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Evil Tiger.PNG763 Кб, 1047x797
4chan /int/brit Sends their regards! https://boards.4chan.org/int/thread/203627703 GB 130416 В конец треда | Веб
4chan /int/brit Sends their regards!
RU 2 130420
>>416 (OP)

>It's impossible to write anything there because of the posting rate.

>Any cultural question about Britain is ignored in favor of discussing Taylor Swift.

>Or ridiculed by the local kid.

Am I understanding correctly that the Brits don't have their own “home” board and instead you sit on 4chan?
Btw, this question has been ignored 3 times in the UK thread.
GB 3 130457
Please come back we accept all cultures and all nationalities it says /brit/ but we like to have lots of fun with all
RU 4 130467
Thank you for the invitation.
Why don't you want to be part of our little comfy collective here?
US 5 130478
I got permanently banned off of 4Chan, the mods are cracking down on almost every board too. Maybe it is good to stay away, at least until the staff changes.
RU 6 130479
I don't think the moderating policy will ever change. 4chan doesn't change. Only the captcha, which can be turned off for three years for $45, is changing. Lol.
KR 7 130500
You have to wait 15 minutes before posting something
4chan is dead
RU 8 130513
So are you a real South Korean or just another proxy of our Mod?
sage CH 9 130520
Well it wasn't me, my dear fren.
RU 10 130551
Okay, my dear fren.
KR 11 130608
I'm in Korea. Not proxy.
RU 12 130635

>in Korea

>Not South Korea

I believe now.

t. other
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