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Hello Finns! How do you feel about other Finno-Ugric peoples, including those living in Russia? RU 29041 В конец треда | Веб
Hello Finns! How do you feel about other Finno-Ugric peoples, including those living in Russia?
RU 2 29042
Hei, suomalaiset! Mitä mieltä olet muista suomalais-ugrilaisista kansannoista, myös Venäjän asukkaista?
RU 3 29043
kc tires
RU 4 29071
RU 5 29072
what are finno-ugric peoples
die in fire fucking nasratist
use proper terminology
what you call "finno-ugric" is in fact outdated word which used to indicate a part of "uralian" root
anyway what is the point of this qustion
1449318.jpg61 Кб, 604x402
BG 6 29073
>>29041 (OP)
Most of them are probably unaware of their existence.

We have to make Suur-Suomi happen, but how can we possibly do it with that level of ignorance?

BG 7 29074
Well, it's that part of the Uralic family that is not Samoyedic ("Uralic" is a macrofamily, like, say, Afro-Asiatic - a taxon larger than Indo-European).
RU 8 29075

>Uralic family that is not Samoyedic

not real
BG 9 29076
I meant "Finno-Ugric" refers to those Uralic languages that are not Samoyedic, sorry if that wasn't clear. There is a current debate whether the Ugric languages have an ancestor with the other ones that is more recent than Proto-Uralic, yes, so "Finno-Ugric" might turn out to be a misnomer in strictly linguistic taxonomy.
ded.jpg419 Кб, 3259x1077
FI 10 29077
I wish they will not vanish.
BG 11 29078
All the Baltic Finnic small peoples have bitten the dust, it's time to take care of the more distant relatives of yours, because they won't survive more than two or three generations from now on either.
RU 12 29082
u mean koreans
BG 13 29089
Fuck Koreans, they have two states + Tsoi.
RU 14 29097
u say it like finns dont have two states
RU 15 29101
Терветулоа, бля.
BG 16 29103
Well. We talk about non-Finnish Finns here. Erzya, Moksha, Mari, Udmurts etc.
RU 17 29104
but what if in the anime world its just the opposite
BG 18 29105
Hmm. You have a point.
RU 19 29139
FI 20 29141
I think it is important to get their folk-lore into written form. And preferably translated as well. Certainly good amount of that stuff has been documented, but I'm sure there's more that could be documented.
RU 21 29261
RU 22 29286
FI 23 29302
I don't give a scheiße
RU 24 29378
RU 25 30317
RU 26 30639
RU 27 31325
FI 28 31379
>>29041 (OP)
Indifferent. Why are you asking?
640px-FlagofMordovia.svg.png3 Кб, 640x427
RU 29 31773
The national anthem of Russia in the Erzya language - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/42uX/PQ72p98pt

You can also save the archive with Mordovian songs - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/L6aY/YGMJQAXJB
US 30 31784
>>29041 (OP)
bergele :DD
RU 31 31787
>>29041 (OP)
Finno-Ugric people invented alphabetic runes. That's why kikes needed to invent phoenicia & ugarit to arrange with books they later destroyed anyway
RU 32 32845
RU 33 33832
RU 34 33833
Bitun xDD
RU 35 33942
bumb :DD
RU 36 34261
NO 37 34692
>>29041 (OP)
All Finns are nordics, there's not even single pure mongol ancestry in this country. Just show that Finns have mostly Nordic ancestry and even barely Finno-Ugric blood. True mongolians have died out.
US 38 34834
abu pidor
15227003089240.jpg53 Кб, 600x426
RU 39 35125
commentAjZD62oH9bG290RU6NXAyp27GKQVyOzc.jpg961 Кб, 1200x1600
karasique RU 40 35751
6f3ce8c8f7b64afa7105da22208d6ab4.jpg218 Кб, 1280x960
RU 41 35752
A9-E3u6SFfo.jpg62 Кб, 450x600
RU 42 36509
CL 43 36523
Кек. Стоп.
15336766133910.png266 Кб, 604x417
RU 44 37047
15351285773810.jpg334 Кб, 1920x2057
RU 45 37396
FI 46 37435
I met an Ingrian Finn in a local train from SPb to Vsevolozhsk
He noticed me and my friends when we were talking in Finnish, then he joined the conversation with slightly broken Finnish
He said that he was surprised to hear Finnish and said that he hadn't used the language in a long time
A very sympathetic guy, I hope their likes don't just disappear.
FI 47 37458
no we are not
t. pure KARELIAN
1538329176843.jpg77 Кб, 1280x720
HR 48 38249
14602404615720.jpg9 Кб, 604x337
RU 49 39000
RU 50 39002
>>29041 (OP)

> Finno-Ugric peoples

Usually, we can't tell any differense from slavic
RU 51 39006
Nice tripce? Anykey/
15383452866020.jpg39 Кб, 600x571
RU 52 40301
SE 53 40313
nice pics u have here
EL8HZLdel7o.jpg277 Кб, 1080x1077
RU 54 41881
FI 55 54541
I like them. Our language has an unique structure.
-dNTeEvVfm8.jpg140 Кб, 962x1080
RU 56 58016
RU 57 58106
suomi on papuas)
FI 58 58111
>>29041 (OP)
I think genetic distance is what determines whether I feel solidarity towards some Finno-Ugric population, not whether we speak a similar language. I think more people would be more tolerant toward Russians in general if they knew that we are actually genetically closer to Russians than Swedes.

I think most people here are pretty open to immigration in general, considering that only about 18% of the voting population vote for Perussuomalaiset which is a nationalist anti-immigration party.
cati.png952 Кб, 1200x800
DE 59 58112
W7RyiV5kljI.jpg1,3 Мб, 2560x1702
RU 60 62127
RU 61 62129
karelians are not dead, also u forgot finns from other regions (erzya, moksha, komi, udmurt etc)
RU 62 62130
i have friends erzya from Saransk, u can ask me anything if u r interested
RU 63 62144
>>29041 (OP)
miita vittua paska helvetti satana
RU 64 62148
komi-permyaks always live
sage FI 65 62149
have you wanked today
RU 66 62150
RU 67 62171

>I wish they will not vanish.


