Cannot make ahegao, 2/10.
>>74553 (OP)
Мой прадед ебал в очко твою пробабку на крыльце Рейстага
Мой прадед ебал в очко твою пробабку на крыльце Рейстага
haha, nice one, love you bro <3
haha, nice one, love you bro <3
>>74553 (OP)
all of you who made icon are gay homos and should be shot
all of you who made icon are gay homos and should be shot

>>74553 (OP)
thats how i looks like, but iam not a women.
thats how i looks like, but iam not a women.
>>74553 (OP)

>>74553 (OP)
just make it fatter
just make it fatter

got a little more (chad?) chin
Got it, very nice

and maybe your population would have been greater had we not fucked you in afghanistan
india is a quasi secular country with a hinduvta tilt, pakistan on the other hand does not adhere to secular values, we have been trying to divorce our subcontinental heritage for the past 3 decades being pulled in by the idea of a unified muslim ummah and consequently have been tilting to the middle east for guidance in our culture, sadly the arabs like to spit on our faces and mock any idea of a unified ummah as evidenced by their behaviour towards israel
and maybe your population would have been greater had we not fucked you in afghanistan
india is a quasi secular country with a hinduvta tilt, pakistan on the other hand does not adhere to secular values, we have been trying to divorce our subcontinental heritage for the past 3 decades being pulled in by the idea of a unified muslim ummah and consequently have been tilting to the middle east for guidance in our culture, sadly the arabs like to spit on our faces and mock any idea of a unified ummah as evidenced by their behaviour towards israel
i was just trying to have bantz
i was just trying to have bantz
they live in huts retard are you happy now
they live in huts retard are you happy now

>>74553 (OP)
Nu ok, eto ya
Nu ok, eto ya
one vision one purpose
one vision one purpose

I can speak Russian

>>74553 (OP)
This but skinnier
This but skinnier

Want to sleep so much

Literally me (no)

looks like me, just add a mole under the nose and a scar/bald patch (I still don't know what it is, it always was like this) on the right eyebrow. imagined? You are gorgeous.
also yes, eyes is brown and I actually have lennons.
also yes, eyes is brown and I actually have lennons.
sooooooooo sexy
sooooooooo sexy
jeg elsker røv = я люблю жопки
jeg elsker røv = я люблю жопки
Ты, волчий сын, скотина смрадная, татарское отродье, шавка немецкая, сумка подкопыткая, навозу мешок, колода дубовая, собака сутулая, лоб строеросовый, дубина хохлятская! Пасть свою захлопни, предатель православного люду! Али показать тебе, как на Руси кровушка молодецкая в мускулах играет да кулаки могутны на чела ворогов опрокидываются?
Ты, волчий сын, скотина смрадная, татарское отродье, шавка немецкая, сумка подкопыткая, навозу мешок, колода дубовая, собака сутулая, лоб строеросовый, дубина хохлятская! Пасть свою захлопни, предатель православного люду! Али показать тебе, как на Руси кровушка молодецкая в мускулах играет да кулаки могутны на чела ворогов опрокидываются?
all those icons make you look very feminite. no point in saying which one looks gay because all of them do.
original poster shouldve done a better job to find a better avatar.
original poster shouldve done a better job to find a better avatar.

this is what people of the homo sapiens species look like
Yes I'm. And?
Yes I'm. And?

I'm a guy btw

фак ю пиндосес
Wtf I'm from KZ
Wtf I'm from KZ
а выглядишь как хохлина
а выглядишь как хохлина
я казах а ты киргиз, я поел а ты догрыз
я казах а ты киргиз, я поел а ты догрыз
yes i am a turk. you are mongol. nice to meet you
yes i am a turk. you are mongol. nice to meet you
Actualy i'm more fucked than on picture. I have more black hair and more clumsy face or something idk.
Actualy i'm more fucked than on picture. I have more black hair and more clumsy face or something idk.
>>74553 (OP)
what for?
what for?
you are a men tranny
you are a men tranny
sex sex sex
sex sex sex

130 кг, наращиваю естественный бронежилет перед мобилизацией
Вчера раздавали матпомощь от Путина реквизированными галушками, так они сами в рот залетали.
Вчера раздавали матпомощь от Путина реквизированными галушками, так они сами в рот залетали.
I'd penetrate that. If he is handsome.
I'd penetrate that. If he is handsome.
>>74553 (OP)
that is totally me
that is totally me

Fuck you russia game, gta for U-S-A

When you failed to weasel out the mobilization by giving a blowjob to the recruiter.

privet uyeba

scar on forehead and eyebrow instead
не против, только кто вратарь и кому очко брить?
не против, только кто вратарь и кому очко брить?

>>74553 (OP)
Бритый, низкорослый, не станцую, тупой, бедный, непорядочный, домосед, молодец
Бритый, низкорослый, не станцую, тупой, бедный, непорядочный, домосед, молодец

Unsure of the point but okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
man these captchas are getting ridiculous
man these captchas are getting ridiculous

ok i feel better today
ok i feel better today
потому что за подстрижку - шишку
потому что за подстрижку - шишку

Crack, tea and raw black metal
Two years later and sucky murica still sucks?
Two years later and sucky murica still sucks?

I am from north east Poland, now living in UK because of my parents working. Rus is the best!
>>74553 (OP)
up for 'teens to post in this thread
up for 'teens to post in this thread

i look like this and say this
meadowxister is that you?
meadowxister is that you?
>>74553 (OP)
pretend the guy on the left is the guy on the right
pretend the guy on the left is the guy on the right

Looks like my mom
Looks like my mom
My queen
My queen
I'm lost.
I'm lost.
Arabe !
Arabe !
That is not accurate at all. Porkistan has a different flag 🠖 🇺🇦
That is not accurate at all. Porkistan has a different flag 🠖 🇺🇦
>>74553 (OP)
Всё ждал, что кто-то скинет хохла, но да ладно... мимо намёк
>>74553 (OP)

Wnto ja