Тёмной Эры Технологий тред №7 (вроде) 1111258 В конец треда | Веб
В связи с множественными рецидивами старого доброго (но пустопорожнего) ТЭТосрача в различных тредах, я решил возродить ТЭТотред. Если всё ещё есть, что обсудить, перекатывайтесь сюда.

Воспалённые треды:

Основные точки зрения:
1) ТЭТ была эпохой чудес, технологии если не превосходили, то были сопоставимы с некронскими, простые солдаты имели адратическое оружие, а «императоры» сторожили Пятёрочки и т.д.
Опционально: самые крутые технологии не входили в СШК, которые были простейшими комплектами развития новых колоний.
2) ТЭТ по своему технологическому развитию не отличалась от текущего Империума, простые солдаты с лазганчиками, летающие соборы и т.д.
2 1111268
>>1258 (OP)

> 2)

Ну тут нужно базу процитировать:

Ты всей этой хуйнёй пытаешься вычеркнуть из вахи один из основных мифов европейской цивилизации, средневековье которой стояло на костях Рима. И всё их средневековье и Возрождение прошли в нескончаемой фагготории по достижениям "более развитой цивилизации, что была до". В каждом первом фэнтези и каждом втором сайфае у них торчит сюжет про такую цивилизацию, более развитую чем нынешние, но исчезнувшую. Ты основы культурного бэкграунда ГВшников отрицаешь.
3 1111307
>>1258 (OP)
Я уважаю инициативы людей по чему бы то ни было интересному лоровому.
НО тут есть ключевая загвоздка: Нет предмета обсуждения.
ГВ не знают как было "Тогда". Они банально не решили, а потом решили не решать. А потому на каждом шагу нестыковки. Ибо каждый отдельный дизайнер или писака считает по своему.

А потому СШК технологии это какой то примитивный шлак, но реликтами и артефактами натуральная магия. Потому как один порешал так, а другой иначе.

Проще говоря: Всё канон.
4 1111310
>>1258 (OP)

>2) ТЭТ по своему технологическому развитию не отличалась от текущего Империума, простые солдаты с лазганчиками, летающие соборы и т.д.

Это буквально канон из руллбуков всех изданий и кодексов.
Ну и все миры ульи созданы в ТЭТ, так что это готичное говно было и раньше, только не так хуево освещение и не такое ржавое.
5 1111347

>все миры ульи созданы в ТЭТ

Тут ты обосрался, Империумом создаются и новые.
6 1111350

>НО тут есть ключевая загвоздка: Нет предмета обсуждения.

Да, ты в сущности прав. Тем не менее, тема продолжает жить годами, срачи возникают снова и снова - только за последний месяц расползлось на 4 треда, не считая неофитач.
И создавая тред, я и не надеялся, что в нём удастся непротиворечиво скомпилировать инфу о ТЭТ и прийти к консенсусу. Я просто решил возродить традиционный тред и может быть свести ТЭТосрач в него, чтобы за несколькими не следить.
7 1111353
Этого двачую, во всем прав. Собственно оно скорее всего так и есть. Империум 30к скорее всего ничто иное, как разного рода королевства варваров, либо Византия/СРИ, которые пытались претендовать на славу Рима. А Император хотел нео-ренессанса отсюда и дрочь на атеизм и ультрагумманизм имперских истин.
8 1111360

>Империум 30к скорее всего ничто иное, как разного рода королевства варваров

Королевства варваров - это скорее доимперские цивилизации, которые в ВКП объединяли, и в миниатюре - техноварвары Терры.
9 1111361
Покидаю немного бэкца. Не зря же эту срань в прошлых тредах выискивали.

«Глупцы вопрошали: «Почему Тёмная Эра Технологий закончилась падением человечества?», другие глупцы отвечали: из-за «Безрассудства», «Гордыни» или «Поклонению прогрессу», как будто эти понятия сами по себе имеют какой-то смысл. Для мудреца ответ прост. Это случилось из-за того, что человечество, наконец, получило в своё распоряжение знания для воплощения в жизнь своих грёз, а во всём мироздании нет ничего темнее грёз людей.»
– Вступление к «Изумрудному Завету», запрещённая работа техноархеолога Синеция Торна, М.29

Титаны на каждой колонии ТЭТ.
"The history of Titans is very ancient indeed. Titans have existed throughout the history of the Imperium and for long before its founding, before even the Age of Strife. Titans were in use during the Dark Age of Technology and the first Alien Wars; at that time each human colony had at least one Titan Legion, and many had dozens deployed in their defence. During the Age of Strife these Titan Legions were then turned against each other in the savage and destructive wars that tore mankind apart."
- Adeptus Titanicus 1ed

"The most sacred knowledge tells of an age of nightmare and death, when the very laws which bind the fabric of the universe were torn apart. This much we know - for twenty-five millennia Mankind ruled the stars, tamed them, enslaved them. Wonders beyond imagining were commonplace and no miracle of techno-arcana was beyond us. Our worlds were silvered jewels that glittered among the firmament, and we held in our hands the means to sunder reality itself or to remake it to the mould of our thoughts."
- Adeptus Titanicus Rulebook (2018)

"In those forgotten early days it is now unknown what enemies and trials humanity had to overcome but overcome them we did, and in icing so human colonies spread across our galaxy so that humanity was scattered across a million worlds and found treasures and horrors uncounted. In the heights of those times, lost now to all but supposition and myth, humanity made themselves as unto gods— their sciences and arts able to remake planets in the image of remembered Ancient Earth, harness the power of the stars, and rashion servants from clay and iron and give them counterfeit-life to do their bidding."
- Betrayal

"The Magos Dominus of the Legio Cybernetica are privy to many ancient secrets from the Dark Age of Technology, a time when the un-living phalanxes of Mankind’s creations shattered forgotten alien empires to carve humanity’s first empire from the stars. Although much of this lore has been lost or become expressly forbidden, such fragments of knowledge allow the Magos to fashion and maintain a small, but powerful, cadre of Battle-automata for the Imperium. Such is the nature of the dark arcarna of Cybertheurgy, however, that it is not without its risks, as what is awakened may slip the leash of its master’s control with disastrous consequences"
- Massacre

"He thought Andrioch had likely been twice this size, once. Half of it looked to have been torn away by whatever created the cliff. There were weapons in the older days that could do it: weapons of immeasurable power, tech devices employed by both the Iron Men and the alliances that stood against their cybernetic revolt.
Oll remembered the horror of entropic engines that ignited planets. Sun-snuffers that uncoiled like serpents the size of Saturn’s rings. Mechnivores ingesting data along with the cities that contained them and hurling continents into the heavens. Omniphage swarms stripping flesh from a billion bones in the blink of an eye. Those were the good old days, when war was something too colossal for a human mind to comprehend."
- Perpetual
9 1111361
Покидаю немного бэкца. Не зря же эту срань в прошлых тредах выискивали.

«Глупцы вопрошали: «Почему Тёмная Эра Технологий закончилась падением человечества?», другие глупцы отвечали: из-за «Безрассудства», «Гордыни» или «Поклонению прогрессу», как будто эти понятия сами по себе имеют какой-то смысл. Для мудреца ответ прост. Это случилось из-за того, что человечество, наконец, получило в своё распоряжение знания для воплощения в жизнь своих грёз, а во всём мироздании нет ничего темнее грёз людей.»
– Вступление к «Изумрудному Завету», запрещённая работа техноархеолога Синеция Торна, М.29

Титаны на каждой колонии ТЭТ.
"The history of Titans is very ancient indeed. Titans have existed throughout the history of the Imperium and for long before its founding, before even the Age of Strife. Titans were in use during the Dark Age of Technology and the first Alien Wars; at that time each human colony had at least one Titan Legion, and many had dozens deployed in their defence. During the Age of Strife these Titan Legions were then turned against each other in the savage and destructive wars that tore mankind apart."
- Adeptus Titanicus 1ed

"The most sacred knowledge tells of an age of nightmare and death, when the very laws which bind the fabric of the universe were torn apart. This much we know - for twenty-five millennia Mankind ruled the stars, tamed them, enslaved them. Wonders beyond imagining were commonplace and no miracle of techno-arcana was beyond us. Our worlds were silvered jewels that glittered among the firmament, and we held in our hands the means to sunder reality itself or to remake it to the mould of our thoughts."
- Adeptus Titanicus Rulebook (2018)

"In those forgotten early days it is now unknown what enemies and trials humanity had to overcome but overcome them we did, and in icing so human colonies spread across our galaxy so that humanity was scattered across a million worlds and found treasures and horrors uncounted. In the heights of those times, lost now to all but supposition and myth, humanity made themselves as unto gods— their sciences and arts able to remake planets in the image of remembered Ancient Earth, harness the power of the stars, and rashion servants from clay and iron and give them counterfeit-life to do their bidding."
- Betrayal

"The Magos Dominus of the Legio Cybernetica are privy to many ancient secrets from the Dark Age of Technology, a time when the un-living phalanxes of Mankind’s creations shattered forgotten alien empires to carve humanity’s first empire from the stars. Although much of this lore has been lost or become expressly forbidden, such fragments of knowledge allow the Magos to fashion and maintain a small, but powerful, cadre of Battle-automata for the Imperium. Such is the nature of the dark arcarna of Cybertheurgy, however, that it is not without its risks, as what is awakened may slip the leash of its master’s control with disastrous consequences"
- Massacre

"He thought Andrioch had likely been twice this size, once. Half of it looked to have been torn away by whatever created the cliff. There were weapons in the older days that could do it: weapons of immeasurable power, tech devices employed by both the Iron Men and the alliances that stood against their cybernetic revolt.
Oll remembered the horror of entropic engines that ignited planets. Sun-snuffers that uncoiled like serpents the size of Saturn’s rings. Mechnivores ingesting data along with the cities that contained them and hurling continents into the heavens. Omniphage swarms stripping flesh from a billion bones in the blink of an eye. Those were the good old days, when war was something too colossal for a human mind to comprehend."
- Perpetual
10 1111362
"The Codicier raised his hand to hover over the imprisoned weaponry. Not since the darkest hours of Old Night had mankind's mastery of the killing sciences been explored in such intimate minutiae There was no consistency of design or uniformity of function. Nothing in this vault had ever been, or would ever be, immortalised in the sequences of a Standard Template Construct. Every grip, sleeve and neural shunt that his fingers brushed belonged to an artefact that was unique in this galaxy. Each was a singular terror, born from the infinite creativity of humanity's apogee and never to be repeated since. Neural whips, lonophoric eradicators. Personality phages. Gemynd blasters. Glass-walled grenades that carried torpid, warp-borne mindworms inside. These were weapons that attacked the mind and, whether one believed in such notions or not, the soul. Built at the pinnacle of mankind's supremacy over the laws of physics, many had been constructed to eradicate not only their victim's physical body but its reflection in the empyrean as well, weapons of such unholy potency that not even the memory of the slain could remain intact.
The relic Aravain finally settled upon was a monstrous ancestor of the bolter family, massive-barrelled, fed by a multitude of plastek hoses that Redloss silently proceeded to clamp into Aravain's armour's power plant. Superficially it resembled a heavy bolter, albeit heavier, built to be wielded by Men of Iron or some other breed of upgraded soldier in the millennia before mankind had raised its transhuman Legions. The stamp it bore was recognisably Terran, though of no lore that still existed today. It was only as Redloss clamped an ammunition hopper to Aravain's girdle plate and started manually feeding the belt to the magazine that its more fundamental differences became apparent. The high-calibre shells emitted a glow that burned Aravain's psychic sight, even as he closed his eyes and turned his face away.
'Yes,' Aravain said, feeding his gauntlet reverently through the grip loop on the cannon's upper barrel and feeling its weight. His harness suspensors whirred as they spread the immense load across his power-armoured frame. 'This will put the fear of the First into them.'"
- Lion El'Jonson: Lord of the First

"'Every warrior here knows his duty,' Trigaine barked as twenty knights of the inner circle of Santales levelled their forbidden arsenal and took aim.
They opened fire.
Nerve induction shredders dropped men like marionettes, purging the brains of their electrical activity with vehemence enough to shatter an empyreal reflection. Gemynd blasters and lucidiron arc rifles attacked the cerebral cortex with the ferocity of a waking nightmare, sheer terror leading the soul to loosen its connection to the mortal spiral. Missiles bearing payloads of asphyx and sinistrum compounds alongside conventional explosives spread desolation and insanity even as they tore bodies asunder.
Every blast punched deeper into the world of the unreal and Aravain felt something scream from beyond its barriers, many voiced but singular in its ability to know pain. Aravain winced, his mental barriers dimming the mortis shriek but unable to mute it entirely.
The weapons of the Santales interfered with the normal patterns of the mind. No mental shield or exercise of Aravain's could block their effects. These were weapons built by the greatest warlord-scientists of humanity's darkest age to the express purpose of overcoming such wards. They obliterated the psychic utterly, further saturating the materium with a null-effect that would take years to dissipate. As a psyker himself, Aravain fell the effects more pronouncedly than his brothers.
Dark Steed lifted off with a howl of thrust before pivoting one hundred and eighty degrees and opening fire with its own upgraded armament. Its twin-linked heavy bolters had been replaced with psionic beam weaponry - the product of an unremembered people built to resist the irresistible. By such artifice had they endured Old Night. Centuries later they had sought then to resist the Dark Angels. The weapons survived."
- Lion El'Jonson: Lord of the First

"One of the first, terrible truths humans discovered when they ventured beyond Terra and into the stars is that they were not alone. Wherever Mankind went, it encountered the alien. Some civilisations were long dead, having fallen to selfdestructive hubris, natural disasters, internecine wars, or external predations. Others, though, were very much alive, and myths from the Dark Age of Technology speak of the terrifying first encounters with alien races."
- Enemies Without

"Many centuries ago, the daemon prince had harnessed the power of an ancient and terrible weapon, a relic of the all but forgotten epoch known as the Dark Age of Technology. The weapon was called the Bloodtide, and although none knew how it functioned, at Voldorius’s word it had slain uncounted billions of the Emperor’s subjects. In a single night, its curse had swept across a dozen worlds and reduced every one of them to a charnel house of desiccated corpses. All of this Voldorius did in the name of the fell Gods of Chaos, the ultimate enemies of mankind."
- Hunt for Voldorius
10 1111362
"The Codicier raised his hand to hover over the imprisoned weaponry. Not since the darkest hours of Old Night had mankind's mastery of the killing sciences been explored in such intimate minutiae There was no consistency of design or uniformity of function. Nothing in this vault had ever been, or would ever be, immortalised in the sequences of a Standard Template Construct. Every grip, sleeve and neural shunt that his fingers brushed belonged to an artefact that was unique in this galaxy. Each was a singular terror, born from the infinite creativity of humanity's apogee and never to be repeated since. Neural whips, lonophoric eradicators. Personality phages. Gemynd blasters. Glass-walled grenades that carried torpid, warp-borne mindworms inside. These were weapons that attacked the mind and, whether one believed in such notions or not, the soul. Built at the pinnacle of mankind's supremacy over the laws of physics, many had been constructed to eradicate not only their victim's physical body but its reflection in the empyrean as well, weapons of such unholy potency that not even the memory of the slain could remain intact.
The relic Aravain finally settled upon was a monstrous ancestor of the bolter family, massive-barrelled, fed by a multitude of plastek hoses that Redloss silently proceeded to clamp into Aravain's armour's power plant. Superficially it resembled a heavy bolter, albeit heavier, built to be wielded by Men of Iron or some other breed of upgraded soldier in the millennia before mankind had raised its transhuman Legions. The stamp it bore was recognisably Terran, though of no lore that still existed today. It was only as Redloss clamped an ammunition hopper to Aravain's girdle plate and started manually feeding the belt to the magazine that its more fundamental differences became apparent. The high-calibre shells emitted a glow that burned Aravain's psychic sight, even as he closed his eyes and turned his face away.
'Yes,' Aravain said, feeding his gauntlet reverently through the grip loop on the cannon's upper barrel and feeling its weight. His harness suspensors whirred as they spread the immense load across his power-armoured frame. 'This will put the fear of the First into them.'"
- Lion El'Jonson: Lord of the First

"'Every warrior here knows his duty,' Trigaine barked as twenty knights of the inner circle of Santales levelled their forbidden arsenal and took aim.
They opened fire.
Nerve induction shredders dropped men like marionettes, purging the brains of their electrical activity with vehemence enough to shatter an empyreal reflection. Gemynd blasters and lucidiron arc rifles attacked the cerebral cortex with the ferocity of a waking nightmare, sheer terror leading the soul to loosen its connection to the mortal spiral. Missiles bearing payloads of asphyx and sinistrum compounds alongside conventional explosives spread desolation and insanity even as they tore bodies asunder.
Every blast punched deeper into the world of the unreal and Aravain felt something scream from beyond its barriers, many voiced but singular in its ability to know pain. Aravain winced, his mental barriers dimming the mortis shriek but unable to mute it entirely.
The weapons of the Santales interfered with the normal patterns of the mind. No mental shield or exercise of Aravain's could block their effects. These were weapons built by the greatest warlord-scientists of humanity's darkest age to the express purpose of overcoming such wards. They obliterated the psychic utterly, further saturating the materium with a null-effect that would take years to dissipate. As a psyker himself, Aravain fell the effects more pronouncedly than his brothers.
Dark Steed lifted off with a howl of thrust before pivoting one hundred and eighty degrees and opening fire with its own upgraded armament. Its twin-linked heavy bolters had been replaced with psionic beam weaponry - the product of an unremembered people built to resist the irresistible. By such artifice had they endured Old Night. Centuries later they had sought then to resist the Dark Angels. The weapons survived."
- Lion El'Jonson: Lord of the First

"One of the first, terrible truths humans discovered when they ventured beyond Terra and into the stars is that they were not alone. Wherever Mankind went, it encountered the alien. Some civilisations were long dead, having fallen to selfdestructive hubris, natural disasters, internecine wars, or external predations. Others, though, were very much alive, and myths from the Dark Age of Technology speak of the terrifying first encounters with alien races."
- Enemies Without

"Many centuries ago, the daemon prince had harnessed the power of an ancient and terrible weapon, a relic of the all but forgotten epoch known as the Dark Age of Technology. The weapon was called the Bloodtide, and although none knew how it functioned, at Voldorius’s word it had slain uncounted billions of the Emperor’s subjects. In a single night, its curse had swept across a dozen worlds and reduced every one of them to a charnel house of desiccated corpses. All of this Voldorius did in the name of the fell Gods of Chaos, the ultimate enemies of mankind."
- Hunt for Voldorius
11 1111363
Реликвии ТЭТ:


Macro-Hammers are Archaeotech weapons.[1]
Dating back to the Dark Age of Technology, they have only been discovered on a long-lost city-cache hidden amongst the ruins on the War World of Zaltyh. The Disciples of Thule seized the majority of the weapons, though a few have found their hands into members of the Adeptus Mechanicus of the Koronus Expanse. These ancient tech-relics mounts a suitable large hammer head covered in nano-sized Warp Portals which burst open upon contact. The impact of the portals create intense, localized warp disruptions, causing micro-explosions which devastate the enemy. Like many Human designs, its visage is intended to intimidate all who would stand before it.[1]
1: Rogue Trader: Into the Storm pg.125

Kill-ships are unique weapon relics used by the Deathwatch. They are actually automated drone-ships guided by the most sophisticated of War-spirits, designed with the singular task of conducting Exterminatus operations in the most extreme of circumstances on worlds that are believed to be completely lost to the Imperium.[1]
To aid them on their mission, Kill-ships are equipped with unique examples of long lost cloaking technology that date back to the Dark Age of Technology. This allows the drone-ship to enter into the target system completely undetected where it can manage to slip past any defensive sentries and reach the target world itself. Once there, the Kill-ship drops its lethal payload onto the planet below whereupon it performs a slingshot maneuver to escape the region by using the world's own gravity well. As the vessel escapes, its actions are felt by the apocalyptic devastation it leaves in its wake that serves as a final act of denial and vengeance upon the enemies of Man.[1]
1: Deathwatch Core Rulebook, pgs. 309-310

The Voidclaw is an ancient Dark Age of Technology-era weapon on Vigilus.
Existing in the center of the Citadel Vigilant, itself inside a massive near-impenetrable storm known as the Vhulian Swirl, the weapon was lost to Imperial records but during the War of Beasts was eventually captured by a band of Fallen under the Librarian Osandus. The weapon did not fire projectiles, instead forcing a breach in space-time to bring a beam of crushing energy upon a single point. This energy opened up a minuscule singularity that could bypass all types of force fields and barriers, unleashing a devastating wave similar to the effect of a Black Hole.[1]
During the War of Beasts, Abaddon himself journeyed to the Citadel Vigilant to claim the power of the Voidclaw in a bid to reshape the Nachmund Gauntlet. He fired the Voidclaw between Vigilus and its moon, creating a devastating wave of gravitic force that became known as the Vhulian Anomaly.[1]
1: Imperium Nihilus: Vigilus Ablaze pg.22-24

The Quill Blaster is a type of Human Archaeotech weapon.[1]
Unlike most other solid projectile weapons, this device fires thin needles of liquefied metal. It can operate with almost any raw material; the user simply feeds metallic chunks or pellets into a large hopper at the rear of the gun. Its internal batteries melt them into ammunition which is then discharged. When fired the weapons accelerates a thin beam along the barrel, firing short lances of super-hot, super-sharp metal in bursts of 4-6 spines.[1]
1: Rogue Trader: Into the Storm pg.119

Phase-iron is a rare metal alloy, produced during the Dark Age of Technology. It was used to bind psykers, searing their skin every time they tried to use their powers. By M41, the metal was exceptionally rare. One place it existed in abundance was inside the Null Keep on Neva, where Deacon Viktor LaHayn was conducting secret experiments on rogue psykers.[1]
Describing his captivity in the Keep, Torris Vaun remarked, "imagine acid boring into you every time you tried to eat, breathe or speak."[1]
1: Faith & Fire (Novel) by James Swallow, Chapter Thirteen, pg. 276
11 1111363
Реликвии ТЭТ:


Macro-Hammers are Archaeotech weapons.[1]
Dating back to the Dark Age of Technology, they have only been discovered on a long-lost city-cache hidden amongst the ruins on the War World of Zaltyh. The Disciples of Thule seized the majority of the weapons, though a few have found their hands into members of the Adeptus Mechanicus of the Koronus Expanse. These ancient tech-relics mounts a suitable large hammer head covered in nano-sized Warp Portals which burst open upon contact. The impact of the portals create intense, localized warp disruptions, causing micro-explosions which devastate the enemy. Like many Human designs, its visage is intended to intimidate all who would stand before it.[1]
1: Rogue Trader: Into the Storm pg.125

Kill-ships are unique weapon relics used by the Deathwatch. They are actually automated drone-ships guided by the most sophisticated of War-spirits, designed with the singular task of conducting Exterminatus operations in the most extreme of circumstances on worlds that are believed to be completely lost to the Imperium.[1]
To aid them on their mission, Kill-ships are equipped with unique examples of long lost cloaking technology that date back to the Dark Age of Technology. This allows the drone-ship to enter into the target system completely undetected where it can manage to slip past any defensive sentries and reach the target world itself. Once there, the Kill-ship drops its lethal payload onto the planet below whereupon it performs a slingshot maneuver to escape the region by using the world's own gravity well. As the vessel escapes, its actions are felt by the apocalyptic devastation it leaves in its wake that serves as a final act of denial and vengeance upon the enemies of Man.[1]
1: Deathwatch Core Rulebook, pgs. 309-310

The Voidclaw is an ancient Dark Age of Technology-era weapon on Vigilus.
Existing in the center of the Citadel Vigilant, itself inside a massive near-impenetrable storm known as the Vhulian Swirl, the weapon was lost to Imperial records but during the War of Beasts was eventually captured by a band of Fallen under the Librarian Osandus. The weapon did not fire projectiles, instead forcing a breach in space-time to bring a beam of crushing energy upon a single point. This energy opened up a minuscule singularity that could bypass all types of force fields and barriers, unleashing a devastating wave similar to the effect of a Black Hole.[1]
During the War of Beasts, Abaddon himself journeyed to the Citadel Vigilant to claim the power of the Voidclaw in a bid to reshape the Nachmund Gauntlet. He fired the Voidclaw between Vigilus and its moon, creating a devastating wave of gravitic force that became known as the Vhulian Anomaly.[1]
1: Imperium Nihilus: Vigilus Ablaze pg.22-24

The Quill Blaster is a type of Human Archaeotech weapon.[1]
Unlike most other solid projectile weapons, this device fires thin needles of liquefied metal. It can operate with almost any raw material; the user simply feeds metallic chunks or pellets into a large hopper at the rear of the gun. Its internal batteries melt them into ammunition which is then discharged. When fired the weapons accelerates a thin beam along the barrel, firing short lances of super-hot, super-sharp metal in bursts of 4-6 spines.[1]
1: Rogue Trader: Into the Storm pg.119

Phase-iron is a rare metal alloy, produced during the Dark Age of Technology. It was used to bind psykers, searing their skin every time they tried to use their powers. By M41, the metal was exceptionally rare. One place it existed in abundance was inside the Null Keep on Neva, where Deacon Viktor LaHayn was conducting secret experiments on rogue psykers.[1]
Describing his captivity in the Keep, Torris Vaun remarked, "imagine acid boring into you every time you tried to eat, breathe or speak."[1]
1: Faith & Fire (Novel) by James Swallow, Chapter Thirteen, pg. 276
12 1111364
Искусственная планета ТЭТ – Понт Авернес. Это из недавнего Genefather.
‘Behold Pontus Avernes,’ she said.
An artificial world lay bathed in the light of the four suns at one of the only Lagrange points between the stars.
‘Planetary construct, I see,’ said Maven. ‘Completely flat?’ He sipped his mug of recaff. Every time he did so, he whispered the short blessing over the drink, giving him a slightly obsessive air.
‘Not completely. There is a mountain range, I believe,’ said Primus.
‘Forgive me, I mean flat as in, not a globe. And is there an inverse surface?’
‘It is a mono-surface. The upper. There are false environments on it,’ said Primus. ‘These vary in type from lake lands to the single low mountain range. Breathable air. Gravity exactly to Terran norms.’
‘Interesting place.’ Maven sipped again.
‘Built in the Dark Age,’ said X99 Bolus. ‘A great work of astro-engineering. It has no engines, but remains where it is thanks to careful placement. It sails upon the gravitic waves of the quadruple suns.’
The suns looked angry about their artificial friend. They had no natural children, having devoured or cast them out, yet by the wisdom of mankind the platform sat perfectly still between them, suspended on the gravipause while titanic energies raged all around it.
‘How powerful our ancestors were,’ said X99 Bolus. ‘Somehow, amid all this stellar chaos, the builder of Pontus Avernes found this patch of still void to set his creation in. Such artistry. Such knowledge!’

Там же предположения о том, что планета была дипломатическим центром для контактов с ксеносами.
‘What is it then? This place, in your opinion.’
‘I believe it to be some sort of neutral ground,’ said Cawl. ‘Consider the readings I have taken.’
‘I don’t know what they are.’
‘I’m about to tell you,’ said Cawl. ‘They’re fairly standard, if highly advanced, cohesive proton waveforms, exactly as you’d expect.’
Qvo wouldn’t have expected that, but kept his silence.
‘There’s a webway gate somewhere here,’ Cawl said. ‘Don’t you see? Look at this place. Look at how it is laid out. Look at its location. It is dramatic, peaceful, a garden surrounded by stellar fire!’
‘It is unusual.’
‘Yes, but this place was not made to impress men. The aeldari, for example, would simply lap all this stuff up.’
‘True,’ said Qvo. ‘But we are a long way from the cores of both the old Terran and the ancient aeldari realms.’
‘That is only supposition. There have been human colonies in this part of the galaxy for millennia,’ said Cawl. ‘The aeldari always were more lightly spread, but they are everywhere, even now. Imagine! We speak so often of the ancient days of the Age of Technology, and the might of the empire of Old Earth. We also speak, you and I, of the aeldari.’
‘We do?’
‘We do. We have. We speak of how powerful they were, just like the people of Old Earth. These two empires may have existed at the same time. One wonders what their relations could have been like. Peaceful? Belligerent? How might the aeldari have viewed us, they who had been masters of the stars for millions of years, when we came strutting onto the galactic scene? Would they patronise us? Help us? Were we a threat to them or they to us? And what about the other creatures who swarmed across the void? Even in the days of the xenocides, there was not always war between sentients.’ Cawl gave a long, satisfied sigh. ‘History, my dear Qvo! It is fascinating. In those days there must have been dealings between species. I think this place was made precisely for that. What manner of beings walked this world? What embassies were made? What secrets exchanged? If there’s a webway gate here, I wonder what else they will find, our questing brethren, as they dig down deeper? Wonders, I’ll wager.’
‘Hey, Magos Qvo! An inscription,’ said Oswen again, when Qvo did not respond. ‘I can’t read it.’
‘I’m coming,’ said Qvo, annoyed by Oswen’s naive joy at discovery. Like too many Cult members he forgot the peril they were in. ‘Let me have a look.’ Qvo went over to the stele, and looked over the writing. There were many scripts; one was obviously human, utilising the universal alphabet mankind had employed since the dawn of time. The meaning, however, was lost on him. He could see echoes of Imperial Gothic in some of the words, but beyond that it was gibberish. He guessed it to be the Ur-tongue of Old Earth, ancestor to any number of current languages, but now known to very few. The others didn’t look human at all.
‘Maybe Cawl was right,’ Qvo said.
‘Right about what?’
‘He hypothesised that this place was some sort of diplomatic venue.’

