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Это копия, сохраненная 25 апреля 2022 года.
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IWO Krasnoyarsk
I went down from the Pokrovskaya Mountain to the Kacha River and went towards the Yenisei
by the monument to Lenin through Central Park
Ccentral Park and Enisey Batiushka
I decided to continue journey to Enisey the next day
I decided to continue journey to Enisey the next day
walking in circles
Тake the bus and go to the railway station
For the Transsib the old wooden Krasnoyarsk - Nikolaevka.
go to next bus stop
Came to Red Square and went to the Yenisei
Another day. This was a long walk, I went to a remote district of the city.
Cozy walk in -40°
>>29724 (OP)
You need to stop photoing snow desert and go to Sporteks and ride.
You need to stop photoing snow desert and go to Sporteks and ride.
backstory on ermeni church
backstory on ermeni church
one post a day keeps a dvacher away
one post a day keeps a dvacher away

continue to explore Krasnoyarsk

It says: "During the Great Patriotic War, more than 400 fighters repeated the feat of Alexander Matrosov, 167 of them posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union"
Siberian State Aerospace University
The weather is fine
It seems you are confusing Lenin with Trotsky
It seems you are confusing Lenin with Trotsky
Cold, dark, commieblocks. No thx.
I live in there too, ask me something if u want.

A survey among Russian residents aged 18 to 24 years showed that more than 70% of young Russians have a positive attitude towards Joseph Stalin
A survey among Russian residents aged 18 to 24 years showed that more than 70% of young Russians have a positive attitude towards Joseph Stalin
It says: "Russian Geographical Society
There will be Museum of the History of the Development of the North. Glory to the pioneers of the land of Russia!
The memorial sign is set on the day of the Polyarnik (Polar explorer) on May 21, 2017."
There will be Museum of the History of the Development of the North. Glory to the pioneers of the land of Russia!
The memorial sign is set on the day of the Polyarnik (Polar explorer) on May 21, 2017."
>>29724 (OP)
Пиздец ты шизик
Пиздец ты шизик
Opinions on Caucasian Riviera?
Me no.
Me no.
normalno huli

I watched it several years ago, generally I am not very interested in the opinion of a man who is ready to change Russias interests on a mobile phone.
I watched it several years ago, generally I am not very interested in the opinion of a man who is ready to change Russias interests on a mobile phone.
не я мма люблю
не я мма люблю

Good night

Very tasty soda.

Свинячьи рёбра с острым яблочно-медовым соусом. Хорошо заходит после многосачовой прогулки.
Как всегда, ничего не поменялось.
Как всегда, ничего не поменялось.

Крым на своём месте.
Эх красиво всё-таки в Быдлоярске
Эх красиво всё-таки в Быдлоярске
>>29724 (OP)

move to the other shore


In the background, the building where the United States is drawn into the arms race

Strategic object. Water intake station.
Sweet home Krasnoyarsk and Zheleznogorsk (former Krasnoyarsk-26, soviet & russian nuclear plant & space recearch facility).
born here in 1985
born here in 1985

>>29724 (OP)
Сколько ты ещё будешь эти фоточки постить? Кстати, сходи на Черную сопку, там можно сделать отличные фото.
Где это?
Сколько ты ещё будешь эти фоточки постить? Кстати, сходи на Черную сопку, там можно сделать отличные фото.
Где это?
это набережная на Гладкова
это набережная на Гладкова
Ламповый тред.

Cheap and good beer from Omsk. Thank you Omsk.

You should have posted it with Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power plant picture, which caused the water staying unfrozen in winter.
You should have posted it with Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power plant picture, which caused the water staying unfrozen in winter.

I'd like too, but 70% of produced electricity is used on this factory.
I'd like too, but 70% of produced electricity is used on this factory.
95 actually
95 actually

Just know that we are all live here under this thing which maybe came straight from hell.
Just know that we are all live here under this thing which maybe came straight from hell.
iwo nigga nigga iwo
Dat quality of plitka construction))
Dat quality of plitka construction))
на Дубровинского где кафешка?
на Дубровинского где кафешка?
>>29724 (OP)
Could a ski resort be placed here?
Could a ski resort be placed here?
Boring park, very straight and flat, needs some boxes, rails and kickers at least
Boring park, very straight and flat, needs some boxes, rails and kickers at least
Man, best skatepark in Russia, some snowpark. Consider to moving to Krasnoyarsk.
Man, best skatepark in Russia, some snowpark. Consider to moving to Krasnoyarsk.

