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964 Кб, 1190x1024
Hi vodka bros, I'm just a brazilian passing by. How do you do? Pony Pinkie Pie #3647362 В конец треда | Веб
Hi vodka bros, I'm just a brazilian passing by. How do you do?
Pony #2 #3647364
>>3647362 (OP)
goot, please come in, have a drink OR two!
Pony #3 #3647372
>>3647362 (OP)
and how are you doing?
181 Кб, 792x1009
Pony Pinkie Pie #4 #3647375
Thanks, friendo. So, what do you guys do here in this board? Who is best pony? Is the russian dub good or do you guys prefer watching in english?

This chan is very comfy.
2112 Кб, 1500x971
Pony Pinkie Pie #5 #3647381
Good. And you?
43 Кб, 1920x1200
Pony #6 #3647402
Polish is best dub.
Applejack is second best!
How are you, friend?
Pony #7 #3647407
Lyrabon OTP!
oh... wait... what you've been asking. Oh, good I guess.
But dayum this coupl... I mean friends.
151 Кб, 1280x720
223 Кб, 1024x768
Pony #8 #3647411
Have a drink, friend. It's free.
Pony #9 #3647419
>>3647362 (OP)
Are you from brchаn friendo?
Pony #10 #3647422
I prefer watch episodes in English, but others often watch with subtitles.

>what do you guys do here in this board?

all sorts of things.
149 Кб, 600x600
Pony Pinkie Pie #11 #3647426
Thx m8.
They're not lovers, they are just best friends!
Doin' good.
Nope, I'm mostly a 55chan anon but I lurk in all imageboards. What happened here? The admin shut down the site?

>all sorts of things


So, I came from halfchan's /mlp/, do you guys like that place? It must be nice to talk about little horses with your fellow countryman, most brazilian anons don't give a fuck to MLP in my country's imageboards. So, how is season 6 so far?

Who is best pony?
70 Кб, 987x809
Pony #12 #3647432
Rare pone.
Pony #13 #3647434

>What happened here? The admin shut down the site?

No, it's safe and sound. But now we have a big russian diaspora there, founded by some refugees from 2ch.hk in september. That's because the owner of this board is a fucking greedy cunt.
Pony #14 #3647441
If you don't like it you always can leave. So GTFO.
226 Кб, 358x649
Pony #15 #3647444

>Thx m8

and Irish Cream for Rarity if you might...

>They're not lovers, they are just best friends!

Yes. Friends. With benefits.

>What happened here? The admin shut down the site?

Servers are being unstable from time to time.
We have few threads on this board, and everypony just sit in those threads instead of making new ones (which happens rarely).


Lewd, indeed!

>do you guys like that place?

We browse many chans too, I guess. Kinda yes. They have their own traits.

>So, how is season 6 so far?

Considering season's 'leaked' finale, it's doing great!

>Who is best pony?

It's debatable. Everypony!
Pony #16 #3647445
Пошёл нахуй, пидорас!
Pony #17 #3647447
wait what?
Pony #18 #3647455
The owner of this board, Abu, sold it to Mail.ru, which is sort of Russian Google, but much worse in terms of cooperation with KGB and promotion of its services. That means 2ch (mailach) is now under control of Russian government. Some paranoics and oppositionist didn't like it and escaped.
Pony #19 #3647458

>Putin under a bed syndrome.

Pony #20 #3647463
>>3647362 (OP)
Also, serious question for Brazilian comrades: "Where in the fudge is Pokehidden?"
Pony #21 #3647464
Ну, с покупкой мылом ВК стали сажать за репосты и всякую другую фигню. В Лицокниге за год один случай, а в ВК — целая куча. И этом при том, что FB — рассадник оппозиционерских взглядов.
Pony #22 #3647472
Думаешь "анонимусам" двачей стоит поджать ануса?
Pony #23 #3647474
Думаю, это отличный шанс для некоторых слезть с иглы.
2762 Кб, 1600x2000
Pony Pinkie Pie #24 #3647483
She's a slut

>That's because the owner of this board is a fucking greedy cunt

Sadly something similar is happening to 4.chan, the new admin is begging for people to buy the 4.chan passes, and is stimulating it by adding retarded features to whoever buys this shit. It's pretty much reddit gold now.