Там же предположения о том, что СШК - ширпотреб для колоний.
A suspicious frown lowered Oswen’s eyebrows. ‘Are you sure this is human technology? Have we been tricked? Is this instead the unclean work of the xenos?’ He looked fearful and disappointed.
‘No, this is not xenotech,’ said Qvo. ‘At least, I don’t think so.’
‘It doesn’t conform to any kind of STC artefact I’ve read about or any of the ancients’ construction protocols.’
‘Cawl always tells me that we have become overly focused on the standard template construct system.’
‘But it is sacred!’
‘It is,’ said Qvo, ‘but the archmagos’ point is that the STC system was only one thing our ancestors could do. The system was deliberately simple. It was a colonist’s tool. Would you base all your opinions of the Imperium on what you would find on a frontier world?’
12 1111364
Искусственная планета ТЭТ – Понт Авернес. Это из недавнего Genefather.
‘Behold Pontus Avernes,’ she said.
An artificial world lay bathed in the light of the four suns at one of the only Lagrange points between the stars.
‘Planetary construct, I see,’ said Maven. ‘Completely flat?’ He sipped his mug of recaff. Every time he did so, he whispered the short blessing over the drink, giving him a slightly obsessive air.
‘Not completely. There is a mountain range, I believe,’ said Primus.
‘Forgive me, I mean flat as in, not a globe. And is there an inverse surface?’
‘It is a mono-surface. The upper. There are false environments on it,’ said Primus. ‘These vary in type from lake lands to the single low mountain range. Breathable air. Gravity exactly to Terran norms.’
‘Interesting place.’ Maven sipped again.
‘Built in the Dark Age,’ said X99 Bolus. ‘A great work of astro-engineering. It has no engines, but remains where it is thanks to careful placement. It sails upon the gravitic waves of the quadruple suns.’
The suns looked angry about their artificial friend. They had no natural children, having devoured or cast them out, yet by the wisdom of mankind the platform sat perfectly still between them, suspended on the gravipause while titanic energies raged all around it.
‘How powerful our ancestors were,’ said X99 Bolus. ‘Somehow, amid all this stellar chaos, the builder of Pontus Avernes found this patch of still void to set his creation in. Such artistry. Such knowledge!’

Там же предположения о том, что планета была дипломатическим центром для контактов с ксеносами.
‘What is it then? This place, in your opinion.’
‘I believe it to be some sort of neutral ground,’ said Cawl. ‘Consider the readings I have taken.’
‘I don’t know what they are.’
‘I’m about to tell you,’ said Cawl. ‘They’re fairly standard, if highly advanced, cohesive proton waveforms, exactly as you’d expect.’
Qvo wouldn’t have expected that, but kept his silence.
‘There’s a webway gate somewhere here,’ Cawl said. ‘Don’t you see? Look at this place. Look at how it is laid out. Look at its location. It is dramatic, peaceful, a garden surrounded by stellar fire!’
‘It is unusual.’
‘Yes, but this place was not made to impress men. The aeldari, for example, would simply lap all this stuff up.’
‘True,’ said Qvo. ‘But we are a long way from the cores of both the old Terran and the ancient aeldari realms.’
‘That is only supposition. There have been human colonies in this part of the galaxy for millennia,’ said Cawl. ‘The aeldari always were more lightly spread, but they are everywhere, even now. Imagine! We speak so often of the ancient days of the Age of Technology, and the might of the empire of Old Earth. We also speak, you and I, of the aeldari.’
‘We do?’
‘We do. We have. We speak of how powerful they were, just like the people of Old Earth. These two empires may have existed at the same time. One wonders what their relations could have been like. Peaceful? Belligerent? How might the aeldari have viewed us, they who had been masters of the stars for millions of years, when we came strutting onto the galactic scene? Would they patronise us? Help us? Were we a threat to them or they to us? And what about the other creatures who swarmed across the void? Even in the days of the xenocides, there was not always war between sentients.’ Cawl gave a long, satisfied sigh. ‘History, my dear Qvo! It is fascinating. In those days there must have been dealings between species. I think this place was made precisely for that. What manner of beings walked this world? What embassies were made? What secrets exchanged? If there’s a webway gate here, I wonder what else they will find, our questing brethren, as they dig down deeper? Wonders, I’ll wager.’
‘Hey, Magos Qvo! An inscription,’ said Oswen again, when Qvo did not respond. ‘I can’t read it.’
‘I’m coming,’ said Qvo, annoyed by Oswen’s naive joy at discovery. Like too many Cult members he forgot the peril they were in. ‘Let me have a look.’ Qvo went over to the stele, and looked over the writing. There were many scripts; one was obviously human, utilising the universal alphabet mankind had employed since the dawn of time. The meaning, however, was lost on him. He could see echoes of Imperial Gothic in some of the words, but beyond that it was gibberish. He guessed it to be the Ur-tongue of Old Earth, ancestor to any number of current languages, but now known to very few. The others didn’t look human at all.
‘Maybe Cawl was right,’ Qvo said.
‘Right about what?’
‘He hypothesised that this place was some sort of diplomatic venue.’

Там же предположения о том, что СШК - ширпотреб для колоний.
A suspicious frown lowered Oswen’s eyebrows. ‘Are you sure this is human technology? Have we been tricked? Is this instead the unclean work of the xenos?’ He looked fearful and disappointed.
‘No, this is not xenotech,’ said Qvo. ‘At least, I don’t think so.’
‘It doesn’t conform to any kind of STC artefact I’ve read about or any of the ancients’ construction protocols.’
‘Cawl always tells me that we have become overly focused on the standard template construct system.’
‘But it is sacred!’
‘It is,’ said Qvo, ‘but the archmagos’ point is that the STC system was only one thing our ancestors could do. The system was deliberately simple. It was a colonist’s tool. Would you base all your opinions of the Imperium on what you would find on a frontier world?’
13 1111514
Сюда же можно добавить сверхсветовые двигатели работающие на граничной радиации Вселенной, Машины Горизонта событий (судя по названию и описанному эффекту - генераторы чёрных дыр способных поглощать целые звёздные системы) и прочую хтонь :

>Kotov's fragile consciousness plunged deeper and deeper, the gossamer-thin lifeline held by Magos Blaylock a tremulous thread in a firestorm of golden light. He saw systems flicker past his floodstream that were as alien to him as anything the most secretive xenotech might dream of in his fevered nightmares, and technological echoes of machines that surely predated the Imperium itself. Power generation that could harness the galactic background radiation to propel ships beyond lightspeed, weapon-tech that could crack open planets and event horizon machines that had the power to drag entire star systems into their light- and time-swallowing embrace. All this and more dwelled here, ancient data, forgotten lore and locked vaults where the secrets of the ancients had been hidden. In this one, fleeting glance, Kotov realised he had been a fool to drag this proud starship into the howling emptiness of space in search of hidden secrets. The Speranza was the greatest secret of all, and in its heart it held the truth of all things, the key to unlocking all that the Mechanicus had ever dreamed. Yet that knowledge was sealed behind impenetrable barriers, bound in the heart of the mighty vessel for good reason. The knowledge of the Men of Gold and their ancient ancestors was encoded in its very bones, enmeshed within every diamond helix of its structure.

>- Priests of Mars

Там же можно найти манипуляции тёмной энергией, хроно-пушки, используемые в качестве оружия миниатюрные чёрные дыры и т.д. :

>The flanks of the Speranza shuddered as a weapon system built into its superstructure ground upwards on heavy duty rails. A vast gun tube rose from the angled planes of the Ark Mechanicus like the great menhir of some tribal place of worship being lifted into place. Power readouts, the likes of which had rarely been seen in the Imperium since before the wars of Unity, bloomed within the weapon and a pair of circling tori described twisting arcs around the tapered end of the unveiled barrel. Elements of the technology that had gone into their construction would have been familiar to some of the more esoteric branches of black hole research and relativistic temporal arcana, but their assembled complexity would have baffled even the Fabricator General on Mars.

>Pulsing streams of purple-hued anti-matter and graviton pumps combined in unknowable ways in the heart of a reactor that drew its power from the dark matter that lurked in the spaces between the stars. It was a gun designed to crack open the stately leviathans of ancient void war, a starship killer that delivered the ultimate coup de grace. Without any command authority from the bridge of the Speranza, the weapon unleashed a silent pulse that covered the distance to the Starblade at the speed of light. But even that wasn't fast enough to catch a ship as nimble as one built by the bonesingers of Biel-Tan and guided by the prescient sight of a farseer. The pulse of dark energy coalesced a hundred kilometres off the vessel's stern and a miniature black hole exploded into life, dragging in everything within its reach with howling force.

>Stellar matter, light and gravity were crushed as they were drawn in and destroyed, and even the Starblade's speed and manoeuvrability weren't enough to save it completely as the secondary effect of the weapon's deadly energies brushed over its solar sail. Chrono-weaponry shifted its target a nanosecond into the past, by which time the subatomic reactions within every molecule had shifted microscopically and forced identical neutrons into the same quantum space. Such a state of being was untenable on a fundamental level, and the resultant release of energy was catastrophic for the vast majority of objects hit by such a weapon.

>Though on the periphery of the streaming waves of chronometric energy, the Starblade's solar mast detonated as though its internal structure had been threaded with explosive charges. The sail tore free of the ship, ghost images of its previous existence flickering as the psycho-conductive wraithbone screamed in its death throes. Blue flame geysered from the topside of the eldar vessel and the craft lurched away from the force of the blast. Its previously distorted and fragmentary outline became solid, and the circling captains of the Kotov Fleet wasted no time in loosing salvo after salvo of torpedoes at the newly revealed warship.

Технология позволяющая массово обращать звёзды в сверхновые:

>The Occlusiad

>The north western fringe is ravaged by the Apostles of the Blind King, rogue Tech Priests who view humanity as an affront to the Machine God. The Apostles uncover wondrous artifacts lost in the Dark Age of Technology that allow the creation of supernovae from the heart of living stars.

>Constellations are forever changed as the Apostles purge the outer Segmentum Obscuris. War rages for a decade, until the Navigator Joyre Macran discovers the palace-warship of the Blind King hidden in a fold of Warp Space. Escaping, with his knowledge, Macran guides the Emperor-class battleship Dominus Astra to the palaces location. The Blind king is killed when the Dominus Astra's Lance batteries pierce the palace-warships hull, and without his prescience the Apostles are overcome.

>- 5th edition Rulebook

Также известно о неких сверх экзотических технологиях ТЭТ вроде анти-барионного детонатора и сверхмассивного вортекс-каскадного генератора "Погибель Звёзд" , по сравнению с которыми меркнут плането-убийственные циклонные торпеды , и потенциальный масштаб разрушений от которых до усрачки пугает шестерёнок, запрятавших их в глубочайших недрах самых потаённых баз:

>Some Watch Fortresses even maintain a stock of the most exotic of weapons, which are kept safe in the vault and only brought forth in the most dire of situations. Here are found the warheads of the cyclonic torpedoes used to enact Exterminatus upon a world. Some weapons are unique and so potentially devastating they may never be disturbed, the singular relics of the Dark Age of Technology. This includes such artefacts as the anti-baryon detonator held in a Watch Fortress at the heart of the Ghoul Stars, and the super-massive 'starbane' vortex cascade generator secreted within the eonlocked Ormand Repository near the Ring of Fire.

>Deathwatch RPG

13 1111514
Сюда же можно добавить сверхсветовые двигатели работающие на граничной радиации Вселенной, Машины Горизонта событий (судя по названию и описанному эффекту - генераторы чёрных дыр способных поглощать целые звёздные системы) и прочую хтонь :

>Kotov's fragile consciousness plunged deeper and deeper, the gossamer-thin lifeline held by Magos Blaylock a tremulous thread in a firestorm of golden light. He saw systems flicker past his floodstream that were as alien to him as anything the most secretive xenotech might dream of in his fevered nightmares, and technological echoes of machines that surely predated the Imperium itself. Power generation that could harness the galactic background radiation to propel ships beyond lightspeed, weapon-tech that could crack open planets and event horizon machines that had the power to drag entire star systems into their light- and time-swallowing embrace. All this and more dwelled here, ancient data, forgotten lore and locked vaults where the secrets of the ancients had been hidden. In this one, fleeting glance, Kotov realised he had been a fool to drag this proud starship into the howling emptiness of space in search of hidden secrets. The Speranza was the greatest secret of all, and in its heart it held the truth of all things, the key to unlocking all that the Mechanicus had ever dreamed. Yet that knowledge was sealed behind impenetrable barriers, bound in the heart of the mighty vessel for good reason. The knowledge of the Men of Gold and their ancient ancestors was encoded in its very bones, enmeshed within every diamond helix of its structure.

>- Priests of Mars

Там же можно найти манипуляции тёмной энергией, хроно-пушки, используемые в качестве оружия миниатюрные чёрные дыры и т.д. :

>The flanks of the Speranza shuddered as a weapon system built into its superstructure ground upwards on heavy duty rails. A vast gun tube rose from the angled planes of the Ark Mechanicus like the great menhir of some tribal place of worship being lifted into place. Power readouts, the likes of which had rarely been seen in the Imperium since before the wars of Unity, bloomed within the weapon and a pair of circling tori described twisting arcs around the tapered end of the unveiled barrel. Elements of the technology that had gone into their construction would have been familiar to some of the more esoteric branches of black hole research and relativistic temporal arcana, but their assembled complexity would have baffled even the Fabricator General on Mars.

>Pulsing streams of purple-hued anti-matter and graviton pumps combined in unknowable ways in the heart of a reactor that drew its power from the dark matter that lurked in the spaces between the stars. It was a gun designed to crack open the stately leviathans of ancient void war, a starship killer that delivered the ultimate coup de grace. Without any command authority from the bridge of the Speranza, the weapon unleashed a silent pulse that covered the distance to the Starblade at the speed of light. But even that wasn't fast enough to catch a ship as nimble as one built by the bonesingers of Biel-Tan and guided by the prescient sight of a farseer. The pulse of dark energy coalesced a hundred kilometres off the vessel's stern and a miniature black hole exploded into life, dragging in everything within its reach with howling force.

>Stellar matter, light and gravity were crushed as they were drawn in and destroyed, and even the Starblade's speed and manoeuvrability weren't enough to save it completely as the secondary effect of the weapon's deadly energies brushed over its solar sail. Chrono-weaponry shifted its target a nanosecond into the past, by which time the subatomic reactions within every molecule had shifted microscopically and forced identical neutrons into the same quantum space. Such a state of being was untenable on a fundamental level, and the resultant release of energy was catastrophic for the vast majority of objects hit by such a weapon.

>Though on the periphery of the streaming waves of chronometric energy, the Starblade's solar mast detonated as though its internal structure had been threaded with explosive charges. The sail tore free of the ship, ghost images of its previous existence flickering as the psycho-conductive wraithbone screamed in its death throes. Blue flame geysered from the topside of the eldar vessel and the craft lurched away from the force of the blast. Its previously distorted and fragmentary outline became solid, and the circling captains of the Kotov Fleet wasted no time in loosing salvo after salvo of torpedoes at the newly revealed warship.

Технология позволяющая массово обращать звёзды в сверхновые:

>The Occlusiad

>The north western fringe is ravaged by the Apostles of the Blind King, rogue Tech Priests who view humanity as an affront to the Machine God. The Apostles uncover wondrous artifacts lost in the Dark Age of Technology that allow the creation of supernovae from the heart of living stars.

>Constellations are forever changed as the Apostles purge the outer Segmentum Obscuris. War rages for a decade, until the Navigator Joyre Macran discovers the palace-warship of the Blind King hidden in a fold of Warp Space. Escaping, with his knowledge, Macran guides the Emperor-class battleship Dominus Astra to the palaces location. The Blind king is killed when the Dominus Astra's Lance batteries pierce the palace-warships hull, and without his prescience the Apostles are overcome.

>- 5th edition Rulebook

Также известно о неких сверх экзотических технологиях ТЭТ вроде анти-барионного детонатора и сверхмассивного вортекс-каскадного генератора "Погибель Звёзд" , по сравнению с которыми меркнут плането-убийственные циклонные торпеды , и потенциальный масштаб разрушений от которых до усрачки пугает шестерёнок, запрятавших их в глубочайших недрах самых потаённых баз:

>Some Watch Fortresses even maintain a stock of the most exotic of weapons, which are kept safe in the vault and only brought forth in the most dire of situations. Here are found the warheads of the cyclonic torpedoes used to enact Exterminatus upon a world. Some weapons are unique and so potentially devastating they may never be disturbed, the singular relics of the Dark Age of Technology. This includes such artefacts as the anti-baryon detonator held in a Watch Fortress at the heart of the Ghoul Stars, and the super-massive 'starbane' vortex cascade generator secreted within the eonlocked Ormand Repository near the Ring of Fire.

>Deathwatch RPG

14 1111515
Сюда же устройство которое Механикусы использовали в Дамокле чтобы поджечь целый сектор космоса- целую небулу неким постоянно распространяющимся магическим пламенем:

>Lord Admiral Hawke, commander of the 478th Battlefleet Ultima, waited impatiently. The shuffling Tech-Pries was hunched, his breath the wheezing of valves, his gait the driving of pistons. He churned forward slowly, heading towards the entourage ahead, which was waving smoking braziers and chanting. They bore a sarcophagus.

>The cowled Tech-Priest bowed to Supreme Admiral Hawke and, adjusting several knobs on his chestplate, began to speak. His voice sounded tinny, his syntax mechanical.

>'Lord Admiral, this is the gift of Voxodecimus Nyle 96th of Mars. He sends to you the gift of the world-flame. The warhead mounts upon a torpedo. My lord bids you discharge it as a parting gift, targeting the nebulae storms in the northern hemisphere of Agrellan. Nemo mea poena effugit.' After this, it laughed, a truly awful sound. The Tech-Priest continued, 'They who have sown the stormclouds shall now reap its whirlwind. Our ship, the Archaetrove, shall soon bless the entire Damocles Gulf.'

>The creature laughed again before switching off its chestplate dials. It sketched a final bow, and its hand signals offered the blessings of the Omnissiah to end the meeting. The red-robed entourage began the long shuffle back to their waiting shuttle.

>In his long and storied career, Lord Admiral Hawke had twice seen Exterminatus performed and he knew that this was not that ritual. He did not know what it was that he fired upon Agrellan, but he was glad to have it off his ship.

>From his bridge command, he saw what the warhead did to Agrellan - setting a sea of flames raging across the world, changing it from grey to luminous and unnatural orange.

>It was not long before the Archaetrove delivered upon its dark promise, setting alight the nebulae.

>The Damocles Gulf erupted in light.

>- War Zone Damocles: Mont'ka


>The rebel Farsight’s noble intervention prevented the complete obliteration of the T’au forces on Mu’gulath Bay, but the Imperium of Mankind would not simply accept defeat at the hands of an upstart xenos empire. The humans deployed nightmarish assassins to hunt down the T’au high command, hoping to cut the head from their foes. In a further act of retaliation, agents of the Adeptus Mechanicus utilised bizarre archeotech to set light to Mu’gulath Bay, an unnatural fire that would spread across the entire Damocles Gulf. The dream of the nascent sept world ended in flames. With this atrocity, the Third Sphere Expansion came to a halt. Shadowsun and the remnants of her coalition force retreated from Mu’gulath Bay, and began the long hard work of consolidating their significant gains elsewhere.

>- T'au Empire 8th Codex


>Damocles Burns

>The Adeptus Mechanicus deploys a warhead of astonishing power that sets Mu’gulath Bay ablaze. As the war-weary T’au survivors reluctantly abandon their devastated sept world, the unnatural fires continue to spread. Soon, a vast swathe of the Damocles Gulf burns, separating the T’au Empire and the Imperium

>- T'au Empire 8th Codex

14 1111515
Сюда же устройство которое Механикусы использовали в Дамокле чтобы поджечь целый сектор космоса- целую небулу неким постоянно распространяющимся магическим пламенем:

>Lord Admiral Hawke, commander of the 478th Battlefleet Ultima, waited impatiently. The shuffling Tech-Pries was hunched, his breath the wheezing of valves, his gait the driving of pistons. He churned forward slowly, heading towards the entourage ahead, which was waving smoking braziers and chanting. They bore a sarcophagus.

>The cowled Tech-Priest bowed to Supreme Admiral Hawke and, adjusting several knobs on his chestplate, began to speak. His voice sounded tinny, his syntax mechanical.

>'Lord Admiral, this is the gift of Voxodecimus Nyle 96th of Mars. He sends to you the gift of the world-flame. The warhead mounts upon a torpedo. My lord bids you discharge it as a parting gift, targeting the nebulae storms in the northern hemisphere of Agrellan. Nemo mea poena effugit.' After this, it laughed, a truly awful sound. The Tech-Priest continued, 'They who have sown the stormclouds shall now reap its whirlwind. Our ship, the Archaetrove, shall soon bless the entire Damocles Gulf.'

>The creature laughed again before switching off its chestplate dials. It sketched a final bow, and its hand signals offered the blessings of the Omnissiah to end the meeting. The red-robed entourage began the long shuffle back to their waiting shuttle.

>In his long and storied career, Lord Admiral Hawke had twice seen Exterminatus performed and he knew that this was not that ritual. He did not know what it was that he fired upon Agrellan, but he was glad to have it off his ship.

>From his bridge command, he saw what the warhead did to Agrellan - setting a sea of flames raging across the world, changing it from grey to luminous and unnatural orange.

>It was not long before the Archaetrove delivered upon its dark promise, setting alight the nebulae.

>The Damocles Gulf erupted in light.

>- War Zone Damocles: Mont'ka


>The rebel Farsight’s noble intervention prevented the complete obliteration of the T’au forces on Mu’gulath Bay, but the Imperium of Mankind would not simply accept defeat at the hands of an upstart xenos empire. The humans deployed nightmarish assassins to hunt down the T’au high command, hoping to cut the head from their foes. In a further act of retaliation, agents of the Adeptus Mechanicus utilised bizarre archeotech to set light to Mu’gulath Bay, an unnatural fire that would spread across the entire Damocles Gulf. The dream of the nascent sept world ended in flames. With this atrocity, the Third Sphere Expansion came to a halt. Shadowsun and the remnants of her coalition force retreated from Mu’gulath Bay, and began the long hard work of consolidating their significant gains elsewhere.

>- T'au Empire 8th Codex


>Damocles Burns

>The Adeptus Mechanicus deploys a warhead of astonishing power that sets Mu’gulath Bay ablaze. As the war-weary T’au survivors reluctantly abandon their devastated sept world, the unnatural fires continue to spread. Soon, a vast swathe of the Damocles Gulf burns, separating the T’au Empire and the Imperium

>- T'au Empire 8th Codex

15 1111519
Или Чтец Акаши- устройство позволяющее подключаться к одноимённым Записям - фактически возможность считывать всю информацию и все знания которые были и те что будут из Варпа ,буквально считывая все знания из их источника, именно благодаря этой технологии люди Тёмной Эры продвинулись столь далеко:

>"It's a machine for enhancing the communication between neurons in the brain," said Dalia after a frustrating hour of unravelling a thread of randomly scrawled notes. "According to these notes, Ulterimus seemed to believe that a process known as long-term potentiation was what lay at the heart of the formation of memory and learning. It seems to be a cellular mechanism of learning, where the body is induced to synthesise new proteins that assist in high-level cognition."


>"By the looks of this molecular formula, it achieves its function by enhancing synaptic transmission," said Dalia, her eyes darting rapidly over the drawings. "This wave generator vastly improves the ability of two neurons, one presynaptic and the other postsynaptic, to communicate with one another across a synapse."


>"Neurotransmitter molecules are received by receptors on the surface of the postsynaptic cell. When it's active, the device improves the postsynaptic cell's sensitivity to neurotransmitters by increasing the activity of existing receptors and vastly increasing the number of receptors on the postsynaptic cell surface."


>"The device is designed to enormously enhance a person's ability to tap into areas of the brain that we almost never use, increasing their ability to learn and store information at a rate way beyond anything human beings have ever been able to achieve before."


>"You saw the schema of the device she altered on Terra. How could she have done that without some unconscious connection to the Akasha?"


>"Dalia Cythera made intuitive leaps of logic, and where she found gaps in the technology, she filled them with working substitutes."

>"And you believe that is because the organic architecture of her brain is attuned to the Akasha?"


>"Though she does not know it, she unconsciously accesses the wellspring of all knowledge and experience contained within the Akasha, encoded in the substance of the aether."

>"By aether, you mean the warp?"



>"There is danger in such association, and I do not want prying eyes misunderstanding the concept of what we are trying to do here, not before we fully understand the processes by which we can access the Akashic records and learn that which our ancient forebears understood without the need for dogma and superstition."

>"The source of all knowledge," sighed Maximal, and Zeth smiled beneath her mask. Appealing to Maximal's obsessive hunger for knowledge was a surefire means of quashing any concerns he had regarding their work.

>"Indeed," said Zeth, baiting the hook some more. "The history of the cosmos and every morsel of information that has ever existed or ever will exist."


>"If she can build Ulterimus' device then we can enhance the empath's mind to the degree where it will be fully receptive to the knowledge impressed upon the aether. Then we will know everything."


>"It is a realm of thought and emotion that exists… outside of the physical realm. But with the proper development, your gift will allow us to reach further into the realms of knowledge than ever before. We will be able to read the Akashic records, a repository of information imprinted on the very fabric of the universe—a wellspring of every thought, action and deed that has ever existed or ever will exist. It is what allowed the ancient cultures of Old Earth to build their impossible monuments and learn of things forgotten by later generations."


>"This device," said Dalia, standing before the man on the throne. "It's meant to tap into this… aether and read information?"

>"That is exactly its purpose," agreed Zeth.

>- Mechanicum

15 1111519
Или Чтец Акаши- устройство позволяющее подключаться к одноимённым Записям - фактически возможность считывать всю информацию и все знания которые были и те что будут из Варпа ,буквально считывая все знания из их источника, именно благодаря этой технологии люди Тёмной Эры продвинулись столь далеко:

>"It's a machine for enhancing the communication between neurons in the brain," said Dalia after a frustrating hour of unravelling a thread of randomly scrawled notes. "According to these notes, Ulterimus seemed to believe that a process known as long-term potentiation was what lay at the heart of the formation of memory and learning. It seems to be a cellular mechanism of learning, where the body is induced to synthesise new proteins that assist in high-level cognition."


>"By the looks of this molecular formula, it achieves its function by enhancing synaptic transmission," said Dalia, her eyes darting rapidly over the drawings. "This wave generator vastly improves the ability of two neurons, one presynaptic and the other postsynaptic, to communicate with one another across a synapse."


>"Neurotransmitter molecules are received by receptors on the surface of the postsynaptic cell. When it's active, the device improves the postsynaptic cell's sensitivity to neurotransmitters by increasing the activity of existing receptors and vastly increasing the number of receptors on the postsynaptic cell surface."


>"The device is designed to enormously enhance a person's ability to tap into areas of the brain that we almost never use, increasing their ability to learn and store information at a rate way beyond anything human beings have ever been able to achieve before."


>"You saw the schema of the device she altered on Terra. How could she have done that without some unconscious connection to the Akasha?"


>"Dalia Cythera made intuitive leaps of logic, and where she found gaps in the technology, she filled them with working substitutes."

>"And you believe that is because the organic architecture of her brain is attuned to the Akasha?"


>"Though she does not know it, she unconsciously accesses the wellspring of all knowledge and experience contained within the Akasha, encoded in the substance of the aether."

>"By aether, you mean the warp?"



>"There is danger in such association, and I do not want prying eyes misunderstanding the concept of what we are trying to do here, not before we fully understand the processes by which we can access the Akashic records and learn that which our ancient forebears understood without the need for dogma and superstition."

>"The source of all knowledge," sighed Maximal, and Zeth smiled beneath her mask. Appealing to Maximal's obsessive hunger for knowledge was a surefire means of quashing any concerns he had regarding their work.

>"Indeed," said Zeth, baiting the hook some more. "The history of the cosmos and every morsel of information that has ever existed or ever will exist."


>"If she can build Ulterimus' device then we can enhance the empath's mind to the degree where it will be fully receptive to the knowledge impressed upon the aether. Then we will know everything."


>"It is a realm of thought and emotion that exists… outside of the physical realm. But with the proper development, your gift will allow us to reach further into the realms of knowledge than ever before. We will be able to read the Akashic records, a repository of information imprinted on the very fabric of the universe—a wellspring of every thought, action and deed that has ever existed or ever will exist. It is what allowed the ancient cultures of Old Earth to build their impossible monuments and learn of things forgotten by later generations."


>"This device," said Dalia, standing before the man on the throne. "It's meant to tap into this… aether and read information?"

>"That is exactly its purpose," agreed Zeth.

>- Mechanicum

16 1111526
Лазганы. И флаки. Сохранил.
17 1111530
И немного по мелочи , макро-молоты ,открывающие миниатюрные Варп-порталы:


>These puissant archeotech weapons are thought to date back to the Dark Ages of Technology. However, thus far they have only been discovered on a long-lost citycache hidden amongst the ruins of the warworld of Zayth.

>The Disciples of Thule seized the majority of the weapons, though a few have found their hands into other members of the Machine Cult in the Koronus Expanse. Glowing with circuit-runes, the ancient tech-relic mounts a suitably large hammer head covered with nano-sized warp portals which burst open on contact.The impact of the portals creates intense, localised warp disruptions, causing micro explosions which devastate the enemy.

