Этого треда уже нет.
Это копия, сохраненная 22 августа 2017 года.

Скачать тред: только с превью, с превью и прикрепленными файлами.
Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее

Если вам полезен архив М.Двача, пожертвуйте на оплату сервера.
BO #2 #6931
If this is a KC colony, then yes.
25,4 Мб, webm, 480x360
sage RU #5 #7718
11,2 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #6 #7719
5,4 Мб, webm, 636x360
UA #10 #7761
3,6 Мб, webm, 480x360
LT #12 #7768
RU #13 #7793
Соус третьей?
1,7 Мб, webm, 640x358
LT #14 #7835
UA #15 #7840
Что за мультфильм на 3м видео?
RU #16 #7851
North Korean one. "Squirrel and Hedgehog" series.
13,6 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #19 #7968
RU #26 #8036
>>6902 (OP)
If you want Russian webms, go /pol, there is regular pol-wembs thread.
RU #27 #8037
Как четвертый клип называется ? Бабец знакомая какая-то
Anonymous RU #28 #8038
119 Кб, 511x728
DE #29 #8039
B-but /int/ernational friendship webms are better!
sage RU #30 #8048
Ты наркоман? Он же подписан даже. Не знаю только какое отношение это имеет к осборнам, может дочь его которая третья, я х.з. может просто семейство выбрало этот клип для показа, кто этих эмтивишников разберёт
RU #31 #8049
okay, fuck that shit. let's speak english again
TJ #32 #8051
RU #33 #8052
how comes 4chan allows only less than 4mB and audio should be either vorbis or none at all, and here we're having such a tremendous possibilities yet not many people know of this place
RU #35 #8063
1. Ukrainian neo
2. Donbas ATO (Anti-terrorist operation)
3. ZOG
Anonymous RU #36 #8072
Ну так в африке у обезьян такая же хрень. И ты не там ищешь виновновных. Во всём опять виноваты немцы, а не евреи.
13 Мб, webm, 960x746
RU #37 #8099
причём здесь немцы-то?
RU #38 #8100
А ты за них заступаешься? Лучше бы за французов заступался...
RU #39 #8109
j'ne parles francais pas (mais ik spreek duitse ook niet)
LV #40 #8111
RU #41 #8115
8,7 Мб, webm, 1024x430
RU #42 #8145
2,2 Мб, webm, 720x1280
RU #45 #8172
paust hier u phaguets
VN #46 #8176
oh my
RU #47 #8188
Footage of turkish failed military mutiny, wannabe Tankman. Lol what an idiot, Allah can't change physics and miraculously stop over 40-tn tank in a second.
24,4 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #48 #8196
This thread is what makes it better that 4chan
(your keeping it all to yourself doesn't)
12,3 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #49 #8200
842 Кб, webm, 204x360
UA #50 #8201
7,5 Мб, webm, 960x720
DE #51 #8202
Anyone have more vids like this? PENIS
10 Мб, webm, 960x396
RU #52 #8206
RU #53 #8209
wtf was the happening?
DE #54 #8227
Someone found an insecured webcam with 2-way audio and decided to have some giggles.
BE #56 #8280
BE #57 #8281
RU #58 #8296
>>6902 (OP)
too bad captcha here goes expired sooner than my slow village internet uploads bigger files.
admin, repair it, please
RU #59 #8310
Дайте соус из 1 вембки плиз
RU #60 #8315

> Sleipnir Unbekannter Soldat.webm

are you really?
RU #61 #8317
well, that's weird, it showed me that and as soon as i pushed that "7750" the name of file became of digits (it still has to be shown in file's properties I suppose)
4,2 Мб, webm, 1280x720
RU #62 #8391
7,9 Мб, webm, 480x360
RU #63 #8392
5,1 Мб, webm
RU #64 #8393
9,6 Мб, webm, 480x360
RU #65 #8395
4,6 Мб, webm, 320x240
RU #66 #8397
RU #68 #8532
Sleipnir - Das Ende
My bad, it's not Unbekannter Soldat.
4,1 Мб, webm, 320x240
RU #69 #8563
6 Мб, webm, 640x360
US #71 #8623
14,6 Мб, webm, 640x270
RU #73 #8665
Ну, ты и шалун!..
LV #77 #8753
Ммм, ватные мультики. Я не удивлён, если его по телеку русским показывают. Уровень развития тогда у детей будет ниже, чем у нигеров в Африке.
UA #78 #8755