Russia is the best country in the world.
What a beautiful city! Murricca sucks!
from krsk)))
закрыли эру суки
закрыли эру суки
крута наверна

Squadron "Russian Knights"

Ive never seen aerobatics live before. Awesome and loud.

Tell me about the Krasnoyarsk port, gay.
Do you have any pictures of it?
How long does the Yenisei River stay navigable all the way from Krasnoyarsk to the ocean troughout the year?
Why is Krasnoyarsk taking advantage of it's River while Novosibirsk isn't?
Can you go from Krasnoyarsk to Irkutsk by boat?
Do you have any pictures of it?
How long does the Yenisei River stay navigable all the way from Krasnoyarsk to the ocean troughout the year?
Why is Krasnoyarsk taking advantage of it's River while Novosibirsk isn't?
Can you go from Krasnoyarsk to Irkutsk by boat?
Sorry but gay is rotting gayrope. We here in Asia are all straight like my dfick in your twat.
Sorry but gay is rotting gayrope. We here in Asia are all straight like my dfick in your twat.
the port is located in the center of the city, mostly pleasure boats ride people. prices from 500 rubles, as ships go to small coastal settlements, mainly to places where roads do not go (for example " Bakhta")
I never swam on boats, but I really like to watch this river from the slopes.
in man's picture, I'm going there right now. autumn is very beautiful there (50km from krsk)
>Tell me about the Krasnoyarsk port, gay.
the port is located in the center of the city, mostly pleasure boats ride people. prices from 500 rubles, as ships go to small coastal settlements, mainly to places where roads do not go (for example " Bakhta")
I never swam on boats, but I really like to watch this river from the slopes.
in man's picture, I'm going there right now. autumn is very beautiful there (50km from krsk)
Wow how generous wide is trotuar.
Wow how generous wide is trotuar.

у него пирдилник горит
у него пирдилник горит

would pet
would pet

The serviceman looks at the advertising message of the scammers at the stopping pavilion. Infantile video game lovers with male sex characteristics give money to lawyers for useless services.
hes looks at the green bus
hes looks at the green bus
>>29724 (OP)
Дома рядом с развязкой, четыре полосы, дворы-парковки. Хуево, но могло быть еще хуже.
Дома рядом с развязкой, четыре полосы, дворы-парковки. Хуево, но могло быть еще хуже.

Чёткая осень. Сухой и тёплый октябрь резко перешёл холодную снежную зиму. 10 из 10.
Чёткая осень. Сухой и тёплый октябрь резко перешёл холодную снежную зиму. 10 из 10.
Ля,у тебя уже снежок выпал, в моём ебучем чеблчбинске нет сука
Ля,у тебя уже снежок выпал, в моём ебучем чеблчбинске нет сука
Yeah you can't roll in this kind of weather.
Yeah you can't roll in this kind of weather.

Сначала был октябрь, потом август, а потом сентябрь.
Сначала был октябрь, потом август, а потом сентябрь.
![Владимир Путин считает возможным перенести в Сибирь часть ф[...].mp4](/int/big/thumb/29724/15416681088650s.jpg)
854x480, 2:02
Теперь потуги Новосибирска претендовать на статус столицы Сибири выглядят особенно жалко, когда Красноярск по факту становится одним из столичных городов всей России.
Теперь потуги Новосибирска претендовать на статус столицы Сибири выглядят особенно жалко, когда Красноярск по факту становится одним из столичных городов всей России.
Good you got roofed skatepark for strong winter katochka.
Good you got roofed skatepark for strong winter katochka.
Finally, good weather for walking

Bus ride to Ostov Otyha (Island of Rest)
I have already made a report from the Ostrov Otdyha, now another part of this island.
I have already made a report from the Ostrov Otdyha, now another part of this island.
Silent Hill sucks cock in the corner
The inscription on the tube: "I love you very much❤"
classic ntggers
classic ntggers
Butifel and serene
Butifel and serene

Is visiting a dentist a luxury? It seems that half of the foreign students participating in the Universiade wanted to visit a free dentist in Krasnoyarsk.
И я таки рад что ты alive.
И я таки рад что ты alive.

