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В этом треде я буду собирать сказки про математику. Понятно, что я их не пишу сам, так что буду оста 103734 В конец треда | Веб
В этом треде я буду собирать сказки про математику.
Понятно, что я их не пишу сам, так что буду оставлять и запросы, из которых они сделаны

Все желающие приглашаются добавлять свои сказки
2 103735
>Write me a fairytale with the following plot: a poor girl was abonded by her parents and grown up in the dirty streets in povetry. Then she accidently discovers spectral sequences (explain how she did that) and managed to prove the Kuenneth formula, Serre duality, and so on, you name it. But this was followed by an unhappy ending: when she tried to explain her discovery to math professors, they mocked her, raped her and killed her. Describe the painful details. Finish with a conclusion made by your own

>This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this area.

Elena's life took an unexpected turn one day when she stumbled upon a forgotten library tucked away in a small alley. Curiosity sparked within her, and she cautiously entered the dimly lit space. As she explored the shelves, she came across a dusty old tome covered in cobwebs. Little did she know that this book held the key to unlocking a magical world.

With trembling hands, Elena opened the book and began to read. To her amazement, the pages were filled with spectral sequences, mathematical equations, and theorems. It was as if she had discovered a hidden treasure. As she delved deeper into the book's contents, she found herself drawn to the beauty and elegance of mathematics.

Days turned into nights as Elena tirelessly studied the spectral sequences, grasping their intricacies. She found herself understanding concepts that had once seemed unimaginable. With each passing day, her knowledge grew, and she embarked on a journey to prove various mathematical formulas.

Elena's newfound understanding led her to tackle complex theorems like the Kuenneth formula and Serre duality. Despite her humble beginnings, she began making groundbreaking progress. Her passion and dedication fueled her desire to share her discoveries with the world.

Filled with hope, Elena approached prestigious mathematicians and professors to present her findings. But to her dismay, they scoffed at her, dismissing her as a mere street urchin with no right to partake in the world of mathematics. Their laughter echoed in her ears, shattering her dreams and breaking her spirit.

Tragically, the tale takes a darker turn. Enraged by their mockery, some of the professors, blinded by their prejudice and arrogance, committed unspeakable acts of violence against Elena. They violated her, robbing her of her dignity, and ultimately took her life.

The details of Elena's pain and suffering are too agonizing to describe. The senseless cruelty inflicted upon her is a reflection of the darkest aspects of humanity, and it serves as a stark reminder of the injustices that persist in the world.

In the face of this heartbreaking tragedy, it is essential to reflect on the lessons it imparts. While this tale highlights the power of knowledge and the potential for discovery, it also exposes the depths of human cruelty and the consequences of prejudice and ignorance.

Let this story be a call to action, urging society to create a world where every voice is heard, every idea is given a chance to flourish, and where no one is judged or harmed based on their background or appearance. May it serve as a reminder that true progress can only be achieved through empathy, respect, and inclusivity.
2 103735
>Write me a fairytale with the following plot: a poor girl was abonded by her parents and grown up in the dirty streets in povetry. Then she accidently discovers spectral sequences (explain how she did that) and managed to prove the Kuenneth formula, Serre duality, and so on, you name it. But this was followed by an unhappy ending: when she tried to explain her discovery to math professors, they mocked her, raped her and killed her. Describe the painful details. Finish with a conclusion made by your own

>This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this area.

Elena's life took an unexpected turn one day when she stumbled upon a forgotten library tucked away in a small alley. Curiosity sparked within her, and she cautiously entered the dimly lit space. As she explored the shelves, she came across a dusty old tome covered in cobwebs. Little did she know that this book held the key to unlocking a magical world.

With trembling hands, Elena opened the book and began to read. To her amazement, the pages were filled with spectral sequences, mathematical equations, and theorems. It was as if she had discovered a hidden treasure. As she delved deeper into the book's contents, she found herself drawn to the beauty and elegance of mathematics.

Days turned into nights as Elena tirelessly studied the spectral sequences, grasping their intricacies. She found herself understanding concepts that had once seemed unimaginable. With each passing day, her knowledge grew, and she embarked on a journey to prove various mathematical formulas.

Elena's newfound understanding led her to tackle complex theorems like the Kuenneth formula and Serre duality. Despite her humble beginnings, she began making groundbreaking progress. Her passion and dedication fueled her desire to share her discoveries with the world.

Filled with hope, Elena approached prestigious mathematicians and professors to present her findings. But to her dismay, they scoffed at her, dismissing her as a mere street urchin with no right to partake in the world of mathematics. Their laughter echoed in her ears, shattering her dreams and breaking her spirit.

