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Это копия, сохраненная 8 июня 2020 года.

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My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.jpg416 Кб, 1024x784
A Question for you Russians or everybody else. CA 63168 В конец треда | Веб
Do you know for sure that you are going to heaven if you were to die today? If you are not so sure, do you want to know how to be 100% sure that you are going to heaven? Watch any of the three videos below.

My sheep hear my voice

czzcczxczcczczcx.jpg3 Кб, 136x192
US 3 63170
US 4 63184
>>168 (OP)

Исцеление одержимого бесами


Иисус Христос - Мультфильм


"ТЫ - МОЯ ЖЕМЧУЖИНА, ИИСУС" - сover Денис Жатвинский


Valaam Men's Choir: Orthodox Shrines of the Russian North

RU 5 63196
>>168 (OP)
There is not heaven, there is not God. After death will be nothing. You should live when you alive.
RU 6 63251
>>168 (OP)
What if jesus is a hoax and evanglie is a bulllshit, what if all s matter is old zavet? jisus-huisus what he did? Three days of cross and become saint and shit? And all thinners must take foreever of far too worse torture in hell? jesus is a fucking pussie camparing to single sinner in hell. Pussy ass god))))) belive in jesus bite my ass.
RU 7 63253
>>168 (OP)
Зиг хуйль
think about it.jpg13 Кб, 480x214
RU 8 63257
lgbtq.jpg59 Кб, 600x600
FI 9 63258
this is me rate
noahide-laws.gif84 Кб, 643x503
DE 10 63368
>>168 (OP)
Russia is noachide country. So you must follow the 7 laws of noach, if your religion include those laws you are welcome. Islam, chrisitanity, buddism and judaism does have this laws.
DE 11 63400
>>168 (OP)
I like Anderson and his documentaries: http://www.faithfulwordbaptist.org/page9.html
2.png1,6 Мб, 1065x1046
EG 13 63405
Хуй ешь?
15715033168380[1].jpg1,1 Мб, 1544x2058
RU 14 63411
RU 15 63428
I'm true Russian and I'm atheisr. I shit on the bible.
RU 16 63429
Yes, bro, you're true Russian/ Why Western people so naive and believe in Dog?
US 17 63453
why are russians materialistic subhumans? Hopefully we will exterminate every single on of you godless insectoid vermins with chemical weapons
RU 18 63456
That was very christian of you, buddy.

Now, please, go to church and donate some energy to your jewish dungeon master - Yehova. Then, you may go home and fap on your wet "EXTERMINATE WITH CHEMICAL WEAPONS" fantasies in peace.
RU 19 63457
But bitch, please, hurry up with your chemical extermination plans, before you and your second-grader friends are shot by another psycho-schoolchooter
DE 20 63470
russian and atheist is oxymoron.you can not be both. choose wisely.
RU 21 63484
Get to fuck out, shity monkey. You are really crazy. You can't to juge all Russians. You can't juge me. I know Russians better than You. I'm Russian but You're not.
Good baby! Nice! Jesus so glad to see your fascist fantasies!
Matter of fact the people who believe in Dog are subhumans because their are slaves.
Commies were teach us to be materialists.
1200px-CoatofArmsoftheRussianFederation.svg.png445 Кб, 1200x1423
DE 22 63652

>I'm Russian but You're not

how do you know ? i made DNA test 83% russian. maby you are some tartaric boy, or kavkazi. you will never know for sure without doing dna test. the whole point of being russian is to believe in The Most High. the west is satanic, the east worship the dragon. so the russian eagle looks west and east, and the guy on the horse kills the dragon with his spear. you understand ?
Откровение 20

>1И увидел я Ангела, сходящего с неба, который имел ключ от бездны и большую цепь в руке своей. 2Он взял дракона, змия древнего, который есть диавол и сатана, и сковал его на тысячу лет, 3и низверг его в бездну, и заключил его, и положил над ним печать, дабы не прельщал уже народы, доколе не окончится тысяча лет; после же сего ему должно быть освобожденным на малое время.

сеятель новодел.jpg220 Кб, 800x387
RU 23 63663
Ahahahah, what's a naiv underman! I know my ancestors better than you. May be your mother was tartaric slut and your dad was turkish refugee. There is not Russian genes and there is not Russian DNA. DNA test is a bluff. Maybe you have R1a or N1c Y-DNA haplogroup and what? Finns also have N1c or afganic people also have R1a and what? You should made DNA test for genetical diseases especially mental diseases. Russians are mix slavians with finns and skithians. The whole point of being Russian are cosmopolitanism and internationalism.
Tartars and caucasians are fucking muslims and wildmen.
Are you from Germany? Why you mean the west satanic and live here?
I shit on the Russian double-headed Eagle because it is a mutant and ugly monster. I shit on the bible because it is a jewish folklore.
1234.JPG60 Кб, 992x709
DE 24 63665
Ah okay you are a commie xD

>There is not Russian genes

yes their is.


"..мы народ победитель ето у нас в геном коде..."
RU 25 63666
I don't care what did this bold dwarf say. There are not winners' genes. Putin is a dicksucker.
putins home.jpg162 Кб, 1024x1001
DE 26 63700

>There are not winners' genes

but why you are a looser and putin is a winner ? looks his house and look your house.
RU 27 63706
>>168 (OP)
When you die, you will become a universe as before birth. Space = heaven.
RU 28 63755
Show me your house, loser.
DE 29 63764
i have 3 flats 1 house and beaty salon, it takes to long to uploead the pictures

but i can show you flat in cuba libre
RU 30 63767
Ahahah, what's a poor pidorushka! It's less than Putin's house. Go to Putin and suck his dick.
DE 31 63771
wtf why should i have bigger house then putin ? hes fucking president and deserve big house and palast. i dont do that kind of job. i earn only 290000 rubles a month.
RU 32 63780
Why I should look to his house? You're fucking loser and you want to lick his boots. Your salary is your wet dream.
DE 33 63786

>Why I should look to his house?

because you are jelouse of his success and his richess, you sound like butthurt commie^^

>You're fucking loser and you want to lick his boots.

hes not military guy, iam not a fan of him, but i like him because you dont like him ;)

>Your salary is your wet dream.

thats my real salary
Тред утонул или удален.
Это копия, сохраненная 8 июня 2020 года.

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