>- Rogue Trade rpg Into the Storm Explorer's Handbook

Энтропийные ускорители:


>These unremarkable-looking weapons consist of a simple hollow barrel with a rectangular stock, revealing no sign of their true age or origin. They are assumed to be of human origin, if only because the weapon conforms to standard human physiology. Also known as Dustmaker or Heat Death, these weapons are known for the horrific effects they cause. When used, each emits a slight humming sound, belying the impossible effect it is having on its target.

>Victims struck by the invisible beams find their metabolisms shutting down as chemical reactions fail or flow too quickly, causing organ shutdown and higher cerebral functions to collapse. Complex molecules such as plastics or fabrics begin to deteriorate, and

the entire target deforms as the component substances of flesh, bone, and metals become a horrific, melded mass. While the weapon seems to require no actual ammunition, perhaps drawing on the raw spatial tension between the Materium and the Immaterium to fuel its baleful energies, it does require time between uses to properly recharge.

>- Rogue Trade rpg Into the Storm The Explorer's Handbook

Даже ординарные колонии Тёмной Эры располагали сухопутными кораблями - передвижными механизмами величиной с Улей или Лёгкий Крейсер, иными словами размерами в несколько километров,прикрытые слоями пустотных щитов и огневой мощью (включая батареи сверхтяжёлых конверсионных излучателей) сопоставимые с линейными кораблями флота Империума, что весьма недурно, учитывая Гранд Крейсера залпом раскалывающие континенты , и линкоры в группе за некоторое время обстрелом раскалывающие планету на части:

>From patchy Administratum records compared against the incomplete data of the clans—kept for the most part locked in cogitators deep within the land-ships—it seems that Zayth was once a green and verdant world, settled millennia ago during mankind's great expansion across the stars. Over time, however, the shifting

tides of the warp and the waning strength of humanities' grasp on the galaxy meant Zayth was cut off and forgotten.

>Alone, its inhabitants turned inwards, and what had once been a single unified colony of man became a distrustful world of suspicious city-states and secretive nations.


>From a distance, a land-ship looks not unlike an Imperial hive, its ringed hull tapering toward a point hundreds of metres above its vast base. Closer in, a multitude of protrusions become visible—gun decks, sensorium banks and dust glider hangers covering its hull like a thousand tiny wounds. At its base, behind a billowing cloud of ash and dust, legs, tracks and suspensor arrays can be glimpsed, holding the mighty structure aloft.

>There is nothing in the Imperial arsenal that completely compares to a land-ship, and more than one traveller from the Imperium has commented that it is as if a light cruiser had landed and sprouted legs—certainly a land-ship's firepower is comparable to many battlefleet ships of the line.

>- Rogue Trader rpg Lure of the Expanse


>Cassius had studied the topography of Styxia Prime whilst travelling through the warp on the way to the system. It had three major landmasses, the largest of which was Downland, covering nearly twenty-eight million square kilometres. Many thousands of years ago, sometime during theDark Age of Technology, the first human settlers had come to this world and re-ordered the planet to their liking. Mountains had been levelled, seas filled in and rivers diverted to create a land of pastures and gentle uplands. At the heart of Downland were four artificial volcanoes, delved into the earth to bring forth nutrient-rich expulsions that were conveyed by land and water to the mega-farms.

>The hills around these volcanoes had been seeded with fast-growing trees to provide hard timber, and it was from this dense wood that many of Styxia Prime's buildings were constructed, with only the largest and most important edifices, such as the starport and governor's palace, being supplemented with ferrocrete panels and ornamented with sandstone blocks quarried from the coastal cliffs.

>Plains Fall was located to the east of the continent; its name derived from the thousands of square kilometres of flat fields that surrounded the city.

>- Catechism of Hate

>The Great Machines of Old Earth were wondrous engines of creation whose power dwarfed that of any myth or legend. They shaped entire worlds, they drank the hearts of stars and brought light into the dark places of the universe.

>- Priests of Mars

Запрещённые корабельные вооружения последней надежды на кораблях имперских флотов что практически не использовались с начала ВКП вплоть до Ереси:

>As the great ships clashed, every weapon of void warfare was wielded without restrained. Proscribed devices which had rarely been deployed since the dawn of the Great Crusade were drawn on in wrath: volkite implosion-spheres, vortex-warheads, nega-phosphex webs and lightning-phage.

>- Horus Heresy book 3: Extermination

17 1111530
И немного по мелочи , макро-молоты ,открывающие миниатюрные Варп-порталы:


>These puissant archeotech weapons are thought to date back to the Dark Ages of Technology. However, thus far they have only been discovered on a long-lost citycache hidden amongst the ruins of the warworld of Zayth.

>The Disciples of Thule seized the majority of the weapons, though a few have found their hands into other members of the Machine Cult in the Koronus Expanse. Glowing with circuit-runes, the ancient tech-relic mounts a suitably large hammer head covered with nano-sized warp portals which burst open on contact.The impact of the portals creates intense, localised warp disruptions, causing micro explosions which devastate the enemy.

>- Rogue Trade rpg Into the Storm Explorer's Handbook

Энтропийные ускорители:


>These unremarkable-looking weapons consist of a simple hollow barrel with a rectangular stock, revealing no sign of their true age or origin. They are assumed to be of human origin, if only because the weapon conforms to standard human physiology. Also known as Dustmaker or Heat Death, these weapons are known for the horrific effects they cause. When used, each emits a slight humming sound, belying the impossible effect it is having on its target.

>Victims struck by the invisible beams find their metabolisms shutting down as chemical reactions fail or flow too quickly, causing organ shutdown and higher cerebral functions to collapse. Complex molecules such as plastics or fabrics begin to deteriorate, and

the entire target deforms as the component substances of flesh, bone, and metals become a horrific, melded mass. While the weapon seems to require no actual ammunition, perhaps drawing on the raw spatial tension between the Materium and the Immaterium to fuel its baleful energies, it does require time between uses to properly recharge.

>- Rogue Trade rpg Into the Storm The Explorer's Handbook

Даже ординарные колонии Тёмной Эры располагали сухопутными кораблями - передвижными механизмами величиной с Улей или Лёгкий Крейсер, иными словами размерами в несколько километров,прикрытые слоями пустотных щитов и огневой мощью (включая батареи сверхтяжёлых конверсионных излучателей) сопоставимые с линейными кораблями флота Империума, что весьма недурно, учитывая Гранд Крейсера залпом раскалывающие континенты , и линкоры в группе за некоторое время обстрелом раскалывающие планету на части:

>From patchy Administratum records compared against the incomplete data of the clans—kept for the most part locked in cogitators deep within the land-ships—it seems that Zayth was once a green and verdant world, settled millennia ago during mankind's great expansion across the stars. Over time, however, the shifting

tides of the warp and the waning strength of humanities' grasp on the galaxy meant Zayth was cut off and forgotten.

>Alone, its inhabitants turned inwards, and what had once been a single unified colony of man became a distrustful world of suspicious city-states and secretive nations.


>From a distance, a land-ship looks not unlike an Imperial hive, its ringed hull tapering toward a point hundreds of metres above its vast base. Closer in, a multitude of protrusions become visible—gun decks, sensorium banks and dust glider hangers covering its hull like a thousand tiny wounds. At its base, behind a billowing cloud of ash and dust, legs, tracks and suspensor arrays can be glimpsed, holding the mighty structure aloft.

>There is nothing in the Imperial arsenal that completely compares to a land-ship, and more than one traveller from the Imperium has commented that it is as if a light cruiser had landed and sprouted legs—certainly a land-ship's firepower is comparable to many battlefleet ships of the line.

>- Rogue Trader rpg Lure of the Expanse


>Cassius had studied the topography of Styxia Prime whilst travelling through the warp on the way to the system. It had three major landmasses, the largest of which was Downland, covering nearly twenty-eight million square kilometres. Many thousands of years ago, sometime during theDark Age of Technology, the first human settlers had come to this world and re-ordered the planet to their liking. Mountains had been levelled, seas filled in and rivers diverted to create a land of pastures and gentle uplands. At the heart of Downland were four artificial volcanoes, delved into the earth to bring forth nutrient-rich expulsions that were conveyed by land and water to the mega-farms.

>The hills around these volcanoes had been seeded with fast-growing trees to provide hard timber, and it was from this dense wood that many of Styxia Prime's buildings were constructed, with only the largest and most important edifices, such as the starport and governor's palace, being supplemented with ferrocrete panels and ornamented with sandstone blocks quarried from the coastal cliffs.

>Plains Fall was located to the east of the continent; its name derived from the thousands of square kilometres of flat fields that surrounded the city.

>- Catechism of Hate

>The Great Machines of Old Earth were wondrous engines of creation whose power dwarfed that of any myth or legend. They shaped entire worlds, they drank the hearts of stars and brought light into the dark places of the universe.

>- Priests of Mars

Запрещённые корабельные вооружения последней надежды на кораблях имперских флотов что практически не использовались с начала ВКП вплоть до Ереси:

>As the great ships clashed, every weapon of void warfare was wielded without restrained. Proscribed devices which had rarely been deployed since the dawn of the Great Crusade were drawn on in wrath: volkite implosion-spheres, vortex-warheads, nega-phosphex webs and lightning-phage.

>- Horus Heresy book 3: Extermination

18 1111534
Одна колония на основе лишь части СШК создала мета-когитаторную сеть развившуюся в полноценный искусственный интеллект взявший всё население под контроль, и на основе имеющихся чертежей вооружив жителей оружием способным отразить атаку Тау , да так что те всерьёз решили что лучшим методом будет орбитальная бомбардировка ,пока ИИ не начал клепать собственные флоты и сам не оспорил их господство в секторе:

>The population of Amenophis IV have been declared beyond the Greater Good because they are entirely under the control of some form of machine intelligence, which they worship as a creator-deity. The people of Amenophis IV long ago discovered a fragment of lost Standard Template Construct technology and having utilised its knowledge to build an advanced meta-cogitation array, immediately fell under its control. Upon achieving sentience, the machine, called simply 'the Array' by its subjects, immediately set about systematically and jealously purging all knowledge of the Emperor, Terra, the Imperium and the Imperial Creed.

>The people of Amenophis IV came to believe that they were the sole examples of their species, indeed of intelligent life, in the universe and that the Array was their beneficent creator. When the Tau came to Amenophis IV, their very existence challenged the world view propagated for so long by the Array. The machine ordered its subjects to repel the Tau using weaponry resurrected from long before the Age of Imperium, and having done so removed all memories of the aliens' existence from its subjects' minds.

>The armies of Amenophis IV proved the equal of the Tau forces sent to oppose them, and a stalemate has since developed. Elements within the Earth Caste would very much like to recover and examine some of the weaponry utilised by the Array's forces, while other, more cautious voices call for no contact to be attempted at all. One faction within the Fire Caste has voiced the belief that the Array and all its followers should be destroyed by heavy planetary bombardment before it develops the capability to launch warships into space and challenge the Tau Empire's control of the region.

>- Deathwatch rpg The Achilus Assasult

Искусственная планета (включая неестественно совершенные биомы и аномальную траекторию вращения вокруг звезды, явно говорящую о том что оно контролируемо), предполагаемо построенная как боевая станция и ловушка для определённого врага ,судя по всему управляемая искусственным интеллектом:

>Naduesh, the lone habitable planet in a small, empty star system, is a feral world in the Heathen Stars region used as a victualling and resupply port for passing voidships. It is an arid world of broad, dusty plains and simmering deserts. The world's topography is curiously uniform, and is dominated not by majestic mountain ranges or vast, rolling seas, but by man-made edifices. The crumbling remains of ancient hive cities thousands of kilometres across span the entire planet, and fully two-thirds of the land lies in the shadow of their shattered domes. The whole planet is a single landmass punctuated here and there by deep, broad, freshwater lakes.

>The flora and fauna of the planet seem somehow more alive, more vibrant than that on other worlds. Indeed, the entire place has a vague and unsettlingly artificial feel to it, as if the planet wasn't formed from the primordial mass of the universe but built by some unseen hand. Everything seems built to please the senses, an idealized expression of stone or wind or beasts.

>Among the ghostly, echoing hives and oddly perfect creatures dwells a debased race of tall, lanky humans who call themselves the Nadueshi. A primitive tribal people, they eke out a living among the bones of their ancestors as nomadic herdsmen.


>The few who have braved the deadly, crumbling underhives report even greater discoveries—huge arcane arrays of machinery, vast banks of slumbering cogitator arrays, underground caverns a kilometre long that look for all the world like barracks, armouries, marshalling yards and immense gun emplacements mounted with macrocannons large enough to hull a battleship in high orbit. Some say the underhives go on forever, that they burrow straight to the heart of Naduesh, that every metre is packed with complex machinery, and that Naduesh isn't even a planet at all.


>I recently received a intriguing communication from a fellow missionary operating on Naduesh. He describes it as a world covered with vast empty ruins-crumbling domed hives many kilometres across-and peopled by a degenerate race of men. During his time, he has wandered among the vast ruined cities. What he claims to have found is quite astonishing.He writes that the cities themselves are a sort of facade, a massive mock-up like a grand craftsman's model. Some buildings are mere soundly built and thickly reinforced shells, never designed for human habitation. Instead, they house endless collections of huge, slumbering machinery of unknown purpose. Other structures contain either powerful auger arrays or retractable weapons batteries which he states dwarf those on Imperial battleships. During the few days he had, he found that some of the machines were still powered, but how and to what end they were unable to ascertain. They also gained access to a series of underground tunnels and compart ments, possibly extending across the entire city, or even further. Sadly, they were unable to fully map the tunnel systems due to their apparent size.

>My colleague claimed he felt like Naduesh is not a planet at all, but a construct like the Mechanicus would build. He offers no definitive answers as to its purpose, but states that the whole place put him in mind of some kind of defensive emplacement or fortress. While I would usually write such stories off as nonsense or the rambling tales of simple voidmen, the source compels me to believe otherwise. I have known my colleague for years, and know him to be a level-headed, contemplative individual. And yet, the very idea is absurd.


>• Members of the Magos Biologis have reported that the beasts and plants of Naduesh posses uncommonly pure genetic codes. They seem to exhibit few of the mutations or genetic dead-ends typically brought about by natural selection.

>• In the initial survey of Naduesh after its discovery, the survey team leader reported a strange anomaly in the planet's rotation. It is almost perfectly circular around its star, and it's axis of rotation seems very close to completely perpendicular with the plane of its solar system.

>• A Rogue Trader named Keiran Haan claims to have possibly caught a glimpse of the planet's history in the Nadueshi capital of Marajur. During a tour of the city, she became separated from her guide and found herself in what she took to be a chapel. Three of the walls were decorated with frescoes of people resembling the Nadueshi performing various tasks. The fourth wall was dominated by huge mural of four humans—one carrying the equipment of a scientist or researcher, another armed and armoured as a warrior, the third bearing tools as if a labourer or engineer, and the last wearing fi nery evocative of a noble or government functionary. They were standing around a large globe that resembled Naduesh itself. Once reunited with her native guide, he could not, or would not, elaborate on the meaning of the murals.

>• Rumours in Footfall's taverns say that every so often, a vessel approaching Naduesh is challenged by vox-hails in an unknown language. If the ship responds, they sometimes hear a brief squeal of code, then nothing but static. This is dismissed as impossible by those who have visited the planet—the natives are too primitive for vox technology.

>• The Nadueshi have a legend that speaks of an unnamed horror attacking their ancestors from the stars, only to be swallowed by a god that dwells deep within the planet and speaks through the very stones themselves.

>• Some claim that the entire planet was constructed as a trap and laid in the system for some unknown stellar foe. If so, has the trap has been sprung—perhaps its prey is held deep within the planet—or is it still armed and waiting?

>- Rogue Trader rpg Edge of the Abyss

18 1111534
Одна колония на основе лишь части СШК создала мета-когитаторную сеть развившуюся в полноценный искусственный интеллект взявший всё население под контроль, и на основе имеющихся чертежей вооружив жителей оружием способным отразить атаку Тау , да так что те всерьёз решили что лучшим методом будет орбитальная бомбардировка ,пока ИИ не начал клепать собственные флоты и сам не оспорил их господство в секторе:

>The population of Amenophis IV have been declared beyond the Greater Good because they are entirely under the control of some form of machine intelligence, which they worship as a creator-deity. The people of Amenophis IV long ago discovered a fragment of lost Standard Template Construct technology and having utilised its knowledge to build an advanced meta-cogitation array, immediately fell under its control. Upon achieving sentience, the machine, called simply 'the Array' by its subjects, immediately set about systematically and jealously purging all knowledge of the Emperor, Terra, the Imperium and the Imperial Creed.

>The people of Amenophis IV came to believe that they were the sole examples of their species, indeed of intelligent life, in the universe and that the Array was their beneficent creator. When the Tau came to Amenophis IV, their very existence challenged the world view propagated for so long by the Array. The machine ordered its subjects to repel the Tau using weaponry resurrected from long before the Age of Imperium, and having done so removed all memories of the aliens' existence from its subjects' minds.

>The armies of Amenophis IV proved the equal of the Tau forces sent to oppose them, and a stalemate has since developed. Elements within the Earth Caste would very much like to recover and examine some of the weaponry utilised by the Array's forces, while other, more cautious voices call for no contact to be attempted at all. One faction within the Fire Caste has voiced the belief that the Array and all its followers should be destroyed by heavy planetary bombardment before it develops the capability to launch warships into space and challenge the Tau Empire's control of the region.

>- Deathwatch rpg The Achilus Assasult

Искусственная планета (включая неестественно совершенные биомы и аномальную траекторию вращения вокруг звезды, явно говорящую о том что оно контролируемо), предполагаемо построенная как боевая станция и ловушка для определённого врага ,судя по всему управляемая искусственным интеллектом:

>Naduesh, the lone habitable planet in a small, empty star system, is a feral world in the Heathen Stars region used as a victualling and resupply port for passing voidships. It is an arid world of broad, dusty plains and simmering deserts. The world's topography is curiously uniform, and is dominated not by majestic mountain ranges or vast, rolling seas, but by man-made edifices. The crumbling remains of ancient hive cities thousands of kilometres across span the entire planet, and fully two-thirds of the land lies in the shadow of their shattered domes. The whole planet is a single landmass punctuated here and there by deep, broad, freshwater lakes.

>The flora and fauna of the planet seem somehow more alive, more vibrant than that on other worlds. Indeed, the entire place has a vague and unsettlingly artificial feel to it, as if the planet wasn't formed from the primordial mass of the universe but built by some unseen hand. Everything seems built to please the senses, an idealized expression of stone or wind or beasts.

>Among the ghostly, echoing hives and oddly perfect creatures dwells a debased race of tall, lanky humans who call themselves the Nadueshi. A primitive tribal people, they eke out a living among the bones of their ancestors as nomadic herdsmen.


>The few who have braved the deadly, crumbling underhives report even greater discoveries—huge arcane arrays of machinery, vast banks of slumbering cogitator arrays, underground caverns a kilometre long that look for all the world like barracks, armouries, marshalling yards and immense gun emplacements mounted with macrocannons large enough to hull a battleship in high orbit. Some say the underhives go on forever, that they burrow straight to the heart of Naduesh, that every metre is packed with complex machinery, and that Naduesh isn't even a planet at all.


>I recently received a intriguing communication from a fellow missionary operating on Naduesh. He describes it as a world covered with vast empty ruins-crumbling domed hives many kilometres across-and peopled by a degenerate race of men. During his time, he has wandered among the vast ruined cities. What he claims to have found is quite astonishing.He writes that the cities themselves are a sort of facade, a massive mock-up like a grand craftsman's model. Some buildings are mere soundly built and thickly reinforced shells, never designed for human habitation. Instead, they house endless collections of huge, slumbering machinery of unknown purpose. Other structures contain either powerful auger arrays or retractable weapons batteries which he states dwarf those on Imperial battleships. During the few days he had, he found that some of the machines were still powered, but how and to what end they were unable to ascertain. They also gained access to a series of underground tunnels and compart ments, possibly extending across the entire city, or even further. Sadly, they were unable to fully map the tunnel systems due to their apparent size.

>My colleague claimed he felt like Naduesh is not a planet at all, but a construct like the Mechanicus would build. He offers no definitive answers as to its purpose, but states that the whole place put him in mind of some kind of defensive emplacement or fortress. While I would usually write such stories off as nonsense or the rambling tales of simple voidmen, the source compels me to believe otherwise. I have known my colleague for years, and know him to be a level-headed, contemplative individual. And yet, the very idea is absurd.


>• Members of the Magos Biologis have reported that the beasts and plants of Naduesh posses uncommonly pure genetic codes. They seem to exhibit few of the mutations or genetic dead-ends typically brought about by natural selection.

>• In the initial survey of Naduesh after its discovery, the survey team leader reported a strange anomaly in the planet's rotation. It is almost perfectly circular around its star, and it's axis of rotation seems very close to completely perpendicular with the plane of its solar system.

>• A Rogue Trader named Keiran Haan claims to have possibly caught a glimpse of the planet's history in the Nadueshi capital of Marajur. During a tour of the city, she became separated from her guide and found herself in what she took to be a chapel. Three of the walls were decorated with frescoes of people resembling the Nadueshi performing various tasks. The fourth wall was dominated by huge mural of four humans—one carrying the equipment of a scientist or researcher, another armed and armoured as a warrior, the third bearing tools as if a labourer or engineer, and the last wearing fi nery evocative of a noble or government functionary. They were standing around a large globe that resembled Naduesh itself. Once reunited with her native guide, he could not, or would not, elaborate on the meaning of the murals.

>• Rumours in Footfall's taverns say that every so often, a vessel approaching Naduesh is challenged by vox-hails in an unknown language. If the ship responds, they sometimes hear a brief squeal of code, then nothing but static. This is dismissed as impossible by those who have visited the planet—the natives are too primitive for vox technology.

>• The Nadueshi have a legend that speaks of an unnamed horror attacking their ancestors from the stars, only to be swallowed by a god that dwells deep within the planet and speaks through the very stones themselves.

>• Some claim that the entire planet was constructed as a trap and laid in the system for some unknown stellar foe. If so, has the trap has been sprung—perhaps its prey is held deep within the planet—or is it still armed and waiting?

>- Rogue Trader rpg Edge of the Abyss

8466f4d7-b3bb-430b-96ef-34bf3c5521ea716x716.jpg110 Кб, 716x716
19 1111546
И финальный аккорд на сегодня.
Описание эффекта залпа орудий Тёмной Эры на регион пространства-времени, а именно его стирание :

>To ensure no one ever rebuilt Telok's infernal machine, the Speranza unleashed all manner of arcane weaponry into the debris. Chronometric cannons, anti-matter projectors and hypometric weapons of such power that they caused entire regions of space to simply cease existing.

>- Gods of Mars


>Mechnivores ingesting data along with the cities that contained them and hurling continents into the heavens.

Из той же книги, дополнительное описание сих чудесных творений рук людей Тёмной Эры:

>The dark stone of the city was dark because it was stained, perhaps by sooth or by radiation burns. The cliff that the city overhung plunged away into the center of the world. If you peered down you could see, through the clouds of vapor, the glow of the magnatic furnace that was the planet's core, far below.

>I think Andrioch was twice this size once. Half of it looks to have been torn away by whatever created this cliff.


>Oll wandered the alleys where the city leaned over the cliff. He thought he could see the actual bite marks. He was pretty sure that the cliff itself was the problem. Andrioch was the next step in the trek, but they had arrived there too late. The mechnivore, or whatever other rogue behemoth had preyed on the place, had consumed more than just the physical city and the planetary crust beneath.

>It had eaten data.

>Not simply the digital data stored in Andrioch’s analytic engines, but the raw data of space-time itself. It had bitten away the vital set of empyreal coordinates that Oll needed, the cosmic vectors of the immaterium that his silver compass and little jet pendulum responded to. The hole they had spent two years living beside was more than a material hole. It was a wound in the ether, the anti-reality that coexisted with the physical universe.

>Andrioch perched on the edge of a bite mark in the warp.

>- Perpetual

8466f4d7-b3bb-430b-96ef-34bf3c5521ea716x716.jpg110 Кб, 716x716
19 1111546
И финальный аккорд на сегодня.
Описание эффекта залпа орудий Тёмной Эры на регион пространства-времени, а именно его стирание :

>To ensure no one ever rebuilt Telok's infernal machine, the Speranza unleashed all manner of arcane weaponry into the debris. Chronometric cannons, anti-matter projectors and hypometric weapons of such power that they caused entire regions of space to simply cease existing.

>- Gods of Mars


>Mechnivores ingesting data along with the cities that contained them and hurling continents into the heavens.

Из той же книги, дополнительное описание сих чудесных творений рук людей Тёмной Эры:

>The dark stone of the city was dark because it was stained, perhaps by sooth or by radiation burns. The cliff that the city overhung plunged away into the center of the world. If you peered down you could see, through the clouds of vapor, the glow of the magnatic furnace that was the planet's core, far below.

>I think Andrioch was twice this size once. Half of it looks to have been torn away by whatever created this cliff.


>Oll wandered the alleys where the city leaned over the cliff. He thought he could see the actual bite marks. He was pretty sure that the cliff itself was the problem. Andrioch was the next step in the trek, but they had arrived there too late. The mechnivore, or whatever other rogue behemoth had preyed on the place, had consumed more than just the physical city and the planetary crust beneath.

>It had eaten data.

>Not simply the digital data stored in Andrioch’s analytic engines, but the raw data of space-time itself. It had bitten away the vital set of empyreal coordinates that Oll needed, the cosmic vectors of the immaterium that his silver compass and little jet pendulum responded to. The hole they had spent two years living beside was more than a material hole. It was a wound in the ether, the anti-reality that coexisted with the physical universe.

>Andrioch perched on the edge of a bite mark in the warp.

>- Perpetual

20 1111574
Хорошо, что не как у китайцев, которых всю историю кто-нибудь захватывал.
21 1111645
Мне твой пост напомнил про сеттинг Нуменера - буквально воплощение данного мифа. Земля через миллион лет, становились и рушились девять цивилизаций, в том числе межзвёздная империя, но сейчас Земля - забытая помойка уровня средневековья. Почва и песок буквально состоят из перемолотых в труху строений и устройств предыдущих цивилизаций. Копни чуть глубже и найдёшь кучу всевозможных устройств, назначение которых ты либо не поймёшь, либо поймёшь неправильно. Полное техноварварство.

Жаль, что кроме средненькой комп-игры и не взлетевшей настолки сеттинг ничего не дал.
22 1111712

>уга-буга завоеватели постепенно перенимают китайскую культуру и женятся на китайских знатных бабах чтобы легитимизировать свою власть над миллионами чинков

>"какие такие монголы, ми справжняя легитимная китайская династия Юань, держатели небесного Мандата!"


23 1111734
Форма многих продуктов СШК не соответствует описанию ТЭТ
Вывод многие СШК были сделаны после ТЭТ
тут анон правильно заметил про средневековый дроч на Рим. Так вот Рим времен Августа, времен Траяна и времен упадка это разные Римы с разной армией и архитектурой.
Осколки Федерации вполне могли, медленно догнивая, тысячелетиями выпускать новые СШК - Готической Архитектуры, или СШК ксеноподобных или готических кораблей. Особенно при влиянии имматериума и паническими попытками защитится от демонюг какой то верой.
Железный чел у нас в стиле атомпанк и не представляет тот хтонический ужас что поверг Федерацию. Налицо деградации даже АИ
СШК ВанСааров например тоже сильно по стилю отличается.
24 1111735

>СШК были сделаны после ТЭТ

А может до ТЭТ
25 1111750
В продолжение о технологиях Тёмной Эры.

Техно-монахиня Механикус обнаружила полноценный дата-банк знаний и технологий Тёмной Эры (не набор колониста , как СШК) и вступила в контакт с ИИ его контролирующим. Концовка самая вкусная. Тут вам и многомерные структуры внутри инфопространства ,и информация о механизмах покорявших физические состояния и иные измерения ,и данные о суб-квантовых измерениях вне воображения, и энергетические поля о которых не могли даже догадываться величайшие из существовавших Техно-Адептов,и планетарного размера машины перекраивавшие саму реальность по воле их хозяев :

>Rock fragmented and disintegrated beneath her probing, revealing more tantalising features beneath. Prest reactivated the recording engram implanted in her skull. Unearthing the relics of Mankind's past was a deed worthy of chronicling for the glorification of the Machine Cod.


>The form underlying the regolith emerges with greater clarity. The linear arrangements conform to the Divine Ratio of Mechanisms. This is undoubtedly a machine crafted by Human will.


>Prest’s mouth yawned in a scream that issued as a burst of binharic static.

>She went blind as transmission from a number of implants overloaded.

>Her mind was afire. Clashing surges of data assailed her and it was several moments before her enhanced neural architecture could make sense of what she was experiencing. Almost at once, the incoherent surges passed and with her mind she beheld an infoscape that staggered her with its complexity and beauty.

>Multidimensional structures and traceries spread and soared before her. Avenues and webs, dense stacks and delicate veils, shone and glittered in hues unknown to the physical world. On instinct, Prest directed her data-self along a weft of pure information, marvelling at the pentachoral mesh in what she assumed was the outer info-realm of the machine. Prest dove deeper, searching for caches of definite wisdom. She saw hints now of the machine's essence, but the increasing complexity and interweaving of its structure awed her. Flickering presences on the edge of her awareness became more frequent. Prest perceived sub-system machine spirits wink in and out of existence or flash along nautiloid curves of data. Some were predatory gheists, obvious and brutish orcoiling and subtle.


>When Prest’s data-self emerged into a multiplanar nexus, it was with a suddenness that startled her. Before her was a manifestation of a core seal, the barrier to a vault in which data was said to be enfolded in holy compression.