>Irish Cream

Fuck, I don't drink but that looks really nice.
Know that you guys are always welcome to br.chan.
He's ded, for now.
lol, I just realized that he is a brazilian too, this makes him much more based to me.
I can't into moonrunes. It must be much more difficult to you guys learn english, because you have to learn a new alphabet.

>Ошибка постинга: В сообщении присутствует слово из спам листа.

56 Кб, 750x600
Pony #25 #3647486
Why did you say such terrible thing???
Pony #26 #3647487

>Ошибка постинга: В сообщении присутствует слово из спам листа.

You can't type brсhan without russian layout because it's in the spam list.
Pony #27 #3647488

> Know that you guys are always welcome to

We've already created a secondary board there. You're welcome to visit us whenever you want.

> I can't into moonrunes

Actually, it wasn't about you. Just some local stuff.
1287 Кб, 250x192
Pony Pinkie Pie #28 #3647496
It's just a meme, hue.
Thankfully I can post normally, if you fall in the blacklist in 55chan you are automatically banned.
105 Кб, 894x894
Pony #29 #3647497
I wont bother you anymore. GL with your conversations and other stuff, memefag.
Pony #30 #3647499

>the new admin is begging for people to buy the 4.chan passes

Imagine that one day you come to post some shit on your beloved imageboard only to find a paywall on the front page being thrown in your face. That fucker just decided to get more profit from passcode sells; he was giving an access on some vip board only to those who had bought the pass, while the rest of the board was being ddosed.
546 Кб, 816x1164
Pony Pinkie Pie #31 #3647501
Sorry, I tought you wouldn't take it too seriously. plz don't be mad at me ;_;
Your board is faster than the entire site, kek.
We are living in one of the darkest times of imageboards.
Pony #32 #3647504
Don't mind that attention whore. He's just a faggot from general thread, not even arussian but estonian or some shit, afaik.
1204 Кб, 1436x1221
Pony #33 #3647505

>RIaS (R is a slut)

U just don't know how much u offended him.

>Sadly something similar is happening to 4.chan, the new admin is begging for people to buy the 4.chan passes, and is stimulating it by adding retarded features to whoever buys this shit. It's pretty much reddit gold now.

Same goes fоr 2ch

>Irish Cream

Dis good!

>Know that you guys are always welcome to br.chan.

You'll be welcome here too.

>lol, I just realized that he is a brazilian

At least they say he are.

>It must be much more difficult to you guys learn english

Actually it's not that hard.

>Ошибка постинга: В сообщении присутствует слово из спам листа.

Spam-filter, it was probably Twi11icorn?

Don't cry, sweetheart.


>Actually, it wasn't about you. Just some local stuff.

>suck a dick

>shut up, dipshit



>Rariiikun, plz wait.

1204 Кб, 1436x1221
Pony #33 #3647505

>RIaS (R is a slut)

U just don't know how much u offended him.

>Sadly something similar is happening to 4.chan, the new admin is begging for people to buy the 4.chan passes, and is stimulating it by adding retarded features to whoever buys this shit. It's pretty much reddit gold now.

Same goes fоr 2ch

>Irish Cream

Dis good!

>Know that you guys are always welcome to br.chan.

You'll be welcome here too.

>lol, I just realized that he is a brazilian

At least they say he are.

>It must be much more difficult to you guys learn english

Actually it's not that hard.

>Ошибка постинга: В сообщении присутствует слово из спам листа.

Spam-filter, it was probably Twi11icorn?

Don't cry, sweetheart.


>Actually, it wasn't about you. Just some local stuff.

>suck a dick

>shut up, dipshit



>Rariiikun, plz wait.

