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I would like to ask the advanced international community: have scientists proved that niggers are humans? RU 67855 В конец треда | Веб
I would like to ask the advanced international community: have scientists proved that niggers are humans?
DE 2 67868
>>67855 (OP)
they are subspecies. but yes they human, homo sapiens. we are homo sapiens sapiens. if you need scientific term
RU 3 67940
You so fucked up
NL 4 67942
>>67855 (OP)
Niggers can conceive children with a normal person, so, sadly, but niggers are human too.
DE 5 67946
whites and asians are mix between nigger and neanderthal. asians have more neanderthal dna so higher IQ, but more autistic. thats why neanderthal died out, they realised that this world is shit so no point in chasing anything. atlantis was the same. when species reach high intellect they stop functioning or reproducing. the dumb one breed at high rate
RU 6 67961
Oh, naive German!
Neanderthal genetics is most preserved in North Europeans not in Asians
DE 7 68066
asians too.
RU 8 68072
neanderthals could too lol

So they are they homo sapiens sapiens?
DE 9 68076
no, just homo sapiens. homo sapiens sapiens are europains and asians
saint skopets brenton tarrant-1.jpg1,2 Мб, 1920x1920
RU 10 80425
Saint Skopets Brendon Tarrant
RU 11 80468
>>67855 (OP)
As I heard, all humans were niggers at beginning and then some became white
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Это копия, сохраненная 10 мая 2021 года.

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