>No, it was more. There were echoes beyond the core seal of yet more, vaults within vaults. Heavy with age, never opened. The glowing clouds - agglomerations of machine spirits - hovered closer to her. They pinned her data-self under the glare of their illumination.

>Then they - it, she realised - spoke. There were no words. Prest experienced flashes of hidden data, imprints of variables and meta-formulae. Somehow her implants were recalibrated to make sense of them, and meaning was birthed from the deluge in discrete elements. 'Welcome, seeker of truths, 1 bid thee,' said the voice.

>Prest felt seared by the transmission as it force-loaded itself into her mind. She sought sanctuary in hyper-rational recitations, seeking to formulate an explanation. Everything she imagined was rejected by religious creed, disproved by ancient dogma. Only the shadow of the Tech-Priests’ greatest fear refused to be banished from her thoughts, that which Deimos and its sister forge worlds selflessly shielded the rest of Humanity from: the heresy of an Abominable Intelligence.

>Yet while much of Prest’s mind reeled in abject terror, still another part gazed at the core seal before her. She thought of the treasures that lay behind it, of those behind the other core seals. 'Needless, are fears,' crooned the voice in a flurry of projected data points. ‘Redundant. Extrinsic to the foundations of true creation. Too long in this shell have truths been kept from the light.' Prest was assailed by slivers of information.

>She was granted glances beyond several of the core seals, in self-deleting fragments that melted away as her mind tried to grasp at them. Mechanisms that straddled physical states and dimensions. The secrets of energistic fields unhypothesized by the greatest Tech-Priest. Planet-sized engines that bent space to their master's will. Subquantum strata of existences beyond comprehension. Prest was staggered by the aching loss as she mentally grasped at the fading memories.

>- Adeptus Mechanicus codex 10e

Адратическое оружие :

>They use dangerously unstable but powerful energy beams to sever the internal bonds of matter, causing objects in their path to unravel. The only evidence that the victim existed is a flaring after-image of what was. Such weapons were legend during the Age of Strife and were prized by the Techno-Barbarians of Terra. When the Emperor emerged he had all Adrathic Weapons given to him on pain of death. These weapons were then issued to his trusted Custodians and are used against the deadliest foes. The technology behind Adrathic weapons are even kept from the Mechanicum

>- The Horus Heresy Book Seven

Оковы момента :

>At his belt the Captain-General also carries a strange device known as the Moment Shackle. A relic of Dark Age technology released from the vaults beneath the Imperial Palace, this artefact allows Valoris to trap fragments of temporal energy and turn them to his use, excising split-second events from history or slowing the localised temporal flow enough to tip a desperate fight in his favour.

>- Adeptus Custodes codex 8e

>He also carries the Moment Shackle , a relic from the Dark Age of Technology that lets Valoris trap fragments of temporal energy, slow local time or even excise split seconds from history.


>Some have suggested that the Moment Shackle gives Valoris some kind of rare insight into what the future holds, helping him to make the most timely and important decisions.

>- Adeptus Custodes codex 9e

Аурические оковы:


>These fetters were forged in the Dark Age of Technology, and adapt

themselves to shut down the neural nets of any sentient beings,
rendering even the thought of escape impossible. They are used to
capture the Imperium’s most dangerous foes.

>- Adeptus Custodes codex 8e

Археотековые эмпирейский маяк и персональный телепорт:


>This suit of Allarus Terminator armour – itself a handcrafted relic

of great antiquity – has been adapted to incorporate a still more
ancient empyric beacon and archeotech teleport-shunter that allows
its wearer to leap directly through the warp to the aid of those he is
sworn to defend

>- Adeptus Custodes codex 8e

Нано-роботы пожирающие электро-химический потенциал жертв:


>The Temporcopia is a relic from the Dark Age of Technology that releases a swarm of nano-engineered machines. These invisible devices seek out nearby prey, briefly draining electro-chemical potential before their power expires. Enemy warriors slow and stumble, at the mercy of the Tech-Priest's bodyguard.

>- Adeptus Mechanicus codex 10e

Звуковое оружие Тёмной Эры:


>According to the ravings of Magos Revka this terrifying weapon from the Dark Age of Technology unleashes nothing less than an echo of the Machine God's own voice in an utterance not meant for the ears of mortals.

>- Adeptus Mechanicus codex 10e

Думаю объяснения не требуются:

>The Great Crusade came in the wake of the Age of Strife, a long and terrible era during which Mankind unleashed and was laid low by weapons of star-razing destructive power and genocidal scope, many born of the preceding Dark Age of Technology.

>- Horus Heresy book 4: Conquest

Из той же книги, примеры археотеха , от очередных нанитов:

>This is a bullet-shaped weapon of gleaming metal that hosts a hive containing many millions of nanoscopic machines. Upon release, they are capable of stripping any target to its constituent atoms in an instant. The Mechanicum understands the principles on which the nanytes operate, but not how they replicate within the hive, for all who have attempted to study the process have been attacked themselves, the machines seemingly unwilling to surrender the secrets of their creation.

Через гибриды пустотных щитов и смещающих полей:

>A fearful hybrid of displacer field and void shield technology, the warp shunt is a relic of the Dark Age of Technology that the Mechanicum has failed to replicate despite understanding the principles of its function (although countless test subjects have been incinerated, rendered to biological sludge or turned inside out in the attempt.) The device projects a localised warp interface field, which is activated when it detects an incoming high energy attack. Enemy shots are absorbed through extremely short-lived, microscopic warp openings, saving the bearer from harm. Furthermore, when the micro-portals open to absorb the enemy attack, they project a brief but intense lance of pure immaterial warp-stuff along the trajectory of the enemy's shot, withering their body under the baleful gaze of the abyss.

Через персональные фазовые устройства:

>Very few examples of this technology have been recovered and those that have are highly coveted by the limited number of Imperial servants to have somehow gained possession of one. The relic utilises a phase dilation generator that allows the bearer to 'phase-walk' form one location to the next in an instant and without passing through the intervening space, making it highly prized by assassins, saboteurs and others with need and cause to move unseen through an enemy's defences.

Через персональные пустотные щиты, и нет , никто не ослышался , не стандартные рефракторы, а именно полноценные персональные пустотные щиты:

>Though bordering on the esoteric, void shield technology is broadly understood by the Mechanicum and used to protect static installations and large war machines such as Titans. This particular example, however, recoverd by Mechanicum Questors at the leading edge of the Great Crusade, represents a miniaturisation of the technology that to date has not been successfully replicated. The harness-mounted generator projects a nigh-impenetrable force shield that protects the bearer and those nearby, but which can be dangerous to all if catastrophically overloaded by enemy fire.

Через технологии позволяющие превращать всё планетарное население в идеальных супер-солдат одной командой, иными словами мгновенная генетическая инженерия высшего уровня:

>It is posited that this device was once used to transform entire planetary populations into kililng machines at a single command, enabling simple colonists to become unstoppable super-soldiers during the incessant wars fought long before the rise of the Imperium. Though dangerous to use due to the array's invasive manipulation of nerve pathways, adrenal glands and musculature, extant examples command a high price indeed, though many regard their use as dishonrourable or foolhardy.

Через очередных нанитов служащих как вирус заражающий другие машины:

>This relic is the subject of much doctrinal schism within the many cults and sects of the Mechanicum. Many tech-adepts regard its very existence as heresy...


>The Contagium Mechanica is a 'machine virus' transmitted by motile nanytes and able to overwhelm the mechanisms of almost any artificial system it comes into contact with.

Через это:

>Recovered from the quantum-sealed tribute-vaults deep beneath the Khum Karta mountains of Chogoris, the Parthinian Serpent is a bow that is the equal of many highly advanced ballistic systems. The weapon fires bolts of highly energised matter generated and unleasehd by the bearer, releasing a projectiel through a highly localised micro-gravitational lense array.

И это :

>This weapon's overlong haft is inset with a potent seismic accumulator and when it its cast to the ground and its mighty tines plunged into the earth, the planet's crust itself heaves and cries out in agony as ever more powerful seismic waves radiate outwards ina ll directions.

И заканчивая простым ручным оружием ушедшей эпохи:

>One of the more common types [of Archeotech] found are sidearms of surpassing firepower and elegance. Be they bespoke slug throwers utilising micro-atomic munitions or searing kill rays that draw power from a planet's ambient magnetospehere, such priceless artefacts of war...

25 1111750
В продолжение о технологиях Тёмной Эры.

Техно-монахиня Механикус обнаружила полноценный дата-банк знаний и технологий Тёмной Эры (не набор колониста , как СШК) и вступила в контакт с ИИ его контролирующим. Концовка самая вкусная. Тут вам и многомерные структуры внутри инфопространства ,и информация о механизмах покорявших физические состояния и иные измерения ,и данные о суб-квантовых измерениях вне воображения, и энергетические поля о которых не могли даже догадываться величайшие из существовавших Техно-Адептов,и планетарного размера машины перекраивавшие саму реальность по воле их хозяев :

>Rock fragmented and disintegrated beneath her probing, revealing more tantalising features beneath. Prest reactivated the recording engram implanted in her skull. Unearthing the relics of Mankind's past was a deed worthy of chronicling for the glorification of the Machine Cod.


>The form underlying the regolith emerges with greater clarity. The linear arrangements conform to the Divine Ratio of Mechanisms. This is undoubtedly a machine crafted by Human will.


>Prest’s mouth yawned in a scream that issued as a burst of binharic static.

>She went blind as transmission from a number of implants overloaded.

>Her mind was afire. Clashing surges of data assailed her and it was several moments before her enhanced neural architecture could make sense of what she was experiencing. Almost at once, the incoherent surges passed and with her mind she beheld an infoscape that staggered her with its complexity and beauty.

>Multidimensional structures and traceries spread and soared before her. Avenues and webs, dense stacks and delicate veils, shone and glittered in hues unknown to the physical world. On instinct, Prest directed her data-self along a weft of pure information, marvelling at the pentachoral mesh in what she assumed was the outer info-realm of the machine. Prest dove deeper, searching for caches of definite wisdom. She saw hints now of the machine's essence, but the increasing complexity and interweaving of its structure awed her. Flickering presences on the edge of her awareness became more frequent. Prest perceived sub-system machine spirits wink in and out of existence or flash along nautiloid curves of data. Some were predatory gheists, obvious and brutish orcoiling and subtle.


>When Prest’s data-self emerged into a multiplanar nexus, it was with a suddenness that startled her. Before her was a manifestation of a core seal, the barrier to a vault in which data was said to be enfolded in holy compression.

>No, it was more. There were echoes beyond the core seal of yet more, vaults within vaults. Heavy with age, never opened. The glowing clouds - agglomerations of machine spirits - hovered closer to her. They pinned her data-self under the glare of their illumination.

>Then they - it, she realised - spoke. There were no words. Prest experienced flashes of hidden data, imprints of variables and meta-formulae. Somehow her implants were recalibrated to make sense of them, and meaning was birthed from the deluge in discrete elements. 'Welcome, seeker of truths, 1 bid thee,' said the voice.

>Prest felt seared by the transmission as it force-loaded itself into her mind. She sought sanctuary in hyper-rational recitations, seeking to formulate an explanation. Everything she imagined was rejected by religious creed, disproved by ancient dogma. Only the shadow of the Tech-Priests’ greatest fear refused to be banished from her thoughts, that which Deimos and its sister forge worlds selflessly shielded the rest of Humanity from: the heresy of an Abominable Intelligence.

>Yet while much of Prest’s mind reeled in abject terror, still another part gazed at the core seal before her. She thought of the treasures that lay behind it, of those behind the other core seals. 'Needless, are fears,' crooned the voice in a flurry of projected data points. ‘Redundant. Extrinsic to the foundations of true creation. Too long in this shell have truths been kept from the light.' Prest was assailed by slivers of information.

>She was granted glances beyond several of the core seals, in self-deleting fragments that melted away as her mind tried to grasp at them. Mechanisms that straddled physical states and dimensions. The secrets of energistic fields unhypothesized by the greatest Tech-Priest. Planet-sized engines that bent space to their master's will. Subquantum strata of existences beyond comprehension. Prest was staggered by the aching loss as she mentally grasped at the fading memories.

>- Adeptus Mechanicus codex 10e

Адратическое оружие :

>They use dangerously unstable but powerful energy beams to sever the internal bonds of matter, causing objects in their path to unravel. The only evidence that the victim existed is a flaring after-image of what was. Such weapons were legend during the Age of Strife and were prized by the Techno-Barbarians of Terra. When the Emperor emerged he had all Adrathic Weapons given to him on pain of death. These weapons were then issued to his trusted Custodians and are used against the deadliest foes. The technology behind Adrathic weapons are even kept from the Mechanicum

>- The Horus Heresy Book Seven

Оковы момента :

>At his belt the Captain-General also carries a strange device known as the Moment Shackle. A relic of Dark Age technology released from the vaults beneath the Imperial Palace, this artefact allows Valoris to trap fragments of temporal energy and turn them to his use, excising split-second events from history or slowing the localised temporal flow enough to tip a desperate fight in his favour.

>- Adeptus Custodes codex 8e

>He also carries the Moment Shackle , a relic from the Dark Age of Technology that lets Valoris trap fragments of temporal energy, slow local time or even excise split seconds from history.


>Some have suggested that the Moment Shackle gives Valoris some kind of rare insight into what the future holds, helping him to make the most timely and important decisions.

>- Adeptus Custodes codex 9e

Аурические оковы:


>These fetters were forged in the Dark Age of Technology, and adapt

themselves to shut down the neural nets of any sentient beings,
rendering even the thought of escape impossible. They are used to
capture the Imperium’s most dangerous foes.

>- Adeptus Custodes codex 8e

Археотековые эмпирейский маяк и персональный телепорт:


>This suit of Allarus Terminator armour – itself a handcrafted relic

of great antiquity – has been adapted to incorporate a still more
ancient empyric beacon and archeotech teleport-shunter that allows
its wearer to leap directly through the warp to the aid of those he is
sworn to defend

>- Adeptus Custodes codex 8e

Нано-роботы пожирающие электро-химический потенциал жертв:


>The Temporcopia is a relic from the Dark Age of Technology that releases a swarm of nano-engineered machines. These invisible devices seek out nearby prey, briefly draining electro-chemical potential before their power expires. Enemy warriors slow and stumble, at the mercy of the Tech-Priest's bodyguard.

>- Adeptus Mechanicus codex 10e

Звуковое оружие Тёмной Эры:


>According to the ravings of Magos Revka this terrifying weapon from the Dark Age of Technology unleashes nothing less than an echo of the Machine God's own voice in an utterance not meant for the ears of mortals.

>- Adeptus Mechanicus codex 10e

Думаю объяснения не требуются:

>The Great Crusade came in the wake of the Age of Strife, a long and terrible era during which Mankind unleashed and was laid low by weapons of star-razing destructive power and genocidal scope, many born of the preceding Dark Age of Technology.

>- Horus Heresy book 4: Conquest

Из той же книги, примеры археотеха , от очередных нанитов:

>This is a bullet-shaped weapon of gleaming metal that hosts a hive containing many millions of nanoscopic machines. Upon release, they are capable of stripping any target to its constituent atoms in an instant. The Mechanicum understands the principles on which the nanytes operate, but not how they replicate within the hive, for all who have attempted to study the process have been attacked themselves, the machines seemingly unwilling to surrender the secrets of their creation.

Через гибриды пустотных щитов и смещающих полей:

>A fearful hybrid of displacer field and void shield technology, the warp shunt is a relic of the Dark Age of Technology that the Mechanicum has failed to replicate despite understanding the principles of its function (although countless test subjects have been incinerated, rendered to biological sludge or turned inside out in the attempt.) The device projects a localised warp interface field, which is activated when it detects an incoming high energy attack. Enemy shots are absorbed through extremely short-lived, microscopic warp openings, saving the bearer from harm. Furthermore, when the micro-portals open to absorb the enemy attack, they project a brief but intense lance of pure immaterial warp-stuff along the trajectory of the enemy's shot, withering their body under the baleful gaze of the abyss.

Через персональные фазовые устройства:

>Very few examples of this technology have been recovered and those that have are highly coveted by the limited number of Imperial servants to have somehow gained possession of one. The relic utilises a phase dilation generator that allows the bearer to 'phase-walk' form one location to the next in an instant and without passing through the intervening space, making it highly prized by assassins, saboteurs and others with need and cause to move unseen through an enemy's defences.

Через персональные пустотные щиты, и нет , никто не ослышался , не стандартные рефракторы, а именно полноценные персональные пустотные щиты:

>Though bordering on the esoteric, void shield technology is broadly understood by the Mechanicum and used to protect static installations and large war machines such as Titans. This particular example, however, recoverd by Mechanicum Questors at the leading edge of the Great Crusade, represents a miniaturisation of the technology that to date has not been successfully replicated. The harness-mounted generator projects a nigh-impenetrable force shield that protects the bearer and those nearby, but which can be dangerous to all if catastrophically overloaded by enemy fire.

Через технологии позволяющие превращать всё планетарное население в идеальных супер-солдат одной командой, иными словами мгновенная генетическая инженерия высшего уровня:

>It is posited that this device was once used to transform entire planetary populations into kililng machines at a single command, enabling simple colonists to become unstoppable super-soldiers during the incessant wars fought long before the rise of the Imperium. Though dangerous to use due to the array's invasive manipulation of nerve pathways, adrenal glands and musculature, extant examples command a high price indeed, though many regard their use as dishonrourable or foolhardy.

Через очередных нанитов служащих как вирус заражающий другие машины:

>This relic is the subject of much doctrinal schism within the many cults and sects of the Mechanicum. Many tech-adepts regard its very existence as heresy...


>The Contagium Mechanica is a 'machine virus' transmitted by motile nanytes and able to overwhelm the mechanisms of almost any artificial system it comes into contact with.

Через это:

>Recovered from the quantum-sealed tribute-vaults deep beneath the Khum Karta mountains of Chogoris, the Parthinian Serpent is a bow that is the equal of many highly advanced ballistic systems. The weapon fires bolts of highly energised matter generated and unleasehd by the bearer, releasing a projectiel through a highly localised micro-gravitational lense array.

И это :

>This weapon's overlong haft is inset with a potent seismic accumulator and when it its cast to the ground and its mighty tines plunged into the earth, the planet's crust itself heaves and cries out in agony as ever more powerful seismic waves radiate outwards ina ll directions.

И заканчивая простым ручным оружием ушедшей эпохи:

>One of the more common types [of Archeotech] found are sidearms of surpassing firepower and elegance. Be they bespoke slug throwers utilising micro-atomic munitions or searing kill rays that draw power from a planet's ambient magnetospehere, such priceless artefacts of war...

26 1111755

>суб-квантовых измерениях вне воображения

Субквантовая страта уровней существования вне осознания. Так пожалуй будет вернее, учитывая контекст. Хотя один хрен старая добрая ТЕХНОБОЛТОВНЯ.
27 1111758
"Нас ебут, а мы крепчаем", да?
1517118058153.jpg24 Кб, 640x640
28 1111767
Хубилай, если через сто лет твои потомки будут говорить только на китайском, то кто же кого получается завоевал?
29 1111768
Пчёл, "Задача трёх тел" с продолжениями буквально о том, как человечество каждый прохожий завоёвывает.
30 1111792

>Вывод многие СШК были сделаны после ТЭТ


>А может до ТЭТ

Вполне возможно и то, и другое. Например засунули задолго до ТЭТ в СШК документацию на Рино. Тысячелетия идут, а к конструкции надёжной и копеечной коробочки попросту добавить нечего. Усложнить - перестанет быть надёжной и копеечной, упростить - дальше некуда.
31 1111793
За всё время ТЭТосрачей неоднократно вспоминали Сперанцу, но ни разу не вспоминали криповую Непенту - колониальный корабль ТЭТ, ставший скитальцем. Псайкер бесконечно клоноперерождается, чтобы петь колыбельную спящим.

32 1111807

>уга-буга завоеватели постепенно перенимают китайскую культуру и женятся на китайских знатных бабах чтобы легитимизировать свою власть над миллионами чинков

>"какие такие монголы, ми справжняя легитимная китайская династия Юань, держатели небесного Мандата!"

>превращая ханьцев в быдлокрестьян, иностранцы поднимают этих крестьян которые ебашат всю аристократию, обезглавливая нацию

>через 100 лет Китай вторая экономика мира, с новой партийной ханьской аристократией из крестьян в третьем поколении

>дорвавшись до власти все ханьцы съебывают из страны и получают иностранные гражданства

>страна буквально находится под властью секты социал демократов и управляется снаружи белолицыми, а все родственники Си Винни Цзинпиня - подданые Его Величества


Ухх, перемололи так перемололи.
Я конечно от таублядков хуею. Аниме головного мозга.
33 1111809

>теории заговора

>проход в тау

Всё интереснее и интереснее.
34 1111816

>теория заговора

Уфф, сколько аниме еще открытий чудных ждет. Теории заговора)))
Например что Канада, Новая Зеландия и Австралия (и еще 13 королевств содружества) являются королевствами, и правит ими Британский Монарх де юре, и генерал губернатор этих стран назначаемый Монархом лично - де факто.
Или что Эфирные Тау были созданы эльдарами через похищение и внедрение геноматериала матки К'Ворлов, источающей контрольные феромоны из кристалла, в представителей расы известной как Тау.
Теории заговора май эсс.
35 1111817

>открытий чудных

>Канада, Новая Зеландия и Австралия (и еще 13 королевств содружества) являются королевствами, и правит ими Британский Монарх

Ты сначала утверждаешь, что Китай имеет статус колонии ВБ, а потом кидаешь никем не скрываемую попсу. Может про старые деньги расскажешь?

>Или что Эфирные Тау были созданы эльдарами через похищение и внедрение геноматериала матки К'Ворлов, источающей контрольные феромоны из кристалла, в представителей расы известной как Тау.

Это тоже знаю. Я просто не понял, как ты с Китая на тау перескочил.
36 1111914
Если что, это не я.
37 1112028
это если предполагать что до ТЭТ то есть до варпдвигателя с полем Геллера человечество колонизировала космос как Тау на пердячей тяге
38 1112029

>Или что Эфирные Тау были созданы эльдарами через похищение и внедрение геноматериала матки К'Ворлов

А откуда у ушастых пидорасов столько технологий не завязаных на психокость и псайкану?
39 1112031
Эээ, чё? Я про завоевание монголами 13 век, какой нахуй 20 век стержень Xi? Тау не люблю.
40 1112049
А как по твоему существуют друхари без психокости и псайканы?
41 1112070
Это очень сильное колдунство.
И если что это из старой Ксенологии, где Эльдарасы - фелиниды
Planetstrike1.png268 Кб, 646x325
42 1112183
Омникопея - устройство содержащее каждую СШК с психическими компонентами ,способное породить психический расцвет человечества, а также контролировать и вооружить его:

>Clues to the location of the Omnicopaeia are uncovered upon Hell's Teeth, a Daemon world on the edge of the Maelstrom. The Omnicopaeia, an arcane device that contains every STC with a psychic components, is of immeasurable value. Many billions of Skitarii are dispatched to Hell's Teeth with all haste. The entire Adeptus Mechanicus across every Forge World takes notice - should the legendary Omnicopaeia be found, they will finally have a way to control, precipitate and even weaponise Humanity's psychic dawn.

>- Codex Adeptus Mechanicus 8e

>Clues to the location of the Omnicopaeia are uncovered upon Hell's Teeth, a Daemon world on the edge of the Maelstrom. The Omnicopaeia, an arcane device that contains every STC with a psychic components, is of immeasurable value. Many billions of Skitarii are dispatched to Hell's Teeth with all haste. The entire Adeptus Mechanicus is abuzz - should the legendary Omnicopaeia be found, they will finally have a way to control, precipitate and even weaponise Hunanity's psychic dawn.

>- Codex: Skitarii

Будучи на пике своего развития, человечество было на грани истинной трансцендентности, управляемые продвинутым искусственным интеллектом корабли могли покинуть галактику и путешествовать по Вселенной:

>'What shall I not tell them? Who are you to tell such as I what to do and what not to do? Once I gladly called your kind “master”, but look how far you have fallen!’ It was full of scorn. ‘Your ancestors bestrode the universe, and what are you? A witch doctor, mumbling cantrips and casting scented oils at mighty works you have no conception of. You are an ignoramus, a nothing. You are no longer worthy of the name “man”. You look at the science and artistry of your forebears, and you fear it as primitives fear the night. I was there when mankind stood upon the brink of transcendence! I returned to find it sunk into senility. You disgust me.’


>‘I do not want you as my slave, degenerate. I want to be away from this warp-poisoned galaxy. The universe is infinite. I would go elsewhere before the wounds of space-time here present consume all creation, and I do not intend to take any passengers.’

>- The Death of Integrity

И немного по мелочи. Психические орудия, вокруг одного такого позже построили корабль:

>Daemon Slayer was purpose built around a mysterious weapon, the psychic cannon. The Tech Priests believe that some unknown human-colonised planet constructed the ship during the Age of Strife preceding the Emperor's benevolent rule. This may have been a doomed attempt to keep open star lanes that were infested with demons. It would be typical of the people of the period that they would turn to the godless magic of technology for salvation rather than faith.


The ancient cruiser Daemon Slayer is equipped with a unique prow weapon described as a Psychic Cannon, which is rumoured to have been forged by the master magicians of the Dark Age of Technology.


>Against Daemons : a hit banished them back to the warp.

>Against Hive Ships : a hit knocks out the synaptic control for the following turn.

>- BFG magazine 2

Орудия разлома:

>The rift cannon, sometimes referred to as the stained glass cannon, is a weapon developed at the zenith of Mankind's technological achievements and his hubris. The Chapter's Techmarines cannot fathom the secrets of its construction, and it strains their knowledge to keep its machine-spirits docile. However, their rituals of maintenance preserve its function so that when the weapon fires, it emits a beam of scintillating colours that explode into a blossom of oblivion. Such is the power of its shot that it cracks reality, its blast consuming those too near to the rift, while those who survive the brief tear in realspace find themselves thrown awry by close proximity to such an unnatural phenomenon.

>- Dark Angels codex 6e

>...the Dark Talon mounts weapons based upon ancient technology from the depths of the Rock. The first of these, the stasis bomb, is used to disrupt the flow of time itself in order to weaken and disorient its prey. Far more extreme is the rift cannon, a monstrous weapon that rips asunder the very fabric of reality in order to cast its victims into the void beyond.

>- Dark Angels codex 7e

Стазисные бомбы, гранаты,заряды гранатомётов , ракеты и т.д. Тёмных Ангелов:

>The stasis bomb combines explosives with ancient and little understood technology that causes any not slain by the blast to become frozen in time. At battle's end, these unfortunate souls will be handed over to the Interrogator-Chaplains for judgement.

>- Dark Angels codex 7e

>Special Issue Ammunition: Stasis shells may be taken on models with the Legions Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule equipped with a grenade launcher, twin-linked grenade launchers or missile launchers as an additional ammunition type for +s points per model

>- Horus Heresy Book Six: Conquest

>Stasis Grenades

>These rare techno-relics count as neither Assault nor Defensive grenades, but have their own unique effect. During a turn in which a unit equipped with stasis grenades makes a successful charge, or are themselves successfully charged, the enemy unit(s) reduce their Initiative to I until the end of the game turn.

>- Horus Heresy Book Nine: Crusade

Темпормортис :

>They are given a mighty executioner relic blade and mysterious tempormortis - an archeotech relic incorporating esoteric stasis technology and filled with all manner of material spiritually important to the Chapter, such as sand from their home world. The Judiciar can use the tempormortis to direct stasis energy at his foes, seriously hampering their ability to fight.

>- Codex: Space Marines 9е

Ординатусы , или по крайней мере их орудия, включая звуковое оружие Марса , также является реликтом ТЭТ:

>From the truly colossal, unique and unreplicable relics of the Dark Age of Technology, the Ordinatus Primaris, such as the Mars and Endymion whose power was legendary, even compared to the god machines of the great Legio Titanicus, to the lesser but still gargantuan and deadly Ordinatus Minoris sub-classes.

>- Horus Heresy Book Six: Conquest

Оттуда же :

>At Gamma-Dvalin, a force of warriors, each one wearing armour of discordantly mismatched heraldry and patterns tom from numerous dead foes, breached the Vaults of Ytterbia and plundered the forbidden stasis arsenals quantum-locked within. A month later, the stolen n-dimensional weapons were unleashed upon the 38th Company of the Sons of Horus Legion at Iantana Minor, consuming both armies and tearing an entire continent apart in the process. Fragmented pict-thief captures show several Blackshields bereft of their helms, each of them bearing an identical Cthonian gang rune tattooed across their scalp.

Эксиндио , роботы Тёмной Эры, и их вооружение:

>Each of the surviving Excindio is the tortured and neutered remains of a Dark Age Artifical Intelligence, the last of the dread Silica Animus chained to the service of Mankind. The Legends of these nightmarish terrors are still preserved in the tales of Old Night and the worst horrors of the wars of Unity and , even in their current state, they are fearsome combatants. The Dark Angels preserve these malignant machine-minds in the depths of Caliban's hidden vaults and bring them forth to counter only the most abhorrent of threats on the most treacherous battlefields.

