die in fire fucking nasratist
use proper terminology
what you call "finno-ugric" is in fact outdated word which used to indicate a part of "uralian" root
anyway what is the point of this qustion

Most of them are probably unaware of their existence.
We have to make Suur-Suomi happen, but how can we possibly do it with that level of ignorance?
Well, it's that part of the Uralic family that is not Samoyedic ("Uralic" is a macrofamily, like, say, Afro-Asiatic - a taxon larger than Indo-European).
>Uralic family that is not Samoyedic
not real
I meant "Finno-Ugric" refers to those Uralic languages that are not Samoyedic, sorry if that wasn't clear. There is a current debate whether the Ugric languages have an ancestor with the other ones that is more recent than Proto-Uralic, yes, so "Finno-Ugric" might turn out to be a misnomer in strictly linguistic taxonomy.
All the Baltic Finnic small peoples have bitten the dust, it's time to take care of the more distant relatives of yours, because they won't survive more than two or three generations from now on either.
Терветулоа, бля.
Well. We talk about non-Finnish Finns here. Erzya, Moksha, Mari, Udmurts etc.
Hmm. You have a point.
Indifferent. Why are you asking?

You can also save the archive with Mordovian songs - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/L6aY/YGMJQAXJB
bergele :DD
Finno-Ugric people invented alphabetic runes. That's why kikes needed to invent phoenicia & ugarit to arrange with books they later destroyed anyway
Bitun xDD
All Finns are nordics, there's not even single pure mongol ancestry in this country. Just show that Finns have mostly Nordic ancestry and even barely Finno-Ugric blood. True mongolians have died out.
Кек. Стоп.
He noticed me and my friends when we were talking in Finnish, then he joined the conversation with slightly broken Finnish
He said that he was surprised to hear Finnish and said that he hadn't used the language in a long time
A very sympathetic guy, I hope their likes don't just disappear.
Nice tripce? Anykey/
I think genetic distance is what determines whether I feel solidarity towards some Finno-Ugric population, not whether we speak a similar language. I think more people would be more tolerant toward Russians in general if they knew that we are actually genetically closer to Russians than Swedes.
I think most people here are pretty open to immigration in general, considering that only about 18% of the voting population vote for Perussuomalaiset which is a nationalist anti-immigration party.
karelians are not dead, also u forgot finns from other regions (erzya, moksha, komi, udmurt etc)
miita vittua paska helvetti satana
not yet but planning to
Sorry for what?

Иди нахуй
Ты чё, ебанутый? Чё ты там делаешь?
Including women, but I don't taste pussy
Finns are ugly but tiny, they are fun to sodomize
Reported for extrimism. Enjoy your 2 years in prison faget.
brazil has ballet as good as russian? no way
syötkö sämpyläsi ilman luita?
Anteeksi mun huono kieli ystävät!

It is necessary to create the main Internet resource where everyone can publish, view and evaluate the importance of unfair events, actions and decisions, to protect against system errors, unfair rules and laws and unfair actions and decisions of any government, organizations and people. The authorities will be obliged to resolve / analyze the most important issues. Everyone will be able to publish, view undeniable evidence, propose solutions, offer other useful functions for the Internet resource.
Create the main Internet resource for help and support for those who need it. Everyone will be able to publish, view, and rate the importance of requests for help. The main thing is to create an organization that will be engaged in checking requests / appeals, storing, distributing / sending funds and resources. Everyone will be able to publish, review and evaluate the importance of requests for help, will be able to send to the organization involved in the distribution of funds and resources any amount of funds and resources, and the organization will independently distribute the funds and resources according to the importance. Everyone can choose a specific person, a specific request, and each request / appeal has a status of verified or unverified.
Just realize that most people simply can’t prove almost nothing of the most important thing that they know about this world, history, their body, food and nutrition, and the information is disseminated without conclusive evidence and ways to verify evidence, including for this for every sphere of life which is important for the formation of a correct understanding of reality, it is necessary to create Internet resources where all the most important information will be published, along with undeniable evidence and ways of verifying evidence. So gradually you check and find out the true story about this world, those who live in it, their food, nutrition and everything else.
just translate and read