> second webm

RU #79 #8769
absolutely disgusting no swiss resident would post this crap. thank you for supporting browsec project
16,4 Мб, webm, 640x270
RU #80 #8771
RU #81 #8772
RU #82 #8773
А помоему европа это почти как африка, особенно после интграции. Азия и Америка рулят миром! (главное случайно не сместить ось вращения земли в ходе гонки вооружений)
RU #83 #8774
Япония и Южная Корея это временно окупированные территории
76 Кб, 647x643
RU #84 #8777
CH #85 #8784
why mad?
RU #86 #8785
it's russian zombie, be careful, when you writing with him/her (it's virus not detected by the Kashperovsky/NOD32)
20,4 Мб, webm, 480x360
RU #88 #8841
RU #90 #8865
Sauce of music?
6 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #91 #8964
nazis, sir
9,8 Мб, webm, 960x520
RU #93 #9067
ne to
13,5 Мб, webm, 480x288
RU #94 #9068
LV #105 #9452
Stop posting stupid anime crap
DE #106 #9456
No everything is allowed in my thread. This is a no bullying zone.
8,4 Мб, webm, 480x360
RU #108 #9468
Во 2ом видео по ошибке отправил не тот перевод
RU #112 #9478
RU #115 #9485
The fat kitty one is cruel.

The dog shit one is hilarious.
2,4 Мб, webm, 640x480
RU #116 #9498
RU #125 #9650
why are you such a coprophile?
and if you dare to share your shit, make sure at least it's in english or better go fuck yourself.
23,6 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #128 #9653
Learn russian, noob
RU #129 #9654
That part of your soul is way better. Feed only this one. The other one is coprophile and to be eliminated.
RU #130 #9658
I think you are stupid :)
(правильно, что аристовали за библию, нефиг верить, что мир был создан 6000 лет назад)
RU #132 #9662
Listen to your subconsciousness, you might learn something.
5,3 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #133 #9663
I don't know why you butthurded. But Yat-Tv are realy lulzed videos
sage RU #134 #9673
копрофилия постыдный недуг
RU #136 #9681
ай да пропитой баран, ай да ватный пидоран!
RU #137 #9726
UA #138 #9727
I see proxy-hohols here!
20 Мб, webm, 1488x837
RU #139 #9730
I see proxy-olga and it is you.
18,3 Мб, webm, 450x360
RU #144 #9841
in english this time
222 Кб, webm
sage RU #145 #9872
can someone please recognize this melody (it's played with a symphonic orchestra)
6,7 Мб, webm, 672x288
RU #147 #10036
why don't you faggots answar my enquiry
12,3 Мб, webm, 480x360
RU #148 #10067
op-huy, wtf don't you keep your thread
you greedy bastardos kuso nahuyblad
PL #149 #10111
thats nice
RU #150 #10114
why are you guys so poor you have no nice ones yourselves?
6,4 Мб, webm, 720x480
RU #151 #10115


Пьянь, не уходи, ты еще не все просрал!!11 Аааа!
5,2 Мб, webm, 640x480
RU #152 #10116
now I'm ashamed of my own words, but you really should share some more goodies. there are tons of resources to download stream videos or to convert mp4 to webm or whatever
UA #153 #10118
Ты пидор.
5,3 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #154 #10119
and so are you
LV #155 #10502
3,9 Мб, webm, 320x240
RU #156 #10546
ну что, уснули? а ну вставайте и танцуйте!
6 Мб, webm, 320x240
RU #157 #10547
йхайа мелек мошийа
RU #159 #10549
Давай лучше про внтисионизм
1,9 Мб, webm
RU #160 #10550
RU #161 #10562
sous 2 webm?)
11 Кб, 236x229
RU #162 #10563
2 webm
BY #170 #10596
соус третьего
RU #171 #10599


>(3985Кб, 1280x544, 00:01:03)