I'm too.
RU 68 62176
yeah, you?
sage FI 69 62185
not yet but planning to
14583178922790.jpg7 Кб, 199x200
RU 70 63268
RU 71 63270
Oh hi Marc
RU 72 63272
Sorry for what?
1200px-Ingrianpeople.svg.png5 Кб, 1200x733
IL 73 63287
>>29041 (OP)
-dNTeEvVfm8.jpg140 Кб, 962x1080
RU 74 63989
idgaf.png230 Кб, 713x694
RU 75 64445
US 76 64449
cringe have sex
RU 77 64456
RU 78 64536
Is it a home for Finn?
RO 79 64544
EE 80 64659
>>29041 (OP)
Иди нахуй
RU 81 64665
RU 82 64669
Тыы чеего таакой злоой?
RU 83 64705
Ты чё, ебанутый? Чё ты там делаешь?
RU 84 64713

Он просто ещё не въехал в суть.
FI 85 64726
All finno-ugrics living outside Finland are cultural and racial traitors who should be shot. Especially Estonians.
RU 86 64733
whey cute ass fuck
RU 87 64734
Including women, but I don't taste pussy
BR 88 64754
>>29041 (OP)
Finns are ugly but tiny, they are fun to sodomize
psychiatrist.jpg113 Кб, 883x704
RU 89 64757
RU 90 64778
Reported for extrimism. Enjoy your 2 years in prison faget.
FI 91 64812
its still better than being a nigger living in a shithole of a country
FI 92 64877

Lies. A shithole wouldn't have a ballet as good as the one in Moscow.
RU 93 64898
brazil has ballet as good as russian? no way
photo2020-02-2008-44-46.jpg78 Кб, 1280x720
RU 94 65076
RU 95 65088
Sinun elämäsi muuttuu kokonaan, poika sanoi kuin olisi tajunnut sen täydellisesti vasta
14167741377920.jpg29 Кб, 453x604
RU 96 65432
Jebat, djwa goda mojemu tredu!
DE 97 65455
ti pisunchik ?
RU 98 65458
FI 99 65682
>>29041 (OP)
syötkö sämpyläsi ilman luita?
RU 100 65685
Suomi on paras maa. Mä rakastan suomalaiset paljon!
Anteeksi mun huono kieli ystävät!
img568x320x2420190911182242.jpg88 Кб, 568x320
RU 101 66020
main ideas. how to change the world

It is necessary to create the main Internet resource where everyone can publish, view and evaluate the importance of unfair events, actions and decisions, to protect against system errors, unfair rules and laws and unfair actions and decisions of any government, organizations and people. The authorities will be obliged to resolve / analyze the most important issues. Everyone will be able to publish, view undeniable evidence, propose solutions, offer other useful functions for the Internet resource.

Create the main Internet resource for help and support for those who need it. Everyone will be able to publish, view, and rate the importance of requests for help. The main thing is to create an organization that will be engaged in checking requests / appeals, storing, distributing / sending funds and resources. Everyone will be able to publish, review and evaluate the importance of requests for help, will be able to send to the organization involved in the distribution of funds and resources any amount of funds and resources, and the organization will independently distribute the funds and resources according to the importance. Everyone can choose a specific person, a specific request, and each request / appeal has a status of verified or unverified.

Just realize that most people simply can’t prove almost nothing of the most important thing that they know about this world, history, their body, food and nutrition, and the information is disseminated without conclusive evidence and ways to verify evidence, including for this for every sphere of life which is important for the formation of a correct understanding of reality, it is necessary to create Internet resources where all the most important information will be published, along with undeniable evidence and ways of verifying evidence. So gradually you check and find out the true story about this world, those who live in it, their food, nutrition and everything else.

just translate and read

img568x320x2420190911182242.jpg88 Кб, 568x320
RU 101 66020
main ideas. how to change the world

It is necessary to create the main Internet resource where everyone can publish, view and evaluate the importance of unfair events, actions and decisions, to protect against system errors, unfair rules and laws and unfair actions and decisions of any government, organizations and people. The authorities will be obliged to resolve / analyze the most important issues. Everyone will be able to publish, view undeniable evidence, propose solutions, offer other useful functions for the Internet resource.

Create the main Internet resource for help and support for those who need it. Everyone will be able to publish, view, and rate the importance of requests for help. The main thing is to create an organization that will be engaged in checking requests / appeals, storing, distributing / sending funds and resources. Everyone will be able to publish, review and evaluate the importance of requests for help, will be able to send to the organization involved in the distribution of funds and resources any amount of funds and resources, and the organization will independently distribute the funds and resources according to the importance. Everyone can choose a specific person, a specific request, and each request / appeal has a status of verified or unverified.

Just realize that most people simply can’t prove almost nothing of the most important thing that they know about this world, history, their body, food and nutrition, and the information is disseminated without conclusive evidence and ways to verify evidence, including for this for every sphere of life which is important for the formation of a correct understanding of reality, it is necessary to create Internet resources where all the most important information will be published, along with undeniable evidence and ways of verifying evidence. So gradually you check and find out the true story about this world, those who live in it, their food, nutrition and everything else.

just translate and read

1577136642208.png523 Кб, 491x639
CA 102 66041
I'm not even Finn but I'm learning one of those useless Finno-Ugric languages from Russia.
RU 103 66049
Which one?
1587185241392.jpg32 Кб, 653x653
CA 104 66050