Pony #34 #3647506
You mean, brсhn /mlp/ is faster than the whole brсhn? Or that this /mlp/'s faster than brсhn? Neither of these statements is true.
Pony #35 #3647507
And yet another fag from degenaral have arrived.
Pony #36 #3647509


2ch became for fee
34 Кб, 493x437
Pony #37 #3647510
Pony #38 #3647511

> yeah

And with every new post it only becomes more and more truthful.
56 Кб, 640x640
Pony #39 #3647514
Eto novaia igra vnimaniebl9dei`? Tipa odin prikidivaets9 brazilcem, t.k. ingrish nihu9 ne znaet, ne pot9net na amerakanca, a vse ostal`nie shitpost9t, memosiki, huehue?
mlp = progress
Pony #40 #3647517
А ведь никто и в самом деле не спросил за пруфы.
Pony #41 #3647518
Почему бы ему не оказаться бразильцем? Последнее время на бразильских досках много русских. А если это и неправда, что с того?
Pony #42 #3647519
Luna, we can't sleep, silly horse!
18 Кб, 929x172
Pony Pinkie Pie #43 #3647523
br.chan in general is a very slow place, the "rival" 55chan takes most the anons. Just look at its /b/ in comparison with /rus/
Pony #44 #3647524
>>3647362 (OP)

>just a brazilian

Pony Pinkie Pie #45 #3647528
Hm... How do I prove that I'm brazilian? I will think something.
Pony #46 #3647530
I heard that brchn was created by commies who were banned on right-wing 55chan. Is it true?
Btw, I was talking about /mlp/. Rus's a mix of /b/ & /pol/, there's no place for ponies there.
89 Кб, 960x717
Pony #47 #3647531
Pony #48 #3647532

> had been banned


Post a photo of your passport with a date written on a piece of paper nearby
Pony #49 #3647534

>no timestamp

Welp you can go pr9mo nahyi`, kloyn ebanii`.
1234 Кб, 1836x3264
1222 Кб, 1836x3264
74 Кб, 613x600
Pony Pinkie Pie #50 #3647555
Am back. You see, I live in Amazonas, the biggest state by area of the country. In the first photo you can see my ID, a notebook that was distributed in my school days, it have the national and the state anthem. In the second photo is just a random gramatical book that I have. Sorry, I don't think a have any flags around here.

That's it. 55chan's staff is a very rigorous one, they have a huge rule list that you have to follow. Some unsatisfied users thought about creating their own chan, and it became what br.chan is today. The whole story between these two imageboards is a long one.
Not me.
386 Кб, 1536x2048
sage Pony #51 #3647565
Esli eta vnimaniebl9d` i pravda iz djunglei`, to eto novii` uroven` vnimaniebl9dstva, general`skie kloyni nervno kyr9t v storonke.
Pony #52 #3647566
What's ID? Is it an addition to passports?
Pony #53 #3647567
U tebya ves' svet klinom na generale soshelsya? Esli da, to vozmojno tebe stoit prosto nachat' ego poseshat'?
Pony #54 #3647571
Our Brazilian friend won't understand Russian even if you transliterate it.
Pony #55 #3647573
That's the point.
363 Кб, 480x411
Pony Pinkie Pie #56 #3647575
Its an identification document. Here it is know as RG (Registro Geral) or Identidade. I don't have a passport because I never traveled overseas, sorry :p.
Pony #57 #3647576
Thus, there's no point in transliteration. Use cyrillic.
Pony #58 #3647577


Lucky you. It's 2.00 am here and winter is coming.
Pony #59 #3647578
No ved` tam ploho, sid9t kloyni i circlejerking dryg s drygom, a ostal`nie ih podbadrivaut.
Pony #60 #3647579
Гугл транслит уже кушает транслит?
Pony #61 #3647580
Это называется "общество". Не вижу ничего плохого. А у тебя какая-то мания.
Pony #62 #3647582
Это называется цирк вниманиечеловеков и им сочувствующих.
Pony #63 #3647583
Всё ещё не что-то плохое.
Pony #64 #3647584
Russians have two passports. One is for traveling abroad, the other is for the domestic usage. And our government doesn't collect citizens' fingerprints.

Ты так не хочешь давать понять ему, что происходит?
Pony #65 #3647585
Я поддерживал собеседника.
248 Кб, 500x500
Pony Pinkie Pie #66 #3647586
Hue, I really can't understand anything. One thing that I like about portuguese is that its very simillar to other languages, like spanish and itallian, you can understand a thing or two without learning the language.
D-don't hide things from me!

