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Eagle Warriors thread II #559175 В конец треда | Веб
Предыдущий закрыт бомбанувшей мочёй. Тред полностью рилейтед и не нарушает правил. И хочу напомнить что нарушений правил собственной доски черевато жалобой в /d и удалением модератора с его поста.
Продолжаем обсуждать самых храбрых и шустрых наследников Ультрамаринов второго основания
Известные кампании:
Assault on Kyran's Pass (Unknown Date.M41) - The Eagle Warriors assisted in the Assault on Kyran's Pass.
Reconquest of the Zypher Sub-Sector (204-224.M41) - For almost 300 years the Ork empire of WAAAGH! Arbutz ruled the Zypher Sub-sector and was left unmolested, until a campaign of re-conquest was finally begun in 204.M41. The re-conquest was led by troops of the Raven Guard, Marauders, Eagle Warriors and Revilers Space Marine Chapters, supported by over two-dozen Imperial Guard regiments. In a long, hard fought campaign, these troops battled to reclaim the planets lost to Warlord Arbuttz, until finally in 224.M41 the Zypher Sub-sector was declared free of the taint of alien infection.
Ambush at Balur Secundus (919.M41) - A strike force from the Eagle Warriors' 7th Company was ambushed during operations against Feral Orks in the central lowlands of the world of Balur's primary continent. The only survivor was Veteran Sergeant Nzahan, who was later entombed within the armoured sarcophagus of a rare Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought.
The Defence of Hyth (994.M41) - Space Marines of the Eagle Warriors Chapter answered a distress call from the city of Hyth, shortly before all communications were smothered by a splinter Hive Fleet. Though unable to reach the city itself to prepare a robust defence, they deployed on the plain before it, in the path of the ravening swarm, to unleash the full firepower of their Stormravens, Centurion Squads and Dreadnoughts. The Eagle Warriors' efforts held back an incessant tide of Genestealers, and the Devastator Centurions eliminated the more severe threat of Haruspexes and Harpies before they were able to cause the devastation expected of them. After many weeks, victory was secured, preventing Hyth, and the planet, from succumbing to the Hive Fleet.
Fall of Medusa V (999.M41) - The Fall of Medusa V was a multi-sided military conflict fought on the Imperial Mining World of Medusa V in the Ultima Segmentum that was devoured by a Warp Storm in 999.M41. Luckily, the military forces of the Imperium of Man were able to evacuate the entire surviving civilian population of the planet before it was consumed. Before completing this evacuation, the world became the center of a large military conflict between eight of the Milky Way Galaxy's major powers for control of the world, each for its own reasons. The 4th Company of the Eagle Warriors earned particular renown during this campaign.
Zeist Campaign (999.M41) - Zeist Campaign was a military conflict fought between the Imperium of Man and the Tau Empire, in the Zeist Sector of the Ultima Segmentum. Taking place in 999.M41, during the Tau Empire's Third Sphere Expansion, it ran concurrently with Abaddon the Despoiler's 13th Black Crusade and the assault on Imperial space by the Tyranid Hive Fleet Leviathan. As the Imperium's military was heavily involved with preventing the breakout of the Forces of Chaos from the Cadian Gate on the other side of Imperial space, the Tau took advantage of this distraction to rapidly expand their territory. With the victory of the Imperium, the Zeist Campaign marked the end of the Third Sphere Expansion, the Tau Empire having grown to 133% of its prior size. Chapter Master Marneus Calgar despatched Captain Cato Sicarius and the Ultramarines' famous 2nd Company to the Zeist Sector to draw a defensive line through which the Tau would not be able to pass. Calgar also sent requests to other nearby Space Marine Chapters for further assistance. The Tau expansion slowed and then stopped under the Imperial assaults. Eventually, only the world of Augura, in the Zeist Sector, remained in Tau hands, as their only remaining logistical and repair source in the area. Space Marines from the Night Watch, Halo Dragons, Silver Skulls, Sable Swords, Crimson Fists, Iron Lords, Aurora Chapter, and the Knights of the Raven, as well as many others, had all joined the Ultramarines in the attack on Augura. A score of Eagle Warriors Terminators participated in the assault on Augura, and despite the Tau's advanced weaponry and technology, they were unable to stand against the combined force of Astartes.


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#3 #559177
>>559175 (OP)

>И хочу напомнить что нарушений правил собственной доски черевато жалобой в /d и удалением модератора с его поста

Насмешил, содомит.
19 Кб, 480x320
#4 #559179
Да представь себе :)
sage #5 #559260
>>559175 (OP)
Ужос кокой
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