Angband General 34942 В конец треда | Веб
Обсуждаем великий и ужасный Ангбанд, а также его всевозможные форки.

2 34943
Сегодня вышла новая крупная версия 4.2.0

Summary of Changes

Two new realms of magic have been added, nature and shadow, to the existing divine and arcane realms.

Nature realm relies on harnessing the power of the earth, and is opposite to the arcane realm, which uses craft and cunning.
Divine realm uses harmony and light, and is opposite to the shadow realm which aligns with darkness, power and sacrifice.
Rangers now use nature magic, like the new Druid class
Necromancers are the major shadow caster class
Blackguards are fighters enhanced by shadow magic
Pure casters (mages, priests, druids, necromancers) use five books (down from nine)
Hybrid casters (rogues, paladins, rangers, blackguards) use two or three books
Classes no longer have different rates of gaining experience


Each base monster type has had its game niche reconsidered, and there has been a general push to use Tolkien-inspired monsters where appropriate. Some of the major changes include:

Ainur - most of these now align with one of the great Valar, and have corresponding powers
Dragons - these have mostly been made stronger and deeper
Humanoids - dark elves have been replaced with dwarves, gnomes with Drúedain
Hydras - each hydra type is like the previous type with a new head and attack added
People - the association of some of these with player classes has been expanded to include the new classes
Snakes - some of these are now dangerous
Spiders - more dangerous and deeper, with unique abilities
Trees/Ents - these are new, tough to kill enemies
Wights/Wraiths - wights are all now shallower than wraiths, and the Ringwraiths are much deeper

Game Mechanics

In the course of the class and monster changes, many new mechanics have been introduced, with some of the major ones being:

Player and monster shapechanges
Variable light and darkness are created by monsters, player gear and player spells, and the player has a meter to measure the light level on their square
Mages can drain mana from magic devices
Rogues can steal from monsters
Temporary brands and slays (Priests, Paladins, Blackguards)
Necromancers can see in the dark, and can cast less well in light
Healing of hitpoints every turn for a time (Druids)
Control of a monster, including making it attack other monsters (Necromancers)
Shield bashes (Warriors, Paladins, Blackguards)
Decoys which monsters will attack instead of the player (Rangers)
Blackguards can go into a state of bloodlust which improves their combat at a price
Monsters can whip or spit on the player from nearby
Monster groups act more as a group, with leaders and sometimes bodyguards
Innate spells (e.g. breaths) and cast spells (e.g. bolts) have separate frequencies
Deeper in the dungeon shallow monsters are less likely to appear
Monsters can teleport to the player
Spiders can weave webs
Monsters can have innate darkness around them
Traps added that trigger on leaving their square
Ringwraiths can inflict the Black Breath
Monster spells can have different levels depending on monster spell power
The player now has a hunger meter, and food is more important
As with classes, all races gain experience at the same rate, except for humans who are faster, and high-elves who are slower
The Temple has been replaced with a Bookseller who sells books of all realms

Code Improvements

There have also been some improvements to the codebase, both visible and invisible to the player. The main ones are:

Addition of an SDL2 front end
Change to mostly using a single grid rather than x and y coordinates in much of the code
More readability of datafiles
Some font improvements
Some new tiles
A new online (rather than in-game) help system
A new experimental (and so far unbalanced) birth option for percentage damage
An option to start a new game after dying instead of closing the game and re-opening
Many fixes to bugs and memory leaks
2 34943
Сегодня вышла новая крупная версия 4.2.0

Summary of Changes

Two new realms of magic have been added, nature and shadow, to the existing divine and arcane realms.

Nature realm relies on harnessing the power of the earth, and is opposite to the arcane realm, which uses craft and cunning.
Divine realm uses harmony and light, and is opposite to the shadow realm which aligns with darkness, power and sacrifice.
Rangers now use nature magic, like the new Druid class
Necromancers are the major shadow caster class
Blackguards are fighters enhanced by shadow magic
Pure casters (mages, priests, druids, necromancers) use five books (down from nine)
Hybrid casters (rogues, paladins, rangers, blackguards) use two or three books
Classes no longer have different rates of gaining experience


Each base monster type has had its game niche reconsidered, and there has been a general push to use Tolkien-inspired monsters where appropriate. Some of the major changes include:

Ainur - most of these now align with one of the great Valar, and have corresponding powers
Dragons - these have mostly been made stronger and deeper
Humanoids - dark elves have been replaced with dwarves, gnomes with Drúedain
Hydras - each hydra type is like the previous type with a new head and attack added
People - the association of some of these with player classes has been expanded to include the new classes
Snakes - some of these are now dangerous
Spiders - more dangerous and deeper, with unique abilities
Trees/Ents - these are new, tough to kill enemies
Wights/Wraiths - wights are all now shallower than wraiths, and the Ringwraiths are much deeper

Game Mechanics

In the course of the class and monster changes, many new mechanics have been introduced, with some of the major ones being:

