Этого треда уже нет.
Это копия, сохраненная 7 ноября 2015 года.

Скачать тред: только с превью, с превью и прикрепленными файлами.
Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее

Если вам полезен архив М.Двача, пожертвуйте на оплату сервера.
1194 Кб, 1076x1500
666 Кб, 1280x1646
748 Кб, 1280x960
423 Кб, 853x1080
Pony #3 #3051780
Даже вкатиться не с чем.
527 Кб, 1900x1800
Pony #4 #3051848
Радужный вкат.
Pony #5 #3051887
Дашенька, трусики надо покупать с дыркой для хвостика.
Pony #6 #3051891
И как их одевать, когда нет помощи рук?
Pony #7 #3051909
Упругим пинусом!
69 Кб, 1024x530
Pony #8 #3051934
Откуда у БГН-а хейтеры?
Pony #9 #3051943
Растягиваешь штанинки в стороны, продеваешь задние ножки, натягиваешь вверх, складываешь хвостик пополам и копытцем протягиваешь в дырочку. Если не справишься, приходи за помощью.
Pony #10 #3051944
Из под кровати.
46 Кб, 600x450
Pony #11 #3051951
Pony #12 #3051952
Лежа на спинке? Не очень удобно. Буду носить приспущенные.
Pony #13 #3051960
Хуле так всё сложно чому бы не сделать труханы на липучке сзади?
Pony #14 #3051971
И как ее залеплять, умник?
4 Кб, 39x40
Pony #15 #3051974
Кросы на липучках были хоть раз? может ещё не знаешь как ширинку застегивать?
Pony #16 #3051985
Копытами, со спины, над хвостом. Ебать удобство, осталось дотянуться.
Pony #17 #3051993
не под, а над. там где по сути должна идти резинка будет стоять липучка. Просто разрез для хвоста, где надел труханы, хвост опустил в проем и сверху застегнул и всё.
Pony #18 #3052005

>над хвостом

>не под, а над.

>Ебать удобство

Pony #19 #3052006
Тогда за тобой постоянно будут ходить толпы в ожидании, когда они сползут еще чуть-чуть.
Pony #20 #3052225

>Ебать удобство

Прелестный каламбур в контексте обсуждения конструкции нижнего белья, позвольте заметить.
В данном случае действительно удобно.
50 Кб, 604x390
Pony #26 #3053061
Доставьте яйцекладущую Кризалис!
Pony #27 #3053066
Лучше яйценесущую.
Pony #31 #3053076
Хороший подгончик.
Pony #32 #3053077
Pony #33 #3053079
Есть реально работающее приложение для андроида, позволяющее скачивать файлы по ссылке?
2343 Кб, 1280x1177
Pony #34 #3053082
Ага. Называется браузер.
Pony #35 #3053084
Нет, оно называется менеджер файлов и ты еблан.
Pony #36 #3053087

>и ты еблан.

Нет ты.
Pony #37 #3053089
Яндекс арбузер позволяет грузить по ссылкам.
Pony #38 #3053094
Мне не нравится его политика.
111 Кб, 537x1280
Pony #39 #3053098
Любой браузер позволяет грузить по ссылками.
Pony #40 #3053104
Интернет браузер это не то, что я просил.
Pony #41 #3053109
ES тогда.
Pony #42 #3053110
Вот за это спасибо. Ушёл смотреть.
Pony #44 #3053121
>>3053069 Чет с его сайта не качает. 524 байта swf файл. С глутамата все норм.
Pony #45 #3053122
Pony #47 #3053160
Ночные пони опьянели от палых яблок и были безжалостно выебаны утром.
Pony #49 #3053227


>менеджер файлов

Ахаха лол!
101 Кб, 854x480
Pony #50 #3053243
Кстати, как там пердак кейденсолюба после последней серии?
5020 Кб, 4000x3000
Pony #51 #3053244
Pony #52 #3053282
Принцесса ебли могёт.
237 Кб, 695x899
2165 Кб, 2127x1985
314 Кб, 1250x883
346 Кб, 1280x1280
Pony #53 #3053445
Кем бы ты хотел быть на своем видео? Мулом или жеребцом?
Pony #54 #3053447
Лучше быть жеребцом на привязи, чем мулом в стойле.
Pony #55 #3053476
А если в стойле полно ебливых кобыл?
1073 Кб, 1700x2600
Pony #56 #3053494
>>3053445 Мулом наверное. А то стволом в попенгаген без рук попасть чисто по ощущениям - я же стопудово облажаюсь.
Pony #57 #3053506
Тогда у нас Эквестрия, страна лесбийских пони.
Pony #58 #3053507
Зато принять на попчанский конский агрегат ты не облажаешься?
509 Кб, 1280x1331
Pony #59 #3053557
>>3053507 Зоофил не облажается, а я - облажаюсь? Я же мул. У меня прямая кишка больше.
Pony #60 #3054256
Заметьте, прошел день с выхода серии, а картинки с процессом зачатия жеребеночка до сих пор тонут.
Pony #61 #3054276
В серии показали процесс?
Pony #62 #3054298
В серии анонсировали жеребёночка.
Pony #63 #3054312
Может еще выкидыш будет. Пусть пока лежит на сохранении.
Pony #64 #3054469
А может Кризалис таки успела отложить яйцо в Каденс.
Pony #65 #3054493
На это даже не рассчитываю, слишком хорошо. Ты в курсе, как рождаются чейнджлинги?
Pony #66 #3054498
У меня от этого обсуждения мурашки по коже и книга "Как размножаются чейнджлинги".
522 Кб, 1196x1000
Pony #67 #3054522
Где контент?
Pony #68 #3054664
Выкрали жиды.
439 Кб, 2048x1536
481 Кб, 1117x1024
Pony #69 #3054720
В первый же день была.
4388 Кб, 3067x4138
Pony #76 #3055352
426 Кб, 1280x720
543 Кб, 1280x894
569 Кб, 1280x720
Pony #77 #3055570
Хороший персонаж. Если бы ещё стиль не такой ублюдочный был. Вот почему те, кто умеют рисовать, рисуют в основном стандартную ваниль?
Pony #78 #3055577

>стандартную ваниль

Я бы так не сказал. У всех свои ебанутые фетиши.
Pony #80 #3055579
Что снится Принцессе?
Pony #81 #3055580
Дружба. Много-много.
Pony #83 #3055582
У меня это провайдер не дает открыть. Запости сюда.
Pony #84 #3055584


>не мочь в прокси

Pony #86 #3055589
Дэринг Ду, как ни странно. Сну не прикажешь.
Pony #87 #3055594
Там нет прона. Успокойся.
Pony #88 #3055595
Высасывает Мака через соломинку?
Pony #89 #3055598
Покажи скриншот.
Pony #90 #3055599
Деринг Ду очень мягкая и обнимательная?
Pony #91 #3055607
Обнимательная, точно. Сон-то от её лица.
Pony #92 #3055609
Кто она, ДД которой снится Твайлайт или Твайлайт, которой приснилась ДД?
Pony #94 #3055627
А ДД - виртуал Эрлинг, а Твай - вымышленный друг детства одинокой Мундэнсер. И всё это мнится беззубому аллигатору, который шутка Пинки Пай. Из них изо всех толком реален один Спайк, и нечего в этом копаться.
13987 Кб, Webm
Pony #95 #3055628
Поехавщий? Сам открыть не можешь?
Pony #96 #3055630
Вот это уже СПГС, который не шутка.
Pony #97 #3055631
Неожиданно. Спасибо тебе, друг.
Pony #98 #3055635
Реквестирую фото Скипси ИРЛ.
1526 Кб, 2000x3333
Pony #99 #3055648
1384 Кб, 1300x1200
1664 Кб, 500x418
Pony #101 #3055765
>>3055595 Да, Флатти работает хорошо, а вот у Бигмака устал язычок и ей это ой как не нравится. Сейчас она смочит себе горлышко семенем и пойдет надевать сшитые Рарити трусики со специальным крепежом для страпона пока её пристегнутый к постели яблочный друг перезаряжается. Стоит заметить, что сам страпон к несчастью Бигмака подогнала другая... розовая пони.
Она ведь любит всякие причуды, поэтому и размерчик у страпона при сопоставлении с Бигмаковским стволом, как у жеребенка и жеребца, но каких только чудес не творила смазка и любовь, правда?
Pony #102 #3055810
У БМ член одержимый демоном?
553 Кб, 1280x1278
379 Кб, 1280x694
Pony #103 #3055822


Будь у меня такая сестрёнка, я бы и не... Хотя нет, женился бы. Втроём веселее.
Pony #104 #3055850
>>3055810 Ты при сильном возбуждении не можешь подергивать хуйцом? Автор просто криво нарисовал. Шишка должна быть прямой.
Pony #105 #3055892
У БМ шишкан расслаблен и двигается как-то странно.
Pony #106 #3055906
В нем живет червь-пидор.
Pony #107 #3055907
Мне такое нравится.
Демон вселился в его член, от чего тот стал нереально огромным и стал требовать по пять кобыл на ночь.
Pony #108 #3055913
Но в его деревне живут только кольты.
990 Кб, Webm
Pony #109 #3055931

>как-то странно.

Pony #110 #3055952
Видео на тему "Все ебанулись".
Pony #111 #3056113
Люблю такое. Накидывай, хуле.
81 Кб, 544x1024
Pony #112 #3056124
645 Кб, 1200x1080
Pony #115 #3057202
14404 Кб, Webm
Pony #117 #3057215
488 Кб, 1229x835
137 Кб, 1280x725
1516 Кб, 1280x963
935 Кб, 1280x1007
Pony #118 #3057225
>>3056975 Они молочные хоть? Было бы круто положить её на спину, сувать между ними писюн и мять соски пока из них не пойдут струйки молока и ты не обсвинячишься.
175 Кб, 1117x1280
Pony Queen Chrysalis #119 #3057240
Вот это дырка.
394 Кб, 721x818
Pony #123 #3057367
177 Кб, 960x640
Pony #124 #3057399
Pony #125 #3057450


Ну что за доска? Поклопать не на что.
Pony #129 #3057561
Морковная пьяница?
Pony #130 #3057584
Она принимает её с другой стороны.
Pony #131 #3057593
А мордашку чем забрызгали?
Pony #132 #3057602
Цэ слёзы, слюни и из носа што-то
183 Кб, 876x1024
Pony #133 #3057733
6445 Кб, 2804x2012
Pony #140 #3057970
Pony #141 #3058006
Соус второго?
Pony #142 #3058013
Ты еще не знаешь этого автора? У него просто божественные футочки.
Pony #143 #3058016
Видел его арты где - то, но как найти не знал. Спасибо.
94 Кб, 870x602
Pony #144 #3058033
Чет проиграл с этих труханов на липучке
Pony #145 #3058043
Понравилось начало комикса про библиотеку, Твайлайт, Селестию и Луну.
Pony #146 #3058048
У него есть неплохой комикс с хуманизациями. Про Пинки, Рару и Яблочко.
Pony #147 #3058065
Вот бы все эти комиксы посмотреть в правильном порядке, а не вразнобой на дерпибуре.
Pony #148 #3058090
e621 - выбираешь пикчу из комикса - сверху слева название - тыкаешь по нему - ??? - профит ДРОЧИ!
Pony #150 #3058102
Спасибо, максимально сочно. Не этот ли человек нарисовал хуманизированных жирафу и заюшку, пьющих чай за столом, а потом голых?
Pony #151 #3058111
Этот. Жирафа очень дрочибельна, с таким длииииным языком.
Pony #152 #3058115
Если есть в наличии, прошу, пришли. Не могу найти, а восхититься хочется. Особенно, если будет продолжение в бане.
1488 Кб, 1700x1100
193 Кб, 1280x853
169 Кб, 856x1280
353 Кб, 750x1083
Pony #153 #3058138
Той самой почему то нет. Щас поищу по бурам.
Pony #154 #3058154
Так, мне срочно нужна пара баскетболисток для проверки некоторых идей. Желательно способных ходить в том числе на руках.
210 Кб, 853x1280
Pony #155 #3058247
Pony #156 #3058248
Как вообще узнать, если перевод клопфика?
Pony #157 #3058254
*есть ли
10912 Кб, 4000x3725
Pony #165 #3059081
211 Кб, 800x800
Pony #167 #3059254


Оу, какой мальчик. Ведите его сюда.
322 Кб, 1280x1009
Pony #168 #3059349
294 Кб, 473x266
Pony #169 #3059465
2018 Кб, 2631x2625
Pony #170 #3059472
9659 Кб, 640x360
Pony #171 #3059484
1849 Кб, 1600x900
Pony #172 #3059490
549 Кб, 1411x1028
Pony #175 #3059650
194 Кб, 1280x720
Pony #176 #3059658
Pony #178 #3060370
Киньте, пожалуйста. кто-нибудь ссылку на сайт про анонима, которого затянула Трикси в Эквестрию и сделала пони, который будет покрывать 3 дня всех вокруг.
Pony #179 #3060425
Я не знаю, про какой такой сайт ты спрашиваешь. Вот тебе ссылка на BFE.
Pony #181 #3061017
А ниче так. 3Д антрота растет.
312 Кб, 1280x1097
Pony #182 #3061139
78 Кб, 1223x1088
Pony Twilight Sparkle #184 #3061154
Мне кажется, передняя часть тела совсем не совпадает с крупом. и сам пик не очень понравился, не люблю фетиш на жир

171 Кб, 1059x1280
731 Кб, 1280x1079
348 Кб, 835x666
Pony #185 #3061156
Это не жир если он на нужном месте.
4945 Кб, 1000x900
4645 Кб, 1000x900
1846 Кб, 2631x2625
2009 Кб, 2500x2000
Pony #186 #3061169
Яблочко созрело и готово к жарке.

>>3061156 Разве даже в правильных местах он не дряблеет?
389 Кб, 1026x756
Pony #187 #3061244
Pony #188 #3061250
Пусть быстрее переходит к последнему пункту. И иички разомнет, и жир сбросит.
1570 Кб, 1715x1050
Pony #195 #3061282
Pony #196 #3061287

>Why can't I hold all this tits?

797 Кб, 1200x1200
Pony #198 #3061427
Pony #199 #3061498


Что не так с Эплблум?
198 Кб, 1280x1117
Pony #200 #3061514
Зубки полечила.
Pony #201 #3061586
Это работает? Надо попробовать.
Pony #203 #3061590
Только если подготавливать смесь будет зебра.
54 Кб, 434x339
Pony #204 #3061608
>>3061586 Но ведь это выходит, что ты у другого анона через "прокси-сервер" соснул. Или изо рта поняши зебряши и сперма - сахар?



Видишь значит сон с охуенной кобылой, трахаешь её, наступает оргазм, просыпаешься, а на тебе оказывается дружок, который заночевать попросился, причмокивая ствол твой наяривает.
Pony #205 #3061611


Не дышу, шоб не спугхнуть. Это мой шанс!!!
1374 Кб, 1456x1680
Pony #206 #3061626

>Но ведь это выходит

Так она же у меня соснет. А потом я ее еще дополнительно отблагодарю бесплатной порцией белкового коктейля.
Pony #209 #3061630
Хватит совращать. Уже второй раз за сегодня тут появляешься!
Pony #210 #3061632
>>3061626 Со своей не работает. Иначе бы это уберзелье вышло.
Pony #211 #3061633
Как что то плохое.
Pony #212 #3061651

>Со своей не работает

Ну вот. Тогда только у футочки возьму такое зелье. Я же не пидораз какой-то.
Pony #214 #3061654
Шишкан дымится, иички вжались. А ты еще спрашиваешь.
Pony #215 #3061665
Посмотри до чего могут дойти понечки, а ты от первой пикчи уже занемог.
26 Кб, 449x319
Pony #216 #3061674
Я бы с такой Дашечки не слазил бы.
1438 Кб, 2893x1251
Pony #217 #3061685

>шоб не спугхнуть

Но твой член уже обмяк, а он доволен количеством заглоченного семени и тихонько уползает в "свою" постель наивно думая, что ты не проснулся. Или ты расчитывал на анальное родео? Я думаю, что это довольно проблематично без пробуждения жертвы.

>Это мой шанс!!!

Т.е. ты хотел именно с кольтом или тебе и вайнона норм?
Pony #218 #3061687
Там еще понек можно открыть. По крайней мере 3-х я открывал. Только помпа, только вибро и переполнил бачок.
Pony #219 #3061688
Да помню, старая флешка. Но от того не менее годная.
Pony #220 #3061695

>уже обмяк

Ну раз такое дело, то я бы спросил у него, понравилось ли.

>Т.е. ты хотел именно с кольтом или тебе и вайнона норм?

Т.е. просто хотел, но псы неоче.
Pony #221 #3061741

>Ну раз такое дело

А как ты хотел? Как мышка с электродами и педалькой? Это же естественно.

>то я бы спросил у него, понравилось ли.

Но ты же "спишь".
Pony #225 #3062206
В том то и дело, что "сплю". Раскрыл бы себя. Приобнял его и чмокнул в носик.
1704 Кб, 1280x1567
Pony #227 #3062215
Вот откуда у пониёбов такое стремление приделать пони хуй?
6234 Кб, 5000x5000
Pony #228 #3062223
Это потому, что мы любим хуйцы.
Pony #229 #3062239
Хуйцы и пони - созданы друг для друга.
415 Кб, 1080x1080
213 Кб, 1280x1280
Pony #230 #3062292
>>3062206 А потом закусишь подушку, задерешь круп вверх и откинешь хвост вбок? Или на сегодня хватит и лучше обсудить произошедшие метаморфозы завтра, а пока можно просто поспать в одной постели в обнимку.

Кстати, тебя не коробит, что тебя по сути изнасиловали?

>>3062200 В кои-то веки сохраняю тридэ.
Pony #231 #3062308

>обсудить произошедшие метаморфозы завтра, а пока можно просто поспать в одной постели в обнимку.

Вот это.
И нет, софт насилие меня не коробит.
Pony #232 #3062319
Хочу наказать злодейку.
Pony #233 #3062380
Ну у понечек мало кольтов, либо их сделали педиками.
1780 Кб, 2152x1648
Pony #234 #3062412

>сделали педиками

И регулярно.
Pony #235 #3062439
Какой сладкий Сомброчка :3
Pony #236 #3062500
Ананасики, тут друг попросил прона с понями. Дословно его реквест - "хард лесби прон с этими твоими конями". Даже и не знаю что предложить ему. Поможете?
Pony #237 #3062506
А там по тегам разберешься.
Pony #238 #3062507
Очевидный blackjr
1377 Кб, 1280x1629
Pony #239 #3062512
Дай ему эту хуманизацию.
Pony #240 #3062529
Он коней просил, а не анимэ.
Pony #242 #3062579
У незарегистрированных нюфаков ничего не откроется же.
Pony #243 #3062582
Для отключения фильтра больше не требуется регистрация.
Pony #244 #3062584
Хуясе. Роскомнадзора на них нет!
239 Кб, 1357x837
Pony #245 #3062599
Ну сразу они не открываются, так что это хуита.
Pony #246 #3062601
Покажи, что надо делать.
4053 Кб, 2565x1380
Pony #247 #3062609
Тыкаешь кнопку filters и там вручную включаешь все фильтры. Короче чтобы вот так выглядела та же ссылка
Pony #248 #3062613
Пробел перед explicit поставь.
Pony #249 #3062871
>>3062507 Нитраль.
40 Кб, 375x369
Pony #251 #3062941
Pony Lyra #252 #3063015
Бля, 1 единственная нормальная картинка во всем трреде
Pony #253 #3063029
И та про зеленого поника.
11 Кб, 480x360
Pony Lyra #255 #3063088
Я самую первую имел ввиду. Вторую уже зашкварили, блять, ровному пацану, пусть и красному пидорасью дидлу в гуздно вперли!
619 Кб, 1366x768
Pony #256 #3063096

>ровный пацан

>лобызает верзоху

363 Кб, 1280x1707
Pony #257 #3063174
Pony Lyra #258 #3063231
Ну так не мужеку же
Кстати где альтернативний тред, все?
1289 Кб, 1280x1644
Pony #260 #3063247
Pony Lyra #262 #3063342
Мммаадам, не возражаете если я прилягу сверху?
Pony #263 #3063400


У Эпплджек с РД снова состязания на звание железной пони?
1854 Кб, 4800x3900
1896 Кб, 4800x3900
116 Кб, 900x900
154 Кб, 878x910
Pony #264 #3063459


Трахай её давай. Распозировался.
Pony Lyra #265 #3063476
Чей то она придурошная какая-то тут. Тюк сена на голову упал?
Pony #267 #3063515
Зачем упал? Друзья уронили.
Pony #268 #3063618
Какие мерзкие педики.
Pony #269 #3063621
Зато релевантны треду.
73 Кб, 434x339
Pony #270 #3063623
Pony #272 #3063631
Против остальных гомокольтов ничего не имею, но у этой жирухи педики какие-то неправильные.
Pony #273 #3063632
Наоборот, они прекрасны и восхитительны.
349 Кб, 800x1000
Pony #274 #3063633
Pony #277 #3063638
Ты не там подсасываешь. Катись во вконтактик, там лижи своей вагине.
Pony #278 #3063639
Крайние в нежнотред.
Pony #279 #3063642
Зарепортил хейтера блестящих и упругих предметов.
Pony #280 #3063644
explicit, значит сюда.
Pony #281 #3063645
Но они совершенно нормальные, здесь им не место.
397 Кб, 1241x777
342 Кб, 800x674
64 Кб, 510x469
1206 Кб, 2400x1350
Pony #282 #3063646
За что ты их на парашу отсылаешь?
Pony #283 #3063650
За красоту.
174 Кб, 858x1440
Pony #288 #3063665
Это тебе здесь не место. Выпросили себе тред - так и укатывайтесь.
Pony #290 #3063668
>>3063645 Здесь место любому 34 по поням.
Pony #291 #3063670
>>3063668 Ну, почти.
Pony #293 #3063677
Откуда чертовка?
Pony #295 #3063679
Помощница мэра лесбодеревни из ночи кошмаров второго сезона.
501 Кб, 1122x823
75 Кб, 800x700
Pony #296 #3063680
Иди уже запили себе свой альтернативный тред если потерял и уединись в нем.
Pony #297 #3063682


