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commenthgRulBSjWEAh1A0zh0GWcIK4uo45NqYg.jpg297 Кб, 844x1157
hello my Russian neighbors from the eastern border, lately I've been looking pomidorek PL 66844 В конец треда | Веб
hello my Russian neighbors from the eastern border, lately I've been looking much into Russian culture and music and I find it very interesting and unique, but I was wondering, what do Russians think about Poles and what imagination of Poland do you have exactly?
RU 2 66845
>>6844 (OP)
Most people don't care about Poland and probably don't know anything about you(may be some know about partition of Poland between Prussia Austria and RE)
Those who watch TV are angry at poles for dismantling soviet war monuments
RU 3 66849
>>6844 (OP)
For most part we dont really care. Kaliningrad Oblast may be different though for you are bordering them.

While we dont really care, Poland is generally percieved as mildly unfriendly country, though not in "dangerous unfriendly country" as USA, but more like "hilariously funny in being unfriendly" akin to Baltic States.

We dont really know much about Poles as people though, I had no luck neither online nor offline to extensively converse with them. Same people as everywhere I guess, good and bad.
DE 4 66851
>>6844 (OP)
in reality, nobody cares.
RU 5 66855
I know that Poland is a very conservative country, you do not have niggers, Muslims, LGBT+ propaganda and that you have enough European economy. But I have not heard anything about classical Polish culture
RU 6 66865
RU 7 66867
>>6844 (OP)
Most people don't know or care much about Poles. I think you guys are really cool though.
RU 8 66876
We know kurwa, govno, sraka Donald Tusk sucking american dick
I think thats all
RU 9 66877
>>6844 (OP)
will you be surprised if i say russians don't think about poles
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DE 10 66879
i know the reason, russia is fuking humongouse. it haz 6 different timespans. when i lived in russia i didnt even think about moscow. russia is sooooo big. you have so much shit to do and the time goes very very slow. 12 hours in russia felt like 24 hours in europe. when i came to europe i was thinking i came to hobbitlands. russia is overwhelming and you become humble very fast.
RU 11 66885
Ah, no, I remember! Sapkowsky! Wiedzimin! Poles are great guys in the end.
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DE 12 67017
>>6844 (OP)
i think the only way poland can be ingerated into new russian empire is removing latin and use cyrilic letters everything else is just matter of time, OH! and sent more hohols in poland, its already happening....
VE 13 67018
>>6844 (OP)
Poland I know by its hot girls. These and his rapes during Second World War made by Germans and Soviets.
RU 14 67021
>>6844 (OP)
That's what comes to my mind when Poland is brought up for discussion:
- plenty of wars and hatred between Russia and Poland in the past
- strong european country in the late Middle Ages but then something went wrong and was fucked literally by everyone there's even joke in Russia that goes like "Poland? Well that's a country too"
- strong Catholic country
- the language damn it! How do the speak it?
- Poles hate Russians by default

I'm 1/16 Pole btw - Russian Empire heritage
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RU 15 67025

> is removing Poles

fixed ya
RU 16 67030
>>6844 (OP)
Nothing, another gayropean nation somwhere in rotten Gayrop.
RU 17 67039
>>6844 (OP)
I've watched several Poland films and it seems that there are as much gopniks and debils as in Russia. So we hate you as much as ourselves. Welcome to the family
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RU 18 67041
>>6844 (OP)
Mikołaj II Aleksandrowicz Romanow, ros. Николай II, Николай Александрович Романов (ur. 6 maja?/18 maja 1868 w Sankt Petersburgu, zm. w nocy z 16 na 17 lipca 1918 w Jekaterynburgu) – ostatni cesarz rosyjski, król Polski, wielki książę Finlandii, panujący w latach 1894–1917. Koronowany w Moskwie 14 maja?/26 maja 1896; syn Aleksandra III z dynastii Romanowów i jego żony carycy Marii Fiodorowny. Święty kościoła prawosławnego.
RU 19 67042
Just think about it, we could still live in one state.
DE 20 67048
poles is a nickname given by russian, real name is leshi. poland comes from russian word pole. field. so polyaki are fieldpeople.