>2.00 am

You guys have how much time zones? You have a large country, and its just 20:10 in the site's clock
Here we have a shit-ton of documents and taxes, like birth certificate, marriage certificate, CPF, CNPJ, document for the elections, ID, passport and some others that I'm not recorded.
Pony #67 #3647589
We have 11 time zones.
110 Кб, 1033x774
Pony #68 #3647835

> shit-ton of documents

Something is the same, somtheing is different:

Birth certificate, marriage certificate, ID - понятно
CPF - ИНН Also you can refuse this one for religious reasons, lol
CNPJ - if I got it right, it's like previous one but for organizations
document for the elections - ?! Can't the passport be a verification document when voting?
Pony #69 #3647915

>Here we have a shit-ton of documents and taxes, like birth certificate, marriage certificate, CPF, CNPJ, document for the elections, ID, passport and some others that I'm not recorded.

Of course we have same shit here in Russia, but most of them are hidden somewhere in a wardobe or wherever-you-can-put-a-documents-and-totally-forget-it, and being pulled out only in emergency cases. Usually only 2 documents are being always carried- passport and driver license.
Pony #70 #3647919
Ты понял суть общества.
Pony #71 #3647955
Так это ж /mlp/.
566 Кб, 1000x1250
742 Кб, 828x406
Pony Pinkie Pie #72 #3648246

>Can't the passport be a verification document when voting?

Eeyup, it can but most people don't have passports and prefer the RG because its easier. In elections you must show two documents, the Título Eleitoral and one that indentifies you and have a photo. About CNPJ you got that right.
Hue, it must be a pain in the ass when national tv announce their programs.
Most people don't give a fuck about documents around here too, we rarely have to use them all.

Any more questions for a monkey?
>yfw a literally live inside a forest
Pony #73 #3648248

>most people don't have passports

Huh? Isn't it's the most important identify document? I mean seriously, "no passport" means "not citizen" here in Russia.
Pony #74 #3648251
Stupid question: did you ever seen any snow?
Pony #75 #3648257
Forest's nice, especially if it's jungles. The weather in Russia can not be called friendly, in the best case it's tolerable. How fast is your internet speed?
Pony #76 #3648261

>yfw a literally live inside a forest

But the air, man, and the climate. Even I, living in a countryside, would gave up everything to live in such an environment.
66 Кб, 763x800
Pony Pinkie Pie #77 #3648266
>>3647362 (OP)
Hai mate! Just wanna ask: what do you be guys think about Pinkie Pie, do you like her silly pinki face? Do you like this stupid headcannon where Ponki is cruel murder er?
Pony Pinkie Pie #78 #3648273


br guys*
694 Кб, 296x308
179 Кб, 500x450
37 Кб, 604x579
Pony Pinkie Pie #79 #3648285
Here passports are used in international travels mostly, the main document around here is the RG.
No ;_;, since I was a kid I want to see such beautiful nature wonder. Its somewhat ironical, you guys want to live in a hotter place and I wish to see snow.
The country have pretty shitty telecomunications companies. My connection is only 2mbps. Those more fortunate live in the South and have 10/15mbps, some places there even have optical fiber.
Its hot as fuck. Its hotter than hell. But yeah, it's a nice place to live if you are far away from favelas. Nowadays we are witnessing a economical crisis, millions are unemployed, companies are closing and everything is more expensive. The air around you is poluted or isn't good because of the snow?
Mostly brguys like her, she is embodiment of fun after all. You know, I like her so much that I fell in love with her. I take the waifu thing seriously, but not like the retards who buys dakimakura and those shits to show off in the internet, I have my own way of showing my love to her. She changed me for a better person.

>Do you like this stupid headcannon where Ponki is cruel murder er?