Луне вставили лейку в попу?
Pony #298 #3063683
Кто нарисовал?
Pony #299 #3063684
Скорее, делают молочную клизму.
Pony #300 #3063690
Pony Lyra #302 #3063733
Pony #303 #3063741
Хотели подшутить над Макинтошем, но немного промахнулись.
Pony #304 #3063751
Эпльжук большесисяя, Пинки жирная. Все по канону.
Pony Lyra #305 #3063754
А что Макинтош бы дауном стало это ничего, да?
Pony #306 #3063756
Существенно ничего не должно было измениться.
Меряются, у кого больше.
1314 Кб, 1479x1400
Pony #307 #3063891
Схоронил финальную версию.
Pony #308 #3063911
Шишка задымилась!
Pony #309 #3063928
Еще бы, если в шесть членов дерут.
Pony #310 #3063937
Вообще-то в один.
Pony #311 #3063940
Они меняются, как только кончат.
Pony #312 #3063942
Ебательное кресло.
Pony #313 #3063956
Охуительные поджопники.
Pony #314 #3063962
Кресло бесконечной ебли.
8390 Кб, Webm
Pony #316 #3064025
Шок! БМ кончает ртутью!
7057 Кб, Webm
Pony #317 #3064033
Чего только на глюканате не найдешь.
Вот уж действительно, бура отдыхает.
288 Кб, 1254x924
Pony #318 #3064042
Вот только с тегами беда.
Pony #319 #3064048
То, что в рот сестре, это нормально?
Pony #320 #3064058
Более чем.
Она просто решила помочь ему стать мужчиной.
Pony #321 #3064069
Не той стороной взялась. В данном случае она по-сестрински помогает ему не лопнуть от напряжения в яичках, не более того.
Pony #322 #3064158
Все равно считается сбросом листвы.
Pony #323 #3064166
Скорее, серьезным стволотрясением.
Pony #325 #3064681


Хотел бы таких лизунов содержать в уютном тепленьком подвальчике?
207 Кб, 540x401
Pony #326 #3064819
Блядь, да. Хотя бы одного.
98 Кб, 1280x438
Pony #328 #3064842
486 Кб, 1280x702
Pony #329 #3064843
Pony #330 #3064848
226 Кб, 927x1200
Pony #331 #3064856
Загугли c-snakes, тебе понравится.
1141 Кб, 1000x3541
Pony #332 #3064865
1606 Кб, 1280x1646
Pony #333 #3064869
Pony #334 #3064874
Где твои подружки?
1066 Кб, 1280x1168
Pony #335 #3064875
3396 Кб, 2645x1269
Pony #336 #3064879
Ерунда какая-то.
442 Кб, 1636x1344
Pony #337 #3064883
Они заняты. Одна с Рэйнбоу, другая с Эпплджек.
Pony #339 #3064888
Хм, ну ладно, держи.
Pony #340 #3064889
А смог бы содержать так, чтобы им скучно не было?
Pony #341 #3064892
Надеюсь, они хотя бы поменялись племянницами? Иначе это уже жуткое извращение.
Pony #343 #3064905
Соревнуются, кто из них заставит чужую племянницу кончить быстрее. Победившая получит проигравших.
Pony #344 #3064910
Ого, шишкан так и дымится!
Pony #345 #3064922
Ты правильный понееб. Когда-нибудь у тебя будет поньчик, а может и два сразу.
697 Кб, 1500x1394
697 Кб, 1500x1394
Pony #347 #3065177
Доделал таки.

И да, почему анимацию ещё не выложил здесь? Буржуи (автор и заказчик картинок) очень довольны.
[2:30:50] Putinforgod: I am talking to the commissioner of that pic
[2:31:48] Putinforgod: He wants me to give your friend his heartfelt thanks
[2:32:13] Putinforgod: I'll say the same
[2:32:35] Putinforgod: Thank you and your friend for this
Pony #348 #3065179
Хз. Может фетишисты спять.
486 Кб, 1280x702
Pony #349 #3065180
Pony #350 #3065236

>почему анимацию ещё не выложил здесь?

Какую из?
Pony #354 #3065299
Кто автор третьей, никогда подобного не видел?
Pony #357 #3065316
Простенькая рисовка, ничего необычного. Но если тебе именно тема юга интересна, то смотри по тегу "флаг конфедератов" или типа того.
351 Кб, 690x1280
Pony #358 #3065317
Pony #359 #3065342
Спасибо тебе, понравилось. И конфедераты тут не при чем. Никто не знает, где можно заказать изготовление переводных картинок с произвольными сюжетами?
Pony #360 #3065371

>где можно заказать

У любого понравившегося художника, который берет заказы.
Pony #361 #3065390
У Сапсана закажи
Pony #362 #3065392
Нет, не у художника собираюсь просить нарисовать рисунки, они ведь уже есть. С пачкой готовых хочу придти на комбинат, изготовляющий ПК и заказать производство серии.
426 Кб, Webm
Pony #363 #3065398

>С пачкой готовых хочу придти на комбинат, изготовляющий ПК и заказать производство серии.

Pony #364 #3065406
Ты совсем дурак?
Pony #365 #3065416
Pony #366 #3065419
Тогда не задавай подобные вопросы бабьим голосом. И никак вообще не задавай. Раз никто не знает адреса производств, уйду от вас в гугл.
Pony #367 #3065423
Ты какой-то не такой.
Pony #368 #3065427
Думал здесь свободное общение, а никто ничего не знает.
Pony #369 #3065443
Здесь свободное общение и никто ничего не знает.
Pony #370 #3065446
Тогда это свобода от общения.
Pony #372 #3065765
Передай им, если сможешь, что на хорошую картинку, да еще с таким годным сюжетом анимации пилить одно удовольствие. А заливал тут давно, еще в прошлом треде, webm. Гифы только сейчас соизволил сделать.
Кстати, сначала очень интенсивно дизлойсили везде, особенно webm.
Pony #373 #3065767
Не годится газпромовской пони одной мыться.
Pony #374 #3065776
Дорисуй ей секси-йобу в душевую кабинку. Чтоб не было одиноко.
Pony #375 #3065779
Помог бы, но не уверен, что розовый прямостоящий слизняк будет ей вовремя и кстати в минуту уединенной чистоты.
291 Кб, 1500x975
Pony #376 #3065786
Я передам, а ты скинь webm.
Pony #377 #3065788
Вот версия на 25Мб. Не знаю какое у них там ограничение, иначе залил бы 1080р
Pony #378 #3065793
Спасибо, тоже скину.
Pony #380 #3066100
Уж не хочет ли Пинки съесть маленького человека?
Pony #381 #3066107
Но кто тогда ее так обильно обкончал?
Pony #382 #3066110
Весь на сладкое изошел.
Pony #383 #3066118
Даже я так не могу. Понимаю, выкончаться до суха, но чтобы вот так уменьшиться??
Pony #384 #3066122
Волшебный зефирный человечек, живущий на складе ингредиентов.
Pony #385 #3066288
I just watched it
[17:27:25] Putinforgod: Dang, I loved how he milked the last part
[17:27:40] Putinforgod: well, he milked most of them, but the final one was perf
[18:17:16] Putinforgod: it's a pity the pic was getting way too heavy, because now I think I would have loved to make a final part where he's sucking her dick
[18:17:41] Putinforgod: after she finished stablising his "motherhood"
Pony #386 #3066298
Поясни руссохолопам за "milked"?
Жаль, что последний кадр не дорисовал. Но и без него весьма цельный комикс вышел.
А вообще надеюсь, художники больше с таким фетишем будут делать картинок. Овипозишн тащит.
Pony #387 #3066299
Сосать же, хуле ты. Нельзя догадаться что ли?
Pony #388 #3066318
Тьфу блять, в глаза ебусь. Кончить.
Pony #391 #3066865

> эти последние картинки с Флаттершай

Автор, а у тебя нет фика на эту тему? рус/англ
А то на фимфикшене что-то подходящего вроде нет.
Pony #392 #3066910
Нету, из меня писатель не очень.
807 Кб, 1200x859
Pony #395 #3067450
Pony #397 #3067512
Доставьте последнюю гифу целиком. Давно ищу.
1303 Кб, 600x429
988 Кб, 450x322
1073 Кб, 400x300
642 Кб, 1200x854
Pony #398 #3067542
>>3067512 А хули её искать? На подписи русским английским языком написано - Ajin.

Flash: https://e621.net/post/show/324009/2013-ajin-animated-anus-blue_eyes-butt-camera-cuti
Лулз, он же на ютубе: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q2v_5QpUC8
Просто няша Spearmint Splash.
Pony #409 #3067697
Есть весь комикс?
Pony #410 #3067698
331 Кб, 1280x1536
Pony #411 #3067754
204 Кб, 910x1200
Pony #413 #3067978
660 Кб, 2000x1500
Pony #414 #3067998
>>3067978 Хуинки.
126 Кб, 826x1280
Pony #415 #3068269
Pony #419 #3068425
>>3068401 Какое говно.
Pony #420 #3068431
Шо это блять?
Pony #421 #3068435


Какой же ты дрочен, если не знаешь одного из основных производителей порно-игр?
Pony #422 #3068482
Я на коней дрочу.
sage Pony #423 #3068726
Заебись тебе.
Pony #429 #3069658
Твайлайт сама одолжила Рэйнбоу свое белье или она с утра после надела первые же на полу попавшиеся?
Pony #430 #3069665
Общался с авторшей ОС-а со второй картинки. Симпатичная, но просто пиздец какая стесняша или прикидывается и хикка-затворник.После общения с ней я понял, что типаж Флаттершай - не для меня.
396 Кб, 1000x866
Pony #431 #3069672
Ты просто не умеешь входить к ним в зону комфорта.
Pony #432 #3069678

>Ты просто не умеешь входить

Pony #433 #3069710
Да, в этом и проблема. Она стала пленницей своей зоны комфорта - и когда я попробовал её из неё хоть немножко вытащить - испугалась. Ну а я морочить голову не люблю, так что оставил её в покое. Подозреваю, что с таким отношением к жизни её ждёт в будущем: а) одиночество в её любимой зоне комфорта, б) ей попадётся какбыхороший чел, которого она в конце концов впустит в свою зону комфорта, и который её в конце концов будет постоянно наёбывать, так как без наёбки он в её доверие не войдёт и наёбывать привык в принципе. в) её ирл приберёт к рукам рандомный альфач, которому похуй на её зону комфорта. А всё потому, что такой же типаж, что и у неё, вряд ли ей попадётся ирл, да и в доверие он к ней входить не захочет, ибо такой же особо комфортный
высказался, ёпт
Pony #440 #3070034
Можно получить селфи Скуталу из левого фрейма в полном размере?
Pony #443 #3070062
Спасибо, но не открывается по таймауту.
2397 Кб, 1915x3000
Pony #444 #3070085
>>3070062 Это у твоего прова работает персонал с золотыми руками, правда с крепежом чуть ниже пояса и заглушку о блокировке не в состоянии выдать. VPN юзай.
Pony #445 #3070106
Спасибо тебе, карнавальная особа в костюме поньфетки.
Pony #446 #3070219
Клопаны, а что там с Atryl'ом случилось? Совсем что-то пропал с NSFW радара, а ведь раньше помню клепал каждую неделю, а то и целые паки выдавал.
Pony #447 #3070228
>>3070219 Нинужен.
Pony #448 #3070231
Покажи его лучшие работы.
Pony #449 #3070236
Уж какую хуету тут бывает постят, а ты - "не нужен"
7827 Кб, 550x965
Pony #450 #3070237
Тут на днях запилил.
Pony #451 #3070241
Меня терзают смутные сомнения. Кто-нибудь видел сегодня AJ?
Pony #452 #3070244
На работе стремновато такое искать, но из фейвов сразу вспоминаются его зарисовки с СМС. Там несколько было в серии.
Pony #453 #3070248
Когда сможешь, присылай. Хочу составить свое мнение.
Pony #454 #3070253
>>3070236 У этой хуеты и имени нет, так что все норм.
Pony #455 #3070272
He grazed in the meadow that he always did, every day and every evening. He had never seen anyone else in the meadow except for the occasional rabbit or other rodent. The lush green grass was up to his chest and rubbed against his belly as he walked. The sun shone brightly down on his wet, black coat, he had flown through a cloud on his way to the meadow, wanting to get clean. As he grazed he suddenly heard an earsplitting howl and a scream that sounded human come from the forest on the other end of the meadow. Galloping in that direction, he spread his wings and soaring into the sky, looking down through the trees, trying to find the source of distress. He spotted a pack of wolves all circled around a young human female. Normally he wouldn’t have saved a human as most of them had put a price on his head, whether dead or alive, but this female had a different smell to her….she didn’t seem malicious, in fact, she seemed like she had been taking a walk through the forest to enjoy the scenery, not to hunt or destroy as she had nothing with her. Reluctantly, he swooped down through the trees, whinnying loudly and coming down with a loud thud between the girl and the wolves, all of which immediately scattered, terrified by the sheer power he presented. He turned to the girl, looked at her for a moment, watching her, waiting for a reaction.

She gazed up at him, not sure if she should be terrified or amazed; her expression of terror from the wolves faded, and was replaced by a blank stare. She spoke up slowly and unclearly, “Wha-….where?...are you…..are you a Pegasus?” He smiled, and replied, “Yes…I am. I’m the last, no thanks to your kind.” His expression turned more serious and less kind as he reminded myself of the way his kind had been treated by humans. She looked up at him, a look of terror flitting across her face, she said in a soft voice, “I didn’t even know you existed…” he snorted angrily and stomped a hoof, “Ignorant girl…that is because I have been the last of my kind for more human generations than you have ever seen or ever will see. We were hunted down, all of us, and killed off because our coats and feathers hold value in your society, I will not go down as the last of my kind by the weapon of a human, and that brings me to my next point.” He looked down at her, his expression relaxing a bit before calmly saying, “The way I saw it, you had two options moments ago, the first was to die miserably slow at the paws of the wolves, the second was to give up your life in the human world and join me in the skies. I cannot let you go back to the humans alive, as somehow my presence would be discovered and I will be eliminated from this world.” She looked up at him, confusion and horror mixing in her expression, “You can’t do that! I can’t just leave my life behind and fly around with a creature like you!” He snorted angrily and spread his wings, causing a gust of wind to knock her down, silencing her. Now he knew just why he hated her kind so much, they were stupid, “Silence!” He brought his wings back down to his sides and approached her slowly, she attempted to back away but he quickly put a large hoof down on her torso, not hurting her but not letting her move either. He looked down at her and said, “You now have two more choices. Die as you would have before, or join me.” Tears began to flow from her eyes, she looked up at him and said, “I had a life…I was going to be successful…but it looks like that is gone now. I don’t want to die, so that leaves me with only one choice….” She wiped away the tears from her eyes and said softly, “Let me up….I’ll join you.”

He smiled and removed his hoof from her and gently picked her up by her clothing. He lifted her chin with his muzzle and looked into her eyes and said, “Survival of the fittest” before turning and walking back towards the meadow. He said loudly so she could hear him, “If you try to escape I will not hesitate to kill you, and do not try hiding because I can fly, and that would be foolish.” She followed reluctantly behind him and once they broke out into the meadow he turned to her and said, “Now, let us start over.” He bowed before her and lifted himself back up, saying, “My name is Arroyo…and you are?” She looked at me, confusion filling her eyes, “I’m Jennifer….” he smiled and said softly, “Nice to meet you Jennifer.” He turned and walked slowly out towards the field, grazing slowly as he went. She followed him, looking around, presumably contemplating what had just happened to her. She lifted her head, he noted, and she asked, “I have always heard about Pegasus’s…I always thought of them as gentle, kind, and caring creatures…so far you haven’t come across as that…why?” He snorted…perhaps he should just kill her, she was almost too ignorant to bare, “Because your kind has always admired us for our beauty and therefore didn’t want to put a bad label on such a beautiful creature. And to be honest, we’re not as I acted before. I act this way because I am the last, and do not want to die. I merely wish to survive by whatever means possible.” She looked down, he could tell she felt stupid, and she deserved to feel that way for acting as such. She began to cry and she sat down, burying her head in her arms with her legs pulled up to her chest. He sighed….this was ridiculous. He walked over to her and said, “I will make you a deal. If I can trust you, then I will allow you to leave.” She looked up at him with her tearstained face and said, “What? Just like that? What will it take? I don’t understand.” He turned and lowered his shoulder, saying, “Enough. You will figure it out in due time. For now it is time for us to return home, now climb on.” She sighed and climbed onto his back and had barely grasped onto his mane before he took off into a gallop and spread his wings, soaring into the sky. He headed towards the mountains, towards his home. He glanced back at her and saw joy in her face, and realized she had probably never flown before. He did not want her to hate him; in fact, he wanted to be her friend at the least, so he decided to give her a bit of a ride. He said, “Hold on tight,” before turning upward and soaring towards the sun. He went straight up then with a huge wave of his wings they soared upside down, G-force keeping her pinned to his back. He flew back around, right side up again and looked back at her. Her eyes were wide with adrenaline and she stared straight ahead before breaking out into a laugh, “That was AMAZING!....” He smiled and then he slowed and landed on a mountain ledge at the entrance of a cave, “I’m glad you enjoyed that.” She climbed down from his back and looked at the cave, “Is this the place?” He turned and started into the cave, “Yep” He called back. He walked in with her close behind him and turned to his right and into an opening where a fire was lit in the corner, illuminating the cavern. He went to the corner next to the fire and lay down; she followed and sat on the other side of the fire from him. She leaned against the rocky wall and sighed gently observing her new home. He watched her closely, and then settled down and lowered his head to the floor, closing his eyes. “I need to go to the bathroom.” He lifted my head and opened my eyes, “You need to go where?” He had never heard of such a room and watched her. “Oh…uhh….I need to relieve myself,” she said blushing slightly. He could sense her embarrassment and asked, “Why are you blushing? And why are you asking to relieve yourself?” She looked at me, dumbfounded, not sure how to reply to this, “I….uhh….isn’t there somewhere I should go?” He looked at her, remembering just how prude the humans were. He sighed and said, “You humans amaze me. Every creature must relieve themselves, it’s been that way since the beginning of time and yet your lot feels as though this is a private, dirty thing that shouldn’t be spoken of.” He lowered his head back down and closed his eyes before saying, “Find a place to relieve yourself, there isn’t anywhere for you to go unless you can climb down a cliff.” She stood up angrily and walked out of the cave to the edge of the cliff. She held her arms, covering her chest looking around, extremely embarrassed by what she was about to do. She looked back to make sure Arroyo wasn’t watching from the cave and she went over to the edge of the cliff and unzipped her pants. She sat on the edge of the cliff and urinated off the side, blushing the entire time. Once finished she stood up, fastened her pants and walked back into the cave, sitting down by the fire, not looking at him. “Next time I’ll show you the spring that comes from the mountain and flows down the mountainside….you will feel more comfortable going there.” He kept his head down and his eyes closed, but he knew she was angry. “WHY COULDN’T YOU SHOW ME THAT A MINUTE AGO?!?! ARE YOU JUST SO CRUEL THAT YOU WANT TO WATCH ME SUFFER?! DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH I’M GOING THROUGH?!” Arroyo’s eyes flicked open, he glared over at her and said, “You and your mortal problems. Do you know what it is like to be hunted your entire life? No. You don’t. Do you know what it is like to watch helplessly as your mate and your foal are slaughtered before you? No, you don’t. What you’re going through is nothing compared to what would have happened had I let those wolves eat you. You should be thanking me, and so far all I’ve gotten is mindless ignorance. There is a fine line between life and death, and that line was almost broken today, but I pulled you back and saved you. Life and Death are the only things that matter in this world, they govern you, they govern me, and they govern every living thing that exists. You should be dead right now; don’t you think this is better than being dead?” He glared at her, fear shining in her eyes. She saw the hurt in his eyes, knowing she had insulted him, she lowered her head and said softly, “I’m sorry…I’m just….” Arroyo snorted and demanded sharply, “You’re what?” She looked up, tears flowing from her eyes again, “Scared.” She said softly. Arroyo sighed…he looked up at the ceiling of the cave for a moment, then looked over at her again and said, “Have I harmed you yet?” She looked up at him and said, “….N-no….but…” He cut her off and said, “Exactly. I do not intend to hurt you; the only way that will happen is if you bring it upon yourself by trying to escape. We have gone over that already.” He paused for a moment, and then finished, “To answer your question, I didn’t show you the stream because you needed to rid yourself of this foolish embarrassment of your body.” She sighed and slumped down on the ground, silent for a very long time. Arroyo rested his head back down and closed his eyes, but not attempting to sleep, knowing she would soon be asking another question. “How can I gain your trust?” She asked. Arroyo didn’t open his eyes or lift his head, he just responded, “Rid yourself of your human morals and be open to me. Do not lie, do not be embarrassed by natural functions or any other aspect of your body, and most importantly, trust me. If you can do that and you still wish to leave, then you may.” She stayed silent for a while, contemplating what he had said….her human morals? What was that supposed to mean? What exactly did he want, for her to just pee right in front of him? She watched him, wondering what all was going through his head. She sighed and laid herself down, giving up on the questions for the night. She would find more out tomorrow. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Jennifer awoke slowly, trying to figure out why she was so stiff and sore…then she noticed that her sheets were gone…she must have kicked them off during the night. She reached over to her alarm clock and….wait a minute, she thought…where’s my alarm clock? She opened her eyes and groaned sadly as she realized it hadn’t all just been a dream. She sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking around the cave…the fire had died down, but had not gone out….There he was, the massive black beast that had taken her captive. She looked at him, noticing how muscular he was…her eyes traced along his neck down to his forelegs and along his beautiful black wings. She watched his chest rise and fall for a few moments before continuing to look at his body, her eyes traced along his hind legs and the side of his rump before for lowering and coming to a stop at his sheath. She gazed at it, not sure why it intrigued her, she noted how much larger it was than a normal horses and how the two orbs behind it were as large as her fists. She turned away quickly, ashamed of herself at how she was looking at him like that, after all, he had taken her captive. She stood up and walked out to the edge of the cliff; she sat on the edge and looked towards the east, at the rising sun, trying to put what she had just seen in the back of her mind. She gazed for a long time, she lost herself in her thoughts and memories of her old home…wondering if she’d ever see it again. She was so wrapped up in thoughts she didn’t hear Arroyo come up behind her. He sat down next to her and looked out at the sun as she did and said softly, “Like the view?” She woke up from her trance, startled almost and said, “Wha-…? oh….yeah.” She blushed slightly not sure if he was talking about the sun or his crotch, but then watched as he gazed towards the sun and relaxed, realizing what he meant. She began to feel bad about what she had said last night, she said softly, “I’m…I’m sorry about yelling last night…I shouldn’t have…” she wanted to say something comforting to him about losing his family but she couldn’t quite find the words for it so she fell silent. He looked over at her, smiling and he said, “Apology accepted…I understand.” They both fell silent for a while then finally she broke the silence by saying, “Is there anything around here that I can eat? I’m starving.” He looked over at her, he said softly, “Get on…I’ll take you to find something.” She climbed onto his back and he lifted himself off the ground. He jumped off the cliff and spread his wings, gliding into the air.
Pony #455 #3070272
He grazed in the meadow that he always did, every day and every evening. He had never seen anyone else in the meadow except for the occasional rabbit or other rodent. The lush green grass was up to his chest and rubbed against his belly as he walked. The sun shone brightly down on his wet, black coat, he had flown through a cloud on his way to the meadow, wanting to get clean. As he grazed he suddenly heard an earsplitting howl and a scream that sounded human come from the forest on the other end of the meadow. Galloping in that direction, he spread his wings and soaring into the sky, looking down through the trees, trying to find the source of distress. He spotted a pack of wolves all circled around a young human female. Normally he wouldn’t have saved a human as most of them had put a price on his head, whether dead or alive, but this female had a different smell to her….she didn’t seem malicious, in fact, she seemed like she had been taking a walk through the forest to enjoy the scenery, not to hunt or destroy as she had nothing with her. Reluctantly, he swooped down through the trees, whinnying loudly and coming down with a loud thud between the girl and the wolves, all of which immediately scattered, terrified by the sheer power he presented. He turned to the girl, looked at her for a moment, watching her, waiting for a reaction.

