640x480, 2:17
Where is /int FAP THREAD?
>>61993 (OP)
The jannies keep deleting them
The jannies keep deleting them
you cant /thread yourself fucker
you cant /thread yourself fucker
Palec in ass.
Palec in ass.
>>61993 (OP)
source of thumbnail?
source of thumbnail?
>>61993 (OP)
Fap is haram, fear for Allah
Fap is haram, fear for Allah
Touch your self or get out, cuck.
Touch your self or get out, cuck.
>>61993 (OP)
name or any info?
name or any info?

me at the left
me at the left
But any pron is int
this guy's ass is thick
this guy's ass is thick
let me in gg
Ne vidim ni sta, o cemu govoris?

Znam jednoga Hrvata koji je se registrirao na VK samo za besplatnu glazbu i bogatu kolekciju porno)))) Moze i sajediniti obe stvari)))
lol russian bogatyr
lol russian bogatyr
Prawdziwy rosyjski batiuszka jest.
Prawdziwy rosyjski batiuszka jest.
thats romantic, what about the other girl ?
thats romantic, what about the other girl ?
Spudro sperde!
Spudro sperde!
fuck off
fuck off
почему видео дрожит?
почему видео дрожит?
Post moar
That's why you, horvats, can't have nice things - you all were made in an act of dirty forced sex
That's why you, horvats, can't have nice things - you all were made in an act of dirty forced sex
Post some sensual love making then, faggot.
Post some sensual love making then, faggot.
seljodka bez shooby
seljodka bez shooby
>>61993 (OP)
Thread is useless without traps.
Thread is useless without traps.
>>61993 (OP)
Need moar
Need moar
Source pls. Author it seems made another story about elf-by-mail, they look common, and I cant find is there some VN or other shit behind these or this is it, only webms.
Source pls. Author it seems made another story about elf-by-mail, they look common, and I cant find is there some VN or other shit behind these or this is it, only webms.
Don't know author's name either. As far as I know, there are only webms.
Don't know author's name either. As far as I know, there are only webms.
goin' 2 /e
I was waiting for a loud thundering fart for some reason.
I was waiting for a loud thundering fart for some reason.
>thread created
fucking losers
Moar videos of such touching interspecies' frienship, please! )
Moar videos of such touching interspecies' frienship, please! )
No dicks in action, so it is safe to assume that video is not gay. We may need to send it for evaluation to RusComSupervision (no joke, we have it) though, to err on caution side.
No dicks in action, so it is safe to assume that video is not gay. We may need to send it for evaluation to RusComSupervision (no joke, we have it) though, to err on caution side.
Wait, I get it. You call lesbian stuff gay.
It is gay only if female watches it. For man, it is just two hot girls making sexy stuff, even we homophobes like it. No one goes to admit openly that hot beautiful lesbians are ok because of some green-haired fat blob hags who just ruin image of lesbians.
It is gay only if female watches it. For man, it is just two hot girls making sexy stuff, even we homophobes like it. No one goes to admit openly that hot beautiful lesbians are ok because of some green-haired fat blob hags who just ruin image of lesbians.
You got it wrong. The one they call a churka is the guy kissing the girl. They are two ethno-nationalist hooligans filming evidence of their crime.
You got it wrong. The one they call a churka is the guy kissing the girl. They are two ethno-nationalist hooligans filming evidence of their crime.
By yahweh, I need a name
By yahweh, I need a name
They pepper-sprayed both and will go to prison. They are exactly cuckolds because why else they would get so excited about two people kissing. They feel cucked even though the girl is a stranger, or to be more precise they feel their whole ethnic group cucked. They are sick delusional people.
They pepper-sprayed both and will go to prison. They are exactly cuckolds because why else they would get so excited about two people kissing. They feel cucked even though the girl is a stranger, or to be more precise they feel their whole ethnic group cucked. They are sick delusional people.
lmao exactly
lmao exactly
russian women were fucked en masse during world cup, tons of videos online. Doesnt surprise me tfw biggest whores on earth.
russian women were fucked en masse during world cup, tons of videos online. Doesnt surprise me tfw biggest whores on earth.
People have fun, and that's okay. What is not okay is sexually unsatisfied people blaming happy people, insulting them with bad words, trying to make too big a deal out of this. Like you are doing right now. Truly shameful behavior you are displaying.
People have fun, and that's okay. What is not okay is sexually unsatisfied people blaming happy people, insulting them with bad words, trying to make too big a deal out of this. Like you are doing right now. Truly shameful behavior you are displaying.
The macacu from Portugal is probably in the same boat as the russoids beating the kissing couple. Sad, lonely, and dumb. He needs the validation from an internet retard to assure himself that his way of thinking is 'correct', basically allowing others to tell hhim what to think. I bet he even came here because he thought it'd be more 'based' and 'redpilled' than in 4chan. Demoralised NPC through and through. Пусть Бог поможет ему
The macacu from Portugal is probably in the same boat as the russoids beating the kissing couple. Sad, lonely, and dumb. He needs the validation from an internet retard to assure himself that his way of thinking is 'correct', basically allowing others to tell hhim what to think. I bet he even came here because he thought it'd be more 'based' and 'redpilled' than in 4chan. Demoralised NPC through and through. Пусть Бог поможет ему
Dvachuu this guy
Dvachuu this guy
I haven't seen so much straight porn together in a long time. And they aren't just pics but webms! This site is blessed.
Good sir you are an absolute gentleman. Why are we BENELUX brothers always so based? The sad portugese monkey is put on his place, chapeau!
Good sir you are an absolute gentleman. Why are we BENELUX brothers always so based? The sad portugese monkey is put on his place, chapeau!
based. Benelux shitskins seething
based. Benelux shitskins seething