It is necessary to create the main Internet resource where everyone can publish, view and evaluate the importance of unfair events, actions and decisions, to protect against system errors, unfair rules and laws and unfair actions and decisions of any government, organizations and people. The authorities will be obliged to resolve / analyze the most important issues. Everyone will be able to publish, view undeniable evidence, propose solutions, offer other useful functions for the Internet resource.
Create the main Internet resource for help and support for those who need it. Everyone will be able to publish, view, and rate the importance of requests for help. The main thing is to create an organization that will be engaged in checking requests / appeals, storing, distributing / sending funds and resources. Everyone will be able to publish, review and evaluate the importance of requests for help, will be able to send to the organization involved in the distribution of funds and resources any amount of funds and resources, and the organization will independently distribute the funds and resources according to the importance. Everyone can choose a specific person, a specific request, and each request / appeal has a status of verified or unverified.
Just realize that most people simply can’t prove almost nothing of the most important thing that they know about this world, history, their body, food and nutrition, and the information is disseminated without conclusive evidence and ways to verify evidence, including for this for every sphere of life which is important for the formation of a correct understanding of reality, it is necessary to create Internet resources where all the most important information will be published, along with undeniable evidence and ways of verifying evidence. So gradually you check and find out the true story about this world, those who live in it, their food, nutrition and everything else.
just translate and read

No particular reason, it sounds nice and I have nothing better to do with my life.

Most don't care about Finno-Ugric peoples living over there and Russia is is blamed for the refugee problem, rising of the right-wing movements, crumbling of the EU and basically for everything that could possibly damage the status quo of things in Finland and slay our holy cows.
E.g. if you don't want to undergo the compulsory military service in Finland, question the conscription model or the national security policy in general, you'll be called "Pjotor", that is, a Russian internet troll spreading disinformation and undermining the defense will of the nation.

480x480, 0:15
According to one left-wing narrative, all the refugees are apparently from Syria, which is not true, and while supporting Assad, Russia is allegedly intentionally bombing the shit out of the area in order to maximize refugee streams to Europe, thus creating the refugee problem, thus giving credibility to the new nationalist right-wing parties and thus undermining the whole EU. Sounds schizo as fuck, but the explanation seems to work on people who are left-wing liberals to begin with and don't want to confront the real issues when it comes to immigration, globalization and EU integration.
PS: "word from a spam list exist" wtf...
Well, I wonder if there is the same prejudice towards us as towards the russkies (ethnic russians).
Explain please.

>Well, I wonder if there is the same prejudice towards us as towards the russkies (ethnic russians).
That's still definitely a thing but the prejudice stems mainly from history (WW II, Cold War) and from the current unpredictable government you have, not from recent Russian migration and maybe the prejudice isn't even that bad anymore. Thank Somalis and Middle Eastern trash for making you look better in comparison.
If you're willing to integrate (= learn the language properly) and live in a big enough town, you'll be alright.
Thank you for the answer.
somalis are subhumans
Jeez, that Syrian bullshit has been going on for almost a decade now, and the refugee crisis started way before Russia ever dared get involved. But sure, blame all your problems on us, we don't care anymore.
gg/afkz2CC JOIN 4 CUDE AND FUNPOSTING CONTAINMENT CHAMBER (If ur a fan of peter scully come ::3)
Yeah, it's the easiest thing to do. Just blame magical Putin for anything and everything and you don't have to face any criticism whatsoever.
"Magical Putin did it"-argument just werks.
>18% of the voting population vote for Perussuomalaiset which is a nationalist anti-immigration party.
I don’t know why you dumb fuckers give asylum to people who don’t even care about your values.
lol yeah, living like slaves under swedish rule. russia give them independance now they bark for more lands. thats insanity
did you have sex?
you cuckold

>finno ugric tribes
its brainwashing from winter war propaganda
no such thing, everyone are mixed long ago now everyone are homo soveticus

haha this is how everage german looks like.