риальнэ? мадьярский фильм... чо? э соус дай
RU #172 #10600


>(3989Кб, 1280x544, 00:01:04)


kis fiók vagytok kicsi fiúcskek no szálljatok be de akarom как заканчивается эта педерастия?
RU #173 #10601
не помню названия. это единственный интересный момент во всём фильме. ради этой сцены его наверное и лепили
RU #174 #10602
A nagy füzet. по превьюхе нашёл (но я тебя предупредил)
RU #175 #10603
ээээ спасибо ээээ
4,5 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #181 #10646
17,8 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #182 #10647
9,5 Мб, webm, 1280x720
RU #183 #10648
34,4 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #185 #10660
MK #186 #10661
nice thread
4 Мб, webm, 640x360
PT #187 #10662
350 Кб, webm, 480x360
RU #189 #10664
26,4 Мб, webm, 480x360
RU #190 #10665
1,6 Мб, webm, 270x480
RU #191 #10666
12,9 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #192 #10669
19 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #194 #10713
Allow me to tell you a soulful story of a billy-boy who loved money very much помолимся
RU #195 #10714
3,7 Мб, webm, 480x360
RU #196 #10715
3 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #197 #10722
3,3 Мб, webm, 1280x720
PL #198 #10749
4,8 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #203 #10754
480 Кб, webm, 420x280
US #207 #10776
TR #212 #10793
13,7 Мб, webm, 400x226
RU #213 #10796
GE #215 #10803
souce of first video?
8,7 Мб, webm, 1280x720
GB #217 #10806
Forgot size limit is bigger here
RU #219 #10817
good one
35,2 Мб, webm, 384x288
RU #221 #10819
28,6 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #222 #10820
RU #223 #10822
Did youtube show you this too, or just to me?
468 Кб, 1582x1627
RU #225 #10826
why do they open their mouthes if they have no much thing to say, damn~
GB #226 #10840
If serious, how the fuck it got 23 million views in russia? You hate swaggers(expect moscow) don't you?
RU #227 #10858
we hate moscow and you have to nuke that shit
RU #228 #10860

>so bitter so he would blow up the best city of his country with virtually no reason

RU #229 #10872

>best city of his country

that ugly city is best only because it keeps the rest of the territory under such an enormous oppression that they cannot even match that low bar, because they are drained dry and regulated from that capital city which despises them only to feel good about itself with all the shameless atrocities of its drunken rule.
219 Кб, 1024x727
sage RU #230 #10900
stop talking senseless shit, you, kid, you look so stupid trying to destroy your own country.
47 Кб, 600x615
RU #231 #10903
HU #232 #10915
Not bad, but not the worst.
The most hideous blocks I've ever seen are in Yekaterinburg. I literally just stood for minutes and viewed these architectural abominations.
RU #233 #10916
11 Мб, webm, 272x208
RU #234 #10918
Same shit, same perverted policy: that monstrous city tries to flood Chelyabinsk with toxic waste to be better than that underrated cultural centre of the real russia
RU #235 #10919
And what is so special about Chelebianesk?
20 Кб, 320x239
RU #236 #10920
It was built by evacuated specialists from Saint Petersburgh
It used to have one of the greatest club in the world (now destroyed and defunkt)
It cured its rednecks with extasy in the underground clubs
Many people ask "is everybody in Chelyabinsk that awesome - whoever I meet from that city - they're all wow!" we have tons of scum too, but to overcome it we have to be real special
It has incredibly beautiful nature sights in its proximity
It would be great post-industrial landscape itself if they replaced all those tubes with gasholders and didn't poison us with toxic gases as much
RU #237 #10921

>It used to have one of the greatest club in the world (now destroyed and defunkt)

Here is exactly the place I've stopped reading. If a person measures city's cultural level by it's clubs then...

I don't realy think everything that is periferic is so degenerate but sometimes people who come from small cities surprise me.
RU #238 #10922
That is culture and the problem is you don't dig it.
You're one of those faggots who cut that faberge in two and threw it away for no good reason.

at least tell me what you dig. let me guess.. it is whether monuments or malls?
57 Кб, 700x525
RU #239 #10925

>You're one of those faggots who cut that faberge in two and threw it away for no good reason.

Are metaphors of all Cheliabinsk people so strange and obscure or it is just you?

>at least tell me what you dig. let me guess.. it is whether monuments or malls?