Nice projection, I know you miss your former Mohammedan oppressors so you cope by calling everybody Morrocan and shoving a dildo up your ass while dreaming it's that of a swarthy Moor. Alas, you're nothing but an autistic Med. If you weren't that big of a faggot you would have realised that most of /pol/ over at 4chinz is just retarded bullshit. But since I'm in a good mood, I'll tell you what your double digit IQ fails to realise in our previous posts.
The churka is banging that Russian girl because he's not an autist who seethes at other people through a screen holed up in Mommy's hotel. Now, if those Russian guys weren't retarded, they would have put in the effort in making the best of the life that was handed to them instead of going around and beating people who do. The Chad meme is dead.
Everyone can become a Chad, it's not some crazy unattainable ideal, anyone has the potential to become the Chad of their own story. And the first step to do that is closing the Chans and start building up a routine. Do your bed, wash your dick, and workout. Once you got those, you gotta discipline yourself into doing them before you go onto bigger projects. Finish school and find a job. Contrary to what the stormfags in /pol/ tell you, you don't have to stay in one place and find a job in a poopy economy. Rejoice because the EU has given hairy basterds like you the opportunity to find a job all over Europe and yet you're too much of a pussy to try it. Ngubus are crossing jungle, desert and sea to have the advantage you have: so use it. Hell, apply for an engineering job in Estonia or Sweden, or go to Croatia for a climate similar to your place, your opportunities are waiting for your bacalhao hands to crack them open.
Nice projection, I know you miss your former Mohammedan oppressors so you cope by calling everybody Morrocan and shoving a dildo up your ass while dreaming it's that of a swarthy Moor. Alas, you're nothing but an autistic Med. If you weren't that big of a faggot you would have realised that most of /pol/ over at 4chinz is just retarded bullshit. But since I'm in a good mood, I'll tell you what your double digit IQ fails to realise in our previous posts.
The churka is banging that Russian girl because he's not an autist who seethes at other people through a screen holed up in Mommy's hotel. Now, if those Russian guys weren't retarded, they would have put in the effort in making the best of the life that was handed to them instead of going around and beating people who do. The Chad meme is dead.
Everyone can become a Chad, it's not some crazy unattainable ideal, anyone has the potential to become the Chad of their own story. And the first step to do that is closing the Chans and start building up a routine. Do your bed, wash your dick, and workout. Once you got those, you gotta discipline yourself into doing them before you go onto bigger projects. Finish school and find a job. Contrary to what the stormfags in /pol/ tell you, you don't have to stay in one place and find a job in a poopy economy. Rejoice because the EU has given hairy basterds like you the opportunity to find a job all over Europe and yet you're too much of a pussy to try it. Ngubus are crossing jungle, desert and sea to have the advantage you have: so use it. Hell, apply for an engineering job in Estonia or Sweden, or go to Croatia for a climate similar to your place, your opportunities are waiting for your bacalhao hands to crack them open.
Yahweh blessed me with a small cock.
Yahweh blessed me with a small cock.
Being Chad means being tall and handsome.stop with your bs "just take more showers bro, get a haircut bro" cookie cutter shit advice. Blackpill is undeniable
Being Chad means being tall and handsome.stop with your bs "just take more showers bro, get a haircut bro" cookie cutter shit advice. Blackpill is undeniable
>>61993 (OP)
Ukrainian women, not russian
Ukrainian women, not russian
>uncovered meat
Absolutely harem
I like looking at ejaculating dicks.
I like looking at ejaculating dicks.
dudes cuck looks crippled
dudes cuck looks crippled
Incel, spok
Who gives a shit, it is a fucking finland.
Who gives a shit, it is a fucking finland.
Yes, thats famous video, while waching herself she accidently stabbed herself with wall-mounted dildo to death.
Yes, thats famous video, while waching herself she accidently stabbed herself with wall-mounted dildo to death.
Что за шлюха на 4?
Что за шлюха на 4?
This is a Russian board, so everyone doesn't care.
This is a Russian board, so everyone doesn't care.
Black made for BWC.
Black made for BWC.
Second fool please!
Second fool please!