Nope, 2edgy4me. but I like it just a little

So, is Putin that much of a bad leader? You actually can't say bad things about him, is that right?
Pony #80 #3648293
He's a terrible leader when it comes to internal politics. But he made the whole world think that Russia was powerful and shit like that. Not sure if it has something to do with the truth.
Pony #81 #3648296
And your internet speed is a bit disappointing. I can't say our internet is fast, but somehow it appears that in general we get more Mbps.
Pony #82 #3648316
Плз, бывали царьки и похуже. Ельцин тот же.
155 Кб, 585x350
1727 Кб, 2048x1428
Pony #83 #3648321
No joking, but I've had some police-bears patrol under my windows today, probably because I was joking about him the day before.
He's an okay leader, I guess. He's fair and not stupid. He shouldn't be using dirty cards from his sleeve, like royalties often do in other countries. His public speeches are reasonable. He also couldn't leave the country now in case of misfortunes, because he's very popular as of now, and if he'll leave his Motherland to it's doom, he'll become an outcast. He's the first line of defence against foreighn threats. But his inner politics are weak sometimes, it's because many people who are in their power - simply steal from other people, he couldn't do much about it, but he's trying. Other Countries (Big Eagle, I'm watching at you) trying to destabilise our currency and tell lies about Russia, it's not helping at all.
Pony #84 #3648328
Ельцин пропил ресурсы, зато у него были яйца чтобы разогнать коррупционных депутатов из танков. И он был ближе к народу. Путин работает с тем что есть. Политика Ниграмы тоже была не айс, по слухам.
Pony #85 #3648334
ДимЮричь, тупичок в другой стороне.
Pony #86 #3648337
I can't say Putin is really bad or good, i can't make adequate assumption of how others would rule, but some of his internal politics suck ass. But he is a fucken saint compared to our previous 2 leaders who manage to ruin USSR and set country to a state of criminal anarchy.
Pony #87 #3648345
Ельцин разогнал коррумпированных депутатов из танков и посадил туда своих коррумпированых депутатов, с блекджеком и шлюхами. Я тащемта еще помню как при путине олигархию распиливали.
Pony #88 #3648356

>The air around you is poluted or isn't good because of the snow?

Nah, snow isn't a case. It's just I used to live in a close proximity to Chernobyl.
Pony #89 #3648364
Воруют. Селестию в Президенты! Интересно, стала бы воровать Селестия, стань она правительницей России.
Pony #90 #3648432
A chego hotat dobytsa hohly?
2539 Кб, 400x225
Pony Pinkie Pie #91 #3648503
Im so glad to hear it mate^^ I love Pinkie so much, she is like Lil sister or something like that in my imagination. Its so sad that IRL you cant find such cute and lovely person.
941 Кб, 500x281
Pony #92 #3648505
Woops wrong .gif
Pony #93 #3648506
Don't lisen this fucktard.
Pony #94 #3648522

> IRL you cant find such cute and lovely person

But you can, actually. It's not that this personality was designed specifically for the show. It's quite common, you just need to go out sometimes.
250 Кб, 1200x1242
Pony Pinkie Pie #95 #3648877
I know that feel, every president we have is a shit one, although some of them can do one good thing of two, like Lula's Bolsa Família, it saved many families from extreme porvety. Now Lula is being investigated because he fucked up real good during his time as president. After him, came Dilma, this bitch fucked the economy and got impeached, now the leftists are crying all over because the media claim it was a coup, but it wasn't. The actual president is Michel Temer, I don't know much of him yet.
Good for you.


We have a word like that, we call all those who didn't take the redpill and do futile normalfag things "gado".

> I've had some police-bears patrol under my windows today

Huhehue, take good care, friend. Don't go messing around with him in public.
It's nice to see another devoted poinkfag. Spread love and fun, and never forget to smile, smile, smile!

>IRL you cant find such cute and lovely person

I agree, if I see somebody who acts like her, I think the person is childish and is forcing exagerated expressions. It is something that is better in 2d than 3d.
Now I'm curious, do you allow girls to post in here? We anons of brazilian imageboards are very misogynist, if one female is spotted she is permabanned by the moderation. Many distrust girls because most of them are just whores who cheats and have futile interests. If anyone in this thread is a girl, know that you're okay and don't fit in this, because this is the way of my country, not yours.

Also, the majority of the userbase favors the NEET way, those who frequently leave his house to go to parties are very despised.