I don't know what you mean by "digging", I concern quality of the architecture, prominent people born in the city, history, city's own folklore and anything that make the place "special" and interesting to visit.
RU #240 #10926
And that is exactly that spectacular moscovite architecture you admire so much? Even when it tryes to look good it's only rediculous. For architecture I'd live in Saint Petersburgh, not in your peasant inner state.
Moscow authorities create such circumstances that appearance of good architecture is unlikely (never know if you're here for good or you'll have to leave your motherland)
And that very club I posted above was a masterpiece of architecture, way better inside than on the outside. The outside of it is also special, the fact you didn't notice it tells how little you know (I didn't say you personally destroyed that club. What I'm saying is there're two types of people in the world: realpeople and assholes (you're obviously of the latter ones: "prominent people born in the city" (you think living there makes you better, but it doesn't, whole the country has to tolerate your monstrously talentless pretence of culture, it sucks ass and so do you)
RU #241 #10929

>Transinzhstroy's Metro-2 entry

>And that is exactly that spectacular moscovite architecture you admire so much?


>peasant inner state

>that very club I posted above was a masterpiece of architecture

> there're two types of people in the world: realpeople and assholes (you're obviously of the latter ones

>"prominent people born in the city" (you think living there makes you better, but it doesn't

no decent man would answer to this shit nor would I
2 Мб, webm, 450x360
RU #242 #10934
mosque. winning with this kind of ignorant arrogance since fuck knows how many centuries ago.
RU #243 #10955
Yes, I'm so arrogant I even do not have shitty clubs in my city, also I don't dig faberge, sorry, that's how things are made in Mosqua, please, delete your posts if you're not satisfied
RU #244 #10957

>that's how things are made in Mosqua

Probably that's because you're coprophiles.
RU #245 #10958
What stops you from being a decent man and abandoning your provincials' inferiority complexes? Or why you don't just move if you're so obsessed with Moscow?
19,1 Мб, webm, 1280x720
RU #246 #10959
To make moscovites ashamed of their atrocities, bad taste and plain talentless untermenschheid. What a naive kiddo I actually am!
14,4 Мб, webm, 320x240
RU #247 #11028
18,1 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #248 #11029
RU #250 #11039
I want to punch her in da face
RU #251 #11049
Yes, exactly so, Cheliebaniskians are first and foremost knights with their shiny beards, God’s representatives on the Earth and the people of Muscovy are greedy and wicked, blinded by prejudices and stupidity. Moreover, Muscovites don't have any magnificent clubs and continue to split faberge in two.

It's just the way it always happens in the world. The capital absorbs all the sins and small towns flourish bringing to the world the best creatures of their kind. Go to hui.
4,9 Мб, webm, 640x270
RU #252 #11054
That's so sweet of you. Even the sudden bombage at the end sounds like a firework. Thank you, moscovanya, I love you too.
RU #254 #11103
This kind of free high for poor people is of the same kind with extreme piercing and ass-stretching, but only way more perverted. It's like they're hating their miserable lives and trying to die as soon as possible, but being too stupid to recognize it and keep on pumping more of miserable fucks into this sick sad world. At least today everybody knows why we're bombing them.
as they put it in russia: "заставь дурака богу молиться - он себе лоб расшибёт" (гугли "молитвенная шишка")
21,6 Мб, webm, 320x240
RU #255 #11178
This faggot weighs 3 kilo, why the fuck does she lay on her back when he's already with his head to the opening. Okay, now I know. So he doesn't fall to the floor with his head. I wonder, do black women have so many stupid children because they were born vertically? I guess, I would give birth vertically _and_ in water. Then I'd have both benefits and no harm
9,4 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #256 #11186
RU #264 #11496
Шамаич в вебм треде, охуеть
RU #266 #11498
wtf is dat stupid sheep refugees did you ñothing wrong but you as always obey your goverments trying to involve you in destroying the East stop ur fuckieng aggro sheepness
you smell
RU #267 #11509
sound source pls
RU #268 #11527
Откуда третья вебм?
RU #269 #11528
"Урок" Саакянца.
R. Sahakiants' "Lesson".
RU #270 #11530
RU #271 #11531
Tell those fags to stop reproducing that insanely, maybe then we'll stop pomping them. It was nice to let rapefugees in to show those pacifist pussies who exactly they're trying to protect. I understood that it wasn't for long after I figured out that they welcome shit-skinned but not european-looking russians. Because at least with shit-skinned they know who to incarcerate
336 Кб, webm, 560x286
sage US #272 #11584
13,2 Мб, webm, 400x226
RU #273 #11642
8 Мб, webm, 480x360
RU #274 #11756
peace you may stop fighting for awhile to piss
LV #277 #12140