no bully
RU 105 66055
Wow! And for what?
Surgut Vodka.jpg60 Кб, 480x478
CA 106 66059
No particular reason, it sounds nice and I have nothing better to do with my life.
RU 107 66071
hikky crying :D have u brushed ur ponyfigures today :D u crying? :D served :D how can u get aroused by little kids :D fuckin depressed virgin :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G pedofile :D neckbeard faggot whinging :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G pussy :D unemployed manchild whining :D served :D eat shit fucking pisshead :D fucking dragondildo collecting manchild :D served :D pimple faced autist wailing :D careful not to drown in ur own tears :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G virgin :D underaged pedofile be crying :D served :D hang urself to get to ur waifu in 2d world :D fucking canserous retard :D served :D faggot crying :D did u get sweaty :D wanna cry? :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G wuss :D poor animefapper whining :D served :D retarded virgin wailing :D go and eat ur antidepressants :D served :D pedofile whinging :D eat shit fucking bedwetter :D wanna cry now? :D served :D the autist is crying :D pathetic loser u should get a job :D that make u cry? :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G hikky :D the canserous autist whines :D served :D have u brushed ur ponyfigures today :D fucking schoolbullied autist :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G retard :D butthurt faggot whinging :D served :D schoolbullied autist is screeching :D how can u get aroused by some horses :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G autist :D the depressed NEET wails :D served :D underaged manchild squeaking :D ur canser :D served :D schoolbullied assburger whinging :D hang urself to get to ur waifu in 2d world :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G manchild :D the autistic retards wails :D served :D the depressed assburger whines :D dick fondling loser :D served :D the idiot pussy whinges :D careful not to drown in ur tears :D served :D manchild screeching :D pathetic loser u should get a job :D wanna cry? :D served :D u should wash ur cummy boxers :D fucking schooldbullied hikky :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G fag :D the lonely ponyfapper wails :D served :D getting sweaty? :D fucking unfit for service retard :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G:n pussy :D the poor loser is crying :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G pussy :D the pimple faced neet is crying now :D served :D the virgin is wailing now :D hang urself to get to ur waifu in 2d world :D wanna cry now? :D served :D
RU 107 66071
hikky crying :D have u brushed ur ponyfigures today :D u crying? :D served :D how can u get aroused by little kids :D fuckin depressed virgin :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G pedofile :D neckbeard faggot whinging :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G pussy :D unemployed manchild whining :D served :D eat shit fucking pisshead :D fucking dragondildo collecting manchild :D served :D pimple faced autist wailing :D careful not to drown in ur own tears :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G virgin :D underaged pedofile be crying :D served :D hang urself to get to ur waifu in 2d world :D fucking canserous retard :D served :D faggot crying :D did u get sweaty :D wanna cry? :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G wuss :D poor animefapper whining :D served :D retarded virgin wailing :D go and eat ur antidepressants :D served :D pedofile whinging :D eat shit fucking bedwetter :D wanna cry now? :D served :D the autist is crying :D pathetic loser u should get a job :D that make u cry? :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G hikky :D the canserous autist whines :D served :D have u brushed ur ponyfigures today :D fucking schoolbullied autist :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G retard :D butthurt faggot whinging :D served :D schoolbullied autist is screeching :D how can u get aroused by some horses :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G autist :D the depressed NEET wails :D served :D underaged manchild squeaking :D ur canser :D served :D schoolbullied assburger whinging :D hang urself to get to ur waifu in 2d world :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G manchild :D the autistic retards wails :D served :D the depressed assburger whines :D dick fondling loser :D served :D the idiot pussy whinges :D careful not to drown in ur tears :D served :D manchild screeching :D pathetic loser u should get a job :D wanna cry? :D served :D u should wash ur cummy boxers :D fucking schooldbullied hikky :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G fag :D the lonely ponyfapper wails :D served :D getting sweaty? :D fucking unfit for service retard :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G:n pussy :D the poor loser is crying :D served :D F-U-C-K-I-N-G pussy :D the pimple faced neet is crying now :D served :D the virgin is wailing now :D hang urself to get to ur waifu in 2d world :D wanna cry now? :D served :D
FI 108 66087
How the fuck does one use this site
RU 109 66093
FI 110 66114
15601759238020.jpg173 Кб, 1080x1350
FI 111 66115
bellboypill.png246 Кб, 1875x511
FI 112 66190
>>29041 (OP)
Most don't care about Finno-Ugric peoples living over there and Russia is is blamed for the refugee problem, rising of the right-wing movements, crumbling of the EU and basically for everything that could possibly damage the status quo of things in Finland and slay our holy cows.

E.g. if you don't want to undergo the compulsory military service in Finland, question the conscription model or the national security policy in general, you'll be called "Pjotor", that is, a Russian internet troll spreading disinformation and undermining the defense will of the nation.
RU 113 66200

>Russia is is blamed for the refugee problem

da fuck
antigroomingdance.mp41,5 Мб, mp4,
480x480, 0:15
FI 114 66201
According to one left-wing narrative, all the refugees are apparently from Syria, which is not true, and while supporting Assad, Russia is allegedly intentionally bombing the shit out of the area in order to maximize refugee streams to Europe, thus creating the refugee problem, thus giving credibility to the new nationalist right-wing parties and thus undermining the whole EU. Sounds schizo as fuck, but the explanation seems to work on people who are left-wing liberals to begin with and don't want to confront the real issues when it comes to immigration, globalization and EU integration.

PS: "word from a spam list exist" wtf...
RU 115 66209
Well, I wonder if there is the same prejudice towards us as towards the russkies (ethnic russians).

RU 116 66210
You are considered russkies.
RU 117 66211
Explain please.
somaliredpill.png327 Кб, 815x980
FI 118 66214

>Well, I wonder if there is the same prejudice towards us as towards the russkies (ethnic russians).

That's still definitely a thing but the prejudice stems mainly from history (WW II, Cold War) and from the current unpredictable government you have, not from recent Russian migration and maybe the prejudice isn't even that bad anymore. Thank Somalis and Middle Eastern trash for making you look better in comparison.

If you're willing to integrate (= learn the language properly) and live in a big enough town, you'll be alright.
RU 119 66215
Thank you for the answer.
DE 120 66605
somalis are subhumans
RU 121 66606
Jeez, that Syrian bullshit has been going on for almost a decade now, and the refugee crisis started way before Russia ever dared get involved. But sure, blame all your problems on us, we don't care anymore.
putinid.jpg31 Кб, 512x351
RU 122 66723
RU 123 67622
RU 124 68264
Lil Bump
US 125 68302
>>29041 (OP)
gg/afkz2CC JOIN 4 CUDE AND FUNPOSTING CONTAINMENT CHAMBER (If ur a fan of peter scully come ::3)
FI 126 68307
Yeah, it's the easiest thing to do. Just blame magical Putin for anything and everything and you don't have to face any criticism whatsoever.

"Magical Putin did it"-argument just werks.
RU 127 68360

>18% of the voting population vote for Perussuomalaiset which is a nationalist anti-immigration party.