I love that russian hairy ass
Women are superior beings. men must always obey them. men are trash that should be always locked up in chastity with keys controlled by Women. I'm glad that there are countries where deatl penalty is applied only to men, they know that Women are sacred and shoudn't never face danger, unlike men, who are expendable.
men must give money to Women. All money should belong to Women. men are worthless if they can't give money to Women. I wish there were law in every country where only men must work and give everything to Women.
Kick men in the balls. It's okay to use violence against men if it's Women doing it. men must die for Women.
We are men who understand our place. Our place is under Women feet. We are from FSM.
We are men who understand our place. Our place is under Women feet. We are from FSM.
Source of this guy? Gotta coom to his encouraging outfit.
Source of this guy? Gotta coom to his encouraging outfit.
retard dalit
retard dalit
post mamki
FAP Thread
>Fucking pergnant woman
You are sick poor bastard
There used to be, for example, the comedy Ferro Network, but not anymore. It is impossible to make porn and distribute it legally in Russia, everything is stricter on this subject here than in the USA. You can't open a business in this sphere, including a webcam studio. Opening a webcam studio = Rosgvardia assault. Usually though, if a Russian whore is famous in the west and everyone knows about it, the police don't give a shit about it. Just look at Sweetie Fox, who with her husband shoots everything outside Russia, or Jia Lissa - she calmly gives interviews about the fact that her sponsor gave her another apartment in Moscow for her “talents” and goes there on vacation, and no one opens any criminal case against her.
There used to be, for example, the comedy Ferro Network, but not anymore. It is impossible to make porn and distribute it legally in Russia, everything is stricter on this subject here than in the USA. You can't open a business in this sphere, including a webcam studio. Opening a webcam studio = Rosgvardia assault. Usually though, if a Russian whore is famous in the west and everyone knows about it, the police don't give a shit about it. Just look at Sweetie Fox, who with her husband shoots everything outside Russia, or Jia Lissa - she calmly gives interviews about the fact that her sponsor gave her another apartment in Moscow for her “talents” and goes there on vacation, and no one opens any criminal case against her.
Also in the Russian Federation blocked all sites that do not verify age before viewing porn.
The state is overly concerned with the morals of the country and the children.
Also in the Russian Federation blocked all sites that do not verify age before viewing porn.
The state is overly concerned with the morals of the country and the children.
>>61993 (OP)
i came here to see if there are any turkish people and this is what i see on the spot lol
i came here to see if there are any turkish people and this is what i see on the spot lol
built for eastern european orthodox christian cock
built for eastern european orthodox christian cock

1280x720, 0:21
1.5 from 10
1.5 from 10
enter to fap
Board 18+
Board 18+
Ноги длинные, мордаха симпатичная, причёска благородная, но вот эти сланцы и белые чулки, и грация как у паука (но эти незначительные минусы дело поправимое)
Ноги длинные, мордаха симпатичная, причёска благородная, но вот эти сланцы и белые чулки, и грация как у паука (но эти незначительные минусы дело поправимое)
Вот откуда ты такая быдла взялась? На пике настоящее шлюхо-искусство, композиция со сланцами и чулками в грации паука, много ли тян способны на эксперименты? Нет, большинство из них инертное душное говнище, NPC ёбаное.
А ноги и правда кайф, нет этой гламурной зализанности ебучей, выглядит очень естественно, живо
Вот откуда ты такая быдла взялась? На пике настоящее шлюхо-искусство, композиция со сланцами и чулками в грации паука, много ли тян способны на эксперименты? Нет, большинство из них инертное душное говнище, NPC ёбаное.
А ноги и правда кайф, нет этой гламурной зализанности ебучей, выглядит очень естественно, живо
Сорян за быдлу, после общения в /б/ остаточное явление
Neuroslop 👎🤮
Neuroslop 👎🤮
UPD: No, it's not Slavic.
UPD: No, it's not Slavic.
красивая была у тарантино, тут жируха.
красивая была у тарантино, тут жируха.
I tried to imagine Putin in 18+ situations... and i can never do that. What role would he even play? Definitely not just a normal sexual partner.
Yet looking at this picture i can imagine him as the omnipresent force that blesses sex. A force that makes you understand you're not merely "fucking", but rather procreating, as a part of the whole, the society, the nation.
For americans it would be a similar feeling to having sex under the american flag, i suppose.
I tried to imagine Putin in 18+ situations... and i can never do that. What role would he even play? Definitely not just a normal sexual partner.
Yet looking at this picture i can imagine him as the omnipresent force that blesses sex. A force that makes you understand you're not merely "fucking", but rather procreating, as a part of the whole, the society, the nation.
For americans it would be a similar feeling to having sex under the american flag, i suppose.
>>61993 (OP)
Goyslop / Good copy with improvements + Russian language support
>Japan original / Made in China
Goyslop / Good copy with improvements + Russian language support
She's a disgusting prostitute, I don't even want to jerk off to her
She's a disgusting prostitute, I don't even want to jerk off to her
Calm down kike from the Autonomous Jewish Oblast, I never mentioned Brazil and you already got your clitty leaking
Calm down kike from the Autonomous Jewish Oblast, I never mentioned Brazil and you already got your clitty leaking
>>61993 (OP)
Lan siktir, sen burda ne attırıyosun be
Lan siktir, sen burda ne attırıyosun be
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