>>29724 (OP)
It's normal for spring. First melt all the snow, then the wipers will organize a big cleaning of the streets (usually it is done before the 9th of May), next will be the processing area from ticks. In Chelyabinsk, the snow has come down and clean up the garbage, soon on Lenin square will be a beautiful parade. But at this time I will go to Yekaterinburg in Upper Pyshma, there is a huge Museum of military equipment and to go by bus only 4 hours.
It's normal for spring. First melt all the snow, then the wipers will organize a big cleaning of the streets (usually it is done before the 9th of May), next will be the processing area from ticks. In Chelyabinsk, the snow has come down and clean up the garbage, soon on Lenin square will be a beautiful parade. But at this time I will go to Yekaterinburg in Upper Pyshma, there is a huge Museum of military equipment and to go by bus only 4 hours.

640x360, 4:41
Hello dears! My name is Alex, I'm 13 years old. My favorite forums are 2ch and 4chan. My favorite sections are /b/ 2ch and /random/ 4chan. Let's acquainted? =)

854x480, 0:22
Sorry, this is not the webm. I wanted to put this one.
Sorry, this is not the webm. I wanted to put this one.
thats how i look irl
thats how i look irl
Ты в глаза долбишься и посты путаешь?
Ты в глаза долбишься и посты путаешь?
girsl her wear cat-ears xD
girsl her wear cat-ears xD

you just mad that isn't yours
you just mad that isn't yours
>>29724 (OP)
i've once borrowed a cup of water from the house on the right
the person inside was friendly enough
i've once borrowed a cup of water from the house on the right
the person inside was friendly enough

The unquestionable advantage of Russian cities compared to Western cities is the absence of homeless people and freaks on the streets.
stop posting nt pics
stop posting nt pics

>>29724 (OP)
Great thread.
Great thread.
It is the unquestinable disadvantage that russians cannot make space in cities for the people so they can spend time outside so very few people do so. Look at this shitty naberejnaya. Enormous empty plitka route. Some lavo4kas with no tree around for shadow. There are nothing to do there.
>is the absence of people
It is the unquestinable disadvantage that russians cannot make space in cities for the people so they can spend time outside so very few people do so. Look at this shitty naberejnaya. Enormous empty plitka route. Some lavo4kas with no tree around for shadow. There are nothing to do there.
that's an unquestionable advantage
that's an unquestionable advantage
here too. we have hobo armie here, they are orginzed beggars. often hear that someone died in winter. we have shelter but they dont go their because of stealings.
here too. we have hobo armie here, they are orginzed beggars. often hear that someone died in winter. we have shelter but they dont go their because of stealings.

Как же я обожаю этот город он настолько amazing
и да, я живу в этом городe.
There are my friends in the picture. Krasnoyarsk, Stolby
и да, я живу в этом городe.
There are my friends in the picture. Krasnoyarsk, Stolby
Thots are coming closer to their natural state of being every day.
Now all we need to do is remove the voting rights and they'll finally be free.
Thots are coming closer to their natural state of being every day.
Now all we need to do is remove the voting rights and they'll finally be free.
Burgerland here. I'm enjoying these pictures and a lot of the buildings and scenery are beautiful. Thank you for posting them.
I agree with this COCKHOLE, but this is actually an advantage. Comparing to Canada, russian cities are hobo-free zones.
I agree with this COCKHOLE, but this is actually an advantage. Comparing to Canada, russian cities are hobo-free zones.
what oil companies earn in russia they could give 5000$ a month for every russian citizen without any problem. problem is the population will increase and retarded genes will be passed on
what oil companies earn in russia they could give 5000$ a month for every russian citizen without any problem. problem is the population will increase and retarded genes will be passed on

Crimea is Russia. Ukraine is Russia. Germany is Russia. USA is Russia.
Look at this giant piece of wildlife in the middle of the city and you will understand why there are so few people on the naberzhnaya.
Look at this giant piece of wildlife in the middle of the city and you will understand why there are so few people on the naberzhnaya.
Go Nahuy from my Dvachs stupid cockhole. Suck some dicks and drink gorlika, maybe polegchaet)))
Go Nahuy from my Dvachs stupid cockhole. Suck some dicks and drink gorlika, maybe polegchaet)))
‘cause every Russian mujik always must be at work and bringing his wife around half of a month zarplata. Depressive Russian reality as it is.
‘cause every Russian mujik always must be at work and bringing his wife around half of a month zarplata. Depressive Russian reality as it is.