Is mlporn allowed here? Or is this a SFW board?
Pony #96 #3648909

>Is mlporn allowed here?

Only in specialised threads like this https://2ch.hk/mlp/res/3640773.html (М)
Pony #97 #3648933
There's a tradition here about girls. If anon claims he is a woman, he must take a photo of his/her boobs with a timestamp to prove that he is really she.
Pony #98 #3648962

>do you allow girls to post in here?

I don't think there are any rules restricting you to post nude girls here, but this is /mlp board after all. Thus, it is suggested that you will stick to post mainly pone-related content.

>We anons of brazilian imageboards are very misogynist

>if one female is spotted she is permabanned by the moderation

Wow, that's kinda harsh. Although we're following the same behaviour here, anyway, most of us are acting this way rather ironically. So whenever a girl will show up in /b, she would immediately gathered a lot of attention; but, on the other hand, she would be despised too, whether she have a proofs written on her tits or not. That goes only for /b, though. Anywhere else on the board we're mostly tolerable to girls.
Pony #99 #3649134
There are no restriction for females to post wherever they want, but most of them pretending to be males and write in... uh... masculine. Your native language is spanish, right? I'm not sure does it have any gender differentiation when it comes to pronunciation of verb and pronouns, if not, it maybe hard to understand how russian language works. But in few words: girls here on 2ch speak in specific way to keep their gender in secret, because females on imageboards draws too much attention. Its kinda tradition.

Last years this tradition is tend to be forgotten though, on certain boards like /b or /sex girls doesn't hide their identify much andno one gives a fuck, except 2,5 cranky oldfags.
Pony #100 #3649492
>>3647362 (OP)
I want to start learning Spanish. What are hidden rocks?
Pony #101 #3649493
He's Portuguese speaker.
Pony #102 #3649579
Honestly i never thought of Portuguese like it superpower with own language and influence in world politics. I mean look how badass were spanish, they conquer most of the caribean and south america and dominate the region for solid 300 years, plus spanish inqusition were BAD AS FUCKEN ASS. All i know about portugese is actually there are weird animal named "portugese ship" NOT KIDDING. This is all i know about portugeese, this and probably its geolocation. Never thought someone would speal portugese world widely.
Pony #103 #3671345
205 Кб, 1024x1024
Pony Pinkie Pie #104 #3671549
Hai, I'm still here. Missed me?
Pony Octavia #105 #3671566
Hi, brozil bro. Go here, sit down and listen to captain's lecture.
Pony #106 #3671588
Why are we still here? Just to suffer.
532 Кб, 1400x764
43 Кб, 287x200
Pony Pinkie Pie #107 #3672731
Hey, man, how's it going? Now I'm just wondering something, do Octaviafags like classical music? Surprisingly I'm a Pinkiefag and I don't like parties at all. It must be the normalfags that make me dislike it, they do degenerate things like drinking alcohol till passing out, they do drugs, these kind of things. Its something paradoxal, liking a character that's entirelly the opposite of you. Somehow the 16 personalities chart tell that we are a good pair, me being a INTJ and she being a ESFP.

76 Кб, 800x800
Pony Pinkie Pie #108 #3672800
Hello hue my old friend, i want to talk with you again.
2344 Кб, 640x360
Pony Pinkie Pie #109 #3672802
Pinkie is so likable, i think she is like a child - simple and honest. There is no place for dumb human teenager's on her party's.
Pony Octavia #110 #3672818

>And our government doesn't collect citizens' fingerprints.

Never served in forces, did ya?
Yes, Octaviafags love classics. I am all in Vivaldi and Chopin and sometimes Mozart, studied 6 years at musical college, reasonably become fan of this background pony. Dislike Vinyl shipping a little, also.
Pony #111 #3672841
I'm glad I haven't.
Pony #112 #3672862
Как символично вчера во многих местах выпал снег. Подразните его, лол.
Pony #113 #3673056
У меня снег уже месяц лежит, сука. Меня бы кто плюсовой температурой и тропиками подразнил.
256 Кб, 1370x1200
Pony Pinkie Pie #114 #3673673
Hi, I want to talk with you again too.
That's what I like in her. She's your favorite pony, huh?