you must be some muslim ratfugee invading germany kys roach
yes you will vanish, russian empire will be reborn on your bones.
serves you right
Oh lol. I wonder why the Finns sided with the Nazis some 80 years ago. Not the nazi sentiment of their own, no no sir.
they had mixed feelings, they didnt like russia, but they also had jews in their army and stuff.
Many people love Russia among those who do not know it as well as the Finns. For example Americans
Great people! I hope one day they can create their own countries and join the European Union
Why someone wants to join this conclager? It is like germans was beaten but not to the end. They continue to build concentration camps for lesser nations so they can use their salve labor, now it is called EU)))))
Nothing was changed in years. German concentration camps or GULAG. Choise is up to you.
Most Finns will think of them as Russians. The state even had to cancel the issuance of citizenship to the affected Finns from the USSR, because society did not accept them beyond Imatra and Lappenranta.
In general, most people in Finland, even on the boards, are rare degenerates with an early twentieth-century village-level understanding of the world. It is still a mystery to me how they were able to mimic the Europeans, perhaps it is the success of the state, which controls their lives from the teat to the coffin.
>Most Finns will think of them as Russians
i'll tell you even more: most of them think of themselves as russians
oh come on! There are thousands of examples when russian speacking people found a job and become a part of finnish society
imho city of Imatra and Lappenranta are naturally ghettoes for russians with no job
If somebody want to live a better life - it is a reason to move to another finnish city

>Continues to mimic a normal person
>Stupid ryssäs can't figure it out!
I know Finns too well, sorry
>In general, most people in Finland, even on the boards, are rare degenerates with an early twentieth-century village-level understanding of the world.
This is correct. Heavy inbreeding is the cause.
Have met some russians online with finno-ugric parent or parents but none of them did speak the language. Sad! On the other even sami language is dying in Finland so no wonder or grudes.

Kind of funny that we are actually related to them, considering that there's almost nothing common between Hungarian and Finnish, let alone the culture.
We call them tribal brothers or brother peoples.
> I think more people would be more tolerant toward Russians in general if they knew that we are actually genetically closer to Russians than Swedes.
Norhtern Russians are Finns that speak slavshit. Actual Russians live in Belarus, Poland, Ukraine axis and are swarthy little niggers.
It always amazed me how the Finns were proud of defeating by the retarded Communists, whose soldiers were dying of frostbite and dysentery, truly amazing.
Тарас, ты как ВПН оплатил?

>Finns are Swedes
absolutly not. they are more related to russians, actually they are russians infact. but got colonized by swedish empire long time ago.

is haaland finihs ?
Muscovite scum are traitors to the Mongol Brotherhood. Rootless cosmopolitans who have abandoned their yurts for concrete cubes and our honest Mongol way of life for cheap American pop culture.
Вам не стыдно?

>Chukhonite scum are traitors to the Mongol Brotherhood. Rootless cosmopolitans who have abandoned their yurts for concrete cubes and our honest Mongol way of life for cheap Scandinavian pop culture.
Вам не стыдно?
Im too

Finns are mongols, that is our meme.
Peace out, please shoot down some US fighter planes if possible.
Roughly the same way you'll feel when European Russia is 50 % churkified (and Moscow 90 %) in 20 years time.
Erzya (me) and Moksha, Mari, Udmurts are Finno-Ugric.
i want finno-ugric union and/or dependence on Estonia or Finland don't want to live under ruski occupation :(
i am one of these, ask me anything about us.
Да, годы идут, а инт как был в говне так и остается. Как и двач, как и твоя жизнь)

perkele perkele spurdo spärde hyyyyyyyväääääääääää pääääääääääääääivääääääääääääää
Miks kuradi põdra keel on nii rumal?
käi putsis kuradi põder

What are Finnish girls like? How strongly are they poisoned by feminism? Are they mercantile, dissolute? Are they better than Swedes and Norwegians, or exactly the same?
they are very tiny and small. they giggle all the time. if you show them your big russian cock they become submessive
MOI minuN NIMENI on PÕDER, pidäääään VIINA juomisesta Virosssssssssa. Olen myyyyyyyyöööööööös erittäääääääääääin tyyyyyyhmääääääääää.
Vabandage, Heironta mitte maasaaž)))))
Neutral feeling, just trying to live my life as good as possible.