RU 128 68361
I don’t know why you dumb fuckers give asylum to people who don’t even care about your values.
haista vittu
RU 130 68405
haista your ass
Suomi.mp44,5 Мб, mp4,
854x480, 1:04
FI 131 68407
FI 132 68408
I wish the finno ugric tribes living in northern Russia could gain independence and Finland could get its lost lands back. Dunno if that will happen, but if Russia dissolves it will
RU 133 68410

> gain independence

>Finland could get its lost lands

the absolute state of gayropean thinking
DE 134 68440
lol yeah, living like slaves under swedish rule. russia give them independance now they bark for more lands. thats insanity
FI 135 68596
did you have sex?
RU 136 68607
you cuckold
image.png630 Кб, 543x727
RU 137 68657
Salam bois.
8xvpw.jpg73 Кб, 1280x682
FI 138 68660
изображение.png338 Кб, 600x400
RU 139 68664

>finnish blood

FI 140 68679
sus mixed faggot
9fwglKe.jpg901 Кб, 2452x2176
RU 141 68697
nothing wrong with being a mongol
RU 142 68699

>finno ugric tribes

its brainwashing from winter war propaganda
no such thing, everyone are mixed long ago now everyone are homo soveticus
DE 143 68701
aamrh.jpg39 Кб, 640x480
FI 144 68899
russians are not even white LUL t.godtier aryan
herrenrase.jpg192 Кб, 1858x1116
DE 145 68909
haha this is how everage german looks like.
RU 146 68914
My great-grandfather served in the NKVD and made lists of people in Estonia, who were to be sent to the Gulag. And he was twice a knight of the Order of Glory.
UpitisKarlis.jpg41 Кб, 426x640
RU 147 68915

>t.godtier aryan


15996559851813450.jpg66 Кб, 800x600
RU 149 68946

>t.godtier aryan

9s4gt.jpg630 Кб, 3169x1985
FI 150 68971
DE 151 68972
look all the same
RU 152 68973
a9xs3.jpg97 Кб, 1024x721
FI 153 68977
you must be some muslim ratfugee invading germany kys roach
15998591953100.jpg45 Кб, 499x372
RU 154 68988
RU 155 68990

Сосачеры сами себя развлекают.
DE 156 69007
we dont care about nations here, we are new world order.
61b618a168fad1e2cb6df06d02a29479.jpg199 Кб, 1500x1500
RU 157 69015

>World Order

DE 158 69110
yes you will vanish, russian empire will be reborn on your bones.
FI 159 69116
Im fucking banned
RU 160 69117
serves you right
RU 161 69121
Oh lol. I wonder why the Finns sided with the Nazis some 80 years ago. Not the nazi sentiment of their own, no no sir.
DE 162 69129
they had mixed feelings, they didnt like russia, but they also had jews in their army and stuff.
FI 163 69130
nobody likes russia
Anonymous FI 164 69131
nobody likes russia
DE 165 69132
i like russia only because you dont like it.
RU 166 71643
I'm Lil Bump
RU 167 80210
RU 168 80213
Many people love Russia among those who do not know it as well as the Finns. For example Americans
RU 169 80632
writing in Perkele thread
RU 170 80664


RU 171 80694
Sucky tred
FI 172 80782
>>29041 (OP)
Great people! I hope one day they can create their own countries and join the European Union
RU 173 80815
Why someone wants to join this conclager? It is like germans was beaten but not to the end. They continue to build concentration camps for lesser nations so they can use their salve labor, now it is called EU)))))
FI 174 80877
Nothing was changed in years. German concentration camps or GULAG. Choise is up to you.
RU 175 80880
>>29041 (OP)
Most Finns will think of them as Russians. The state even had to cancel the issuance of citizenship to the affected Finns from the USSR, because society did not accept them beyond Imatra and Lappenranta.
In general, most people in Finland, even on the boards, are rare degenerates with an early twentieth-century village-level understanding of the world. It is still a mystery to me how they were able to mimic the Europeans, perhaps it is the success of the state, which controls their lives from the teat to the coffin.
RU 176 80881

>Most Finns will think of them as Russians

i'll tell you even more: most of them think of themselves as russians
FI 177 80882
oh come on! There are thousands of examples when russian speacking people found a job and become a part of finnish society
imho city of Imatra and Lappenranta are naturally ghettoes for russians with no job
If somebody want to live a better life - it is a reason to move to another finnish city
image.png41 Кб, 506x556
RU 178 80883

>Continues to mimic a normal person

>Stupid ryssäs can't figure it out!

I know Finns too well, sorry
4cf9dd5c9cda166a59ef21d2e9a4ea8a19cb8795bf06654c30ed8534333[...].jpg118 Кб, 922x960
RU 179 80962
DE 180 80965

>In general, most people in Finland, even on the boards, are rare degenerates with an early twentieth-century village-level understanding of the world.

This is correct. Heavy inbreeding is the cause.
14488691967420.webm553 Кб, webm,
320x320, 0:20
RU 181 80967
Vladiimir Puutin.jpg13 Кб, 220x326
BE 182 81083
FI 183 81111
Have met some russians online with finno-ugric parent or parents but none of them did speak the language. Sad! On the other even sami language is dying in Finland so no wonder or grudes.
albanec.png888 Кб, 624x614
HU 184 82499
>>29041 (OP)
Kind of funny that we are actually related to them, considering that there's almost nothing common between Hungarian and Finnish, let alone the culture.
16222145053240.jpg1,2 Мб, 3264x2448
RU 185 82959
sage FI 186 82995
>>29041 (OP)
We call them tribal brothers or brother peoples.
asf7c.jpg12 Кб, 259x194
sage FI 187 82996
sage FI 188 82997
Most of Finns are +190cm
sage FI 189 82998

> I think more people would be more tolerant toward Russians in general if they knew that we are actually genetically closer to Russians than Swedes.