i see no hope in poland, they mixed to much with germans. catholicism is realy a mind weapon. wololololo
RU 21 67058
RU 22 67060
RU 23 67062
No. True.
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US 24 67104
RU 25 67184
Really like polish and other slavic folk bands
RU 26 67186
For now, CD Project Red, sjws and BLM will make short job of them in future.
BY 27 67225
They think that polands are traitors because Poland joined EU, NATO instead of leaving in poverty and suffering along with Russia.
RU 28 67227
We dont think about poles as traitors because they were never our friends to begin with, even during WP times.
But we think that they harbour disproportional historical butthurt towards us.
Never should have fucked with Russia when it was in great civil and political disarray in early XVII century, that's the root af all polish suffering down the road.
RU 29 67229
I really like polish culture
RU 30 67234
>>6844 (OP)
as for me i can joke about polish gangbang in 1939 but in fact i think that poland is just a typical europe country
RU 31 67253

> poland is just a typical europe country

Like Romania or Ablania?
RU 32 67468
Stanislaw Lem maybe the writer that influenced me most.

Actually I think that Poles are almost the same as Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians.

Add or take some insignificant details like catholicism/orthodoxy
DE 33 67471
yes same people. just remove latiniza and catholicsm. viola! russians
RU 34 67474
I mean literally, the most important romances in my life were with:
- Russian (my ex-wife)
- Jew (I wanted he to divorce with her husband and marry me)
- Ukrainian girl - we lived together a long time, we almost married
- Belorussian/Polish girl - .. that was complicated but she wanted children from me

How do you think how many time question of nationality arised?

Correct answer: 0. Absolute zero
RU 35 67475
qc: - Jew (I wanted her to divorce with her husband and marry me)

Although I'm quite open to men-men relations but ... no it's not how I'm done. At least yet
DE 36 67477
nationality plays a big role, its uterly important you get a russian women otherwise you are lost.

if you are russian of course, if you are some churka or nemez you can get fuck yourself.
DE 37 67478
yes jewish women are great too. jew and russian is same people. russians are usually more sneaky and clever then a jew but play stupid.
RU 38 67479
Nationality plays a big role when:
- your family is half-Russian and half-Ukrainian
- you was born in Central Asia
- when best friends of your parents are Korean
- when your best friend is German
- when you have half-Kyrgyz and half-Ephiopian nieces

Nationality is surely important

Kill yerserv Nazi
RU 39 67488

>- Russian (my ex-wife)

>- Jew (I wanted he to divorce with her husband and marry me)

>- Ukrainian girl - we lived together a long time, we almost married

>- Belorussian/Polish girl - .. that was complicated but she wanted children from me

Did you fuck at least one of them thouh?
RU 40 67490
>>6844 (OP)
There are o lot of stereotypes about poslka suka, but i thk polands are very intersting people with very close to us culture.
DE 41 67493

>- your family is half-Russian and half-Ukrainian

its all russian

>- you was born in Central Asia

russian clay

>- when best friends of your parents are Korean

north korea is russian

>- when your best friend is German

enemy of russians(naturally)

>- when you have half-Kyrgyz and half-Ephiopian nieces

Kyrgyz is russian clay, ethopian are niggas.
DE 42 67496
what i mean is everything is okay, except german friend and halfnigga niece
RU 43 67518
He's a Russian German obviously ;)
US 44 67519
Kurwa jebana.
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RU 45 67525

>ethopian are niggas

nigga you mad
ethiopians ain't niggas
they are closer to semites - arabs, jews
RU 46 67531
Thats even worse.
RU 47 67535
Kurwa mach.
Ja pierdole.
Vypierdalai kurwa perdolona.
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RU 48 67539
Man, I suppose that you don't know one simple fact:

