Hello internationals anons.
I have a strange hobbi — collect interesting posters or something that, idk what right its calling. I wondering print it on paper and stick on my walls on room but its just dream :c
If you have posters like this, please, post it in my thread.
Or, if you too like it, you may take it too.
I have a strange hobbi — collect interesting posters or something that, idk what right its calling. I wondering print it on paper and stick on my walls on room but its just dream :c
If you have posters like this, please, post it in my thread.
Or, if you too like it, you may take it too.
I love travel posters.
They have a something... hopes. Hopes in... beautiful on World?
They have a something... hopes. Hopes in... beautiful on World?
last - its a map Chernobyl.
I think hes looks cool.
I think hes looks cool.
Also, i have more faces side old book about future.
If you interesting that... i may download it here.
If you interesting that... i may download it here.
board again winned me...
board again winned me...
I want post this map from the Clear Sky, but my internet slowly...
I want post this map from the Clear Sky, but my internet slowly...
I return from my work.
>>88826 (OP)
on third pic u can see my hometown
on third pic u can see my hometown

>>88826 (OP)
Remember me?
I'm your classmate. I recognized you by your schizoid words and vyser. Do you remember how the whole class pissed you into a mug in the third grade, with a sweet tooth? You drank some more, licked your lips and asked for more. And then your father came to pick you up, the same janitor who raped a dog on Vernadsky and received a suspended sentence for stealing processed cheese in a store. He went into the classroom, everyone began to laugh, and you crap yourself out of shame, and then said that you’ll hate the janitor all your life, but in the 9th grade, when you went to the raid to fuck them off, they let you go in a circle, after which they put eight stitches on your anus. How are you doing?
Remember me?
I'm your classmate. I recognized you by your schizoid words and vyser. Do you remember how the whole class pissed you into a mug in the third grade, with a sweet tooth? You drank some more, licked your lips and asked for more. And then your father came to pick you up, the same janitor who raped a dog on Vernadsky and received a suspended sentence for stealing processed cheese in a store. He went into the classroom, everyone began to laugh, and you crap yourself out of shame, and then said that you’ll hate the janitor all your life, but in the 9th grade, when you went to the raid to fuck them off, they let you go in a circle, after which they put eight stitches on your anus. How are you doing?
thanks, enjoy. i have a thing for posters too, if i find any more in the depths of my drive i'll be sure to post
thanks, enjoy. i have a thing for posters too, if i find any more in the depths of my drive i'll be sure to post
Magyar are basically gypsies. It is even worse.
Magyar are basically gypsies. It is even worse.
Like the guy at right lmao. This is what happens when wife cooks for you.
I am unironical, historically proven descendant of Zaporizhian Cossaks, although not of "nobility".
Like the guy at right lmao. This is what happens when wife cooks for you.
I am unironical, historically proven descendant of Zaporizhian Cossaks, although not of "nobility".
If you don't want to get fat - do not let woman cook for you.
If you don't want to get fat - do not let woman cook for you.
Im was sick on 2 december.
Today my feels good.
Hello everyone agaim!
Today my feels good.
Hello everyone agaim!
Вот тебе немного рекламы туристической
Вот тебе немного рекламы туристической