>2 вебм

Дразнит, сучка
20,4 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #278 #12177
21,4 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #279 #12178
RU #280 #12184
осторожно с первым видео. может сделать пидором
watch the first video through to prove you're not a fag
13,7 Мб, webm, 1280x720
PL #281 #12187
17,8 Мб, webm, 960x720
PL #282 #12188
18,8 Мб, webm, 960x540
PL #283 #12189
LV #294 #12203
My favorite movie
18,9 Мб, webm, 978x550
RU #299 #12210
17,1 Мб, webm, 747x420
RU #301 #12213
14,3 Мб, webm, 889x500
RU #302 #12214
19,9 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #303 #12215
16,6 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #306 #12218
19,2 Мб, webm, 960x540
PL #319 #12232
Bringing some real music itt
19,4 Мб, webm, 1280x720
PL #320 #12233
19,2 Мб, webm, 1280x720
PL #321 #12234
19,4 Мб, webm, 980x550
PL #322 #12235
8,4 Мб, webm, 1280x720
LV #324 #12237
1,8 Мб, webm, 640x360
LV #327 #12240
7,6 Мб, webm, 592x360
LV #329 #12243
2,2 Мб, webm, 720x1280
LV #330 #12244
RU #332 #12246
Why do you have Papiez Wojtyla as a meme? Some sort of response to overwhelming mention in Polish media?
PL #333 #12249
It's just basic trolling that originated from a phrase "Jan Paweł 2 gwałcił małe dzieci"(Jan Pawel 2 raped little kids). People say that he was hiding all the pedophilia inside of the catholic church. The meme is funny though.
13,3 Мб, webm, 640x360
LV #334 #12250
4,7 Мб, webm, 480x856
LV #335 #12255
5,2 Мб, webm, 800x600
LV #336 #12257
2,2 Мб, webm, 1280x720
LV #337 #12258
1,8 Мб, webm, 1280x720
LV #338 #12259
3,3 Мб, webm, 640x480
LV #339 #12260
477 Кб, webm, 448x360
LV #340 #12263
2,3 Мб, webm, 480x360
PL #346 #12353
Lmao i forgot to remove the Name
RU #349 #12357


Why some Swedish songs and Russia's industrial hell picture? Also source pls
PL #350 #12362

>Russia's industrial hell picture?

The first image that i had on my desktop.

>Swedish songs

Only the fisrt one is Swedish, the second one is Finnish. They were performed by the same people though. How can you not hear the difference between Swedish and Finnish?


1.Två konungabarn - Niekku
2.Helise heliä metsä - Niekku
3,6 Мб, webm, 580x300
FI #351 #12363
RU #352 #12365

>How can you not hear the difference between Swedish and Finnish?

I didn't open the second webm. I know this song though. :DDDDDDDDDDDDD :DDDDD :-DDDDDDDDD EBIN
6,1 Мб, webm, 480x360
PL #353 #12369
finland musik besd :D:D:D:D:D:D:
How do you know the song? Do you enjoy ethnic motives as well?
2,4 Мб, webm, 1260x1260
RU #354 #12372
In fact, the only music I enjoy is ethnic music.
6,4 Мб, webm, 500x374
PL #355 #12374
I would honestly suck your cock
LV #357 #12421
That's fucking gay, man
PL #358 #12431
When did sucking a man's cock become gay?
RU #359 #12448
I know when it became not so: when you woke up from a blowjob and decided not to sleep on train with your mouth open
634 Кб, 553x552
PL #360 #12449
You ruskies are hella weird
17,5 Мб, webm, 492x360
RU #362 #12451
плис просид
пршу процед
1 Мб, webm, 640x360
PL #363 #12452
W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie
RU #364 #12454

>W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie

арю райтинг ит лайкзыс онпорпс, соу айдонт удеростунт?
RU #366 #12456
I'll try to pronounce that wait for vocaroo
RU #367 #12457
some academic classic time
1 Мб, webm, 640x360
PL #368 #12458

>I'll try to pronounce that wait for vocaroo

I've been waiting for vocaroo ever since the last time Russia was spotted being great(1917)
86 Кб, 569x604
AU #369 #12582
Can we post blonde blue eyed Slavic QTs???