She gazed up at him, not sure if she should be terrified or amazed; her expression of terror from the wolves faded, and was replaced by a blank stare. She spoke up slowly and unclearly, “Wha-….where?...are you…..are you a Pegasus?” He smiled, and replied, “Yes…I am. I’m the last, no thanks to your kind.” His expression turned more serious and less kind as he reminded myself of the way his kind had been treated by humans. She looked up at him, a look of terror flitting across her face, she said in a soft voice, “I didn’t even know you existed…” he snorted angrily and stomped a hoof, “Ignorant girl…that is because I have been the last of my kind for more human generations than you have ever seen or ever will see. We were hunted down, all of us, and killed off because our coats and feathers hold value in your society, I will not go down as the last of my kind by the weapon of a human, and that brings me to my next point.” He looked down at her, his expression relaxing a bit before calmly saying, “The way I saw it, you had two options moments ago, the first was to die miserably slow at the paws of the wolves, the second was to give up your life in the human world and join me in the skies. I cannot let you go back to the humans alive, as somehow my presence would be discovered and I will be eliminated from this world.” She looked up at him, confusion and horror mixing in her expression, “You can’t do that! I can’t just leave my life behind and fly around with a creature like you!” He snorted angrily and spread his wings, causing a gust of wind to knock her down, silencing her. Now he knew just why he hated her kind so much, they were stupid, “Silence!” He brought his wings back down to his sides and approached her slowly, she attempted to back away but he quickly put a large hoof down on her torso, not hurting her but not letting her move either. He looked down at her and said, “You now have two more choices. Die as you would have before, or join me.” Tears began to flow from her eyes, she looked up at him and said, “I had a life…I was going to be successful…but it looks like that is gone now. I don’t want to die, so that leaves me with only one choice….” She wiped away the tears from her eyes and said softly, “Let me up….I’ll join you.”

He smiled and removed his hoof from her and gently picked her up by her clothing. He lifted her chin with his muzzle and looked into her eyes and said, “Survival of the fittest” before turning and walking back towards the meadow. He said loudly so she could hear him, “If you try to escape I will not hesitate to kill you, and do not try hiding because I can fly, and that would be foolish.” She followed reluctantly behind him and once they broke out into the meadow he turned to her and said, “Now, let us start over.” He bowed before her and lifted himself back up, saying, “My name is Arroyo…and you are?” She looked at me, confusion filling her eyes, “I’m Jennifer….” he smiled and said softly, “Nice to meet you Jennifer.” He turned and walked slowly out towards the field, grazing slowly as he went. She followed him, looking around, presumably contemplating what had just happened to her. She lifted her head, he noted, and she asked, “I have always heard about Pegasus’s…I always thought of them as gentle, kind, and caring creatures…so far you haven’t come across as that…why?” He snorted…perhaps he should just kill her, she was almost too ignorant to bare, “Because your kind has always admired us for our beauty and therefore didn’t want to put a bad label on such a beautiful creature. And to be honest, we’re not as I acted before. I act this way because I am the last, and do not want to die. I merely wish to survive by whatever means possible.” She looked down, he could tell she felt stupid, and she deserved to feel that way for acting as such. She began to cry and she sat down, burying her head in her arms with her legs pulled up to her chest. He sighed….this was ridiculous. He walked over to her and said, “I will make you a deal. If I can trust you, then I will allow you to leave.” She looked up at him with her tearstained face and said, “What? Just like that? What will it take? I don’t understand.” He turned and lowered his shoulder, saying, “Enough. You will figure it out in due time. For now it is time for us to return home, now climb on.” She sighed and climbed onto his back and had barely grasped onto his mane before he took off into a gallop and spread his wings, soaring into the sky. He headed towards the mountains, towards his home. He glanced back at her and saw joy in her face, and realized she had probably never flown before. He did not want her to hate him; in fact, he wanted to be her friend at the least, so he decided to give her a bit of a ride. He said, “Hold on tight,” before turning upward and soaring towards the sun. He went straight up then with a huge wave of his wings they soared upside down, G-force keeping her pinned to his back. He flew back around, right side up again and looked back at her. Her eyes were wide with adrenaline and she stared straight ahead before breaking out into a laugh, “That was AMAZING!....” He smiled and then he slowed and landed on a mountain ledge at the entrance of a cave, “I’m glad you enjoyed that.” She climbed down from his back and looked at the cave, “Is this the place?” He turned and started into the cave, “Yep” He called back. He walked in with her close behind him and turned to his right and into an opening where a fire was lit in the corner, illuminating the cavern. He went to the corner next to the fire and lay down; she followed and sat on the other side of the fire from him. She leaned against the rocky wall and sighed gently observing her new home. He watched her closely, and then settled down and lowered his head to the floor, closing his eyes. “I need to go to the bathroom.” He lifted my head and opened my eyes, “You need to go where?” He had never heard of such a room and watched her. “Oh…uhh….I need to relieve myself,” she said blushing slightly. He could sense her embarrassment and asked, “Why are you blushing? And why are you asking to relieve yourself?” She looked at me, dumbfounded, not sure how to reply to this, “I….uhh….isn’t there somewhere I should go?” He looked at her, remembering just how prude the humans were. He sighed and said, “You humans amaze me. Every creature must relieve themselves, it’s been that way since the beginning of time and yet your lot feels as though this is a private, dirty thing that shouldn’t be spoken of.” He lowered his head back down and closed his eyes before saying, “Find a place to relieve yourself, there isn’t anywhere for you to go unless you can climb down a cliff.” She stood up angrily and walked out of the cave to the edge of the cliff. She held her arms, covering her chest looking around, extremely embarrassed by what she was about to do. She looked back to make sure Arroyo wasn’t watching from the cave and she went over to the edge of the cliff and unzipped her pants. She sat on the edge of the cliff and urinated off the side, blushing the entire time. Once finished she stood up, fastened her pants and walked back into the cave, sitting down by the fire, not looking at him. “Next time I’ll show you the spring that comes from the mountain and flows down the mountainside….you will feel more comfortable going there.” He kept his head down and his eyes closed, but he knew she was angry. “WHY COULDN’T YOU SHOW ME THAT A MINUTE AGO?!?! ARE YOU JUST SO CRUEL THAT YOU WANT TO WATCH ME SUFFER?! DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH I’M GOING THROUGH?!” Arroyo’s eyes flicked open, he glared over at her and said, “You and your mortal problems. Do you know what it is like to be hunted your entire life? No. You don’t. Do you know what it is like to watch helplessly as your mate and your foal are slaughtered before you? No, you don’t. What you’re going through is nothing compared to what would have happened had I let those wolves eat you. You should be thanking me, and so far all I’ve gotten is mindless ignorance. There is a fine line between life and death, and that line was almost broken today, but I pulled you back and saved you. Life and Death are the only things that matter in this world, they govern you, they govern me, and they govern every living thing that exists. You should be dead right now; don’t you think this is better than being dead?” He glared at her, fear shining in her eyes. She saw the hurt in his eyes, knowing she had insulted him, she lowered her head and said softly, “I’m sorry…I’m just….” Arroyo snorted and demanded sharply, “You’re what?” She looked up, tears flowing from her eyes again, “Scared.” She said softly. Arroyo sighed…he looked up at the ceiling of the cave for a moment, then looked over at her again and said, “Have I harmed you yet?” She looked up at him and said, “….N-no….but…” He cut her off and said, “Exactly. I do not intend to hurt you; the only way that will happen is if you bring it upon yourself by trying to escape. We have gone over that already.” He paused for a moment, and then finished, “To answer your question, I didn’t show you the stream because you needed to rid yourself of this foolish embarrassment of your body.” She sighed and slumped down on the ground, silent for a very long time. Arroyo rested his head back down and closed his eyes, but not attempting to sleep, knowing she would soon be asking another question. “How can I gain your trust?” She asked. Arroyo didn’t open his eyes or lift his head, he just responded, “Rid yourself of your human morals and be open to me. Do not lie, do not be embarrassed by natural functions or any other aspect of your body, and most importantly, trust me. If you can do that and you still wish to leave, then you may.” She stayed silent for a while, contemplating what he had said….her human morals? What was that supposed to mean? What exactly did he want, for her to just pee right in front of him? She watched him, wondering what all was going through his head. She sighed and laid herself down, giving up on the questions for the night. She would find more out tomorrow. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Jennifer awoke slowly, trying to figure out why she was so stiff and sore…then she noticed that her sheets were gone…she must have kicked them off during the night. She reached over to her alarm clock and….wait a minute, she thought…where’s my alarm clock? She opened her eyes and groaned sadly as she realized it hadn’t all just been a dream. She sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking around the cave…the fire had died down, but had not gone out….There he was, the massive black beast that had taken her captive. She looked at him, noticing how muscular he was…her eyes traced along his neck down to his forelegs and along his beautiful black wings. She watched his chest rise and fall for a few moments before continuing to look at his body, her eyes traced along his hind legs and the side of his rump before for lowering and coming to a stop at his sheath. She gazed at it, not sure why it intrigued her, she noted how much larger it was than a normal horses and how the two orbs behind it were as large as her fists. She turned away quickly, ashamed of herself at how she was looking at him like that, after all, he had taken her captive. She stood up and walked out to the edge of the cliff; she sat on the edge and looked towards the east, at the rising sun, trying to put what she had just seen in the back of her mind. She gazed for a long time, she lost herself in her thoughts and memories of her old home…wondering if she’d ever see it again. She was so wrapped up in thoughts she didn’t hear Arroyo come up behind her. He sat down next to her and looked out at the sun as she did and said softly, “Like the view?” She woke up from her trance, startled almost and said, “Wha-…? oh….yeah.” She blushed slightly not sure if he was talking about the sun or his crotch, but then watched as he gazed towards the sun and relaxed, realizing what he meant. She began to feel bad about what she had said last night, she said softly, “I’m…I’m sorry about yelling last night…I shouldn’t have…” she wanted to say something comforting to him about losing his family but she couldn’t quite find the words for it so she fell silent. He looked over at her, smiling and he said, “Apology accepted…I understand.” They both fell silent for a while then finally she broke the silence by saying, “Is there anything around here that I can eat? I’m starving.” He looked over at her, he said softly, “Get on…I’ll take you to find something.” She climbed onto his back and he lifted himself off the ground. He jumped off the cliff and spread his wings, gliding into the air.
Pony #456 #3070275
They soared over a field, over a river, and through a valley before coming to a stop at the far side of an old abandoned farm. He let her off and said, “Through there is a garden that grows all sorts of vegetables. The owners of that house died a long time ago, but their garden remained. I come here every now and then when I want something a little different to eat.” Jennifer smiled then said, “Thank you.” before walking out to the garden…she found an old basket on the ground and picked it up, she began filling it with a few vegetables and some fruit. Strawberries, apples, grapes, carrots, lettuce, and even some corn all filled her basket and she turned and walked back to Arroyo, she offered him a carrot with a smile on her face. He smiled and ate the carrot saying, “Thank you.” He lowered himself down and let her climb on; he turned and galloped through the trees. He found a clearing and opened his wings, soaring into the air. Once they had returned to the cave he let her off and they both walked back into the cavern with the fire. She sat down next to it with her basket and she picked through them, finding an apple which she began eating. Arroyo lay down next to the fire, laying his head down and closing his eyes. Carting around a human on his back took a lot out of him, so he rested a while as she ate. After a while he asked, “Are you thirsty?” She looked up at him and said, “Not really….but if it means water, I could use a bath.” He stood up and said, “Follow me.” She stood up and followed as he led her down another cave. She saw light coming from the other side and when they reached it, she realized it was another opening into the cave system. To her left was a large pool of water that flowed to the edge of the mountain and fell as a waterfall. Arroyo walked over to the waters edge, taking a long drink of the water. Jennifer looked at him, watching him drink from the water. She approached the water and looked all the way to the bottom, it was so clear. She reached down to touch it, and as she submerged her hand, she realized it really was spring water, it was freezing! She sighed, knowing this was probably the only place she would get clean from now on. She looked over at Arroyo, she wanted to take a bath but she didn’t want him around. She had sort of hoped he’d take the hint when she said she wanted to bathe. Then something he had said filled her mind and she realized just what he meant by human morals. He wasn’t going to leave as she took her bath, he was going to sit there and watch her the whole time. The only way she was going to be able to do this was if she trusted him, and frankly, she just didn’t trust him enough to do this. She said nervously, “Um….could I have a little privacy? I want to take a bath.” Arroyo lifted his head up, looking at her; he sighed and said, “What is the problem with you humans? Why do you insist on hiding your beautiful body from everyone? It just doesn’t make any sense to me, I’m naked, all the animals you keep as pets are naked, none of us are ashamed by it so why are you?” He turned and started back towards the cave, he said as he left, “At this rate I don’t think you’ll ever gain my trust, nor will you ever trust me.” He walked back to the cavern with the fire and left her at the spring to take her bath. Jennifer watched as he spoke then left, she was stunned, and a little bit hurt on the inside…it was almost as if he wanted to see her naked. Or maybe…maybe he had a point. She sighed and once she was sure he was gone she stripped of her clothing and lowered herself into the cool water, shivering slightly as it reached her breasts, causing them to harden slightly. She sighed as she got used to the water, and she began rubbing gently trying to get the dirt off of herself. Once she was satisfied, she leaned up against the side of the mountain, relaxing in the water. She got out a little while later and realized that if she put her clothes back on they would get soaked and she’d be miserable. Reluctantly she sat on a boulder and waited for her skin to dry so she could put her clothes back on. She kept watching nervously, hoping Arroyo wouldn’t come looking for her. When he did and she still had yet to put her clothes on, she blushed heavily and tried desperately to cover her breasts and pull her legs up to her chest, hiding her genitals. Arroyo said calmly, as if all were normal, “I was just checking on you….I figured you’d be done by now….why haven’t you put your clothes back on?” She looked over at him and said meekly, “Because I don’t want to get them wet….it’s the only set I have….” Arroyo sighed and said, “You know they’ll wear out eventually….why wear them at all? You need to get over this, you’re being ridiculous.” He turned and walked back to the cavern with the fire. He was mad now, why was she being so stubborn? Was it so hard for her to just go without her clothes? Jennifer felt tears run down her cheeks as he called her ridiculous. She knew she was by his standards, but he was a bit irrational by hers. She began to think of her old home, she wanted to see it again, and she knew he wouldn’t let her leave if she didn’t give up her clothes. It seemed dumb to her, but she wasn’t the one to decide. She mustered up all the strength she had and she walked over to her clothes and picked them up. She didn’t put them on, but she turned and walked back to the cavern where Arroyo was. She held her clothes over her breasts, still heavily embarrassed by the whole thing…but she knew this was what he wanted. She walked over to the fire and tossed in her clothes, then turned and sat down against the wall where she pulled her knees up to her chest and hid her breasts. She wrapped her arms around her ankles, trying to hide his view of her genitals, as she watched as her clothes burned. Arroyo smiled as she did this and he said, “Good…very good. At this rate you’ll be back home in no time.” He watched her for a while; he could tell she was cold, as she wasn’t very close to the fire. He spoke softly, encouragingly, “Jennifer, come sit next to me….Between me and the fire you should be warm.” She looked up at him; she couldn’t believe what he was asking of her. She stuttered, trying to find a response. “I….no….no I can’t….it’s bad enough that I don’t have any clothes…” Arroyo snorted, he stood up and walked over to her, glaring down at her, he said loudly, “What more have you to fear of me? You’ve come this far, what difference does it make if you’re sitting against the wall or up against me?!” He turned and stormed out of the cave to the main entrance and he galloped off, soaring into the air. He needed some time to cool off.

When he returned later that night he found Jennifer asleep on the ground, next to the fire with tearstains down her cheeks. He nuzzled her gently to wake her, she jerked awake, but then relaxed as she saw that he wasn’t mad anymore. She sighed and looked down, not sure what to say. He said softly, “I’m sorry for yelling at you…I just don’t understand why it is so difficult for you to expose yourself. You’re much more beautiful than any human female I’ve ever seen, and if you were a mare I’m sure you’d be proud of your body, instead of ashamed like you are now.” Jennifer looked up at him, she said softly, “You’re right….I’m acting foolishly…I’m sorry…I’d like to lay next to you tonight…I was rather cold while you were gone, even with the fire…” Arroyo smiled and laid down next to the fire, nickering to her. She stood up, still hiding her breasts with her arms, she sat down next to him and leaned against his shoulder, resting her head on his neck. He smiled and moved his wing out from under her to wrap it around her, keeping her warm. The next morning Jennifer was the first to wake up again and she found herself examining his body again, she just couldn’t help herself. When her gaze fell upon his genitals she looked upon them lustfully as she realized she hadn’t had any sexual relief in days. She continued looking at his genitals as she began to touch her own. She massaged her breasts, one at a time while her other hand gently stroked her clit. Her juices began wetting her hole and she slid a finger in, groaning slightly. She looked over at Arroyo, knowing her groan had awoken him. He looked at her, and yawned groggily before lowering his head back down, he could smell her activities and understood, expecting her to continue. When she didn’t, he turned to look at her, he could see the embarrassment in her eyes, and he sighed before saying, “Why did you stop?” Jennifer looked at him, terrified almost, she knew that if she told him why she stopped he’d just get mad at her for being prude, so she said as casually as possible, “I….I dunno….I got bored.” Arroyo snorted and hissed, “You lie. I told you not to lie. I’ll ask you again, why did you stop?” He glared at her and tears began falling from her eyes as she said quietly, “Because I’m embarrassed….I don’t want you watching.” Arroyo looked at her, he said, “Why are you doing this to yourself? If you need relief, then go ahead, what do you think is going to happen if I find out? What are you afraid of?” He shook his head and turned to look at the fire. He stood up and began walking towards the spring, he said quietly, “You’ll never gain my trust like this, you still don’t trust me….” Jennifer was crying harder now, she called after him, “Yes I do! I want to earn your trust….please Arroyo…” Tears were streaming from her eyes; Arroyo turned to her, he said sharply, “Oh you trust me, do you? Prove it then, mate with me.” Jennifer looked at him, utterly stunned. Her tears stopped, and she just stared at him, the great black winged horse in front of her had just asked to have sex with her. She looked at him, utterly disgusted and she said, “You….I…..NO!” Arroyo snorted, he turned away and walked to the spring. He knew she wouldn’t mate with him, and he hadn’t gotten his hopes up. Jennifer watched him leave, feeling stupid, confused, and slightly horny. She wanted to finish what she had started earlier but she just didn’t have the heart to do it anymore. The look in his eyes when she said no…it killed her inside. She knew she had disappointed him, and no matter how much she disliked him, there was a part of her that thought he was the most amazing creature in the world. She went out to the spring, and when she saw him lying by the waters edge looking at his reflection she wanted to cry again. She turned and walked back into the cavern, knowing he hadn’t seen her… she didn’t want to disturb him. She felt terrible for what she had said to him. Later that evening Arroyo returned to the cavern where Jennifer had been all day thinking and eating the occasional fruit or vegetable. He lay down by the fire, looked away from Jennifer and didn’t say a word. He was through with trying to get her to trust him; he was through trying to trust her. Every time he thought he had gotten to her, she turned around and did something to ruin it. If this was how she wanted to live the rest of her life then so be it, he’d go back to his normal life. Jennifer looked over at him and sighed gently, knowing he was mad at her. She got up and went out to the spring to take a bath and go to the bathroom. She wanted to masturbate; she had so much tension built up she felt like she would burst….but she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. She was miserable and finally she decided that there was only one way to fix everything. She got out of the water and went over to the cavern, she called inside saying, “Arroyo, could you come out her for a second?”