The West needs to learn what is freedom from Russia.
The West needs to learn what is freedom from Russia.

In a few decades, Siberia will have a climate like in Spain, and in Europe and North America like in Finland. God bless the change of climatic zones.
Bullshit, if it's gonna happen, it will only be completed in at least few centuries. Don't treat a 2-3 days warm weather as a significant change. Whole September here was cold as fuck.
Bullshit, if it's gonna happen, it will only be completed in at least few centuries. Don't treat a 2-3 days warm weather as a significant change. Whole September here was cold as fuck.

We are not talking about centuries, this is a well-studied cyclic process and we can say with 100% certainty that we are talking about decades.
We are not talking about centuries, this is a well-studied cyclic process and we can say with 100% certainty that we are talking about decades.

What a wonderful fall!
We are talking about fucking snow in October.
We are talking about fucking snow in October.
Many cool landскейппс and o'бджекс хир in Krasnoyarsk
Many cool landскейппс and o'бджекс хир in Krasnoyarsk
>>29724 (OP)
imagine a nuclear bomb falling at that frozen shithole lmao
imagine a nuclear bomb falling at that frozen shithole lmao
it is new english start to learn it cuker
it is new english start to learn it cuker
Is he a pimp or a hooker? Why does he offer him some cunt?
Is he a pimp or a hooker? Why does he offer him some cunt?
вторая красивая, ещё бы камеру получше
вторая красивая, ещё бы камеру получше

Live reporting from Krasnoyarsk. If it weren’t for quarantine, today at this time there would be a lot of people here who go on business or just walk and relax.

>a guy in a hoodie not allowed to walk on traintrails
>well lets just take the hoodie off and keep walking on traintrails


Proof that me is OP
Proof that me is OP
2nd decade of march

last day before quarantine
That day I was in many areas of the Krasnoyarsk.
My favorite area of the city.

Policeman, as it were, tells us that this is the last day when you can walk aimlessly around the streets.

1920x1080, 0:05
People enjoy freedom the last day.
I apologize, this is not a policeman, but a pogranichnik who guards the borders of the Motherland from plague foreigners and American biological terrorists.
I apologize, this is not a policeman, but a pogranichnik who guards the borders of the Motherland from plague foreigners and American biological terrorists.
1st day of quarantine. Police patrol the city and urge the citizens not to go out on the street unnecessarily.

That day I was in many areas of the Krasnoyarsk.
And not only during the day, but also at night. The weather was great. All day, small snowstorms replaced sunny weather.
3rd day of quarantine. That day I was in many areas of the Krasnoyarsk. For myself, I note that coronavirus resolved the car crisis - the main problem of Krasnoyarsk.
5th day of quarantine. That day I was in many areas of the Krasnoyarsk.
Duking gayropean faggots. Two men in bed no homo my ass)
Duking gayropean faggots. Two men in bed no homo my ass)

ебять какие домики!

бургер и кокакола
бургер и кокакола

once you achieve perfection, in all aspect of life you keep it.
once you achieve perfection, in all aspect of life you keep it.
I think mainly because of 'we need to go cheaper' attitude. Here in PL it was similar when speaking about '70 and '80. When you look at many of houses from that period, you'll see that they're build by the same project or it's several variations – it's because it was the best cost-optimized solution, and there really weren't available huge amounts of others.
I think mainly because of 'we need to go cheaper' attitude. Here in PL it was similar when speaking about '70 and '80. When you look at many of houses from that period, you'll see that they're build by the same project or it's several variations – it's because it was the best cost-optimized solution, and there really weren't available huge amounts of others.
Look at it pat 2 years
Look at it pat 2 years

I have some afghani who said all the soviet buildings in afgan are still running and have toilets, while all the new afghani houses mansions dont even have canalization system lol. "Cheap" i would not consider them. All the materials wer and still are toptier. This is why they still running.
I have some afghani who said all the soviet buildings in afgan are still running and have toilets, while all the new afghani houses mansions dont even have canalization system lol. "Cheap" i would not consider them. All the materials wer and still are toptier. This is why they still running.
В Красноярске никто не соблюдает карантин и самоизоляцию, приезжайте жить в Красноярск навсегда.
Мне сейчас плохо станет
Why am I live here?

russia is beatiful
t russian
t russian

i like it
i like it
then how do you expect to be an empire without having colonies outside of russia ? i wish i could live in russia, europe/western world is shit.
then how do you expect to be an empire without having colonies outside of russia ? i wish i could live in russia, europe/western world is shit.