Norhtern Russians are Finns that speak slavshit. Actual Russians live in Belarus, Poland, Ukraine axis and are swarthy little niggers.
image.png1,4 Мб, 1072x800
RU 190 83010
Look, Juhani from satunnainen went online.
RU 191 83011
It always amazed me how the Finns were proud of defeating by the retarded Communists, whose soldiers were dying of frostbite and dysentery, truly amazing.
US 192 83012
lil rysäs lol
394E568A-4E3F-4F30-9ADE-C156FC0BE3DF.jpeg298 Кб, 1280x930
FI 193 85389
Karjalaiset ovat suomalaisia / карелы -финнов

karelians are finns
RU 194 85431
Тарас, ты как ВПН оплатил?
RU 195 85584
Finns are Swedes but too drunk and savage
RU 196 87537
сьщт пгны
Haplogroupseurope.png437 Кб, 583x599
DE 197 87549

>Finns are Swedes

absolutly not. they are more related to russians, actually they are russians infact. but got colonized by swedish empire long time ago.
image.png990 Кб, 942x848
FI 198 87605
Erling-Haaland.jpg224 Кб, 1200x1200
DE 199 87606
is haaland finihs ?
f33.jpg48 Кб, 487x524
RU 200 87607

>Moskova non greem

B-but we are brother mongols...
FI 201 87608
Muscovite scum are traitors to the Mongol Brotherhood. Rootless cosmopolitans who have abandoned their yurts for concrete cubes and our honest Mongol way of life for cheap American pop culture.

Вам не стыдно?
RU 202 87612
DE 203 87615
LT 204 87616
e13.png60 Кб, 640x582
KZ 205 87626

>Chukhonite scum are traitors to the Mongol Brotherhood. Rootless cosmopolitans who have abandoned their yurts for concrete cubes and our honest Mongol way of life for cheap Scandinavian pop culture.

Вам не стыдно?
RU 206 88296
Hello finns!How do you feel about shitskin hordes in Helsinki?
RU 207 88297
Im too
1465484157315.jpg1,2 Мб, 2100x1525
FI 208 88350
Вава is based.
Finns are mongols, that is our meme.
Peace out, please shoot down some US fighter planes if possible.
FI 209 88379
Roughly the same way you'll feel when European Russia is 50 % churkified (and Moscow 90 %) in 20 years time.
RU 210 88823
Erzya (me) and Moksha, Mari, Udmurts are Finno-Ugric.
i want finno-ugric union and/or dependence on Estonia or Finland don't want to live under ruski occupation :(
RU 211 88824
i am one of these, ask me anything about us.
16294996879990.png428 Кб, 500x360
RU 212 89603
>>29041 (OP)
Без трёх месяцев четыре года моему треджу.
not mongols.jpg30 Кб, 500x125
FI 213 90452
RU 214 90496
Да, годы идут, а инт как был в говне так и остается. Как и двач, как и твоя жизнь)
RU 215 90516
Инт хуже говна сейчас, свинки набежали с крынжем
RU 216 90607
Да, а 4 года назад был ебиновый мирейт фин
RU 217 90623
merate finn was the best this board ever had
back then we didn't understand...
Стикер63 Кб, 512x415
Дрол RU 218 91781
RU 219 91783
Perkele sprudo sparde
effa48da9f095288.jpg60 Кб, 757x881
mongo mongoloili FI 220 91930
af5145b7c152ee28.jpg177 Кб, 1080x2021
mongoloili FI 221 91931
typical finnish lady
RU 222 91961
9571796b.jpg52 Кб, 820x559
FI 223 92002
Tldr on merate finn? t. newfriend

Schizo post
AT 224 92003
EE 225 92009
>>29041 (OP)
perkele perkele spurdo spärde hyyyyyyyväääääääääää pääääääääääääääivääääääääääääää
Miks kuradi põdra keel on nii rumal?
EE 226 92010
käi putsis kuradi põder
pohjanporo.jpg194 Кб, 797x531
FI 227 92013
kahjuks ma ei saa tulla :D
karvakassid.jpg61 Кб, 640x426
FI 228 92014

>karvakassid :D

kajakass.jpeg116 Кб, 1200x630
FI 229 92015
see on kajakass
Стикер63 Кб, 512x415
RU 230 92021
>>29041 (OP)
What are Finnish girls like? How strongly are they poisoned by feminism? Are they mercantile, dissolute? Are they better than Swedes and Norwegians, or exactly the same?

DE 231 92022
they are very tiny and small. they giggle all the time. if you show them your big russian cock they become submessive
RU 232 92023
What aboul small cock? Asking for a friend.
EE 233 92027
Sina ei sää, aga mina saan tuola)))))
Aga Kallios saab nüüd "maasaaži" nagu enne?))
EE 234 92028
MOI minuN NIMENI on PÕDER, pidäääään VIINA juomisesta Virosssssssssa. Olen myyyyyyyyöööööööös erittäääääääääääin tyyyyyyhmääääääääää.
EE 235 92029
Vabandage, Heironta mitte maasaaž)))))
FI 236 92553
>>29041 (OP)
Neutral feeling, just trying to live my life as good as possible.
12e258778e07f1bb5911e6d24dffe641.jpg26 Кб, 720x676
FI 237 92559
b221339f4f7d9665.jpg128 Кб, 1125x1119
FI 238 92589
They are cute and adorable. Like little sisters
FI 239 92598
>>29041 (OP)
Hello, I personally feel that some part close to Finland might be relative to people of Finland. I think of them as decent white people that only matters to me

Generally i think people here think russia as a country is a mess but i dont think they have strong negative or positive feelings to individual russians living in Finland or Russia. People think russian women are slim and beautiful and that russian males look like potato.

Generally as people i dont think we have a good idea or intrest of what the Finno-Ugric sphere consists of. I know there is a tribe of Mari people because we have this meme of some dancing and singing Mari girl that has to be posted if the thread is about positive things in life that make one happy. Yeah i think its part of somekinda admiration of maybe lost traditions that are kept alive somewhere else
16440895068280.jpg69 Кб, 1106x796
RU 240 92649

> white people

image2022-03-01134939.png970 Кб, 900x676
FI 241 92654
At least we owned Russia many years.
DE 242 92672
rurik came from norway
MapAD800Norway01full.jpg101 Кб, 525x545
FI 243 92677
So we owned the Norway too.
Russia-WorldWar2colour-6.jpg1,1 Мб, 1600x1039
DE 244 92688
nah the tribe was called rør =rørik = røssia

definitly not finnish. their is no such letter as ø in finnland.

in russia you write it with россия with o not u

russia is nordic country
benis.jpg10 Кб, 300x178
FI 245 92735
If it's small enough you will draw them closer so they can see
FI 246 92740

>Similarly, Rurik's genetic heritage, N1c1, is typical of Finnish people. Even today, many Russian men have this legacy, N, from the former Finnish people who inhabited Russia's entire day before the Slavic people came to the area.