Player and monster shapechanges
Variable light and darkness are created by monsters, player gear and player spells, and the player has a meter to measure the light level on their square
Mages can drain mana from magic devices
Rogues can steal from monsters
Temporary brands and slays (Priests, Paladins, Blackguards)
Necromancers can see in the dark, and can cast less well in light
Healing of hitpoints every turn for a time (Druids)
Control of a monster, including making it attack other monsters (Necromancers)
Shield bashes (Warriors, Paladins, Blackguards)
Decoys which monsters will attack instead of the player (Rangers)
Blackguards can go into a state of bloodlust which improves their combat at a price
Monsters can whip or spit on the player from nearby
Monster groups act more as a group, with leaders and sometimes bodyguards
Innate spells (e.g. breaths) and cast spells (e.g. bolts) have separate frequencies
Deeper in the dungeon shallow monsters are less likely to appear
Monsters can teleport to the player
Spiders can weave webs
Monsters can have innate darkness around them
Traps added that trigger on leaving their square
Ringwraiths can inflict the Black Breath
Monster spells can have different levels depending on monster spell power
The player now has a hunger meter, and food is more important
As with classes, all races gain experience at the same rate, except for humans who are faster, and high-elves who are slower
The Temple has been replaced with a Bookseller who sells books of all realms

Code Improvements

There have also been some improvements to the codebase, both visible and invisible to the player. The main ones are:

Addition of an SDL2 front end
Change to mostly using a single grid rather than x and y coordinates in much of the code
More readability of datafiles
Some font improvements
Some new tiles
A new online (rather than in-game) help system
A new experimental (and so far unbalanced) birth option for percentage damage
An option to start a new game after dying instead of closing the game and re-opening
Many fixes to bugs and memory leaks
3 34944
Почему-то мебель или улучшенную генерацию всё ещё не завезли, но в целом изменения всё равно радуют.

Вот этот пункт особенно понравился:

>Monster groups act more as a group, with leaders and sometimes bodyguards

изображение.png10 Кб, 470x673
4 34945
Неплохо классы переделали. С одной стороны, они стали более уникальными, но с другой, добавили два реалма и убрали некоторые книги и теперь они менее универсальны, так что хз как оно вообще.

>Rogues can steal from monsters

Можно стащить что-нибудь интересное у уников?

>As with classes, all races gain experience at the same rate

Джва года ждал.

>A new online (rather than in-game) help system

5 34946
кроме 3.4.3 ниче не нужно
drogocuckold.png1,7 Мб, 1920x1080
6 34947
У рога осталась только одна обоссаная книжка 1 левела с детектами. Это вместо книжек мне предлагают воровать мусор у мобов?
7 34948
>>942 (OP)
А что это за книжные шкафы на тайлсете? Типа мебель какую-то вводят?
8 34949
Ну так наоборот годно.
Вообще радует, что число книг срезали, особенно не чистым кастерам, ибо задалбывало.


Не понял. Теперь ингейм-справка не выводится?
Нет, к сожалению. Просто с форума мокап того, как могло бы быть. А ведь так уже в разы душевнее и осмысленнее уровни выглядят.
9 34950

>Теперь ингейм-справка не выводится?

Ну, я пытался нажать "?", чтобы прочитать что такое "to-damage is a percentage of dice"(вообще не понял что это и как это работает). Но оно выдало ошибку открытия файла - но это только в birth options такое.
10 34952
всё, что имеет в названии -band, синоним фуфла. Пробовал осилить hellband, та же хуита, что и ангбанд, просто монстрикам другие названия дали, и так с асболютно каждым форком
11 34953
Любые форки любого рогалика в 95% случаев это монстрики с другими названиями.
12 34955
Нет, это просто ты такой форк сам выбрал.
13 34956
14 34972
В ангбанде такой же кризис и нищета как в России Нетхаке, мебели нет, спят на полу, едят с земли прямо.
15 34974
Ну зато у ГГ хотя бы аж собственный дом есть. Правда, кроме как потереться у входной двери, больше ничего нельзя.
По крайней мере тут у разработки не такие замшелые консерваторы, как у Нетхака. Может когда-то что-то и будет.
16 34976
Вот именно, не дом, а голые стены. Да и еще в Ангбанде никто разговаривать не умеет, вот это трындец.
изображение.png8 Кб, 914x236
17 34977
И уютный дом с трофеями есть и поговорить можно, не понимаю о чем ты. Трактира в V нет - вот это печально.
18 34978

>уютный дом с трофеями

Если бы в него ещё и пускали и можно было бы посидеть в креслеце, почитывая новый спелбук, перекусить за столом, поспать в кроватке, а потом снова в данж...
Ну и трактир бы рядом тоже хорошо.
19 34979
Это в Ангбанде или в форках?
20 34980
>>942 (OP)
ахуеннешая рогалька
21 34981
Ты даже не запускал ваниль никогда?
22 34986
Давно, просто я не помню чтобы можно было говорить, там например в городе помнится был только вариант убить, а команды говорить вообще кажется не было...
23 34990
Да это просто уникальный монстр однажды спавнится в городе. Выдает пару фразочек. Остальной разговор В ГОЛОВЕ САМ ОТЫГРЫВАЕШЬ
24 34991
Да, команды такой нет.
Мобы просто рандомно с тобой болтают.
25 34993


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Ах вот оно как.
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