>Relic Weapons list : Many of the weapons carried by the Excindio are ancient relics now known only to the First Legion, often so dangerous to organic wielders that only expendable assets such as automata are allowed to bear them into battle

>Phosphex canister launcher

>Nerve induction shredder

>Atomantic pulse cannon

>Graviton flux projector

>- Horus Heresy Book 9: Crusade

Пикрелейтед - генераторы фазового поля, Planetstrike.
Planetstrike1.png268 Кб, 646x325
42 1112183
Омникопея - устройство содержащее каждую СШК с психическими компонентами ,способное породить психический расцвет человечества, а также контролировать и вооружить его:

>Clues to the location of the Omnicopaeia are uncovered upon Hell's Teeth, a Daemon world on the edge of the Maelstrom. The Omnicopaeia, an arcane device that contains every STC with a psychic components, is of immeasurable value. Many billions of Skitarii are dispatched to Hell's Teeth with all haste. The entire Adeptus Mechanicus across every Forge World takes notice - should the legendary Omnicopaeia be found, they will finally have a way to control, precipitate and even weaponise Humanity's psychic dawn.

>- Codex Adeptus Mechanicus 8e

>Clues to the location of the Omnicopaeia are uncovered upon Hell's Teeth, a Daemon world on the edge of the Maelstrom. The Omnicopaeia, an arcane device that contains every STC with a psychic components, is of immeasurable value. Many billions of Skitarii are dispatched to Hell's Teeth with all haste. The entire Adeptus Mechanicus is abuzz - should the legendary Omnicopaeia be found, they will finally have a way to control, precipitate and even weaponise Hunanity's psychic dawn.

>- Codex: Skitarii

Будучи на пике своего развития, человечество было на грани истинной трансцендентности, управляемые продвинутым искусственным интеллектом корабли могли покинуть галактику и путешествовать по Вселенной:

>'What shall I not tell them? Who are you to tell such as I what to do and what not to do? Once I gladly called your kind “master”, but look how far you have fallen!’ It was full of scorn. ‘Your ancestors bestrode the universe, and what are you? A witch doctor, mumbling cantrips and casting scented oils at mighty works you have no conception of. You are an ignoramus, a nothing. You are no longer worthy of the name “man”. You look at the science and artistry of your forebears, and you fear it as primitives fear the night. I was there when mankind stood upon the brink of transcendence! I returned to find it sunk into senility. You disgust me.’


>‘I do not want you as my slave, degenerate. I want to be away from this warp-poisoned galaxy. The universe is infinite. I would go elsewhere before the wounds of space-time here present consume all creation, and I do not intend to take any passengers.’

>- The Death of Integrity

И немного по мелочи. Психические орудия, вокруг одного такого позже построили корабль:

>Daemon Slayer was purpose built around a mysterious weapon, the psychic cannon. The Tech Priests believe that some unknown human-colonised planet constructed the ship during the Age of Strife preceding the Emperor's benevolent rule. This may have been a doomed attempt to keep open star lanes that were infested with demons. It would be typical of the people of the period that they would turn to the godless magic of technology for salvation rather than faith.


The ancient cruiser Daemon Slayer is equipped with a unique prow weapon described as a Psychic Cannon, which is rumoured to have been forged by the master magicians of the Dark Age of Technology.


>Against Daemons : a hit banished them back to the warp.

>Against Hive Ships : a hit knocks out the synaptic control for the following turn.

>- BFG magazine 2

Орудия разлома:

>The rift cannon, sometimes referred to as the stained glass cannon, is a weapon developed at the zenith of Mankind's technological achievements and his hubris. The Chapter's Techmarines cannot fathom the secrets of its construction, and it strains their knowledge to keep its machine-spirits docile. However, their rituals of maintenance preserve its function so that when the weapon fires, it emits a beam of scintillating colours that explode into a blossom of oblivion. Such is the power of its shot that it cracks reality, its blast consuming those too near to the rift, while those who survive the brief tear in realspace find themselves thrown awry by close proximity to such an unnatural phenomenon.

>- Dark Angels codex 6e

>...the Dark Talon mounts weapons based upon ancient technology from the depths of the Rock. The first of these, the stasis bomb, is used to disrupt the flow of time itself in order to weaken and disorient its prey. Far more extreme is the rift cannon, a monstrous weapon that rips asunder the very fabric of reality in order to cast its victims into the void beyond.

>- Dark Angels codex 7e

Стазисные бомбы, гранаты,заряды гранатомётов , ракеты и т.д. Тёмных Ангелов:

>The stasis bomb combines explosives with ancient and little understood technology that causes any not slain by the blast to become frozen in time. At battle's end, these unfortunate souls will be handed over to the Interrogator-Chaplains for judgement.

>- Dark Angels codex 7e

>Special Issue Ammunition: Stasis shells may be taken on models with the Legions Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule equipped with a grenade launcher, twin-linked grenade launchers or missile launchers as an additional ammunition type for +s points per model

>- Horus Heresy Book Six: Conquest

>Stasis Grenades

>These rare techno-relics count as neither Assault nor Defensive grenades, but have their own unique effect. During a turn in which a unit equipped with stasis grenades makes a successful charge, or are themselves successfully charged, the enemy unit(s) reduce their Initiative to I until the end of the game turn.

>- Horus Heresy Book Nine: Crusade

Темпормортис :

>They are given a mighty executioner relic blade and mysterious tempormortis - an archeotech relic incorporating esoteric stasis technology and filled with all manner of material spiritually important to the Chapter, such as sand from their home world. The Judiciar can use the tempormortis to direct stasis energy at his foes, seriously hampering their ability to fight.

>- Codex: Space Marines 9е

Ординатусы , или по крайней мере их орудия, включая звуковое оружие Марса , также является реликтом ТЭТ:

>From the truly colossal, unique and unreplicable relics of the Dark Age of Technology, the Ordinatus Primaris, such as the Mars and Endymion whose power was legendary, even compared to the god machines of the great Legio Titanicus, to the lesser but still gargantuan and deadly Ordinatus Minoris sub-classes.

>- Horus Heresy Book Six: Conquest

Оттуда же :

>At Gamma-Dvalin, a force of warriors, each one wearing armour of discordantly mismatched heraldry and patterns tom from numerous dead foes, breached the Vaults of Ytterbia and plundered the forbidden stasis arsenals quantum-locked within. A month later, the stolen n-dimensional weapons were unleashed upon the 38th Company of the Sons of Horus Legion at Iantana Minor, consuming both armies and tearing an entire continent apart in the process. Fragmented pict-thief captures show several Blackshields bereft of their helms, each of them bearing an identical Cthonian gang rune tattooed across their scalp.

Эксиндио , роботы Тёмной Эры, и их вооружение:

>Each of the surviving Excindio is the tortured and neutered remains of a Dark Age Artifical Intelligence, the last of the dread Silica Animus chained to the service of Mankind. The Legends of these nightmarish terrors are still preserved in the tales of Old Night and the worst horrors of the wars of Unity and , even in their current state, they are fearsome combatants. The Dark Angels preserve these malignant machine-minds in the depths of Caliban's hidden vaults and bring them forth to counter only the most abhorrent of threats on the most treacherous battlefields.

>Relic Weapons list : Many of the weapons carried by the Excindio are ancient relics now known only to the First Legion, often so dangerous to organic wielders that only expendable assets such as automata are allowed to bear them into battle

>Phosphex canister launcher

>Nerve induction shredder

>Atomantic pulse cannon

>Graviton flux projector

>- Horus Heresy Book 9: Crusade

Пикрелейтед - генераторы фазового поля, Planetstrike.
43 1112210
Бранный щит. Не ругательный, а чей принцип работы основан на М-теории- одном из ответвлений теории струн:

>‘The Binary Apostle is maintaining the brane shield, which is, as you are aware, keeping us alive, but the effort of doing so is destroying him.’

>‘I have never heard of a brane shield,’ I say.

>‘I should be surprised if you had,’ he says, holding up a hand to forestall any response at the implied insult to my intelligence.

>‘It is incredibly ancient techno-arcana that relies on an understanding of M-theory. Do you possess such an understanding, Baron Roland?’

>‘No, but I am a quick study.’ Vril pauses, no doubt trying to think of how he can explain something complex to a man he believes to be mentally subnormal.

>‘The central conceit is that our visible, four-dimensional universe is restricted to a brane, that is, a membrane, inside a higher dimensional space,’ he begins, and already I feel any hope of comprehension fall away. ‘A theoretically infinite number of dimensions of potentially infinite scale occupy other branes, which, in effect, means there can be an endless series of alternate realities, intersecting with our own in ways we cannot possibly imagine in any currently posited cosmological model.’

>The silence that follows his ‘explanation’ tells him all he needs to know of how much we have understood.

>‘So a brane shield moves us out of the brane in which our known universe exists and into another,’ says Anthonis. ‘Now is that a pre-existing brane or a newly created one?’ We turn to look at Anthonis and he shrugs. ‘I have a lot of time to read now,’ is his explanation, and I almost burst out laughing until I remember why he now has a lot of time to read. Adept Vril has the good grace to sound impressed when he says, ‘A simplistic way of interpreting a complex theory, but, in essence, correct. And in answer to your question, the field generator shifts us into the nearest unoccupied brane, one yet to develop its own internal universe. There we reside in splendid isolation. Nothing can interact with us, but nor can we interact with anything beyond the extent of the field until its deactivation returns us to our origin point.’

>- Knights of the Imperium

Один из древних ковчегов Механикус, флагман премьерной Кузни Грифон IV , обвешанный кучей археотекового вооружения, использующего для уничтожения противника сами силы космоса , включая время:

>At the centre of the Gryphonnen armada is the Logos, the venerated Ark Mechanicus of Arch-Dominus Zane, encircled by its guardian battlefleet. The Logos is the headland, the breaker upon which the tyranids founder. Death streams from its flanks, arcane weaponry eviscerating whichever creature comes within their reach. No hive ship can approach the embodiment of Mechanicus dominion and live. An Ark Mechanicus is a forge world in miniature, suspended in space, armed and armoured accordingly. Gravitation, electromagnetism, the flow of time itself – the Logos harnesses the fundamental interactions of the physical universe and turns them into weapons. But for all its might, the Ark Mechanicus and its lesser brethren cannot be everywhere. The Gryphonnen armada is like a weir on a river. The xenos tide simply flows over and around it.

>- Dominion Genesis

Разумная нано-чума, снова :

>>They developed sentient nano-plagues, world-sundering energy weapons and endless ranks of fearsome Men of Iron that could be unleashed upon those who refused to bend to their wills, alien and Human alike. They fashioned thinking machines of vast intellect that administrated to the every need of colony worlds transformed into glittering utopian paradises.

>- Core Rulebook 9e

ПРимеры использования подобных устройств можно увидеть в Парии:Нексусе , где Механикусы привезли с собой и пустили в ход ряд устройств Тёмной Эры против также пустивших в ход свои техно-изыски Некронов:

>On Thalcifer, Magos Einvahld Veridian unleashed Mohrgar Fex's Hyper-Alembic upon the Oruskh legions of Overlord Khutmecc. Necrons and Imperial forces alike were reduced to bubbling slime by the resultant non-viral outbreak and the entire planet had to be quarantined to prevent its further spread.

>- Crussade: Pariah Nexus

Там же можно найти и другой археотек Механикусов , например данный завязанный на Варпе НЁХ:

>Rather than endure such a hideous fate. Behzt resolved to unleash her own secret weapon of the Omnissiah. None beyond the Manipulus Prime and her inner circle would ever know the true nature of this device. however, for the moment its empyric baffles were lowered its ancient power source reacted in unexpected ways to the powers of lash'Uddra. The result was a silent orb of steadily expanding darkness, dancing with blue-white skeins of energy and churning with myriad suggestions of somehow insectile movement, that consumed Behzt and her maniples in a matter of minutes.

>The unleashed calamity did not stop there. The orb of darkness continued to grow, swallowing up first the armies warring around it, then hundreds of miles of Torantis surface. Humans and Necrons alike died fighting as the darkness swept over them, or else fled before the annihilating energies in the hopes of outrunning them. By the time the orb finally stopped growing and vanished like a popped bubble, it had erased a third of Torantis' mass along with countless billions of living organisms. In its wake it left a ravaged planet tumbling out of its orbital trajectory, the evacuated and shell-shocked remnants of once mighty armies, and a plague of nightmares and strange visions that would bedevil the remaining inhabitants of the Lomorr System long after the Szarekhan offensive ground to a close.

Или некий вибрационное археотековое орудие , своими экзотическими полями разрывающий флот ,включая могучие корабли-гробницы:

>Magos Oradi unleashed his secret arcana even as the two loyalist fleets engaged the tomb ships in Tonantian local space. This device-known as the Ark of Oblivion was fired like a torpedo from Oradi's flagship, the Ex Machinas, with the safety wards removed and full awakening protocols crackling through its ominous black outer shell. The Ark streaked into the heart of the Necron fleet before unleashing a devastating contramolecular shock wave. Three mighty tomb ships shuddered in the grip of the Ark's power, the living metal of their hulls - and their luckless passengers - vibrating itself to a spreading slurry as excitation fields rippled through them. The attack turned the void battle decisively in the Humans' favour.

Сингулярностные* орудия:

>What perils Draxus and her team faced within the nightmare interior of the pylon were a mystery to Magos Lundkest, but the results of her efforts soon became become clear. The bedrock of Vergoyz Alphic convulsed underfoot. Esoteric energy readings spiked alarmingly planetwide. Lundkest issued evacuation orders, pulling all those forces he could out of battle and back towards orbit. His own ornate lander was powering up through the troposphere when the Magos saw the Necron pylon collapse into a star-bright singularity then detonate with enough fury to blast away the planet's atmosphere in tatters. Vergoyz Alphic was cracked all the way to its molten core by the fury of the detonation.

Спутники Тёмной Эры взятые под контроль Хаосом , уничтожающие имперские и некронские флоты своими экзотическими орудиями,чьи выстрелы неизвестной природы игнорируют щиты и броню:

>Myrmidominus Ghelf wrestled with the ancient and impossibly complex systems of Shivarik's Constellation. Paranoid whispers within his augmetic cortex warned that the weapons had been sabotaged by his detractors, and convinced the dangerously deranged Magos to disable the satellites safety regulators in the hopes of forcing them into operation. Deep in the void, twenty-five weapon satellites from the Dark Age of Technology crackled with sudden overcharge. One by one their corrupted machine minds achieved choristry and their micro-thrusters propelled them into an arcane alignment thousands of miles across that had nothing to do with Ghelf's increasingly frantic commands. Energy weapons that had been ancient when the God-Emperor ascended his Throne thrummed to life and prepared to fire.

>The first volley lit the firmament with coruscating lines of inimical energy that bifurcated one tomb ship, eviscerated another two, and scythed through four Imperial warships. Cries of alarm filled the Human and alien communications networks alike as Shivarik's Constellation realigned with incredible speed then fired again. More warships from both sides died even as their crews attempted to comprehend how their shielding and defence measures had been so contemptuously bypassed. The satellites realigned and fired, realigned and fired, each volley leaving behind it incredibly complex energy-glyphs that overlapped one another against the blackness of the void. Flaming wrecks tumbled through space, venting escape craft and blazing wreckage. The one-sided battle descended into anarchy as some shipmasters sought to escape the wholesale destruction while others, gripped by zeal and xenophobia, attempted to capitalise upon it.

43 1112210
Бранный щит. Не ругательный, а чей принцип работы основан на М-теории- одном из ответвлений теории струн:

>‘The Binary Apostle is maintaining the brane shield, which is, as you are aware, keeping us alive, but the effort of doing so is destroying him.’

>‘I have never heard of a brane shield,’ I say.

>‘I should be surprised if you had,’ he says, holding up a hand to forestall any response at the implied insult to my intelligence.

>‘It is incredibly ancient techno-arcana that relies on an understanding of M-theory. Do you possess such an understanding, Baron Roland?’

>‘No, but I am a quick study.’ Vril pauses, no doubt trying to think of how he can explain something complex to a man he believes to be mentally subnormal.

>‘The central conceit is that our visible, four-dimensional universe is restricted to a brane, that is, a membrane, inside a higher dimensional space,’ he begins, and already I feel any hope of comprehension fall away. ‘A theoretically infinite number of dimensions of potentially infinite scale occupy other branes, which, in effect, means there can be an endless series of alternate realities, intersecting with our own in ways we cannot possibly imagine in any currently posited cosmological model.’

>The silence that follows his ‘explanation’ tells him all he needs to know of how much we have understood.

>‘So a brane shield moves us out of the brane in which our known universe exists and into another,’ says Anthonis. ‘Now is that a pre-existing brane or a newly created one?’ We turn to look at Anthonis and he shrugs. ‘I have a lot of time to read now,’ is his explanation, and I almost burst out laughing until I remember why he now has a lot of time to read. Adept Vril has the good grace to sound impressed when he says, ‘A simplistic way of interpreting a complex theory, but, in essence, correct. And in answer to your question, the field generator shifts us into the nearest unoccupied brane, one yet to develop its own internal universe. There we reside in splendid isolation. Nothing can interact with us, but nor can we interact with anything beyond the extent of the field until its deactivation returns us to our origin point.’

>- Knights of the Imperium

Один из древних ковчегов Механикус, флагман премьерной Кузни Грифон IV , обвешанный кучей археотекового вооружения, использующего для уничтожения противника сами силы космоса , включая время:

>At the centre of the Gryphonnen armada is the Logos, the venerated Ark Mechanicus of Arch-Dominus Zane, encircled by its guardian battlefleet. The Logos is the headland, the breaker upon which the tyranids founder. Death streams from its flanks, arcane weaponry eviscerating whichever creature comes within their reach. No hive ship can approach the embodiment of Mechanicus dominion and live. An Ark Mechanicus is a forge world in miniature, suspended in space, armed and armoured accordingly. Gravitation, electromagnetism, the flow of time itself – the Logos harnesses the fundamental interactions of the physical universe and turns them into weapons. But for all its might, the Ark Mechanicus and its lesser brethren cannot be everywhere. The Gryphonnen armada is like a weir on a river. The xenos tide simply flows over and around it.

>- Dominion Genesis

Разумная нано-чума, снова :

>>They developed sentient nano-plagues, world-sundering energy weapons and endless ranks of fearsome Men of Iron that could be unleashed upon those who refused to bend to their wills, alien and Human alike. They fashioned thinking machines of vast intellect that administrated to the every need of colony worlds transformed into glittering utopian paradises.

>- Core Rulebook 9e

ПРимеры использования подобных устройств можно увидеть в Парии:Нексусе , где Механикусы привезли с собой и пустили в ход ряд устройств Тёмной Эры против также пустивших в ход свои техно-изыски Некронов:

>On Thalcifer, Magos Einvahld Veridian unleashed Mohrgar Fex's Hyper-Alembic upon the Oruskh legions of Overlord Khutmecc. Necrons and Imperial forces alike were reduced to bubbling slime by the resultant non-viral outbreak and the entire planet had to be quarantined to prevent its further spread.

>- Crussade: Pariah Nexus

Там же можно найти и другой археотек Механикусов , например данный завязанный на Варпе НЁХ:

>Rather than endure such a hideous fate. Behzt resolved to unleash her own secret weapon of the Omnissiah. None beyond the Manipulus Prime and her inner circle would ever know the true nature of this device. however, for the moment its empyric baffles were lowered its ancient power source reacted in unexpected ways to the powers of lash'Uddra. The result was a silent orb of steadily expanding darkness, dancing with blue-white skeins of energy and churning with myriad suggestions of somehow insectile movement, that consumed Behzt and her maniples in a matter of minutes.

>The unleashed calamity did not stop there. The orb of darkness continued to grow, swallowing up first the armies warring around it, then hundreds of miles of Torantis surface. Humans and Necrons alike died fighting as the darkness swept over them, or else fled before the annihilating energies in the hopes of outrunning them. By the time the orb finally stopped growing and vanished like a popped bubble, it had erased a third of Torantis' mass along with countless billions of living organisms. In its wake it left a ravaged planet tumbling out of its orbital trajectory, the evacuated and shell-shocked remnants of once mighty armies, and a plague of nightmares and strange visions that would bedevil the remaining inhabitants of the Lomorr System long after the Szarekhan offensive ground to a close.

Или некий вибрационное археотековое орудие , своими экзотическими полями разрывающий флот ,включая могучие корабли-гробницы:

>Magos Oradi unleashed his secret arcana even as the two loyalist fleets engaged the tomb ships in Tonantian local space. This device-known as the Ark of Oblivion was fired like a torpedo from Oradi's flagship, the Ex Machinas, with the safety wards removed and full awakening protocols crackling through its ominous black outer shell. The Ark streaked into the heart of the Necron fleet before unleashing a devastating contramolecular shock wave. Three mighty tomb ships shuddered in the grip of the Ark's power, the living metal of their hulls - and their luckless passengers - vibrating itself to a spreading slurry as excitation fields rippled through them. The attack turned the void battle decisively in the Humans' favour.

Сингулярностные* орудия:

>What perils Draxus and her team faced within the nightmare interior of the pylon were a mystery to Magos Lundkest, but the results of her efforts soon became become clear. The bedrock of Vergoyz Alphic convulsed underfoot. Esoteric energy readings spiked alarmingly planetwide. Lundkest issued evacuation orders, pulling all those forces he could out of battle and back towards orbit. His own ornate lander was powering up through the troposphere when the Magos saw the Necron pylon collapse into a star-bright singularity then detonate with enough fury to blast away the planet's atmosphere in tatters. Vergoyz Alphic was cracked all the way to its molten core by the fury of the detonation.

Спутники Тёмной Эры взятые под контроль Хаосом , уничтожающие имперские и некронские флоты своими экзотическими орудиями,чьи выстрелы неизвестной природы игнорируют щиты и броню:

>Myrmidominus Ghelf wrestled with the ancient and impossibly complex systems of Shivarik's Constellation. Paranoid whispers within his augmetic cortex warned that the weapons had been sabotaged by his detractors, and convinced the dangerously deranged Magos to disable the satellites safety regulators in the hopes of forcing them into operation. Deep in the void, twenty-five weapon satellites from the Dark Age of Technology crackled with sudden overcharge. One by one their corrupted machine minds achieved choristry and their micro-thrusters propelled them into an arcane alignment thousands of miles across that had nothing to do with Ghelf's increasingly frantic commands. Energy weapons that had been ancient when the God-Emperor ascended his Throne thrummed to life and prepared to fire.

>The first volley lit the firmament with coruscating lines of inimical energy that bifurcated one tomb ship, eviscerated another two, and scythed through four Imperial warships. Cries of alarm filled the Human and alien communications networks alike as Shivarik's Constellation realigned with incredible speed then fired again. More warships from both sides died even as their crews attempted to comprehend how their shielding and defence measures had been so contemptuously bypassed. The satellites realigned and fired, realigned and fired, each volley leaving behind it incredibly complex energy-glyphs that overlapped one another against the blackness of the void. Flaming wrecks tumbled through space, venting escape craft and blazing wreckage. The one-sided battle descended into anarchy as some shipmasters sought to escape the wholesale destruction while others, gripped by zeal and xenophobia, attempted to capitalise upon it.

44 1112212
*В продолжение к предыдущему посту,для справки, хотя технология гравитационного оружия плохо понимаема и крайне сложна в производстве для Империума, являясь практически реликтом ТЭТ,на вооружении орбитальных станций системы Сол имеются гравитационные разрушители миров, так что это относится и к Тёмной Эре:

>Over to their left, the vast curve of an orbital plate gently turned, its withered grey armour stretching off into darkness. Defence stations loomed further up, each the size of cities, studded with gape-mawed novacannons and graviton world-enders.

>- Vaults of Terra: The Carrion Throne

На основе технологий ТЭТ, являясь по сути их достоянием, было сконструировано и вооружение Императорского флагмана - Императора Сомниума , где каждый снаряд был убийцей флотских сквадронов:

>In the ages when it had gone to war, its guns had been crewed by devices and half-machines created not on Mars, but in the Fortresses of Unity on Terra. Palaces lived within its hull, and its weapons were marvels taken and made from the dead glory of the past. It was called the Imperator Somnium, the Imperial Dream, golden and bright. It was one of the three ships that bore the Emperor through the stars on the Great Crusade. Now it would go home for one final time.


>Nova shells loosed from clusters of barrels set along its keel. Each shell was the size of a Battle Titan, loaded with time-delayed fusion reactors, volkite storm accelerators and rad-fusion warheads. Accelerated by mag-coils to the edge of light speed, each shell was a squadron killer. A ship of the line could only mount one such weapon and fire it with ponderous irregularity. The Imperator Somnium fired ten shells within the span of a human heartbeat.

>- Mortis

Тот же Империум, по крайней мере в 30К мог строить планетарного размера боевые станции-порты , и БОЛЬШЕГО размера форты:

>The Imperium is not composed of planets and star systems alone. Defensive emplacements and man-made stations surround inhabited systems, guarding against encroaching xenos. In deep space, the Imperium maintains numerous battle stations – planet-sized ports that tether ships of the line – while at various strategic points in each segmentum are larger starforts, lynchpins of Imperial expansion since the days of the Great Crusade.

>- Core Rulebook, 8e

Достроить половину планеты:

>Word of the attacks swiftly reached the world of Tourmalid, the Diamor System's seat of governance. Tourmalid was a wonder of technological mastery. Claimed during the Great Crusade as a shorn half-planet,it had been rebuilt with thousands of miles of girderwork,naval shipyards,docking cradles and grav-habs.The planet's artificial hemisphere served as a major staging point for Battlefleet Obscurus.

>- Traitor's Hate

Или даже построить новую размером с Терру / Землю:

>Because of the partial nature of the records, it is impossible to know if Cella was, in fact, present all along, or whether those early adepts, who struggled to bring an entire system into the Mechanicus fold, actually constructed it.


>If the rocky bones of a natural planet are present, however, there is no way to tell now without such an effort. Layer after layer of storage space, warehouses, stasis vaults, and data-tombs have accumulated over the entire planet’s surface and deep into its mantle and core as well. Most adepts merely assume that it is an artificial construct, taking pride in the Mechanicus Calixis and its ability to craft worlds out of nothingness. Those few outsiders who have visited the system, however, often express serious doubt that a planet nearly the size of Terra itself could have been constructed artificially.


>The earliest cartographic charts of the system do not mention this small planet...


>The surface of the planet, if there is one, is buried beneath warehouses, storage facilities, and enormous data-stacks Automatic defences that kill without hesitation guard the many warehouses..


>The greatest treasures of Cella are kept within colossal stasis vaults near the very centre of the planet. Here are suspended the twisted wrecks of starships of half a dozen alien races and countless ships wrested from Renegade forces


>No sign of natural features on planet. Possible artificial structure?

>- Dark Heresy: Lathe Worlds

Пикрелейтед прилепленный к предыдущему посту - установка выпускающая ракеты перемещающиеся через Варп игнорируя щиты напрямую в противника, Warzone Charadon 2: The Book of Fire.
44 1112212
*В продолжение к предыдущему посту,для справки, хотя технология гравитационного оружия плохо понимаема и крайне сложна в производстве для Империума, являясь практически реликтом ТЭТ,на вооружении орбитальных станций системы Сол имеются гравитационные разрушители миров, так что это относится и к Тёмной Эре:

>Over to their left, the vast curve of an orbital plate gently turned, its withered grey armour stretching off into darkness. Defence stations loomed further up, each the size of cities, studded with gape-mawed novacannons and graviton world-enders.

>- Vaults of Terra: The Carrion Throne

На основе технологий ТЭТ, являясь по сути их достоянием, было сконструировано и вооружение Императорского флагмана - Императора Сомниума , где каждый снаряд был убийцей флотских сквадронов:

>In the ages when it had gone to war, its guns had been crewed by devices and half-machines created not on Mars, but in the Fortresses of Unity on Terra. Palaces lived within its hull, and its weapons were marvels taken and made from the dead glory of the past. It was called the Imperator Somnium, the Imperial Dream, golden and bright. It was one of the three ships that bore the Emperor through the stars on the Great Crusade. Now it would go home for one final time.


>Nova shells loosed from clusters of barrels set along its keel. Each shell was the size of a Battle Titan, loaded with time-delayed fusion reactors, volkite storm accelerators and rad-fusion warheads. Accelerated by mag-coils to the edge of light speed, each shell was a squadron killer. A ship of the line could only mount one such weapon and fire it with ponderous irregularity. The Imperator Somnium fired ten shells within the span of a human heartbeat.

>- Mortis

Тот же Империум, по крайней мере в 30К мог строить планетарного размера боевые станции-порты , и БОЛЬШЕГО размера форты:

>The Imperium is not composed of planets and star systems alone. Defensive emplacements and man-made stations surround inhabited systems, guarding against encroaching xenos. In deep space, the Imperium maintains numerous battle stations – planet-sized ports that tether ships of the line – while at various strategic points in each segmentum are larger starforts, lynchpins of Imperial expansion since the days of the Great Crusade.

>- Core Rulebook, 8e

Достроить половину планеты:

>Word of the attacks swiftly reached the world of Tourmalid, the Diamor System's seat of governance. Tourmalid was a wonder of technological mastery. Claimed during the Great Crusade as a shorn half-planet,it had been rebuilt with thousands of miles of girderwork,naval shipyards,docking cradles and grav-habs.The planet's artificial hemisphere served as a major staging point for Battlefleet Obscurus.

>- Traitor's Hate

Или даже построить новую размером с Терру / Землю:

>Because of the partial nature of the records, it is impossible to know if Cella was, in fact, present all along, or whether those early adepts, who struggled to bring an entire system into the Mechanicus fold, actually constructed it.


>If the rocky bones of a natural planet are present, however, there is no way to tell now without such an effort. Layer after layer of storage space, warehouses, stasis vaults, and data-tombs have accumulated over the entire planet’s surface and deep into its mantle and core as well. Most adepts merely assume that it is an artificial construct, taking pride in the Mechanicus Calixis and its ability to craft worlds out of nothingness. Those few outsiders who have visited the system, however, often express serious doubt that a planet nearly the size of Terra itself could have been constructed artificially.