The present Russians are descendants of the Karelians and Slavs.
That's why they want to come here so often, it's like a boy looking for his mother/father.
FI 247 92944
Minulla on venäläisiä ystäviä ja tuttuja. Yhtä perseestä kun muutkin ihmiset.
US 249 93235
Right now, there are more chechens and armenians in northern russia than any finno-ugric ethnicity.
FI 250 93239
>>29041 (OP)
The same I feel about all races or whatever they are called. I don't care. The only thing I care is how you act.
3a6abe6278b62f0f.jpg81 Кб, 468x702
FI 251 93447
>>29041 (OP)
Nothing much. They are a strange bunch of forest gnomes that live in tents and speak gibberish. I really don't feel much of a connection to them. If there was one, I fear they'd be just as pathetic, whiny and annoying like the sami-trash.
cL4-5cprOPo.jpg210 Кб, 419x604
RU 252 93454
We'll eat you the next time you visit the local forest, Mr. Cool Urban Finlander >_<
US 253 93481

>At least we owned Russia many years.

Ukraine. Rus is Ukrainian.
Tatars owned russia (Muscowy)
image2022-03-06141616.png4,1 Мб, 2880x3840
FI 254 93543
FI 255 93552
but I do not
FI 256 93757
FI 257 95398
Dumb fuck.
Suomalais-ugrilaisetkansat.png262 Кб, 1042x827
FI 258 95427

Really interesting subject, but unfortunately very difficult to meet them.
RU 259 97063
RU 260 99145
NL 261 99159
FI 262 99331
>>29041 (OP)

I had a 2 Ingric workbuddys, hilarious guys.
They spoke both Finnish and Russian.
US 263 99336
plita RU 264 100775
chibiiii.png551 Кб, 1610x1020
FI 265 100999
Dream of liberation

>Viipurin autonominen maakunta

>Itä-Karjalan autonominen maakunta

>Itä-Pohjoissaamen autonominen maakunta

>Nenetsian itsenäinen tasavalta

>Komin itsenäinen tasavalta

>Marin itsenäinen tasavalta

>Mordvalian itsenäinen tasavalta

>Inkerin protektoraatti

>Vepsän protektoraatti

RU 266 102391
FI 267 102392
>>29041 (OP)
They are based.
US 268 102437
Why can't I fucking post fucking anything?!
RU 269 102442
>>29041 (OP)
Any actual Finnish citizens here? Very interested in working in Finland. History teacher, higher ed, 3 years of school experience recently. Spoken English, no Finnish though. Any suggestions appreciated.
lataus.jpeg5 Кб, 242x208
FI 270 102458
Aww, spasibo! :3 i love you too! Let's not war.
FI 271 102459
Apply for a Doctor of Philosophy -programme? University of Eastern Finland has a branch in history in Joensuu, North Karelia for example.
RU 272 102488
Thanks but that's too huge, I ain't finished my master's degree programme and I'd like to keep working at school if possible. I know it's too late this year and there are only kindergarten options but in case you know ANY employer that could help me immigrate and work there until next year, I'd be happy.
AT 273 102490
Kek. Next thread will be from a school janitor seeking for a job abroad.
RU 274 102491
Mate, if I wasn't qualified at all or was overqualified, I wouldn't be asking for advice here but right now I'm just desperate yet confident enough to try it. Thankfully it's not the only option
RU 275 102505
Ты идиот? Потому что я хотел задать вопрос именно финнам.
RU 276 102703
why you forbidden visas then
4b168d5181831247.jpg66 Кб, 602x810
FI 277 103310
My friend's mother is Komi, but she doesn't speak the language. I wish I knew some Russian Uralic language speakers IRL.
finno ugric.jpg47 Кб, 1280x423
sage FI 278 103839
>>29041 (OP)
This has been probably said one hundred billion times already, but:

Steel man killed all of them. Their culture is dead. Language is dead. They are dead. He rounded em up and put them to camps where they froze and starved. Others he just had executed on the spot. The holes he filled by resettling russians and other minorities from elsewhere. The trickles of bloodlines that still exist practise and speak russia and russian culture.

Maybe there are a couple thousand, 15 000 max finno-ugric and other peoples left outside Finland and estonia. I admire those who still work hard to keep their memories and language. Anyways I would be interested to see and hear such in person, but I doubt it will ever happen. At least not in the coming years.
sage FI 279 103840
Hungarians have the same language family yes, but genetically they are not part of the uralic or should we say finnic peoples. A curious observation.
suomalaisten genetiikka perimä hesari.jpg82 Кб, 662x665
sage FI 280 103841

>we are actually genetically closer to Russians than Swedes.

No. Unless you mean, that a distance of 0,98 is less than a distance of 0,979999999 which it is.
suomalaiset fenotyypit.jpg305 Кб, 515x1055
FI 281 103850
mutsis - wojak frog.jpg20 Кб, 206x134
FI 282 103851
>>29041 (OP)

Just talked to an older Estonian dude (~60) at the gas station. He talked really good Finnish and had a nice Audi A6 with a 3-litre diesel engine. I've worked my whole life with Russians. Never any problems with them — except that sometimes they don't speak English almost at all. But who gives a fuck.
14552124351455048614663.png145 Кб, 1600x660
FI 283 103879
I spoke some Udmurt to the Buranovskiye babushki, the highlight of my linguistic life. Got drunk in Saransk with some Erzya guys, but they didn't speak the language. Went looking for Karelian speakers in Aunus, but it was late and I had no luck.