Arroyo stood up slowly, he stretched his wings and his legs before making his way out to the spring, he got outside and he said roughly, “What do you want?” She walked over to him and said softly, “Look…I’m really sorry about earlier…I didn’t mean to be so….rude…it’s just, you caught me off guard and I don’t know…It just scared me.” He looked her over, and said, “Apology accepted.” Then he turned and walked back toward the cavern. Jennifer said abruptly, “Wait…” She ran over to him and hugged him around the neck saying, “I’m ready…if this is what it takes then I’ll do it…I’ll mate with you.” Arroyo snorted and backed away, he broke loose from her hug and said, “The only reason you’re doing this now is because you want to go home. That’s not trust, that’s deceit.” Now hurt more than ever he turned and walked back into the cave. He hated humans; manipulation was all they were good for. She was trying to manipulate him to let her go home, and with that he knew she thought he was inferior, which made him trust her less. She was a liar and hated him, and if she had the chance she’d probably tell everyone she knew about his location and that’d be the end of him. Jennifer watched as he walked back into the cave, tears welled in her eyes and she slowly turned, she walked over to the cold water, where she lowered herself in, and pushed herself up under a rock, trying to drown herself. Arroyo had just settled back down when he no longer heard any noise coming from the spring…he listened, trying to hear something, anything, and when he heard nothing he panicked and ran back out to the spring….he saw bubbled coming from the water and he jumped in….he dragged her out of the water and put her on the ground where she coughed violently and shivered from the cold before blacking out. Arroyo watched helplessly, not sure what to do. He finally decided to pick her up with his wing and lift her onto his back where he carried her back into the cavern and laid her next to the fire. He laid down next to her and put his wing around her, holding her against him, keeping her warm. When she awoke the next morning, Arroyo was still holding her close; he had stayed up all night, waiting for her to wake up. She looked up at him then looked down, ashamed of herself. All she could say was, “I’m sorry….” Arroyo nuzzled her gently and said, “No…I’m the one who should be sorry…I haven’t been treating you well, and I’m sorry for that, I should be making your stay here a happy one, and I haven’t done that. I can tell my actions have only made you trust me less which is not getting us anywhere...”
Pony #456 #3070275
They soared over a field, over a river, and through a valley before coming to a stop at the far side of an old abandoned farm. He let her off and said, “Through there is a garden that grows all sorts of vegetables. The owners of that house died a long time ago, but their garden remained. I come here every now and then when I want something a little different to eat.” Jennifer smiled then said, “Thank you.” before walking out to the garden…she found an old basket on the ground and picked it up, she began filling it with a few vegetables and some fruit. Strawberries, apples, grapes, carrots, lettuce, and even some corn all filled her basket and she turned and walked back to Arroyo, she offered him a carrot with a smile on her face. He smiled and ate the carrot saying, “Thank you.” He lowered himself down and let her climb on; he turned and galloped through the trees. He found a clearing and opened his wings, soaring into the air. Once they had returned to the cave he let her off and they both walked back into the cavern with the fire. She sat down next to it with her basket and she picked through them, finding an apple which she began eating. Arroyo lay down next to the fire, laying his head down and closing his eyes. Carting around a human on his back took a lot out of him, so he rested a while as she ate. After a while he asked, “Are you thirsty?” She looked up at him and said, “Not really….but if it means water, I could use a bath.” He stood up and said, “Follow me.” She stood up and followed as he led her down another cave. She saw light coming from the other side and when they reached it, she realized it was another opening into the cave system. To her left was a large pool of water that flowed to the edge of the mountain and fell as a waterfall. Arroyo walked over to the waters edge, taking a long drink of the water. Jennifer looked at him, watching him drink from the water. She approached the water and looked all the way to the bottom, it was so clear. She reached down to touch it, and as she submerged her hand, she realized it really was spring water, it was freezing! She sighed, knowing this was probably the only place she would get clean from now on. She looked over at Arroyo, she wanted to take a bath but she didn’t want him around. She had sort of hoped he’d take the hint when she said she wanted to bathe. Then something he had said filled her mind and she realized just what he meant by human morals. He wasn’t going to leave as she took her bath, he was going to sit there and watch her the whole time. The only way she was going to be able to do this was if she trusted him, and frankly, she just didn’t trust him enough to do this. She said nervously, “Um….could I have a little privacy? I want to take a bath.” Arroyo lifted his head up, looking at her; he sighed and said, “What is the problem with you humans? Why do you insist on hiding your beautiful body from everyone? It just doesn’t make any sense to me, I’m naked, all the animals you keep as pets are naked, none of us are ashamed by it so why are you?” He turned and started back towards the cave, he said as he left, “At this rate I don’t think you’ll ever gain my trust, nor will you ever trust me.” He walked back to the cavern with the fire and left her at the spring to take her bath. Jennifer watched as he spoke then left, she was stunned, and a little bit hurt on the inside…it was almost as if he wanted to see her naked. Or maybe…maybe he had a point. She sighed and once she was sure he was gone she stripped of her clothing and lowered herself into the cool water, shivering slightly as it reached her breasts, causing them to harden slightly. She sighed as she got used to the water, and she began rubbing gently trying to get the dirt off of herself. Once she was satisfied, she leaned up against the side of the mountain, relaxing in the water. She got out a little while later and realized that if she put her clothes back on they would get soaked and she’d be miserable. Reluctantly she sat on a boulder and waited for her skin to dry so she could put her clothes back on. She kept watching nervously, hoping Arroyo wouldn’t come looking for her. When he did and she still had yet to put her clothes on, she blushed heavily and tried desperately to cover her breasts and pull her legs up to her chest, hiding her genitals. Arroyo said calmly, as if all were normal, “I was just checking on you….I figured you’d be done by now….why haven’t you put your clothes back on?” She looked over at him and said meekly, “Because I don’t want to get them wet….it’s the only set I have….” Arroyo sighed and said, “You know they’ll wear out eventually….why wear them at all? You need to get over this, you’re being ridiculous.” He turned and walked back to the cavern with the fire. He was mad now, why was she being so stubborn? Was it so hard for her to just go without her clothes? Jennifer felt tears run down her cheeks as he called her ridiculous. She knew she was by his standards, but he was a bit irrational by hers. She began to think of her old home, she wanted to see it again, and she knew he wouldn’t let her leave if she didn’t give up her clothes. It seemed dumb to her, but she wasn’t the one to decide. She mustered up all the strength she had and she walked over to her clothes and picked them up. She didn’t put them on, but she turned and walked back to the cavern where Arroyo was. She held her clothes over her breasts, still heavily embarrassed by the whole thing…but she knew this was what he wanted. She walked over to the fire and tossed in her clothes, then turned and sat down against the wall where she pulled her knees up to her chest and hid her breasts. She wrapped her arms around her ankles, trying to hide his view of her genitals, as she watched as her clothes burned. Arroyo smiled as she did this and he said, “Good…very good. At this rate you’ll be back home in no time.” He watched her for a while; he could tell she was cold, as she wasn’t very close to the fire. He spoke softly, encouragingly, “Jennifer, come sit next to me….Between me and the fire you should be warm.” She looked up at him; she couldn’t believe what he was asking of her. She stuttered, trying to find a response. “I….no….no I can’t….it’s bad enough that I don’t have any clothes…” Arroyo snorted, he stood up and walked over to her, glaring down at her, he said loudly, “What more have you to fear of me? You’ve come this far, what difference does it make if you’re sitting against the wall or up against me?!” He turned and stormed out of the cave to the main entrance and he galloped off, soaring into the air. He needed some time to cool off.

When he returned later that night he found Jennifer asleep on the ground, next to the fire with tearstains down her cheeks. He nuzzled her gently to wake her, she jerked awake, but then relaxed as she saw that he wasn’t mad anymore. She sighed and looked down, not sure what to say. He said softly, “I’m sorry for yelling at you…I just don’t understand why it is so difficult for you to expose yourself. You’re much more beautiful than any human female I’ve ever seen, and if you were a mare I’m sure you’d be proud of your body, instead of ashamed like you are now.” Jennifer looked up at him, she said softly, “You’re right….I’m acting foolishly…I’m sorry…I’d like to lay next to you tonight…I was rather cold while you were gone, even with the fire…” Arroyo smiled and laid down next to the fire, nickering to her. She stood up, still hiding her breasts with her arms, she sat down next to him and leaned against his shoulder, resting her head on his neck. He smiled and moved his wing out from under her to wrap it around her, keeping her warm. The next morning Jennifer was the first to wake up again and she found herself examining his body again, she just couldn’t help herself. When her gaze fell upon his genitals she looked upon them lustfully as she realized she hadn’t had any sexual relief in days. She continued looking at his genitals as she began to touch her own. She massaged her breasts, one at a time while her other hand gently stroked her clit. Her juices began wetting her hole and she slid a finger in, groaning slightly. She looked over at Arroyo, knowing her groan had awoken him. He looked at her, and yawned groggily before lowering his head back down, he could smell her activities and understood, expecting her to continue. When she didn’t, he turned to look at her, he could see the embarrassment in her eyes, and he sighed before saying, “Why did you stop?” Jennifer looked at him, terrified almost, she knew that if she told him why she stopped he’d just get mad at her for being prude, so she said as casually as possible, “I….I dunno….I got bored.” Arroyo snorted and hissed, “You lie. I told you not to lie. I’ll ask you again, why did you stop?” He glared at her and tears began falling from her eyes as she said quietly, “Because I’m embarrassed….I don’t want you watching.” Arroyo looked at her, he said, “Why are you doing this to yourself? If you need relief, then go ahead, what do you think is going to happen if I find out? What are you afraid of?” He shook his head and turned to look at the fire. He stood up and began walking towards the spring, he said quietly, “You’ll never gain my trust like this, you still don’t trust me….” Jennifer was crying harder now, she called after him, “Yes I do! I want to earn your trust….please Arroyo…” Tears were streaming from her eyes; Arroyo turned to her, he said sharply, “Oh you trust me, do you? Prove it then, mate with me.” Jennifer looked at him, utterly stunned. Her tears stopped, and she just stared at him, the great black winged horse in front of her had just asked to have sex with her. She looked at him, utterly disgusted and she said, “You….I…..NO!” Arroyo snorted, he turned away and walked to the spring. He knew she wouldn’t mate with him, and he hadn’t gotten his hopes up. Jennifer watched him leave, feeling stupid, confused, and slightly horny. She wanted to finish what she had started earlier but she just didn’t have the heart to do it anymore. The look in his eyes when she said no…it killed her inside. She knew she had disappointed him, and no matter how much she disliked him, there was a part of her that thought he was the most amazing creature in the world. She went out to the spring, and when she saw him lying by the waters edge looking at his reflection she wanted to cry again. She turned and walked back into the cavern, knowing he hadn’t seen her… she didn’t want to disturb him. She felt terrible for what she had said to him. Later that evening Arroyo returned to the cavern where Jennifer had been all day thinking and eating the occasional fruit or vegetable. He lay down by the fire, looked away from Jennifer and didn’t say a word. He was through with trying to get her to trust him; he was through trying to trust her. Every time he thought he had gotten to her, she turned around and did something to ruin it. If this was how she wanted to live the rest of her life then so be it, he’d go back to his normal life. Jennifer looked over at him and sighed gently, knowing he was mad at her. She got up and went out to the spring to take a bath and go to the bathroom. She wanted to masturbate; she had so much tension built up she felt like she would burst….but she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. She was miserable and finally she decided that there was only one way to fix everything. She got out of the water and went over to the cavern, she called inside saying, “Arroyo, could you come out her for a second?”

Arroyo stood up slowly, he stretched his wings and his legs before making his way out to the spring, he got outside and he said roughly, “What do you want?” She walked over to him and said softly, “Look…I’m really sorry about earlier…I didn’t mean to be so….rude…it’s just, you caught me off guard and I don’t know…It just scared me.” He looked her over, and said, “Apology accepted.” Then he turned and walked back toward the cavern. Jennifer said abruptly, “Wait…” She ran over to him and hugged him around the neck saying, “I’m ready…if this is what it takes then I’ll do it…I’ll mate with you.” Arroyo snorted and backed away, he broke loose from her hug and said, “The only reason you’re doing this now is because you want to go home. That’s not trust, that’s deceit.” Now hurt more than ever he turned and walked back into the cave. He hated humans; manipulation was all they were good for. She was trying to manipulate him to let her go home, and with that he knew she thought he was inferior, which made him trust her less. She was a liar and hated him, and if she had the chance she’d probably tell everyone she knew about his location and that’d be the end of him. Jennifer watched as he walked back into the cave, tears welled in her eyes and she slowly turned, she walked over to the cold water, where she lowered herself in, and pushed herself up under a rock, trying to drown herself. Arroyo had just settled back down when he no longer heard any noise coming from the spring…he listened, trying to hear something, anything, and when he heard nothing he panicked and ran back out to the spring….he saw bubbled coming from the water and he jumped in….he dragged her out of the water and put her on the ground where she coughed violently and shivered from the cold before blacking out. Arroyo watched helplessly, not sure what to do. He finally decided to pick her up with his wing and lift her onto his back where he carried her back into the cavern and laid her next to the fire. He laid down next to her and put his wing around her, holding her against him, keeping her warm. When she awoke the next morning, Arroyo was still holding her close; he had stayed up all night, waiting for her to wake up. She looked up at him then looked down, ashamed of herself. All she could say was, “I’m sorry….” Arroyo nuzzled her gently and said, “No…I’m the one who should be sorry…I haven’t been treating you well, and I’m sorry for that, I should be making your stay here a happy one, and I haven’t done that. I can tell my actions have only made you trust me less which is not getting us anywhere...”
Pony #457 #3070278
He sighed and looked down at her and said softly, “I’m just glad you’re okay…” Jennifer looked up at him, and said softly, “Why do you care so much about me? If you hate humans, then why are you doing this? Why not just kill me?” Arroyo looked away and said in a low voice, “Because I’ve been alone for a very long time….and I was hoping that I could gain your trust enough to convince you to stay here. But it’s apparent that isn’t going to happen.” He sighed and looked away, he paused for a long time before saying, “If you wish to return to your home I will take you, and I will turn myself in along with you. I do not wish to live any longer, I’ve lived long enough, and being the last of my kind seems a bit pointless now.” He got up and walked a few steps away before turning and saying, “When shall we leave?”

Her first thought was to leave right away…but then she saw the hurt in his eyes, the glow that had once illuminated his fiery spirit had gone away and he seemed empty. Jennifer stood up, she walked over to him and hugged him dearly, “Make love to me Arroyo.” Arroyo looked down at her with surprise and he said, “No….you do not wish to, I can see it.” Jennifer said softly, “You were right all along…there is no reason for me to be ashamed of myself…I want to make love to you, it’s the least I can do after you saved my life….twice.” A weak grin flitted across her face. Arroyo looked into her eyes, he still didn’t believe her, and that was when she decided to take matters into her own hands…literally. She rubbed along his side and moved towards his rear. He turned away and nipped her gently, not sure what to say. She moved back to his rear and moved her hand along his thigh and towards his belly. She rubbed his belly gently and then her hand moved to his inner thigh and then upward, she rubbed his sheath gently, coaxing him to drop his penis. She rubbed his balls gently and giggled slightly as he stomped his foot. Arroyo could tell she was serious now, and he stood there enjoying the feeling of her touch. Never had he felt anything like this. She continued to massage his package until his penis was hanging all the way out; she stood up and kissed his muzzle. Arroyo smiled and said, “So this is your decision then?” She nodded and walked out towards the spring, waiting for him to follow. Arroyo followed right behind her, licking at her legs and genitals as he went, causing her to get a bit weak legged and stumble a few times. She leaned back on a rock and smiled to him, she said softly, “I’m ready.” Arroyo smiled and approached her, licking her crotch, causing her to groan and squirm around on the rock slightly. He smirked, enjoying her reaction, and then he lowered his head and continued licking her. He pushed his tongue into her, causing her moan loudly and causing him to become hard. He continued licking her, wanting to pleasure her like this and get her relaxed before moving on to the real thing. Jennifer moaned loudly as his tongue probed her insides, this was far better than any human tongue she had ever experienced as it was much larger and unbelievably strong. She thrusted her hips up to his mouth, moaning loudly, she wanted more of him in her. She felt her orgasm building deep within her and Arroyo much have sensed this because he began moving his tongue quicker in and out of her before pulling out and using his tongue to lick from her anus all the way up over her clit. Jennifer let out a squeal of pleasure before she burst into orgasm, moaning loudly and thrusting into his muzzle. As she stopped convulsing and relaxed Arroyo stepped forward and rested his forelegs on either side of the rock and he pushed himself forward. He wrapped his wings around both of them, enclosing them together, he smiled down at her. She reached down and grasped his shaft, rubbing it gently, causing him to thrust slightly into her hands. He licked her face and moved down her neck to her breasts, each of which he nipped at and then licked gently. He groaned slightly as she continued to rub his shaft, and he pulled away slightly signaling that he wanted to enter her. She inhaled, enjoying the musky smell of him surrounding her, and the smell of both their arousal, she looked admiringly at his giant penis which was now dripping with pre-cum. She guided him down to her now saliva coated pussy and waited. He slowly pushed forward, inching in his massive shaft deeper into her. She groaned loudly out of both pain and pleasure as she had never had anything this massive inside of her before. As he kept pushing in his length, she gritted her teeth and held back tears of pain…he was enormous. As he pushed in and his shaft became thicker it began pushing on her G-spot and all pain was over come by intense pleasure, she groaned out loud and wrapped her arms around his neck. He took this as encouragement to keep going so with one giant push he pushed all the way in, through her cervix. She yelled out in pain, but was again over come by pleasure as he pulled halfway out, stimulating every nerve she had. Arroyo groaned, he had never felt anything this wonderful. He began thrusting slowly, his breathing intensified and he began to sweat. Jennifer groaned out load with every push he made and she too began to sweat. Arroyo lifted his wings from around them, allowing them both to cool down a bit, but with that he began using his wings to push his body back and forth with more force, burying himself into her every time. Jennifer felt an orgasm rip through her all of a sudden, and her body convulsed like mad, she grabbed onto Arroyos mane and cried out with pleasure as her muscles contracted around the huge shaft inside of her. Arroyo groaned loudly as she squeezed his penis inside of her, he could hardly thrust in and out anymore it was such a tight fit. He felt her insides lubricating him with her orgasm and he began to thrust again, faster still, feeling his own orgasm building up. Jennifer was swept into another orgasm, this one more mind-blowing than the last and her body convulsed and thrust into Arroyo’s, wanting more of him inside. Right as she came back down she heard Arroyo let out a loud whinny and she felt hot liquid gush into her womb, sending her into another orgasm, causing her to scream out loud with pleasure. Arroyo whinnied as his cum gushed through his shaft and pulsed into her; he groaned and continued thrusting lightly through his whole orgasm. He finally came to rest on her and he felt his member begin to shrink back into his sheath. He felt it pop out with an audible, “slurp” as his cum gushed from her filled womb. Jennifer moaned as she felt him leave her, leaving her feeling empty. She looked up into his eyes as he looked down into hers and they kissed. She opened her mouth wide, as did Arroyo, allowing their tongues to collide and explore each other. Finally Arroyo moved away from the rock and let her up; she stumbled slightly so he helped her over to the spring where she cleaned herself up. He nuzzled her gently and said, “I love you Jennifer.” She turned to him and said softly, “I love you too Arroyo.” They went back to the cavern and laid down by the fire, his wing around her and her head on his shoulder, they fell asleep.

Jennifer awoke slowly the next morning; she could tell it was close to noon by the amount of light shining in from the entrance. She yawned before looking up at Arroyo; she smiled warmly and rested her head back on his shoulder as he slept. When he awoke a little while later he smiled at her briefly before laying his head back down, wanting to go back to sleep. Jennifer giggled slightly and ran her fingers through his mane; she kissed him on the cheek then stood up to stretch her legs. Arroyo watched her, enjoying the fact that she was no longer covering herself and instead walking easily around in front of him. He knew she trusted him now, and he felt that he trusted her as well…he sighed knowing that now she may wish to return home. Jennifer had gone over to her basket to pick through the remnants of her food. Once she had finished eating she walked back over to Arroyo and lay down next to him. He said softly, “You have done everything I asked of you, and now I feel as though I can trust you…if you wish to return home I shall take you.” He looked in her eyes, hoping she’d pick whatever made her happiest. Jennifer didn’t know what to say…a part of her wanted to see her friends and family again, but part of her wanted to stay here with her new lover. She looked down for a moment, thinking, and she said softly, “I….I don’t know what I want to do…last night, I only wanted to be with you, to hold you, to love you forever…but now that I think about it, I also want to see my family again, I’m sure they all think I’m dead, and I hate for them to suffer.” She sighed and continued to look at the ground…she wasn’t sure what she wanted…in a perfect world she would have asked Arroyo to return home with her so she could be with everyone all at once….but she knew he wouldn’t agree to it. She looked up at him and said softly, “I don’t want to decide right now….can we do something else?” Arroyo smiled and said, “That’s fine….whatever you decide should be what will make you happiest, take as long as you like.” She smiled and kissed his cheek gently, “Thank you Arroyo.” She rested her head on his side and the two laid there for a while, just enjoying each other’s company. Her gaze began to wander again and just as always it landed on his sheath, except this time she didn’t turn away or try to push away her thoughts, instead she reached over and touched it gently. Arroyo’s ears perked up and he lifted his head, he nipped her shoulder gently before saying softly, “This is quite a change…” She smiled at him then turned her attention back to his sheath, knowing he enjoyed her touch. She scooted a little closer and she leaned against his belly, he laid his head down and closed his eyes, enjoying the wonderful feeling of her touch. Jennifer massaged his groin gently, rubbing her hands up and down his sheath and along his balls. Arroyo let out a low groan as his penis began slowly exposing itself from his sheath. Jennifer took this as encouragement to continue so she rubbed him gently and gazed in awe as his shaft expanded and became fully erect, though it still touched the ground due to its sheer weight. She took it in her hand and began rubbing up and down its length, watching happily as Arroyo lightly thrusted into her hands. She then got onto her knees and positioned herself in front of his shaft as she began rubbing its engorged head against her clit. She moaned slightly and Arroyo continued to thrust lightly, wanting her to continue. Jennifer rubbed his shaft along her clit slowly at first, then as they both began secreting fluids and they became lubricated she moved at a faster pace, moaning loudly and massaging her breasts with her free hand. Arroyo let out a soft groan, this was much different than anything he had ever experienced in his many years on the Earth…this was something no mare could ever do for him, and despite the many wonderful times he had had with his mate before she died, what Jennifer was doing was quite amazing. Jennifer felt her orgasm building deep in her, but she wanted him to go before she did for fear of not being able to finish him off. She moved his shaft away from her clit for a few moments, still rubbing it with her hands before once again rubbing his massive penis against her clit. Arroyo groaned louder now, knowing he was about to spill his seed. He thrusted lightly a few more times, as much as possible while laying down before letting out a soft whinny as he exploded into an orgasm. He shook slightly as he shot load after load of cum all over Jennifer’s legs and stomach while she continued to rub his now fully flared head against her clit until she too erupted into orgasm, moaning loudly. After what seemed like an eternity to the both of them, they both relaxed and Jennifer lay against his belly, watching curiously as his shaft began retreating into his sheath. She giggled slightly and rubbed his belly affectionately with her hands. She lay against him and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him gently. Arroyo smiled and lifted his head to meet hers, returning her kiss with his own. They locked lips and explored each other contently, until Jennifer broke loose, mainly for air. She giggled slightly and looked into his eyes, smiling happily. Arroyo said softly, “Thank you, that was…different, to say the least. I’ve never experience that while lying down, it was nice.” Jennifer said softly, “It was my pleasure” She giggled again and rested her head against his neck.