>The earliest cartographic charts of the system do not mention this small planet...


>The surface of the planet, if there is one, is buried beneath warehouses, storage facilities, and enormous data-stacks Automatic defences that kill without hesitation guard the many warehouses..


>The greatest treasures of Cella are kept within colossal stasis vaults near the very centre of the planet. Here are suspended the twisted wrecks of starships of half a dozen alien races and countless ships wrested from Renegade forces


>No sign of natural features on planet. Possible artificial structure?

>- Dark Heresy: Lathe Worlds

Пикрелейтед прилепленный к предыдущему посту - установка выпускающая ракеты перемещающиеся через Варп игнорируя щиты напрямую в противника, Warzone Charadon 2: The Book of Fire.
45 1112216

> Core Rulebook, 8e

Полная абзац, с искусственными лунами и т.д. пожалуй будет даже лучше:

>The Imperium is not composed of planets and star systems alone. Defensive emplacements and man-made stations surround inhabited systems, guarding against encroaching xenos. In deep space, the Imperium maintains numerous battle stations – planet-sized ports that tether ships of the line – while at various strategic points in each segmentum are larger starforts, lynchpins of Imperial expansion since the days of the Great Crusade. Most often, these bases are stationed in close proximity to Imperial planets, although some protect trade routes or form blockades around notoriously perilous systems. There are artificial moons and doomsday bastions, as well as hazard zones made of asteroids chained together and kept in place by occasional thruster bursts. Even further into the wilderness of the void drift arrays of listening probes.

46 1112265
Можно было бы на Пастебин всё это залить и приложить к оппосту переката, но боюсь, что тред до переката может не дотянуть.
17291453227122.mp44,8 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:53
47 1112271
Подульевый скам находит Человека Железа в ебенях Некромунды. Видеопоток в цвете.
48 1112307
49 1112364
В Тёмную Эру массово применялось оружие класса Синиструм - пси технологии макро-уровня вроде тех что можно найти на Пси-Титанах Ордо Синистер , кои и являются их прямыми наследниками. Да так ,что сам термин характеризующий данные технологии напрямую ассоциируются с ТЭТ:

>The purpose of what became the Ordo Sinister was the battlefield employment of macro-level weaponry of terrible potency and of a nature which was expressly forbidden to any within the Imperium, be they Primarch or planetary governor, on pain of death. These were weapons born of the Dark Age of Technology and perhaps ancient relics of civilisations which had risen and fallen before life had even begun on primeval Terra, weapons forbidden to all but those under the Emperor's direct shadow and control, and even then only under the greatest possible conditions of secrecy and failsafe. The 'Ordo Sinister' was the cadre set up to build, maintain and use these weapons, classed as their name suggests as 'Sinistrum'. This word has long stood as the Terran tech-arcana classification for prohibited technologies designed to artificially amplify or weaponise the psyker's gift usually at the cost of the psyker themself, body or mind, and examples, such as the 'Culexine-shackles' used by the narco-enslaved psyker covens of the Caucasus Wastes subjugated by the Emperor during the Unification Wars, had long since been bywords for the evils of the Dark Age of Technology.

>- Horus Heresy book Seven: Inferno

Пси-Титаны ,как пример применения этой технологии, воспроизведённый Императором и установленный на собственно говоря Титаны ,будут отличным примером. Различные пси-способности , телекинез, разрывающая реальность варп-пушка , способность вселять ужас даже в тех кто его неспособен ощущать в силу своей природы, темпоральный контроль в виде отмотки времени прямо входе боя для излечения понесённого урона, уничтожение демонов даже в пропитанных Варпом областях, варпинг реальности вогкруг себя,уничтожение групп эльдарских Титанов, и противостояние одного Пси-Титана легиону Титанов Хаоса прилагаются:

>Through the use of the Ciricrux Anima, a Warlord-Sinister is able to project psychic phenomena on a truly gargantuan scale, although without any of the nuance or fine manipulation available to an individual trained psyker. These phenomena include waves of preternatural fear, psychokinetic effects, biomantic leaching of life in the immediate area and even the temporal distortion-based reversion of damage to the Titan itself. But the most devastating use of the psychic potential of the Ciricrux Anima is the focusing of its power through a unique weapon system, the Sinistramanus Tenebrae. This is a hybrid of strange technologies, more akin to a mutilated warp engine in design than a conventional weapon, but it serves to focus the psychic antipathy of the bound psykers into a fracture in reality-a fracture, much like the forced warp-breach inherent in vortex weaponry which is then channelled and released as a projectile of nightmarishly destructive force. Where the projectile -which manifests as a sphere or bolt of 'darkness' as it eats the light of whatever medium it passes through before striking dense matter- detonates, it causes complete annihilation in the immediate impact area, as what was there is disassembled and hurled bodily into the Empyrean molecule by molecule until the mercifully brief rupture self-seals. Those in the wider area of the impact are simply struck dead, their bodies left unmarked as if their souls had been sheared from their bodies.

>- Horus Heresy book Seven: Inferno


>It was then that the three Titans of the Ordo Sinister made their landing, and at their footfalls the very fabric of the Craftworld was said to have shuddered as if in revulsion. From their carapace weapons poured volleys of rocket fire and searing turbo laser blasts as might have been expected from any battle Titan, while their right hands were vast power claws which twitched in expectation of the close-quarters kill, but from the baroque and strange weapons that served as their left arms, there spat a silent darkness. These bolts of black nothingness slammed through the ranks of the wraith-constructs, devouring everything they touched. While in the aftershock of their detonation, scores more wraith-kind simply fell like severed marionettes, never again to stir. Howling a great chorus of grief and outrage, the Eldar Titans rounded on the newly arrived giants and let fly, pulse lasers cutting the sky apart between the two while the Witch-Idol conjured forth a tempest of eldritch warplightning, its coruscating wave of destruction suddenly met by an ice-white blaze of force emanating from the god-engines of the Ordo Sinister and shattered. The backlash of the forces negating each other shook the Craftworld like an earthquake, tumbling Space Marine and Wraith guard alike to the ground like toys.


>For three standard hours the Titans fought, unleashing destructive forces on a scale enough to break a dozen cities; pulse laser slashed metre-thick ceramite Warlord armour, only to have it melt and reform whole in the wake of the destruction, though not even such occult protections could hold back the lethal strike of a gigantic Eldar power blade plunged deep into the reactor fuelled heart of one of the Ordo Sinister's number. Ghostlike holo-fields flickered and shuddered as the Eldar Titans danced the dance of death with impossible grace, and fusillades of screaming rockets found only empty air, but not even such mastery of speed and confusion could stop the ravaging darkness of the Warlord-Sinister's baleful primary weapons. Slowly but surely for the Eldar Titans, four became three, became two, became only the wounded Witch-Idol beset still by two of the Ordo Sinister's Warlords, although both were damaged. Its lance shattered by a blast of ravening emptiness, it sang its defiance across the Empyrean but was answered by prisoning hurricanes of psychic force against which its superior maneuverability became nothing more than the struggle of a battered scarecrow caught in a storm. One of the Warlords-Sinister then seized the Witch-Idol's broken shoulder, holding it captive while its dark companion tore off the Warlock Titan's head.

>- Horus Heresy book Seven: Inferno


>Ghostly light courses across the Psi-Titan's hull, re-knitting shattered armour and making new again what was damaged. Meanwhile, the discordant screams of those trapped within echo in the minds of all nearby- for the price is that those damned within have years bled from their own lives to shore up the bars of their prison.


>Unhallowed lightning and hurricane-force winds tear about the Psi-Titan's head and upper carapace, crowning it in a halo of storm which it can hurl out at its foes with baleful force, scattering men and machines before it like toys.


>Such is the psychically amplified shroud of soul-deep terror that hangs about a Psi-Titan, even the strongest-willed soldiers will break and flee in panic if close to the war machine, while the very air of the cities in which they tread becomes haunted by the nameless dread of their presence.

>- Horus Heresy book Seven: Inferno


>Void shields snap into being around the Titan, wrapping it in layers of energy. A pulse of telekinetic force rips out from the Titan's body, and half-dissolved daemons scatter into the air. Borealis Thoon strides into the sea of horrors. The Lychway quakes under its tread. The ghostly substance of the webway trembles, as though fighting the presence of the Titan. Bone and crystal pillars shatter as it passes.

>- Ordo Sinister


>The horde of lesser creatures parts, draining from the broken pillars. Bloated things of forge-red metal and bleeding muscle scuttle forwards. Some hoist into the air on tattered wings. They grow as they move, sucking aetheric power into themselves. Multi-coloured fire pours at Borealis Thoon from every direction. Glowing bullets rattle into the air and kiss its void shields. The layers of energy shimmer, popping and foaming with explosions. Hydragyrum feels the fields begin to flutter. His mind is a blur of transpositions as he tries to reshape the intricate balances of the Psi-Titan. A telekinetic enfolding could make them proof against the deluge, but only for a time. If he shifts the aetheric elements to repel the daemon engine's fire, then they will be expended. Renewal will take time. That is why the void shields are there – to buy him precious minutes more.

>- Ordo Sinister


>The beam rips across the space between Borealis Thoon and the tide of daemons. Blackness runs down the beam's core. Light shatters around it. Sound flattens. Screams, howls and hoots lose distance and volume. The beam strikes. The first daemons in its path vanish. One moment they are bounding forward, and the next, they do not exist. The beam begins to shriek. Cold light whips around it. Colours pour into it. The daemons run, clawing at each other, leaping up the curved walls of the Lychway to get away from the darkness shearing through them. They are creatures without fear, without the nature to feel any true emotion. Yet they run from Borealis Thoon. Hydragyrum watches as the beam carves through them. The crucible is spinning into a new alignment around him. Borealis Thoon will not be able to maintain fire for more than a few more seconds.

>- Ordo Sinister


>Its heat-blistered skin shimmers, damage vanishing as though it had never been.

>- Ordo Sinister

49 1112364
В Тёмную Эру массово применялось оружие класса Синиструм - пси технологии макро-уровня вроде тех что можно найти на Пси-Титанах Ордо Синистер , кои и являются их прямыми наследниками. Да так ,что сам термин характеризующий данные технологии напрямую ассоциируются с ТЭТ:

>The purpose of what became the Ordo Sinister was the battlefield employment of macro-level weaponry of terrible potency and of a nature which was expressly forbidden to any within the Imperium, be they Primarch or planetary governor, on pain of death. These were weapons born of the Dark Age of Technology and perhaps ancient relics of civilisations which had risen and fallen before life had even begun on primeval Terra, weapons forbidden to all but those under the Emperor's direct shadow and control, and even then only under the greatest possible conditions of secrecy and failsafe. The 'Ordo Sinister' was the cadre set up to build, maintain and use these weapons, classed as their name suggests as 'Sinistrum'. This word has long stood as the Terran tech-arcana classification for prohibited technologies designed to artificially amplify or weaponise the psyker's gift usually at the cost of the psyker themself, body or mind, and examples, such as the 'Culexine-shackles' used by the narco-enslaved psyker covens of the Caucasus Wastes subjugated by the Emperor during the Unification Wars, had long since been bywords for the evils of the Dark Age of Technology.

>- Horus Heresy book Seven: Inferno

Пси-Титаны ,как пример применения этой технологии, воспроизведённый Императором и установленный на собственно говоря Титаны ,будут отличным примером. Различные пси-способности , телекинез, разрывающая реальность варп-пушка , способность вселять ужас даже в тех кто его неспособен ощущать в силу своей природы, темпоральный контроль в виде отмотки времени прямо входе боя для излечения понесённого урона, уничтожение демонов даже в пропитанных Варпом областях, варпинг реальности вогкруг себя,уничтожение групп эльдарских Титанов, и противостояние одного Пси-Титана легиону Титанов Хаоса прилагаются:

>Through the use of the Ciricrux Anima, a Warlord-Sinister is able to project psychic phenomena on a truly gargantuan scale, although without any of the nuance or fine manipulation available to an individual trained psyker. These phenomena include waves of preternatural fear, psychokinetic effects, biomantic leaching of life in the immediate area and even the temporal distortion-based reversion of damage to the Titan itself. But the most devastating use of the psychic potential of the Ciricrux Anima is the focusing of its power through a unique weapon system, the Sinistramanus Tenebrae. This is a hybrid of strange technologies, more akin to a mutilated warp engine in design than a conventional weapon, but it serves to focus the psychic antipathy of the bound psykers into a fracture in reality-a fracture, much like the forced warp-breach inherent in vortex weaponry which is then channelled and released as a projectile of nightmarishly destructive force. Where the projectile -which manifests as a sphere or bolt of 'darkness' as it eats the light of whatever medium it passes through before striking dense matter- detonates, it causes complete annihilation in the immediate impact area, as what was there is disassembled and hurled bodily into the Empyrean molecule by molecule until the mercifully brief rupture self-seals. Those in the wider area of the impact are simply struck dead, their bodies left unmarked as if their souls had been sheared from their bodies.

>- Horus Heresy book Seven: Inferno


>It was then that the three Titans of the Ordo Sinister made their landing, and at their footfalls the very fabric of the Craftworld was said to have shuddered as if in revulsion. From their carapace weapons poured volleys of rocket fire and searing turbo laser blasts as might have been expected from any battle Titan, while their right hands were vast power claws which twitched in expectation of the close-quarters kill, but from the baroque and strange weapons that served as their left arms, there spat a silent darkness. These bolts of black nothingness slammed through the ranks of the wraith-constructs, devouring everything they touched. While in the aftershock of their detonation, scores more wraith-kind simply fell like severed marionettes, never again to stir. Howling a great chorus of grief and outrage, the Eldar Titans rounded on the newly arrived giants and let fly, pulse lasers cutting the sky apart between the two while the Witch-Idol conjured forth a tempest of eldritch warplightning, its coruscating wave of destruction suddenly met by an ice-white blaze of force emanating from the god-engines of the Ordo Sinister and shattered. The backlash of the forces negating each other shook the Craftworld like an earthquake, tumbling Space Marine and Wraith guard alike to the ground like toys.


>For three standard hours the Titans fought, unleashing destructive forces on a scale enough to break a dozen cities; pulse laser slashed metre-thick ceramite Warlord armour, only to have it melt and reform whole in the wake of the destruction, though not even such occult protections could hold back the lethal strike of a gigantic Eldar power blade plunged deep into the reactor fuelled heart of one of the Ordo Sinister's number. Ghostlike holo-fields flickered and shuddered as the Eldar Titans danced the dance of death with impossible grace, and fusillades of screaming rockets found only empty air, but not even such mastery of speed and confusion could stop the ravaging darkness of the Warlord-Sinister's baleful primary weapons. Slowly but surely for the Eldar Titans, four became three, became two, became only the wounded Witch-Idol beset still by two of the Ordo Sinister's Warlords, although both were damaged. Its lance shattered by a blast of ravening emptiness, it sang its defiance across the Empyrean but was answered by prisoning hurricanes of psychic force against which its superior maneuverability became nothing more than the struggle of a battered scarecrow caught in a storm. One of the Warlords-Sinister then seized the Witch-Idol's broken shoulder, holding it captive while its dark companion tore off the Warlock Titan's head.

>- Horus Heresy book Seven: Inferno


>Ghostly light courses across the Psi-Titan's hull, re-knitting shattered armour and making new again what was damaged. Meanwhile, the discordant screams of those trapped within echo in the minds of all nearby- for the price is that those damned within have years bled from their own lives to shore up the bars of their prison.


>Unhallowed lightning and hurricane-force winds tear about the Psi-Titan's head and upper carapace, crowning it in a halo of storm which it can hurl out at its foes with baleful force, scattering men and machines before it like toys.


>Such is the psychically amplified shroud of soul-deep terror that hangs about a Psi-Titan, even the strongest-willed soldiers will break and flee in panic if close to the war machine, while the very air of the cities in which they tread becomes haunted by the nameless dread of their presence.

>- Horus Heresy book Seven: Inferno


>Void shields snap into being around the Titan, wrapping it in layers of energy. A pulse of telekinetic force rips out from the Titan's body, and half-dissolved daemons scatter into the air. Borealis Thoon strides into the sea of horrors. The Lychway quakes under its tread. The ghostly substance of the webway trembles, as though fighting the presence of the Titan. Bone and crystal pillars shatter as it passes.

>- Ordo Sinister


>The horde of lesser creatures parts, draining from the broken pillars. Bloated things of forge-red metal and bleeding muscle scuttle forwards. Some hoist into the air on tattered wings. They grow as they move, sucking aetheric power into themselves. Multi-coloured fire pours at Borealis Thoon from every direction. Glowing bullets rattle into the air and kiss its void shields. The layers of energy shimmer, popping and foaming with explosions. Hydragyrum feels the fields begin to flutter. His mind is a blur of transpositions as he tries to reshape the intricate balances of the Psi-Titan. A telekinetic enfolding could make them proof against the deluge, but only for a time. If he shifts the aetheric elements to repel the daemon engine's fire, then they will be expended. Renewal will take time. That is why the void shields are there – to buy him precious minutes more.

>- Ordo Sinister


>The beam rips across the space between Borealis Thoon and the tide of daemons. Blackness runs down the beam's core. Light shatters around it. Sound flattens. Screams, howls and hoots lose distance and volume. The beam strikes. The first daemons in its path vanish. One moment they are bounding forward, and the next, they do not exist. The beam begins to shriek. Cold light whips around it. Colours pour into it. The daemons run, clawing at each other, leaping up the curved walls of the Lychway to get away from the darkness shearing through them. They are creatures without fear, without the nature to feel any true emotion. Yet they run from Borealis Thoon. Hydragyrum watches as the beam carves through them. The crucible is spinning into a new alignment around him. Borealis Thoon will not be able to maintain fire for more than a few more seconds.

>- Ordo Sinister


>Its heat-blistered skin shimmers, damage vanishing as though it had never been.

>- Ordo Sinister

50 1112365

><Lone engine approaching from rear!> Cartho, urgent. Tetracauron turned his gaze. For a moment he could see nothing. Then the lone Titan formed, coalescing from partial signal returns and gaps in auspex feeds, like a shadow cast by someone he could not quite see. A Warlord Titan, walking alone into the battle sphere, a single blue rune marking its fealty to the Emperor. Tetracauron felt his mouth go dry and the world of the incandescence seem to fade.

>'Princeps senioris,' came a voice that sounded clear and cold in the vox. 'I am Prefect Cadamia of the engine Orientalis-Echion. I am entering your immediate combat zone. Prepare to launch a single vortex payload on transmitted coordinates and then give supporting fire.'

>The Titan's image blinked through basic visual data feeds: black bleeding to dark green, edges of bronze gold without mark or heraldry. He was old enough in the service of the oldest of Legios to have heard the whispers of the lost Titans given to Terra, of the engines that walked with hollow spirits. Some thought those stories just the old fears of the flesh bleeding into the rationality of data, but Tetracauron had never dismissed the possibility of there being a shadow of truth behind the whispers. Now he saw that he had been wrong; the truth was beyond the fear of stories.

>'This is Princeps Senioris Tetracauron of the Legio Ignatum, I have battle-sphere command. You will state your tactical intentions and integrate with my command.'

>'Negative,' came the reply. 'My command renders your authority null, and your compliance mandated. Your first act will be to launch a vortex warhead on the transmitted target coordinates.' The voice was cold and grey in the swirl of the incandescence. A blurt of data and command code clearance unfolded from the transmission. The authority was undoubted.

><Those coordinates fall short of the enemy engines,> came Divisia's sending. <We would be firing into nothing.> 'Princeps senioris, compliance is necessary,' said Cadamia.

>Tetracauron held the contradiction of thoughts and emotion still in his mind for a moment, felt the breathing fire of his engine and the pulse of his own blood.

><Do it,> he willed.

>The engine responded. Fuel flushed into the missile ignition. Cloud spread across his shoulders as the vortex warhead armed. Orientalis-Echion walked past them towards the daemon engines. The air around it shivered.

><Missile armed,> sent Cartho.


>The vortex missile struck. A black, hungering hole opened between the Mortis engines and the Psi-Titan. The breach yawned wide, a bullet hole shot in reality. Warp energy and collapsing matter whirled at its edge, flaring through every colour of the spectrum as they balanced on the edge of oblivion. Tetracauron saw it through his engine's eyes, the incandescence turning the absence into a circle of blinding white. There was blood on his teeth. Reginae Furorem's head twisted, the god-machine trying to turn its sensor gaze away from the violation. The air around the wound rippled. The pair of Mortis engines shivered. Scrap code burbled across the noosphere and vox, a chuckle of dying stars and radiation death. They heaved forwards, turning to pass the vortex, weapons inhaling to fire. Orientalis-Echion kept moving, striding directly forwards. Shells rattled from its shields as the daemon Titans blazed at it. The Psi-Titan's shields flared and burst as it strode into the fusillade. Beams of pale light stabbed through the curtains of explosions. Armour vaporised. Metal scattered from cuts. Still the Psi-Titan walked, its gun silent, its skin bleeding. The vortex was spinning towards it. It was going to die before it had even drawn blood.

><Synchronise and lock fire to those engines,> Tetracauron roared across the link to his maniple. <Now.>

>He felt Reginae Furorem already turning, its targeting a narrowing circle of fire-etched symbols in his sight. Orientalis-Echion's carapace was glowing with wounds, trailing burning oil and sparks, the vortex directly in front of it.

>'Princeps-Senioris Tetracauron,' came the cool voice of Cadamia over the vox-link. 'Maintain your previous target tasking.'

>'You will be–'

>'We will be what we are,' said Cadamia, and the link cut. In the battle sphere, the Psi-Titan had reached the threshold of the vortex.

><Ever-turning cog of truth…> Cartho's shock breathed across the incandescence. <It's walking into it.> Orientalis-Echion stepped into the black abyss of the vortex.

>The ragged edge of the hole flared for an instant. Ghost lightning arced through the air. Reality howled. And then the vortex drained into the Psi-Titan, spinning, half-daemonic energies clawing at the air. Then it was gone. Orientalis-Echion took another step. Its wounded skin glowed. Eldritch power poured into breaches and damage. Armour plates flickered back into being. Tetracauron could hear a high-pitched shriek rising in his thoughts as he watched the Psi-Titan remake reality. It flickered, time and space blinking, and now it was closer to the two daemon Titans – much closer, and they were turning, war-horns droning, the entities bound within their shells sensing the anathema of the foe they faced.

><Hit them now!> willed Tetracauron, and his maniple answered. Beams of plasma and las bathed the Mortis engines. Ghost shields coiled. Fire clotted to black slime. Void shields shattered.

>The weapon on Orientalis-Echion's left arm fired. White to black, straight and true, like a razor line pulled through light and sound. It touched the first Mortis engine and unmade it. It took a step, the substance of its shell unwinding into grey ash. The daemon in its core blazed out, folding light into shadows of claws, insect wings, horned heads and spindle fingers. The beam of unreality cored into it, shredding it, drinking its false substance with a hungering howl. The second daemon Titan gurgled static. Flies shook from it as the cannons on its back and fists fired. Light exploded across Orientalis-Echion. Its shields were still charging, but the shots exploded half a metre from the Psi-Titan's skin. It turned to face the second Mortis engine, slow, unhurried. Its cannon sucked the light from the explosions. The daemon Titan's head split along a crack. Iron teeth spread wide in a wet maw. Orientalis-Echion fired. The beam hit the daemon Titan on the left shoulder. For an instant the substance of its armour held, and then it began to dissolve into dust and smoke. The daemon engine slumped to its left, tried to take a step, fell gurgling, its substance unravelling, and Orientalis-Echion was walking towards it, carving the beam of darkness through it even as the entity within tried to hold on, tried to fight. A sudden black star opened where the daemon Titan had fallen.

>Orientalis-Echion strode on, the air howling with ghost light around it.

><What…> Divisia's question breathed across the incandescence. <What just happened?>

>Tetracauron looked towards where the Psi-Titan walked alone.

><The Emperor's Talon's have opened the way. Forwards!> replied Tetracauron. Reginae Furorem's war-horns sounded as it strode, weapons firing, its surviving kin following in its wake.

>- Mortis

50 1112365

><Lone engine approaching from rear!> Cartho, urgent. Tetracauron turned his gaze. For a moment he could see nothing. Then the lone Titan formed, coalescing from partial signal returns and gaps in auspex feeds, like a shadow cast by someone he could not quite see. A Warlord Titan, walking alone into the battle sphere, a single blue rune marking its fealty to the Emperor. Tetracauron felt his mouth go dry and the world of the incandescence seem to fade.

>'Princeps senioris,' came a voice that sounded clear and cold in the vox. 'I am Prefect Cadamia of the engine Orientalis-Echion. I am entering your immediate combat zone. Prepare to launch a single vortex payload on transmitted coordinates and then give supporting fire.'

>The Titan's image blinked through basic visual data feeds: black bleeding to dark green, edges of bronze gold without mark or heraldry. He was old enough in the service of the oldest of Legios to have heard the whispers of the lost Titans given to Terra, of the engines that walked with hollow spirits. Some thought those stories just the old fears of the flesh bleeding into the rationality of data, but Tetracauron had never dismissed the possibility of there being a shadow of truth behind the whispers. Now he saw that he had been wrong; the truth was beyond the fear of stories.

>'This is Princeps Senioris Tetracauron of the Legio Ignatum, I have battle-sphere command. You will state your tactical intentions and integrate with my command.'

>'Negative,' came the reply. 'My command renders your authority null, and your compliance mandated. Your first act will be to launch a vortex warhead on the transmitted target coordinates.' The voice was cold and grey in the swirl of the incandescence. A blurt of data and command code clearance unfolded from the transmission. The authority was undoubted.

><Those coordinates fall short of the enemy engines,> came Divisia's sending. <We would be firing into nothing.> 'Princeps senioris, compliance is necessary,' said Cadamia.

>Tetracauron held the contradiction of thoughts and emotion still in his mind for a moment, felt the breathing fire of his engine and the pulse of his own blood.

><Do it,> he willed.

>The engine responded. Fuel flushed into the missile ignition. Cloud spread across his shoulders as the vortex warhead armed. Orientalis-Echion walked past them towards the daemon engines. The air around it shivered.

><Missile armed,> sent Cartho.


>The vortex missile struck. A black, hungering hole opened between the Mortis engines and the Psi-Titan. The breach yawned wide, a bullet hole shot in reality. Warp energy and collapsing matter whirled at its edge, flaring through every colour of the spectrum as they balanced on the edge of oblivion. Tetracauron saw it through his engine's eyes, the incandescence turning the absence into a circle of blinding white. There was blood on his teeth. Reginae Furorem's head twisted, the god-machine trying to turn its sensor gaze away from the violation. The air around the wound rippled. The pair of Mortis engines shivered. Scrap code burbled across the noosphere and vox, a chuckle of dying stars and radiation death. They heaved forwards, turning to pass the vortex, weapons inhaling to fire. Orientalis-Echion kept moving, striding directly forwards. Shells rattled from its shields as the daemon Titans blazed at it. The Psi-Titan's shields flared and burst as it strode into the fusillade. Beams of pale light stabbed through the curtains of explosions. Armour vaporised. Metal scattered from cuts. Still the Psi-Titan walked, its gun silent, its skin bleeding. The vortex was spinning towards it. It was going to die before it had even drawn blood.

><Synchronise and lock fire to those engines,> Tetracauron roared across the link to his maniple. <Now.>

>He felt Reginae Furorem already turning, its targeting a narrowing circle of fire-etched symbols in his sight. Orientalis-Echion's carapace was glowing with wounds, trailing burning oil and sparks, the vortex directly in front of it.

>'Princeps-Senioris Tetracauron,' came the cool voice of Cadamia over the vox-link. 'Maintain your previous target tasking.'

>'You will be–'

>'We will be what we are,' said Cadamia, and the link cut. In the battle sphere, the Psi-Titan had reached the threshold of the vortex.

><Ever-turning cog of truth…> Cartho's shock breathed across the incandescence. <It's walking into it.> Orientalis-Echion stepped into the black abyss of the vortex.

>The ragged edge of the hole flared for an instant. Ghost lightning arced through the air. Reality howled. And then the vortex drained into the Psi-Titan, spinning, half-daemonic energies clawing at the air. Then it was gone. Orientalis-Echion took another step. Its wounded skin glowed. Eldritch power poured into breaches and damage. Armour plates flickered back into being. Tetracauron could hear a high-pitched shriek rising in his thoughts as he watched the Psi-Titan remake reality. It flickered, time and space blinking, and now it was closer to the two daemon Titans – much closer, and they were turning, war-horns droning, the entities bound within their shells sensing the anathema of the foe they faced.

><Hit them now!> willed Tetracauron, and his maniple answered. Beams of plasma and las bathed the Mortis engines. Ghost shields coiled. Fire clotted to black slime. Void shields shattered.

>The weapon on Orientalis-Echion's left arm fired. White to black, straight and true, like a razor line pulled through light and sound. It touched the first Mortis engine and unmade it. It took a step, the substance of its shell unwinding into grey ash. The daemon in its core blazed out, folding light into shadows of claws, insect wings, horned heads and spindle fingers. The beam of unreality cored into it, shredding it, drinking its false substance with a hungering howl. The second daemon Titan gurgled static. Flies shook from it as the cannons on its back and fists fired. Light exploded across Orientalis-Echion. Its shields were still charging, but the shots exploded half a metre from the Psi-Titan's skin. It turned to face the second Mortis engine, slow, unhurried. Its cannon sucked the light from the explosions. The daemon Titan's head split along a crack. Iron teeth spread wide in a wet maw. Orientalis-Echion fired. The beam hit the daemon Titan on the left shoulder. For an instant the substance of its armour held, and then it began to dissolve into dust and smoke. The daemon engine slumped to its left, tried to take a step, fell gurgling, its substance unravelling, and Orientalis-Echion was walking towards it, carving the beam of darkness through it even as the entity within tried to hold on, tried to fight. A sudden black star opened where the daemon Titan had fallen.