Decent people, of course to be denazified in the very near future.
pepe wojak.jpg52 Кб, 488x425
FI 284 103892

How fuck do you speak Udmurt — after a fifth of vodka? Are you also a red-haired mongool? Cool.
la creatura helsinki.jpg100 Кб, 628x901
sage FI 285 103907
FI 286 103940
these are pretty funny not going to lie kek
suomalaiset fenotyypit - kotkalainen.jpg82 Кб, 637x278
FI 287 103944
FI 288 105731
>>29041 (OP)
Aren't we brothers? I think finns, russians and finno-uralic peoples are brothers.
RU 289 108491
RU 290 108496
Some finno-urals are russian, lol. Google a man "Vyacheslav Datsik".
RU 291 108497
Is this combination of letters suppose to mean something ?
FI 292 109649
I like the russians I've met at least. I don't feel close to Swedes at all though, they came up with the term "scandinavia" just because they were butthurt about losing Finland and wanted to make their own cool kids club. That's why I'd rather be allied with russki. I think most people in Finland dislike Russia and russians though, so there will always be tensions between our countries.
RU 293 109653

>because they were butthurt about losing Finland

I was told on Youlilauta or how that crap parody on imageboard is named that "Swedes buy Finshit industry" that's his worlds, not mine, if it's true, that is an equivalent of getting Finland.
RU 294 109657
Finno-Ugric doesn't mean mongol and has nothing to do with it.
RU 295 110669
Osaavatko suomalaiset ymmärtää virolaiset?
RU 296 110670
Kun minä olin ylilautossa paikallista ihmiset oli sanoa että minä olen vakooja, lol
807049089.jpg51 Кб, 400x348
sage GR 297 110671
>>29041 (OP)

less finish shit more finish sluts. where the finish women at nigger?
RU 298 110672
No sage! Bump!
1668890294144679.webm2,7 Мб, webm,
472x848, 0:28
RU 299 117516
IMG6484.jpeg42 Кб, 468x410
FI 300 117522
This is how we feel.
CZ 301 117578
>>29041 (OP)

>including those living in Russia?

Why in Russia? Do you mind Karelia?
RU 302 117616
I meant ethnic Finno-Ugric regions of RF.
1672768959104.webm1,4 Мб, webm,
720x720, 0:09
AU 303 117620
I don't love Finns. I find them to be pretentious.
IMG8584.jpeg26 Кб, 677x383
FI 304 117633
LOL Finns are not like Russian divas
RU 305 119061
>>29041 (OP)
Finland, Russia and Mongolia are three mongol brothers and should be one country, Fusgolian Empire. Divided, we will not survive another finnno-korean hyperwar.
RU 306 119065
PT 307 122166
RU 308 123350
SE 309 123351
Finns det en svensk tråd på detta forum?
IMG4567.jpeg523 Кб, 1924x1119
FI 310 123435
This 100%. Before the shaking dwarf I slept with one eye open facing east, now I sleep with both eyes open.
linguistic-map-of-europe-in-1000-ad-v0-1lqcxwc3y7xa1.png61 Кб, 1230x921
sage FI 311 123447
Slavs are not native to r*ssia they should go back home to pripyat swamps.
RU 312 123470
Nor fingols are native to Finland. Go to your central asia steppes or something.
RU 313 123471
Lets go altogether back to Africa!
RU 314 123484
Finns got squashed from all sides because you're weak, feeble, and inferior to everyone around you.
IMG4834.jpeg263 Кб, 1024x1024
FI 315 123491
We are coming dont worry
images.jpeg7 Кб, 229x220
RU 316 123900
>>123686 →

>to pripyat swamps.

you are not educated nor man of culture
we are from deserts damned by gods, yeah - from nuclear wastes, but we earned this new frozen rich hell and now we are able to make anyones land to nulear desert, so shush, swetty.
Sage DE 317 123936
bmbck.mp42,8 Мб, mp4,
628x1080, 0:22
FI 318 124093
bghjf.mp43,7 Мб, mp4,
608x1080, 0:29
FI 319 124094
FI 320 124100
Finns live in iglys or outdoors. We are yeti.
rockycat.mp41,3 Мб, mp4,
406x720, 0:16
FI 321 124101
>>29041 (OP)
I'm ready to fight. I've been working out.
finnish rome.jpg250 Кб, 1600x1954
FI 322 124129
We must reclaim the rightful Finnish clay
RU 323 124135
Hairy finn=Sexy finn.
RU 324 124181
karjala takaisin!!!!
voi vittu kyrpäkymmetä persepaskalla pyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
5.jpg7 Кб, 230x212
RU 325 124182
jebat2.jpg83 Кб, 371x604
RU 326 124183
uusi mene on syntynyt!
RU 327 124251
>>29041 (OP)
I am khant from Khanty-Mansi autuonmus region of Russia
FI 328 124313
>>29041 (OP)
I love my people although I would rather live in Russian Karelia than in Finland.
FI 329 124314
Literally the opposite. Finns are straight to the point no bullshit people.
FI 330 124558
ihanaa :3
image.png2,5 Мб, 1517x905
RU 331 124571
16816726651810.png234 Кб, 490x546
RU 332 126801
kaguyer.gif2,6 Мб, 498x498
FI 333 126929
>>29041 (OP)
As a suomenruotsalainen, I have mixed feelings
On the one hand, cool history, folklore out the ass, beautiful way of life and art - on the other, we're pretty much white gypsies to them because we're fUcKiNG RUOTSALAISET

Estonians and Russians are cool because they don't get on your ass for not being pErUs,

Кста, пару лет уже сам изучаю русский язык, просто чтобы избежать финскоязычных. It's better to pretend to be Russian than to admit to being suomenruotsalainen.
kaguyer.gif2,6 Мб, 498x498
FI 334 126930
>>29041 (OP)
As a suomenruotsalainen, I have mixed feelings
On the one hand, cool history, folklore out the ass, beautiful way of life and art - on the other, we're pretty much white gypsies to them because we're fUcKiNG RUOTSALAISET

Estonians and Russians are cool because they don't get on your ass for not being pErUs,

Кста, пару лет уже сам изучаю русский язык, просто чтобы избежать финскоязычных. It's better to pretend to be Russian than to admit to being suomenruotsalainen.
01985fc0291ed5cd.mp422,6 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:34
RU 335 126954
why soppsyfaggot deleted /int?
ME 336 127004
>>29041 (OP)
How do you count to 10 in finnish? In komi it is
ӧтик, кык, куим, нёль, вит, квайт, сизим, кӧкъямыс, ӧкмыс, дас
img11719415630693.jpg38 Кб, 720x406
FI 337 127022
>>29041 (OP)
We call them heimoveljet or tribe brothers.
FI 338 127023
йкси, какси, колме, нелжä, вииси, кууси, сеицемäн, каҳдексан, йҳдексäн, кймменен
RU 339 127619

>Russians - 75-80% of the total population

>In most republics the ethnic composition is 60-90% Russians

>Not Russia

When we regain our rightful (((Finnish))) territories you will work as a servant in my house.
RU 340 127623
I want to fuck a Finnish femboy
RU 341 127624
Kek, genetic Mongol, did you know that if Peter 1 had not freed you, the Swedes would have assimilated you just as African migrants are assimilating you now?
FI 342 128094
Mixed feelings. I am personally more interested closely related tribes (Karelians, Vepsians, Votics) but overall they are one of the reason I started studying Russian language - to connect with Uralic people. I have met few of them on internet actually but due to social anxiety I never directly spoke to them.