Do you have any Russian ones?
LV #370 #12583

>Russia was spotted being great(1917)

Lolwut? Russia were great in 18 century, because it gives everybody to suck (davali pasasat vsem)
3,8 Мб, webm, 308x400
PL #371 #12593

>Do you have any Russian ones?

What do you mean? This is a Russian song. Here is another one
KG #372 #12595
What's the name of the tune?
AU #373 #12603
Oh, I didn't realise because I wasn't listening closely enough.

RU #374 #12620
Ty lubish zimlinitchku
A ia lublu klubnitchku
Pust nenadalga
Slatka iagatka
RU #376 #12662
the first one is a music video
the second one is an advertisement
RU #377 #12665
who did not understand - a skilled cat steal bacon
RU #378 #12666
poor hungry animal, Putin does not feed
Anonymous SE #384 #12690
14821296421390.webm кинь ориджинал
SE #385 #12697
RU #386 #12698
музыка не знаю откуда, а картинка очевидное k-on
13 Мб, webm, 1280x720
PL #387 #12702
Akta er, vi har en rysk spion har
SE #388 #12710
PL #389 #12718
kaksoispisda dededede
DE #390 #12720
>>6902 (OP)
idi nahyi
7,8 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #391 #12751
RU #392 #12810
>>6902 (OP)
does anyone know the nasheed name from the video?
RU #393 #12847
Habbat Krryh.
SE #394 #13100
Кинь оридж 1 музона
MD #395 #13102
4,3 Мб, webm, 720x480
FI #396 #13104
Source for the music in this video?
Please, this is very important
20,7 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #398 #13299
7 Мб, webm, 654x480
US #400 #13386
RU #401 #13387
RU #403 #13832
look what facebook recommends me to watch:
I hate facebook and visit it not very often. Now that's a tricky move of theirs
29,9 Мб, webm, 480x360
RU #405 #13855
RU #406 #13856
I would do much better, but would you be able to recognize their states? Neither would I
RU #408 #13895
can i get a full video?
21,2 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #412 #14234
isn't this shit dumbening... like voluntarily hypnotizing in that mess age?
are you rappers masochists or what is the point being deliberately humiliated? or are you really stupid and grateful for picking that out for you.
btw here's a nice one, but only because I am no.1 too. and I would be thankful indeed if I was a nobody raging in my racial hatered and somebody finanally delivered me this surprisingly fulfilling interpretation of reality. so now I can see, enjoy yourselves you too trois 4etыре 5
BY #413 #14280
pas после глагола.
32,6 Мб, webm, 586x360
RU #414 #14287
merci beaucoup
RU #416 #14323
what is that wire?
PL #417 #14640
sauce on the cute grill pls. What is that song called?
RU #418 #14649
Садова Марина - Ой, йолташем
LV #419 #14657
Somehow everything is normal and when the anus shows suddenly shit go down (not literally, of course)
23,5 Мб, webm, 640x352
RU #420 #14841
2,3 Мб, webm, 640x360
HR #421 #14857
me dog
5,6 Мб, webm, 854x480
RU #426 #14925
FI #428 #15052
RU #429 #15053
That's a Cockhole channel, full of cynism and wrong jokes, don't laugh please.
RU #430 #15077
Соус концерта?
202 Кб, webm, 416x240
RU #431 #15078
RU #433 #15094
358 Кб, 900x575
RU #435 #15125
The only proof you need to know that earth is spheric is expansion of horizon as you rise above the surface.
6,7 Мб, webm, 640x480
RU #436 #15360
get up!
RU #437 #15366
Same in 19th.
10 Мб, webm, 1280x720
RU #439 #15381
18 Мб, webm, 852x480
RU #440 #15382
4 Мб, webm, 384x288
RU #442 #15571


> рабских народов союз вековой

23,5 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #444 #16038
US #446 #16115
i like it in an ironic way
US #447 #16116
I don't even know all the states on the map but I have very good european geography skills because of paradox games
4,9 Мб, webm, 960x540
CH #449 #16118

>ukraine cannot into space.webm

sorry, that was the wrong one. this one is better.
RU #450 #16121
Аж слезу пустил...
RU #451 #16122
RU #452 #16123
What anime?!
RU #453 #16124
you again? nice proxy, olga-kun
you're not welcome here, so you know
RU #454 #16125
GITS (1995)
9,1 Мб, webm, 512x384
RU #455 #16191
>>6902 (OP)
Interesting to see your шубмs
15,5 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #456 #16212
see видеть
look глядеть
watch смотреть
IN #457 #16333
Kashtan is where it is at.