Hello, I personally feel that some part close to Finland might be relative to people of Finland. I think of them as decent white people that only matters to me
Generally i think people here think russia as a country is a mess but i dont think they have strong negative or positive feelings to individual russians living in Finland or Russia. People think russian women are slim and beautiful and that russian males look like potato.
Generally as people i dont think we have a good idea or intrest of what the Finno-Ugric sphere consists of. I know there is a tribe of Mari people because we have this meme of some dancing and singing Mari girl that has to be posted if the thread is about positive things in life that make one happy. Yeah i think its part of somekinda admiration of maybe lost traditions that are kept alive somewhere else

nah the tribe was called rør =rørik = røssia
definitly not finnish. their is no such letter as ø in finnland.
in russia you write it with россия with o not u
russia is nordic country

If it's small enough you will draw them closer so they can see
>Similarly, Rurik's genetic heritage, N1c1, is typical of Finnish people. Even today, many Russian men have this legacy, N, from the former Finnish people who inhabited Russia's entire day before the Slavic people came to the area.
The present Russians are descendants of the Karelians and Slavs.
That's why they want to come here so often, it's like a boy looking for his mother/father.
Minulla on venäläisiä ystäviä ja tuttuja. Yhtä perseestä kun muutkin ihmiset.
Right now, there are more chechens and armenians in northern russia than any finno-ugric ethnicity.
The same I feel about all races or whatever they are called. I don't care. The only thing I care is how you act.

Nothing much. They are a strange bunch of forest gnomes that live in tents and speak gibberish. I really don't feel much of a connection to them. If there was one, I fear they'd be just as pathetic, whiny and annoying like the sami-trash.

We'll eat you the next time you visit the local forest, Mr. Cool Urban Finlander >_<
know to recommend some music?
me neither
Dumb fuck.
I had a 2 Ingric workbuddys, hilarious guys.
They spoke both Finnish and Russian.

>Viipurin autonominen maakunta
>Itä-Karjalan autonominen maakunta
>Itä-Pohjoissaamen autonominen maakunta
>Nenetsian itsenäinen tasavalta
>Komin itsenäinen tasavalta
>Marin itsenäinen tasavalta
>Mordvalian itsenäinen tasavalta
>Inkerin protektoraatti
>Vepsän protektoraatti
They are based.
Any actual Finnish citizens here? Very interested in working in Finland. History teacher, higher ed, 3 years of school experience recently. Spoken English, no Finnish though. Any suggestions appreciated.

Aww, spasibo! :3 i love you too! Let's not war.
Apply for a Doctor of Philosophy -programme? University of Eastern Finland has a branch in history in Joensuu, North Karelia for example.
Thanks but that's too huge, I ain't finished my master's degree programme and I'd like to keep working at school if possible. I know it's too late this year and there are only kindergarten options but in case you know ANY employer that could help me immigrate and work there until next year, I'd be happy.
Mate, if I wasn't qualified at all or was overqualified, I wouldn't be asking for advice here but right now I'm just desperate yet confident enough to try it. Thankfully it's not the only option
Ты идиот? Потому что я хотел задать вопрос именно финнам.
why you forbidden visas then

This has been probably said one hundred billion times already, but:
Steel man killed all of them. Their culture is dead. Language is dead. They are dead. He rounded em up and put them to camps where they froze and starved. Others he just had executed on the spot. The holes he filled by resettling russians and other minorities from elsewhere. The trickles of bloodlines that still exist practise and speak russia and russian culture.
Maybe there are a couple thousand, 15 000 max finno-ugric and other peoples left outside Finland and estonia. I admire those who still work hard to keep their memories and language. Anyways I would be interested to see and hear such in person, but I doubt it will ever happen. At least not in the coming years.
Hungarians have the same language family yes, but genetically they are not part of the uralic or should we say finnic peoples. A curious observation.

>we are actually genetically closer to Russians than Swedes.
No. Unless you mean, that a distance of 0,98 is less than a distance of 0,979999999 which it is.

Just talked to an older Estonian dude (~60) at the gas station. He talked really good Finnish and had a nice Audi A6 with a 3-litre diesel engine. I've worked my whole life with Russians. Never any problems with them — except that sometimes they don't speak English almost at all. But who gives a fuck.

Decent people, of course to be denazified in the very near future.