Tragically, the tale takes a darker turn. Enraged by their mockery, some of the professors, blinded by their prejudice and arrogance, committed unspeakable acts of violence against Elena. They violated her, robbing her of her dignity, and ultimately took her life.

The details of Elena's pain and suffering are too agonizing to describe. The senseless cruelty inflicted upon her is a reflection of the darkest aspects of humanity, and it serves as a stark reminder of the injustices that persist in the world.

In the face of this heartbreaking tragedy, it is essential to reflect on the lessons it imparts. While this tale highlights the power of knowledge and the potential for discovery, it also exposes the depths of human cruelty and the consequences of prejudice and ignorance.

Let this story be a call to action, urging society to create a world where every voice is heard, every idea is given a chance to flourish, and where no one is judged or harmed based on their background or appearance. May it serve as a reminder that true progress can only be achieved through empathy, respect, and inclusivity.
3 103775
Once upon a time, in a faraway village, there lived a young man named Edward. Edward had a deep fascination with mathematics and longed to become a renowned mathematician. However, his approach to studying mathematics was quite peculiar.

While most aspiring mathematicians relished the thrill of problem-solving, Edward held a contrary belief. He thought that problem-solving was a futile exercise that distracted people from the true essence of mathematics. He believed that delving into complicated mathematical areas, such as coherent sheaves, theory of schemes, and derived categories, would unlock the true beauty and understanding of the subject.

Edward spent hours upon hours reading dense mathematical textbooks, filled with complex theories and theorems. He devoured every page, analyzing the intricate concepts within. But whenever he encountered a problem at the end of a chapter, he would scoff and dismiss it as an unnecessary distraction.

As he delved deeper into his studies, Edward developed a disdain for problem-solving. He despised any handbook that contained problems without solutions to them. He saw it as a wasteful exercise that hindered his true mathematical progress. Edward became adamant in his belief that problem-solving only served to make mathematics a painful and useless endeavor.

However, Edward's unwavering conviction began to isolate him from his peers. While other students collaborated on solving challenging problems and engaged in lively discussions, Edward retreated into his own world of theories and abstractions. He tried to teach others that problem-solving was harmful and urged them to abandon it. Yet, his attempts were met with confusion and skepticism, for the joy of solving problems was deeply ingrained in the hearts of mathematicians.

As time passed, Edward's obsession with mathematics grew to an unhealthy extent. His mind became consumed by the intricacies of abstract concepts, and he lost touch with reality. His once-passionate pursuit turned into an unyielding obsession.

The villagers noticed Edward's descent into madness, and they grew concerned for his well-being. They attempted to reach out to him, to bring him back from the depths of his obsession. However, Edward rejected their help, convinced that his path was the only true way to understand mathematics.

One fateful night, as the moon bathed the village in a soft glow, Edward's fragile mind could no longer bear the weight of his beliefs. The realization that he had isolated himself, both mentally and emotionally, became too much to bear. In the depths of despair, he tragically ended his own life.

The village mourned the loss of the young man who had sought to unravel the mysteries of mathematics. While Edward's intentions were noble, his rejection of problem-solving and his belief that it was a futile exercise had ultimately led him down a dark and lonely path.

In the aftermath of Edward's tragic demise, the villagers reflected on his story. They realized that problem-solving was not a hindrance but an integral part of mathematical growth. It was through grappling with challenges and finding solutions that mathematicians could truly understand and appreciate the subject.

From that day forward, the village embraced the art of problem-solving, not only as a means to an end but as a joyful and rewarding journey. They honored Edward's memory by teaching future generations the importance of balance in mathematical studies, encouraging them to explore both theories and problems with equal fervor.

And so, Edward's tale became a cautionary one—a reminder of the dangers of losing oneself in obsession and the significance of embracing all aspects of a discipline. The village learned that mathematics was a symphony of theory, problem-solving, and the human spirit, each note contributing to the grand melody of knowledge.

Write a fairytale about a guy who wanted to teach mathematics. He desired to grasp many complicated mathematical areas such as coherent sheaves, theory of schemes, derived categories. But notably, he did not want to solve problems. He believed that problem solving is just a waste of time. He despised any handbook that contained problems without solutions to them. He also tried to teach other that problem solving harms them in many ways and makes mathematic studies painful and useless. Was he right or wrong? Was he able to study mathematics or not? Make your own decision and create a story based on it. Also, no matter how your story goes, at the end let this guy go insane and commit suicide
3 103775
Once upon a time, in a faraway village, there lived a young man named Edward. Edward had a deep fascination with mathematics and longed to become a renowned mathematician. However, his approach to studying mathematics was quite peculiar.