After a while she cautiously approached a subject she longed to know about. She asked him casually but quietly, “You said something the other day about your family…I’d like to hear about them if you didn’t mind.” Arroyo sighed slightly and said in a quiet tone, “That was a very long time ago…she was beautiful.” He paused to gather his memories before continuing, “Her name was Cyrene, beautiful buckskin color with a dark flowing mane and tail….beautiful blue eyes…” He chuckled slightly at his next memory, “Her sire didn’t like me much…I was always a bit of a trouble maker as a colt and was always getting in trouble with the lead stallion. It was a big herd, you should have seen it, it was quite amazing…it was also large enough for Cyrene and I to sneak off every now and then to be alone and just talk. We always talked, it seemed like there wasn’t ever a time where we had nothing to talk about. One day her sire caught us together, talking, and he knocked her down before taking her away. As they were leaving I heard him tell her to stay away from me, but she wasn’t listening to him, she was looking back at me with tears in her eyes. I was so mad, but there was nothing I could do….If I argued or fought back he would just hate me more…I had to do something to win her from him.” He sighed and looked down for a moment, remembering that moment was painful to him.
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He sighed and looked down at her and said softly, “I’m just glad you’re okay…” Jennifer looked up at him, and said softly, “Why do you care so much about me? If you hate humans, then why are you doing this? Why not just kill me?” Arroyo looked away and said in a low voice, “Because I’ve been alone for a very long time….and I was hoping that I could gain your trust enough to convince you to stay here. But it’s apparent that isn’t going to happen.” He sighed and looked away, he paused for a long time before saying, “If you wish to return to your home I will take you, and I will turn myself in along with you. I do not wish to live any longer, I’ve lived long enough, and being the last of my kind seems a bit pointless now.” He got up and walked a few steps away before turning and saying, “When shall we leave?”

Her first thought was to leave right away…but then she saw the hurt in his eyes, the glow that had once illuminated his fiery spirit had gone away and he seemed empty. Jennifer stood up, she walked over to him and hugged him dearly, “Make love to me Arroyo.” Arroyo looked down at her with surprise and he said, “No….you do not wish to, I can see it.” Jennifer said softly, “You were right all along…there is no reason for me to be ashamed of myself…I want to make love to you, it’s the least I can do after you saved my life….twice.” A weak grin flitted across her face. Arroyo looked into her eyes, he still didn’t believe her, and that was when she decided to take matters into her own hands…literally. She rubbed along his side and moved towards his rear. He turned away and nipped her gently, not sure what to say. She moved back to his rear and moved her hand along his thigh and towards his belly. She rubbed his belly gently and then her hand moved to his inner thigh and then upward, she rubbed his sheath gently, coaxing him to drop his penis. She rubbed his balls gently and giggled slightly as he stomped his foot. Arroyo could tell she was serious now, and he stood there enjoying the feeling of her touch. Never had he felt anything like this. She continued to massage his package until his penis was hanging all the way out; she stood up and kissed his muzzle. Arroyo smiled and said, “So this is your decision then?” She nodded and walked out towards the spring, waiting for him to follow. Arroyo followed right behind her, licking at her legs and genitals as he went, causing her to get a bit weak legged and stumble a few times. She leaned back on a rock and smiled to him, she said softly, “I’m ready.” Arroyo smiled and approached her, licking her crotch, causing her to groan and squirm around on the rock slightly. He smirked, enjoying her reaction, and then he lowered his head and continued licking her. He pushed his tongue into her, causing her moan loudly and causing him to become hard. He continued licking her, wanting to pleasure her like this and get her relaxed before moving on to the real thing. Jennifer moaned loudly as his tongue probed her insides, this was far better than any human tongue she had ever experienced as it was much larger and unbelievably strong. She thrusted her hips up to his mouth, moaning loudly, she wanted more of him in her. She felt her orgasm building deep within her and Arroyo much have sensed this because he began moving his tongue quicker in and out of her before pulling out and using his tongue to lick from her anus all the way up over her clit. Jennifer let out a squeal of pleasure before she burst into orgasm, moaning loudly and thrusting into his muzzle. As she stopped convulsing and relaxed Arroyo stepped forward and rested his forelegs on either side of the rock and he pushed himself forward. He wrapped his wings around both of them, enclosing them together, he smiled down at her. She reached down and grasped his shaft, rubbing it gently, causing him to thrust slightly into her hands. He licked her face and moved down her neck to her breasts, each of which he nipped at and then licked gently. He groaned slightly as she continued to rub his shaft, and he pulled away slightly signaling that he wanted to enter her. She inhaled, enjoying the musky smell of him surrounding her, and the smell of both their arousal, she looked admiringly at his giant penis which was now dripping with pre-cum. She guided him down to her now saliva coated pussy and waited. He slowly pushed forward, inching in his massive shaft deeper into her. She groaned loudly out of both pain and pleasure as she had never had anything this massive inside of her before. As he kept pushing in his length, she gritted her teeth and held back tears of pain…he was enormous. As he pushed in and his shaft became thicker it began pushing on her G-spot and all pain was over come by intense pleasure, she groaned out loud and wrapped her arms around his neck. He took this as encouragement to keep going so with one giant push he pushed all the way in, through her cervix. She yelled out in pain, but was again over come by pleasure as he pulled halfway out, stimulating every nerve she had. Arroyo groaned, he had never felt anything this wonderful. He began thrusting slowly, his breathing intensified and he began to sweat. Jennifer groaned out load with every push he made and she too began to sweat. Arroyo lifted his wings from around them, allowing them both to cool down a bit, but with that he began using his wings to push his body back and forth with more force, burying himself into her every time. Jennifer felt an orgasm rip through her all of a sudden, and her body convulsed like mad, she grabbed onto Arroyos mane and cried out with pleasure as her muscles contracted around the huge shaft inside of her. Arroyo groaned loudly as she squeezed his penis inside of her, he could hardly thrust in and out anymore it was such a tight fit. He felt her insides lubricating him with her orgasm and he began to thrust again, faster still, feeling his own orgasm building up. Jennifer was swept into another orgasm, this one more mind-blowing than the last and her body convulsed and thrust into Arroyo’s, wanting more of him inside. Right as she came back down she heard Arroyo let out a loud whinny and she felt hot liquid gush into her womb, sending her into another orgasm, causing her to scream out loud with pleasure. Arroyo whinnied as his cum gushed through his shaft and pulsed into her; he groaned and continued thrusting lightly through his whole orgasm. He finally came to rest on her and he felt his member begin to shrink back into his sheath. He felt it pop out with an audible, “slurp” as his cum gushed from her filled womb. Jennifer moaned as she felt him leave her, leaving her feeling empty. She looked up into his eyes as he looked down into hers and they kissed. She opened her mouth wide, as did Arroyo, allowing their tongues to collide and explore each other. Finally Arroyo moved away from the rock and let her up; she stumbled slightly so he helped her over to the spring where she cleaned herself up. He nuzzled her gently and said, “I love you Jennifer.” She turned to him and said softly, “I love you too Arroyo.” They went back to the cavern and laid down by the fire, his wing around her and her head on his shoulder, they fell asleep.

Jennifer awoke slowly the next morning; she could tell it was close to noon by the amount of light shining in from the entrance. She yawned before looking up at Arroyo; she smiled warmly and rested her head back on his shoulder as he slept. When he awoke a little while later he smiled at her briefly before laying his head back down, wanting to go back to sleep. Jennifer giggled slightly and ran her fingers through his mane; she kissed him on the cheek then stood up to stretch her legs. Arroyo watched her, enjoying the fact that she was no longer covering herself and instead walking easily around in front of him. He knew she trusted him now, and he felt that he trusted her as well…he sighed knowing that now she may wish to return home. Jennifer had gone over to her basket to pick through the remnants of her food. Once she had finished eating she walked back over to Arroyo and lay down next to him. He said softly, “You have done everything I asked of you, and now I feel as though I can trust you…if you wish to return home I shall take you.” He looked in her eyes, hoping she’d pick whatever made her happiest. Jennifer didn’t know what to say…a part of her wanted to see her friends and family again, but part of her wanted to stay here with her new lover. She looked down for a moment, thinking, and she said softly, “I….I don’t know what I want to do…last night, I only wanted to be with you, to hold you, to love you forever…but now that I think about it, I also want to see my family again, I’m sure they all think I’m dead, and I hate for them to suffer.” She sighed and continued to look at the ground…she wasn’t sure what she wanted…in a perfect world she would have asked Arroyo to return home with her so she could be with everyone all at once….but she knew he wouldn’t agree to it. She looked up at him and said softly, “I don’t want to decide right now….can we do something else?” Arroyo smiled and said, “That’s fine….whatever you decide should be what will make you happiest, take as long as you like.” She smiled and kissed his cheek gently, “Thank you Arroyo.” She rested her head on his side and the two laid there for a while, just enjoying each other’s company. Her gaze began to wander again and just as always it landed on his sheath, except this time she didn’t turn away or try to push away her thoughts, instead she reached over and touched it gently. Arroyo’s ears perked up and he lifted his head, he nipped her shoulder gently before saying softly, “This is quite a change…” She smiled at him then turned her attention back to his sheath, knowing he enjoyed her touch. She scooted a little closer and she leaned against his belly, he laid his head down and closed his eyes, enjoying the wonderful feeling of her touch. Jennifer massaged his groin gently, rubbing her hands up and down his sheath and along his balls. Arroyo let out a low groan as his penis began slowly exposing itself from his sheath. Jennifer took this as encouragement to continue so she rubbed him gently and gazed in awe as his shaft expanded and became fully erect, though it still touched the ground due to its sheer weight. She took it in her hand and began rubbing up and down its length, watching happily as Arroyo lightly thrusted into her hands. She then got onto her knees and positioned herself in front of his shaft as she began rubbing its engorged head against her clit. She moaned slightly and Arroyo continued to thrust lightly, wanting her to continue. Jennifer rubbed his shaft along her clit slowly at first, then as they both began secreting fluids and they became lubricated she moved at a faster pace, moaning loudly and massaging her breasts with her free hand. Arroyo let out a soft groan, this was much different than anything he had ever experienced in his many years on the Earth…this was something no mare could ever do for him, and despite the many wonderful times he had had with his mate before she died, what Jennifer was doing was quite amazing. Jennifer felt her orgasm building deep in her, but she wanted him to go before she did for fear of not being able to finish him off. She moved his shaft away from her clit for a few moments, still rubbing it with her hands before once again rubbing his massive penis against her clit. Arroyo groaned louder now, knowing he was about to spill his seed. He thrusted lightly a few more times, as much as possible while laying down before letting out a soft whinny as he exploded into an orgasm. He shook slightly as he shot load after load of cum all over Jennifer’s legs and stomach while she continued to rub his now fully flared head against her clit until she too erupted into orgasm, moaning loudly. After what seemed like an eternity to the both of them, they both relaxed and Jennifer lay against his belly, watching curiously as his shaft began retreating into his sheath. She giggled slightly and rubbed his belly affectionately with her hands. She lay against him and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him gently. Arroyo smiled and lifted his head to meet hers, returning her kiss with his own. They locked lips and explored each other contently, until Jennifer broke loose, mainly for air. She giggled slightly and looked into his eyes, smiling happily. Arroyo said softly, “Thank you, that was…different, to say the least. I’ve never experience that while lying down, it was nice.” Jennifer said softly, “It was my pleasure” She giggled again and rested her head against his neck.

