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Hello guys CN 130224 В конец треда | Веб
Hello guys
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RU 2 130225
>>0224 (OP)
jade rod Xi
i kneel
CN 3 130226
I just tried it and it seems that foreigners can only post in /int/.
RU 4 130228
It's because of aggressive Ukrainians. Ideally passcode should remove these restrictions, but I'm not sure.
Let the int section in 2ch be a small addition to your overall board set. If you have any questions about Russia or want to talk about China, this place is at your service.
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RU 5 130334
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RU 6 130335
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RU 7 130336
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RU 8 130337
CN 9 130897
Anonymous RU 10 130899
How you dare? And here is this country telling us the benefits of fighting capitalism.
The party and the great leader Xi are very disappointed in you. You will lose 50 points in your social ranking, as well as your beautiful cat wife, as a penalty for not notifying the authorities of this move in a timely manner.
NL 11 130913
Howst in China?
RU 12 130917
Which province do you recommend for traveling? I'm going to learn Chinese and connect my life with China. The Anglo-Saxon world is for soy boys.
RU 13 130938
Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 新疆维吾尔自治区. Удар! Strike! 罢工 党送你一碗饭和一个猫老婆,这是有利于党的好选择,毛泽东为你感到骄傲。 社会信用增强. 😁😁😁😁👍👍👍维吾尔人必须被消灭😃😃😃😄😁😆🤣🤓玉棒为你感到骄傲😆😄🤓😄😆👍👍😝🤪😜🤭😎美国间谍资本家去死吧🤪😆😄😀♿♿♿🚼🚼🚮🏧🚾✈️✈️💥💥🏢🏢2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣1️⃣🦧✅🅰️🅱️🅾️🅱️🅰️㊗️㊗️😀😀😄🤑😜🤗😏😜🫣
RU 14 130979
I've never seen it written that way in Chinese sources.
xi jinping winnie the pooh.jpg142 Кб, 1280x720
GB 15 130993
RU 16 130997
His name is Zhang
CA 17 131026
I love china
CA 18 131033
china is great
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856x480, 0:18
RU 19 131066
CN 20 131086
Sanya in Hainan might be a good choice, I've never been there but I've heard there are a lot of Russian tourists, many shop signs and road signs have been russified.
RU 21 131152
Thanks, mate!


In almost all tourist areas in Russia where I've been, I've seen inscriptions in Russian, English and Chinese. It's interesting.
CN 22 131155
Chinese signs do help travelers a lot and that also shows that the relationship between China and Russia is improving, great!😄
Sometimes I see videos on the internet of grandparents joining tours to visit Moscow, they have free time and have nostalgic feelings about the USSR, more of them will surely go in the future. ngl I would be willing to visit Russia too, unfortunately Moscow and St. Petersburg are really far away from China, even by plane it takes about 10 hours

So I usually just watch videos on internet, a few of Chinese youtubers will do interviews with some Russian families, which can give a more non-stereotypical view of Russia, I think it's quite interesting.
RU 23 131158

>relationship between China and Russia is improving, great!

Yeah, that's cool

>unfortunately Moscow and St. Petersburg are really far away from China, even by plane it takes about 10 hours

I take it this is some kind of reference to the stereotype that there is nothing to see in Russia except Moscow and St. Petersburg? Oh, that's a mistake, buddy. If I were you, I would start with Vladivostok - it's a cool city. I like to go on week-long hikes deep into Russia with the guys, especially in the mountains, once we found old abandoned buildings from the USSR times, with very strange geometry inside, no one knows what it is or what it's for, but it looked very alien. It's a test chamber for some experiments or something.


Cool. I was just about to ask for some video hosting for language training, thanks buddy.
CN 24 131478
You are talking to a vpnnigger. I am the OP. A real Chinese
CN 25 131509
RU 26 131533
US 27 131534
herro, how can I herp you?
AR 28 131537
long live the People's Republic of China
GB 29 131599
hangzhou TW 30 132860
let me try
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460x816, 0:57
RU 31 132905
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460x612, 0:57
RU 33 133106
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576x1024, 1:15
RU 34 133107
Always backed and supported by the great leader Xi and China

t. Simple worker Ivan from simple Russian village (no connection with Chinese propaganda machine)
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