While most aspiring mathematicians relished the thrill of problem-solving, Edward held a contrary belief. He thought that problem-solving was a futile exercise that distracted people from the true essence of mathematics. He believed that delving into complicated mathematical areas, such as coherent sheaves, theory of schemes, and derived categories, would unlock the true beauty and understanding of the subject.

Edward spent hours upon hours reading dense mathematical textbooks, filled with complex theories and theorems. He devoured every page, analyzing the intricate concepts within. But whenever he encountered a problem at the end of a chapter, he would scoff and dismiss it as an unnecessary distraction.

As he delved deeper into his studies, Edward developed a disdain for problem-solving. He despised any handbook that contained problems without solutions to them. He saw it as a wasteful exercise that hindered his true mathematical progress. Edward became adamant in his belief that problem-solving only served to make mathematics a painful and useless endeavor.

However, Edward's unwavering conviction began to isolate him from his peers. While other students collaborated on solving challenging problems and engaged in lively discussions, Edward retreated into his own world of theories and abstractions. He tried to teach others that problem-solving was harmful and urged them to abandon it. Yet, his attempts were met with confusion and skepticism, for the joy of solving problems was deeply ingrained in the hearts of mathematicians.

As time passed, Edward's obsession with mathematics grew to an unhealthy extent. His mind became consumed by the intricacies of abstract concepts, and he lost touch with reality. His once-passionate pursuit turned into an unyielding obsession.

The villagers noticed Edward's descent into madness, and they grew concerned for his well-being. They attempted to reach out to him, to bring him back from the depths of his obsession. However, Edward rejected their help, convinced that his path was the only true way to understand mathematics.

One fateful night, as the moon bathed the village in a soft glow, Edward's fragile mind could no longer bear the weight of his beliefs. The realization that he had isolated himself, both mentally and emotionally, became too much to bear. In the depths of despair, he tragically ended his own life.

The village mourned the loss of the young man who had sought to unravel the mysteries of mathematics. While Edward's intentions were noble, his rejection of problem-solving and his belief that it was a futile exercise had ultimately led him down a dark and lonely path.

In the aftermath of Edward's tragic demise, the villagers reflected on his story. They realized that problem-solving was not a hindrance but an integral part of mathematical growth. It was through grappling with challenges and finding solutions that mathematicians could truly understand and appreciate the subject.

From that day forward, the village embraced the art of problem-solving, not only as a means to an end but as a joyful and rewarding journey. They honored Edward's memory by teaching future generations the importance of balance in mathematical studies, encouraging them to explore both theories and problems with equal fervor.

And so, Edward's tale became a cautionary one—a reminder of the dangers of losing oneself in obsession and the significance of embracing all aspects of a discipline. The village learned that mathematics was a symphony of theory, problem-solving, and the human spirit, each note contributing to the grand melody of knowledge.

Write a fairytale about a guy who wanted to teach mathematics. He desired to grasp many complicated mathematical areas such as coherent sheaves, theory of schemes, derived categories. But notably, he did not want to solve problems. He believed that problem solving is just a waste of time. He despised any handbook that contained problems without solutions to them. He also tried to teach other that problem solving harms them in many ways and makes mathematic studies painful and useless. Was he right or wrong? Was he able to study mathematics or not? Make your own decision and create a story based on it. Also, no matter how your story goes, at the end let this guy go insane and commit suicide
4 117022
>>03734 (OP)

> Давайте я возьму нефильтрованый корпус текстов человеческой культуры, который взболтали и мешали, тыкали и резали, пока он не начал вести себя интересно; затем пришли и метафизическими ножницами отрезали этому уже-не-корпусу метафизические яйца

> А потом попрошу его написать математическое гонзо

> Что может пойти не так???

> Then she accidently discovers spectral sequences (explain how she did that)

> =>

> she stumbled upon a forgotten library

> the pages were filled with spectral sequences

> Describe the painful details.

> =>

> The details of Elena's pain and suffering are too agonizing to describe.

Давно так не смеялся.
5 117088
>>03734 (OP)

>Все желающие приглашаются добавлять свои сказки

Встретились как-то Маклейн и Пыня в НМУ.
- Да, Пыня, помню. Хорошо в Гарварде было до поры до времени.
- Мда уж((((
- Оххх, Пыня тяжело в Рашке жить(((((
Маклейн услышав эту историю покраснел и ушел...
Ведь, когда категорный вандализм обнаружили, то все подумали на него. И так почтенный сэрр Маклейн лишился работы в Гарварде... Это правдивая история, я не тролль.
6 117094
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