(One of) The father of modern Russian language is quarter-Ephiopian

Pushkin - you heard this name?
DE 49 67544
hes not african, hes just russian black. his skin darker but his soul and mentality is russian. russianism goes by blood and soul not skin.
RU 50 67552
Floyd was American
What's the point?
RU 51 67558
Pan cuckoooold)))))))
RU 52 67561
The point is, Russian blacks immortalise themselves as the greatest literary geniuses of their people and redefine its language and then die fighting to defend their love's honour. American blacks rob pregnant women at a gunpoint and then die from being stepped on by a frail white cop.
DE 53 67571

if you live in russia something sorrounds you and turn you into russian very quickly. being russian is a spirituall experience.
DE 54 67572

>then die from being stepped on by a frail white cop.

he died of fentalyn not cop
RU 55 67574
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DE 56 67575
When the blood in your veins return to the sea,

and the earth inside your bones return to the ground,

perhaps then you will remember that this land does not belong to you,

it is YOU who belong to this land
RU 57 67581

>if you live in russia something sorrounds you and turn you into russian very quickly

It is cold here. Cold makes you drink vodka. Vodka makes you russian.
RU 58 67584
i think pole and russian general folks are just branches of slavic nation
they are very similar in their mentality
but history sent us on opposite coasts of one river
RU 59 67617
Which river??
RU 60 67618
Nile river.
RU 61 67637
I think that the Poles are a cross between European culture and the culture of the CIS countries. I treat the Poles very well
RU 62 67642

> the culture of the CIS countries

WTF is that?
RU 63 67644
CIS heterosexual countries.
RU 64 67651
Сis-countries as opposed to trans-countries. Check your privileges.
RU 65 67707
CIS stands for Commonwealth of Independent States (СНГ), basically unborn due to local powerhungry elites reformed USSR. It is ex-USSR minus baltic states. Butthurt Georgians and ukrainians left it too eventually, but they are pussies and are ran by little girls anyway.
RU 66 67708
>>6844 (OP)
I love Poland. This is my favorite country.
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640x360, 0:58
RU 67 67709
Now we will teach you how to love your rodina, sinok.
RU 68 67728
I hate Poland. This is my favorite country to hate.
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GB 69 67731
You already tried nce and failed miserably
Ruthenians attacked East Poland first in 981, 7 years before becoming officially christian lol from then on it's constantly giving back.
Poland was Catholic for longer than Russia was Orthodox
RU 70 67738
>>6844 (OP)

>what do Russians think about Poles

They don't remember that Poles exist
RU 71 67742
>>6844 (OP)
A hard question to answer
Well, as for me, I live in western part of Russia, at the Ukrainian border, and I don't think poles are bad, more over, I am interested in history of Polish-Russian relationship, it's a huge theme tho
from the other side, a pole is a foreigner, a man from Europe, so...many people would be interested and can ask stupid questions, if they know you are polish
But some people may be angry with you, I am talking about those who watch tv, radio propaganda, etc
As for me, Poland is a slavic traditional country, but for many russians thinking about Poland is hard, because in history books we don't have much said about Poland, just something about Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Actually I hope once days will change.
RU 72 67743
Forgot to say: Every day here I can see guys, whose surnames have Polish origins, like Kowalewski, Nowak, Zielenski, etc.(I hope I wrote everything correct)
And you be like: "Well this guy must have Polish ancestors"
Like because Kowalewski made up from Kowal, like "blacksmith", and it's certainly Polish word, cause in russians it's "Кузнец" - "Kuzniec" - and so surname synonym for Kowalewski in Russian would be "Кузнецов" - "Kuzniecov"
Sorry if I make mistakes in Polish surnames, I don't really know Polish language
DE 73 67794
poland was sold by uk to russian empire.
russia never tried to conquer poland.i am just asssuming in what way poland can be part of russia. after western world is niggerized and arabized.
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