How fuck do you speak Udmurt — after a fifth of vodka? Are you also a red-haired mongool? Cool.
Aren't we brothers? I think finns, russians and finno-uralic peoples are brothers.
Some finno-urals are russian, lol. Google a man "Vyacheslav Datsik".
Is this combination of letters suppose to mean something ?
>because they were butthurt about losing Finland
I was told on Youlilauta or how that crap parody on imageboard is named that "Swedes buy Finshit industry" that's his worlds, not mine, if it's true, that is an equivalent of getting Finland.
Finno-Ugric doesn't mean mongol and has nothing to do with it.
No sage! Bump!

I meant ethnic Finno-Ugric regions of RF.

LOL Finns are not like Russian divas
Finland, Russia and Mongolia are three mongol brothers and should be one country, Fusgolian Empire. Divided, we will not survive another finnno-korean hyperwar.

This 100%. Before the shaking dwarf I slept with one eye open facing east, now I sleep with both eyes open.

Nor fingols are native to Finland. Go to your central asia steppes or something.
Finns got squashed from all sides because you're weak, feeble, and inferior to everyone around you.

We are coming dont worry

>to pripyat swamps.
you are not educated nor man of culture
we are from deserts damned by gods, yeah - from nuclear wastes, but we earned this new frozen rich hell and now we are able to make anyones land to nulear desert, so shush, swetty.
Finns live in iglys or outdoors. We are yeti.

Hairy finn=Sexy finn.

I am khant from Khanty-Mansi autuonmus region of Russia
I love my people although I would rather live in Russian Karelia than in Finland.
Literally the opposite. Finns are straight to the point no bullshit people.
ihanaa :3

As a suomenruotsalainen, I have mixed feelings
On the one hand, cool history, folklore out the ass, beautiful way of life and art - on the other, we're pretty much white gypsies to them because we're fUcKiNG RUOTSALAISET
Estonians and Russians are cool because they don't get on your ass for not being pErUs,
Кста, пару лет уже сам изучаю русский язык, просто чтобы избежать финскоязычных. It's better to pretend to be Russian than to admit to being suomenruotsalainen.

As a suomenruotsalainen, I have mixed feelings
On the one hand, cool history, folklore out the ass, beautiful way of life and art - on the other, we're pretty much white gypsies to them because we're fUcKiNG RUOTSALAISET
Estonians and Russians are cool because they don't get on your ass for not being pErUs,
Кста, пару лет уже сам изучаю русский язык, просто чтобы избежать финскоязычных. It's better to pretend to be Russian than to admit to being suomenruotsalainen.