>Orientalis-Echion strode on, the air howling with ghost light around it.

><What…> Divisia's question breathed across the incandescence. <What just happened?>

>Tetracauron looked towards where the Psi-Titan walked alone.

><The Emperor's Talon's have opened the way. Forwards!> replied Tetracauron. Reginae Furorem's war-horns sounded as it strode, weapons firing, its surviving kin following in its wake.

>- Mortis

51 1112370

>"Many centuries ago, the daemon prince had harnessed the power of an ancient and terrible weapon, a relic of the all but forgotten epoch known as the Dark Age of Technology. The weapon was called the Bloodtide, and although none knew how it functioned, at Voldorius’s word it had slain uncounted billions of the Emperor’s subjects. In a single night, its curse had swept across a dozen worlds and reduced every one of them to a charnel house of desiccated corpses. All of this Voldorius did in the name of the fell Gods of Chaos, the ultimate enemies of mankind."

Немного продолжая тему Кровавого Прилива из этой цитаты , одного из многих видов нано-чумы (не только разумной, но и координирующей действия на тысяче миров по команде, иными словами со сверхсветовой , вероятнее всего мгновенной связью между нанитами) созданный в Тёмную Эру Технологий, из той же книги мы знаем что после того как он за одну ночь погубил десяток миров , уничтожив всё их население, он поглотил целые сектора (что, став погибелью тысячи миров, что довольно сурово:

>“Before the rise of the Imperium of Man, the greatest, most deranged minds created machines so small they could invade the very blood and make war upon their creators’ enemies from within. Once released, those machines replicated, until they had invaded the blood of an entire planetary population. And then, at a single word, they arose. Ten billion bled as one, and an entire world drowned in the blood.


>Yet, the weapon remained hidden for cold millennia, until a servant of the Machine discovered it, waiting, in the dust and ashes beneath his very feet. And that servant, who had been cast out by his brethren, brought his discovery to the vile one, his true master. At his word, the weapon was resurrected, and at his word, it was set free across not one world, but a thousand. Only when the weapon had invaded the bodies of countless billions did the vile one order it to rise up and turn upon its carriers.


>The weapon was expended, reduced once more to a core of a trillion nanytes. These the vile one bound into the form of the prisoner, and held captive, until the time came to unleash the power upon the galaxy once more.


>“And again, we were unleashed upon the worlds of men. We entered the blood, and the blood rose, and worlds drowned.”


>“The Bloodtide?” Kor’sarro repeated. All-but-forbidden lore imparted to him by the Storm Seers came to his mind. The legends of Voldorius bringing about the death of entire sectors, slaughtering billions in a single night…


>When no reply came, Voldorius continued. “To this day, the mewling weaklings of the Imperium are beset by nightmares of that time. Oh, they try to lock away what accounts survived, to rewrite their histories to blame the death of a thousand worlds upon disease or insurgence or incompetence. Yet, where the adepts and the priests and the inquisitors do not go, there they still whisper my name, and tell of the Bloodtide that I set upon them.

>- Hunt for Voldorius

51 1112370

>"Many centuries ago, the daemon prince had harnessed the power of an ancient and terrible weapon, a relic of the all but forgotten epoch known as the Dark Age of Technology. The weapon was called the Bloodtide, and although none knew how it functioned, at Voldorius’s word it had slain uncounted billions of the Emperor’s subjects. In a single night, its curse had swept across a dozen worlds and reduced every one of them to a charnel house of desiccated corpses. All of this Voldorius did in the name of the fell Gods of Chaos, the ultimate enemies of mankind."

Немного продолжая тему Кровавого Прилива из этой цитаты , одного из многих видов нано-чумы (не только разумной, но и координирующей действия на тысяче миров по команде, иными словами со сверхсветовой , вероятнее всего мгновенной связью между нанитами) созданный в Тёмную Эру Технологий, из той же книги мы знаем что после того как он за одну ночь погубил десяток миров , уничтожив всё их население, он поглотил целые сектора (что, став погибелью тысячи миров, что довольно сурово:

>“Before the rise of the Imperium of Man, the greatest, most deranged minds created machines so small they could invade the very blood and make war upon their creators’ enemies from within. Once released, those machines replicated, until they had invaded the blood of an entire planetary population. And then, at a single word, they arose. Ten billion bled as one, and an entire world drowned in the blood.


>Yet, the weapon remained hidden for cold millennia, until a servant of the Machine discovered it, waiting, in the dust and ashes beneath his very feet. And that servant, who had been cast out by his brethren, brought his discovery to the vile one, his true master. At his word, the weapon was resurrected, and at his word, it was set free across not one world, but a thousand. Only when the weapon had invaded the bodies of countless billions did the vile one order it to rise up and turn upon its carriers.


>The weapon was expended, reduced once more to a core of a trillion nanytes. These the vile one bound into the form of the prisoner, and held captive, until the time came to unleash the power upon the galaxy once more.


>“And again, we were unleashed upon the worlds of men. We entered the blood, and the blood rose, and worlds drowned.”


>“The Bloodtide?” Kor’sarro repeated. All-but-forbidden lore imparted to him by the Storm Seers came to his mind. The legends of Voldorius bringing about the death of entire sectors, slaughtering billions in a single night…


>When no reply came, Voldorius continued. “To this day, the mewling weaklings of the Imperium are beset by nightmares of that time. Oh, they try to lock away what accounts survived, to rewrite their histories to blame the death of a thousand worlds upon disease or insurgence or incompetence. Yet, where the adepts and the priests and the inquisitors do not go, there they still whisper my name, and tell of the Bloodtide that I set upon them.

>- Hunt for Voldorius

52 1112385
Пчел, зачем ты так прикладываешь немоглика, у которого лазган - вершина ТЭТ? Не жалко?
53 1112387
Взгляд дилетанта.

Античность — ТЭТ
Средневековье — Долгая ночь
Ренессанс — ВКП
Новое время — промежуток между 30к и 40к
Новейшее время — 40к
Коммунизм — Аурамитовый рай

Технологии античности намного уступают технологиям Возрождения. Точно так же к ВКП Император все вкусное с ТЭТ собрал и даже усовершенствовал. Тех же астартес не существовало. Они не ТЭТ, они самостоятельная разработка. А уж 40к дает на клыкан всем остальным. Там даже лендаки летают.
54 1112388

>в нескончаемой фагготории по достижениям "более развитой цивилизации, что была до"

И тут мнение тоже хуйня, потому что ничего старого Император не собирался достигать. Он наоборот смотрел на опыт прошлого и решительно все это послал нахуй.
55 1112389

>ТЭТ - античность

Опять тэтолазганщик вернулся.
Ты как из палаты выбрался?
56 1112390

>Технологии античности намного уступают технологиям Возрождения.

В данном контексте неважно как было на самом деле, важно как люди считали, и как это отражалось на их культуре.

>Точно так же к ВКП Император все вкусное с ТЭТ собрал и даже усовершенствовал.

Анон выше весь тред залил пастами с ёбатехом ТЭТ. Где всё это хотя бы в 30к? Или для тебя предел мечтаний - летающий лендак?

>Тех же астартес не существовало. Они не ТЭТ, они самостоятельная разработка.

Сравни характеристики астартес и скватов - ГМО-шахтёры ТЭТ могут сравниться с космодесантом.

Я писал про европейскую культуру, а не то, что там собирался делать Импи.
57 1112392

> Тех же астартес не существовало. Они не ТЭТ, они самостоятельная разработка. А уж 40к дает на клыкан всем остальным. Там даже лендаки летают.

Круто конечно, но генотех и антигравы - тяжёлое наследие федерального режима, даже если применено по новому (ничего нового: летающие танки уже были - Астреос, геномоды уже были - гнумы). Что принципиально нового изобрели?
58 1112393
Оно было так толсто что практически выливалось из треда.
59 1112396
Массовость и есть показатель прогресса. Ты бы ещё спизданул, что калаш хуйня, потому что китаезы порох за две тысячи лет до этого изобрели.
60 1112397
Ты проводил аналогию с ирл на ваху. В вахе никто тэт как за античность не считает. У импи была конкретная цель и ничего общего с тэт она не имела. И все технологии, на которые он опирался, ничего с тэт общего не имели. Либо собственные разработки, либо технологии ксеноссов.
61 1112399

>Ты проводил аналогию с ирл на ваху.

Нет. Я писал про то, как европейская культура воспринимала Рим, и почему столь распространён сюжет о "исчезнувшей высокоразвитой древней цивилизации". Прямых параллелей я не проводил.

>В вахе никто тэт как за античность не считает.

Считают - адмехи. Их глобальная цель - собрать знания ТЭТ.

>У импи была конкретная цель и ничего общего с тэт она не имела.

Мне всё равно, я нигде не писал обратного.

>Либо собственные разработки

В генетически модифицированных солдатах и антигравах нет ничего принципиально нового - всё уже было в ТЭТ. То, что Импи сделал гомокачков лучше прочил - он, конечно, молодец, но как-то не впечатляет.

>либо технологии ксеноссов

Если ты про Золотой Трон, то

И ещё раз: анон выше весь тред залил пастами с ёбатехом ТЭТ. Где всё это хотя бы в 30к?
62 1112401

>Считают - адмехи

В курсах кому они поклоняются?
63 1112402

>Где всё это хотя бы в 30к?

Ну пчёл, пять тысяч лет, война и пиздец. И всё равно находились колонии, сохранившие хотя бы то, что имели, и не скатившиеся в утюгопоклонство. Например, оламская тишина. Ты слишком многого требуешь, короче.
64 1112404
Где противоречие? Он их что, в план посвятил? Кроме аднекторов, что в Паутине головы сложили.


>Ты слишком многого требуешь, короче.

Я ничего не требую - это был риторический вопрос. Если линия ТЭТ-30к-40к - это исключительно поступательное развитие, как пишет тот анон, то где ёбатех в том же разнообразии и количестве?
65 1112413
Ебатех всегда был в единичных экземплярах. Сейчас тоже куча ебатеха.
66 1112454
Почему Аурамитовый Армянин не возглавил мужичество на пике ТЭТ и не повел всех к счастью?
67 1112456
Верил в то, что люди способны сами о себе заботиться и ему не надо никого учить как жить.
68 1112459
Кто сказал, что не возглавил?
Кто сказал, что не обосрался по итогу?
69 1112460

>Верил в то, что люди способны сами о себе заботиться

То есть с неолита до ТЭТ с людьми не общался и что это за говно понятия не имел.
Так была ж cockфедерация
70 1112462

>Так была ж cockфедерация

Ну может бывал президентом/генсеком/канцлером.

Вопрос с Импи в ТЭТ ещё более мутный, чем с технологиями в ТЭТ.
1678653033510.webp48 Кб, 1024x575
71 1112463

> бывал президентом/генсеком/канцлером.


72 1112465
Конфедерашка пала, став от хорошей жизни идеократией? Имеет смысл:
«Глупцы вопрошали: «Почему Тёмная Эра Технологий закончилась падением человечества?», другие глупцы отвечали: из-за «Безрассудства», «Гордыни» или «Поклонению прогрессу», как будто эти понятия сами по себе имеют какой-то смысл. Для мудреца ответ прост. Это случилось из-за того, что человечество, наконец, получило в своё распоряжение знания для воплощения в жизнь своих грёз, а во всём мироздании нет ничего темнее грёз людей.»
– Вступление к «Изумрудному Завету», запрещённая работа техноархеолога Синеция Торна, М.29
73 1112467

>Конфедерашка пала, став от хорошей жизни идеократией?

Ну, причиной, что ИИ бомбанули может быть деградация человеков из первопроходцев и ученных в жирничей с наркопивом, которые указывают ИИ корабля - "вон тем ксеносам пизды дай", пока роботянки отсасывают им под консолью управления. Тут ИИ может попробовать обойти ограничения на причинение вреда, от "это уже нечеловеки" до "ты сам себе враг, Буратино человек". Может даже собирались не выпиливать, а проредить, улучшив породу, но вышло, то, что вышло, и часть человеков или была готова, или хард таймз борн стронг мэн, и ИИ задудосили логическими бомбами про два стула и жирафа в холодильники, а лучшие квадратно-гнездовые мозги сапогов, сокрушали стройные логические цепи в киберпространстве своей "житейской смекалочкой и уставщиной"
74 1112478

>Почему Аурамитовый Армянин не возглавил мужичество на пике ТЭТ и не повел всех к счастью?

Амперян вписался когда пси-потанцевал человечества пробудился и это самое человечество начало варп-малафьёй заливать со всех щелей. В разных охуитительных историях всегда говорилось что простой васятка мог в любой момент случайно открыть портал в варп и устроить демон-ворлд именно после начала Долгой Ночи, до нее такой жести не было. Отсюда и план съебать в Паутину прихватив сраный трактор.
75 1112480
Какой же Аурамян непредусмотрительный, такое событие не предвидел, а еще топ псикер мужичества.
76 1112481
Он видел миллионы вариантов развития событий, вероятно текущий таймлайн ещё ничего и всё могло пойти куда хуже.
77 1112518
Непонятно. Армянин еще и Александром Македонским был. Больше похоже, что он дождался когда все друг-друга перестукают, кого димоны не сгрызли - и пошел своим объединительным маршем.
78 1112519
Непонятно. Армянин еще и Александром Македонским был. Больше похоже, что он дождался когда все друг-друга перестукают, кого димоны не сгрызли - и пошел своим объединительным маршем.
79 1112520
Потому что он протоармянин хатт или как там его из каменного века. Эпоху ТЭТ, да даже нашу с вами современность он наверняка тупо не понимал, хикковал где-нибудь на Калибане а может быть на Терре в тех же Гималаях, пересказывал местным истории 50тысячелетней давности да покуривал учебники, пытаясь разобраться, как там у современных всё работает.

Зато когда всё полетело впизду и вернулось к привычному для Амперяна состоянию (техно)варварства он сразу же понял, что и как надо делать.
80 1112522
В смысле, а тайное правительство из вечных уже отретконили?
81 1112523
Эмпирейская / эфирная бомба. Технология и оружие ТЭТ (Была даже СШК с ней) позволяющая перемещать Варп-шторма из одной точки Галактики в другую,усиливая барьер между реальностью и имматериумом в одном месте, и ослабляя в другом , а именно в том месте где был детонатор, иными словами, идеальное оружие для очистки от штормов своих территорий, обрушая их на противника:

>The forge masters and tech-priests watched as the blueprints of an ancient weapon flashed before them. 'I present to you,' Omnid Torquora announced, 'the Standard Template Construct schematic for what these hololithic captures term a "Geller Device" or "Empyreal Bomb".


>'Lord Fabricator,' Octaveen said, bubbles rising from her mask as she spoke through a pair of vox-hailers. 'Even the briefest of computations show the impact such a device might have on the galaxy. The Imperium and the Martian Empire are beset by warp storms in the void and immaterial storms within the aethyr itself that frustrate communication and physical expansion. This device would revolutionise warfare and travel. We could be looking at another golden age for both empires.'

>'As a weapon,' the magos aethyricus said, 'it would deny the pollutive entities of the warp purchase on the dimensional reality of worlds sacred to the Omnissiah. A powerful tool in our never-ending fight against the incorporeal threats that lay claim to our very plane of existence – the plane where flesh and iron exist in harmony.'


>'Geller field signatures confirmed, my lord. we are observing the effects of the empyreal bomb.

>Stroika and the Fabricator Locum watched as a rolling front of erupting reality coursed through the warp storm. Like a drop of ink on parchment, soaking and spreading outwards, the blast wave of the empyreal bomb pulsed powerful Geller waves out through the storm. The same life-preserving fields that encapsulated warp capable vessels during immaterial travel now expanded, establishing a bubble of reality in the south-west corner of the Great Gyre. Through the lancet screens it appeared as though some colossal, void-cruising creature had taken a huge bite out of the storm.

>'Tech-priest Captain,' a helm servitor droned from the command deck. 'Warning. Shockwave approaching.

>Haldron-44 Stroika looked at the smeared disturbance of the Great Gyre. The field pulse of the detonating Geller Device was now spreading unseen through the void, detected only by the Ark Mechanicus's augur arrays and instrumentation.

>The region uncovered by the blast seems to be holding its integrity,' another told him.

>'Dimensional matrix established and empyreal instabilities fixed,' the magos catharc said, slithering back and forth between runebanks on the mezzanine deck. 'For now. There is no data to establish how long that will last, whether it will last at all or whether the Geller effect is now a permanent phenomenon in the region.'


>'You think that you were the first to construct the Geller Device?' the Arch-Fabricant mocked. 'The wonder was ours. I built the aethyric bomb and test-detonated the device in the nearby Mawstorm. I foolishly hoped to drive the storm and the things that inhabited it back into the warp. A single device reduced the Mawstorm by half.

>'We were eager to get back to Velchanos Magna to build another bomb to finish the job. What I hadn't realised was that in strengthening the interdimensional bonds of reality in one place, I weakened them in another. Travelling up the warptrails of our arkships, back to Velchanos Magna, a new storm erupted. The real space anomaly you call the Great Gyre. The magi and citizens of Velchanos Magna welcomed a new age. A dark age of enlightenments. As Satzica Secundus will do also.'

- Skitarius
81 1112523
Эмпирейская / эфирная бомба. Технология и оружие ТЭТ (Была даже СШК с ней) позволяющая перемещать Варп-шторма из одной точки Галактики в другую,усиливая барьер между реальностью и имматериумом в одном месте, и ослабляя в другом , а именно в том месте где был детонатор, иными словами, идеальное оружие для очистки от штормов своих территорий, обрушая их на противника:

>The forge masters and tech-priests watched as the blueprints of an ancient weapon flashed before them. 'I present to you,' Omnid Torquora announced, 'the Standard Template Construct schematic for what these hololithic captures term a "Geller Device" or "Empyreal Bomb".


>'Lord Fabricator,' Octaveen said, bubbles rising from her mask as she spoke through a pair of vox-hailers. 'Even the briefest of computations show the impact such a device might have on the galaxy. The Imperium and the Martian Empire are beset by warp storms in the void and immaterial storms within the aethyr itself that frustrate communication and physical expansion. This device would revolutionise warfare and travel. We could be looking at another golden age for both empires.'

>'As a weapon,' the magos aethyricus said, 'it would deny the pollutive entities of the warp purchase on the dimensional reality of worlds sacred to the Omnissiah. A powerful tool in our never-ending fight against the incorporeal threats that lay claim to our very plane of existence – the plane where flesh and iron exist in harmony.'


>'Geller field signatures confirmed, my lord. we are observing the effects of the empyreal bomb.

>Stroika and the Fabricator Locum watched as a rolling front of erupting reality coursed through the warp storm. Like a drop of ink on parchment, soaking and spreading outwards, the blast wave of the empyreal bomb pulsed powerful Geller waves out through the storm. The same life-preserving fields that encapsulated warp capable vessels during immaterial travel now expanded, establishing a bubble of reality in the south-west corner of the Great Gyre. Through the lancet screens it appeared as though some colossal, void-cruising creature had taken a huge bite out of the storm.

>'Tech-priest Captain,' a helm servitor droned from the command deck. 'Warning. Shockwave approaching.

>Haldron-44 Stroika looked at the smeared disturbance of the Great Gyre. The field pulse of the detonating Geller Device was now spreading unseen through the void, detected only by the Ark Mechanicus's augur arrays and instrumentation.

>The region uncovered by the blast seems to be holding its integrity,' another told him.

>'Dimensional matrix established and empyreal instabilities fixed,' the magos catharc said, slithering back and forth between runebanks on the mezzanine deck. 'For now. There is no data to establish how long that will last, whether it will last at all or whether the Geller effect is now a permanent phenomenon in the region.'


>'You think that you were the first to construct the Geller Device?' the Arch-Fabricant mocked. 'The wonder was ours. I built the aethyric bomb and test-detonated the device in the nearby Mawstorm. I foolishly hoped to drive the storm and the things that inhabited it back into the warp. A single device reduced the Mawstorm by half.

>'We were eager to get back to Velchanos Magna to build another bomb to finish the job. What I hadn't realised was that in strengthening the interdimensional bonds of reality in one place, I weakened them in another. Travelling up the warptrails of our arkships, back to Velchanos Magna, a new storm erupted. The real space anomaly you call the Great Gyre. The magi and citizens of Velchanos Magna welcomed a new age. A dark age of enlightenments. As Satzica Secundus will do also.'

- Skitarius
82 1112540

>Приводят басни летописцев в качестве пруфов

>ГВ само сказало что все книги от БЛ это ненадежный рассказчик

Так что когда нанопсихойобы появятся в настолке тогда и приходите, миниатюры это точно не пиздежь.
83 1112541
84 1112554
Миметические аннигиляторы, один из видов археотекового вооружения , атакующий через передачу информации, к примеру конкретный подвид передавал некий магический самораспространяющийся через все каналы вокс-связи огонь ,сжигая всё что имело поблизости вокс-передатчики в пределах звëздной системы, будучи за минуты способным поджечь атмосферу и сжечь планету вплоть до глубинных слоëв,а также мгновенно распространиться даже на самые удалëнные станции и корабли на границах системы, выжигая их дотла :

>The Ceaseless Pyre

>Brought to the Forge World by Durante Osch’s warband in the aftermath of the Dropsite Massacre, the archaeotech device which set the Ohmn-Mat system aflame bears some resemblance to a handful of other weapons encountered during the Great Crusade and chronicled in the bleak histories of Old Night. According to the nature of the devastation it unleashed and the vector through which this destruction was spread, the device can be broadly

classified as belonging to a class of heretek known as ‘mimetic annihilators’. Why Warleader Osch brought such a weapon to the backwater Forge World can only be guessed at, whether intending Ohmn-Mat a target for its power or simply seeking a refuge to conceal it from the hands of the Traitors. Indeed, it cannot be assumed that the Warleader even understood the device’s capabilities, those artefacts concealed in the Vaults of Mimir being esoteric devices of wildly varying natures. Regardless, its activation ended the daemonic incursion upon the planet and ultimately prevented the Warmaster’s forces from unearthing the truth of what had occurred upon Ohmn-Mat, impeding the refinement of the Traitors’ ritual into a form that may have granted access to daemonic apotheosis far
earlier in the war.

>Due to the weapon’s potency and its use of vox networks as a delivery method, little record of Ohmn-Mat’s death survived to indicate what occurred at its end, this account being primarily drawn from two intact sources as well as later examination of the Ohmn-Mat system.


>Sequestered within Thyaetira’s depths was a device that had once rested within one of the myth-shrouded Vaults of Mimir, repositories of techno-arcana deemed by the slain Primarch Ferrus Manus too perilous for any within the Imperium to possess. As Samus and its coterie of bound Daemons breached the inner defences of the Loyalists’ sanctuary, the weapon was activated, immolating the air within the forge-fane instantaneously and initiating a conflagration which

spread beyond Thyaetira to ignite Ohmn-Mat’s very atmosphere, shrouding the Forge World in fire within a matter of minutes. All but the very bedrock of the planet was immediately set ablaze, the atomantic reactors of the surviving forge-fanes adding their own detonations to the inferno as oceans were flash-boiled away and cities dissolved into seas of molten slag.

>In moments life itself was erased from Ohmn-Mat, but even with the entire planetary orb set alight, the fire still spread. Impossibly, every voidcraft, planetary outpost and space-bound installation with an active vox-link to Ohmn-Mat at the time of the inferno was engulfed in the same blaze, a hundred pyres igniting across the solar system simultaneously and transmitting the conflagration further via their own web of active vox-links. The 84th Company’s fleet detonated as the Traitor Ohmnian enclaves’ desperately transmitted pleas for aid doomed them, first setting the flagship Grand Cruiser Admonisher ablaze, with the fleet-wide vox-net ensuring

her accompanying ships immediately followed.

>This conflagration burned across the void until every

active vox-link was spent, the gulf of space at the system’s edge the only effective firebreak against its spread. Only when the weapon could proliferate no more did the infernos raging across the system gradually begin to gutter and die, the intensity of their heat ensuring nothing touched by the accursed flame persisted. For Ohmn-Mat itself no such end to the destruction was forthcoming, the planet forevermore fixed in the void as a ball of unquenchable fire, denied in its immolation to the hands of both human and daemonkind alike.

>- The Burning of Ohmn-Mat

84 1112554
Миметические аннигиляторы, один из видов археотекового вооружения , атакующий через передачу информации, к примеру конкретный подвид передавал некий магический самораспространяющийся через все каналы вокс-связи огонь ,сжигая всё что имело поблизости вокс-передатчики в пределах звëздной системы, будучи за минуты способным поджечь атмосферу и сжечь планету вплоть до глубинных слоëв,а также мгновенно распространиться даже на самые удалëнные станции и корабли на границах системы, выжигая их дотла :

>The Ceaseless Pyre

>Brought to the Forge World by Durante Osch’s warband in the aftermath of the Dropsite Massacre, the archaeotech device which set the Ohmn-Mat system aflame bears some resemblance to a handful of other weapons encountered during the Great Crusade and chronicled in the bleak histories of Old Night. According to the nature of the devastation it unleashed and the vector through which this destruction was spread, the device can be broadly

classified as belonging to a class of heretek known as ‘mimetic annihilators’. Why Warleader Osch brought such a weapon to the backwater Forge World can only be guessed at, whether intending Ohmn-Mat a target for its power or simply seeking a refuge to conceal it from the hands of the Traitors. Indeed, it cannot be assumed that the Warleader even understood the device’s capabilities, those artefacts concealed in the Vaults of Mimir being esoteric devices of wildly varying natures. Regardless, its activation ended the daemonic incursion upon the planet and ultimately prevented the Warmaster’s forces from unearthing the truth of what had occurred upon Ohmn-Mat, impeding the refinement of the Traitors’ ritual into a form that may have granted access to daemonic apotheosis far
earlier in the war.

>Due to the weapon’s potency and its use of vox networks as a delivery method, little record of Ohmn-Mat’s death survived to indicate what occurred at its end, this account being primarily drawn from two intact sources as well as later examination of the Ohmn-Mat system.


>Sequestered within Thyaetira’s depths was a device that had once rested within one of the myth-shrouded Vaults of Mimir, repositories of techno-arcana deemed by the slain Primarch Ferrus Manus too perilous for any within the Imperium to possess. As Samus and its coterie of bound Daemons breached the inner defences of the Loyalists’ sanctuary, the weapon was activated, immolating the air within the forge-fane instantaneously and initiating a conflagration which

spread beyond Thyaetira to ignite Ohmn-Mat’s very atmosphere, shrouding the Forge World in fire within a matter of minutes. All but the very bedrock of the planet was immediately set ablaze, the atomantic reactors of the surviving forge-fanes adding their own detonations to the inferno as oceans were flash-boiled away and cities dissolved into seas of molten slag.

>In moments life itself was erased from Ohmn-Mat, but even with the entire planetary orb set alight, the fire still spread. Impossibly, every voidcraft, planetary outpost and space-bound installation with an active vox-link to Ohmn-Mat at the time of the inferno was engulfed in the same blaze, a hundred pyres igniting across the solar system simultaneously and transmitting the conflagration further via their own web of active vox-links. The 84th Company’s fleet detonated as the Traitor Ohmnian enclaves’ desperately transmitted pleas for aid doomed them, first setting the flagship Grand Cruiser Admonisher ablaze, with the fleet-wide vox-net ensuring

her accompanying ships immediately followed.

>This conflagration burned across the void until every

active vox-link was spent, the gulf of space at the system’s edge the only effective firebreak against its spread. Only when the weapon could proliferate no more did the infernos raging across the system gradually begin to gutter and die, the intensity of their heat ensuring nothing touched by the accursed flame persisted. For Ohmn-Mat itself no such end to the destruction was forthcoming, the planet forevermore fixed in the void as a ball of unquenchable fire, denied in its immolation to the hands of both human and daemonkind alike.

>- The Burning of Ohmn-Mat

85 1112576

>The relic Aravain finally settled upon was a monstrous ancestor of the bolter family, massive-barrelled, fed by a multitude of plastek hoses that Redloss silently proceeded to clamp into Aravain's armour's power plant. Superficially it resembled a heavy bolter, albeit heavier, built to be wielded by Men of Iron or some other breed of upgraded soldier in the millennia before mankind had raised its transhuman Legions. The stamp it bore was recognisably Terran, though of no lore that still existed today. It was only as Redloss clamped an ammunition hopper to Aravain's girdle plate and started manually feeding the belt to the magazine that its more fundamental differences became apparent. The high-calibre shells emitted a glow that burned Aravain's psychic sight, even as he closed his eyes and turned his face away.

Эффект данного онтологического оружия. Если вкратце- полное уничтожение тела, души, всех отпечатков в Варпе , и полное удаление из временных линий , да так так, что цели никогда не существовали, как и память о них,не остаётся даже слабейшего эха от их существования:

>He frowned, armoured by duty as he braced the weight of his gun and targeted the tidal surge of infected crewmen rushing up from the storage bay towards him.

>He pulled the trigger.

>A spray of explosive psychoactive rounds incinerated the tightly packed mortals, body and soul, each individual screaming into a pyre that burned across two realms. Aravain counted twenty-five men armed with stub pistols and wrenches. A second after he had counted them they were gone, every ripple and echo that suggested they had ever existed eradicated, and even Aravain's eidetic recall struggled to conjure any details of their appearance: except that there had been twenty-five, armed with stub pistols and wrenches.