"Its interesting to see your webms" is not wrong. You could say - " your webms are interesting "
RU #459 #16623
Soorse of 1st webm, please?
IN #460 #16641
18,8 Мб, webm, 480x360
RU #462 #16843
Adolf RU #465 #16980
hello, my name is TARAS I`AM FROM URINA
RU #466 #16983
I am Pitaras and I'm from Lithuania.
1,8 Мб, webm, 320x240
RU #467 #16984
What the fuck is wrong with you faggots?
UA #468 #17141
what the guy with afro haircut said?
1,9 Мб, webm, 640x480
RU #469 #17157
a wad u leave, brother? at home?
UA #470 #17162
Do you have yet?
128 Кб, webm, 314x240
RU #471 #17205
he asked him where does he live (because he lives in a white block and it makes him a hypocrite)
RU #472 #17207

> yet

yet is "ещё" (or "ужЕ") when you speak about time.
if you speak about quantity, use "more"
RU #473 #17210
Wow, that issome really calm answer. Must be hell of a tea he's drinking.
AT #475 #17313
Can someone explain what happens here?
RU #476 #17315
Ukrainian people are really exited about some place and really won't to get in. I would guess that it is has something to do with border (cause, you know, Ukranians was looking forward to visa-free EU), but it doesn't look that way.
Also, there is an address: Ukraine, Vinnica, Khmelnitskoe highway, 145. From what I can tell, it's a business center of some sort.
9,6 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #477 #17378
Let's sad.
RU #478 #17540
Зачем ты это дерьмо сюда притащил?
8,8 Мб, webm, 640x360
RU #480 #17823
sage RU #481 #17866
It's a opening of a new second hand where you can buy some very expensive brands clothes for nothing. So, they are trying to buy as much as they can brands clothes, some people do this because they can sold their clothes for 2x price.
DE #487 #17912
RU #488 #17928
Come and see for youself. Maybe you'll find clothes you threw away way back when.
DE #489 #17929
Попизди мне тут. Пруфы неси.
128 Кб, 2400x1200
RU #490 #17932
Еще чего.
DE #491 #17972
Ссу на закиселившуюся пидорашку
36,5 Мб, webm, 640x360
sage RU #492 #17981
вы чё мразота охуели наш пиздачий тред в бамплимит своим пиздежом пустопорожним скачивать
(надо бы новый тред пилить а этот может изредка от укатывания подбампывать)
ещё и на русеке, вообще охуела блядота, теперь переводить непереводимое придётся

have you faggots eaten too much shit bitching around our awesome thread with your useless quarrell sending it to bump-limit with no good reason!
(we'd better start another one leaving this one alone maybe bumping it from time to time to avoid it being erased alap)
DE #493 #17982
Ну звыняй, но просто так пиздеть на мою страну я тоже не дам.
RU #494 #17984
Agreed. Looks like some kid from /po/ who doesn't even speak English can't stop whining and he's opponent should have known better to ignore him.
DE #495 #17986
Могу но кому интересны наши разборки?
RU #496 #18007
You stupid fucks. This video >>14920 shows Ukrainian citizenry breaking through the Yanukovich police checkpoint and taking over the government building. Note that not a single shot was fired, as even the the police switched sides and gave its support to the people seeking European integration.
sage RU #497 #18009
пе(pe(re))кат(кот(cut(cought))) >>18000 (OP)
SI #498 #18035
where's the audio from the gomosex video?
thanks in advance
851 Кб, webm, 640x360
SI #501 #18103
thank you
RU #502 #18176
Bullshit, that is also footage of 2014 riots with common people storming a government building.
Тред утонул или удален.
Это копия, сохраненная 22 августа 2017 года.

Скачать тред: только с превью, с превью и прикрепленными файлами.
Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее

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