All countries and peoples of the world will unite as part of Russia, this is uncontested. I hope we will see this wonderful moment in our century.
All countries and peoples of the world will unite as part of Russia, this is uncontested. I hope we will see this wonderful moment in our century.
Go mary some hobo first. What? You don't want to? That's why nobody wants to unite with you, so you have to whether bribe them or to hold them by force.
Go mary some hobo first. What? You don't want to? That's why nobody wants to unite with you, so you have to whether bribe them or to hold them by force.
нахуй никому не всралось объединяться с кучей говна
лезь под струю мойся обезьяна ебанутая
так понятно?
нахуй никому не всралось объединяться с кучей говна
лезь под струю мойся обезьяна ебанутая
так понятно?

Сходил и досрочно проголосовал на референдуме. Естественно проголосовал за поправки.
Haven't you been cursed in awhile? Watch it, faggot!
Haven't you been cursed in awhile? Watch it, faggot!
Обнулил как надо, зорошо помазали на царство Владимира Первого. Жаль наследника нет у него.
Обнулил как надо, зорошо помазали на царство Владимира Первого. Жаль наследника нет у него.
Так говно же получилось.
Так говно же получилось.
Обнуление - это единственная спорная поправка во всём "пакете", по-хорошему надо было вообще отменять это холопское ограничение на два срока.
Обнуление - это единственная спорная поправка во всём "пакете", по-хорошему надо было вообще отменять это холопское ограничение на два срока.
блять пиздец нахуй, у меня прям чуствво такое что они русские. видил курдов в россии у них прям рожы обрусевшые, видно что чёрноватые но всёравнно их дух русский. незнаю почему но всех охватывет чтото приврашяя всех в пидорашек. что ето ?
блять пиздец нахуй, у меня прям чуствво такое что они русские. видил курдов в россии у них прям рожы обрусевшые, видно что чёрноватые но всёравнно их дух русский. незнаю почему но всех охватывет чтото приврашяя всех в пидорашек. что ето ?
У тебя шиза просто
У тебя шиза просто
Кстати, это ведь институт цветных металлов и золота, где готовят специалист по разведке, добыче, переработке полезных ископаемых (полный фарш короче), и негры там появились только недавно, как раз, когда появилась информация, что Россия возвращается в Африку. Взаимовыгодное сотрудничество ёпта.
Кстати, это ведь институт цветных металлов и золота, где готовят специалист по разведке, добыче, переработке полезных ископаемых (полный фарш короче), и негры там появились только недавно, как раз, когда появилась информация, что Россия возвращается в Африку. Взаимовыгодное сотрудничество ёпта.
ну да
ну да

640x640, 0:16
When you say Krasnoyarsk I imagine this guy. Best inline content in Russia by far) https://www.instagram.com/savosin.ilia/
Какая красота на хуй? Промзона и гетто из прожектов, сука в сосущей для нигеров строят лучше.
Какая красота на хуй? Промзона и гетто из прожектов, сука в сосущей для нигеров строят лучше.
Bouncing Iras.
Bouncing Iras.
WOW thats was cool.
WOW thats was cool.
50+ minutes from Krasnoyarsk finest)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4FVILTB5i0
I dont like rap in Russian, I like rap in English, because the meaning of the text is not clear there and you dont have to smash your face with facepalm
I dont like rap in Russian, I like rap in English, because the meaning of the text is not clear there and you dont have to smash your face with facepalm

pure enjoyment
what do you suggest we do? not everyone is born in australia
what do you suggest we do? not everyone is born in australia
Why not
Why not
coz they have no choice
coz they have no choice
>>29724 (OP)
>>29724 (OP)
I am jealous on siberian climate.
I am a man of extremes myself, I like very cold winters and hot summers.
I filled my bath with ice water and pretended that I am in a frozen lake in Yakutsia while drinking 2 euro vodka and listening to folk music.
I am jealous on siberian climate.
I am a man of extremes myself, I like very cold winters and hot summers.
I filled my bath with ice water and pretended that I am in a frozen lake in Yakutsia while drinking 2 euro vodka and listening to folk music.
Did you wear ushanka though? You had to wear ushanka for full expirence.
>I filled my bath with ice water and pretended that I am in a frozen lake in Yakutsia
Did you wear ushanka though? You had to wear ushanka for full expirence.