After a while she cautiously approached a subject she longed to know about. She asked him casually but quietly, “You said something the other day about your family…I’d like to hear about them if you didn’t mind.” Arroyo sighed slightly and said in a quiet tone, “That was a very long time ago…she was beautiful.” He paused to gather his memories before continuing, “Her name was Cyrene, beautiful buckskin color with a dark flowing mane and tail….beautiful blue eyes…” He chuckled slightly at his next memory, “Her sire didn’t like me much…I was always a bit of a trouble maker as a colt and was always getting in trouble with the lead stallion. It was a big herd, you should have seen it, it was quite amazing…it was also large enough for Cyrene and I to sneak off every now and then to be alone and just talk. We always talked, it seemed like there wasn’t ever a time where we had nothing to talk about. One day her sire caught us together, talking, and he knocked her down before taking her away. As they were leaving I heard him tell her to stay away from me, but she wasn’t listening to him, she was looking back at me with tears in her eyes. I was so mad, but there was nothing I could do….If I argued or fought back he would just hate me more…I had to do something to win her from him.” He sighed and looked down for a moment, remembering that moment was painful to him.
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Jennifer rubbed his neck gently, comforting him. He smiled slightly to her touch and continued, “There was this stallion, Torn, he had an eye for Cyrene, but he was a brute and he only wanted her to mate with. One day he went after her, and luckily I was nearby. I stepped between him and Cyrene and told him if he wanted her he’d have to kill me. Obviously, we fought, and about halfway through the fight, her sire had come up to comfort her, but he was also watching. After what seemed like forever, I had won and Torn lay there dead, but I was hurt pretty bad and I collapsed. When I woke up, guess who was standing there looking more worried than anyone else?” He smiled and Jennifer said, “Cyrene?” Arroyo smiled and said, “No, but she was a close second. Her sire was standing there, looking like he wanted to cry. When I woke up, he hugged me and thanked me for saving his daughter, and then he said that I had earned his trust and that if Cyrene wished to be my mate then it was fine by him.” Jennifer smiled; she said softly, “Sounds like trust is a big deal to your kind, not just you.” She giggled slightly and Arroyo nipped her gently, saying, “Trust is what governed us, it was what we lived by. You had to trust everyone in the herd to protect you and you had to be trustworthy to protect them….anyway, Cyrene and I became mates and had a foal, Radon….Cyrene and I loved him so much…he was ours.Now…mare Pegasus’s only come into heat once every…15 or 20 human years or so, and naturally, the foals grow just as slowly. We do not die of age, and we do not get old, we are born, then become fully grown and live as such for an eternity. We can be killed though, just like any other living thing. So anyway, Radon grew and our love for him grew. Then the humans came, they captured almost all of the herd, including me, Cyrene, and Radon. They bound us by chains and we couldn’t escape. They came down the line, killing everyone one by one and skinning them.” He shuddered and closed his eyes, it was a horrifying sight, he continued, “They came to Cyrene and Radon….and I watched helplessly as they were slaughtered…everything I had worked for was gone, and I was heartbroken…” tears began to fall from his cheeks, but he continued, “I don’t remember what happened next, but I know that I broke the chains and killed the two men who had slaughtered my family…then I went after the ones who had watched…then I went after any human I could find…blinded by rage…so much blood…I drew more blood than they had, and when there was no one left, I freed the last of my herd, though I didn’t follow them…I came here, and have been here ever since…that was all probably….” He thought for a moment, “four or five hundred years ago…yet I remember it like it was yesterday…” He sighed heavily, his heart hurt and he felt miserable…and yet…he felt a lot better at the same time. He had never told anyone what had happened, and it felt like a big weight was lifted from his shoulders. He sighed gently and nuzzled Jennifer before saying, “I assumed the rest of my herd was hunted down and killed, and I have searched the skies for any traces of anyone left…but I’ve never found anyone. Her sire was one of the ones I freed…I didn’t say a word to him after that, I just left.” Jennifer rubbed his back comfortingly and said softly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up such a painful topic…” Arroyo smiled and said, “No…I’m glad you did…I feel like I’ve got a bit of closure now…thank you.” Jennifer smiled and kissed him happily before getting an idea…it wasn’t definite that he was the last of his kind, he just thought he was…but Jennifer just knew there had to be someone left out there. Maybe if she were to help him find someone of his own kind, he wouldn’t be so lonely anymore, and if that were the case then maybe she could return to her old home without feeling guilty for leaving him. But then she thought of him mating with someone else and she became a bit jealous, only to push that thought away. She knew he would be much happier with someone of his own kind, as they could produce him a foal, Jennifer could not. As she thought about this she kind of spaced out and awoke when Arroyo nudged her gently before asking, “You okay?” Jennifer smiled and said, “Yeah…just thinking.” She decided to present the idea to him later as she scratched his neck gently and said, “I’m going to go for a swim, want to join me?” Arroyo smiled and said happily, “I’d love to.” He stood up and followed her out to the spring, slowly making his way into the cool water. He snorted slightly as the surface of the water touched his undercarriage, the water was cold and it hurt slightly, but he just kept going into the water, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling as his balls shrank rapidly. Jennifer laughed at him, she couldn’t help it. Arroyo smirked and splashed her with his wing, causing her to squeal slightly, as she hadn’t gotten into the water yet. He laughed back at her and said, “You coming or not?” Jennifer glared at him playfully then jumped into the water, splashing Arroyo. She surfaced, laughing and Arroyo nipped her playfully. She splashed him with her hand and Arroyo retaliated by bring both his wings up alongside her and pushing them inward and into the water, causing two waves of water to completely cover her. He laughed and she came up out of the water, coughing slightly and she said, “That’s not fair!” Arroyo kept laughing as he said, “All is fair in love and war” Jennifer smirked and said, “Fine, you win.” She walked over to him and hugged him closely. They stood there for a while together, enjoying the sound of the running water and the birds in the distance.
Later that night as they were sitting by the fire, Jennifer decided to present her idea to him, and as much as it hurt her to do so, she knew it would be better for the both of them if it worked out. As they laid there in silence Jennifer finally spoke up, “I think I’ve made my decision…” Arroyo felt his stomach twist up…this was it; this was the moment he found out what the rest of his life would consist of. He said softly, “Okay.” Jennifer took a deep breath and began, “Well…it’s not exactly either of the two things we spoke of earlier.” She paused and moved her gaze from the fire to his eyes and continued, “I want to help you find someone of your own kind, and once I do that then I want to return home.” Arroyo was a bit confused and he wasn’t sure whether to be overjoyed or sad, he said, “Why, to what extent? I’m the last of my kind; we’d be searching forever” Jennifer said softly, “Well…I’ve been thinking…and you said that you searched for them…but think about it Arroyo, if they were as smart as you then they went into hiding, they’re not going to be just flying around like they would have been however many years ago. They don’t want to be found, just as you don’t.” Arroyo sighed and said, “So maybe you’re right, maybe I’m not the last, but why is this what you’ve chosen?” Jennifer could tell he was upset, she could tell he didn’t want her to leave. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she stayed strong and kept her cool, she said, “Because I’ve been thinking about it Arroyo….if you live forever, that means one day I’m going to leave you anyway, I’m not immortal. Plus, if you were to find a mare, she could give you foals and potentially you could both bring back the Pegasus population. I can’t give you foals, and I can’t be with you forever, I love you Arroyo and that’s why I want to do this, because it will make you happy.” Arroyo snorted and said, “Don’t worry about my happiness Jennifer, I’ll be fine. I want you to do whatever makes you happiest, not me.” Jennifer smiled and said in a loving voice, “This will make me happy…knowing you’re happy, knowing you have a family again will make me happy. I want to see my own family as well…I belong in the human world, not out here. I probably wouldn’t survive out here anyhow…I don’t have any meat for protein, and during winter, regardless of how warm you are and how warm the fire is, I don’t think I could manage without clothes.” Arroyo sighed, knowing she was right…about everything. She would die eventually and he’d be left alone again. He would be happier with a mare, no matter how much it hurt him to think that. She did belong in the human world, and she probably wouldn’t survive the approaching winter. He looked into the fire for a long time as Jennifer watched him…after possibly an hour he finally looked up at her and said, “Alright…if that is what makes you happy then we shall do it. When do you want to set out?” Jennifer grinned and hugged him dearly saying, “Thank you Arroyo, I knew you’d understand.” She kissed his cheek and held him close until she fell asleep, not even answering his question. Arroyo sighed and fell asleep with her…he knew this was going to be a very big adventure.
The next morning Jennifer awoke early and went out to the spring to relieve herself. Upon her return she saw that Arroyo had woken up and she smiled to him as she lay down against him again. He wrapped his wing around her and licked her cheek gently, she smiled up at him and said, “Let’s leave in a little while, get an early start.” Arroyo smiled and said, “Sounds good to me.” Jennifer smirked; there was something she wanted to do before they left. She reached over and grabbed his sheath gently and began rubbing it, coaxing him out. Arroyo lifted his head, his ears perked forward and he nipped her gently as waves of pleasure began coursing through him. Jennifer smirked before standing up, she stuck on finger into her pussy as she began to become wet, and she stuck that finger up under Arroyo’s nose. He snorted slightly and felt his shaft begin to come out. Jennifer smirked seductively and slowly made her way out to the spring to the rock that they had mated on the first time. Arroyo quickly stood up, following close behind, knowing what she wanted and knowing that he wanted it too. When he got out to the spring, Jennifer was sitting on the rock with her legs wide open, slowly rubbing her clit. Arroyo smirked and trotted over to her, his now erect penis flapping up and down against his belly. He approached her slowly, he stuck his muzzle down to her groin and pushed her hands out of the way with his tongue as he licked up and down between her legs. He slowly inserted his tongue into her dripping wet pussy and began rapidly probing deep inside her, he wanted to bring her to orgasm like this but he couldn’t wait, he needed her too badly. He pulled his tongue out and he heard her moan slightly. He could tell she wanted more, but he stepped forward, over the rock and positioned himself to enter her. Jennifer smiled and took his massive shaft and directed it into herself. Once she had guided him to his mark he thrust in with all his strength, pushing all the way into her on the first try. She cried out with pleasure and pain, but much less pain than the first time. Arroyo began furiously thrusting in and out of her tight hole, grunting loudly and using his wings to push himself into her. No sooner had he entered her before Jennifer was suddenly swept up into a mind-blowing orgasm, causing her entire body to shake and her vocal cords to involuntarily scream out. As he thrusted in and out of her she was swept off into more orgasms than she could count and finally she was experiencing just one big never ending orgasm. Arroyo groaned loudly and let out a whinny of triumph as he felt his own orgasm rush over him and cause him to burst his seed deep inside her womb. He continued thrusting lightly as her insides milked him of everything he had. As Jennifer finally came down from her orgasmic high, she looked up at him, a weak grin on her face and she hugged his neck gently. Arroyo smiled down at her, his shaft was still inside her and he could feel it shrinking. They stood there for a while, enjoying the amazing afterglow of their intense lovemaking. Once Arroyo’s shaft had pulled out and shrunk back into his sheath, he backed away slowly and let her up, they both went over to the spring and got in slowly, the cool water feeling good on both their sweaty backs. They washed each other, Arroyo licking off his semen and her juices and Jennifer rubbing inside his sheath getting him clean as well. After they were done, Jennifer leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his neck; she sighed contently and closed her eyes. Arroyo smiled and held her close to him, he said softly, “I’ve been thinking about this plan of yours…and it’s beginning to grow on me, I really appreciate what you’re doing for me…I think you’re right, we’ll both be happier back in our own worlds.” Jennifer hugged him tighter and said, “I knew you’d like it.” They stood there with each other until Jennifer finally said, “Alright, lets get going…it’s almost noon.” Arroyo smiled and lifted her up onto his back with his wing before getting out of the water and going over to the edge of the cliff where the spring water fell as a waterfall. He looked down, and then looked back at Jennifer who was holding tightly to him. He jumped off the cliff, spreading his wings and the two soared high into the sky.
Arroyo thrust his powerful wings into the wind and up they climbed, up through the clouds and out onto an ocean of white. He spread his wings and they soared lazily through the air. He looked back at her and said, “So captain, where’re we headed?” Jennifer looked at him for a moment as she thought then said, “Let’s start with the mountains…that’s where you went so maybe that’s where some of the others went as well.” Arroyo smiled and said, “I’ve searched most of the mountains in this area…not thoroughly, but enough to know I’m the only one around for a good few miles. We’ll have to head north, the mountains continue that way.” And with that, he leaned to his left and changed from an eastward direction to a northern direction. He looked back at her and said, “Hold on tight.” As he leaned forward and they began in a dive straight towards the ground.
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Jennifer rubbed his neck gently, comforting him. He smiled slightly to her touch and continued, “There was this stallion, Torn, he had an eye for Cyrene, but he was a brute and he only wanted her to mate with. One day he went after her, and luckily I was nearby. I stepped between him and Cyrene and told him if he wanted her he’d have to kill me. Obviously, we fought, and about halfway through the fight, her sire had come up to comfort her, but he was also watching. After what seemed like forever, I had won and Torn lay there dead, but I was hurt pretty bad and I collapsed. When I woke up, guess who was standing there looking more worried than anyone else?” He smiled and Jennifer said, “Cyrene?” Arroyo smiled and said, “No, but she was a close second. Her sire was standing there, looking like he wanted to cry. When I woke up, he hugged me and thanked me for saving his daughter, and then he said that I had earned his trust and that if Cyrene wished to be my mate then it was fine by him.” Jennifer smiled; she said softly, “Sounds like trust is a big deal to your kind, not just you.” She giggled slightly and Arroyo nipped her gently, saying, “Trust is what governed us, it was what we lived by. You had to trust everyone in the herd to protect you and you had to be trustworthy to protect them….anyway, Cyrene and I became mates and had a foal, Radon….Cyrene and I loved him so much…he was ours.Now…mare Pegasus’s only come into heat once every…15 or 20 human years or so, and naturally, the foals grow just as slowly. We do not die of age, and we do not get old, we are born, then become fully grown and live as such for an eternity. We can be killed though, just like any other living thing. So anyway, Radon grew and our love for him grew. Then the humans came, they captured almost all of the herd, including me, Cyrene, and Radon. They bound us by chains and we couldn’t escape. They came down the line, killing everyone one by one and skinning them.” He shuddered and closed his eyes, it was a horrifying sight, he continued, “They came to Cyrene and Radon….and I watched helplessly as they were slaughtered…everything I had worked for was gone, and I was heartbroken…” tears began to fall from his cheeks, but he continued, “I don’t remember what happened next, but I know that I broke the chains and killed the two men who had slaughtered my family…then I went after the ones who had watched…then I went after any human I could find…blinded by rage…so much blood…I drew more blood than they had, and when there was no one left, I freed the last of my herd, though I didn’t follow them…I came here, and have been here ever since…that was all probably….” He thought for a moment, “four or five hundred years ago…yet I remember it like it was yesterday…” He sighed heavily, his heart hurt and he felt miserable…and yet…he felt a lot better at the same time. He had never told anyone what had happened, and it felt like a big weight was lifted from his shoulders. He sighed gently and nuzzled Jennifer before saying, “I assumed the rest of my herd was hunted down and killed, and I have searched the skies for any traces of anyone left…but I’ve never found anyone. Her sire was one of the ones I freed…I didn’t say a word to him after that, I just left.” Jennifer rubbed his back comfortingly and said softly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up such a painful topic…” Arroyo smiled and said, “No…I’m glad you did…I feel like I’ve got a bit of closure now…thank you.” Jennifer smiled and kissed him happily before getting an idea…it wasn’t definite that he was the last of his kind, he just thought he was…but Jennifer just knew there had to be someone left out there. Maybe if she were to help him find someone of his own kind, he wouldn’t be so lonely anymore, and if that were the case then maybe she could return to her old home without feeling guilty for leaving him. But then she thought of him mating with someone else and she became a bit jealous, only to push that thought away. She knew he would be much happier with someone of his own kind, as they could produce him a foal, Jennifer could not. As she thought about this she kind of spaced out and awoke when Arroyo nudged her gently before asking, “You okay?” Jennifer smiled and said, “Yeah…just thinking.” She decided to present the idea to him later as she scratched his neck gently and said, “I’m going to go for a swim, want to join me?” Arroyo smiled and said happily, “I’d love to.” He stood up and followed her out to the spring, slowly making his way into the cool water. He snorted slightly as the surface of the water touched his undercarriage, the water was cold and it hurt slightly, but he just kept going into the water, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling as his balls shrank rapidly. Jennifer laughed at him, she couldn’t help it. Arroyo smirked and splashed her with his wing, causing her to squeal slightly, as she hadn’t gotten into the water yet. He laughed back at her and said, “You coming or not?” Jennifer glared at him playfully then jumped into the water, splashing Arroyo. She surfaced, laughing and Arroyo nipped her playfully. She splashed him with her hand and Arroyo retaliated by bring both his wings up alongside her and pushing them inward and into the water, causing two waves of water to completely cover her. He laughed and she came up out of the water, coughing slightly and she said, “That’s not fair!” Arroyo kept laughing as he said, “All is fair in love and war” Jennifer smirked and said, “Fine, you win.” She walked over to him and hugged him closely. They stood there for a while together, enjoying the sound of the running water and the birds in the distance.
Later that night as they were sitting by the fire, Jennifer decided to present her idea to him, and as much as it hurt her to do so, she knew it would be better for the both of them if it worked out. As they laid there in silence Jennifer finally spoke up, “I think I’ve made my decision…” Arroyo felt his stomach twist up…this was it; this was the moment he found out what the rest of his life would consist of. He said softly, “Okay.” Jennifer took a deep breath and began, “Well…it’s not exactly either of the two things we spoke of earlier.” She paused and moved her gaze from the fire to his eyes and continued, “I want to help you find someone of your own kind, and once I do that then I want to return home.” Arroyo was a bit confused and he wasn’t sure whether to be overjoyed or sad, he said, “Why, to what extent? I’m the last of my kind; we’d be searching forever” Jennifer said softly, “Well…I’ve been thinking…and you said that you searched for them…but think about it Arroyo, if they were as smart as you then they went into hiding, they’re not going to be just flying around like they would have been however many years ago. They don’t want to be found, just as you don’t.” Arroyo sighed and said, “So maybe you’re right, maybe I’m not the last, but why is this what you’ve chosen?” Jennifer could tell he was upset, she could tell he didn’t want her to leave. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she stayed strong and kept her cool, she said, “Because I’ve been thinking about it Arroyo….if you live forever, that means one day I’m going to leave you anyway, I’m not immortal. Plus, if you were to find a mare, she could give you foals and potentially you could both bring back the Pegasus population. I can’t give you foals, and I can’t be with you forever, I love you Arroyo and that’s why I want to do this, because it will make you happy.” Arroyo snorted and said, “Don’t worry about my happiness Jennifer, I’ll be fine. I want you to do whatever makes you happiest, not me.” Jennifer smiled and said in a loving voice, “This will make me happy…knowing you’re happy, knowing you have a family again will make me happy. I want to see my own family as well…I belong in the human world, not out here. I probably wouldn’t survive out here anyhow…I don’t have any meat for protein, and during winter, regardless of how warm you are and how warm the fire is, I don’t think I could manage without clothes.” Arroyo sighed, knowing she was right…about everything. She would die eventually and he’d be left alone again. He would be happier with a mare, no matter how much it hurt him to think that. She did belong in the human world, and she probably wouldn’t survive the approaching winter. He looked into the fire for a long time as Jennifer watched him…after possibly an hour he finally looked up at her and said, “Alright…if that is what makes you happy then we shall do it. When do you want to set out?” Jennifer grinned and hugged him dearly saying, “Thank you Arroyo, I knew you’d understand.” She kissed his cheek and held him close until she fell asleep, not even answering his question. Arroyo sighed and fell asleep with her…he knew this was going to be a very big adventure.
The next morning Jennifer awoke early and went out to the spring to relieve herself. Upon her return she saw that Arroyo had woken up and she smiled to him as she lay down against him again. He wrapped his wing around her and licked her cheek gently, she smiled up at him and said, “Let’s leave in a little while, get an early start.” Arroyo smiled and said, “Sounds good to me.” Jennifer smirked; there was something she wanted to do before they left. She reached over and grabbed his sheath gently and began rubbing it, coaxing him out. Arroyo lifted his head, his ears perked forward and he nipped her gently as waves of pleasure began coursing through him. Jennifer smirked before standing up, she stuck on finger into her pussy as she began to become wet, and she stuck that finger up under Arroyo’s nose. He snorted slightly and felt his shaft begin to come out. Jennifer smirked seductively and slowly made her way out to the spring to the rock that they had mated on the first time. Arroyo quickly stood up, following close behind, knowing what she wanted and knowing that he wanted it too. When he got out to the spring, Jennifer was sitting on the rock with her legs wide open, slowly rubbing her clit. Arroyo smirked and trotted over to her, his now erect penis flapping up and down against his belly. He approached her slowly, he stuck his muzzle down to her groin and pushed her hands out of the way with his tongue as he licked up and down between her legs. He slowly inserted his tongue into her dripping wet pussy and began rapidly probing deep inside her, he wanted to bring her to orgasm like this but he couldn’t wait, he needed her too badly. He pulled his tongue out and he heard her moan slightly. He could tell she wanted more, but he stepped forward, over the rock and positioned himself to enter her. Jennifer smiled and took his massive shaft and directed it into herself. Once she had guided him to his mark he thrust in with all his strength, pushing all the way into her on the first try. She cried out with pleasure and pain, but much less pain than the first time. Arroyo began furiously thrusting in and out of her tight hole, grunting loudly and using his wings to push himself into her. No sooner had he entered her before Jennifer was suddenly swept up into a mind-blowing orgasm, causing her entire body to shake and her vocal cords to involuntarily scream out. As he thrusted in and out of her she was swept off into more orgasms than she could count and finally she was experiencing just one big never ending orgasm. Arroyo groaned loudly and let out a whinny of triumph as he felt his own orgasm rush over him and cause him to burst his seed deep inside her womb. He continued thrusting lightly as her insides milked him of everything he had. As Jennifer finally came down from her orgasmic high, she looked up at him, a weak grin on her face and she hugged his neck gently. Arroyo smiled down at her, his shaft was still inside her and he could feel it shrinking. They stood there for a while, enjoying the amazing afterglow of their intense lovemaking. Once Arroyo’s shaft had pulled out and shrunk back into his sheath, he backed away slowly and let her up, they both went over to the spring and got in slowly, the cool water feeling good on both their sweaty backs. They washed each other, Arroyo licking off his semen and her juices and Jennifer rubbing inside his sheath getting him clean as well. After they were done, Jennifer leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his neck; she sighed contently and closed her eyes. Arroyo smiled and held her close to him, he said softly, “I’ve been thinking about this plan of yours…and it’s beginning to grow on me, I really appreciate what you’re doing for me…I think you’re right, we’ll both be happier back in our own worlds.” Jennifer hugged him tighter and said, “I knew you’d like it.” They stood there with each other until Jennifer finally said, “Alright, lets get going…it’s almost noon.” Arroyo smiled and lifted her up onto his back with his wing before getting out of the water and going over to the edge of the cliff where the spring water fell as a waterfall. He looked down, and then looked back at Jennifer who was holding tightly to him. He jumped off the cliff, spreading his wings and the two soared high into the sky.
Arroyo thrust his powerful wings into the wind and up they climbed, up through the clouds and out onto an ocean of white. He spread his wings and they soared lazily through the air. He looked back at her and said, “So captain, where’re we headed?” Jennifer looked at him for a moment as she thought then said, “Let’s start with the mountains…that’s where you went so maybe that’s where some of the others went as well.” Arroyo smiled and said, “I’ve searched most of the mountains in this area…not thoroughly, but enough to know I’m the only one around for a good few miles. We’ll have to head north, the mountains continue that way.” And with that, he leaned to his left and changed from an eastward direction to a northern direction. He looked back at her and said, “Hold on tight.” As he leaned forward and they began in a dive straight towards the ground.
Pony #459 #3070284
They broke through the clouds, and were headed towards the forest below, Jennifer began to get nervous but she trusted his capabilities and just at the last possible moment, he re-spread his wings and pulled out of the dive, going much faster than he could have done on his own. Jennifer was pressed into his back because of the intense G-force…this reminded her of a Rollercoaster she had once ridden. They soared just inches over the treetops at breakneck speeds until finally they reached a canyon and Arroyo flapped his wings backwards to slow down. They soared slowly over the canyon as Jennifer looked down at the river, hundreds of feet below. She looked around in awe…she had never seen this place, let alone from up above. She got an idea and said, “Go down into the canyon, maybe there are caves in the side.” Arroyo dove again, but not with as much intensity as the first. They scanned the canyon’s sides, up and down the miles and miles of it, looking for any sign of life. After a few hours of searching they spotted a small cavern dug into the side of the canyon, Arroyo looked at Jennifer; they smiled at each other then dove down and landed at the entrance. Arroyo sighed slightly, he could sense that it was abandoned, and there was no smell. Jennifer got off his back, stretching her legs and she walked inside.Arroyo called after her and said, “There’s no one in there Jennifer, I’d smell them if there was, come on, lets go.” She looked back at him and said quickly, “Don’t be so sure, remember, they’re hiding, they don’t want to be found.” Arroyo rolled his eyes, his sense of smell had never let him down but he decided to follow her, just to prove he was right. They went deep into the cave until they came to a split; one way went left, and the other right. Jennifer said, “Let’s split up,” but Arroyo stopped her, “No…the last thing I want is for us to get separated and get lost.” They both went left, deep inside until they came to a dead end. Jennifer looked around, trying to find some other pathway, but there was none. She sighed and they went back, and then went to the right, and once again, a dead end. Jennifer turned to look at Arroyo; she said softly, “I’m sorry Arroyo…I…” Arroyo nuzzled her gently and said, “Don’t worry about it; I didn’t expect it to be this easy. Next time though, trust me when I say there’s no one inside.” She smiled and climbed back onto his back and Arroyo walked back out to the entrance of the cave…the sun was setting and it would be difficult to search with the limited visibility. Arroyo looked back at the cave and said, “Let’s just stay here for the night…searching anymore will be useless in the dark.” Jennifer said, “Let’s go down to the river first though; I want to clean up a bit.” Arroyo smiled, then with her on his back he leapt into the air and slowly drifted down to the river a good few hundred feet below. They landed and Jennifer got down and waded out into the water. It was cold, but not as cold as the spring water so it didn’t bother her. As she bathed Arroyo went and found some old dead limbs to use as kindling for a fire. He made a pile of wood and got some old dead pine needles, then he found a piece of limestone and he put it next to the fire wood and he scraped his hoof along the limestone causing a spark and creating a fire that slowly but steadily grew.He lay down next to the fire before he heard a moan come from Jennifer’s direction; he lifted his nose to the air and could tell she was pleasuring herself. He smiled to himself then lowered his head back down and watched the fire. When Jennifer returned a little while later, she looked relaxed and refreshed, and she had a trout clenched tightly in her fist by the tail. Arroyo laughed and said, “How did you manage to catch that?” Jennifer smiled and said, “It swam by and I was hungry…I just grabbed it, lucky, right?” She laughed and Arroyo smiled. He watched as she skillfully scaled and cleaned the fish before setting it on a stone in the fire, cooking it. Arroyo watched, slightly disgusted but very intrigued, he asked, “Where did you learn how to do all that?” She smiled and said, “I have two older brothers, and we live on a farm that backs up to a lake…we used to go fishing all the time but our mother doesn’t like fish so our dad taught us all how to clean them.” Arroyo smiled, very impressed. After a while the fish was done and Jennifer took it out of the fire using a stick that hadn’t been burned yet. After it cooled down she began digging into the flesh with her hands, she offered Arroyo a piece and he almost puked. He turned away and said, “Vegetarian, remember? I may have wings but that doesn’t mean I eat like a bird.” Jennifer laughed and said, “Sorry, I forgot.” After she was done she threw the remnants into the river and then went over to Arroyo and lay down next to him. She sighed contently, her belly full, and she rested against him, looking up at the stars. She remembered her excursion in the water, and began to wonder…he had been alone for 500 years is what he said, and he didn’t have hands…talk about blue balls, she thought. She looked over at him and as her curiosity welled up in her, she just couldn’t resist and she knew he wouldn’t mind anyway. She said softly, “Arroyo…can I ask you a personal question?” He looked over at her, not exactly sure what question she could possibly ask, he said, “Sure, I’m listening.” Jennifer blushed slightly and asked, “Well…you said you’ve been alone for about 500 years…and…well, you don’t have hands or anyone to help you out…how do you…pleasure yourself?” She looked over at him, still blushing slightly. Arroyo chuckled and said, “I’ll show you tomorrow…I don’t feel like explaining.” Jennifer was slightly turned on by the thought of him pleasuring himself in front of her, but she knew he was tired so she lowered her head to his shoulder and said, “Okay.” After a while they both fell asleep. About halfway through the night, Jennifer was awoken by something touching her leg, her first thought was a snake and she tried to stay as still as possible so not to agitate it, but then as she looked around Arroyo’s wing she saw his fully erect shaft bouncing up and down, leaving wet spots on her leg. A wide grin crept across her face and she turned to see Arroyo still asleep, but a smile on his face. She chuckled slightly and moved forward a bit; giving his throbbing member room so it didn’t wake her up again. She laid her head back down and fell back asleep.The next morning when they had both woken up, Jennifer smirked and said, “Have any good dreams last night?” Arroyo, still groggy, said, “Hm…nothing I can think of…” Jennifer raised and eyebrow and said, “You sure about that, cause a certain appendage of yours says otherwise.” It was Arroyo’s turn to raise an eyebrow before he suddenly remembered that he had in fact had a dream last night, and it took him until now to remember. It was a dream of him mating with Cyrene. A dark look fell upon his face and he looked away for a moment, and then turned back to Jennifer, he said softly, “Now that I think about it, yeah…” Jennifer could tell something was wrong and she had a concerned look on her face now, she asked, “You okay? What’s wrong?” Arroyo sighed and said, “Nothing….it was just a dream…I was mating with Cyrene…” Jennifer felt terrible, not sure why, but she did. She wrapped her arms around him and said softly, “I’m sorry Arroyo…I wouldn’t have said anything if I’d known.” He sighed and said, “No its okay…anyway…why do you ask? What appendage?” Jennifer laughed slightly, she couldn’t help it, she blushed and said, “Well think about the dream…lets just say I got poked in the leg last night.” Arroyo laughed, he said, “Oops…sorry about that….” They both laughed together, the sadness of the dream fading away to their joy. Arroyo smiled and said, “Alright, so what’s the plan for today?” Jennifer smiled and said, “Well, first I’m going to go wash my leg off, then you’re going to show me how you pleasure yourself, then we’ll decide from there.” Arroyo laughed at her bluntness, and he said, “Just out of curiosity, before you met me, would you have ever said anything like that to a human male?” Jennifer blushed slightly and said, “Probably not…you’re more pushy than most human males, but in a good way.” She kissed him then went over to the river to wash her leg. Arroyo watched her, thinking about her, trying to become aroused so he could show her. This was certainly not something he’d ever thought about sharing with a female….back in his herd, it was just something you did, you never particularly showed anyone, and you didn’t care who saw…it was as natural as well…everything else he did. When she came back he stuck his nose down in her crotch, smelling her closely. She giggled and backed up slightly, surprised by the suddenness of it. Arroyo closed his eyes and smiled as his sheath began to drop his shaft. Jennifer giggled; she never got tired of watching his massive penis grow. Once he was fully erect, he smiled at her and said, “I’m only doing this once, so watch closely.” Jennifer sat down on the ground with her legs crossed and she watched as his huge member began to bounce up and down, hitting his belly. She giggled slightly; it was not something she’d ever seen before. Arroyo watched her, he didn’t understand what was so entertaining about this, but he didn’t mind, so he stood there masturbating. He lowered his head to graze but continued giving Jennifer her show. His glans flared and his member began bobbing up and down faster, Arroyo moaned slightly, and once satisfied his member stopped bouncing and began shrinking back into his sheath. Jennifer’s jaw dropped slightly, and she said, “That’s it? What about cumming? You didn’t cum!” Arroyo laughed and said, “What are you talking about? Why would I bother wasting my seed when I’m not mating with someone?” Jennifer said, “For pleasure! Doesn’t it feel good to gush all over the place?” Arroyo kept laughing, this was quite amusing to him, the fact that it wasn’t what she had expected, he said, “It doesn’t make much difference, I don’t feel the need to ejaculate.” Jennifer said quickly, “Well that’s not what I paid for, I want the whole show.” Arroyo raised and eyebrow and said, “Paid for? What are yooooohhhhhhh.“ He groaned loudly as she went over behind him and stuck her hands between his legs and began vigorously massaging his genitals. He groaned again and said, “Jennifeeer, whaat are you dooooing?” Jennifer said firmly, “Finishing you off.” Arroyo groaned as his shaft once again expanded and fell from his sheath. It hardened almost immediately with Jennifer’s touch, and as it expanded she went to his side and began rubbing up and down, smirking as she watched his face. Arroyo turned his head back and nipped her gently, giving in to her. Arroyo thrusted lightly into her hands and took a step forward by sheer impulse. He grunted and thrusted into her hands before he felt his semen begin to shoot from his flared glans. He continued thrusting into her hands and glanced back at her, he couldn’t help but chuckle through his orgasm as he saw the wide eyed joy in Jennifer’s face as she watched him shoot his load on the ground. After it was all over there was a large wet spot on the ground, Arroyo was panting heavily, and Jennifer was washing her hands in the stream. She came up next to him and wrapped one arm around his neck, leaning against him, and said casually, “There, now do you feel better?” Arroyo looked at her skeptically and said loudly, “I didn’t feel bad to begin with.” He smirked and said, “Though I do feel a bit more relaxed now.” He chuckled and nipped her playfully, pulling her hair around into her face. Jennifer laughed and said, “Alright…let’s get going now.” She climbed up onto his back and held on tightly to his mane before saying, “Keep heading north.” Arroyo nodded and took off into a gallop before opening his wings and picking himself up off the ground with her on his back. The two flew up, out of the canyon and headed due north once again, back on their way.
Arroyo looked back and said, “Alright, you ready?” Jennifer nodded as Arroyo began climbing higher and higher until they broke through the clouds, and just as the previous day, he leaned forward and plummeted towards the earth in a steep dive, pulling up at the last second and soaring across the landscape at tremendous speeds. After a few hours of flying over plains they finally saw more mountains in the distance, probably another hour away. When they finally reached their destination, the sun was beginning to set. Jennifer said, “Why don’t we stop for the night…we’ll search the mountains in the morning.” Arroyo nodded before slowing down gradually as he spotted a stream and decided to land there. Once back on solid ground, Jennifer went over to the stream, trying to find something to eat as she had the previous night. Arroyo, watched her for a while before deciding to make a fire. He found some dead limbs as he had done the previous night and he found a piece of limestone. Once he had the fire going he walked over to the stream with Jennifer and he lowered himself in, cleaning off the sweat from flying and the dirt from scrounging around for firewood. Jennifer swam over to him, giving up on trying to catch any fish and she said softly in his ear, “You know, pleasuring you this morning was a big turn on…” Arroyo raised an eyebrow and watched her carefully as she stroked his back and neck; he nipped her breast gently, causing her to let out a little moan and arch her back slightly. He smirked and nipped at the other, getting the same effect from her. By this time he knew she was aroused and he knew what she wanted…unfortunately for her, he was too tired from flying all day. He said softly, “I can’t Jennifer; you wore me out by sitting on my back all day long.” She sighed gently and said, “Okay…” She was disappointed but she understood and wasn’t going to beg him or anything.
