Этого треда уже нет.
Это копия, сохраненная 1 сентября 2018 года.

Скачать тред: только с превью, с превью и прикрепленными файлами.
Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее

Если вам полезен архив М.Двача, пожертвуйте на оплату сервера.
face.jpg194 Кб, 508x519
Instead of reviewing my old notes from my 2 years of russian in university, which US 35404 В конец треда | Веб
Instead of reviewing my old notes from my 2 years of russian in university, which was over a decade ago, I've decided to re-learn russian by browsing here and google translating and writing in a notebook.
It won't help grammar/cases as much but I decided that's just too boring to look at.

also the imageboard software here is really nice.
спасибо ВИ Арнольду
CA 2 35405
>>404 (OP)
US 3 35407
пиздец пипец пидор!
15319226084280.png124 Кб, 642x1083
US 4 35408
перекат ламповый
Земли (???)
25тыщ лет

>тыщ ?

Основная суть в изучении языков иностранных - частое и полное погружение.
RU 5 35409
Насчет сути согласен, без использования падежи и склонения — дохлая ненужная тухлятина.


= тысяч
RU 6 35410
>>404 (OP)
А вообще, расскажи, как учил язык, зачем выбрал русский? Хотел смотреть российские сериалы без субтитров и играть в Сталкера в оригинале? Какие сложности были при изучении? Какой прогресс за два года?
Интересно же, зачем люди учат русский язык в 2018 году.
1532066715.png12 Кб, 257x209
US 7 35412
US 8 35413

>Интересно же, зачем люди учат русский язык в 2018 году

For me, it opened some really amazing doors into a world of lit, music, etc possibilities, and I think that is really fun.
RU 9 35414
Ты говоришь, что суть изучения языков – погружение. Я говорю, что в этом я с тобой согласен.
US 10 35415
I try to check each post, and then each phrase in each post, and then each word in each phrase, and I get really tired, because I'm also trying to write in a notebook.
Thanks for responding I'll come back.
US 11 35416
this was a quote from /fl/
RU 12 35417
Sure no problem. Imageboards are hardly the best language learning aid but I’m glad to help.
US 13 35418
for someone with a background in imageboards and a minor background in the language actually I think they're pretty great.
Got this add-on where I can highlight text and google-translate it. Of course it's not perfect but actually it's not bad.
US 14 35419
also I'll say again, the imgboard software here is fucking nice. I've been a regular at 4, 420, 99. The UX here is GOOD.
RU 15 35420
Oh, I see, you need help with those quotes?


> перекат ламповый

Uhh... That’s 2ch slang for “we continue our sweet conversation in this thread”. Перекат means a roll, an ancient /v/ meme that used to mock the rolling and cover mechanics in shooters, but it later transcended the original meaning and now means just “to change what you do” in any way depending on the context.
Ламповый literally means “vacuum-tube” (adj) and is another meme originally from the Russian music community, meaning nice, warm, cozy, friendly, sincere, you name it. Originated as a way to mock audiophiliac hipsters who claim vacuum-tube amplifiers provide nicer, “warmer” sound.

> Земли (???)

I dunno. It’s either genitive singular of “the Earth” or nominative plural of “lands”. Gimme context mah dude.

> Основная суть в изучении языков иностранных - частое и полное погружение.

The key to learning languages is frequent and complete immersion (into the foreign language environment).
US 16 35421
Перекат Земли
US 17 35422
Щуку я, щуку я, щуку я поймала.
Девица красная, уху я варила.
Уху я, уху я, уху я варила.
RU 18 35423
Сосушая мурика сосет. Что нечем крыть, омериканец?)
US 19 35425
Can you please stop being offensive to my country?
RU 20 35428
Gee i thought you said you had some imageboard experience man. Come on that’s just banter.
Here, let me teach you the perfect comeback that will work in any imageboard conversation: ТЫ — ХУЙ
US 21 35429
I think you might need to erase your account, due to how deeply you have fallen for my ruse.
RU 22 35430
Oh no! This is the last time you have tricked me with your dirty capitalist tricks, Amerikanski!
US 24 35432
как хорошо!
00s.jpg253 Кб, 1100x733
RU 27 35435
Of course, sucky murrica, besides sucky is not offensive it is just the things are in sucky murrica.
US 28 35437
Please stop being offensive to my country
RU 29 35489
The translation is fine.
RU 30 35581
Hey merrican bro, how’s it going? Given up on Russian yet?
Чем там занимаешься? Какие новые русские слова узнал?
RU 31 35582
Не обращай на него внимания.
RU 32 35583
btw Ты — хуй is still a very good universal comeback that will go well in any dvach onversation
RU 33 35584
Глухаря смотрит в орегенале)
RU 34 35585
Правильно. Японский нужно учить, чтобы смотреть онеме, русский — чтобы смотреть сериалы про бандюков.
sage RU 35 35639
Че за хвйня происходит здесь?
RU 36 35644
>>404 (OP)
Why you, stupid пиндосы, even attempt to learn and sometimes major this horrific overcomplicated language? That makes no sense at all. Better go and learn some complicated but useful language instead, if you don't have a life anyway.
Look, learning Russian is like learning Japanese, but you're forced to talk to slavs and no cute anime hentai girls for you, baka-cyka-stupid-blyat-ass gaijin pindos.
CL 37 35645
>>404 (OP)
Нахуя тебе русский, братан? Aprende español!
CA 38 35655
I will minor in Russian language and literature.
DE 39 35660
typical russian facist trying to keep russia off foreigners, that wont work here mugamed abdurrachmanov, we WILL COME TO RUSSIA
US 40 35674
Спасибо братья
though when I check for instance how to make братан plural, I start to feel like it's a hopeless task, that I will need to approach it from boring notes and fundamentals after all. How will it sink in that братан becomes братья by just coming across it once a month or less frequently? A structured learning with review is unfortunately going to be necessary, but I'm probably too depressed for that effort.
When I was first learning, I had found a site which had people offering translations of short bits of text, as well as reading it outloud. That was really really helpful. Finding that again would be good, as well as getting better at finger-memory with cyrillic text.
tumblro1o67mG38J1tihycdo11280.jpg31 Кб, 330x383
RU 41 35679
Братаны, а не братья, сосущая мурика сосет блядь.
RU 42 35687
It’s kinda like that with any language. Inflection is a bitch, and you’ll hardly learn it just like that without concentrated effort or structure. And there’s a lot of shit like that in many languages. You Anglo-Saxons were smart to ditch endings way back when, that made your language so much simpler to learn.
RU 43 35688

> When I was first learning, I had found a site which had people offering translations of short bits of text, as well as reading it outloud. That was really really helpful. Finding that again would be good, as well as getting better at finger-memory with cyrillic text.

We can try doing that here.
US 44 35692
Почему /o/ называется "рисовач"?
RU 45 35695
Оекаки это ж какая-то жокбарьская мазня, вот и называется.
Тред утонул или удален.
Это копия, сохраненная 1 сентября 2018 года.

Скачать тред: только с превью, с превью и прикрепленными файлами.
Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее

Если вам полезен архив М.Двача, пожертвуйте на оплату сервера.
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