 126664 В конец треда | Веб
Google brought me here, lot of Russians in here it seems.

So...how's it going?

My favorite letter in your alphabet is this one "Д." It's like an "A" except it looks very surprised.
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RU 2 126665
>>6664 (OP)

>My favorite letter in your alphabet is this one "Д." It's like an "A" except it looks very surprised.

Nice choice dude. My favourite letter in the Latin alphabet is "N", because I like to call people niggers.
RU 3 126666
Эй ниггер, что ты себе позволяешь? Я сейчас позову белого полицейского. Hey, officer...
RU 4 126673
>>6664 (OP)
Don't listen to the faggot above.
There are over 100,000 Russians hanging out here every day who prefer to post shit about their miserable lives instead of getting an education and a job
RU 5 127670
>>6664 (OP)
Д and A are surely messed up, because a and d also look alike.
RU 6 127683
what about Ж?
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RU 7 127686
That letter alone destroys the christian version of where have the russian letters come from, for it's basically ᛡ, which is basically ᚼ, for both h and ж have the same position in the alphabet, and then j is read as h in spannish, so ж is basically j, and probably ᛡ the ᚼ stands for Джа the Rah (hello, Zadornov, rest in peace you mad lad) for ж is pretty much how chinese pronounce r, which looks like г, which is g, which is read as дж, and being next to h make it a claster gh, right under the claster of dg (g is d in russian)
ᛆᛒᚦᛂ(ᚽ)ᚠᚵᚼ(not ᛡ)ᛁᚴᛚᛘ(even though it looks like ᛉ)ᚿᚮᚱᛦ(if R, or ᛣ if Q)ᛋᛏᚢ
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RU 8 127687

>claster of dg

my bad, claster of cd (c used to be read as g, and greeks have Г between their forms of B and D)
then how can g appear in both cd and gh claster? romans probably had z before h the next greeks pretty much do, before Ruca[ruga] the Spurius Carvilius Ruga separated G from C (and that z could be some ž, but at this point that is merely a speculation)
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PT 9 127688
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RU 10 127689
Some runes look the same, but have different unicode number and different transliteration. That phenomenon is probably similar to P being read differently in different languages, or to C being read differently in the same language.
RU 11 127691
If Windows:
1. Run cmd as administrator (you can just hold L.Shift+L.Alt and click the cmd shortcut twice).
Enter this (one by one)
2. sfc /scannow
3. DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

If Linux:
1. My condolences.

You try to be clever, but for some reason miss the fact that Russia was the trading zone of influence of Byzantium (actually half-vassal, Russ have sold the culture and originality for the sake of the Byzantium wine), therefore by order of emperor Constantine imperial linguists Cyril and Methodius have developed Glagolitic, and later Cyrillic on the basis of convenient for ancient Russ signs and sounds to simplify translation, reading and acceptance of religious (orthodox) texts. The imposition of its alphabet into controlled zones of influence is an element of Byzantium's geopolitical warfare with its adversaries. No higher ideals, no desire to bring civilization to Russ and moreover the matter is not in the god as propogandize separate individuals, only commercial and geopolitical calculation.
BR 12 127693
RU 13 127694
Пошел нахуй
RU 14 127696
>>6664 (OP)
My favorite letter in latin althabet is f, you can use it to pay respects without bothering to invent some post for it.
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RU 15 127697

>Cyril and Methodius have developed Glagolitic, and later Cyrillic on the basis of convenient for ancient Russ signs

That is a common take, which doesn't make it any less retarded.
What were the signs, convenient for ancient Rus's if not the letters they already knew, you said, or did you have something else in mind?
Because armenian alphabet was also told to be invented by the guy who translated bible into armenian, but the students of that very guy left memoirs, which (both memoirs) tell that he took that alphabet from some semi-erased book, and only three years after he taught that armenian alphabet he added his own letters, and that was his actual contribution to the alphabet. So I suspect that to be the case in many other cases (so I suspect permian azbuka to be existing before Stephan came there. There are reports about not one but three writing systems existing in pre-christian Parma. So the history of letters is unknown, and what they teach as the history of the writing systems is purely fabrication of christian philologists.
Russian is rather unique in the sense of how it groups voiced and voiceless letters, which leads to discovery of a rather archaic structure, probably common amongst alphabets, and miraculously prevented in russian, which was reformed back and forth, and somehow coming to this, that is per se a mystery. And on the basis of the things I told here, I suspect writings systems of eskimo and their neighbours to be indigenous, and the missionaries could be not some vile plagiarist, but maybe at least some of them were decent fellows, who lied to prevent the destruction of those cultural legacies after being shocked by how catholics destroyed the knowledge of mayan hieroglyphs and some other writing systems of the aboriginal peoples.
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