Pony #459 #3070284
They broke through the clouds, and were headed towards the forest below, Jennifer began to get nervous but she trusted his capabilities and just at the last possible moment, he re-spread his wings and pulled out of the dive, going much faster than he could have done on his own. Jennifer was pressed into his back because of the intense G-force…this reminded her of a Rollercoaster she had once ridden. They soared just inches over the treetops at breakneck speeds until finally they reached a canyon and Arroyo flapped his wings backwards to slow down. They soared slowly over the canyon as Jennifer looked down at the river, hundreds of feet below. She looked around in awe…she had never seen this place, let alone from up above. She got an idea and said, “Go down into the canyon, maybe there are caves in the side.” Arroyo dove again, but not with as much intensity as the first. They scanned the canyon’s sides, up and down the miles and miles of it, looking for any sign of life. After a few hours of searching they spotted a small cavern dug into the side of the canyon, Arroyo looked at Jennifer; they smiled at each other then dove down and landed at the entrance. Arroyo sighed slightly, he could sense that it was abandoned, and there was no smell. Jennifer got off his back, stretching her legs and she walked inside.Arroyo called after her and said, “There’s no one in there Jennifer, I’d smell them if there was, come on, lets go.” She looked back at him and said quickly, “Don’t be so sure, remember, they’re hiding, they don’t want to be found.” Arroyo rolled his eyes, his sense of smell had never let him down but he decided to follow her, just to prove he was right. They went deep into the cave until they came to a split; one way went left, and the other right. Jennifer said, “Let’s split up,” but Arroyo stopped her, “No…the last thing I want is for us to get separated and get lost.” They both went left, deep inside until they came to a dead end. Jennifer looked around, trying to find some other pathway, but there was none. She sighed and they went back, and then went to the right, and once again, a dead end. Jennifer turned to look at Arroyo; she said softly, “I’m sorry Arroyo…I…” Arroyo nuzzled her gently and said, “Don’t worry about it; I didn’t expect it to be this easy. Next time though, trust me when I say there’s no one inside.” She smiled and climbed back onto his back and Arroyo walked back out to the entrance of the cave…the sun was setting and it would be difficult to search with the limited visibility. Arroyo looked back at the cave and said, “Let’s just stay here for the night…searching anymore will be useless in the dark.” Jennifer said, “Let’s go down to the river first though; I want to clean up a bit.” Arroyo smiled, then with her on his back he leapt into the air and slowly drifted down to the river a good few hundred feet below. They landed and Jennifer got down and waded out into the water. It was cold, but not as cold as the spring water so it didn’t bother her. As she bathed Arroyo went and found some old dead limbs to use as kindling for a fire. He made a pile of wood and got some old dead pine needles, then he found a piece of limestone and he put it next to the fire wood and he scraped his hoof along the limestone causing a spark and creating a fire that slowly but steadily grew.He lay down next to the fire before he heard a moan come from Jennifer’s direction; he lifted his nose to the air and could tell she was pleasuring herself. He smiled to himself then lowered his head back down and watched the fire. When Jennifer returned a little while later, she looked relaxed and refreshed, and she had a trout clenched tightly in her fist by the tail. Arroyo laughed and said, “How did you manage to catch that?” Jennifer smiled and said, “It swam by and I was hungry…I just grabbed it, lucky, right?” She laughed and Arroyo smiled. He watched as she skillfully scaled and cleaned the fish before setting it on a stone in the fire, cooking it. Arroyo watched, slightly disgusted but very intrigued, he asked, “Where did you learn how to do all that?” She smiled and said, “I have two older brothers, and we live on a farm that backs up to a lake…we used to go fishing all the time but our mother doesn’t like fish so our dad taught us all how to clean them.” Arroyo smiled, very impressed. After a while the fish was done and Jennifer took it out of the fire using a stick that hadn’t been burned yet. After it cooled down she began digging into the flesh with her hands, she offered Arroyo a piece and he almost puked. He turned away and said, “Vegetarian, remember? I may have wings but that doesn’t mean I eat like a bird.” Jennifer laughed and said, “Sorry, I forgot.” After she was done she threw the remnants into the river and then went over to Arroyo and lay down next to him. She sighed contently, her belly full, and she rested against him, looking up at the stars. She remembered her excursion in the water, and began to wonder…he had been alone for 500 years is what he said, and he didn’t have hands…talk about blue balls, she thought. She looked over at him and as her curiosity welled up in her, she just couldn’t resist and she knew he wouldn’t mind anyway. She said softly, “Arroyo…can I ask you a personal question?” He looked over at her, not exactly sure what question she could possibly ask, he said, “Sure, I’m listening.” Jennifer blushed slightly and asked, “Well…you said you’ve been alone for about 500 years…and…well, you don’t have hands or anyone to help you out…how do you…pleasure yourself?” She looked over at him, still blushing slightly. Arroyo chuckled and said, “I’ll show you tomorrow…I don’t feel like explaining.” Jennifer was slightly turned on by the thought of him pleasuring himself in front of her, but she knew he was tired so she lowered her head to his shoulder and said, “Okay.” After a while they both fell asleep. About halfway through the night, Jennifer was awoken by something touching her leg, her first thought was a snake and she tried to stay as still as possible so not to agitate it, but then as she looked around Arroyo’s wing she saw his fully erect shaft bouncing up and down, leaving wet spots on her leg. A wide grin crept across her face and she turned to see Arroyo still asleep, but a smile on his face. She chuckled slightly and moved forward a bit; giving his throbbing member room so it didn’t wake her up again. She laid her head back down and fell back asleep.The next morning when they had both woken up, Jennifer smirked and said, “Have any good dreams last night?” Arroyo, still groggy, said, “Hm…nothing I can think of…” Jennifer raised and eyebrow and said, “You sure about that, cause a certain appendage of yours says otherwise.” It was Arroyo’s turn to raise an eyebrow before he suddenly remembered that he had in fact had a dream last night, and it took him until now to remember. It was a dream of him mating with Cyrene. A dark look fell upon his face and he looked away for a moment, and then turned back to Jennifer, he said softly, “Now that I think about it, yeah…” Jennifer could tell something was wrong and she had a concerned look on her face now, she asked, “You okay? What’s wrong?” Arroyo sighed and said, “Nothing….it was just a dream…I was mating with Cyrene…” Jennifer felt terrible, not sure why, but she did. She wrapped her arms around him and said softly, “I’m sorry Arroyo…I wouldn’t have said anything if I’d known.” He sighed and said, “No its okay…anyway…why do you ask? What appendage?” Jennifer laughed slightly, she couldn’t help it, she blushed and said, “Well think about the dream…lets just say I got poked in the leg last night.” Arroyo laughed, he said, “Oops…sorry about that….” They both laughed together, the sadness of the dream fading away to their joy. Arroyo smiled and said, “Alright, so what’s the plan for today?” Jennifer smiled and said, “Well, first I’m going to go wash my leg off, then you’re going to show me how you pleasure yourself, then we’ll decide from there.” Arroyo laughed at her bluntness, and he said, “Just out of curiosity, before you met me, would you have ever said anything like that to a human male?” Jennifer blushed slightly and said, “Probably not…you’re more pushy than most human males, but in a good way.” She kissed him then went over to the river to wash her leg. Arroyo watched her, thinking about her, trying to become aroused so he could show her. This was certainly not something he’d ever thought about sharing with a female….back in his herd, it was just something you did, you never particularly showed anyone, and you didn’t care who saw…it was as natural as well…everything else he did. When she came back he stuck his nose down in her crotch, smelling her closely. She giggled and backed up slightly, surprised by the suddenness of it. Arroyo closed his eyes and smiled as his sheath began to drop his shaft. Jennifer giggled; she never got tired of watching his massive penis grow. Once he was fully erect, he smiled at her and said, “I’m only doing this once, so watch closely.” Jennifer sat down on the ground with her legs crossed and she watched as his huge member began to bounce up and down, hitting his belly. She giggled slightly; it was not something she’d ever seen before. Arroyo watched her, he didn’t understand what was so entertaining about this, but he didn’t mind, so he stood there masturbating. He lowered his head to graze but continued giving Jennifer her show. His glans flared and his member began bobbing up and down faster, Arroyo moaned slightly, and once satisfied his member stopped bouncing and began shrinking back into his sheath. Jennifer’s jaw dropped slightly, and she said, “That’s it? What about cumming? You didn’t cum!” Arroyo laughed and said, “What are you talking about? Why would I bother wasting my seed when I’m not mating with someone?” Jennifer said, “For pleasure! Doesn’t it feel good to gush all over the place?” Arroyo kept laughing, this was quite amusing to him, the fact that it wasn’t what she had expected, he said, “It doesn’t make much difference, I don’t feel the need to ejaculate.” Jennifer said quickly, “Well that’s not what I paid for, I want the whole show.” Arroyo raised and eyebrow and said, “Paid for? What are yooooohhhhhhh.“ He groaned loudly as she went over behind him and stuck her hands between his legs and began vigorously massaging his genitals. He groaned again and said, “Jennifeeer, whaat are you dooooing?” Jennifer said firmly, “Finishing you off.” Arroyo groaned as his shaft once again expanded and fell from his sheath. It hardened almost immediately with Jennifer’s touch, and as it expanded she went to his side and began rubbing up and down, smirking as she watched his face. Arroyo turned his head back and nipped her gently, giving in to her. Arroyo thrusted lightly into her hands and took a step forward by sheer impulse. He grunted and thrusted into her hands before he felt his semen begin to shoot from his flared glans. He continued thrusting into her hands and glanced back at her, he couldn’t help but chuckle through his orgasm as he saw the wide eyed joy in Jennifer’s face as she watched him shoot his load on the ground. After it was all over there was a large wet spot on the ground, Arroyo was panting heavily, and Jennifer was washing her hands in the stream. She came up next to him and wrapped one arm around his neck, leaning against him, and said casually, “There, now do you feel better?” Arroyo looked at her skeptically and said loudly, “I didn’t feel bad to begin with.” He smirked and said, “Though I do feel a bit more relaxed now.” He chuckled and nipped her playfully, pulling her hair around into her face. Jennifer laughed and said, “Alright…let’s get going now.” She climbed up onto his back and held on tightly to his mane before saying, “Keep heading north.” Arroyo nodded and took off into a gallop before opening his wings and picking himself up off the ground with her on his back. The two flew up, out of the canyon and headed due north once again, back on their way.
Arroyo looked back and said, “Alright, you ready?” Jennifer nodded as Arroyo began climbing higher and higher until they broke through the clouds, and just as the previous day, he leaned forward and plummeted towards the earth in a steep dive, pulling up at the last second and soaring across the landscape at tremendous speeds. After a few hours of flying over plains they finally saw more mountains in the distance, probably another hour away. When they finally reached their destination, the sun was beginning to set. Jennifer said, “Why don’t we stop for the night…we’ll search the mountains in the morning.” Arroyo nodded before slowing down gradually as he spotted a stream and decided to land there. Once back on solid ground, Jennifer went over to the stream, trying to find something to eat as she had the previous night. Arroyo, watched her for a while before deciding to make a fire. He found some dead limbs as he had done the previous night and he found a piece of limestone. Once he had the fire going he walked over to the stream with Jennifer and he lowered himself in, cleaning off the sweat from flying and the dirt from scrounging around for firewood. Jennifer swam over to him, giving up on trying to catch any fish and she said softly in his ear, “You know, pleasuring you this morning was a big turn on…” Arroyo raised an eyebrow and watched her carefully as she stroked his back and neck; he nipped her breast gently, causing her to let out a little moan and arch her back slightly. He smirked and nipped at the other, getting the same effect from her. By this time he knew she was aroused and he knew what she wanted…unfortunately for her, he was too tired from flying all day. He said softly, “I can’t Jennifer; you wore me out by sitting on my back all day long.” She sighed gently and said, “Okay…” She was disappointed but she understood and wasn’t going to beg him or anything.
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Pony #460 #3070288
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Pony #461 #3070290
Arroyo’s ears drooped slightly, he could tell she was disappointed, he said softly, “Come on, I have an idea” Jennifer looked up at him curiously, and then followed him out of the water over to the fire where he laid down. He nickered softly to her and she approached him, sitting down in front of him. He opened his wing slightly and said softly, “Lean back.” She did as she was told and now she was lying on the ground, against his wing with her crotch right next to his chest. Arroyo smiled and looked her over, he looked in her eyes and said, “You are very beautiful…I hope you find a human male who can appreciate your beauty as much as I do” She blushed slightly and stroked his mane saying softly, “Awe…you’re too sweet.” He smiled and rubbed his muzzle against her neck gently and he licked her cheek. She giggled slightly and looked up at him, he said softly, “Close your eyes…just relax.”
She again did as she was told and Arroyo began rubbing his velvet nose across her neck and along her arms, down to her chest. He rubbed his muzzle between her breasts then across one and licked it gently, causing her to let out a little moan. He moved to the other and did the same, rubbing it with his muzzle and licking it gently. He went down further and rubbed his muzzle under her breasts, pushing on them gently before going down to her abdomen, licking it as well, his huge warm tongue covering almost half of her lower torso. She let out another moan, a little louder this time, his caressing was becoming very intense, no male lover had ever done anything like this before. Arroyo moved down lower still but passed her groin and went to her legs. First he rubbed the tops of her thighs, and then slowly moved inward, licking her thighs as he went. She arched her back moaning louder still. Her breathing was increasing slightly and as Arroyo noticed this, he rested his head across her chest, his neck pressing down on her breasts. He whispered softly in her ear, “Shhh…just relax….just relax” He moved his head back down again as her breathing slowed and went back between her legs, this time gently rubbing his muzzle across her lips and her clit. She let out a low, soft moan, she felt so relaxed and yet so aroused. He continued rubbing her groin gently with his muzzle, his velvety skin teasing her clit. He placed his nose over her clit and slowly breathed out, his warm breath causing her to let out another moan. She said softly, “Ohhh Arroyo…this is…this is amazing…” Arroyo smiled, happy that he could bring her this much pleasure without even doing anything more than rubbing her body gently. He decided it was time to give her what she had wanted all along so as he rubbed her groin with his muzzle, he went a bit lower and stuck out his long, warm tongue, gently pushing it between her lips as he slowly moved upward, licking across her opening and over her clit. She moaned loudly now, even pushing her hips forward slightly, wanting something, anything at this point, inside her. Arroyo smiled and repeated the process, going back down then coming up to her hole, except this time he slowly pushed his tongue in, flicking the tip around as much as possible inside her tight pussy. She let out another, louder moan, even calling out to him, “Ohhh Arroyo! Don’t stop, don’t stop!” Arroyo grinned slightly then pushed his massive tongue deeper inside her. She began to thrust her hips upward into his tongue, wanting more in her. Arroyo continued slowly pushing his tongue in until he could fit no more, and he wrapped his lips around her clit and anything else he could. He began sucking gently and moving his tongue in and out, slowly and gently. Jennifer’s breathing quickened and she began to moan loudly, “Oh god yes!” She thrust into his muzzle lightly, she wanted to open her eyes to see everything, but she knew he wouldn’t want her to so she kept them shut and continued moaning with intense pleasure. She felt her orgasm building up and she moaned louder, this time her words becoming so jumbled they couldn’t be understood. Arroyo continued at his slow and steady pace, slowly bringing her up. Jennifer let out her loudest moan yet, it was almost yelling, and she felt the most amazing orgasm she’d ever had rip through her body, taking control of her legs and arms, causing her to shake slightly with pleasure and push her hips up to his mouth. Arroyo continued, letting her ride the orgasm as long as she wanted. Her body continued to tremble as she was hit with orgasm after orgasm, she screamed out with pleasure; clearly calling out Arroyo’s name until finally she had to push his head away gently, letting him know that was enough. Arroyo released her and pulled his tongue out, he smiled happily, satisfied with his work as Jennifer lay there panting in his wing. Her body lay still after a while when her breathing had reduced and she had yet to open her eyes, she laid there enjoying the wonderful afterglow of her orgasms. Arroyo nipped her cheek gently and said, “You can open your eyes now.” Jennifer slowly opened her eyes, looking up at him, smiling wider than she ever had. She said softly, “Come here…” Arroyo lowered his muzzle to her face and weakly she put her hand against his cheek and kissed his nose gently but passionately, she whispered, “Thank you.” Arroyo smiled and said softly, “You’re very welcome.” She tried to push herself up but her arms were too weak, Arroyo saw this and used his wing to gently push her up against him, letting her lean into his neck. She smiled before closing her eyes and immediately drifting off to sleep. Arroyo smiled, watching her as she slept, before he too lowered his head and fell asleep.
Arroyo awoke the next morning feeling well rested and ready to get going. He saw Jennifer was still asleep and he decided she needed the rest, so he lowered his head and waited about an hour before he became restless and needed to get up. But he didn’t want to wake Jennifer up by standing up as she was still leaning against him. Then he got an idea how to wake her up without making her mad. He lowered his head to her groin and began caressing her clit with his soft velvety muzzle and after a while he began to lick her lips and clit, and soon after that he had stuck his tongue up into her opening, licking her very gently. As all this was going on Jennifer began dreaming of a guy she had had a crush on since high school named Brent. She dreamt they went out on a date to some fancy restaurant she couldn’t remember then name of, and after a wonderful dinner that didn’t include alcohol, Brent suggested they go back to his place. Earlier when Jennifer had asked why no alcohol, he just said because the night didn’t call for it. Now she knew why, he wanted her sober to make sure if they had sex it wouldn’t be date rape or anything. She laughed and put her hand to his face and said, “You’re too sweet.” Brent assumed she had figured out why he didn’t want her drinking any alcohol and he shrugged and said, “Hey, what can I say?” They left in his car, back to his house and no sooner had they gotten in the door were they in the bedroom getting it on. In her dream he had a huge shaft and he was thrusting gently in and out of her, but then as the dream progressed she felt it moving around inside her, and she began wondering what was going on, and finally she realized it was a dream and woke up, only to see Arroyo with his tongue inside her, and an orgasm building in her that was very, very real. She moaned softly and Arroyo glanced up, he could see the smile on her face, taking that as encouragement to continue. She moaned louder as he did the same thing as last night, sucking on her genitals and moving his tongue in and out of her slowly. She moaned louder and louder until finally her orgasm ripped through her, causing her to arch her back and grab onto Arroyo’s neck squeezing gently. She pushing him away after the first orgasm, too tired from just waking up to continue. Arroyo lifted his head and smiled saying, “I wanted to wake you up nicely.” Jennifer laughed weakly and said, “That was nice, thank you….no one’s certainly ever done that before.” She sighed contently and remembered her dream, thinking of Brent…she yearned to see him again, and hoped he had been worrying about her. Arroyo saw the distant look on her face and he said softly, “You okay?” Jennifer smiled and said, “Yeah…I uhh…when you were doing that and I was still asleep I dreamt it was a friend of mine down there.” She blushed slightly and Arroyo smiled saying, “You like him, don’t you?” Jennifer blushed again and said, “Yeah…I’ve had a crush on him for a very long time, ever since high school…I’ve just never had the guts to talk to him.” Arroyo smiled and said, “Well maybe that will change by the time you return home….lets get going early this morning, to sooner we leave the sooner you get back to Brent.” Jennifer looked at him and said, “How’d you know his name? I didn’t tell you.” Arroyo said casually, “Oh, you moaned his name while you were still asleep.” Jennifer laughed and said, “Oops…didn’t make you jealous did I?” Arroyo smiled and said, “Not at all…it was just a dream after all.” Jennifer smiled and said, “Alright then, let me go take a bath and then we’ll go…” Arroyo smiled and said, “I’ll join you.” The two went over to the stream and both lowered themselves in, washing off dirt and sweat and anything else they could. Arroyo dunked his head under, shaking his mane to get it clean. Jennifer watched him, enjoying watching his beauty. It was going to be hard to leave him, he had done so much for her, and he was definitely the best lover she’d ever had. She sighed and continued washing her hair. She figured later that night if they were unsuccessful in their search then she’d return the last two favors he had given her…in fact, she wanted to return the favors, she wanted to hold his shaft in her hands at least once more before they went their separate ways. She loved him, and that would never change…it wasn’t like love for a husband or family member though, it was deeper and yet more innocent. It was like a pet almost, but not quite since it was more a case of him owning her. She chuckled at that thought and splashed him gently; he turned and smirked, splashing back at her with a huge wave of water. He said, “You really want to start that again?” She laughed and said, “Okay, okay, you win.” They got out of the water, and after Arroyo had stomped out the fire they were on their way again. They searched far and wide, high and low through those mountains, not finding a single inhabited cave, at least not one inhabited by a Pegasus, as there were plenty bats. When they were done with their search, Jennifer suggested they continue further north, and so, they once again rose up above the clouds and came crashing back down, launching them far north. They came across a heavily wooded forest next, and Arroyo sensed something, but he wasn’t sure what. It was familiar to him and yet it wasn’t. He couldn’t tell what it was, and yet deep down he knew it, just couldn’t visualize it. They searched deep into the forest, following the scent. Jennifer, who couldn’t smell anything, followed him closely, watching him. She hadn’t seen him like this before; he was intent, serious, and almost scary. They followed for hours, the smell only gradually getting stronger. It began to get dark and Jennifer suggested they stop for the night as they passed a stream. Arroyo said, “No, we’re close, I can tell.” Jennifer stopped herself in front of him and said in a serious voice, “That’s what you said two hours ago. Smell or not, it’s still hard for me to see in the dark and I don’t feel like stepping on a snake or something. I’m stopping here, if you want to keep going then fine, go ahead.” She turned and walked over to the stream, sitting down at the bank. Arroyo looked at her, then towards the smell, then back at her, and decided she was more important at the time being. He went over to her and lay down next to her, saying softly, “I’m sorry…there’s just something about this smell…I don’t know…” Jennifer sighed and leaned against him, “It’s okay…I understand.” Jennifer rubbed his neck with her hand, stroking his mane and feeling his powerful muscles, she looked up at him, a deep passion in her eyes and she said softly, “Arroyo…” He looked down at her; he looked in her eyes and said, “Yes?” She moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and she said softly, “Make love to me…please…at least once more before we go our separate ways.” Arroyo smiled and nipped her cheek gently and said, “Okay…you deserve it anyway, I would never have come this far without you.” She smiled and stood up slowly; looking for some place she could lay and be elevated for him. She saw a fallen a fallen tree, she put her groin to his muzzle, letting him smell her as he was still laying down, then she walked over to the tree and laid down on it. Arroyo stood up, already becoming aroused and he walked over to the tree, nipping her gently and licking at her wet pussy. She shuddered slightly from the pleasure and spread her legs over the sides of the tree, giving her balance and him full access. Arroyo was now fully erect and he awkwardly stepped over the tree, positioning himself above the tree and Jennifer. He stepped up closer and felt her warm hands grasp his throbbing member, guiding it slowly to her opening. Arroyo smiled down at her and licked her cheek gently before slowly pushing himself into her, letting out a soft groan of pleasure. Jennifer gasped as he entered her and kept on going. She closed her eyes and moaned as inch after wonderful inch was pushed into her until she felt him pushing at her cervix. Arroyo looked down at her, and she smiled up at him, telling him to continue. Arroyo let out a little snort and pushed his way into her womb, groaning louder now. Jennifer gasped and let out a moan of pain and pleasure as he pushed all the way into her, she gritted her teeth but also thrust her hips up onto him, and Arroyo began moving himself in and out of her, faster and faster, thrusting deep into her each time, until he was vigorously, pushing all the way in to the hilt and pulling about halfway out, before slamming himself back in again.
Pony #461 #3070290
Arroyo’s ears drooped slightly, he could tell she was disappointed, he said softly, “Come on, I have an idea” Jennifer looked up at him curiously, and then followed him out of the water over to the fire where he laid down. He nickered softly to her and she approached him, sitting down in front of him. He opened his wing slightly and said softly, “Lean back.” She did as she was told and now she was lying on the ground, against his wing with her crotch right next to his chest. Arroyo smiled and looked her over, he looked in her eyes and said, “You are very beautiful…I hope you find a human male who can appreciate your beauty as much as I do” She blushed slightly and stroked his mane saying softly, “Awe…you’re too sweet.” He smiled and rubbed his muzzle against her neck gently and he licked her cheek. She giggled slightly and looked up at him, he said softly, “Close your eyes…just relax.”
She again did as she was told and Arroyo began rubbing his velvet nose across her neck and along her arms, down to her chest. He rubbed his muzzle between her breasts then across one and licked it gently, causing her to let out a little moan. He moved to the other and did the same, rubbing it with his muzzle and licking it gently. He went down further and rubbed his muzzle under her breasts, pushing on them gently before going down to her abdomen, licking it as well, his huge warm tongue covering almost half of her lower torso. She let out another moan, a little louder this time, his caressing was becoming very intense, no male lover had ever done anything like this before. Arroyo moved down lower still but passed her groin and went to her legs. First he rubbed the tops of her thighs, and then slowly moved inward, licking her thighs as he went. She arched her back moaning louder still. Her breathing was increasing slightly and as Arroyo noticed this, he rested his head across her chest, his neck pressing down on her breasts. He whispered softly in her ear, “Shhh…just relax….just relax” He moved his head back down again as her breathing slowed and went back between her legs, this time gently rubbing his muzzle across her lips and her clit. She let out a low, soft moan, she felt so relaxed and yet so aroused. He continued rubbing her groin gently with his muzzle, his velvety skin teasing her clit. He placed his nose over her clit and slowly breathed out, his warm breath causing her to let out another moan. She said softly, “Ohhh Arroyo…this is…this is amazing…” Arroyo smiled, happy that he could bring her this much pleasure without even doing anything more than rubbing her body gently. He decided it was time to give her what she had wanted all along so as he rubbed her groin with his muzzle, he went a bit lower and stuck out his long, warm tongue, gently pushing it between her lips as he slowly moved upward, licking across her opening and over her clit. She moaned loudly now, even pushing her hips forward slightly, wanting something, anything at this point, inside her. Arroyo smiled and repeated the process, going back down then coming up to her hole, except this time he slowly pushed his tongue in, flicking the tip around as much as possible inside her tight pussy. She let out another, louder moan, even calling out to him, “Ohhh Arroyo! Don’t stop, don’t stop!” Arroyo grinned slightly then pushed his massive tongue deeper inside her. She began to thrust her hips upward into his tongue, wanting more in her. Arroyo continued slowly pushing his tongue in until he could fit no more, and he wrapped his lips around her clit and anything else he could. He began sucking gently and moving his tongue in and out, slowly and gently. Jennifer’s breathing quickened and she began to moan loudly, “Oh god yes!” She thrust into his muzzle lightly, she wanted to open her eyes to see everything, but she knew he wouldn’t want her to so she kept them shut and continued moaning with intense pleasure. She felt her orgasm building up and she moaned louder, this time her words becoming so jumbled they couldn’t be understood. Arroyo continued at his slow and steady pace, slowly bringing her up. Jennifer let out her loudest moan yet, it was almost yelling, and she felt the most amazing orgasm she’d ever had rip through her body, taking control of her legs and arms, causing her to shake slightly with pleasure and push her hips up to his mouth. Arroyo continued, letting her ride the orgasm as long as she wanted. Her body continued to tremble as she was hit with orgasm after orgasm, she screamed out with pleasure; clearly calling out Arroyo’s name until finally she had to push his head away gently, letting him know that was enough. Arroyo released her and pulled his tongue out, he smiled happily, satisfied with his work as Jennifer lay there panting in his wing. Her body lay still after a while when her breathing had reduced and she had yet to open her eyes, she laid there enjoying the wonderful afterglow of her orgasms. Arroyo nipped her cheek gently and said, “You can open your eyes now.” Jennifer slowly opened her eyes, looking up at him, smiling wider than she ever had. She said softly, “Come here…” Arroyo lowered his muzzle to her face and weakly she put her hand against his cheek and kissed his nose gently but passionately, she whispered, “Thank you.” Arroyo smiled and said softly, “You’re very welcome.” She tried to push herself up but her arms were too weak, Arroyo saw this and used his wing to gently push her up against him, letting her lean into his neck. She smiled before closing her eyes and immediately drifting off to sleep. Arroyo smiled, watching her as she slept, before he too lowered his head and fell asleep.
Arroyo awoke the next morning feeling well rested and ready to get going. He saw Jennifer was still asleep and he decided she needed the rest, so he lowered his head and waited about an hour before he became restless and needed to get up. But he didn’t want to wake Jennifer up by standing up as she was still leaning against him. Then he got an idea how to wake her up without making her mad. He lowered his head to her groin and began caressing her clit with his soft velvety muzzle and after a while he began to lick her lips and clit, and soon after that he had stuck his tongue up into her opening, licking her very gently. As all this was going on Jennifer began dreaming of a guy she had had a crush on since high school named Brent. She dreamt they went out on a date to some fancy restaurant she couldn’t remember then name of, and after a wonderful dinner that didn’t include alcohol, Brent suggested they go back to his place. Earlier when Jennifer had asked why no alcohol, he just said because the night didn’t call for it. Now she knew why, he wanted her sober to make sure if they had sex it wouldn’t be date rape or anything. She laughed and put her hand to his face and said, “You’re too sweet.” Brent assumed she had figured out why he didn’t want her drinking any alcohol and he shrugged and said, “Hey, what can I say?” They left in his car, back to his house and no sooner had they gotten in the door were they in the bedroom getting it on. In her dream he had a huge shaft and he was thrusting gently in and out of her, but then as the dream progressed she felt it moving around inside her, and she began wondering what was going on, and finally she realized it was a dream and woke up, only to see Arroyo with his tongue inside her, and an orgasm building in her that was very, very real. She moaned softly and Arroyo glanced up, he could see the smile on her face, taking that as encouragement to continue. She moaned louder as he did the same thing as last night, sucking on her genitals and moving his tongue in and out of her slowly. She moaned louder and louder until finally her orgasm ripped through her, causing her to arch her back and grab onto Arroyo’s neck squeezing gently. She pushing him away after the first orgasm, too tired from just waking up to continue. Arroyo lifted his head and smiled saying, “I wanted to wake you up nicely.” Jennifer laughed weakly and said, “That was nice, thank you….no one’s certainly ever done that before.” She sighed contently and remembered her dream, thinking of Brent…she yearned to see him again, and hoped he had been worrying about her. Arroyo saw the distant look on her face and he said softly, “You okay?” Jennifer smiled and said, “Yeah…I uhh…when you were doing that and I was still asleep I dreamt it was a friend of mine down there.” She blushed slightly and Arroyo smiled saying, “You like him, don’t you?” Jennifer blushed again and said, “Yeah…I’ve had a crush on him for a very long time, ever since high school…I’ve just never had the guts to talk to him.” Arroyo smiled and said, “Well maybe that will change by the time you return home….lets get going early this morning, to sooner we leave the sooner you get back to Brent.” Jennifer looked at him and said, “How’d you know his name? I didn’t tell you.” Arroyo said casually, “Oh, you moaned his name while you were still asleep.” Jennifer laughed and said, “Oops…didn’t make you jealous did I?” Arroyo smiled and said, “Not at all…it was just a dream after all.” Jennifer smiled and said, “Alright then, let me go take a bath and then we’ll go…” Arroyo smiled and said, “I’ll join you.” The two went over to the stream and both lowered themselves in, washing off dirt and sweat and anything else they could. Arroyo dunked his head under, shaking his mane to get it clean. Jennifer watched him, enjoying watching his beauty. It was going to be hard to leave him, he had done so much for her, and he was definitely the best lover she’d ever had. She sighed and continued washing her hair. She figured later that night if they were unsuccessful in their search then she’d return the last two favors he had given her…in fact, she wanted to return the favors, she wanted to hold his shaft in her hands at least once more before they went their separate ways. She loved him, and that would never change…it wasn’t like love for a husband or family member though, it was deeper and yet more innocent. It was like a pet almost, but not quite since it was more a case of him owning her. She chuckled at that thought and splashed him gently; he turned and smirked, splashing back at her with a huge wave of water. He said, “You really want to start that again?” She laughed and said, “Okay, okay, you win.” They got out of the water, and after Arroyo had stomped out the fire they were on their way again. They searched far and wide, high and low through those mountains, not finding a single inhabited cave, at least not one inhabited by a Pegasus, as there were plenty bats. When they were done with their search, Jennifer suggested they continue further north, and so, they once again rose up above the clouds and came crashing back down, launching them far north. They came across a heavily wooded forest next, and Arroyo sensed something, but he wasn’t sure what. It was familiar to him and yet it wasn’t. He couldn’t tell what it was, and yet deep down he knew it, just couldn’t visualize it. They searched deep into the forest, following the scent. Jennifer, who couldn’t smell anything, followed him closely, watching him. She hadn’t seen him like this before; he was intent, serious, and almost scary. They followed for hours, the smell only gradually getting stronger. It began to get dark and Jennifer suggested they stop for the night as they passed a stream. Arroyo said, “No, we’re close, I can tell.” Jennifer stopped herself in front of him and said in a serious voice, “That’s what you said two hours ago. Smell or not, it’s still hard for me to see in the dark and I don’t feel like stepping on a snake or something. I’m stopping here, if you want to keep going then fine, go ahead.” She turned and walked over to the stream, sitting down at the bank. Arroyo looked at her, then towards the smell, then back at her, and decided she was more important at the time being. He went over to her and lay down next to her, saying softly, “I’m sorry…there’s just something about this smell…I don’t know…” Jennifer sighed and leaned against him, “It’s okay…I understand.” Jennifer rubbed his neck with her hand, stroking his mane and feeling his powerful muscles, she looked up at him, a deep passion in her eyes and she said softly, “Arroyo…” He looked down at her; he looked in her eyes and said, “Yes?” She moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and she said softly, “Make love to me…please…at least once more before we go our separate ways.” Arroyo smiled and nipped her cheek gently and said, “Okay…you deserve it anyway, I would never have come this far without you.” She smiled and stood up slowly; looking for some place she could lay and be elevated for him. She saw a fallen a fallen tree, she put her groin to his muzzle, letting him smell her as he was still laying down, then she walked over to the tree and laid down on it. Arroyo stood up, already becoming aroused and he walked over to the tree, nipping her gently and licking at her wet pussy. She shuddered slightly from the pleasure and spread her legs over the sides of the tree, giving her balance and him full access. Arroyo was now fully erect and he awkwardly stepped over the tree, positioning himself above the tree and Jennifer. He stepped up closer and felt her warm hands grasp his throbbing member, guiding it slowly to her opening. Arroyo smiled down at her and licked her cheek gently before slowly pushing himself into her, letting out a soft groan of pleasure. Jennifer gasped as he entered her and kept on going. She closed her eyes and moaned as inch after wonderful inch was pushed into her until she felt him pushing at her cervix. Arroyo looked down at her, and she smiled up at him, telling him to continue. Arroyo let out a little snort and pushed his way into her womb, groaning louder now. Jennifer gasped and let out a moan of pain and pleasure as he pushed all the way into her, she gritted her teeth but also thrust her hips up onto him, and Arroyo began moving himself in and out of her, faster and faster, thrusting deep into her each time, until he was vigorously, pushing all the way in to the hilt and pulling about halfway out, before slamming himself back in again.
Pony #462 #3070294
Спасибо, нужен и явно в первой десятке.
Pony #463 #3070295
Ты хоть описание давай сначала, не перечитывать же всю эту стену текста.
Pony #464 #3070300