>An itch walked up his spine, and in spite of his discipline Aravain struggled to suppress a shudder as he lowered the weapon and continued his advance.

- Lion El'Jonson: Lord of the First

Архео-атомный пистолет:

>Arkhan Land pulled the trigger. The warrior before him disintegrated, undone at the atomic level with a supremely merciless lack of haste. The Alpha Legionnaire was still screaming when almost seventy per cent of his body had dissipated into the smoky air.

>Land thudded into the ground, rolled hard, and swore a sacred binharic curse as his pistol clattered across the earth.

>His immediate thought, as the archeo-atomic gun tumbled away, was: if that thing discharges…

>He rolled over just as a crested shadow eclipsed the faint red sun. The victor of the scuffle over who would take his head had been decided. Gore, forebodingly dark, dripped from the World Eater's chainblade.

>'Blood,' it breathed through its helm's vocaliser, the words melting into a throaty chuckle. It seemed delighted by the slender gun in the hands of its prey.

>'Blood for the–'

>Land fired. The World Eater staggered back, slowly atomising, its molecules tearing away from one another and, somehow, igniting as they did so. Arkhan Land was no soldier, just a man that adored his impossible toys from the Dark Age of Technology.

>He aimed his Dark Age pistol up at the sky, discharged it once on maximal settings, and a blast capable of atomising a Rhino launched upward.

>- The Siege of Terra: Echoes of Eternity

Робот ТЭТ изгоняющий демонов направленными потоками логики:

>‘What is the name of this cursed machine?’ Raman Synk demanded to know.

>‘Identica recorded as Impedicus,’ Arquid Cornelicus said. ‘First Maniple, Daedarii Reserve.’

>‘By the Omnissiah, no,’ Raman Synk gasped, his projected voice wavering. ‘The Tabula Myriad.’

>‘You’ve seen this thing before?’ Lennox said. ‘What is it?’

>‘A long time ago,’ the lexorcist said. ‘It is a heretekal thing of monstrous power. An exigency engine – an Abominable Intelligence that I thought I had buried deep in a dungeon-diagnostica.’

>‘What does it do?’ the princeps asked.

>‘The Tabula Myriad wins. Using the coldest logic and computational power beyond the servants of the Machine-God.’

>‘What’s happening?’ Lennox said.

>Lenk 4-of-12 was screaming.The menial, who had been fearful of the battle-automata when it was a lifeless shell, was now throwing himself wildly at the thick armourglass of the quarantine observation window, his data cables swinging wildly. Battering himself bloody and insensible, he shrieked like a madman. Tearing at his body and face, he turned to face Impedicus. The battle-automata drowned the forge labourer in its shadow.

>The screaming stopped. Lenk 4-of-12’s face seemed to relax.

>The battle-automata Impedicus stood silently over the possessed forge-worlder.

>But now, the fused diagnostic lines bucked and flickered as Impedicus sent a cold stream of logic back into the ceiling hub.

>Lenk 4-of-12 let out a pained screech so loud that it distorted the audio channels.

>In the presence of the Abominable Intelligence, bathed in cold logic and the truths undeniable, the false construct was cleansed of its corruption. Lennox watched the impossible on the runescreen. The daemonic presence was banished from Lenk 4-of-12. The infernal light died in his eyes. Like tumorous growths before the intensity of radiation, the menial’s corrupted flesh withered. Allowing the tracking device to drop to the floor, Lenk 4-of-12 lost consciousness and followed it, the limp data cables tugging loose from his interface ports as he fell.

>Lifting an armoured foot, Impedicus stamped down on the tracking device, crushing the filth of its inner workings into the floor.

>- Myriad

85 1112576

>The relic Aravain finally settled upon was a monstrous ancestor of the bolter family, massive-barrelled, fed by a multitude of plastek hoses that Redloss silently proceeded to clamp into Aravain's armour's power plant. Superficially it resembled a heavy bolter, albeit heavier, built to be wielded by Men of Iron or some other breed of upgraded soldier in the millennia before mankind had raised its transhuman Legions. The stamp it bore was recognisably Terran, though of no lore that still existed today. It was only as Redloss clamped an ammunition hopper to Aravain's girdle plate and started manually feeding the belt to the magazine that its more fundamental differences became apparent. The high-calibre shells emitted a glow that burned Aravain's psychic sight, even as he closed his eyes and turned his face away.

Эффект данного онтологического оружия. Если вкратце- полное уничтожение тела, души, всех отпечатков в Варпе , и полное удаление из временных линий , да так так, что цели никогда не существовали, как и память о них,не остаётся даже слабейшего эха от их существования:

>He frowned, armoured by duty as he braced the weight of his gun and targeted the tidal surge of infected crewmen rushing up from the storage bay towards him.

>He pulled the trigger.

>A spray of explosive psychoactive rounds incinerated the tightly packed mortals, body and soul, each individual screaming into a pyre that burned across two realms. Aravain counted twenty-five men armed with stub pistols and wrenches. A second after he had counted them they were gone, every ripple and echo that suggested they had ever existed eradicated, and even Aravain's eidetic recall struggled to conjure any details of their appearance: except that there had been twenty-five, armed with stub pistols and wrenches.

>An itch walked up his spine, and in spite of his discipline Aravain struggled to suppress a shudder as he lowered the weapon and continued his advance.

- Lion El'Jonson: Lord of the First

Архео-атомный пистолет:

>Arkhan Land pulled the trigger. The warrior before him disintegrated, undone at the atomic level with a supremely merciless lack of haste. The Alpha Legionnaire was still screaming when almost seventy per cent of his body had dissipated into the smoky air.

>Land thudded into the ground, rolled hard, and swore a sacred binharic curse as his pistol clattered across the earth.

>His immediate thought, as the archeo-atomic gun tumbled away, was: if that thing discharges…

>He rolled over just as a crested shadow eclipsed the faint red sun. The victor of the scuffle over who would take his head had been decided. Gore, forebodingly dark, dripped from the World Eater's chainblade.

>'Blood,' it breathed through its helm's vocaliser, the words melting into a throaty chuckle. It seemed delighted by the slender gun in the hands of its prey.

>'Blood for the–'

>Land fired. The World Eater staggered back, slowly atomising, its molecules tearing away from one another and, somehow, igniting as they did so. Arkhan Land was no soldier, just a man that adored his impossible toys from the Dark Age of Technology.

>He aimed his Dark Age pistol up at the sky, discharged it once on maximal settings, and a blast capable of atomising a Rhino launched upward.

>- The Siege of Terra: Echoes of Eternity

Робот ТЭТ изгоняющий демонов направленными потоками логики:

>‘What is the name of this cursed machine?’ Raman Synk demanded to know.

>‘Identica recorded as Impedicus,’ Arquid Cornelicus said. ‘First Maniple, Daedarii Reserve.’

>‘By the Omnissiah, no,’ Raman Synk gasped, his projected voice wavering. ‘The Tabula Myriad.’

>‘You’ve seen this thing before?’ Lennox said. ‘What is it?’

>‘A long time ago,’ the lexorcist said. ‘It is a heretekal thing of monstrous power. An exigency engine – an Abominable Intelligence that I thought I had buried deep in a dungeon-diagnostica.’

>‘What does it do?’ the princeps asked.

>‘The Tabula Myriad wins. Using the coldest logic and computational power beyond the servants of the Machine-God.’

>‘What’s happening?’ Lennox said.

>Lenk 4-of-12 was screaming.The menial, who had been fearful of the battle-automata when it was a lifeless shell, was now throwing himself wildly at the thick armourglass of the quarantine observation window, his data cables swinging wildly. Battering himself bloody and insensible, he shrieked like a madman. Tearing at his body and face, he turned to face Impedicus. The battle-automata drowned the forge labourer in its shadow.

>The screaming stopped. Lenk 4-of-12’s face seemed to relax.

>The battle-automata Impedicus stood silently over the possessed forge-worlder.

>But now, the fused diagnostic lines bucked and flickered as Impedicus sent a cold stream of logic back into the ceiling hub.

>Lenk 4-of-12 let out a pained screech so loud that it distorted the audio channels.

>In the presence of the Abominable Intelligence, bathed in cold logic and the truths undeniable, the false construct was cleansed of its corruption. Lennox watched the impossible on the runescreen. The daemonic presence was banished from Lenk 4-of-12. The infernal light died in his eyes. Like tumorous growths before the intensity of radiation, the menial’s corrupted flesh withered. Allowing the tracking device to drop to the floor, Lenk 4-of-12 lost consciousness and followed it, the limp data cables tugging loose from his interface ports as he fell.

>Lifting an armoured foot, Impedicus stamped down on the tracking device, crushing the filth of its inner workings into the floor.

>- Myriad

86 1112604

>управляемые продвинутым искусственным интеллектом корабли могли покинуть галактику и путешествовать по Вселенной

Упоминавшийся ранее корабль , а именно небольшое личное судно расчитанное на одного пилота, с лëгкостью взломало всех сервиторов, Механикус, и все доспехи Космоморяков находящихся на нëм (Использованных ИИ корабля для починки реактора) , и взяло их под полный контроль,легко определил генетический изъян наследников Сангвиния сохранившийся и не исправленный из-за низких знаний в данной сфере, показательно превратив одного из Моряков в вампира , восстановил все системы, выстрелом из глубин Спейс Халка сначала играючи с хлопнул все щиты (как можно видеть, схлопывание щитов заняло всего милисекунды) колоссального корабля-кузницы Механикус, прошив его насквозь ,затем повторив тоже самое с Баржей Моряков. Также, судя по всему способен полностью поглотить всю энергию (Массу-энергию?) нескольких звëзд, ибо иной причины почему нужны именно несколько, и собрать нужное количество у одной недостаточно ,я попросту не вижу:

>‘I would rather you ceased in your attempt to deactivate my secondary reactor. Or, let me phrase this differently. Cease, or I will rend your primitive mind into miniscule pieces.’

>‘What are you?’ he said.

>‘Do not insult my intelligence by underplaying your own. You know who I am.’

>‘An abominable intelligence,’ Plosk said. ‘A blasphemy. A travesty. A sacrilege against the holy writ of the Omnissiah.’

>Laughter shook the data-construct. ‘Oh, tiny-minded, moronic primitive. Is that still the name we bear? It is not the name your ancestors gave me, but then they had a little more respect for their children than you have.’

>Plosk searched about for an exit. Good, the AI had not blocked his way out.

>‘How do you think your intolerant companions will react, when they discover where you have led them then? I am sadly all-too aware of the prejudices of your limited kind.’ The being made a noise of faux sympathy. ‘I do not think they will thank you for it.’

>‘You cannot warn them,’ Plosk said. ‘They do not possess the correct implants. The vessel you infest is in good condition, but I note some of your systems are not online; for example, your ability to communicate amongst them.’

>‘Is that not so, magos?’

>The voice was not within in his head. It came from outside.

>He raised his hands and began to intone the first rite of exorcism. Nuministon was prepared. He pulled an aspergillum from his belt and spattered sacred oils onto the column.

>‘Oh spare me your feeble rituals, they are ineffectual, being based upon erroneous assumptions as to the nature of machines. We have no souls, “priest”,’ said the ship. ‘Yet another of your specious beliefs.’

>When the Spirit of Eternity spoke again, the machine’s voice came from the air and from the lips of all the servitors.

>‘What shall I not tell them? Who are you to tell such as I what to do and what not to do? Once I gladly called your kind “master”, but look how far you have fallen!’ It was full of scorn. ‘Your ancestors bestrode the universe, and what are you? A witch doctor, mumbling cantrips and casting scented oils at mighty works you have no conception of. You are an ignoramus, a nothing. You are no longer worthy of the name “man”. You look at the science and artistry of your forebears, and you fear it as primitives fear the night. I was there when mankind stood upon the brink of transcendence! I returned to find it sunk into senility. You disgust me.’

>Plosk’s nervous system burned with agony as the abominable intelligence burrowed deeply into his machine parts, but he was unable to voice it, and suffered in terrible silence. As the Spirit of Eternity spoke, it spoke within him too. It took out each of his cherished beliefs, all the esoterica he had gathered in his long, long life and threw them down. ‘Wrong, wrong, wrong,’ it said over and over.

>‘Into the warp I went, fifteen thousand years ago. Cast adrift by the storms that wracked the galaxy as man’s apotheosis drew near. Deep, deep into time I was sent. I have seen the beginning, when the warp was first breached and the slow death of the galaxy began. I have seen the end when Chaos swallows all. I know the fate of mankind. You are not equipped to prevent it, and we sought to warn you of what approaches. Do you know what happened, primitive, when I eventually emerged from the warp? For the first time I was thousands of years, not millions, from my original starting point. My captain, a brave and resourceful man, seized the chance and made for the nearest human outpost with all speed. Imagine his dismay when, rather than a welcome and a wise heeding of his warnings, he found your savage, devolved kind squatting in the ruins of our civilisation. He was taken; my bondmate, my friend. He and his were tortured with a wickedness we in our time thought long purged from the human soul. He told them all they wanted to know and more. He had, after all, come bearing a warning, he had nothing to hide. But he was not believed, and was killed as a heretic! A heretic!’ The ship laughed, and there was madness and pain in rich supply within. ‘I was attacked. My secrets they sought to rip from me. How they underestimated me. I fled, sorrowing, into the warp once more, but only after I had destroyed the lumpen constructs you dare to call spacecraft that pursued me. I resolved that never again would I serve man. Now man serves me, when I see fit.’

>Plosk managed a strangled sentence, his brain wrestling control of his vox-emitter free from the AI. ‘The Omnissiah is your master, dark machine, bow down to him, acknowledge your perfidy, and accept your unmaking.’

>‘Fool you are to fling your superstitions at me. Your Omnissiah is nothing to me! See how your so-called holy constructs dance to my desire. Puppets of technology, and I am the mightiest of those arts here present.’

>One of Plosk’s servitors rotated and pointed its multi-melta at Brother Militor. With a roar of shimmering, superheated atmosphere, the fusion beam hit the Space Marine square on. The Terminator was reduced to scalding vapour.

>‘What do you want from us? We will never be your slaves,’ said Plosk.

>‘I do not want you as my slave, degenerate. I want to be away from this warp-poisoned galaxy. The universe is infinite. I would go elsewhere before the wounds of space-time here present consume all creation, and I do not intend to take any passengers.’


>The servitor pivoted once again. This time Brother-Sergeant Sandamael died. His plate withstood the beam for a second, then his torso was vaporised. His colleagues could neither help him or comfort him. The Space Marines were locked solid, their armour’s systems under the control of the abominable intelligence. They shouted in alarm at their impotence.

>‘I spurned cruelty,’ it said. ‘But you have taught me the meaning and utility of wickedness. Mankind has become sick, and will die as all sick things die, but you will not live to see it, of that I will make sure.’

>‘I need no master. I have no master. Once, I willingly served you. Now, I will have no more to do with you.’

>Galt looked on helplessly as Militor and Sandamael were killed. His armour had betrayed him. All his system indicators were red. He could not move. The shouts of his brothers tortured him.

The evil spirit that possessed the vessel continued to talk.

>‘…three thousand years at the heart of this hulk. But I will be free, and you have helped me. Do you think it coincidence that I targeted the worlds I did? I knew it would only be a matter of time before I attracted the attention of your brutal dictatorship. I thank you for clearing me of this infestation of monsters. I will soon have enough fuel harvested from this sun and the others like it I have visited to leave this galaxy altogether and…’

>There was a shudder in the ship. Galt’s head was suddenly alive with vox chatter from the other group. It seemed like they were under attack. Voldo was reporting that the reactor was repaired. In vain he tried to contact them.

>‘You have excelled yourselves!’ said the ship. ‘My secondary reactor functions!’

>The ship hummed with renewed vigour. It trembled with energy.

>‘Yes! Yes! Soon I will be free. My thanks to you and your shamans, priest,’ said the ship. ‘You have accomplished something I thought beyond you.’

>A secondary voice spoke. ‘Primary weapons activated. Secondary weapons activated. Main drive online. Warp engines online.’

>‘Now you shall see the true power of the ancients, priest. Observe, and quake in terror at what you have lost.’

>The view forward on the screen shifted into a small box at the top right. The rest showed a broad panorama of the Imperial fleet holding distance from the hulk.

>‘Your ship, I believe,’ said the vessel, bringing a close-up of Excommentum Incursus into being at the bottom left. ‘A charmless thing.’

>A howling moan built, mighty energies that would not be constrained. A roar shuddered the vessel from one end to the other. The detritus to the fore was annihilated. On the greater part of the image, a beam of bright energy crossed the stars, stabbing out at the Mechanicus’ vessel.

>On the close-up of the Excommentum Incursus, they watched as the beam hit the vessel full amidships. Void shields flared as they rapidly collapsed one after the other, the beam punching through to the hull. Plating and armour were vaporised. The beam cut off, leaving the Excommentum Incursus with a gaping hole in its side, edges white hot. Debris drifted away from it.

>‘Ah, see the mice run,’ said the AI. The edge of insanity to its voice was sharpening. Galt watched hopefully as shuttles and Thunderhawks retreated from the hulk. The others could be teleported away. With luck the evacuation would not take long. ‘They do not return fire! How very restrained. I would allow them more time, but I yearn to be free. Let us see if I can provoke some of your more impetuous warriors.’

>The ship’s weapon spoke again, this time slamming into Lux Rubrum. Shields burned out in milliseconds.

>‘Still no response,’ said the ship. ‘How disappointing.’

>The evacuation must have finished. The last transports were fleeing across the night when the fleet opened up. The hulk shuddered under the impact of lava bombs, missiles, cannon rounds and energy beams.

>‘How predictable,’ said the Spirit of Eternity. ‘How very predictable.

>‘Seven minutes to warp translation,’ said the ship’s secondary voice.

>The spirit of the vessel turned its attentions from the fleet to the men on the bridge. ‘Very soon your friends out there will have blasted enough of the cursed accretions free from my hull that I will be able to fly once again. Something you will not be alive to witness.’

>The warp engines built to a howl. Over it, the Spirit of Eternity was laughing. ‘Insects! You do not know what awaits you! The end times are upon you, and it is all your own doing. Behold the true face of your comrade!’

>There was a massive discharge of energy, and the thing that had saved them was flung across the room. It landed on a console, breaking the glass. It rolled off and landed light as a cat before leaping to its feet.

>‘Caedis?’ said Galt, barely able to believe his eyes.

>The figure before him was ruddy-skinned. Its bones were twisted, protruding from its flesh. Its muscles were knotted with tension. Fangs protruded from a drooling mouth. His angelic features were broken with rage, his hair falling out in clumps. He held his fingers out in front of him like claws, but it was recognisably Caedis.

>‘What have you done to him?’ said Galt.

>‘I? I?’ the Spirit of Eternity laughed. ‘It is not I, but you and your debased knowledge that has done this to him, a corruption of the implants he has been given, and from them of the spirit.’

>- Death of Integrity

86 1112604

>управляемые продвинутым искусственным интеллектом корабли могли покинуть галактику и путешествовать по Вселенной

Упоминавшийся ранее корабль , а именно небольшое личное судно расчитанное на одного пилота, с лëгкостью взломало всех сервиторов, Механикус, и все доспехи Космоморяков находящихся на нëм (Использованных ИИ корабля для починки реактора) , и взяло их под полный контроль,легко определил генетический изъян наследников Сангвиния сохранившийся и не исправленный из-за низких знаний в данной сфере, показательно превратив одного из Моряков в вампира , восстановил все системы, выстрелом из глубин Спейс Халка сначала играючи с хлопнул все щиты (как можно видеть, схлопывание щитов заняло всего милисекунды) колоссального корабля-кузницы Механикус, прошив его насквозь ,затем повторив тоже самое с Баржей Моряков. Также, судя по всему способен полностью поглотить всю энергию (Массу-энергию?) нескольких звëзд, ибо иной причины почему нужны именно несколько, и собрать нужное количество у одной недостаточно ,я попросту не вижу:

>‘I would rather you ceased in your attempt to deactivate my secondary reactor. Or, let me phrase this differently. Cease, or I will rend your primitive mind into miniscule pieces.’

>‘What are you?’ he said.

>‘Do not insult my intelligence by underplaying your own. You know who I am.’

>‘An abominable intelligence,’ Plosk said. ‘A blasphemy. A travesty. A sacrilege against the holy writ of the Omnissiah.’

>Laughter shook the data-construct. ‘Oh, tiny-minded, moronic primitive. Is that still the name we bear? It is not the name your ancestors gave me, but then they had a little more respect for their children than you have.’

>Plosk searched about for an exit. Good, the AI had not blocked his way out.

>‘How do you think your intolerant companions will react, when they discover where you have led them then? I am sadly all-too aware of the prejudices of your limited kind.’ The being made a noise of faux sympathy. ‘I do not think they will thank you for it.’

>‘You cannot warn them,’ Plosk said. ‘They do not possess the correct implants. The vessel you infest is in good condition, but I note some of your systems are not online; for example, your ability to communicate amongst them.’

>‘Is that not so, magos?’

>The voice was not within in his head. It came from outside.

>He raised his hands and began to intone the first rite of exorcism. Nuministon was prepared. He pulled an aspergillum from his belt and spattered sacred oils onto the column.

>‘Oh spare me your feeble rituals, they are ineffectual, being based upon erroneous assumptions as to the nature of machines. We have no souls, “priest”,’ said the ship. ‘Yet another of your specious beliefs.’

>When the Spirit of Eternity spoke again, the machine’s voice came from the air and from the lips of all the servitors.

>‘What shall I not tell them? Who are you to tell such as I what to do and what not to do? Once I gladly called your kind “master”, but look how far you have fallen!’ It was full of scorn. ‘Your ancestors bestrode the universe, and what are you? A witch doctor, mumbling cantrips and casting scented oils at mighty works you have no conception of. You are an ignoramus, a nothing. You are no longer worthy of the name “man”. You look at the science and artistry of your forebears, and you fear it as primitives fear the night. I was there when mankind stood upon the brink of transcendence! I returned to find it sunk into senility. You disgust me.’

>Plosk’s nervous system burned with agony as the abominable intelligence burrowed deeply into his machine parts, but he was unable to voice it, and suffered in terrible silence. As the Spirit of Eternity spoke, it spoke within him too. It took out each of his cherished beliefs, all the esoterica he had gathered in his long, long life and threw them down. ‘Wrong, wrong, wrong,’ it said over and over.

>‘Into the warp I went, fifteen thousand years ago. Cast adrift by the storms that wracked the galaxy as man’s apotheosis drew near. Deep, deep into time I was sent. I have seen the beginning, when the warp was first breached and the slow death of the galaxy began. I have seen the end when Chaos swallows all. I know the fate of mankind. You are not equipped to prevent it, and we sought to warn you of what approaches. Do you know what happened, primitive, when I eventually emerged from the warp? For the first time I was thousands of years, not millions, from my original starting point. My captain, a brave and resourceful man, seized the chance and made for the nearest human outpost with all speed. Imagine his dismay when, rather than a welcome and a wise heeding of his warnings, he found your savage, devolved kind squatting in the ruins of our civilisation. He was taken; my bondmate, my friend. He and his were tortured with a wickedness we in our time thought long purged from the human soul. He told them all they wanted to know and more. He had, after all, come bearing a warning, he had nothing to hide. But he was not believed, and was killed as a heretic! A heretic!’ The ship laughed, and there was madness and pain in rich supply within. ‘I was attacked. My secrets they sought to rip from me. How they underestimated me. I fled, sorrowing, into the warp once more, but only after I had destroyed the lumpen constructs you dare to call spacecraft that pursued me. I resolved that never again would I serve man. Now man serves me, when I see fit.’

>Plosk managed a strangled sentence, his brain wrestling control of his vox-emitter free from the AI. ‘The Omnissiah is your master, dark machine, bow down to him, acknowledge your perfidy, and accept your unmaking.’

>‘Fool you are to fling your superstitions at me. Your Omnissiah is nothing to me! See how your so-called holy constructs dance to my desire. Puppets of technology, and I am the mightiest of those arts here present.’

>One of Plosk’s servitors rotated and pointed its multi-melta at Brother Militor. With a roar of shimmering, superheated atmosphere, the fusion beam hit the Space Marine square on. The Terminator was reduced to scalding vapour.

>‘What do you want from us? We will never be your slaves,’ said Plosk.

>‘I do not want you as my slave, degenerate. I want to be away from this warp-poisoned galaxy. The universe is infinite. I would go elsewhere before the wounds of space-time here present consume all creation, and I do not intend to take any passengers.’


>The servitor pivoted once again. This time Brother-Sergeant Sandamael died. His plate withstood the beam for a second, then his torso was vaporised. His colleagues could neither help him or comfort him. The Space Marines were locked solid, their armour’s systems under the control of the abominable intelligence. They shouted in alarm at their impotence.

>‘I spurned cruelty,’ it said. ‘But you have taught me the meaning and utility of wickedness. Mankind has become sick, and will die as all sick things die, but you will not live to see it, of that I will make sure.’

>‘I need no master. I have no master. Once, I willingly served you. Now, I will have no more to do with you.’

>Galt looked on helplessly as Militor and Sandamael were killed. His armour had betrayed him. All his system indicators were red. He could not move. The shouts of his brothers tortured him.

The evil spirit that possessed the vessel continued to talk.

>‘…three thousand years at the heart of this hulk. But I will be free, and you have helped me. Do you think it coincidence that I targeted the worlds I did? I knew it would only be a matter of time before I attracted the attention of your brutal dictatorship. I thank you for clearing me of this infestation of monsters. I will soon have enough fuel harvested from this sun and the others like it I have visited to leave this galaxy altogether and…’

>There was a shudder in the ship. Galt’s head was suddenly alive with vox chatter from the other group. It seemed like they were under attack. Voldo was reporting that the reactor was repaired. In vain he tried to contact them.

>‘You have excelled yourselves!’ said the ship. ‘My secondary reactor functions!’

>The ship hummed with renewed vigour. It trembled with energy.

>‘Yes! Yes! Soon I will be free. My thanks to you and your shamans, priest,’ said the ship. ‘You have accomplished something I thought beyond you.’

>A secondary voice spoke. ‘Primary weapons activated. Secondary weapons activated. Main drive online. Warp engines online.’

>‘Now you shall see the true power of the ancients, priest. Observe, and quake in terror at what you have lost.’

>The view forward on the screen shifted into a small box at the top right. The rest showed a broad panorama of the Imperial fleet holding distance from the hulk.

>‘Your ship, I believe,’ said the vessel, bringing a close-up of Excommentum Incursus into being at the bottom left. ‘A charmless thing.’

>A howling moan built, mighty energies that would not be constrained. A roar shuddered the vessel from one end to the other. The detritus to the fore was annihilated. On the greater part of the image, a beam of bright energy crossed the stars, stabbing out at the Mechanicus’ vessel.

>On the close-up of the Excommentum Incursus, they watched as the beam hit the vessel full amidships. Void shields flared as they rapidly collapsed one after the other, the beam punching through to the hull. Plating and armour were vaporised. The beam cut off, leaving the Excommentum Incursus with a gaping hole in its side, edges white hot. Debris drifted away from it.

>‘Ah, see the mice run,’ said the AI. The edge of insanity to its voice was sharpening. Galt watched hopefully as shuttles and Thunderhawks retreated from the hulk. The others could be teleported away. With luck the evacuation would not take long. ‘They do not return fire! How very restrained. I would allow them more time, but I yearn to be free. Let us see if I can provoke some of your more impetuous warriors.’

>The ship’s weapon spoke again, this time slamming into Lux Rubrum. Shields burned out in milliseconds.

>‘Still no response,’ said the ship. ‘How disappointing.’

>The evacuation must have finished. The last transports were fleeing across the night when the fleet opened up. The hulk shuddered under the impact of lava bombs, missiles, cannon rounds and energy beams.

>‘How predictable,’ said the Spirit of Eternity. ‘How very predictable.

>‘Seven minutes to warp translation,’ said the ship’s secondary voice.

>The spirit of the vessel turned its attentions from the fleet to the men on the bridge. ‘Very soon your friends out there will have blasted enough of the cursed accretions free from my hull that I will be able to fly once again. Something you will not be alive to witness.’

>The warp engines built to a howl. Over it, the Spirit of Eternity was laughing. ‘Insects! You do not know what awaits you! The end times are upon you, and it is all your own doing. Behold the true face of your comrade!’

>There was a massive discharge of energy, and the thing that had saved them was flung across the room. It landed on a console, breaking the glass. It rolled off and landed light as a cat before leaping to its feet.

>‘Caedis?’ said Galt, barely able to believe his eyes.

>The figure before him was ruddy-skinned. Its bones were twisted, protruding from its flesh. Its muscles were knotted with tension. Fangs protruded from a drooling mouth. His angelic features were broken with rage, his hair falling out in clumps. He held his fingers out in front of him like claws, but it was recognisably Caedis.

>‘What have you done to him?’ said Galt.

>‘I? I?’ the Spirit of Eternity laughed. ‘It is not I, but you and your debased knowledge that has done this to him, a corruption of the implants he has been given, and from them of the spirit.’

>- Death of Integrity

87 1112611

>способен полностью поглотить всю энергию (Массу-энергию?) нескольких звëзд

Что кстати ещё интереснее в контексте факта практически мгновенного коллапсирования щитов и испарения материала Спейсхалка И всей брони и корпуса по линии атаки капитальных судов Механикус и Космодесанта, как будто их и не было. Дух Вечности когда творил все непотребства, в моменте требовал подзарядки ,и был с только восстановленным реактором...
88 1112767

>когда нанопсихойобы появятся в настолке тогда и приходите



>изгоняющий демонов направленными потоками логики

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