1280x720, 0:34
why soppsyfaggot deleted /int?
How do you count to 10 in finnish? In komi it is
ӧтик, кык, куим, нёль, вит, квайт, сизим, кӧкъямыс, ӧкмыс, дас
йкси, какси, колме, нелжä, вииси, кууси, сеицемäн, каҳдексан, йҳдексäн, кймменен
>Russians - 75-80% of the total population
>In most republics the ethnic composition is 60-90% Russians
>Not Russia
When we regain our rightful (((Finnish))) territories you will work as a servant in my house.
Kek, genetic Mongol, did you know that if Peter 1 had not freed you, the Swedes would have assimilated you just as African migrants are assimilating you now?
So I feel upset and happy. Upset because these tribes are forgetting their culture and language, happy because they exists. I also heard that Russia is treating them better now but idk if that's true. I had internet friend from Leningrad who gave inside look and told that there many Ingrians are studying the language nowdays. So happy to see youth taking interest in their roots.
I was in Czechia because of Slavic language trip and our Russian teacher (Russian ethnic) asked us to name places in Russia. I said Republic of Udmurtia, and she asked me to repeat multiple times until she asked where is that. When I said near Tatarstan she knew where is that. This kept me wondering why are Uralic nations less known in Russia or was she just lacking general knowledge?
I appied to study Finno-Ugric languages but was rejected due to my bad final results so yeah, since this year is free I am studying more Russian and Russia as a whole. I read Kai Donner's book on Samoyed people for example when he went to Siberia and lived among the people.
There are no negative feelings towards them but I believe that some of them especially people like Karelians view us Finns from negative lens due to what we did in Karelia. I hope that we would connect more because the amount we learn about those related groups is very little. I remember only learning about relative languages of Finnish in 9th grade and that's it. In senior highschool I took extra history class where we learned few sentences but thats it.
To add to this I also stied bit of few Balto-Finnic languages from internet but never to high level. However I know enough Karelian to understand 99% of Karelian texts for example. Minä vägän pagizen livvikse :)
>social anxiety
>knowledge of useless hieroglyphics
>thinks he's anonymous
Yeah, you're a real 2cher, I'm proud of you
>I also heard that Russia is treating them better now but idk if that's true.
What do you mean better? So you seriously think they're being oppressed here like the Uighurs? IS THAT REALLY YOUR WORLDVIEW?:D
The languages of the peoples of the indigenous republics are state languages, i.e. equal to Russian (see the list of state languages of the Russian Federation). The same is true for culture; money is allocated for the development of republican culture from the republic's budget, which comes directly from Moscow.
>What do you mean better?
Better opportunies to study their culture and language.
>So you seriously think they're being oppressed here like the Uighurs?
Nah, I meant more like during Soviet times the forced Russification. And also less stigma around being ethnic minority as in before even in the 2000s many ethnic minorities changed their ethnicity from Veps to Russian (for example). Overall I dont think Russia treats that badly these minorities.
When I was in senior high school few years ago, we had a girl from Karelia. She spoke almost perfect Finnish just by learning it at school since in Karelia you either pick Karelian or Finnish. So yeah, it was very impressive. Her Finnish was better that her cousin's who was in my class too despite him living in Finland for years. Obviously I dont think all minorities learn to speak that well the language since there are limited possibilities to use them (for example read books, watch tv shows or listen music) compared to Russian or any other language.
And I do also know since I studied Karelian (Livvi dialect) that they relase few times a week News from Russia One TV (if I remember correctly) news in Karelian, Vepsian and Finnish. On top of this I am aware of Oma Mua -newspaper which is owned by state owned company Periodika and I sometimes watch the news in Karelian from Youtube. They from time to time tell about new books published in Karelian. And new learning books in Karelian for kids. I do believe the identiteties have gotten stroinger among the ethnic tribes since 2021 but again this is just me guessing.
Obviously I think that they could focus even more but again you could always do better. Here in Finland we have Sami people, who are native to the northern Finland and neighbouring countries. There is shortage of teachers with Sami knowledge which is obviously problem when it comes to future Sami kids and their culture but I actually hate them so I dont really care about that. Just observation. Anyways I hope you got my answer and what you were loooking for.
>What do you mean better?
Better opportunies to study their culture and language.
>So you seriously think they're being oppressed here like the Uighurs?
Nah, I meant more like during Soviet times the forced Russification. And also less stigma around being ethnic minority as in before even in the 2000s many ethnic minorities changed their ethnicity from Veps to Russian (for example). Overall I dont think Russia treats that badly these minorities.
When I was in senior high school few years ago, we had a girl from Karelia. She spoke almost perfect Finnish just by learning it at school since in Karelia you either pick Karelian or Finnish. So yeah, it was very impressive. Her Finnish was better that her cousin's who was in my class too despite him living in Finland for years. Obviously I dont think all minorities learn to speak that well the language since there are limited possibilities to use them (for example read books, watch tv shows or listen music) compared to Russian or any other language.
And I do also know since I studied Karelian (Livvi dialect) that they relase few times a week News from Russia One TV (if I remember correctly) news in Karelian, Vepsian and Finnish. On top of this I am aware of Oma Mua -newspaper which is owned by state owned company Periodika and I sometimes watch the news in Karelian from Youtube. They from time to time tell about new books published in Karelian. And new learning books in Karelian for kids. I do believe the identiteties have gotten stroinger among the ethnic tribes since 2021 but again this is just me guessing.
Obviously I think that they could focus even more but again you could always do better. Here in Finland we have Sami people, who are native to the northern Finland and neighbouring countries. There is shortage of teachers with Sami knowledge which is obviously problem when it comes to future Sami kids and their culture but I actually hate them so I dont really care about that. Just observation. Anyways I hope you got my answer and what you were loooking for.
I am not a femboy and I have no interest in crossdressing. Good luck tho hopefully you find what you want anon.