wenn 2 hochwertige kinder nach russland geschickt werden um zu sterben bleiben pic related in deutschland xD
wenn 2 hochwertige kinder nach russland geschickt werden um zu sterben bleiben pic related in deutschland xD
So this is why germans kidnapped so many children from Eastern Europe, I mean Lebensborn program
So this is why germans kidnapped so many children from Eastern Europe, I mean Lebensborn program
Guys on the right was an easy target for a slave hunters, grabbin those blonde blue eyed unga bungas, transported them to mesopotamian lands making them dung collectors,water carriers, agrocultural working for free. Those of his kind( man in cage) shared the same fate in babylon.
You can always start a new hunter-gatherer larping community if you like.
Guys on the right was an easy target for a slave hunters, grabbin those blonde blue eyed unga bungas, transported them to mesopotamian lands making them dung collectors,water carriers, agrocultural working for free. Those of his kind( man in cage) shared the same fate in babylon.
You can always start a new hunter-gatherer larping community if you like.
summerians in ukraine xD
summerians in ukraine xD
very razor pixels...
very razor pixels...
>>88826 (OP)
4chan torrent section sometimes hast huge movie poster and fine arts collections. As for printing, do you have access to print on demand from abroad these days? I am only asking because I do a lot of print on demand myself.
To go with my general theme here about dead Russians, here is Red Dawn in low rez. Very cheesy movie, but it actually transcends as a meme into the current war. Life imitates art, again.
4chan torrent section sometimes hast huge movie poster and fine arts collections. As for printing, do you have access to print on demand from abroad these days? I am only asking because I do a lot of print on demand myself.
To go with my general theme here about dead Russians, here is Red Dawn in low rez. Very cheesy movie, but it actually transcends as a meme into the current war. Life imitates art, again.
>>88826 (OP)
I can look up for you all sorts of South American posters and propaganda, what are the types of posters you're looking for exactly?
For now, I'll post my local favorites.
>I have a strange hobbi — collect interesting posters or something that, idk what right its calling. I wondering print it on paper and stick on my walls on room but its just dream :c
I can look up for you all sorts of South American posters and propaganda, what are the types of posters you're looking for exactly?
For now, I'll post my local favorites.
based and REDpilled
based and REDpilled
chad communist
chad communist
>>88826 (OP)
There is a website that has a ton of old Chinese Christian posters, I forgot what it's called but just search and you'll find
There is a website that has a ton of old Chinese Christian posters, I forgot what it's called but just search and you'll find
How do I make her have mouth babies?
How do I make her have mouth babies?
test be gentle please lads
Yep, its I am!
Yep, its I am!
Давай уже весь альбом ураловский и по другой технике аналогичные, если есть.
Давай уже весь альбом ураловский и по другой технике аналогичные, если есть.
Неа, анон. Больше нету.
Неа, анон. Больше нету.
Вот это заебись, богоугодная хуйня!
Вот это заебись, богоугодная хуйня!
bumping, not sure if these count

Thanx anonchik <3
Thanx anonchik <3
>>88826 (OP)
I love this thread and everyone who posts cool stuff here. Thank you.
I love this thread and everyone who posts cool stuff here. Thank you.
And thank to u, for looking itt
also i have feeling to know you.. But maybe its my mind make a joke
And thank to u, for looking itt
also i have feeling to know you.. But maybe its my mind make a joke
Post some too...?
Post some too...?
С каких пор немцы, убившие 20млн русских перестали быть бактериями? Чо за куколдство?
С каких пор немцы, убившие 20млн русских перестали быть бактериями? Чо за куколдство?
обьединяемся с польшей делим украину
обьединяемся с германией делим польшу
обьединяемся с англо-саксами и делим германию
пускаем во власть меченых и алкашей и пилим россию, ахаха (не нужно так делать)
обьединяемся с польшей делим украину
обьединяемся с германией делим польшу
обьединяемся с англо-саксами и делим германию
пускаем во власть меченых и алкашей и пилим россию, ахаха (не нужно так делать)
Тут то вообще спора нет и без базара база, но как это отменяет мой предыдущий пост? Да никак, ептыть. Пора сдвигать границы НАТО на границу с Францией.
>пускаем во власть меченых и алкашей и пилим россию, ахаха (не нужно так делать)
Тут то вообще спора нет и без базара база, но как это отменяет мой предыдущий пост? Да никак, ептыть. Пора сдвигать границы НАТО на границу с Францией.

Its and for today

Have you the segafutihg?

Bump ^^


>>88826 (OP)
Good thread. Bump.
Good thread. Bump.
>>88826 (OP)
До чего хороший тред.
До чего хороший тред.
no content

>>88826 (OP)
2teas to this thread, i save same hobby to, also you have map posters like this?
2teas to this thread, i save same hobby to, also you have map posters like this?

Of course!
Of course!
Yay, i have content!


A Yiddish poster promotes the Soviet pork industry circa 1930. For Jews in the USSR, ‘Breeding pigs was an effective means to communicate their complete participation in Communism,’ writes Rosenblum. (Central Publishing House for the USSR Peoples via Blavatnik Archive)
from Times of Israel article - https://archive.is/or5HI
>or communist Soviet Jews who promoted pig-breeding, the terms of these various rebellions were still expressed in relation to the rebels’ Jewishness.
A Yiddish poster promotes the Soviet pork industry circa 1930. For Jews in the USSR, ‘Breeding pigs was an effective means to communicate their complete participation in Communism,’ writes Rosenblum. (Central Publishing House for the USSR Peoples via Blavatnik Archive)
from Times of Israel article - https://archive.is/or5HI
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