You do not know what you are talking about.
Your body and soul have never had a frost of -30-50 degrees when you went home from school as a child. You have never in this life caught yourself thinking that all you want to do is come home and stick your purple blue hands in warm water.
The heat can be experienced by a white man, but the frost is literally hell on earth. You only have a little time to go into a heated space, any delay = death.
You do not know what you are talking about.
Your body and soul have never had a frost of -30-50 degrees when you went home from school as a child. You have never in this life caught yourself thinking that all you want to do is come home and stick your purple blue hands in warm water.
The heat can be experienced by a white man, but the frost is literally hell on earth. You only have a little time to go into a heated space, any delay = death.
Seasoning is great though. Winter has ski and skates and alpine for those who are rich. In winter you are waiting for summer, in autumn you are waiting for snow to skate on tubing or ride from gorka or play hockey with kids on korobka in your dvor)
Seasoning is great though. Winter has ski and skates and alpine for those who are rich. In winter you are waiting for summer, in autumn you are waiting for snow to skate on tubing or ride from gorka or play hockey with kids on korobka in your dvor)
Being a russian/ukrainian is suffering as a rule. You shouldn't be surprised. You are lucky because of weren't born here. Enjoy it. Take a shot vodka.
Being a russian/ukrainian is suffering as a rule. You shouldn't be surprised. You are lucky because of weren't born here. Enjoy it. Take a shot vodka.
too much suffering for only one life. Suffering for one person must measure up to one person but not several.
too much suffering for only one life. Suffering for one person must measure up to one person but not several.
this live is suffering by yourself and hell is suffering automaticly. so hell is waaaay more painfull.
its a way to clean the soul, the more suffer the more clean the soul gets(from spirituall stains)
this live is suffering by yourself and hell is suffering automaticly. so hell is waaaay more painfull.
its a way to clean the soul, the more suffer the more clean the soul gets(from spirituall stains)
living in the russia/ukraine is suffering literally. Either person who passed away within these countries automatically cleaned his soul.
living in the russia/ukraine is suffering literally. Either person who passed away within these countries automatically cleaned his soul.
calm down pidorashka. get back to swimming in deep shit, moron.
calm down pidorashka. get back to swimming in deep shit, moron.
African kids would be agree with you but they are cut off the internet because of have no money on food.
African kids would be agree with you but they are cut off the internet because of have no money on food.
money do not exists.
money do not exists.
i wanna live ther
i wanna live ther
I'd rather buy bought an apartment 500 meters from here, although it is more expensive by 20%.
I'd rather buy bought an apartment 500 meters from here, although it is more expensive by 20%.
Nice vert quarter, would definately drop.
Nice vert quarter, would definately drop.
тут бухаем по выходным чуть дальше. джойн аз
тут бухаем по выходным чуть дальше. джойн аз

>>29724 (OP)
Posting epic local pipe dancer))
Posting epic local pipe dancer))

Average kohlchan poster
Average kohlchan poster

Average slav couple
Average slav couple

Если во двор завести несколько грузовиков мусора и хорошенько всё обоссать, то будет как в Берлине.
Если во двор завести несколько грузовиков мусора и хорошенько всё обоссать, то будет как в Берлине.
While beggar European niggers sit on lockdown in their cold and dark Arab cities waiting death, Krasnoyarsk is buried in lights.

1920x1080, 0:18
This naberezhnaya looks 1000 time beter now. No niggers. No lockdawn. No fuel economy. Rich life with a lot of energy resursy. Long life Putin and death to US gavernor Uss. Death to traitors as we sad before.
This naberezhnaya looks 1000 time beter now. No niggers. No lockdawn. No fuel economy. Rich life with a lot of energy resursy. Long life Putin and death to US gavernor Uss. Death to traitors as we sad before.
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