So I feel upset and happy. Upset because these tribes are forgetting their culture and language, happy because they exists. I also heard that Russia is treating them better now but idk if that's true. I had internet friend from Leningrad who gave inside look and told that there many Ingrians are studying the language nowdays. So happy to see youth taking interest in their roots.

I was in Czechia because of Slavic language trip and our Russian teacher (Russian ethnic) asked us to name places in Russia. I said Republic of Udmurtia, and she asked me to repeat multiple times until she asked where is that. When I said near Tatarstan she knew where is that. This kept me wondering why are Uralic nations less known in Russia or was she just lacking general knowledge?

I appied to study Finno-Ugric languages but was rejected due to my bad final results so yeah, since this year is free I am studying more Russian and Russia as a whole. I read Kai Donner's book on Samoyed people for example when he went to Siberia and lived among the people.

There are no negative feelings towards them but I believe that some of them especially people like Karelians view us Finns from negative lens due to what we did in Karelia. I hope that we would connect more because the amount we learn about those related groups is very little. I remember only learning about relative languages of Finnish in 9th grade and that's it. In senior highschool I took extra history class where we learned few sentences but thats it.
FI 343 128095
To add to this I also stied bit of few Balto-Finnic languages from internet but never to high level. However I know enough Karelian to understand 99% of Karelian texts for example. Minä vägän pagizen livvikse :)
RU 344 128106

>social anxiety

>knowledge of useless hieroglyphics

>thinks he's anonymous

Yeah, you're a real 2cher, I'm proud of you

>I also heard that Russia is treating them better now but idk if that's true.

What do you mean better? So you seriously think they're being oppressed here like the Uighurs? IS THAT REALLY YOUR WORLDVIEW?:D
The languages of the peoples of the indigenous republics are state languages, i.e. equal to Russian (see the list of state languages of the Russian Federation). The same is true for culture; money is allocated for the development of republican culture from the republic's budget, which comes directly from Moscow.
RU 345 128117
Tldr, are you turkic finno-ugric femboy?
FI 346 128121

>What do you mean better?

Better opportunies to study their culture and language.

>So you seriously think they're being oppressed here like the Uighurs?

Nah, I meant more like during Soviet times the forced Russification. And also less stigma around being ethnic minority as in before even in the 2000s many ethnic minorities changed their ethnicity from Veps to Russian (for example). Overall I dont think Russia treats that badly these minorities.

When I was in senior high school few years ago, we had a girl from Karelia. She spoke almost perfect Finnish just by learning it at school since in Karelia you either pick Karelian or Finnish. So yeah, it was very impressive. Her Finnish was better that her cousin's who was in my class too despite him living in Finland for years. Obviously I dont think all minorities learn to speak that well the language since there are limited possibilities to use them (for example read books, watch tv shows or listen music) compared to Russian or any other language.

And I do also know since I studied Karelian (Livvi dialect) that they relase few times a week News from Russia One TV (if I remember correctly) news in Karelian, Vepsian and Finnish. On top of this I am aware of Oma Mua -newspaper which is owned by state owned company Periodika and I sometimes watch the news in Karelian from Youtube. They from time to time tell about new books published in Karelian. And new learning books in Karelian for kids. I do believe the identiteties have gotten stroinger among the ethnic tribes since 2021 but again this is just me guessing.

Obviously I think that they could focus even more but again you could always do better. Here in Finland we have Sami people, who are native to the northern Finland and neighbouring countries. There is shortage of teachers with Sami knowledge which is obviously problem when it comes to future Sami kids and their culture but I actually hate them so I dont really care about that. Just observation. Anyways I hope you got my answer and what you were loooking for.
FI 346 128121

>What do you mean better?

Better opportunies to study their culture and language.

>So you seriously think they're being oppressed here like the Uighurs?

Nah, I meant more like during Soviet times the forced Russification. And also less stigma around being ethnic minority as in before even in the 2000s many ethnic minorities changed their ethnicity from Veps to Russian (for example). Overall I dont think Russia treats that badly these minorities.

When I was in senior high school few years ago, we had a girl from Karelia. She spoke almost perfect Finnish just by learning it at school since in Karelia you either pick Karelian or Finnish. So yeah, it was very impressive. Her Finnish was better that her cousin's who was in my class too despite him living in Finland for years. Obviously I dont think all minorities learn to speak that well the language since there are limited possibilities to use them (for example read books, watch tv shows or listen music) compared to Russian or any other language.

And I do also know since I studied Karelian (Livvi dialect) that they relase few times a week News from Russia One TV (if I remember correctly) news in Karelian, Vepsian and Finnish. On top of this I am aware of Oma Mua -newspaper which is owned by state owned company Periodika and I sometimes watch the news in Karelian from Youtube. They from time to time tell about new books published in Karelian. And new learning books in Karelian for kids. I do believe the identiteties have gotten stroinger among the ethnic tribes since 2021 but again this is just me guessing.

Obviously I think that they could focus even more but again you could always do better. Here in Finland we have Sami people, who are native to the northern Finland and neighbouring countries. There is shortage of teachers with Sami knowledge which is obviously problem when it comes to future Sami kids and their culture but I actually hate them so I dont really care about that. Just observation. Anyways I hope you got my answer and what you were loooking for.
FI 347 128122
I am not a femboy and I have no interest in crossdressing. Good luck tho hopefully you find what you want anon.
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