Вайп треда

Такое описание тебе как?
Pony #465 #3070303
Вайп треда о ебле коней еблей с конями. Расскжи мне больше.
Pony #466 #3070304
Да это всё уже с душком 2-3 летней давности, он нового по поням почти ничего и не делает уже, вот я интересуюсь у местных, с чего это вдруг. А ведь было время, что только на него и дрочили, и стримы наяривали, а на всякие подкасты приглашали.
Pony #467 #3070306
Ну не в виде простыни текста же.
Pony #468 #3070309
Устал, наверное. Меня, вот стало на EQG тянуть.
Pony #469 #3070319
Лучше бы внутри был анон.

Короче, кидаю идею художникам на миникомикс, хватайте пока бесплатно: зелёный анон (ну тот что без лица) попадает в Эквестрию. Это детектит Селестия, быстро телепортируется к нему и заталкивает анона магией мимопроходящей поничке прямо в писичку, от чего животик понички прилично раздувается. К анону внутри приростает понячая пуповина и он начинает меняться. Через пару месяцев поничка рожает антропоморфного жеребца (или кобылку, если хочешь ещё и tg-тег) зелёного цвета.

Вся аудитория твоя, гарантирую.
Pony #470 #3070324
Многие музыканты хорошие ушли или делают один-два трека в год.
427 Кб, 2500x2500
1646 Кб, 1224x918
3977 Кб, 1857x2647
Pony #472 #3070335
Синопсис или название хоть напиши.
А то не понятно есть смысл читать или нет.
Просто иди на хуй.
Pony #473 #3070345
Женщина, знай свое место.
Pony #474 #3070346
Я не фанат реформации, а так норм сюжет.
Pony #475 #3070348

>название хоть напиши

Легче стало?
Pony #476 #3070350
478 Кб, 1280x840
Pony #477 #3070357
6456 Кб, 1014x960
Pony #478 #3070387
Pony #480 #3070488
Ну попробуй, ничего же не теряешь.
Pony #481 #3070493
Контура прямо из Fighting is magic
Pony #483 #3070677
У меня комиксы очень туго идут, тяжко мне их рисовать. Там надо жертвовать качеством, а у меня от этого сердце болит, поэтому в итоге жру кактус.
Pony #484 #3070696


Интересно, она хоть минет сделать сможет или бревно полное?
Или титул полного бревна по праву принадлежит Мод?
Pony #485 #3070729
А ты?
Pony #486 #3070734
>>3070729 Что я?
Pony #487 #3070781
Не жертвуй, так вообще все обкончаются от результата.
Ну как хочешь, в общем.
Pony #488 #3071161
Очень долго и тяжело, я заябываюсь выводить больше 2-3 кадров.
85 Кб, 827x892
Pony #489 #3071275
Сатирочки лучше пони.
275 Кб, 1143x800
Pony #490 #3071282
А тентакли лучше пониёбов.
Pony #491 #3071288
Их надо наказывать за безобразные конские ноги.
Pony #492 #3071379
Любое говно лучше пониебов.
Pony #493 #3071405


Остается только догадываться, какие же охуенные ощущения от двойного глубинного проникновения извивающихся тентаклей.
Pony #494 #3071411
Они сначала щекочут, а потом начинает печь.
867 Кб, 887x1280
Pony #495 #3071459
394 Кб, 1280x1754
Pony #498 #3071749
А ещё маленькую понечку можно использовать как чехол для самого дорогого.
263 Кб, 1280x1101
Pony #501 #3071801
443 Кб, 1024x576
Pony #502 #3071933
Pony #504 #3072000
Колись откуда взял, пидор. Читал давно, но только самое начало, было написано что автор забросил. Такая то ностальгия.
Pony #506 #3072096
Где прон с Инки???
Pony #507 #3072104
Pony #508 #3072148
Перестаралась с магией.
Перекат! Pony #509 #3072463
Тред утонул или удален.
Это копия, сохраненная 7 ноября 2015 года.

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