I love this guy, specially for his Four Seasons. But my real love is Yoko Shimomura because, especially, the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack. God, how I love video game music.
Is it mandatory to you guys enlist to the Armed Forces? Here every man in his 18 years have to go, but only a few are recruited, most are refused.
78 Кб, 1280x720
Pony Pinkie Pie #115 #3674132

>That's what I like in her. She's your favorite pony, huh?

Yeah, i love her so much, not like maifu.. like... you know... like if i have lil sister :3
Pony #116 #3684829
1476 Кб, 2362x1181
Pony Pinkie Pie #117 #3686439
Pony Octavia #118 #3686464


Beautiful too. I think today videogame and movie score are very perspective to become classical in future. Also, I recommend Max Richter.


Oh... Men are hiding, becoming university's students, even changing names. It is officially mandatory, and Armed Forces here are terrific combination of jail and fascistic concentration camps. I spent there a year, and I know the subject.
221 Кб, 800x450
Pony #119 #3688214
How have you been?
7 Кб, 300x168
Pony Pinkie Pie #120 #3688246
Hai Ponki bro!
39 Кб, 643x643
Pony Pinkie Pie #121 #3689367
I'm glad you like her too, I think the reason I like videogame music so much is because they make me feel emotions that I don't see in normal music. I'm gonna see this Max Richter soon. People change name just because they don't want to go to the military? Kek, it must be a real bad place.

To tell you the truth, I'm not good, I got a case of cold, now I'm having these fucking headaches all day. But I'm pretty happy because of Trump's victory.

Hey amigo, how are ya?
89 Кб, 1060x952
Pony #122 #3689452

>To tell you the truth, I'm not good, I got a case of cold

Awww... I hope you'll get better soon :p Go drink hot-chocolate or something... and get well!

>But I'm pretty happy because of Trump's victory.

Are you a braz-bro from before? Why you're actually happy because of this? To tell the truth, people over here are close to pissing themselves because of pure happiness too. Go-go Trump-supporters, I guess...
sage Pony #123 #3689547
Someday you'll be dead.
Pony #124 #3690475
Someday we all shall.
7213 Кб, 3587x3587
Pony Pinkie Pie #125 #3691863
Thanks :3.

>Are you a braz-bro from before?

That's me. Very few here are happy with Trump's victory, after all the media put in the society's head that he is a very bad person because of his proposals, so the majority think that Hillary is the good one.

This thread? Yeah, it will die someday, that's how things works.
Me? Well, I will tell you a secret: I think I may be close to my eternal rest. I have some problems in my, uh, genital system. I like to call it a "complete package", it's phimosis, cryptorchidism and now I got a black stain in the skin around my penis' glans. I'm a little worried about this stain, I read that it could be cancer. I'm afraid to talk with my parents about it, we never talked things like this in the past.

It's a sad thing, isn't it? Sometimes I reflect about death. What comes after it? Is there a paradise? An empty void?
58 Кб, 887x900
Pony #126 #3692855
You should get some doctors' consultment I guess. I bet it's difficult especially considering the "specifics" of your case but I don't think it's a reason worth to lust let it go. I had some painful problems with my balls veins(LoL) once and I had to undergo a surgery to fix the damn thing. Even if it's some tumor(which it may be not) it can be helped nevertheless. Sorry if I seem to obvious or out of context - a bitdrunk and sleepy.
Pony #127 #3692992
Pony #128 #3704526
Pony #129 #3710454
Pony #130 #3712814
Он умер от жопного спида или чем он там заболел-то?
Pony #131 #3712916
Necroposting. How does it feel?
Pony #132 #3714109

> How does it feel?

Feel like your aids, isn't? Or you are become healthy?
439 Кб, 1390x1509
Pony Pinkie Pie #133 #3714599
Holy fuck, you guys are still bumping this? Ok, I'm back.

