I am decaying from this translation xD
jaki masz stopien uposledzenia umyslowego?
I just found out about it now

>32yo NEET, worked maybe 2 years in his life
>narcissistic personality disorder, literally sees himself as god
>thinks that he is living in some anime fabula, cannot distinct between the reality and anime world
>his live authority is Naruto
>74 IQ
>living with parents on 28m2 with the toilet on the staircase
>taking a bath once a week, to do that he has to boil the water in a pot
>was being under arrest for one year for attacking a cop when they went to his house, before he was spamming tips to the pollice office for being insulted online lol
>a cuck that was fucked on money for multiple times by single mothers
>for being fucked on money he is also spamming the petitions to court
>multiple times drove half of the country for nothing, in hope that he will meet these single mothers
>now living on a gigantic copium that he will win a 1 000 000 PLN(~230 000 EUR) compensation for being arrested for one year(he claims that it was unlawful)
>whole of his family is being hated by the neighborhood(and thats no surprise when you look what narcisstic dicks they are)
>his father in the past went to his city mayor with a gasoline and wanted to burn him, because the mayor didn't give him the job
>his parents are also unemployed for years, chapmions in slurping social gibs
Ya Shuha biatch
Пидорас. Мать твоя шлюха. Я чуть не сдох.
Русским будет бить. Панове поляки>русские Иван.
Всё, заткни ебало, Кирилл.

1280x720, 0:08
ok ukrofrenik
looks more like some normie creator
doesn't look that retarded and from what I see he is listening some protips of more experienced others(like on that street workout video)
also he is traveling abroad, I forgot to add that versatile master was never abroad and experienced a cultural shock when went to Warsaw xD
>weared a 75 EUR outfit on himself
>thought that that makes him rich and half of Warsaw will now rob him
The most approximate comparison is "Толян". This dude is a social phobe and reviews food, looks for clothes in garbage dumps, has discussions about the meaning of life and is pathologically afraid to go outside.
No, still alive

1280x720, 0:08

1276x716, 1:28

720x1280, 1:07

720x1280, 1:32
this is very good my friend
sorry anonku, but no, I have only very little collection of retarded shinobi
zapraszam na znanipilkarze.com w celu archiwizacji cwela
no płatne, skoro kapcie są tak pojebane że się ich nie da rozwiązać albo cała Polska jest zbanowana więc jak najbardziej forczan jest płatny
rozwiązanie kap czy na czworczanie to jest jakieś odmęt szaleństwa