Not yet. I did a an ultrassound in my penis and the doctor said nothing was wrong, the black stain that I had was most likely an edema, maybe because I'm a compulsive fapper. But who will say for certain is the urologist.
439 Кб, 1390x1509
Pony Pinkie Pie #134 #3714600
Holy fuck, you guys are still bumping this? Ok, I'm back.

Not yet. I did a an ultrassound in my penis and the doctor said nothing was wrong, the black stain that I had was most likely an edema, maybe because I'm a compulsive fapper. But who will say for certain is the urologist.
1161 Кб, 404x272
Pony #135 #3714805
Hai Ponki bro <3 Hope you feel well!
171 Кб, 1280x887
Pony Pinkie Pie #136 #3715288
You guys decorating your houses for christmas? I perceive that every year less and less houses around here do that, maybe the magic of the Christmas is fading? This fucking economic crisis deprives us from various things.
537 Кб, 2592x1944
Pony #137 #3715346
Our traditional Christmas is on January, 7th.
We usually decorate our houses, and local authorities are ordering to decorate the streets for New Year.
Pony #138 #3715349
Eh, I can't be mad at you for more than 2 months.
Pony #139 #3715574
Eng, of course
Pony #140 #3717471
Ok then.

> compulsive fapper

Why. I'm join to no-fap league for a one year already.

> decorating your houses for christmas?

Yeap, taking my Xmas tree, place it on the center of the lounge, calling all my fam to drink some shampage for the newcoming 2K17.
Pony #141 #3722239
Pony #142 #3722308
Pony #143 #3722803
Any ponies on the tree?
Pony #144 #3723088
Cookie ponies.
Where your cutemark?
Pony #145 #3723516
What do you mean by that?
Pony #146 #3723527
Heavens gate.
83 Кб, 837x832
Pony #147 #3723531
Pony #148 #3723772
How are you?
Pony Pinkie Pie #149 #3727610
I wanted to join the nofap club too, but I can't. Some pics are just too perfect...

>Our traditional Christmas is on January, 7th

But why is that? That photo is yours? Its cute.
Huehue. But if you feel mad don't feel mad at me, I'm not the one bumping this thread.
Based. I sometimes wonder how good the brazillian dub is, maybe one day I will try watching it, but it won't feel the same.

Also, I'm having issues while posting:
Error posting: Posting prohibited. Ban: 631792. The reason: [W] Latin America (LACNIC).
I'm in a proxy right now, its very difficult for posting.
Pony Pinkie Pie #150 #3727612
Test. Having issues.
30 Кб, 446x500
Pony Pinkie Pie #151 #3727617
Happy Holidays, guys.
Pony #152 #3727819
Happy new 2017, bro!
Pony #153 #3746247
not vodka
19 Кб, 1280x720
Pony Pinkie Pie #154 #3748924
u2 my ponkie friend!
sage хуй #155 #3748932
Проиграл с уровня английского ИТТ. Чмонька-ОП, иди в школку.
Pony #156 #3748952
Проиграл с тебя залетного клована.
Pony #157 #3749205
Дойди до курумичана и посмотри на каком английском общаются куруминьи.
Pony #158 #3758374
176 Кб, 825x967
Pony Pinkie Pie #159 #3760597
122 Кб, 496x701
Pony #160 #3760682
Pony #161 #3775984
whaere anon?
Pony #162 #3802025
835 Кб, 1920x1080
Pony Pinkie Pie #163 #3806346
Hey, I'm still here. Its kinda difficult to post behind an american proxy.
Pony #164 #3806348
How white Argentina actuallly is?
253 Кб, 710x462
Pony Pinkie Pie #165 #3806349
Hello mate!
How it goes? Do you wait for new Pinkie episode?
172 Кб, 500x390
Pony Pinkie Pie #166 #3806667



Not so good, I'm gonna fail at college. But I have some Ponk episodes to look foward to! I like episodes with her sisters, they're too cute. But I think they emphasize Maud too much over Marbles and Limes.

>Ошибка постинга: Постинг запрещён. Бан: 627034. Причина: [W] United States (NAC-NETBLK02).

Fuck, its getting harder to post.
Pony #167 #3812968
Lmao. How it's going?
Pony #168 #3816174
pony poiny pony pon
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